Investigation of PWM Current Mode Controllers

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Investigation of PWM current mode controllers

for UPF Three Phase - Rectifier with Split DC

Bus Based on the Scott Transformer
J Tukaram, S Senthil Kumar, D Ganesh, V Sravan Kumar

Abstract In this paper, the unity power factor isolated three

phase rectifier based on the Scott transformer is analyzed. This
topology presents a Scott transformer for galvanic isolation and
uses instantaneous current control. The various current control
schemes like PI control, Hysteresis control and One cycle control
are tested. The use of the Scott transformer makes a split dc-bus
voltage possible and the rectifier operates with unity power
factor. The proposed approach draws sinusoidal input current at
unity power factor and has output voltage regulation capability.
Using only two active switches, the rectifier is able to generate
symmetrical currents in the line and a balanced split dc-bus
output voltage, which is necessary in several applications. The
control technique is independent for each boost that integrates
the rectifier. Therefore, it makes possible with two single-phase
boosts to obtain a unity power factor three-phase rectifier. This
rectifier is particularly attractive when galvanic isolation and
minimum number of active switches is required. Pulse width
modulation and instantaneous average current control are used.
There are two voltage controls that regulate the output voltage
and the split dc-bus voltage. Complete simulation results under
closed loop operation are presented.
Index Terms AC-DC Converter, Switch Mode Power Supply
(SMPS), PWM Control, Unity power factor (UPF)

In recent years, the growth in the use of electrical equipment
has resulted in more stringent international standards and
utility requirements to ensure that the line current harmonic
content of the equipment connected to the ac mains is
limited[1]. If such standards did not exist, then sensitive
electrical equipment connected to the mains would be
damaged as a result of a distorted mains voltage. Three-phase
ac-dc converters connected to the mains have the potential of
injecting current harmonics into the mains that may cause
voltage distortion. These harmonics can be significantly
reduced if the input power factor is corrected by shaping the
input current in each of the three phases so that it is sinusoidal
and in phase with the phase voltage. Due to this fact, switchmode rectifiers for power factor correction have gained
considerable attention. Other reasons for the use of power
factor corrector (PFC) rectifiers are their adaptability to
different line voltages and the fact that they pre-regulate the dc
output voltage, which may be supplying a dc-dc converter.

These rectifiers have three or more active switches. In a threephase switch-mode rectifier employs three single-phase boost
PFC circuits with direct output coupling [2][3]. This topology
uses three power switches but it has a high component count
and is not isolated.
In three-phase PFC scheme proposed uses two single-phase
PFC modules. The two-phase system is produced by means of
a 0.14pu rated autotransformer connected to the three-phase
input. However, this topology is not isolated [4].
In addition to the unity power factor, safety and robustness
are also important for medium and high power applications.
Therefore, low frequency isolation is used [5]. Isolated
rectifiers have been widely used in the electrochemical and
petrochemical industries. Since regulated output voltage is not
required, a number of methods have been proposed to lower
the harmonics generated by diode rectifier-type utility
interfaces. One approach is to use a conventional 12-pulse
converter which requires two six-pulse converters connected
through isolation transformers [6].
The three-phase rectifier based on the Scott transformer was
proposed and its practical aspects were analyzed, that provides
galvanic isolation and sine and cosine secondary voltage
waveforms to the high power factor rectifiers, resulting in a
perfectly regulate dc output voltage. In this paper, a unity
power factor three-phase rectifier with a split dc-bus based on
the Scott transformer is presented. This rectifier has a split dcbus and the voltages across the switches are Vo/2. The control
method employed to control the currents of the two boost
inductors, LT and LM, is instantaneous average current control.
Current control techniques used in this paper are PI controller,
One Cycle controller and Hysteresis controller. Each rectifier
presents an independent current loop with an individual
reference current, generating sinusoidal secondary currents in
phase with their respective secondary voltages.



A. Basic principle of operation of UPF Rectifier
A power factor corrector is basically a AC to DC converter,
and is usually based on a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
structure. The basic functional blocks of a power factor
corrector are shown in Fig. 1

The Scott transformer provides galvanic isolation and sine

and cosine secondary voltage waveforms to the high power
factor rectifiers, resulting in a perfectly regulated dc output



AC Mains



DC output





Signal Derived
from AC mains





Fig.1 Block Diagram of a Power Factor Correction (PFC)

