Baptism Meaning and Type

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The English word "baptism" is derived indirectly through Latin from the neuter

Greek concept noun baptisma- these nouns are nouns derived from the verb baptizo
(, "I wash" transitive verb) which is used in Jewish texts for ritual washing,
and in the New Testament both for ritual washing and also for the apparently new
rite of baptisma. The Greek verb bapto (), "dip", from which the verb baptizo
is derived, is in turn hypothetically traced to a reconstructed Indo-European root
*gabh-, "dip".[29][30][31] The Greek words are used in a great variety of

A) WATER BAPTISMThe word baptize is from the Greek verb baptidzo which means to immerse. The
process of baptism consists of immersion, submersion and emergence. This process
is used to describe Johns baptism and Christian baptism. Simply stated, to baptize
is to totally immerse an object in another substance and then bring it out again.
The awesome significance of water baptism is that it symbolizes the death, burial
and resurrection of Jesus Christ and our identification with Him in them. The
Scriptures refer to Jesus as being the last Adam (I Corinthians 15:21-22, 45). Jesus,
in His sacrifice for us, represented us. When a person receives Jesus as Lord, he
identifies fully with what happened to Jesus (Romans 6:4-6). Water baptism is a
physical act that should indelibly mark the mind of the person being baptized with
the reality of his union with Jesus Christ.
he baptismal waters represent a burial ground. When youre buried with Christ in
baptism, you are proclaiming to heaven, earth and hell that the old you no longer
exists. To be buried with Jesus means that your old self died to sin just as Jesus did
when He was made sin for us (Romans 6:3, 6, 10-12). Thats why we are immersed.
Its a picture of burial.

Coming up out of the water signifies our being raised to new life in Christ. To be
raised with Jesus means making Him Lord of every area of your lifespirit, soul and
body. Youve been bought with the blood of Jesus and you belong to Him. Every day
you now ask, Lord, where do You want me to go? What do You want me to say?
What do You want me to be? Not my will, but Thy will be done.
B) BAPTISM BY THE HOLY SPIRIT1) Salvation- 1 Corinthians 12:3 New International Version
Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God
says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the
Holy Spirit.

This shows us that the Holy Spirit Baptism first and fore most leads us to
Salvation and confession of Christ, Then step two steps in which is the
Empowerment for Ministry.

2) For empowerment and Ministry.

Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised (Acts 1:4).
Christ ascended to heaven and asked the Father to fulfill his promise, the
sending of the Holy Spirit, and within 10 days he had come. The Spirit did not
come quietly. He announced his arrival through the 120. He gave utterance to it
through the assembled believers in tongues and prophecy. For the disciples and
apostles this was their greatest day. The Holy Spirit is the love Spirit of Father
and Son: God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom
he has given us (Romans 5:5). That love began to move the believers and
operate through them. What they became was what the Spirit made them.
And in acts 1:8, which says But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
This power and boldeness is seen throughout the entire book of Acts, the
disciples where empowered to serve and persevere a lot of persection for the
Lords Name sake, They were also led, directed by the same Holy Spirit, He too
comformed their witnessed Word with Signs and Miraculous signs. We therefore
need this Baptsm for empowerment for Kingdom service.

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