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Series authors: Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles Mikyyg Workbook with audio CD Contents @ thisis me: e On the Farm! Check your progress! | Units 1-2 8 Going Shopping! @ Read all about It! Check your progress! | Units 3-4 @ the Travel Bug! Qanimar Magic! Check your progress! | Units 5-6 8 At the Airport! 6 Lucky Escapes! Check your progress! | Units 7-8 6 Friends and Fami © Being the Best! Check your progress! | Units 9-10 ® Planning for Tomorrow! ® Lights! Camera! Action! Check your progress! | Units 11-12 ® Raising Money! @& looking Ahead! Check your progress! | Units 13-14 Check your progress! | Units 1-14 69 81 82 88 04 95 This is Me! [> Reading 1. Read the personal profiles and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor. My name is Seamus, and I’m from London, England. I’m thirteen years old. T haven’t got any brothers or sisters but T have a lot of cousins on my mother’s side. My grandparents - ay mun’s mother and father ~ have a large house in the country. It?s very noisy when my cousins and I are all there visiting. My best Friend’s name is Bridgit. We love playing computer games and watching TV together. Seamus, England Hello. 1m Ain. I’m from Cairo, Egypt and ay family is very big ~ and very close. We all love each other very much. I’ve got three brothers and a sister. We?ve got a big house and I share a room with my sister. Her name is Izza and she is my best friend. We do a lot of things together: read, listen to music and draw. My father doesn’t Like cats or dogs, so we don’t have a pet. Izza ‘and I want to travel to lots of places and see the world! ini, Egypt Hi, my name’s Bach and I’m from a small town in Poland. I am twelve years old and I’m in Year 9 at school. I have two sisters. They are called Anastasia and Katerina. I don’t Like spending time with them ~ they are very noisy! I’ve got lots of friends but my best friend is Anetta. She’s great. I have a dog and Anetta has a dog. We love walking our dogs in the country. Anetta and I want to travel to Anerica and visit the people we chat with online. } Bach, Poland : 1 Seamus isan only child, 7 A Right B Wrong —C Doesn'tsay 7 2 Seamus spends a lot of time at his grandparents’ house A Right’ B Wrong C Doesnitsay 3. Ainihasher own room, ‘A Right B Wrong Doesrit say 4 Thereare five children in Aini’s family. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say 5 Bach and Anetta have got pets. A Right’ B Wrong C Doesn't say 6 Bachis school is Anetta’s school. ‘A Right B Wrong © Doesntt say a Wordpower! 1 2 Match the words and phrases with their definitions (a-f). PA 1 bestfriend not your favourite friend but a person you love lot 2 2 the country b aperson that hasn't got a brother or sister é 3 share € when you do this, it means you use something (eg room) with another person 4 chat online 4 when you talk to people usinga computer and the internet 5 anonlychild____eaplace with trees, outside a city 6 close friend__ f the friend you love best 3 choose the correct word or phrase. Hello! My name is Ivan and I’m from Poland. My parents and I live in a large house in the (1) friend / country — it’s very nice. I’m a(n) (2) only child / close friend, so I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I’ve got lots of friends, so I don’t get lonely. My (3) close / best friend in the world is Albin and I (4) chat / share everything with him ~ my computer, my TV and my games. T’ve got other (5) best / close friends at school too. Let’s be friends and we can (6) share / chat online. Do you want to do that and we can tell each other about our lives? iedte soon! Ivan be, have/have got Lookagain at Grammar database 1 on page 145 before doing these exercises. L tick (v) the correct sentences. 1 Hashe got abrother? 5 Doeshe havea computer? 2 We're not American, 6 She doesn't has a best friend. 3 No, ithaventt, 7 Bachis from Poland. oO 4 Thasnit got a big house. 8 Youhaslots of close friends. ry cy S 2 complete the text with one word for each gap. My name (1) _____ Falah and 1 am from Cairo. I (2) twelve years old. I (3) _____a brother and a sister but I hhaven’t (4) ____ a dog or a cat. (5) _______ you have a pet? I don’t have a lot of friends but I (6) ______ got two very close ones. Their names (7) _____ Asad and Badr. Me spend a lot of time playing computer games and watching TV. (8) ______ you got a best friend? Maybe I can be your best friend! 3 Answerthe questions using short answers. 1 Are we friends? No, 2 Does Petros have a close friend? Yes, 3 Has she got a cat? Yes, 4 Do you havea sister? No, 5 Hasit gota name? No, 6 Are they lonely? Yes, Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold. 1 Hashe gota brother? does Does he have a brothe Beth and Marge haven't got a TV. don't Have you got a large house? do ‘My cat hasn't gota name. have He doesn't havea computer. got Idon'thavea lotof friends. got 7 Does Sophia have a best friend? has 8 Do they havea pet? got A wordpower! ‘1. Write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter is given to help you. 1 Myg , Tom, is married to my great-grandmother, Ruth. 2 often play with my n He's my sister's son. 3 My dad's father, my g. is ninety years old. 4 Has your u ‘our mums brother, got a nice house? 5 Mybrother's daughter is my n. 6 These are my George and Emily. They are my Aunt Bethis children 7 Herg______, her mums mother, is from England. 8 Taman only child. I dont have ab. ora sister, 9 Does yourg. . your father's grandmother, live with you? 10 Bryda’sa__isher father’s sister. For each question, choose the correct answer, A or B. 1 My brother has one daughter. She's my 6 A aunt B niece 2. His, his mother’s grandfather, hasn't got hair. 7 A great-grandfather_B-nephew 3. Doyour great-grandfather and your—_havea 8 lot of children? A uncle B great-grandmother 9 4 Izzy'ssister has got one son, He is zy’s— A grandfather B nephew 10 5 Do you spenda lot of time with your mother’s mum, your? A grandmother B brother Listening @ cotrack1 1 Listen to three people tal Bach's, his mums dad, has alot of pets. A sister B grandfather Martha's, her aunt's son, isin Year 5 A cousin B great-grandfather Her —, her father's sister, lives in the country. A aunt B niece My —is married tomy Aunt Edna. A uncle B great-grandmother Have you got a__ora sister? Or are you an only child? A grandmother B brother 1g about their friends and family. Match the speakers with the statements (ad). There is one letter you do not need to.use. 1 Speaker 1: 2 Speaker 2:__ b 3. Speaker 3:__ hasa large family isan only child hasn't got a pet 4 livesin the country @ CDTrack1 2 Listen again and underline the words you hear. 1 Manu is eight / thirteen years old. 2 Manu’ father / brother is called Wafi. 3. Bileen has got three sisters / cousins. 4 Eileen’s best friend is Jo-Jo / Sheila. 5 Miguel has two friends / dogs. Possessives Lookagain at Grammar database 2on page 146 before doing these exercises. 1 Write a wordin each gap to complete the sentences. 1 That’s____!See, its got__name ont. my mine 2 Those cats are___and that is___dog too. their theirs 3 Pam and Bach are____cousins, That house is hers her 4 Giselle, that’s not___laptop. Its your ours 5 Isthat____dog? What's name? its your 6 Thisis__bike. Where’ yours his 2 complete the table. ee ___[neeaiiee | Passa poan | they 3 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. Dear Phillipa () name is Petra and | am from Germany. | have got a big family. | have got two brothers ‘and one sister. My (2) names are Franz and Fritz ~ (2) are twins, My (4) name is Anne. My family has gota large house. I’ got four bedrooms. My sister and | have got (6) — own rooms but my brothers share a room. (¥) room is always very noisy... not lixe (7)! We have a big dog. (6) —_ name is Wolf. It hasm't got its oxn room! It spends a lot of time in the (f) — room. Please write and tell me about (10) family. Bye for now, Petra 1A Mine B My Gr 6 A They B Their C Theirs 2A brothers’ B brothers C brother’ 7Amy = Bmine CI 3 A their B theirs C they 8 A Its B Its ch 4A sisters B sister's sisters’ 9A twins Btwins —C twins 5 Aour Bours C we 10 A you B your € yours 2 quick check choose the correct answer. 1 Dowe use be to describe what things and people are like? yes / no 2 Dowe use have to talk about what things and people possess? yes / no 3 Do have got and have mean something different? yes / no 4 Which one is correct? My sister is / are my best friend 5 Which oneis correct? Do you havea cat? / Have you got acat?/ both 6 Possessive adjectives come before / after a noun. 7 My, your, her, our, and their are possessive adjectives / pronouns. 8 After a plural noun ending in -s, we put the apostrophe before / after the's’ {4 writing 1 Rewrite the sentences using short forms. 1 Lam Zak and I am twelve years old. Lam quite tall and I have got brown hair. My cousin has got blue eyes. She does not have many friends. 5. No] donot. 6. Thisis my favourite book - itis full of funny stories, — ~ Onthe Farm! (=) Reading 1 Read the texts and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. ove living on a farm. My day starts very early. Twake up ata quarter to five, I get ready and then I start my work, First I give the animals their food then I milk the cows. After that, I visit the chickens to collect the eggs. I'm back at the house at half past eight. [have breakfast and do some work in the house, then I sleep foran hour after lunch. ‘That's my favourite time of the day, I think! 1 This person... AA likes to sleep in the afternoon, B doesnt like farm life. C only does two different jobs. Tove it when children come to the farm. They have agreat time with the animals! We've got many different kinds. We've got horses, goats, ducks, sheep, ponies, cows and calves. The children love to stroke the ponies and watch the calves, But the great thing about having children ‘on the farm is that they learn how farms work, ‘That's what I really love! ‘This person ... A hasn't got baby animals on the farm. B has got chickens on the farm. C likes children to learn about the farm. ive in the city and Tike it, bt I really like visiting farms, Life there is very nice. It’s very noisy in the city, so it’s great to go toa farm and hear only the sounds of animals. My favourite sound is the sound of ducks. They make very funny noises! I also like the sounds that horses and cows make. You don't hear these sounds in the city atall, only cars and people. It's nice to hear something different for a change! This person ... A. doesn't like city life at all. B thinks horses make funny noises. likes the sounds that ducks make My friend Ted lives on a farm. I go there at the weekends to have lunch sometimes. His mum cooks great food. She uses the fruit and vegetables that they've grown on their farm. After we have Junch, we ride the horses in the fields. That's my favourite thing to do, Ted’s got three really nice horses. They're good fun to ride. Its nice to live on a farm like that! This person Alves ona farm. Bhas gota horse. Clikes to ride horses. My family and I live in a small town and there are many farms around us. They've got different animals on the farms. One farm has got many cows so they sell milk. Another farm has got lots of chickens so they sell eggs. My mum and dad go to these farms to get milk and eggs because they're really good. I'm glad I dont live on a farm because ita lot of work, but its nice to live close to them! ‘This person ... A. visits farms in his town, B likes food from farms. C thinks farm life is easy. hear ‘eon nt ots go eyrre ause Ent Wordpower! 2 choose the correct word. Do you feed / pick the animals every morning? We pick/ plant fruit from the trees in the afternoon. Mrs Collins strokes / plants flowers in the spring. Caroline likes to welcome / touch the ponies. ‘The farm workers welcome / collect children to the farm. Everyone loves to stroke / pick the horses. Mr Collins plants / collects eggs from the chickens, Sally picks / moves the lambs to different places on the farm, 3B Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. Ilive with my family ona farm, and we love it. My sister and I do many things to help. In the morning, we go and (1) all the animals with Dad. They often eat all the food! Then we (2) —eggs from the chickens and we (3) the sheep to different fields. My sister likes (4) the horses, and they like it too! Ilike the baby chicks and I really ike (5) — them. They're very soft! After school in the afternoon, we help Mum with some things. My sister and my mum sometimes (6) things in the ground in our garden. usually (7) fruit from the trees and vegetables from the garden. Sometimes, people ‘come to visit the farm, and I (8) __ them and show them the animals. 1 A pick B feed C plant 2 Acollect —B touch C welcome 3 A feed B plant C move 4A stroking B collecting —_C planting 5 A picking B welcoming —_C touching 6 A pick B plant C feed 7 A plant B move C pick 8 A collect B move C welcome Present simple Look again at Grammar database 3 on page 146 before doing these exercises. 1 Write the verbs in the present simple. 1 Mymum and dad ______ (work) in the fields every day. 2 Joe __ (not live) in the city because its not nice, 3 (you/want) to come and play with the animals? 4 Maddie ____ (go) for rides on the donkey in the afternoon. 5 ____(Ned/like) to eat fruit and vegetables? 6 ‘They ___(not wake up) very early in the morning. 7 My sister and 1___(get up) at 7 o'clock to help on the farm. 8 (they/visit) the city at the weekend? i) Oe 2 Write sentences or questions using the present simple. Ly 1 Visitors / leave / the farm / in the evening Lisa / play / with the puppies / every day - Sally and I / not work /a lot / on the farm. your day / start /at 7am? I/ love / Ned the donkey Peter and Joe / live /on the farm / all year? ee i ‘2 5 fo} 7 The children / see / the calvesin the afternoon 8 She / not eat / eggs for breakfast Michelle don’t know what farm life is like. 3 Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Write the correct words on the lines. 1 2 Students do learn how to collect eggs? 3 People arrives at 7 o'clock in the morning. — 4 Do Paul move the horses to different fields? He take the goats fora walk at noon 6 Children doesn't ride the cows! Does donkeys doa lot of work on the farm? 8 [doesn't stroke the ponies every day. choose the correct word. My friend Paul (1) live lives on a farm. I really (2) likes / like visiting him there. He and I (3) feed / feeds the animals when I (4) visits / visit. Its fun! The ponies and lambs (5) play / plays with us sometimes. They're really nice! There are some things Paul and I (6) don't / doesn’t like doing, Paul (7) don’t / doesn't like collecting eggs. I dontt (8) go / goes near the horses. They (9) runs / run a lot and 1 (10) don’t / doesn’t like that! But everything else is great, Farms are a lot of fun! (4 wordpower! 1. Write a word from the box in each gap. N hours = io ‘There are 60. in one hour. To say that it’s thirty minutes after four otlock, you say half four. “There are 24 in one day. ‘There are 60. in a minute. One hour after two o'clock is three 6 Fifteen minutes before five o'clock is a. to five. 7 A______ islike a small clock and it gives you the time. 2 choose the correct word or phrase. Tve got work to do on the farm every morning. My day starts at six (1) o'dock/ hour. I get ready and at (2) half / minute past six, I go and feed the animals. Ittakes about (3) an hour /a second to give the cowsall their food, sometimes more. Then, at quarter (4) to / from eight, I collect the eggs from the chickens. That only takes about 15 (5) o'clock / minutes. I stroke the horses for afew (6) seconds / hours and then, I'm finished! I look at my (7) watch / hour. It’s eight o'clock- time for breakfast! (2) Listening @ CDTrack2 1 Listen to two people talking on the phone and for each question, choose the correct answer, Aor B. 1 Whois the woman on the phone? 