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Fire Alarm Notebook

Fire Pump Supervision Part I

By Dean K. Wilson, P.E., FSFPE, C.F.P.S.
Question: As the Authority Having Jurisdiction in my suburban community, I have largely had to deal with relatively small commercial buildings. And, because our municipality has a very strong public water system, I have
not had to deal with private fire pumps. Recently, one of the big box stores has broken ground for a gigantic
distribution center. The architect has delivered the plans for me to review. I notice that this facility will have three
fire pumps. Two diesel engine-driven 2,000 gpm pumps take suction from individual 300,000 gallon tanks located
on the northeast and southwest corners of the property. The tanks have automatic fill from the public water supply. The third fire pump, an electric motor-driven unit rated at 1,500 gpm, takes suction from a 16-inch connection
to a 24-inch public water main. Apparently, the fire alarm system will supervise the fire pumps. I dont even know
where to begin reviewing the fire alarm portion of this installation. Can you help me?
I will certainly try to help you.
First of all, from your description it
sounds as if you have one booster fire
pump and two fire pumps. The difference in the designation comes from the
suction source. Booster fire pumps take
suction from the public water supply
and boost the pressure to a level appropriate for the hazard.
Listed horizontal centrifugal booster
fire pumps normally have a rating
that specifies 120% of rated pressure at
shut-off or when no water flow, 100%
of rated pressure at 100% of rated flow,
and 65% rated pressure at 150% of rated
flow. Such pumps have a design that
self-unloads. In other words, the maximum brake horsepower necessary to
drive the pump occurs at around 110%
to 120% of rated flow. Beyond that point
on the pump discharge curve, the brake
horsepower drops off or self-unloads.
The designer of the fire protection
system will choose the pressure rating
of the booster fire pump based on the
residual pressure of the public water
supply at the maximum specific rate of
flow, measured in gallons per minute
(gpm). In the case of this 1,500 gpm
booster fire pump, the public water
supply must produce 2,250 gpm at
no less than 20 psi residual pressure.
You will need to see evidence of a
flow test of the public water supply
in the immediate area of the facility
to determine what the actual residual
pressure remains at the 2,250 gpm flow.
The booster fire pump will then add to
that residual pressure the rated pump
pressure to create a specific flow rate
at a significantly increase in pressure.
Thus, the reliability and capacity of the

Page 24

fire protection system depends completely on the reliability and capacity

of the public water supply.
Listed horizontal centrifugal fire pumps
have a similar rating as the booster fire
pumps: 120% of rated pressure at shutoff or when no water flow, 100% of
rated pressure at 100% of rated flow,
and 65% rated pressure at 150% of
rated flow. In contrast to booster fire
pumps, fire pumps take suction from
some static source of water, such as
the two independent 300,000 gallon
storage tanks you describe. Typically,
fire pumps have a much lower suction
pressure than booster fire pumps. In
the case in point, the height of the tank
above the center line of the fire pump
will determine the suction pressure
created by the column of water within
the tank. For every foot of elevation,
the column of water will create 0.434
pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure. A forty-foot tall suction tank will
create a suction pressure at the centerline of the pump of 17 psi.
The size and location of these particular
fire pumps hint that the redundant pair
may result from a recommendation
from the insurance company issuing
the property insurance policy for this
facility. The high automatic sprinkler
system water demand for large warehouses often motivates the insurance
company to require redundant and
independent water supplies. The third
booster fire pump will likely provide
the first-operating-pump to handle the
demand for a relatively small fire at the
facility. Once sufficient pressure drop
occurs, the two fire pumps will start to
supply additional flow and pressure.

