Being A Shepherd After God

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KEY VERSE; ACTS 20: 28 Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the
Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he
bought with his own blood.
Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father .
Part One: Pauls Ministry Life. (Vr 20-27)
Pauls fare well massage to the elders of Ephesians came at a time like this which
were are experiencing as the saints in Kyambogo Chapter. Figurately speaking we
are the Elders at the Ephesians Church and Min. Samuel is leaving us as Paul left the
Ephesian Church. His farewell message involved Pauls ministry life in which he
pointed out the main lifestyle he lived. In verse 20 He says You know that I have
not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you
publicly and from house to house. I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they
must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.
This was Pauls life style. Preaching the Gospel and Bible studies were his daily
activities. I too pray that God Almighty should make this my life style in the midst of
todays busy schedules. Preaching Gods Word in season and out of Season. Coupled
with Bible Studies in house to House.
I thank God for Min. Samuel has been a good example to Us. Living a humble life in
a foreigh land despite his academic achievements. Now that I look forward to
serving in Kyambogo University. I pray that this will; be my life style as long as I live.
Part Two; Pauls caution to the Ephesians Church. (Vr 28-38)
Paul argued the church leaders to keep watch over themselves and all the flock that
God has bought with His precious blood. How should I keep watch over myself. In
Gal 5:22, One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is self-control. This is the ability to resist
sin whenever am tempted to do so. I should keep watch over myself as I labour in
His vine Yard, I should free Youthful lusts and the Love of Money.
Secondly I should Be Shepard of the Church of God which Christ has bought with His
prescious blood. What should be my attitude as I serve. He says do everything as if
you are doing for God. I should know that at the end of this journey. I will be
accountable to the Almighty God for how I took care of His flock. At this time I was
thinking about the Parable of the talents, What caught my mind was the time of
accountability to the Master, All the Two wise servants received a favorable reward
from their master except the last lazy one, He faced a harsh treatment and rebuke
from His master because He had not put the talent to us. I pray that as Paul looked
forward to finishing the race and task that had been laid out for him. I took will not
serve for religious benefits and recognition but will serve knowing that one day I will
be accountable to the master of the flock. Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ipray that God will bless min Samuel in His new mission field and his house Church
as they continue to serve the Lord Jesus Christ,
One Word: be Shepherd after Gods Flock.

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