3 When does the man want to visit? A ateacher ‘A. during the week B a farm worker B atthe weekend 2 What does the man want to visit? A afarm B atown aoe 4 @ comack2 Weekend Farm Trip 2 Listen again and complete the gaps. | Name of farm: Chester Farms Town: () | Opens at: (2) Animals: cows, horses and (3) | Lunch time: (4) Closes at: (5) ee ee ee | Lt Adverbs of frequency Look again at Grammar database 4 on page 146 before doing these exercises. iS i} Write sentences using the present simple and the word or phrase in bold. ‘The Collins / visit / the city. every week Frank / be / tired / at the end of the day. usually you / ride / horses? every day Susan / be /late / to feed the animals. never Dad / get up / at five o'clock? always au kev ee 1/be/ busy /in the mornings. often Tick (¥) the correct sentences. Underline the mistakes in the incorrect sentences and write the sentences correctly. wake up early in the morning never. We pick every year vegetables at this time, _ Tusually sleep for 8 hours at night. —_ “The cows eat often all oftheir food. Mary arrives late always to the farm. ‘Mum cooks every day lunch for us, Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. oe eee " [work on a farm and itishard (1) [get up at six o‘lockin the morning 2) (3) —tired in the morning, but I (4) _ wake up late. The animals (5) __ their food! 1(6) them at seven otlock, maybe a quarter past seven. They (7) happy to see me! After I feed them, I (8) the cows, or I collect the eggs, or I walk the horses. There (9) —a different job to do on the farm (10) __.. That's one thing I love about it A always B often € sometimes 2 A usually B every day C always 3 A oftenam B amoften € sometimesam 4A always B usually € never 5 A wantalways B always want always wants 6 A usually feed B feed usually C usually feeds 7 A isalways B alwaysare C arealways 8 A sometimesmilks B milksometimes sometimes milk 9A isusually B usually are usually is 10 A often B usually C every week oOo = a x a =: © a x N Choose the correct answer. ‘Do we use the present simple to talk about situations that always happen? yes / no Which is correct? They lives on a farm. / They live ona farm. / both lich is correct? Does Sam feed the cows? / Do Sam feed the cows? / both Do we use adverbs of frequency to show when something happens? yes / no Which is correct? My dogis often happy. / My dog often is happy. / both Which is correct? Ned sometimes runs. / Ned runs sometimes. / both eZ Rewrite the sentences using then or after, asin the example. We feed the animals. We collect eggs. We feed the animals. Then we collect eggs After we feed the animals, we collect eggs. ‘We wake up at seven. We help our dad with work. then We have breakfast. We pick fruit and vegetables. after We have lunch at one. We ride horses. then We walk the ponies. We go home. after Read the email and match each paragraph or part witha statement. Lisa Kline <1kline@fastmail com> bject: My farm visit! i, Lisa! ‘are you? I hope you’re doing well. How are things in endon? I’m at my friend Roger’s farm. It’s a lot of fun! We wake p at 2 quarter to seven every day and help Roger’s dad. eed the animals. Then we collect eggs and Roger’s dad silks the cows. There are lots of other animals here -~ ep, goats, ducks, two sheep dogs and many cats! ‘After we feed the animals, we go back to the house. oger’s mum cooks breakfast. That’s at half past eight. fn we go With Roger”s mum to pick fruit and vegetables. fie have lunch at half past one. Then we sometimes ride 1e horses or we take the dogs for a walk. It’s great! pe to talk to you soon! This part says goodbye to Angela's friend. This paragraph asks how Angela’ friend is. This part has got the email address. This paragraph talks about Angela and Rogers first meal of the day. 5 This paragraph talks about what Angela and Roger do after lunch. 6 This paragraph says what Angela does with the animals in the morning. 7 This part says hello to Angela's friend, __ eo 5 4 4 5 3 8 2 i mua Clg Cl ett ie meals 1 Rewrite the words to complete the gapsin the text. Our Family Farm My name is Sam and | live on a farm in the (1) _____(oucrytn). I've got abig family. | have two sisters, Bella and Helen, two brothers, Grant and Tom and lots of (2) _______(ounicss). My (3) _______ (dngrarethom) and grandfather live in our house too. Life on a farm isn't alazy life. The day starts early. Every day my family and | (4)___ (dee) all the animals, milk the cows and (5)___(Itceco) the chickens'eggs, (6)_______[anlpt) and pick fruit and vegetables, and do lots of other jobs. Of course, I don’t workall the time. I've also got lots of time to spend with my (7)___(tse) friend, Maggie. 7 marks 2 Puta line through the incorrect sentence. 8 Thave two close friends. /Thas two close friends 9. My cousin is in the girls’s room. / My cousin isin the girls’ room, 10 Do Sheila feed the animals every day? / Does Sheila feed the animals every day? 11 Isyou an only child? / Are you an only child? 12 Isyour mother often late? /Is your mother late often? 13 Where’ Peters’ niece? / Where’ Peter's niece? 14 They never go tothe city. / They go to the city never. 15 ‘They dont live in the country. / They doesnt live in the country. 8marks 3 Putthe words nto the correct order to make sentences or questions. 16 vegetables? / plant / Do / fruit / you / and 21. pony / mine. /is / That 17 hasntt/a/ got/ best / He/ friend. 22 Bob/every/has day: /unch 18 her/ Look /in / bedroom. 23 the/ its /kitten / dinner. / Give 19 and J Have / dog? / Sasha / got / Wendy /a 24 tired? / your / often / grandfather /Is 20 love / the / visiting / They / farm. 25 the morning. brush / We/ ponies / the /in/ don't 10 marks Total:__/25 marks ont Dialogue 2 ing Shopping! ithe dialogues about shopping. Match the jues with the shops (a-d). There is one letter Excuse me. wonder if you can help me. Tm looking for something special for my cousin. Its his birthday next Friday. Ofcourse. We've got some lovely things for children. He’ seven years old and he loves books, and he loves animals. Well, he doesn't like cats, We haver't got books here but we've got some very nice things. Oh, those are lovely! ‘What? What are you looking at? “Those funny puppies! Ilove the red one. Oh, and the blue one! My cousin collects, those animals. Are they expensive? Boy: I'm getting hungry, Jane. Let’ find Girl: Boy: somewhere to eat. Its half past two. Its not half past two, Bob, its only two. Let’s go over there and look at those socks, Socks! I don't want to look at socks! I'm feeling tired. This shop is busy and noisy and I'm not enjoying myself! OK, let’ sit down and rest on this bench. Oh, wait! Look! Lovely skirts! They're having a sale. Where are you going, Bob? Iwant to look at the skirts, No, you don't! You're going to the lift - there’ a Chicken World on the second floor! Dialogue 3 Woman: Can [help you? Girl: Yes, please. 'm looking for some good ideas for my mums birthday, It’s today. Woman: I understand, Does she like flowers? Girl Oh, yes. But I don't havea lot of money. Woman: That's OK. We're doing a special offer at the ‘moment. These aren't expensive. Oh, they're lovely! Woman: Great. Do you want the red ones? Girl Yes, please - twelve red ones. 1 Dialogue 1: — 2. Dialogue 2:__ b toyshop 3. Dialogue 3:__ ¢ clothes shop d florist’ 2 Read the dialogues again and answer the questions. Dialogue 1: 1 Whois the girl buying a present for? 2 Whats the girl looking at? Dialogue 2: 3. Howis the boy feeling? 4. What doesnit the boy want to look at? Dialogue 3: 5. Whois having their birthday today? 6 What does the girl's mother like? a = 3 ey Fc S rc} “A Wordpower! 3 complete the conversations. For each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. 1. Let’ go to the second floor. 2. Are you having fun shopping? 3 The shop is very noisy, isn't it? 4 Are those CDs expensive? 5 Who'in the supermarket? 6 Let's sit on the bench. A OK, but I want to take the lift B Oh, Ilove this skirt. I'm getting hungry. Yes, I'm so busy. No, I'm happy. Yes, I'm enjoying myself! Yes, shall we take the escalator? Yes, and also very busy! No, I'm getting bored. enjoy listening to music. Tm at the music shop. No, they're cheap. ‘They're doing a special offer. Alot of customers There are so many clothes. Yes, I'm getting abit tired. Yes, its very expensive. The escalator is just there. O8> OP OF OF OBE Rewrite the words to complete the gaps in the text. Tm looking ata picture ofa bookshop. | The shop is very (1) —_____(sbyu) | and there are alot of (2) (ersmustco) shopping. There are a boy anda {girl in the shop. The git is (3) (neingyoj) looking at books. The boy isn't feeling happy —heis (4) (ttgineg) tired. I think he wants to take the (5) __(rotaaclse) or the (6) —______(fili) and go home! There | are so many books in the shop! I don't think the books are (7) They are havinga sale at the moment, so they | are (8) (aechp). (nepevisex) aii AIM ui Present continuous Look again at Grammar database 5 on page 147 before doing these exercises, 1 utalline through the incorrect sentence. ‘They are having lunch now. / They are have lunch now. Tm not feel tired. / 'm not feeling tired, Are they enjoying their dinner? / They are enjoying their: ‘Ishe having fun?’ ‘No, he isn't? /“No, he doesnt? Ishe look for clothes? / Is he looking for clothes? She picking a flower. / She's picking a flower. We are not shopping at the moment. / We not shopping at the moment. ‘Are you eating?’ ‘Yes, Ido! / ‘Yes, lam? N esaueune Put the words into the correct order to make sentences or questions. 1 you/ Are/ bored? / feeling 2. a/are/We/ playing / game. / computer 3 not /dinner. /eating/It’s/ its 4. Leggs. /am / collecting 5 now. / homework / their /are / doing / They / not 6 grocers? / shopping /Is/ the /at/he 3 Rewrite to make questions and negative sentences, 1 Fm having lunch at the moment. ‘Am t having lunch at the moment? {im not having lunch a the moment. 2. You're watching TV now. 3. HeS out shopping right now, 4 They're feeling unhappy. 5. Were havinga sale ri 6 Martais looking for new shoes. 3 By A F 3 r so) a Es 5 2 3 cc} 4 Answer the questions from Exercise 3 using short answers. No, Yes, 1 2 3 Yes, 4 No, 5 No, 6 Yes, 4 Wordpower! 1. choose the correct word or phrase. 1 My little brother’ socks are very small - they're tiny / gigantic! 2. His watch is round — its circular / narrow. 3. The book I’m looking at is black and triangular / thin. 4 The shopping centre in my town is big - it little / huge! 5. Hernew TV is triangular / square and flat / thick. 6 A lifts usually big and little / rectangular. 7 Her skirt isa bit circular /large. 8 That music shop is gigantic / round — look atall the CDs! (9 Listening © cotrack3 1 nto a conversation between a customer and an assistant and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 The girl is hopping in the morning, TE 2 The girl isin a florist’s shop. TE 3 The girl doesn't want to spend a lot of money. Tr 4 The shop is doing a special offer. TF 5 Theskirtisten pounds. TE 6 The girl buys the jeans. TE @ cotracks 2 Listen to the conversation again and complete the gaps. 1. The girlis shopping for her __’s party. The party is next __ The girl’ favourite colouris ‘The skirt matches the girl's new____. ‘The jeans are___ pounds. The girl gives the assistant____ pounds. mmar 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 Pronouns Look again at Grammar database 6 on page 147 before doing these exercises. Write the reflexive pronoun that matches each pronoun. you you (plural) him her it us them Write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. A: Amy, do you like __(these this) skirt? B: No, but [like ____(that / those) one over there. Az Ineed some of _ (these this) carrots, please. B: Do you want any of ____ (that / those) tomatoes over there? A: Are you doing a special offer on_ (these / that) jeans at the moment? B: No, but____ those / this) red skirts are half-price. Az Excuse me, Is ___ (that / this) your bike over there? B: No, (this / that) is my bike right here. Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. ove shopping. I'm always looking for special offers on things like jeans, skirts and shoes. ove buying things for (1) __ but my favourite thing to do is buy things for my friends and ‘my family. My parents never buy things for (2), so it's great fun buying them presents. usually shop when they are having a sale at the shopping centre, That’s why I'm here today! (3) isa great shopping centre - it’s huge! See (4)___ shoe shop over there? Al their shoes are half-price! And (5) two bookshops there have always got cheap books. Wait! Let’s go in here, (6) isa great toy shop. Oh, lookat (7) little toy animals. Aren't (8) lovely? Look! This little kitten is washing (9) _! I may buy (10) for my brother. A me B myself Cir A themselves B ourselves C herself, A These B Those © This A this B these C that A those B that C this A Itself Bit These A these B this C that A they B themselves C them A yourselves B itself C myself Ait B that C these 2 rs Ey $ rd Ay FS a r 3 . a Es Fy > iH a & (A Quick check 4 choose the correct answer. 1 We use the present continuous to talk about things happening now. yes/no 2 Weoften use now, right mow and at the moment with the present continuous. yes / no 3 Which one is correct? They're not having lunch. / They aren't having lunch, / both 4 Which one is correct? He's shopping now. / He is shop now. / both 5 Weuseanoun/ pronoun / both in place of nouns to sound more natural 6 Which one is correct? Let’s buy us / ourselves new T-shirts 7 owe use the demonstrative pronouns that and those when the object is near to us? yes / no 8 Which one is correct? Ineed those book over there. /I need that book over there. / both “writing 11. Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Whats the boy looking at? 3 Are the boy and girl enjoying themselves? 2. What is the girl looking at? 4 Isthe shop assistant enjoying himself? 2 complete the text with the verbs in the correct form. This isa picture of a clothes shop — it looks like an expensive shop and I don't think they (1) (have) a sale. I think this clothes shop is in a large shopping centre in a town or in acity. The shop is very busy anda lot of people (2)____ (go) in and out ofthe shop. A boy anda girl are in the shop. I think they are twelve or thirteen years old. ‘They (3) ______ (look) at some clothes. The girl (4) ____ (wear) a T-shirt and jeans, She (5) ____ (look) at some skirts and the boy is looking at some socks. I think the girl (6) _____ (buy) things for herself. I don’t think the boy is buying things for himself. I think he (7) — ___ (get) some good ideas for presents for friends and family. The boy and girl look like they (8)____ (enjoy) themselves. Next to the lift in the picture, there isa shop assistant. I think he (9)____ (feel) tired or bored. He (10) _____ (not have) fun, I dont think he ikes his job, or the customers! ad All About It! =| Reading dthe website and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. ore Salon | at |) Storsoies PORES? anentone Cor esrilciriel Milelella Serle) a beeballs Calendar ofvents: sik Tuesday 25 Merch acy Cacti ves har evionsotnaw fims‘Gne Happy Day and No More Money Welcome to our calendar section! Wednesday, 24 March \ Roger Norton with another great story, THisweekwevegotanexctinglstofeventsforyouttsthe | SoBe Nerton wth another reat first week of spring and a busy weekat the school! We're qt fh having our Spring Party this weekend. m sure everyone's Hiccetadeetin ney comingtothavandouretherbgevertitheschotpi:—— mentn wth Sucenstomtsaiingsckraeteacosiinshnny RON ZOH cua Play. And they sing too, so don't miss it 7.30pm in the Grand Theatre on Taylor St. I dort forget our school reporter Stephen Mili doing an interview with our favourite (and only!) English ‘Weekend of 27-28 March: feocher MrMenning Stephen oss ourgresteachersome | Stufday.27 March very interesting questions, such as why he's an English ‘The Spring Party!, 2-7pm at Hyde Park, We teacher and how he stays so happy teaching us! Sounds welcome both students and parents! xing Sunday, 28 March Also, check out our film reviews and short stories sections The Highland Poules play eqainst the f Baneberry Donkeys at Highland Field, this week for reviews of this week's new films and anew Masc Bess ataom. short story! The website has gota section for students’ mail. ‘Stephen Mills is answering questions from Right B Wrong C Doesn't say ‘Mr Manning. The section that you can see here is the News A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 6 Roger Norton isa student in Mrs Billing’ class. B Wrong C Doesnitsay A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say first paragraph says it’ the first week of 7 ‘The Spring Party is happening at Highland Middle ‘school School Right B Wrong € Doesn'tsay A Right B Wrong € Doesnt say ighland Middle Schoo! has got one English 8 The Highland Ponies play football every Sunday. er. A Right B Wrong C Doesnt say B Wrong € Doesn't say i A a cd z zg € 4 wordpower! 2 Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one. James isan opinion and he runs a newspaper. My friend Mary is a calendar and she writes news stories “The review says there are three big events this week. Helen is doing an editor and she’ going to ask some really good questions. Her interview is that newspapers area bit boring. “The reporter of the film says the film is very exciting and has got good actors. Match to make sentences. John isa reporter T'm watching a programme —_ T'm readinga review Jason is an editor I'm looking at my calendar My view on school websites is to see what I'm doing tomorrow. and he writes articles fora sports website. about last night’s play. on TV about school websites they are interesting to read and he runs a newspaper in town. au eN EW aueene meno se Read the dialogue and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. Frank: 'mhere with Rick Jones, (1) of our town newspaper, The Daily. Thank you for giving me this Q) Rick Jones: You're welcome, Frank. Frank: Rick, you've gota new section called ‘School News’ C: Rick Jones: Sure. It's got information about school events. Its got a (3) that tells students when events are happening. Its also got (4) __ of plays and films in town. Our (5) —, Louis Stark, also writes stories for the new section. There's also a section for student (6) about school activities ~ what they like, what they don't like, Frank: —_Itsounds very interesting! Well, good luck with the new section! 