While NFPA 72-2010, National Fire

Alarm and Signaling Code, has specific
requirements for using a fire alarm system to oversee the operational reliability of fire pumps and their associated
water tanks, you should first look at the
requirements in NFPA 20-2010, Standard
for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for
Fire Protection. In order to deal with this
subject in an orderly fashion, in this first
article I will guide you in looking at the
requirements for electric motor-driven
fire pumps.
NFPA 20-2010, Chapter 10, covers
the requirements for Electric Drive
Controllers and Accessories. Specific
requirements relating to the type of supervision that a fire alarm system might
provide include the following:
10.4.7* Fire Pump Alarm and Signal Devices
Remote from Controller.
A.10.4.7 Where unusual conditions exist
whereby pump operation is not certain, a failedto-operate fire pump alarm is recommended.
In order to supervise the power source for the
fire pump alarm circuit, the controller can be
arranged to start upon failure of the supervised
alarm circuit power. Where the pump room is not constantly
attended, audible or visible signals powered by
a source not exceeding 125 V shall be provided
at a point of constant attendance. These fire pump alarms and signals
shall indicate the information in
through Pump or Motor Running. The signal
shall actuate whenever the controller has operated into a motor-running condition. This signal

Continued on page 26
IMSA Journal

- Part
I page
from page 24
Fire Alarm Notebook . . . Fire Pump Supervision
circuit shall be energized by a separate reliable
supervised power source or from the pump motor power, reduced to not more than 125 V. Loss of Phase. The fire pump alarm shall actuate
whenever any phase at the line terminals of the
motor contactor is lost. All phases shall be monitored. Such
monitoring shall detect loss of phase whether the
motor is running or at rest. When power is supplied from
multiple power sources, monitoring of each
power source for phase loss shall be permitted
at any point electrically upstream of the line
terminals of the contactor, provided all sources
are monitored. Phase Reversal. (See This
fire pump alarm circuit shall be energized by a
separate reliable supervised power source or
from the pump motor power, reduced to not
more than 125 V. The fire pump alarm shall actuate whenever the three-phase power at the line
terminals of the motor contactor is reversed. Controller Connected to Alternate
Source. Where two sources of power are supplied to meet the requirements of 9.3.2, this
signal shall indicate whenever the alternate
source is the source supplying power to the
controller. This signal circuit shall be energized
by a separate, reliable, supervised power source,
reduced to not more than 125 V.
10.4.8 Controller Contacts for Remote Indication. Controllers shall be equipped with contacts
(open or closed) to operate circuits for the conditions in through and when
a controller is equipped with a transfer switch in
accordance with

You will note in reading the above

paragraphs that these requirements do
not specifically require the connection
of the remote signal devices to a fire
alarm system. However, the use of a
properly designed and installed fire
alarm system offers the most reliable
means of supervising the operational
readiness of the fire pump.
Fortunately, as noted in 10.4.8, listed
fire pump controllers come equipped
with contacts that permit supervisory
initiating device circuits from a fire
alarm system to connect and monitor
the stated features. An installation
contractor must take note of the specific
conditions that this Standard requires
remote indication: Pump or Motor
Running (, Loss of Phase
(, Phase Reversal (,
and, when an alternate source of power
is provided, Controller Connected to
Alternate Source of Power (
Each supervised feature from the
electric fire pump controller should
produce a distinctive supervisory offnormal and supervisory restoration-tonormal signal at the fire alarm system
control unit. If the location of the fire
alarm system control unit does not have
constant attendance, the fire alarm system should transmit distinctive signals
to an appropriate supervising station.
In the particular case of this installation, the electric motor-driven booster
fire pump represents one part of a
more complex pumping system. Since
the other pumps use diesel engines to
drive the pumps, an alternate source of
power would not normally be required

in accordance with NFPA 20-2010, as

9.3.3 An alternate source of power is not required
where a backup engine-driven or backup steam
turbine-driven fire pump is installed in accordance with this standard.
Naturally, in addition to the items
stated above, the fire alarm system
needs to monitor the operational status
of all control valves associated with the
booster fire pump installation. In addition, if the geographic location subjects
the facility to freezing temperatures
during certain seasons of the year,
the fire alarm system should monitor
the low temperature in the fire pump
In the next article, I will guide you in
looking at the requirements for monitoring the operational readiness of the
two diesel engine-driven fire pumps
and their associated water tanks.
IMSA member Dean K. Wilson, P.E.,
FSFPE, C.F.P.S., now retired on disability, formerly worked as a Senior
Engineer in the Erie (PA.) office of the
fire protection engineering and code
consulting firm, Hughes Associates,
Inc. ( The opinions
expressed in this article are strictly
his own. You may reach him by email at
or by telephone at 814-397-5558.

