New Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document

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Open Control Panel, Open Mail

Select Add a New Account, Select Microsoft Exchange Server for Server type.
For MS Outlook the MS Exchange server name is
Type in your user name
Click on More Settings
Select Connection Tab
Check mark Connect to my Exchange mailbox using HTTP
Click on Exchange Proxy settings
For URL type
Check mark both On Fast and On slow
Authentication Select Basic
Click Ok and Ok then click on check name (make sure system is connected to the
You will be prompted for domain\user name and password.
Enter Star\username and enter your password and once the User name box get
filled with your Last name, First name the account is configured.
To transfer data you need to
Create folder and .pst files.
Steps to create, folder

Right click on 'My Computer' on desktop, Click 'Explore'

Click on drive D: on the left had side folder list
On the right side folder/file container, right click and select 'New Folder'
Rename /folder 'Mail'

Steps to create a .pst file.

1. Close Microsoft Outlook (if open)
2. Right click on 'My Computer' on desktop, Click 'Explore'
3. Click on 'Control Panel' on the left side folder list.
4. Once you click on 'Control Panel' you will see the right side folder/file container,
gets filled with icons.
5. Select 'Mail' and strike 'Enter' on the keyboard.

6. This will open 'Mail Setup - Outlook'

7. Click on the second option 'Data Files...'
8. Click 'Add', Select 'Office Outlook Personal Folders File',
9. Select folder that was created earlier.
10. Rename, File name with user name Format: lastname_firstname.pst
11. Click 'Ok', Click 'Close', Click 'Close'
12. Open Microsoft Outlook. You will see a new Mail folder with name 'Personal
13. Right click on the name, select 'New Folder'
14. Rename folder 'Inbox'
15. Same as step 13, rename folder 'Sent Items'
16. Drag and drop mails from 'Inbox' folder from web into 'Inbox' folder in Personal
folder. Same with 'Sent Items'

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