1 A programme — B editor C interview 2A interview ——_B calendar C review 3 A review B programme calendar 4A interviews —_B reviews € reporters 5 A reporter B view C editor 6 A calendars —_B opinions C interviews 1 choose the correct word or phrase. Grammar 1 1 Where / When are you leaving for school? 2 Which/ Who section do you prefer~ reviews or opinions? How / How many books have you got at home? Who / What is your favourite writer? What time / Why do you get up at six o'clock? How old / What does Tom do at the newspaper? Question words Lookagain at Grammardatabase 7on page 148 before doing these exercises. 2 Tick (W) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct word. How many is your litte sister? _ Where TV programmes do you like? What old is your interview tomorrow? Why do you read film reviews? Who does Mrs Scott live? How do you write an email? Write questions using who, what, where, when, how old, and how many, as in the example. ‘My favourite actor is Daniel Radcliffe. Who's your favourite actor? __ 1 go to school at eight o'clock. I'm thirteen years old. Tve got two sisters. live on Sloan Street. | read books and the school newspaper. 4 Write aword from the box in each gap. ethis al = [how whe why | Carol: Hi, Anthony, 'm writing an article on what kids ourage like to do in their free time. Can Task you some questions? Gare Anthony: Sure, e Carol: Great! First, (1) _______old are you? what Anthony: I'm fourteen. I'llbe fifteen in May. Carol: OK, good to know. And (2)____do you live? Anthony: Ilive here in Camden. It an area of London. Carok And tell me, (3) ___do you like to do in your free time? Anthony: Oh, [like to read, play sports and watch TV. Carol: Can you tell me (4)___ programmes on TV are your favourite ones? Anthony: Well, [love The X Factor and Britain’ Got Talent. Carol: Oh, really? And (5) ________do you like those programmes? Anthony: Because they're really fun to watch. Carol: Great. OK, one last question ... (6) ____is your favourite actor on TV? Anthony: I guess that would be Ricky Gervais from The Office. Carol: Oh, yeah, he's really funny! Well, Anthony, thanks for your time! sor Anthony: You're welcome. ve? Ee) A 3 2 4 3 Ey @ A Wordpowe 1. Write one letter in each gap to complete the words or phrases. The first letter is given to help you. 1 Ifyou know a language, you can do this with it.s —_ _____ Ifyou say something that’s not true, you do this.|____ Ifyou say something very quietly, you do this. w—_ _______ When you havea conversation with someone, you do this with them. t____ You do this when you say something loudly. s—____ Ifyou are scared, sometimes you do this. s __.__.__ Ifyou know how to use clock, you can do this.t_____thet_____ 2 Read the dialogues and choose the correct answer. Margie: Do you (1) talk / speak Spanish, Jay? Jay: Why? Do you want me to (2) say / tell something in Spanish? Margie: Well, can you (3) speak/ talk about the weather? Jay: No, don't know the words. Margie: Come on, dont (4) say /lie. I know you know some Spanish words, Jay: No, I dont! I'm (5) saying / telling you the truth! Margie: OK, OK! Dont (6) shout / tell. I believe you. Ellen: Mylittle sister always (7) whispers / screams when she’ excited. She’ so loud! Peter: Ha, ha! My little brother is different. He sometimes (8) shouts / whispers things so you can't hear him, Ellen: [like that! Tike to see them (9) say / talk to each other! (9) Listening @ cotracka 1 Listen to the beginning of this conversation and choose the correct word or phrase. 1 The review is about a school play / concert. 2 The review is on a website /in a newspaper. 3. Brenda / Thomas's the writer ofthe review. @ cotracks 2 Listento the complete conversation and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. 1 Brenda thinks the film Talk of the Town is. A very good. B not good C very funny 2 Brenda thinks the review of Talk of the Town is... A very good. B wrong € not good. 3. Thomas says the good thing about White Nightsis.. A how longitis. B thekind ofsto C theactors. 4. Thomas likes sad films that ‘A have good stories. B are really long € abitboring. 5 Brenda prefers to watch films thatare .. A sad. B happy. C different. and very again at Grammar database 8 on page 148 before doing these exercises. Tick (V) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct word. = A F 2 = 3 Ei 4 This question's too difficult - but I know the answer, You're talking too fast - I can't understand you. This book’s very long - I can't finish it, This article's too short, but it doesn't need more words. This jacket’s very small, but I can wear it, Tm too tired, but I'm going out to play. Write sentences using too, asin the example. (Chinese is very hard and I can't learn it, Chinese is too hard to learn, “Mis Niles is very old and she can't ski. The article's very short and we cant use it. a She's ve ‘Evan writes very badly and they can't read his work y young and she can't have a car. Is very carly and we cant go to bed. Read the dialogue and choose the correct word or phrase. What do you think of Martin's maths article on the new school website, Paul? Hmm. Well, its over 2,000 words long. Its (1) very/ too long to read! Yes, know, But he writes very (2) good / well, don't you think? Tm sure he does. He’ (3) too / very smart and I like Martin a lot. But maths is too difficult (4) for meto// that I do Yeah, OK. Do you like the poems on the website? Yes, Ido, The poems are very (5) good / well and Ilove reading them. And they're (6) too / very short, so you can read them very (7) quick / quickly. Do you know who's writing these poems? No, I don't. Do you? Yes... its me! Why don't you write your name? T'm (8) too / very scared to write it! If people think the poems are bad, I don't want them to know I'm. writing them! 5 Ft = 4 et Ht fy ed "a Quick check choose the correct answer. 1 Do we use question words to ask questions where the answer is yes or no? yes / no Which is correct? When do you live? / Where do you live? / both Which is correct? Who's your maths teacher? / What's your maths teacher? / both Can we use very for negative things? yes/no Can we use fo0 to describe something positive or negative? yes / no Which is correct? This article’ too long but [like it. / This article’ very long but [ike it. both “A writing 1 Match the questions with the correct answers to make an interview with a famous actor. Who is your favourite actor? How old are you? Where do you live? Why do you live there? When do you usually start work in the morning? How do you choose a good film? ‘Of your two best films, which film do you prefer~ ee The Face or The Last Teacher? ME amolsan ‘When can we see your next film? Kenneth Green answers ‘our questions. a Atsix o'clock. I wake up very early! b This summer. 'm in Sports Story, a film about a football player. ¢ The Last Teacher. Itsa fun film! 427. € Because its lovely and its in the centre of London. £ Well, there are many actors Ilike. I think Jan McKellen is my favourite. Hea very good actor! g In London. My house is in the area of Covent Garden. h I think about the story inthe film. Iflove it, then itsa film I want to be in, 2 Look at the questions and answers. Rewrite the answers using short answers. Use the short answers from exercise 1 as examples to follow. 1 Where do you live? I live in Covent Garden, In Covent Garden, 2 How old are you? I'm fifteen years old 3. Why do you live in London? I live there because it lovely. 4 When do you usually wake up? I wake up at eight oclock 5. When can we see your next film? My next film comes out this spring, 6 Which film do you prefer - The Game or Summer Love? Iprefer The Game. Pete ale ye Cty d the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. Joanne, what are you doing? : Tm reading a (1) ofa play at the Grand Theatre. Oh, yes. I've seen it. In my (2) it wasa very good play. ‘Well, I'm glad to hear that. I'm (3) tired of bad plays! Listen, do you want to go with me to the shopping centre later today? ‘Oh, I don't know. I dontt really like going to the shopping centre. There are so many (4) walking around there, and the shops are so (5) —. Its very loud too. Everyone’ always (6) —! Its not that bad. They've got ots of (7) things and I haven't got much money. : Let’ go to the bookshop then. I want to buy a nice (8) _ book for my holidays. Oh, where are you going? 2: My family and I are going to Spain next week. Oh, great! Well, [hope you (9) yourself! je: ‘Thanks! Now let's go shopping and get a good book! reporter B calendar C review programme _B opinion C interview speaking B enjoying C getting customers B lifts C escalators flat B thin C busy lying B whispering C shouting huge B cheap C wide thick B square € round speak B say C enjoy Put the verbs into the present continuous. i, George, it's Paul. Martin and I (10) ______ (go) to the music shop. Do you want to come? We (11) —___(walk) down Walter Street at the moment. Martin (12) ___(eat) a really good ‘sandwich from the baker’ I (13) ________ (wear) my T-shirt from Spain. We (14) = have) a very nice time. We (15) _____(turn) onto Main Street right now. Oh, there’ John! He (6) __(stand) by the bus stop. Now he (17) ______—_ (wave) at us. Call me when you get this message. Bye!” ‘Choose the correct word or phrase. Janet is buying herself /hhers a new TV. Its Ben and Rachel’ birthday. Let’ get them / themselves something. like these shirts. How much are them / they? That's not your pencil. I's mine / my. How many / What time people are coming to the party? Why / What does your dad drive you to school? When / How do you do your homework so fast? This book's too / very boring but I have to read it for school. 8 > Es A 2 6 The Travel Bug! '} Reading L Read the text about Zara's trip and for each question, choose the correct answer, ABorC. 1 Zarais writing A ablog. B inadiary. C apoem, 2 Zara wasaway ... A onJuly22nd B aweekago. C fortwo weeks. 3. Zarawrites about A. some of the trip. B mostofthe trip. C allofthe trip. 4 Zaracant believe . A. Buffalo was nice. B she went to Buffalo. C she'shome, 2 Read the text again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Zara was on holiday for seven days. T/F TE 3 Zara went to Buffalo with four other people. TE 4 Zara got to Buffalo early in the morning, TE 5 Buffalo's roads have got alot of cars on them, TE 6 Buffalo isn't very big. TIE 7 Zara’s hotel wasn't cheap. ve 8 Zarawasonthe ferry foranhour, —T/F 9 Siobhan was unhappy onthe tour, T/F 10 Zara got her friend a present. TE Saturday, July 22nd Hello! | was very busy last week, so I didn’t have a minute to write until today. Don’t be unhappy ~ tm hhere now! | want fo tell you about my trip to Buffalo, UBA. | can't believe | was there ~ and for 4 whole week. Buffalo was amazing! The people were very nice and, of course, they speak English like we do here in London, England. Here's what | did on my holiday, Mum, Dad, my cousin Siobhan and t arrived on Friday night at eleven o'clock - | was very tired, but very excited. We got a taxi to the Holiday Hotel. Its in the centre of the city, soit was easy 0 find. There was. 4 lot of traffic. though. Buffalo isn’t the capital city of the USA, but it is 4 huge city, Our hotel was nice and very close to the sights we wanted fo visit. It was expensive - Dad wasn't very happy about that! The next day, on Saturday, we went on a tour of the ‘Niagara River. lt was 4 forty-five minute tour and it was fantastic, Siobhan doesn’ like ferries, so she didn’t have fun at all! She likes shopping, though, so afier the tour we went to a gigantic shopping centre. | got a very nice T-shirt - i's got a picture of Buffalo on it, | also got some postcards for my best friend, Safi. We went to explore the city and saw lots of really tall buildings. There were tourists everywhere but it was a great day. {'m feeling tived now - more tomorrow! 4 wordpower! 3 Write a word from the box in each gap. [ capital « Quide « sights « tickets « tour « tourists « traffic « trip « vie 1 Iwent to New York ~ there were noisy ___ everywhere! 2 The hotel is very close to the many _I want to visit. 3 There's alot of __ today. The roads are very busy. 4 What is the __city of the UK? 5 How many___ have you got for the play? 6 We were right at the top, so the ___of the river was fantastic! 7 Wedidn't havea tour __to tell us about the old buildings. 8 Did you have fun on your __to Washington? 9, Welcome! I hope you enjoy today’s___ of Greenwich Village. 4 Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one. ‘There are so many guide to visit in New York! ‘There’ always a lot of tour on this road in the morning, ‘The trip arrived late at night - they were very tired, Our tour tickets is telling us about the city. When did you go on your tourists to America? We need to get three sights for the concert. Petros, what's the view city of the USA? Tm right at the top of the building, so I've got an amazing capital of the lake. Let's go on a traffic of Washington. Past simple: basicirregular verbs Look again at Grammar database 9 on page 148 before doing these exercises. 1 Write the past simple of these verbs. 1 be 2 come 3 give 4 get 5 go 6 have 7 make 8 see 9 take 10 do Ey FE) a i E = uw The Travel Bug! 2 Match each question (1-10) with an answer (a). 1 Where was she lastnight? 2 When did you come to New York? __ 3. Whatdid you give her for her birthd 4 What time did they get to their hotel? __ s 6 ‘Where did your cousin, Bob, go last week? When did we have dinner? 7 What did she make for lunch?__ ‘What did you see at the top ofthe Empire State Building? Did you take any photographs? mean ge Soe When did you do your homework? She was ata concert. ‘We saw the river and lots of ferries. Yes, I took thousands! Tcame three days ago. He went to Washington, ‘They got there at about half past eleven. g She made hot dogs! h I gave hera ticket for a play. i Idid itan hour ago. J Wehad dinner an hour ago. 3 Write the verbs in the correct form. Last week, my grandmother (1) ______ (come) to visit us in America. I'm very close to her, so it was lovely. And she (2) __ (give) me a present ~ she always (3) __ (give) me presents, She hasn't got alot of money, but she loves shopping and getting people things. This present (4) ___ (be) very big, so I was very excited! It was a computer! Grandma (5) ____ (get) me my first computer! I was very happy when I (6) ____(see) it and I immediately (7) ____ (take) it to my bedroom. Yesterday, I (8) ___(go) to the florists. They (9) ___ (have) some lovely flowers there and I got my grandmother twelve red ones, They (10)_____ (make) her feel very special. choose the correct word or phrase. 1 The tourists went on a tour now/ this morning. 2. Did the tour guide come to your hotel yesterday /at the moment? 3 Mum made lunch this afternoon / now. 4. Didhe take a lot of photos right now / last week? 5 Igave him his ferry ticket this morning / at the moment. 6 We had hot dogs for dinner now /Iast night. Wordpower! plete the table with words from the box. * Brazil « China + Denmark + Egypt « France « Georgia gary + India + Japan + Kenya « Latvia + Mexico + Norway Poland + Qatar + Russia + Spain « Turkey + Ukraine ezuela * Wales » Yemen + Zimbabwe Sart a eDTrack 6 © cotracks to three people talking about travel and 2 Listen to the last speaker again and complete ‘each question, choose the correct answer, the gaps. Borc. took trip with all of his family Right B Wrong. C Doesn't say a arak’s mum wants to goto Turkey again. A Name of hotel: The Great () Right B Wrong C Does 4 Claudia didn't have fun all the time on the =a tour = @e everynight Right B Wrong, € Doesntsay ag the tour guide on Syivie’s bus made her sad. a : Right B Wrong C Doesn't say : ce orice ch es); had lunch at the hotel every day. - 24 Durban (4) Right B Wrong C Doesntsay = =F and Fritz went swimming a lot. = Close to all the (5) Right B Wrong C Doesn't say qa q 4 EL) a & ‘3 Fs = Past simple: regular verbs and more irregular verbs Look again at Grammar database 10 on page 149 before doing these exercises. 1 match. 