A standard SMPS uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to

adjust the amount of power it supplies to the attached
equipment. The Pulse Width Modulation controls the power
switch, which chops the dc input voltage into train of pulses.
This train of pulses is then smoothed, producing the dc output
voltage. This output voltage is then compared with a voltage
reference representing the voltage desired by the equipment
being supplied, and the resulting voltage difference (the error
voltage) is fed to the input of the PWM, which varies the
width of the pulses if supplies accordingly if the output
voltage is too high, the pulse width is reduced, and thus less
power is supplied, and vice versa.
B. Power converter selection
This application of the rectifier determines which switch
mode converter is most suitable. The two main factors which
define switch mode converters are (1) Is the output voltage
greater or lesser than the input voltage (2) Does the converter
require electrical isolation
In this application the output voltage will be greater than the
input voltage. An isolated or non-isolated converter would be
suitable for this task. The Possible Switch-mode Converters
are a forward Converter, Boost converter and fly back
converter may form the basis of a unity power factor rectifier.
The power converter chosen was the boost converter with
constant switching frequency. This is consistent with the
current trends within the power electronics industry. The
majority of papers published on the topic of UPF rectifiers are
based on the boost converter design.
The benefits of paralleling are cost, since the device only
requires half the current rating, reduced heat sinking
requirements and simplified control circuitry.
In addition to unity power factor, safety and robustness are
also important for medium and high power applications.
Therefore, low frequency isolation is used.




Fig. 2 UPF Isolated Three-Phase Rectifier Series Connection

The proposed topology is shown in Fig. 2 This rectifier has
a split DC-bus and switches voltages are Vo/2. The control
method employed to control the currents of the two boost
inductors, LT and LM, is instantaneous average current control.
Each rectifier presents an independent current loop with an
individual reference current, generating sinusoidal secondary
currents in phase with their respective secondary voltages.
Each rectifier also presents an independent voltage loop and
individual reference voltage. The output voltage compensators
are used to determine the amplitudes of the reference currents.
Average Current Mode Control
Peak current mode control operates by directly comparing
the actual inductor current waveform to the current program
level at the two inputs of the PWM comparator. The technique
of average current mode control overcomes few problems by
introducing a high gain integrating current error amplifier
(CA) into the current loop. A voltage across R, represents the
desired current program level. The difference, or current error,
is amplified and compared to a large amplitude saw-tooth at
the PWM comparator inputs.
PI Controller
The output voltage of the converter Vo is scaled down through
voltage divider, compared to the set valve. The error is given
to the PI Controller. The signal from the PI controller is
compared with the ramp signals. The PWM output is given to
the switch with the help of gate drive.














Simulation result of the compleete system along with the

series connection of three phase un
nity power factor rectifier
using split DC bus based on Scottt connection technique is
presented and it gives the discussion of the results and also
ntrollers used. The different
gives the discussion of different con
controllers used are (i) One Cycle Controller
(ii) Proportional
Integral Controller and (iii) Hysteressis Controller.
The connection is realized by two single phase
transformers, TM and TT. The primaary are fed by two different
voltages, VAO(t) and VCB(t), thaat are generated from a
symmetrical three-phase system VA(t),VB(t) and VC(t). The
connection is presented in Fig. 2 represents a two phase
voltage system, with a phase angle 90
9 0 between them.





Fig. 4 Two Phase Voltages from Sco

ott Connected Transformer

A. Unity Power Factor Isolated Three

Phase Rectifier with
Series Connection for PI Controlleer




Input phase voltage and phase current

of a isolated three
phase rectifier with series connectio
on is shown in Fig. 5. It is
clear that phase voltage and phasee current are in phase. So
input power factor is almost unity.

Fig. 3 Complete block diagram of proposed systtem (PI controller)

Fig. 3 shows the complete circuit for the proposed system

One Cycle Control
The converter output voltage Vo is scaled ddown through the
output divider and is presented at the inpput of the error
amplifier VFB. The error amplifier is usedd to provide loop
compensation and to generate the error signnal or modulation
voltage Vm.
The voltage loop bandwidth is very smalll the modulation
voltage and can be considered constant duuring a switching
cycle. The slope of the integrator ramp is direectly proportional
to the output voltage of the error amplifier, Vm.
The reference for the PWM comparatorr is obtained by
subtracting the voltage across the current seense resistor from
the modulation voltage. This control techhnique does not
require direct line voltage sensing the line vooltage information
is contained in the inductor current.

Fig. 5 Input Voltage and Curren

nt for series connection
Fig.6 shows output voltage of iso
olated three phase rectifier
with series connection. The output voltage is always constant
0 volts.
at the given reference value i.e., 400

Hysteresis Controller
This method provides instantaneous cuurrent corrective
response, good accuracy and unconditionedd stability to the
system compared to ramp comparison controllers and
predictive controllers. Besides that, this technnique is said to be
the most suitable solution for current controlleed inverters.