Past President,
Paul Batchelor
swears in the 20102011 Board.
Page 26

IMSA Journal

Fire Alarm Notebook

Fire Pump Supervision Part II

By Dean K. Wilson, P.E., FSFPE, C.F.P.S.
Question: As the Authority Having Jurisdiction in my suburban community, I have largely had to deal
with relatively small commercial buildings. And, because our municipality has a very strong public water
system, I have not had to deal with private fire pumps. Recently, one of the big box stores has broken
ground for a gigantic distribution center. The architect has delivered the plans for me to review. I notice
that this facility will have three fire pumps. Two diesel engine-driven 2,000 gpm pumps take suction from
individual 300,000 gallon tanks located on the northeast and southwest corners of the property. The tanks
have automatic fill from the public water supply. The third fire pump, an electric motor-driven unit rated
at 1,500 gpm, takes suction from a 16-inch connection to a 24-inch public water main. Apparently, the fire
alarm system will supervise the fire pumps. I dont even know where to begin reviewing the fire alarm
portion of this installation. Can you help me?
In this second part of the answer to your question, I
will certainly continue to try to help you. As promised,
I will attempt to guide you in looking at the requirements for monitoring the operational readiness of the
two diesel engine-driven fire pumps and their associated water tanks.
Please note that because a diesel engine has a great deal
more complexity than an electric motor. The requirements for supervising the diesel engine reflect that
increased complexity.

and operable in all positions of the main switch except the off
position shall be provided to immediately indicate the following
(1) Critically low oil pressure in the lubrication system. The
controller shall provide means for testing the position of
the pressure switch contacts without causing fire pump
(2) High engine jacket coolant temperature.
(3) Failure of engine to start automatically.
(4) Shutdown from overspeed.

A. It is recommended that the pilot lamp for signal service have operating voltage less than the rated voltage of the lamp
to ensure long operating life. When necessary, a suitable resistor
should be used to reduce the voltage for operating the lamp. Separate visible indicators and a common audible signal

capable of being heard while the engine is running and operable
in all positions of the main switch except the off position shall be
provided to immediately indicate the following conditions:
(1) Battery failure or missing battery. Each controller shall be
provided with a separate visible indicator for each battery.
(2) Battery charger failure. Each controller shall be provided
with a separate visible indicator for battery charger failure
and shall not require the audible signal for battery charger
(3) Low air or hydraulic pressure. Where air or hydraulic starting
is provided (see 11.2. 7 and 11.2. 7.4), each pressure tank
shall provide to the controller separate visible indicators to
indicate low pressure.
(4) System overpressure, for engines equipped with variable
speed pressure limiting controls, to actuate at ll5 percent of
set pressure.
(5) ECM selector switch in alternate ECM position (for engines
with ECM control only).
(6) Fuel injection malfunction (for engines with ECM only).
(7) Low fuel level. Signal at two-thirds tank capacity.
(8) Low air pressure (air-starting engine controllers only). The
air supply container shall be provided with a separate visible
indicator to indicate low air pressure.
(9) Low engine temperature. Separate visible indicators and a common audible fire

pump alarm capable of being heard while the engine is running
Page 22

Continued on page 24
IMSA Journal

NFPA 20-2010, Standard for the Installation of Stationary

Pumps for Fire Protection, in Chapter 12, Engine Drive
Controllers, contains appropriate requirements. First
of all, this Chapter states the requirements for the
indicators associated with the actual listed fire pump
controller. Because the functions of the diesel engine
and the fire pump controller that require supervision
relate almost directly to the functions annunciated by
the controller, you must understand which functions
NFPA 20-2010 requires the controller to display. Please
note the following requirements:
12.4.1 Indicators on Controller. All visible indicators shall be plainly visible.* Visible indication shall be provided to indicate that the
controller is in the automatic position. If the visible indicator is a
pilot lamp, it shall be accessible for replacement.