1 begin a drove 2 drive b said Seeetu found 4 find d left 5 fly e told 6 leave f began 7 meet__ g wrote 8 say h met 9 tell i visited 10 write ji flew 11 visit__ k ate 2 choose the correct word or phrase. Bob and Marge are visiting / visited Poland last summer. Did they enjoy their trip? Yes, they did / did enjoy. Anetta told / tell her best friend about my hotel. Did the tour began / begin an hour ago? Wedidn't didn’t ate / didn't eat my lunch. didn’t visited Washington on our tour: He writed / wrote me a letter last night. Did he visited / Did he visit you on Sunday? Write the verbs in the past simple. ‘They ____ (drive) all round the city yesterday. Look! 1 Martha____(leave) London yesterday. She's in New York now. (find) my camera. Kevin __(eat) his hot dog an hour ago. We —______ (fly) back on a plane from Oman last night, ‘The tour guide ___(tell) the tourists a funny story. I (meet) a nice girl on the ferry in Turkey. ‘The tour___ (begin) early in the morning. the text and for each question, choose correct answer, A, BorC. Ta eee 4 ee ss a can’t believe I’m in India! I was very busy ettyen B = ic ou told J hast: weeks 45 Gl) oe ioeau lay trig sate y to tell you about it now, though! Tt (2) Began C begins ‘two days ago. T (3) on a huge plane from fy © ftw London to Mumbai. Twas on the plane for a lot of hours. I (4) a taxi and went to find B finds © found my hotel. I was very tired, so I immediately met B meet C meeted went to sleep. The next day I got up and went , oa ea {o the sciming pool. (5) — a nice girl : ‘Tom Anerica there. She (6) me about some drived B drove C drives anrring sights in atl Seip fa visited B visit € visits 50 we (7) __ all round the city and (8) —_ ee sone of then - fantastic! Well, that’s all for now. t (9) lunch this afternoon, so I’m Ididsay —B SayT C Did Isay hungry. (10) _ they’ve got delicious meals at my hotel? Write soon, Margarite Quick check se the correct word or phrase. use the past simple to talk about single complete events in the past. yes/no fe use both regular and irregular verbs in the past simple. yes / no ‘ch one is correct? They were there yesterday. / They be there yesterday. / both ich one is correct? Did Mum made this? / Did Mum make this? past simple of come is comed / came. ch one is correct? Did you begin your trip yesterday? / Did you began your trip yesterday? / both fe don't use now / last week with past simple. ch one is correct? Did you visit America? Yes, I was. / No, I didn't. / both Writing \d the text and for each question, e the correct answer, A, Bor C. at kind of texts it? areview ofa play a postcard describing a place ascary short story Hello, omic! alfa is fantastic! Last wee, we drove from ‘New Yor to Calfrnia. We wee in our fn car for Giselle’s dad hours every day ~ i was so boring ~ and everynight es. 1 as very tred. But now we're ere and lam happy and very excited! America a gigantic country end is Giselle? ere is Giselle Califor is huge If very ht here now. ulna oo inacar fot ~ 1 dont mind this weather | tink i's gret Our in New York hotels amazing. bas go bg cieularevimning in California pool = 1 90 swimming «lo. {alo at alt! The meals here a the hotel are delicious, My dad said they were ‘apensive, but Mum told me they were cheap. ee you soon, Giselle \d the text again and lerline all the adjectives. SOc | World of Pets! Maria, 12 Mexico City, Mexico I've got two pet mice and their names are Luisa and Rosa. Luisa’s white and she's got small red eyes and small feet. She’s only about 2 months old. Rosa isa brown mouse. I'm not sure how old she is. All| know is that she’s Luisa’s mother! Luisa’s father was ‘a white mouse, so that's why she's white. | haven't got Luisa’s father any more or her brothers and sisters because | gave them to my brother José. But ''m happy with just the mother and the daughter! Joseph, 14 Melbourne, Australia We've got three dogs in our family ~ Angel, Lulu and Coco. They're sisters actually! We got them when, they were puppies, and they're three years old now. They like to run outside and play with the ball. They like to play inside the house too, but we don't usually Have you got a pet? Send us a blog ‘entry and tell us your story! We'd love to hear all about it! let them inside. They usually stay outin the garden where they sleep and eat. When its really cold in the winter, they can come inside and sleep in the living room. They/re very good dogs, and I'm really glad we've got them. Sue Li, 13 Hong Kong, China Ive gota strange pet —a butterfiy! its a very beautiful pet, with blue, green, biack and white colours. | got a butterfly as a pet because my Parents said no to dogs and cats. They don't like them because they say they're not good for the house. And we haven't got a big house or a big garden, so the only kind of pet I can have is a small one. | ike butterflies because they are very interesting to look at. | got this one a few weeks ago, and I'm thinking of getting another one really soon. 1. Read the blog entries and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. 1 The blogentries are about animals... A atzoos. B inhomes, 2. The website is for people from A Mexico. B Australia. 3. The website lets you about animals. A read B write C in forests, C many places. C read and write 2 Read the entries again and write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. 1 The colour of Maria's pet mouse Rosa is 2 Maria gave Luisa’ father to her- 3. Joseph’ family got their dogs when they were 4 Joseph's dogs sleep inside the house in the 5 Sue Li’ parents said she can't have a cat or a 6 Sue Li thinks butterflies are very to watch, A Wordpower! 3B Match to make sentences. When youlick something that elephants live for about 60 years. that mouse is! and she always remembers our names. a Look at how cute b c It’s fact__ d inits lifetime, e f Shes got a good memory 1 2 3 4 5 People’ teeth grow when they are children. 6 A crocodile loses over 3,000 teeth __ you can taste it too. 4 1 For each question, choose the correct word, A, Bor C. My dog has got a great __ for people. A lifetime B fact C memory 2. Goldfish can remember things for months. That's an interesting A fact. B memory, life. 3 People alot when they're young, but not when they're old, A put B grow € taste 4 Mice can have lots and lots of baby mice in their .. A memory. B time. C lifetime, 5 My cat loves to__ my hands. A grow B eat € lick 5 Write a word from the boxin each gap. fact + grow « lick «lifetime » memory + sweet Horses are amazing animals! They have a great (1) _______and they can remember people, places and things that happen to them during their whole (2)____. They are quite friendly too. They aren't often scared of people and they can (3) ___food froma persons hand while they stand in front of them. They are very (4)_____ animals when they are young. They really like to play! They (5) ____quite fast and they become adults after about four or five years. An interesting (6)____ is that horses only sleep for about three hours aday, and they usually sleep while they are standing. Imagine people doing that! No need for beds! Regular and irregular plurals Look again at Grammar database 11 on page 149 before doing these exercises. ick (V) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct word. Both dogs and cats have got four leg. ‘The two child are playing with the ponies at the zoo. How many fish are in this lake? _ My uncle's got a lot of sheeps on his farm, These box are for the animals to sleep in, ‘The horses sometimes eat all the cherry off the trees. 6 FS 3 3 ES = 3 E = Es 2 Write the wordsin boldin the correctform. 1 Whoare the ___(man) that work at this 200? 2 The mother lion is taking care of her two_____ (baby). 3. How many (kitten) has your cat got? 4 When we become __ (adult), we stop growing. 5. Are those two_____ (woman) part of the same family? 6 How many ___(human) are there in the world? 3 write sentences in the plural 1 Mouse / have got / four / foot 2. Crocodile / have got /70 / tooth = 3. Goldfish / have got / good / memory - 4. Puppy /have got /cute/ face 5 Fly/have got / small / mouth 6 Many / animal / have got / tongue = 4 Write. a word from the box in each gap in the plural. butterfly + colour + country day + garden « size | We often see (1) ____flying round in the spring. They fly round our (2)_____ going from one flower to the next. They come in many beautiful (3) ____, such as yellow, blue, red and orange, and a single butterfly has usually got three or four: They also come in different (4) Some are quite small, while others are large. It's the large ones that are often very beautiful. They sometimes travel through many different (5) ___ in their lifetime. A butterfly that lives in Mexico in the winter flies to America and Canada when the weather becomes warm. So, when we see this butterfly in a northern country, we know the (6)___are getting warmer and summers on the way. Wordpower! ‘of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to ‘the incorrect one. carit run up an elephant - its very big! can jump this button and the animals will get food. it pull the puppy ~ keep it in your hands! horse can drop really fast! Fyou see a crocodile in a river, just slowly put away! are small but they can walk very high. chick is very cute — I don't want to pick it down! it push our dog's tail -he gets very angry! \d the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. ss and cats are wonderful pets, but they can be difficult sometimes. Dogs often (1) around the for hours and hours when they're excited. They can (2) you down the street when you take them ide. Cats can (3) all over your homework and get it dirty, and dogs can just eat it! Both dogs and cats, (4) —up ona tableif there's food on it. And when you (5) food on the floor and your dog’saround, ;gone in seconds. A big dog can (6) _ you down when it jumps on you! But really, we love both dogs cats because they're fun to (7) upand hold, And sometimes we never want to (8) them down use we love them so much! drop B push C run jump B pull C pick walk B push C drop push B pick jump B drop € push B push C pick pick B walk C run jump BB push € put © cotracks n to the beginning of a conversation 2 Listen tothe complete conversation and ut pets and for each question, choose ‘match each person with the pet they have. ‘correctanswer, AorB. Three of the pets will not be used. thinks pythonsare . 1 Paul a goldfish nice, B notnice. 2 Fran b python jomas thinks pythons are 3: Thomas © dog cool. B scary. 4 Sasha dcat asks why Paul hasn't gota fora pet. 5 Ryan monkey dog B cat f lizard ymas thinks and cats are boring, g butterfly goldfish Bogs h mouse 6 Es é E E Articles Lookagain at Grammar database 12.0n page 150 before doing these exercises. 1 Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 gecko /pet. /is/ A / interesting /an 2 is/animal./ aye-aye/a/strange/ An 3 giraffe / the /an/‘There / adult / 200. / at/is 4 park? / elephant /a/ small / the /there /at/Is 5 enormous / There’ / garden! / an /in / python / the 6 African /TV?/an/lion/on /Is 2 Read the dialogue and write the or -| the gaps. A dash (-) means no article is necessary. What are you doing at (1) weekend, Paula? Marcy: Paula: I'm thinking about going to (2) ______z00 on (3) Sunday. They have (4) ________elephants and they doa show: [love those animals! I really want to see (5) __ elephants in that show. Marcy: That sounds fun. Thear they've got (6) _______ African monkeys there too. Td like to see (7)___monkeys there ifyou don't mind Paula: Ofcourse. Ilike (8) ___ monkeys lot too. They're (9) funny animals. It should be fun! : Good. So, shall we meet at (10) ______ten o'clock? Sounds great! I'm excited! 3 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. I really like the 200 in my city. [live in (1) London and we've got (2) amazing 200. There are (3) lions, elephants and monkeys that live in (4) beautiful gardens. My favourite animals at the zoo are (5) fish. They're very colourful and beautiful. I think (6) fish are very interesting animals in general and I've got (7) goldfish at my house ~ Ralph! I don't know if he's (8) boy, but he’ four years old, so I think he’ probably (9) adult now. Ralphis (10) _ cool pet, but hes nothing like (11) a {g0 to the 200 for (12) hour or two when Tlike, so 'm happy about that! als at the z00. Oh well, I can always lAa Bthe C- 7 Athe B- Ca 2Aa Ban C the BA- Ba Can 3 Athe B- Ca 9Athe Ban c- 4a- Ba Can wAa Bthe C- 5 Aan Ba C the M1 Athe Ban c- 6Athe Ba c- 12Aa B the Can | Quick check se the correct answer. swe use plurals when there is only one thing? yes/no ‘we use plurals when we think of things asa group? yes/no / both ich is correct? He’s got a sheep. / He’s got sheep. / both swe use a and an with specific singular nouns? yes / no swe use the with plural nouns when we are talking generally? yes / no ich is correct? Today is 15th April. / Today is the 15th April. /both Writing [hc Thank you so much for agreeing to look after Sam and Ricky this week, Here are some instructions so you know what to do: + Give Sam his cat food once a day, it the ui | ‘small red bowl in the kitchen, shemales «+ Give Ricky his dog food twice a da i ice a day, once in the morni ‘ight. Put his food in the black bowl in the garden, ae « Take Ricky for a walk once a day. Ye i | apes iy. You can take him for a walk twice a . pet forget to put water in both Sam's and Ricky's water bowls, + Make sure their food is put away in the cupboard. after you feed them, + My bird Stiles has enough food and water. but you can say hi to him if you like. Tust never lt him out of his cage! Don't forget to call if you have any troubl | ee Nate rth cig oe, thenoteandforeach | tion, choose the correct swer, Aor B. Bye for now! | Love, Harriet | suesuenienmemmemesces 2 al How long does Gary have tolookafter Harriet pets? A. aweekend B aweek What kind of pet is Sam? A acat B adog How often does Ricky get his food? A oncea day B twiceaday How many times day does Gary have to walk the dog? A. once B twice What can Gary do with Stiles ifhe wants? A lethim out ofthecage _B sayhitohim Write the imperative of each of these sentences. ‘You feed the dogs twice a day. ‘You play with the cat for twenty minutes. ‘You dor't et the lizard out of his cage. ‘You make sure there’ lots of water. ‘You don't forget to put the food away ( = = E (oa Ce Ter 1-1 Oa Leo) 1 Write one word from the box in each gap. Africa « facts « lick « lifetime « sights « trip + Zimbabwe 4 Ey g ES 5 Fy BS = F fe} Adele’s Blog Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog. Wow! I can’t believe I amin (1) ____! It’s a huge continent and (2) _______ is a lovely country. 1’m having a great | tine on ny (3) so Far. Hara’s what T did during the Grst fa days here. | We arrived on Saturday, but it was too late to go and visit the (4) on ‘Sunday morning our tour guide arrived at the hotel and took us to see some strange animals. We saw some crocodiles! She told us some interesting (5) ________ about. them. A crocodile’s tongue is stuck to the bottom of its mouth, so it can eat you, but it can’t (6) _______you! oh, and she told us that a crocodile’s teeth fall out all the time. A crocodile grows about 3,000 teeth in its (7) 7 marks 2 choose the correct word or phrase. 8 The childs / children went to the park yesterday 9 Let's go ona tourat the/a weekend. 10 Did he tell you his birthday is on - / at Monday? 11 Oh, no! There are two mice/ mouses in my bedroom. 12 Ispent an /a hour feeding the chicks and ducks. 13 Wearrived in New York at - / the eight otlock. 14 Did you eat cherries /cherrys for lunch? 15 That crocodile has got lots of tooths / teeth! Smarks 3 Rewrite to make questions and negative sentences. 16 Mumand Dad flew to India last week. 17 You and Tom were late for the tour this morning. 18 You made hot dogs for dinner last night. 19 Hans and Peter went to visit Times Square at five o'clock. 20 Betty was in the capital city of the USA this summer. 10 marks Total:__/25 marks the Airport! ithe article and match the people to what they do ( ).There is one letter you do not need to use. hey Work so Airports Work! |wasa child, ike many little boys andairls, |wanted Pilots and light attendantshave what | liketo call ‘sky ea pilot. Itwasmy dreamtoflyallroundtheworldin jobs”. Butwhat: ‘about the people who have ‘ground jobs? sigexpensive plane. Well, I'manadult now, and I'mnot Let's lookat an airport ‘mechanic's job. Amechanic works t—I'mareporter-andtoday I'm writing aboutthe —_onall the different parts: ‘oF the plane - the engine, the entinteresting jobs there are in airports. body, the wings - andtellsthe pilot that the plane's ine to -lot'stalabitmore boutpilots OF course theyfly _[@avetheground. planes butthey do.alatmore than that.Pilotsneedto Security| ‘guards work on the ground too. They've gota ‘other people and they need toenjoyhelging them and —_veryimportant job atthe airport. ‘They look at passengers’ ding to them. passports to make sure they are who they say they are. They also look very carefully at passengers’ baggage — gona plane andthere wasnt flight attendantto they use a scanner, so they can see what people have got in you? Youcan't canyou?ARightattendentisthereto _heirboas Joyouduringthefight RaoodFighcattendantgetsthe _firportsneedall oF these people, so passengers are safe gers Food or drinks and explains to them how tostay when theyfly from place to place. Pilots, flight attendants, Fe onthe plane. mechanics and security quards workso airports work! 1 there are the flight attendants. Can you imagine What they do a a serves people on the plane attendant, __ b checks the plane for problems fhanic__ € flies the plane rity guard __,_ 4 checks who people are € cooks food for the people on the plane f gives instructions to passengers g looksat what people have with them d the article again and write a word or short phrase to answer each question. t did the writer want to be when he was young? at job does the writer do now? en does a flight attendant help people? 