Fig. 6 Load Voltage for Seeries Connection

Fig. 7 shows output voltage of
o a single Power Factor
Correction (PFC) module. Fig. 10 shows output current of a
C) module.
single Power Factor Correction (PFC

Fig. 7 Output Voltage of a Single PFC

C module
Fig. 11 Load & Output Voltage of a Single Boost PFC

Fig. 8 Output Current of a Single PFC

C module
When the load is connected to series conneected PFC module
the total output voltage is very smooth whhen compared to
single PFC module output voltage. It is becaause of the ripple
voltages are cancelled since the input voltages to the each PFC
module have 900 phase shift.
i). System Response for sudden change in loadd
The verification of the proposed control iss for its ability to
maintain constant output voltage and unityy power factor at
input mains when the load on the converter suuddenly changed.
At the time instant 1 seconds the load on the converter is
suddenly changed and again it maintains unnity power factor
with minimum overshoot and fast response.. It describes the
robustness of the converter. Simulation resultts of response for
the load change in Fig 9 to Fig. 10.

Fig. 12 Output Current of a Single Boost PFC

B. Unity Power Factor Isolated Three
Phase Rectifier with
Series Connection for Hysteresis Controller
Fig. 13 shows output voltage of isolated three phase
rectifier with series connection. The output voltage is always
constant at the given reference valuee i.e., 400 volts.

Fig. 13 Load & Output Voltage of a Single Boost PFC

Fig. 9 Load & Output Voltage of a Singlle Boost PFC

Fig. 14 Output Current of a Single Boost PFC

nge in load
i). System Response for sudden chan
Fig. 10 Output Current of a Single Booost PFC

Simulation results of response forr the load change in Fig. 15

ii). System Response for sudden change in Vrefef

The verification of the proposed control iss for its ability to
maintain constant output voltage and unityy power factor at
input mains when the Reference voltage oon the converter
suddenly changed. It describes the robustnesss of the converter.
Simulation results of response for the load chaange in Fig. 11 to
Fig. 12.

Fig. 15 Load & Output Voltage of a Single Boost PFC

ii). System Response for sudden change in Vrefef

nge in Vref
i). System Response for sudden chan

Simulation results of response for the load change in Fig. 16

to Fig. 17.

Simulation results of response forr the load change in Fig. 20

to Fig. 21.

Fig. 20 Load & Output Voltage of a Single Boost PFC

Fig. 16 Load & Output Voltage of a Singgle Boost PFC

Fig. 21 Output Current of a Single Boost PFC

ange in Source
ii). System Response for Sudden Cha
Simulation results of response forr the load change in Fig. 22
to Fig. 23.
Fig. 17 Output Current of a Single Booost PFC
C. Unity Power Factor Isolated Three Phaase Rectifier with
Series Connection for One Cycle Controllerr
Fig. 18 shows output voltage of isolated threee phase rectifier
with series connection. The output voltage iss always constant
at the given reference value i.e., 400 volts.
Fig. 22 Load & Output Voltage of a Single Boost PFC

Fig. 18 Load & Output Voltage of a Singlle Boost PFC

Fig. 19 shows output current of a singgle Power Factor
Correction (PFC) module.

Fig. 23 Output Current of a Single Boost PFC

Type of

Fig. 19 Output Current of a Single Booost PFC

One cycle

PI controller















Step change
in Vref







Step change
in load







Unity power factor for isolated three-phase rectifier with a
split dc-bus, based on the Scott transformer, and with a series
connection was obtained for three different controllers. It
consists only two switches and a balanced split dc-bus. Two
standard single phase PFC modules, where each module is
rated for half of the output power, were used. The resulting
input line currents are nearly sinusoidal in shape even after
using any one of PWM current controllers i.e., One Cycle
Controller, Hysteresis Controller and Proportional Integral
The maximum voltage across the switches is half of the
output voltage VO. This fact allows the use of switches with
lower voltage ratings, which could be implemented by power
MOSFETs instead of the traditional IGBT. This substitution
would allow the maximum frequency of operation of the
converters to be increased, consequently reducing the losses
and volume.
A common voltage control loop for both boost PFCs is
necessary to equally distribute the total power between them
when the load is balanced. A second voltage loop is used in
order to obtain a balanced split dc-bus.
The use of the Scott transformer increases the cost of the
three-phase rectifier and compromises the overall efficiency.
However, low frequency isolation is desirable in some
applications due to the robustness and safety it provides. In
these cases, this rectifier is certainly an option since it presents
unity power factor by using only two active switches and it
uses a simple and well-known control strategy. Among the
three PWM current controllers, the one cycle controller offers
superior performance compared to other controllers. So this
controller is best suitable for three phase rectifier with split dc
bus based on the Scott transformer.






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PWM Rectifier, IEEE Transactions. Power Electronics, vol. 22, no. 2,
pp. 551-559March 2007.
Jaehong Hahn, Prasad N. Enjeti, and Ira J. Pitel, A New Three-Phase
Power-Factor Correction (PFC) Scheme Using Two Single-Phase PFC
Modules IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 38, no. 1,
pp. 123-130 January/February 2002.
Rafael Garca-Gil, Jos M. Esp, Enrique J. Dede, and Esteban SanchisKilders, A Bidirectional and Isolated Three-Phase Rectifier with SoftSwitching Operation IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.
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