Fire Alarm Notebook . . . Fire Pump Supervision - Part II Continued from page 22 No audible signal silencing switch or valve, other than
the controller main switch, shall be permitted for the conditions
reflected in and A separate signal silencing switch shall be used for
the conditions of l2.4.1.4(5),, and* The controller shall automatically return to the nonsilenced state when the alarm(s) have cleared (returned to normal).
This switch shall be clearly marked as to its function.
A. This automatic reset function can be accomplished
by the use of a silence switch of the automatic reset type or of the
self supervising type. Where audible signals for the additional conditions
listed in A.4.24 are incorporated with the engine fire pump alarms
specified in, a silencing switch or valve for the additional
A.4.24 audible signals shall be provided at the controller. The circuit shall be arranged so that the audible signal
will be actuated if the silencing switch or valve is in the silent position when the supervised conditions are normal.
As you can see, NFPA 20-2010 requires some very
significant annunciation on the front panel of the fire
pump controller of critical functions related to the diesel engine and the controller, itself. In addition to these
requirements for the listed fire pump controller, NFPA
20-2010 also states requirements for contacts that the
fire pump controller must provide so that an installer
may connect appropriate supervisory initiating device
circuits to the controller. These requirements include
the following:
12.4.2 Signal Devices Remote from Controller. Where the pump room is not constantly attended, audible
or visible signals powered by a source other than the engine starting
batteries and not exceeding 125 V shall be provided at a point of
constant attendance. Remote Indication. Controllers shall be equipped to
operate circuits for remote indication of the conditions covered in,, and The remote panel shall indicate the following:
(1) The engine is running (separate signal).
(2) The controller main switch has been turned to the off or
manual position (separate signal).
(3)* There is trouble on the controller or engine (separate or
common signals). (See and
A. The following signals should be monitored remotely from the controller:
(1) A common signal can be used for the following trouble
indications: the items in through
Page 24

and loss of output of battery charger on the load side of the

dc overcurrent protective device.
(2) If there is no other way to supervise loss of power, the
controller can be equipped with a power failure circuit,
which should be time delayed to start the engine upon loss
of current output of the battery charger.
(3) The arrangement specified in A. (3) (2) is only
permitted where approved by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with Section 1.5 and allows, upon loss of
the ac power supply, the batteries to maintain their charge,
activates ventilation in case conditions require cooling the
engine, and/or maintains engine temperature in case conditions require heating the engine. (See also A. 4. 6.4 and
12.4.3 Controller Contacts for Remote Indication. Controllers shall
be equipped with open or closed contacts to operate circuits for the
conditions covered in 12.4.2.
Providing remote supervision of the diesel engine and
fire pump controller by means of supervisory initiating
device circuit or signaling line circuit connection to the
facilitys fire alarm system becomes quite clear, based
on the above requirements. You need to provide three
distinct supervisory off-normal signals and their associated supervisory restoration-to-normal signals.
Those three signals must include the following:
1. Fire pump running.
2. Controller main switch in position other than automatic.
3. Trouble on the diesel engine or controller. This
single signal provides recipients with the cue to
respond to the fire pump room or fire pump house
and take note of the more detailed annunciation
provided on the fire pump controller.
In the next article, the third and final part of this answer, I will discuss the enabling fire pump supervisory
requirements contained in NFPA 72-2010, National
Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. And, I will discuss the
supervisory requirements for other portions of the fire
pump installations, such as supervision of the control
valves, the water tanks, and the temperature in the
pump room or pump house.
IMSA member Dean K. Wilson, P.E., FSFPE, C.F.P.S., now retired
on disability, formerly worked as a Senior Engineer in the Erie
(PA) office of the fire protection engineering and code consulting
firm, Hughes Associates, Inc. ( The opinions
expressed in this article are strictly his own. You may reach him
by e-mail at or by telephone at