10 tells the pilot the plane is fine? at helps security guards know who people are? at does a security guard use to check baggage? ae ® | = a FS Fi 4 wordpower! 3 Writea word in each gap to complete the sentences. The firstletter is given to help you. I'm going to the airport early to make sure ¢__my plane. 2. Talways feel strange when the plane I'm on t____o. 3 Thousands of p. 4 Tma flight attendant. I tell people how to stay s____on the plane. ass through this airport every week. 5 Look, I've got anew p____. My photograph is lovely, isnt it? ‘The security guard is using that scanner to check our b. ‘Tell me what to do in an e_______. Please sit down, si. The plane is L 6 7 8 4 Foreach question, choose the correct answer, Aor B. 1 That is talking to the pilot of the plane. ‘A baggage B passenger 2 Its quite late. Thope Bob his plane. A catches B takesoff 3 T'mapilot. Part of my job is to__ the plane carefully A land B catch 4. My grandfather doesntt like planes. He thinks they aren't A emergency. B safe. 5. Lalways scream when the plane _~ it scares me! A takes off B catches 6 Give the security guard your__., Boris. A emergency B passport 7 Why do you need all that___for a weekend trip? A. passengers B baggage 8 Please come to my house - it's a(n) —_! ‘A emergency B passenger Countable and uncountable nouns Lookagain at Grammar database 13 on page 150 before doing these exercises. 1. Write c for countable noun and U for uncountable noun. 1 airport__ 9 furniture 2 people 10 pilot__ 3 plane 11 music 4 baggage 12 mechanic __ 5 attendant__ 13 advice 6 passport 14 air 7 water 15 drink 8 information _ 16 metre 2 Write a word or phrase from the boxin each gap. accoffee + ahair« coffee «hair « time « times « travel «travels | want you to tell me about your in India! Flight attendant! There’. in my soup! Idor'thave to help you Mechanics have short ____ for safety reasons. Let's go to that little place over there and get She loves her job, but there are. Oh no! There isn’t any My wife and I enjoy when she feels a bit bored, for Bill to drink with his breakfast. We go to a different country every year. vi A é in = 3 Read the text and choose for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. You like airports, so you think you want (1) working forabigairline, Let me give you some (2). Airports are exciting ~ they are like a small city with lots of (3)_—coming and going - but to workat an airport youneed to enjoy helping (4)__ and the other men and (5)___ that workat the airport. You also need toknow what you want to do at the airport. Do you want to be (6)__ and flya plane? Do you wantto be amechanic and check for problems with the plane's engine, wings and (7)__? Ordo youwantto bea fightattendant and serve food, (8)__andother (9)__onthe plane? Call 218-5555 for (10) __ about working for us at Stanwick Airport. We might have a job that works for you! jobs B job C ajob 2 A advice B anadvice C advices 3 A peoples B apeople C people 4A apassenger B passenger C passengers 5 A women B awoman C woman 6 A pilots B apilot C pilot 7 A abody B body € bodies 8 A coffee B coffees C acoffee 9 A adrink B drink C drinks 10 A information B informations € an information 4 wordpower 1. write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. 1 That box is made of _____and that T-shirts made of. cotton cardboard 2 Planes are usually made of ___and houses are often made of. metal wood 3. My shoes are made of _____ and my socks are made of. leather cotton 4 The child’ litte plane is made of ___. It’ safe to play with its not made of, glass plastic 5 This is my dad's watch, It’s not made of ______. It’s made of _____, leather and metal glass rubber 2 choose the correct word to complete the text. Hello and thank you for fiying with us today. In Airline Magazine there are some interesting ideas for presents for those at home. Let me tell you about some of our special offers. First, for the children, we've got these cute little planes. The plane’s wings are made of (1) plastic / glass and the plane’s body is made of (2) cotton / ‘metal. These planes are fun, and safe to play with. Here I've got men’s watches. Look! This part is made of (3) glass / wood and this part is made of real (4) rubber / leather. And here I've got women’s socks — look at the amazing colours! They're made of (5) wood / cotton, so they aren't expensive — very nice! And, of course, there are these (6) metal / cardboard postcards for all your friends and family to enjoy. (9) Listening @ CDTrack9 1 Listen to three people talking about planes and airports. Match the speakers with the statements. There is one letter you do not need tose. 1 Speaker 1__ a made mistake and didn't catch a plane. 2 Speaker 2 b doesn't want to be a passenger. 3 Speaker 3__ ¢ hada problem with his/her baggage. 4. was excited when the plane took off. ophia spent time on the plane looking at magazines / passengers. incenzo was in Greece for two/ five weeks. ancenzo arrived at the airport on May fifth / sixth. jando’ parents / grandmother doesn't enjoy travelling. rammar 2 itative adjectives (some, any, many, much, alotof, no) {again at Grammar database 14 on page 150 before doing these exercises. reach question, choose the correct answer, A or B. joyou have tickets for Flight 410? Ano B any airline doesn't have __ planes on the ground right now, A many B much fe got ___ food, so you're welcome to stay for dinner. A alotof B any hhave coffee in the house for breakfast. A any Bno wer't got__ money, but we can fly to Buffalo. ‘A much B any flight attendant hasn't got time to sit and relax. A no B any iplete the tables with words and phrases from the boxes. Be carefull You need to use some of the ‘alot of + many + much countable nouns uncountable nouns Mo, sacha! "at an airport in New York City waiting For ay Might to Warsaw. Tt is a very busy airport ‘there are a (1) of people coming and going - it’s like a small city! Sterday, I took a plane from Buffalo to New York City. The plane was very small and "of the passengers were scared when we took off. There was a flight attendant fe plane, but there wasn’t (3) food at all! I had some fruit in my bag, so Isn’t too unhappy. And there wasn’t (4) water - or I don’t think there was. ‘ed (5) water and the flight attendant gave me this tiny little glass of it. T wanted sone coffee, but she said there wasn’t (6). Isn’t that strange? n't think there are (7) airlines that don’t serve things to eat, or coffee. I fed to call you last night, but I had (8) money for the phone. You know, this Iny first trip to Warsaw, so I wanted you to tell me about (9)________ interesting sights fan has got. Oh, and have you got (10) advice for me about good hotels? ite back soon, vi H Fa 7 Quick check 4 choose the correct answer. 1 Uncountable nouns often refer to ideas or materials. yes / no 2. Advice and baggage are uncountable nouns. yes / no 3. Hair and coffee are countable nouns / uncountable nouns / both. 4. Which one is correct? Your information is /are correct 5 Which one is correct? I've got some / any money. 6 Which is correct? I’ve got alot of water. / P've got a lot of friends. / both 7 Weuse any in negative statements / questions / both. 8 We use much / many with uncountable nouns. 1 complete the description with phrases from the box. in the background « inthe foreground + ontheleft | ‘This is a picture ofa scene in an airport. It isa very busy airport and there are a lot of passengers coming and going. (1) —_____, some people are sleeping - perhaps they are waiting fora flight. They have got a Jot of baggage. Itisall around them. (2) —_____, there are a lot of passengers. They look tired. Perhaps their plane landed a short, time ago. They are waiting for their baggage. (3) _______, there are people eating and drinking coffee and other drinks. Perhaps they are waiting for a flight, or they might be waiting for planes to land. (4) ____ there isa security guard. He is talking to a passenger. He is checking her passport to see that she is who she says she is. Perhaps she is at the airport to catch a plane. 2 Foreach question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. 1 What is the best title for the description? 2 Paragraph 1 describes. A ALong Trip ‘A. what isin the back of the picture. B An Airport Scene B something that is missing from the picture, C No Passengers C the scene in general. icky Escapes! d the newspaper articles and for each question, se the correct answer, A, Bor C. {Strange accident happened at Mitchell's department yesterday. A car drove into the front window and ded inside the shop. For some reason, the driver fell Jeep while he was driving the car. The man woke up en the car went through the window. Shoppers were scared by the accident, but they ran before the car the window. The driver was very lucky that no-one gs hurt in the accident. driver fell asleep .. ‘after the accident. before the accident. B during the accident. rene etc Cue Pe teen et rag talking on his mobile phone when the accident »ened. He drove the bus off Long Street and into a spaper stand. Ten people were waiting for the bus time of the accident and there were five people eee corny ea cea a bus driver was talking on his mobile phone .. before the accident. both before and at the time of the accident. weather caused many accidents around town is morning. Acar crash happened in the Forest Grove area at 8.35am. Awoman was driving her ‘when another car hit her from behind. Another ecident happened in the city centre at 9.15am en a truck drove into a car, The driver wasn't ‘able to see where he was going. A third accident happened on High Street at 11.05am when the “driver hit a tree that was lying in the street. ch accident had only one car? the first B thesecond C thethird B atthe time of the accident. on his boat today. He was sailing in Greece when bad weather caused problems. At the time there were two other boats near him and the weather caused the boats to move closer. ‘The two other boats hit each other, but Law's | boat was allright. After 20 minutes, the r ‘Actor Julian Law nearly had an accident ‘weather got better and Law was able to make itback to land safely 4 Law travelled back to land ... A. when the weather got bad. B when the two boats hit each other. C when the weather got better. © Actor Luke Grant was in an accident today while walking through Kensington Park. A ‘man ona bicycle was trying to take a picture of him. When the man got close to Grant, he fell off his bike and onto Grant. Both fell to the ground. The accident didn’t upset Grant, though. He laughed and told the man to get off his bike before he decides to take pictures. 5. What was Grant doing when the man fell onto him? A ridingabike B walking C taking picture 2 Read the articles again and match the headings with each article. 1 Not Safe at Sea__ 2. A Moving Picture 3 ABad Phone Call 4 One Morning, Three Accidents 5 Asleep at the Wheel __ 8 4 wordpowe 3 choose the correct word. 1 Sarah was upset / successful about the accident she had yesterday Michael knocked / got outa bicycle when he was walking to work the other day Lisa hada car escape /crash this morning, butt wasn't serious T'm trying to knock / get out ofthe car, but the door won open! Donna left her small town and became a(n) extremely / successful singer. ‘That car almost hit you! You're successful / lucky you didn’t get hurt. She didnt want to talk to Tom, so she made her crash / escape through the back of the café Its lucky / extremely difficult to drive in the snow, 4 Write a word from the boxin each gap. [ crash « escape « extremely « getting out « knocked « lucky + successful + upset Francis: Kevin, are you OK? I heard about your car (1) Kevin: I'm fine, Francis, thanks. It wasn't serious. I was really (2) Francis: That's good. Iwas (3) ___ when Theard about it. What happened? Kevin: I was driving home from work when I saw Louis Porter (4) ____ of his car. Francis: Louis Porter? I've heard that name. Ishe a (5) ____ baseball player? Kevin: _ Yes! I stopped the car when I saw him, but another car hit me. The driver (6) —_____ my car into the middle of the street, then he left! Francis: Did he ask you if you were OK? Kevin: No! It seemshe wanted to make a quick (7) ___. Twas (8)___ angry about that, but I got to meet Louis Porter, and I wasn't hurt, Past continuous Lookagain at Grammar database 15 on page 151 before doing these exercises. 1. Write a verb from the box in each gap. Use the past continuous. ook + drive « laugh + not play « not travel «ride + sail « watch 1 They The Great Escape on TV last night. 2 She ___heer bike really fast down the street. 3 Ralph__inhisboat when the storm came. 4 Icalled you yesterday but you___ dinner. 5 We by bus on the day of the accident - we were walking, 6 1___really hard at the funny joke. 7 They____Samis car into the mountains. 8 We_ football yesterday because it was very hot. Choose the correct word or phrase. She got / was getting out of the car when the driver stopped. They were filming / filmed the sleeping lion when it woke up. ‘Kyle and Mark fished / were fishing when Mark fell out of the boat. ‘The dog jumped off the table when Mary came / was coming into the room. George drove / was driving to work when he saw a bad crash The driver made a mistake and was turning / turned down the wrong street. ‘word or phrase. The kids played in the park when it started to rain. Jill was answering the phone when it began to rin “The fans were taking pictures while the singer was signing autographs. Jake rode his bike when he hit the tree, Did Linda scream when she was seeing the dangerous animal? __ Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. still be on the mountain in the car! A was driving B weredriving drove A seeing B was seeing C saw ‘A wasstopping _B stopped C were stopping A get B got C was getting ‘A wassleeping —_B slept C sleeping A was getting B weregetting got A walked B was walking C walking |A was decided B decided C was deciding |A wasthrowing —_B throws C threw A runs B wasrunning Cran Tick (V) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct Ryan ran down the field when Martin jumped on him and knocked him down. Our holiday last week was great, but we had quite a scary time one day. We (1) through the mountains and enjoying the day when my dad (2) something very strange in the middle of the road. He (3) the car in front of it because we weren't able to drive around it. While he (4) __ out of the car, the thing in the road started to move. It was a great big bear! I think it (5) in the middle of the road when we arrived. My dad (6) __ back into the car when he saw it move. The bear stood up, (7) over to our car and looked right at us. I was so scared! Then my mum (8) to give the bear our sandwiches. She (9) __ them out of the window as faras she could, and while the bear (10) __to get them, we left! I'm so glad we had some food with us, or we would 8 Z Ey tJ a (4 Wordpower! 