2015 Year 8 Usb Weekly Synopsis

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Technology Mandatory- ICT Design (3D Printing unit)


Introduction to Technology Mandatory
Hand out unit overview
Revise PRIME
Introduction to Computing
- Create a folder in their H Drive (8TM 2014) & sub folder ICT teacher to demonstrate
- Students to set up Edmodo account
- Students to establish Onguard account
- Creation of wordle using Metalanguage (This is their digital title page- to get onto
word (Printscreen, ctl X,V,C) then crop
- Create Tinkercad accounts with students (Teacher demonstration)
Introduction to Onguard
- -Complete General workshop safety online quiz
Teacher may need to assist students with modified paper version of sit with the students
to complete online test
- Teacher to hand out design brief to students- may be types on paper for students
to stick into their books or students may type into their portfolios. Extension
Activity hsve students write their own design brief
- Introduction to the Elements and Principles of Design
- Students to collect 10images of existing USB designs
- Introduce product analysis (Differentiation teacher may decide to collect the
images for students and complete the activity as a whole class)
- Students to complete table
- Complete product analysis Differentiation teacher may decide to collect the images
for students and complete the activity as a whole class) using the following
headings cultural, social, elements, principles, good & bad features
- Design specifications- studentswrite/type the design specifications for the project
(see teacher resource folder for these)
- Students to collect images for mood board



Introduce the mood board concept- demonstrate how to make one- see teachers
folder for resources, have students save as a word file in their digital portfolio
Analysis of images for mood board (What is your mood, why did you choose it, how
could the image be used to convey design ideas, what do you like about the image,
with 5 of the images consider elements & principles of design as well as cultural,
social influences
Students may complete as a digital file or on a paper copy
Students generate 10 thumbnail sketches with colour- these should relate to the
mood board
Narrow down to 4 best options by completing a survey of friends
Teacher to demonstrate sketching, rendering and layout
Students to complete online tutorials (Saved in S Drive and on Edmodo)
Evaluate their designs
Draw best 2 ideas using TinkerCAD using correct measurements for the hole
Manufacturing of TinkerCAD drawings
Catch up week
Printing of student projects
Gluing together of student projects
Gluing together of student projects
Completion of Evaluations of projects
Students to complete portfolio and any missed class activities
Final Projects due, teacher to collect and mark using marking criteria
Students can complete online design activities

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