IMSA Journal

Fire Alarm Notebook

Fire Pump Supervision Part III

By Dean K. Wilson, P.E., FSFPE, C.F.P.S.
Question: As the Authority Having Jurisdiction in my suburban community in the northeastern United
States, I have largely had to deal with relatively small commercial buildings. And, because our municipality has a very strong public water system, I have not had to deal with private fire pumps. Recently,
one of the big box stores has broken ground for a gigantic distribution center. The architect has delivered the plans for me to review. I notice that this facility will have three fire pumps. Two diesel enginedriven 2,000 gpm pumps take suction from individual 300,000 gallon tanks located on the northeast and
southwest corners of the property. The tanks have automatic fill from the public water supply. The third
fire pump, an electric motor-driven unit rated at 1,500 gpm, takes suction from a 16-inch connection to a
24-inch public water main. Apparently, the fire alarm system will supervise the fire pumps. I dont even
know where to begin reviewing the fire alarm portion of this installation. Can you help me?
In this third and final part of the answer to your question, I will discuss the enabling fire pump supervisory
requirements contained in NFPA 72-2010, National
Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. And, I will discuss the
supervisory requirements for other portions of the fire
pump installations, such as supervision of the control
valves, the water tanks level and temperature, and the
temperature in the pump room or pump house.
The operational integrity of the fire protection water
supply for this facility depends on management fulfilling the critical objectives of keeping all control valves
fully open, water tanks full and heated in winter, and
the fire pump houses or rooms also heated in winter.
Regular weekly inspection of all fire protection systems
and equipment can help maintain the operational integrity of those systems. In addition, the fire alarm system
installed at this facility can provide management with
a tool to help fulfill these critical objectives.
NFPA 20-2010, Standard for the Installation of Stationary
Pumps for Fire Protection, in Chapter 12, states the following requirements:
4.16* Valve Supervision.
A.4.16 Isolation valves and control valves are considered to be
identical when used in conjunction with a backflow prevention assembly.
4.16.1 Supervised Open. Where provided, the suction valve,
discharge valve, bypass valves, and isolation valves on the backflow
prevention device or assembly shall be supervised open by one of
the following methods:
(1) Central station, proprietary, or remote station signaling service
(2) Local signaling service that will cause the sounding of an audible
signal at a constantly attended point
Page 22

(3) Locking valves open

(4) Sealing of valves and approved weekly recorded inspection where
valves are located within fenced enclosures under the control of
the owner
4.16.2 Supervised Closed. The test outlet control valves
shall be supervised closed.
The alternative of locking valves open has some builtin pitfalls. If management employs a hardened shackle
lock to secure a valve in the open position, then the key
to that lock must remain readily available, in order to
promptly shut the valve if some emergency occurs that
requires such an action. Seldom does the management
of a facility think this necessity through clearly enough
to ensure that an authorized person can close a valve
promptly when necessary. If management employs
frangible shackle locks to secure a valve in the open
position, while this lock will discourage causal tampering with the valve, a determined individual will soon
realize that he or she can break the frangible shackle
by striking it with any hard object.
Even if a facility chooses to use an electronic means
of supervising the open (or closed) position of fire
protection control valves, the weekly self-inspection
program provides an all-important backup. A member of management should review these reports and
maintain a high level of visibility and interest in such
an inspection program.
NFPA 72-2010, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code,
provides some very specific requirements related to the
supervision of valves in Chapters 17 and 23.
Continued on page 23
IMSA Journal

Fire Alarm Notebook . . . Fire Pump Supervision - Part III Continued from page 22
17.16.1 Control Valve Supervisory Signal-Initiating
Device. Two separate and distinct signals shall be initiated:
one indicating movement of the valve from its normal position
(off normal), and the other indicating restoration of the valve to its
normal position. The off-normal signal shall be initiated during the first
two revolutions of the handwheel or during one-fifth of the travel
distance of the valve control apparatus from its normal position. The off-normal signal shall not be restored at any valve
position except normal. An initiating device for supervising the position of a control valve shall not interfere with the operation of the valve, obstruct
the view of its indicator, or prevent access for valve maintenance.* Supervisory Signal Initiation - Sprinkler
A. This Code does not specifically require supervisory
signal-initiating devices to be connected to the building fire alarm


system. Connections to the building fire alarm system would be

determined by the requirements established by the authority having jurisdiction. See A.1.2.4. Some systems utilize non-electrical
methods to supervise conditions of the system such as chains on
sprinkler control valves.
Supervisory signals are not intended to provide indication of design,
installation, or functional defects in the supervised systems or system components and are not a substitute for regular testing of those
systems in accordance with the applicable standard. Supervised
conditions should include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Control valves 1/2 in. (38.1 mm) or larger
(2) Pressure, including dry-pipe system air, pressure tank air, preaction system supervisory air, steam for flooding systems, and public
(3) Water tanks, including water level and temperature
(4) Building temperature, including areas such as valve closet and
fire pump house
Continued on page 24