1 Write a letter in each gap to complete the words or phrases. The first letter is given to help you. 1 Thisis something two people do with their hands when they meet or say goodbye, s—____ ‘Thisis something you do with your head when you mean ‘yes. n____ Thisis something you do with your mouth to show that you love someone. k_____ ‘Thisis something you do with your hand when you want to say ‘hi’ to someone who is faraway. wise is something you do with your finger when you want to show something to someone. —— 6 This is something you do when your move your head quickly from side to side, s______ 2 Use words from Exercise 1 in the correct form to complete the dialogue. Jimmy: You'l never geta taxi in this rainy weather, Fran! Fran: Dont worry. ll put my hand up and (1) ___ at one of them. Jimmy: There’ one right there! Oh, no, Never mind, He's (2) ___his head, He’ not stopping, Fran; What if we move to another street? There are taxis over there, Do you see where 'm (3) ___with my finger? Jimmy: Wait, think this taxi will stop. Yes, hes (4) ____ his head Fran: I'mso glad. If really raining now! Jimmy: OK, well, lets (5) ____hands before you leave. Fran: Oh, comeon, Jimmy! We know each other better! (6) ___ me on the cheek and I'llbe on my way (9) Listening e CDTrack 10 1 Listen to two teenagers talking and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Trevor was travelling on a train with his mum and dad. TE Trevor learned about his lucky escape while he was reading the news. TIE ‘Monica was travelling on a boat that was returning to England. TE Monica felt sick after her mum said she saw land. TIF Monicss boat trip was only 15 minutes ong, VE Trevor thought Monica's boat trip seemed exciting. TE @ cotrack10 2 Listen to the conversation again and complete the gaps. 1 Trevor was travelling on a train through 2. Trevor got off the train and stayed in a town for one 3. Monica was travelling with her mum and during her lucky escape. 4 Monica's mum saw land from the _________ of the boat. 5 Monica now thinks the boat ride was. 6 Monica says she will only travel by boat again if the ______is shining. Piel lit led Short answer forms Lookagain at Grammar database 16 on page 151 before doing these exercises. 1 Each of the words in boldis incorrect. Write the correct words on the lines. Were you walking home when you saw the crash? Yes, were, Did Martin see the accident? Nojhe wants ee 3 Can youcall the police right now? Yes, Lam. 4 Was he talking on the phone when he dropped it down the hole? No, he didn't 5 Iheard you fell off your bike. Are you OK? Yes, Iwas. 6 Did you tell your mum what happened? Yes, Itold. 7 Were they sitting in the park when it started to rain? No, they wasn't. 8 Have you got the number for Stanley's parents? Yes, Ido, ] fi Answer the questions with short answers. Yes for (V) and No for (x). Did you meet the famous singer? (¥) Was she signing autographs? (V) Were you able to get an autograph? (¥) Are you going to her concert tonight? (X) Can we go fora walk in the park? (¥) Do you think that it will rain? (7) Have you got an umbrella? (x) Should we buy one on the way to the park? (X) eu saHeuneN 3 Write word in each gap to complete the dialogue. Evan: (1)____ you talking to David yesterday when I called you? Sue: Yes, 1(2)____.. Did you know he went on a trip to South Africa? Evan: No, (3) ____ didnt! Did he tell you how it went? Sue: Yes, (4) __ did. He said it was amazing, He took a boat trip with his parents while he (5) ____ staying there and they sawa huge whale. Can you believe it? Evan: No, (6) ___! How did they see it? ‘They (7) ______sailing in the ocean and it just jumped out of the water. Did David get a picture of it? Sue: No, he (8)____! Bute was happy that he saw a whale for the first time. Are there whales near England? Evan: Yes, (9)____are! There was one in London actually. It(10) swimming in the River Thames. Wow! ® A Quick check 4 choose the correct answer. 1 Do we use the past continuous to show that something was in progress when something else happened? yes/no Can we use the past continuous with the past simple in the same sentence? yes / no Which is correct? She was working when I called. / She worked when I called. / both Do we use short answers when we want to give a polite answer? yes/ no Do we always put the main verb of question in the short answer? yes / no Which answer is correct for this question: Do we have to go now? Yes, we do. / Yes, we have. / both ty r > 1 Read the story and put the events in order. Last weekend, my friends and | decided to visit the city 200. My friend Marcy was taking pictures. When. we were near the elephants, something really funny happened. One of the elephants was standing near the front. Marcy told us to stand in front of itso she could take a picture. We walked over to the elephant and turned toward Marcy. Marcy got ready to take the picture, Then something scary happened, Marcy was. looking through her camera when the elephant. made a really loud sound. My friend Jessica started to scream! We moved away from the elephant very quickly. Later we looked at the picture. Both the elephant's. and Jessica's mouths were wide open! Itwas a great picture and | laughed really hard! 1 The writer and her friends stood in front of an elephant. 2 One of the writer’ friends screamed. 3 The writer and her friends were looking at pictures. _ 4. Marcy got ready to take a picture of her friends. 5 The writer and her friends visited the elephants. 6 ‘The writer decided to visit the z00 with friends. 1 2 1 3 Read the story again and choose the correct word or phrase. ‘This story happened during the week / at the weekend. ‘The writer / writer’s friend was taking pictures of animals. ‘The elephant in the photo was standing close to the front / far away. Marcy / Jessica screamed when the elephant made a loud sound. Only the writer / The writer and her friends moved away from the elephant. The writer thought the picture was seary / Funny. — Check your progress! | Units 7-8 1. choose the correct word or phrase. Airports can be difficult, I travelled to Rome with my family last month, I was very excited when 5 4 3 3 FE 6 the plane (1) landed / took off in Rome but after we got inside the airport, I was quite angry and (2) successful / upset. We got off the plane and the security guard checked my (3) baggage/ passport. He looked at the photo and he started to (4) shake / wave his head. He didnt think it was me! I was (5) upset /Iucky because my dad was there to talk to him. The security guard let me go, so we got our (6) baggage / passenger and left. After our holiday was over, we had another problem at the airport. They put my bags through the scanner and they saw sharp (7) metal / cotton objects inside. They said the objects could hurt another (8) emergency / passenger on the plane, and I had to leave them! I was (9) extremely / lucky sad as these were the gifts for my friends! I was glad when the plane (10) took off /Ianded and we left for home. Thad fun in Rome, but I didn't like the airport at ll! TO marks 2 Putthe verbs into the past simple or past continuous. My friend Jason and I (11) (12) ___(ee) a strange accident. A man (13) ___ (drive) his car down a busy (walk) through the city centre the other day when we street when a woman suddenly (14) ___ (run) in front of his car. The man (15) ____ (not have) time to stop and he (16) ____ (hit) the woman. The woman was lucky because the man (17)___ (not go) very fast when he (18) (knock) her down. She wasn't hurt and they both felt sorry. 8 marks 3 For each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor, 19 You car‘t goin there, Paul. That bathroom is for only: A woman B women C womans 20 Treally like the they play in this club. ‘A. musics B musices € music 21 Tasked my dad for advice ona problem I had at school A any B much C some 22 There are —_ flights from London to New York every day. ‘A’ much B alot C many 23 T'msorry, but there are rooms left at this hotel A no B any € much 24 ‘Can Isee your new shoes? ‘Yes, you? A see B can C are 25 ‘Were you working when she called?’ ‘No, I__? A haven't B didnt C wasn't 7 marks Total:__/25 marks f=) Reading 1 Read the texts and for each question, choose the correct answer, A or B. 1 The two texts are ... A articles. B emails. 2 __wantsher friend’ help. A Vera B Andrea 3. Andrea is__ right now. ‘A upset B angry 2 write yes ornoto answer each question. 1 Did Andrea write to Vera yesterday? Do we know where Andrea is right now? 3 Is Andrea's party on Monday? 4 Dowe know why Andrea is having a party? 5. Did Vera's mother give her permission to go to the party? 6 Did Vera cry when she was talking to her mother? Does Vera's mum think she is too young to do some things? 8. Does Andrea know Vera’s mum? 9. Dowe know what Andrea’ relationship parents is? 10 Does Andrea give Vera advice? Friends and Family! Hi, Andrea, Thanks for your email yesterday - I’m happy youre enjoying yourself at your grandnother’s in the countryside. I’m not enjoying ayself. I am extremely angry at the moment! On Monday, T told my mum about your party on Friday, May 48th and she said I can’t go! I almost cried hen she didn’t give me permission. My mother never lets me do the things I want to. Never! It’s not fair. I argued with her, but she said ‘no. When will she let me grow up? I cannot get fon with her because she doesn’t understand me. And she doesn’t trust me. I don’t know what to do. Any advice? Write soon, } vera Hello, Vera, Twas very upset when I read your email this morning. I’m sad that you’re having problems: with your mum. She always seems so nice when I talk to her. Perhaps you have to try and see things from her side. She worries about you, so she doesn’t allow you to do some things. Remember that to her, you’re her Little girl! T have an idea, though. I hope enough to do things like go to parties and out with your friends. Perhaps you can ask your: dad to drive you to my party and then home again. I think your mum might say yes to this arrangement - you can ask. Write back and j} tell me what happens. Good luck! | Andrea SSRN 4 Wordpower! 3 Each of the words in boldis in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one. 1 Iwantto come, but [need my dad to get his permission first. 2 They said I can't go. Its not relationship! 3 Her parents trust her, so they grow her do what she wants. er 4 Don't allow with me, Tarek. I said no! 5 Can you believe his parents don't argue him to go to parties? 6 Let up, Benny! Why can't you be more mature? 7 I give on with Bach and Hans, but Greta is my best friend. 8 Georgia has gota very close fair with her family 3 z ] 3 g 4 Write a word from the box in each gap. allow « argue « fair « get « grow « let « permission « relationship | Lauren: Wow! You look really angry, Izza. What happened? Izza:__'mvery upset right now, Lauren. My parents wontt(1)_____me go to the school party on Friday night! Lauren: Oh, no! That's very bad news. Why didn't they give you (2)______? Iza: Because they don't want me to (3) __ up. I'm not seven years old! Wsnot (4) __! Lauren: Perhaps you have to see your (5) __ from their side. Iza: What do you mean, Lauren? I try to (6) _______on with them, but they never listen, Lauren: Do you get upset when you talk to them? Do you shout? Taxa: Yes, but.. Lauren: Try not to(7)___with them. Try to smile and explain how you feel without getting angry. Izza:_ Hmm, that might help. Lauren: Yes, and then perhaps they'll (8) ___ you to go to the school party. & 3 5 Fs A canand could Lookagain at Grammar database 17 on page 152 before doing these exercises. 1 Tick) the correct sentences. 1. Icould go to the park with you tomorrow. Mum said no. Ms Thomas, could [take this book home, please? Can you help me with this please, Mr Riggs? She can't feed the dog because she was at school. 2 3 4 5. My brother can talk until he was two years old, Now he never stops! 6 You can go to the party, but be home at ten. 7 My dad can speak Polish, but he couldnt speak German. 8 Hey, Troy, could I use your laptop? 9. No, you cannot use my video game! 10 When I was six, I could to read and write. 2 complete the gapsin the sentences with can, can't could or couldn't. 1 Hey, Mum,____T have some money? 2 You_____go until you do ll your homework. 3. Mr Rogers, Ttalk to you, please? 4 Stephan____speak English until last year. 5 Sally __come with us. Her parents gave their permission. 6 Bach______go to the concert. His parents won't let him. 7 He____talk to you right now. He’s busy. 8 you drive me to Sean's house, Dad? 9 I____ get on with that new girl! She’s nasty and rude. 10 you please stop talking, Peter? Rewrite to make questions and negative sentences. I can go to the party tonight. Can | go to the parly tonight? | can’t go to the party tonight. 2 Ivan could speak three languages when he was five. -w 3. Wecould help you with that. 4 They can take us to the restaurant, 5 You could come with us. 6 Marta can drive a car, Exercise 3 using short answers. 1No_____. 3 Yes. 5 No, 2 Ye, 14 No ==. " 6 Yes, Wordpower! 1 Rewrite the words to complete the gaps in the sentences. 1 Jacquesis frowning because he's_____(tupes) about his friend. She's __(naygr) because her parents won't give her permission to go to the play. My parents are____(rredowi) that I might fall and get hurt. Were you____(drispruse) that Wendy could speak Russian? t A Hi 3 cy Paul said Tori was coming, but Sade said Tori wasn't coming; I'm very ___(desufnoc)! Don't be ___(raesde). It’ just film! 2 3 4 5 6 2 Write awordin each gap to complete the text. The firstletteris given to help you. [ Relationships can often be difficult. However, always remember that no-one gets on well with | all their family or all their friends all the time. There are days when we get (1) a. | because our mum or our dad doesn't give us permission to do something, days when | weare (2) u___ because life doesn't seem fair. There are days when we feel | @e __ because a friend isn't talking to us, but we don't know what we did. | Don't be sad about things like that. And don’t be (4) s______that you'll lose your friend. You might be (5) s____ to learn that talking to people without shouting, without crying, and without arguing can make things better immediately. So, when you are | (6) w____ because you have a problem with your parents or your best friend, sit down and talk to them. You'll be happy you did! f@) Listening @ cotrack11 1 Listen to the conversation between a mother and her child and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Layla is talking to her mother on Monday. TE 2 Layla doesn't look happy. TE 3. Layla asks for her mother's permission. TE 4 Layla goes swimming once a week. TE 5 Susan has got a small house. TE 6 Susan’ party is on a school night. TE Susan is nearly 14 years old. TE mmenewclothes. —T/F 8 Layla wants her mum to buy is 3 5 3 ei @ cotrack11 Ce ee PLEASE COME! What: Susan's birthday (1) ! When: Saturday, (2) 12th Where: (3) Restaurant (4) 24 — Road Time: 7pm to (5) FOOD, MUSIC and FUN! Pic lilirly should, must and have to Lookagain at Grammar database 18 on page 152 before doing these exercises. 1 Puta line through the incorrect sentences. 1 Ishouldnt to goto the cinema. /I shouldn't go to the cinema. 2 Does he have to go? No, he mustn't. / No, he doesn't. 3 Wedoesn't must get tickets. / We don't have to get tickets, 4 You shouldnt shout all the time. / You not should shoutall the time. 5 Do Ihave to do the washing up, Mum? No, you shouldn't. | Yes, you do: 6 What’ the matter, Mr Robbins? You have to try harder. / You must to try harder. 7 Does Stella have to do her homework? Yes, she has. / Yes, she does. 8 You can come to the party, but you don't have to, / You can come to the party, but you mustn't. 2 putthe words into the correct order to make sentences or questions. 