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Page 23

Fire Alarm Notebook . . . Fire Pump Supervision - Part III Continued from page 23
(5) Electric fire pumps, including running
(alarm or supervisory), power failure, and
phase reversal The off-normal signal shall

be initiated when the water level falls 3 in.
(70 mm) or rises 3 in. (70 mm).

(6) Engine-driven fire pumps, including

running (alarm or supervisory), failure to
start, controller off automatic, and trouble
(e.g., low oil, high temperature, overspeed) A supervisory signal-initiating

device for other than pressure tanks shall
initiate a low water level signal when the
water level falls 12 in. (300 mm).

(7) Steam turbine fire pumps, including running (alarm or supervisory), steam pressure,
and steam control valves

Likewise, since this facility is located geographically where freezing

temperatures occur in the winter,
the fire alarm system may provide
the supervision of water tank temperature and the temperature of the
fire pump houses or rooms. Once
again, NFPA 72 has some very specific requirements. Where required by other

governing laws, codes, or standards to
be electronically monitored, supervisory
signal initiating devices shall be connected
to a dedicated function fire alarm control
unit designated as sprinkler waterflow
and supervisory system and permanently
identified on the control unit and record
Exception: Where supervisory signal-initiating devices are connected to a building fire
alarm system, a dedicated function fire alarm
control unit shall not be required.* The number of supervisory
signal-initiating devices permitted to be
connected to a single initiating device circuit
shall not exceed 20.
A. Circuits connected to
a signaling line circuit interface are
initiating device circuits and are
subject to these limitations.
Management of this facility may
also use the fire alarm system to
supervise the level inside the two
300,000 gallon storage tanks. Again,
NFPA 72-2010 offers some specific

17.16.4 Water Temperature Supervisory Signal-Initiating Device. A temperature supervisory
device for a water storage container exposed
to freezing conditions shall initiate two
separate and distinctive signals, as specified
in One signal shall indicate a decrease in water temperature to 40F (4.4C),
and the other shall indicate its restoration to
above 40F (4.40c). Two separate and distinct signals shall be initiated: one indicating that
the required water level has been lowered or
raised (off-normal), and the other indicating
restoration. A pressure tank signal-initiating
device shall indicate both high and low water
level conditions.

As you can see from these requirements in NFPA 20-2010 and NFPA
72-2010, the fire alarm system can

Page 24

IMSA member Dean K. Wilson, P.E., FSFPE,

C.F.P.S., now retired on disability, formerly
worked as a Senior Engineer in the Erie (PA)
office of the fire protection engineering and
code consulting firm, Hughes Associates,
Inc. ( The opinions expressed in this article are strictly his own.
You may reach him by e-mail at or by telephone at

17.16.5 Room Temperature Supervisory Signal-Initiating Device. A room temperature supervisory

device shall indicate a decrease in room
temperature to 40F (4ADC) and its restoration to above 40F (4.40c).
While in many cases these supervisory initiating devices will connect
to the fire alarm system control
panel through wires and cables, do
not lose sight of the fact that at least
one reputable manufacturer has
listed and code-complying wireless
fire alarm and supervisory initiating devices available to provide
fire protection system supervision
without the need to install long runs
of wires or cables.

17.16.3 Water Level Supervisory

Signal-Initiating Device.

offer management a very thorough

means of supervising the elements
that will help assure the operational
integrity and reliability of the fire
protection water supply at this
large warehouse/distribution center facility. A fire alarm system can
clearly serve a greater function than
merely detecting the presence of a
hostile fire, notifying the occupants
to escape, and summoning emergency responders to the facility. It
can serve as a critically important
tool for management to help them
oversee the fire protection safety
and fire protection security of the

IMSA Journal

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