1 have after / look / your / Do /to/ 6 to/has /bins./the / empty / Sophia you / brother? little Do you have to look after your litle brother? : 7. permission. / to / We/ for / ask / have 2 room. / dont /have/ We / our / clean /to , 8 shouldn't / You / angry. / get 3. mustnt/ cry. /You 9 say/ you're / You/ sorry. / should 4 to/Your/talk/ must/ you. / friend ——_________ 10 to/ We/ promise /help. /must 5 I/ teacher? / Should /ask/ the ee There are three letters you do not need to use. ‘mustn't swim here. a Only pupils should run here. have to be a pupil to go on the trip. b Its nevera good idea to eat and then swim! ou shouldn't run here, ¢ Pupils must havea ticket. You don't have to buy a ticket. _ Be careful. Its not safe to run here. shouldn't swim after eating. ¢ Pupils only! £ Noswimming! g Come in! Nocos h All pupils welcome. iS ] & c] ey Quick check choose the correct answer. jo we use can and could to talk about ability and make requests? yes / no can't and cannot mean the same thing? yes / no ich one is correct? Could you to talk to her? / Could you talk to her? / both ich one is correct? You can't go. / You cannot to go. both, Do mustn't and don't have to mean the same thing? yes / no Do must and have to mean different things? yes/no or the short answers, do we-use the same modal as in the questions? yes / no After can, could, should, must and have to, do we use the bare infinitive? yes /no Vv THE PHELPS FAMILY RULES Allof us have to help around the house. Yes, that means you too, Frannie! ead the textand Duke, you don'thave to help because you're a dog Mderline all the modals. | on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Frannie has to do the washing up and Hans has to empty the bins. Hans, you mustn't forget the bin in your room! Mum must cook lunch and dinner on Saturdays and Sundays. Dad must cook dinner on weekdays. He can buy pizzas on really busy days, Hans has to feed Duke every morning and give him water. Frannie has to feed him every night. She should do it before 6pm or he gets upset. Hans, could you feed Duke for Frannie on the days she gets back late from football matches, please? These are the new rules. | couldn't think of any others. You can talk to me or ‘Mum about them. You shouldn't shout or cry when you talk to us about them, Be mature — we can solve any problems together! omplete the table with modals from Exercise 1. fee ene od ee ee Being the Best! ( Reading L Read the statements and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. Home ' Green Eggs and Ham by Or Seuss ‘character named Sam ties to get anather character fo eat green food. Sam asks ihe would eat iin a boat ora house, or witha goat ora mouse! The other character doesn't ‘want fo eat the strange food, but he eventually agrees fo do tifSam leaves him alone. After he ties the food, he decides he is it.The story fellskids that you car't know you don't ike something until you tryit 1 Inthe firsts A Right News Kids’ Corner ‘+ The Lite Engine that Could Thisisa story about a small train, or ‘engine’ that pulls avery large train ‘over a mountain, There are other trains that are bigger than the smal train, but they don't want to doit because they worry tha! the job fs too dificult. The small rain decides to do While he puls the train, he says think ican, Ithink Icon,’ And he does! The story teaches children that some [obs may seem dificult, but that doesr't mean they can't do them, C Doesn't say 2 The food in the first story isa green goat and a green mouse. A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 3 Sami likes the food that he’s trying to get the other character to eat A Right B Wrong € Doesn't say 4 Inthe second story, the other trains are afraid to pull the very large train, A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say 5. When the small train pulls the large train, the large train says something over and over again. A Right B Wrong € Doesn't say 6 Inthe last story, the boy tells the villagers that he sees sheep trying to run away. B Wrong C Doesn't say 7 Awolf eventually comes to the place where the boy is, A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 8 The villagers believe the boy every single time he says there’.a wolf. @ Aken B Wrong Doesn't say ‘School stuff Kids’ stories teach us important lessons Read these books and learn to live better! aes 7, the character doesnt want to eat the food because itlooks funny. B Wrong «Aesop's fable The Boy who Cried Wott ‘Aboy decides to play a game with the people ofhis village, He shouts that he sees a wolf an animal that's lke a dog but more dangerous - thar’ trying 1 eat the farmers’ sheep. The vilagers run to see the wolf, but the wolf isnt there. The boy does it ‘again and the vilagers come, but there's no wolf. Inthe end, a wolf really comes, the boy screams, but no-one comes and the wolf eats the sheep. The lessonisif you lieto0 much, no-one will believe you when Yyoutell the truth 4 Wordpower! 2 Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one. 1 ‘The last runner isnt at the finish line yet, but he'll be here by mistake. I know the answer to this question. I'm competition of it! A race isa kind of right that only one person can win. 10 Fy A = z é Fe My sister gives up with me ... we both think winning is great! When Paul tries new sport, he always agrees something wonderful about it. wasn't trying to win ... [won eventually! If Michelle isn't doing well at something, she just discovers! 8 You were certain and I was wrong ... Tom won the race, not Mark. 3 Write a word or phrase from the boxin each gap. “agree « by mistake « certain + competition + discove My dad is always telling me to do my best. If Tam ina (1)_____, such asa race at school, he tells me to keep trying to do better. I know he’s (2) ____, too. I practise for hours after school and at the weekend. I get tired, but my dad tells me not to (3) even when I'm tired. Then I (4) _______ things that I didn’t know before. I can run very fast, even when I'm tired! He tells me to practise every day, and (5) _____ I will be a very fast runner. I have a race in two weeks, and I'm (6) _______ that I can win. My friends (7) ______with me, because they watch me and they see how fast I can run. I'm sure that if someone else wins this race, it will be (8) —____! Pictures ‘Comparatives Look again at Grammar database 19.0n page 153 before doing these exercises. 1 complete the sentences using the comparative. 1 Frank is____ (good) at running than Charlie. 2 Anoxisalot______(strong) than a donkey. 3 Donna’ sister is __ (tall) than her. 4 The moon is_____ (small) than the Sun. 5 Ronald says that lions are _ (interesting) than mice. 6 Mycatis__ (large) than my dog! 7 This sofa is__ (comfortable) than that plastic chair 8 Mytwin brother isa few minutes__ (young) than me. et 2 Look atthe pictures and complete the sentences with an adjective from the box in the comparative. [ cold « difficult + easy « fast « happy « hot « sad « slow | 1 The hare is _________ than the tortoise and the tortoise is ________ than the hare. 2 The lion is _________ than the mouse and the mouse is __ than the lion. 3 Theox’ job is___than the frog's and the frog’ job is ___ than the ox’. 4 The North Wind is ________ than the Sun and the Sun is jan the North Wind. 3 choose the correct word or phrase. My brother Ryan and I sometimes play games with each other to see which one of us is (1) more quick / quicker at doing something, For example, when Mum tells us to clean our rooms, [try to clean my room (2) faster / more fast than Ryan. And with homework, Ttry to do mine in a (3) more short / shorter amount of time than Ryan. Sometimes win, and sometimes he wins. But I know this to be true: the winner isnt always (4) better / more good than the loser. If finish cleaning my room first, Ryan's room is always (5) more clean / cleaner than mine, If Ryan finishes his homework first, my handwriting always looks (6) nicer / more nice than his. So, it may be (7) enjoyabler / more enjoyable to win a race, but it's (8) more smart / smarter to take your time doing things than to do them really fast so you can win! 4 Write sentences using the comparative. 1 Mydad /old/ my mum 4 Running / boring / swimming My dad is older than my mum, 2 Amouse/ weak /an elephant 5 Alion/ scary / mouse Maths / not hard / history 6 Stephen / angry / George Wordpower! ose the correct word. is box is very heavy / light. I can't move it! fy sister is a model and she's quite tall and heavy / thin. fy cat Oscar eats a lot and now he’ fat / light! snry has got dark / slim hair and green eyes. Michelle's hair gets very light / dark in the summer, ill is quite slim / fat because he runs alot. Sarah’s got blue eyes and fair/ slim hair. This bicycle is very heavy / light, so its easy to carry. Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. in: It’s strange that family members can be so different. ica: I know, My sister's hair is (1) than mine, My mums hair is (2) than mine and Dad's hair isa ot (3) _ than my munis! See, we're all different! Well, everyone in my family has the same hair colour ~ brown! But we'e notall the same size. My brother Jason plays sportall the time, so he’s lot (4) than me. My brother Nick, though, eats all the time, so he’ (5) than me! ica: Ha, ha! Well, I'm not (6) than my sister. We're the same size. fn: I think my brother Nick needs to play sport. Then he'll be (7) than he is now. jica: That's good idea. Running is good for that. After a few weeks of it, hell probably be (8) than you! ‘A heavier B lighter C slimmer 5 A thinner B fatter C slimmer A slimmer B fatter € darker 6 A fairer —B darker C heavier A darker B heavier fatter 7 Aheavier B thinner fatter A slimmer B fatter C heavier 8A lighter —B fatter. C heavier Listening cD Track 12 Listen to part of a conversation and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. Danielle and Jeffrey are talking about A school. B freetime. © sport. Danielle and Jeffrey agree on ... A some things. B everything. € nothing, Jeffrey thinks a subject is important if we A like it. B useitalot, C know alot about it. Danielle thinks subjects we use often in life aren't always A boring, B interesting, C important. cD Track 13 Listen to the complete conversation and choose the correct word or phrase. Danielle says that history is more important / more interesting than maths. Jeffrey agrees / doesn’t agree with what Danielle says about history and maths. Danielle thinks that maths is more boring / more interesting than science. Maths / Science is the subject that Jeffrey likes the most. Jeffrey thinks we use maths and science / English and history more often, Danielle thinks it's more fun to study history / English. © 10 Fy A 5 ey P= o Superlatives Lookagain at Grammar database 20 on page 153 before doing these exercises 1 Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Write the correct words on the lines. i a a cs Ey 1 I think skiing is the most danger sport in the world. 2 Our teacher is the tall person in our classroom, 3. I'm so happy! I got the higher mark in my class! 4 Mike won the race. He’ the more fast runner in school! Idon't enjoy maths. Its the bad subject, ___ 6 [think David Beckham is the good player in football 2 Write sentences or questions using the superlative. 1 Bric / slim person / in my family 4. Which chair / comfortable chair /in your house? 2. Mary / long hair / in school 5 Elephants / heavy animals /in this 200 3 Basketball / enjoyable / sport 6 Chess interesting game /in the world 3B Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. ‘What’ the world’ (1) bridge? This title goes to the Millau Viaduct in France, a bridge for cars that’ 343 metres (2). The bridge is very (3) and it even looks like its sitting in the sky. Which bridge is (4) bridge in the world? One very (5) bridge is the Pons Fabricius in Rome, made in 63 BC. Its avery (6) bridge, at about 60 metres, and its not very (7) — at about 6 metres, but it travels across Tiber River in the centre of Rome and it’s still very much in use today. There are bridges inthe world that (8) than the Pons Fabricius, such as bridges in Greece from 1600 BC, but they're not in use any mores ‘They are also much (9) than the Pons Fabricius. And the (10) bridge in the world? Some say this is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Other people say Tower Bridge in London is (11) than Golden Gate. Most agree that both bridges are (12) in their own way. 1 A taller B mosttall € tallest 2 A tallest B tall € taller 3 A highest B higher C high 4 A oldest B mostold Cold 5 A older B more old € old 6 A longest B long € longer 7 A wide B wider C widest 8 A moreold B older € oldest 9A moresmall —B small C smaller 10 A famous B most famous C more famous 11 A mostfamous —B famous © more famous 12. A beautiful B more beautiful C_- most beautiful Quick check loose the correct answer. ‘we use comparatives to talk about things that are the same? yes / no -we always use than when we use comparatives? yes / no ich is correct? That’s the better book. / That book’s better than this one. / both /we use superlatives to compare one thing with other things in the same group? yes / no ‘we usually put the before the superlative? yes / no ich is correct? That's the best ice cream! / That's the best! / both rT) Fi A A 5 fad the description, then tick (¥) the things that are mentioned and cross (X) the things that are mentioned. im Karen, and I've got quite a big family! My dad and mum are Toseph and Linda, and I've got three brothers, Take, Barnie and Louis. Mum and I are the only girls in the family! My mum is not as tall as my dad, but she’s only a bit shorter than him. My brother Take is the tallest person in my family. He's even taller than my dad! Barnie and Louis are both shorter than me, but theyre also lot younger than me, $0 that makes sense! Both my dad and my mum have got short brown hair. but my mum's hair is longer than my dad's. Jake and Barnie’s hair is fairer than my mum's and dad's haic. but Louis and I have got the same hair colour - brown, just like Mum and Dad. ‘All of us are thin, but Barnie and Louis are the thinnest, but theyre only nine and seven years old. (m fourteen, Take’s nineteen, and Mum and Dad. well. they're the | ‘oldest! [think as you get older, you're not as slim as you once were. My parents Keep {fit though, and they ell us to Keep well. Wel. that’s my family! “The number of people in Karen's family. 5 What Karen’ family members like to do at the How tall Karen's family members are, weekend. ‘What Karen's family members like to 6 Who the youngest members of Karen’ family are. __ ‘wear, 7 How big Karen's family members are. ‘What kind of hair Karen's family members 8 What Karen thinks about getting older. hhave got. _ Rewrite the sentences using not as + adjective +s. Bills fat, but John is fatter Bill is not as fat as Toho, Lisa is fast, but Nicole is faster. 5. Mrs Johnson is nice, but Mr Peters not nice. 6 ‘The sofa is comfortable, but the chair is not comfortable. Maths is interesting, but history is more interesting, Basketball is hard, but football is not hard. ey ig es =| 8 Ss os iv) (© Check your progress! | Units 9-10 11 Write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter is given to help you. 1 Twant to come, but my Mum needs to give me p—— first 2. Maggie's parents don't a_____ her to go out on school nights. 3 Stephen isw—— that he wont win the race on Saturday. 4 Tame Philip did his best. 5. She’ the most beautiful girl in the class. Look at herd _____ hair and blue eyes. 6 Eventually, my brother won the singinge == 7 The chess player with the f_____ hairs the best in the world. Tmarks 2 Writea word or phrase in each gap to complete the sentences. 8 A: Isacheetah___(fastest/ faster) than a hare? don't know. But I'm certain a hare is __(the quickest / quicker) than a tortoise. Sally; —______(mmust / could) I use your computer, please? B: Of course you___ (can / shoud), Jason. 10 A: You___(shouldn’t /can’t) argue with your brother. know, but he is __(rudest / the rudest) person in the world! LL Az Peter, you__ (must /can) do your homework before you go out. B: Oh, Dad, dol___(have to/ has to)? Smarks 3 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. BEING THE BEST YOU CAN BE Tove my sister, I really do, but sometimes she makes me so angry. She’ (12) than me, she’ (13) than me and she works (14) in school than me ~ it’s just not fair! And to make things worse, she’s a really lovely girl! Yesterday, she bought a new pair of shoes. I said to her, (15) I wear your new shoes to Tims party tonight?’ I (16) believe it, but she said, ‘Of course you (17), Jan. You know you (18) have toask me when you want to wear my things? She makes me want to scream. I told my best friend Emily about it and she said, ‘I'm confused. Why does having (19) ___nicest sister in the world upset you? You (20) __ be happy about it’ I thought about it for a bit and eventually I said to Emily, “You're right. I (21) __ stop being jealous of her, and just be the best I can be? 12 A old B older C oldest 17 A must B can C haveto 13 A slimmer B moreslimmer C mostslimmer 18 A shouldn't B don't C mustn't 14 A hard BB hardest C harder 19 A the Ba Can 15 A Must B Couldn't C Could 20 A can B could should 16 A couldn't B mustn't C shouldn't 21 A must B cant C shouldnt 10 marks Total:__/25 marks e afi lives in a big house in Cairo. Right B Wrong fai goes to a sports school now. Right B Wrong € Doesnitsay ffi isa bit worried about his first game. Right B Wrong, € Doesn't say via is older than Wafi. Right B Wrong € Doesn't say € Doesn't say Right BB Wrong via thinks she'll have a husband some day. Right B_Wrong © Doesn't say sad studies languages at school. |A Right B-Wrong [Asad is going to leave his home town in the future. A Right B Wrong CC Doesn't say Asad wants to get a job working with computers. ‘A Right —_B Wrong € Doesnitsay € Doesnt say C Doesn't say Read the article again and write a word or short phrase to answer each que: How old is Wafi? What does Wafi do best? What country is Sylvia from? ‘How many children will Sylvia have? How many languages does Asad speak? How many years will Asad travel for? via knows what drama school she is going to go to. anning for Tomorrow! ‘the article and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. I'm going to. The future is so exciting! Why? Because we are going to do so many different things! Our magazine Young People looks at what some cool young people are going to do with their future. Thirteen-year-old Waf is from Cairo, Egypt. He says that he: 1 be a famous football player one day. He is going ta go to asports ;chool when he is sixteen to learn how to be the best football player in the world. He hopes he wil get lot of money for doing what he does best. He thinks he'll bea bit nervous when he plays in his first big competition, but he also thinks his team will win because they are going to practise hard and be ready. Sylvia, fourteen, is from London, UK. She wants tobe a famous actress in the future. She says that she is going to finish school and then she is going to go to drama school. While she is learning how to be a great actress, she is going to be in playsiin the local theatre. She doesn't think she'll get married until she’s thirty, but she says probably have four or five children after she gets married Asad is thirteen and he is from Saudi Arabia, He told us thathe can speak four languages and that he is going to travel around the world when he finishes school He wants to travel for five or six years and then go to university to study computers. He thinks itwill be hard to stop travelling, but that he has to go to university if (0.get a good job in a big company. He believes he will be very successful some day. my 4 Wordpower! 3 choose the correct word. 1 I don't know for guess / sure, but I think that man is a famous actor. My son is a whizz play / kid; he’s five and he can use a computer! I don't know how old you are, Wait, let me guess / program. ‘My sister is going to go to drama school / company next year. Dad, could you help me program / guess my laptop, please? ‘She’s going to buy that successful computer play / company. Look at this new phone app / school. Isnt it cool? ‘We are going to get tickets for the school play / drama. Do you want to come? 2 4 S é a 2 2 2 A a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Writeaword from the box in each gap. school « sure | Sheila Patterson is the most beautiful girl in my school. She’ tall and slim and all the boy like her. I don't know for (1)_____, but I think she'll goto drama (2)_____ | ‘ | and bea famous actress some day. I'm going to see her in a(n) (3) ___next week | b | the local theatre here in our home town. I know shell be amazing, Can you 5 | (4)______what I'm going to do in the future? I want to have my own computer | ge Y a 4 (5) __.. Pm going to sell computers and make lots of money! | y (Theresa Han, thirteen years old) | . | Theresa Han knows more than any other student in my school - she's a whizz 5 | (6) and all the boys like her, She knows a lot about computers and she can yy s (7) _______ them too. I think in the future she'll make (8) ____ for mobile 3 phones and make thousands of euros! I'm so jealous of her! (Sheila Patterson, thirteen years old) begoingto Look again at Grammar database 21 on page 153 before doing these exercises. 1 complete the sentences with be going to.and the verbs given. 1 _____(you/go) to university in the future? 2 She ___(not appear) at the concert tonight. 3 —____(hepractise) playing basketball after school today? 4 1__ (not see) a play at the weekend. 5 Grant _____ (be) apilot when he grows up. 6 Marta and Fazil___(get) ready for dinner in five minutes. 7 —____ (I develop) a new app for mobile phones? 8 1_____(study) English next year. 9 They ___ (not work) with computers when they are older. © 10 Mum andI____(visit) the zoo in New York City. ook at the picture. Write the correct form of be going to and a verb from the box in each gap. sh « collect « feed « let » move « pick « plant « ride Jane the kitten, Bach________ the puppy. Little Tom the chickens go free! Bob and Jake __ vegetables. The dog_____the lambs to the big field. Mum the eggs Morris____the pony. Suzy ____aeautiful flower. Look at the table and write questions and short answers using be going to. ES t [5 SvenandHans | [6 Brendon andl | ‘Am 1 going to work with computers? Arm | going to be famous and successful? re 3 5 2 = cf a FE A eS EB : 5 a (4 Wordpower! 1. Write a phrase from the box in each gap. a quarter of « a third of « all of « almost half of « almost all of « half of « mostof + none of 80% most of 100% 50% 33% 95% 45% 25% 0% Choose the correct phrase. Half of / All of the people we asked, or 100%, said they loved the new laptop. None of / Almost all of the kids from my school will be at the concert ~ not even one. ‘We ate most of /a third of the pizza for lunch ~ there are only two pieces left. Almost half of / A quarter of the people liked our new chocolate bar; that’s only 25%! A third of / Almost all of my friends think this book will be a bestseller ~ three out of nine of them. Row 6 None of / Almost half of the people in this room are going to be actors ~ that’s about 45%. 7 Almost all 195% in fact. 8 Halfof/A quarter of the apps we develop are successful - the other 50% aren't very popular. / A quarter of the people in this company work with computers ~ £9) Listening @ cotrack14 1 Listen to two friends talking about what they and their friends are going to do in the future. Match the people (1-6) with what they are going to do (a-g). Theres one letter you do not need to use. 1 Vera a beamechanic 2 Dimitris b work fora games company 3 Fazal__ © program computers 4 Julia 4 flyplanes 5 Kenny € stayin his/her home town 6 Brad create apps f § goto drama school @ cotrack14 2 Listen to the conversation again and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Vera is a famous actress. TIE 2. Dimitris spends a lot of his time watching planes. TE 3. Fazal enjoys working with cars. TE 4 Julia spends a lot of time on the phone. TE 5. Kenny is not going to play games often. TE 6 Brad isn't going to do what his father does. TE Grammar 2 will Look again at Grammar database 22 on page 154 before doing these exercises. 1. Write P (for prediction), F (for facts) or | (asking for information). 1 London is expensive, so you'll need a lot of money. __ Will Bob and Marta be at the play Friday night? ___ I think it'll rain later today. 2 3 4 These are on special offer, so they'll be cheap. 5. We believe my brother will be a successful farmer one day. 6 Will you be in New York in August? — 2 match. 1 Tm going to New York in December. I'm so excited! 2 Peter and Kenny never study. — Luke loves to read. __ Its very hot in here. Sam and I dont like flying. — Mum and Dad won two tickets to see Scream 4. T'm going toa party tonight. — Dina is going to take drama lessons. She'll be a famous actress someday. ‘They wontt pass their exams. He'll like this book you got for him, ‘We wont enjoy being on the plane. ‘They wont like it; it’s very scary. Tknow I'l love the sights. You'e right. ll open a window ‘Ona Tuesday? Will you be in school tomorrow? Rae ance 11 s i E a A 11 FS g A FS i Fo 2 = = 3 write questions and answers using will. 1 What / weather /be like / Thursday? (rainy and cold) 4 What /1/ see /on the farm / at the weekend? (lambs and chicks) (Q; What will the weather be like on Thursday? Q@ A: Lthink it will be rainy and cold A: I think 2. What /time / you / go / Jane's party / Friday 5. What /job / Petros / have / when he’ thirty? night? (eight o'clock) (pilot) Vthink 3 What / she / wear / to school / tomorrow? (skirt and T-shirt) AsTthink (2 Quick check choose the correct answer. think —_______ 6 What / they / do / on holiday? (nothing special) a= 1 Weuse be going to to talk about future plans / intentions / both, writing We use the same form of be going to for I/you/he/we. yes / no Which one is correct? They're go to travel to Kenya. / They're going to travel to Kenya. / both Which ones correct? Sam’s not going to go to university. / Sam isn't going to go to university. / both We use will to give information about future events and make predictions. yes / no fier will/won', we use the bare infinitive. yes / no ‘We use the same form of will/won't for Hlyoulhe/we. yes / no Which one is correct? He'll to be a successful adult. / He'll bea successful adult. / both 1 Read the email and match each part of the email witha statement. To: Alexis Subject: My plans for tomorrow Hi, Alexis, Twas sitting here thinking about the future and wanted to tell you what I’m going to do when I grow up. T’m going to work in a big games company. Isn’t that exciting? I think they’11 let me play games half of the day and I believe I’11 get lots of money. Do you think about your future? What are you going to do when you finish school? Take care! Vito a Thispart talks about predictions, b This part asks the person reading the email to about their plans. ¢ This part shows who will read the email. 4 Thispart talks about plans and intentions. e This part says what the email is going to be ab 2 Read the email again and tick (7) the statem that are correct. ‘The writer ... uses his friend's first name. says where he is writing the emai uses short forms. uses be going to for plans and intentions. uses will to make predictions about the future. writes his last name at the end of the email, ©>] Reading Give itall you've got Hobby for some, dream for others Aspecial role An extra in a movie is an actor who doesn’t speak. We see these actors in the background of a movie scene. Many movies have hundreds of extras. This is especially true for action movies that have got big scenes where many people are running from some dangerous event. a But if an actor has just got one speaking part in a movie, they aren‘t an extra any more, What are they exactly then? They're not main actors, of course, you probably won't see their name at the start of the movie although sometimes they completely change the story in the movie. Their roles can be very important, even if they only say one single line. This kind of role is called a A it’ is something really small. This is why we use this word to describe these very small parts. Action movies often have hundreds of extras in them. A bit part always changes the story of a movie. Some actors only do bit parts. Most actors do bit parts for the money. Lol ea be bal el. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ifan actor says one line ina movie, their name is certain to appear at the start. Ifyou want to be an important actor, you shouldn't take small roles. ghts! Camera! Action! Read the article and match each title with a paragraph. d One ofthe crowd € You've seen them before An actor who does these kinds of roles all the time is called a‘bit player’. Maybe you've seen an actor like this in more than one movie. You don’t know who she or he is exactly but you think, hmm, where have I seen this actor before? ALG There are a lot of actors who do bit parts as a hobby. They live near Hollywood and they've probably got other jobs. They also make good money doing bit parts. However, most actors do bit parts because they want bigger roles. This is. true for most of today’s famous actors. ae ‘Sometimes, though, actors who do bit parts never get to do more than that. Still, it can be a really fun job.A famous acting teacher once said, “There are no small parts, only small actors’ So if someone offers you a bit part, play the role like it’ the role ofa lifetime! Read the article again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). TIE TIE TIE TE TIE TIE Py N A g A oS 2 4 wordpower! 3 choose the correct word or phrase. 1 This cinema shows exciting new roles / movies. 2 don't need much time to prepare / shoot for my part asan extra 3 We got great seats in the cinema because it was in the background / empty. 4 His scene / role in the movie was asthe bestfriend of the main character 5. The director wants to shoot / prepare this part of the film ina restaurant. 6 It says there’sa(n) action movie / scene on at the cinema at nine o'clock tonight. 7 Iplay an exta in the film, and I'llbe standing empty / in the background. 8 love the scene / role in the movie where the two main characters kiss. 4 Write a word from the box in each gap. action + background + empty + movie « prepare « role « scene + shoot Interviewer: | Mr James, tell us about your new (1) _______ that’s in cinemas later this year. Rick James: Well, its a(n) (2) ______ movie called The Big Race, and I play the a ‘ofa racing car driver who loves racing and winning, Interviewer: _I see. What things did you do to (4)___ for playing this character? Rick James: I spent alot of time with real racing car drivers. learned what they do in teal life, Lalso learned how to drive a racing car. Interviewer: I see. Is there a particular (5 in the film that’ really exciting? Rick James: ‘There are many, actually. We were able to (6) __the film ata real racing event with real racing car drivers. You will see most of them in the (7) _____.. They will definitely make the film seem real Interviewer: That sounds very exciting, I'm sure there won't be any (8) —___ seats in the cinema. Rick Jami Present continuous for future arrangements Look again at Grammar database 23 on page 154 before doing these exercises. Thope not! 11. Write the verbs inthe present continuous. 1 She ______ (prepare) for tomorrow's scene tonight. 2. They ___(do) my make-up at two this afternoon, 3 1___(geet) paid for the part this evening 4 We_____(shoot) the scene later today. 5 He___(take) Marty to the studio at nine. 6 You_____(not give) an interview to the magazine today. TN Woven [a £OoO go Oo Write a verb from the box in each gap in the present continuous. N + have + not meet « not try on « play « shoot to the studio this morning, the director later today. She__ the role ofa singer in her next film. ‘They —_______lunch at a Chinese restaurant at 1. 5 We _______ the last scene this afternoon. the costumes tomorrow. AF E 4 é SS Fe > Lookat the information and complete the gaps. ZO ‘ Avalge a mae Ae IPA /E arrive atthe studio pm ~ havelunch haveameetingwiththedirector 2pm _—_~ change costumes, play roleas extra gam ~ visitthe make-up area 2.45pm ~ startthe second scene (no preparing) 430pm_ ~ finish the scene 5pm _~ leavethestudioand gohome 845am - putoncostume 9.30am - prepare forthe first scene 10.30am ~ shoot the first scene Let talk about what you're doing tomorrow, George. Yes, thank you. Iknow that I (1) ______at the studio at 7 and we (2)_____the first scene at 10.30. Oh, and we (3) ___ for the day at . Yes, that's correct. So, you (4)____ the make-up area at 8. Then you (5) your costume at 8.45. At 9.30 you (6)___ for the first scene. How long do you think the first scene will take? Probably two hours, maybe a little longer. We (7) ___lunch at 1 so we should finish the first scene before then. Then, you'll have an hour for lunch at the studio, and you (8) costumes for the second scene at 2 Is there going to be time to prepare for the second scene? No, you (9) __for the second scene at all. You (10) ___the role ofan extra so you don't need to prepare. If be easy, don't worry. We (11) ______the second scene at 2.45, and we (12) __it at 4.30. And that’s about it OK, great. Thanks for letting me know. You're welcome! ry Ls) a B = A 5 & FS = 4 Wordpower! 1 Write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter is given to help you. ‘This place is so high, it nearly touches the sky. m EN sauseene ‘We're having a great time here, aren't we? The sun is warm, the sand is nice and the water looks beautiful? ‘They're at the 2. ‘Stop! You must be very careful. Ifyou fall, you'll sgethurt or even die! Theyre ona 3 ‘es very cold here and there's snow from here all the way to the top, but the view is amazing!” Hes ona 4 “There’a lot of wind today, so we can sail around Ifyou jump from this, you could die.¢______ ‘This place hasn't got any water. d—_______ You can walk or drive over this and see farm animals. f_____ This isa place where you can have fun right by the sea. b= ‘There are many trees, birds and wild animals in this place. f___ This is full of water and you can travel over it in a boat. |____ Read these statements and decide where these people are, using words from Exercise 1. 5 ‘Wow; it’s beautiful here, And look at the horses running through the grass! How nice!’ ‘They're ina___ 6 ‘Itsvery difficult to walk here. Its very hot and dry, there's no water and I can’t see because there’ sand) in my eyes! She’ ina ‘Oh, no! I think I saw a bear. Look - it's hiding behind the trees. [think we should leave now? ‘They're in a 1 Listen to two people talking about a movie and match the scenes with the places. There are two very easily’ ‘They're ona. 9 Listening © cotrack15 letters you do not need to use. 1 Scene1__ 4 Scene 2 Scene? 5 Scene3_—_ 3 Scene3__ 6 Scene6 © cotrack15 open fields € alake b thebeach f adi © atrain g the mountains d aforest h the city 2 Listen to the conversation again and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. 1 Who does James fight at Dr Wam’s house? A abad guy B DrWam C agroup of guys 2. Whois in front of James Z. when he jumps from the cliff? A DrWam B no-one C the bad guys 3. Where does James Z land after he jumps from the cliff? ‘A onatrain B ina forest 4. Where does James Z fight the bad guy A inside the train 5. How does James Z get offthe train? A Hefalls B He jumps. 6 What does Lady Q do in the end of the movie? A She fights the bad guys. B She fights James Z. C inalake in the fifth scene? B ontop of the train C inside train station C Heruns, € She helps Dr Wam. tea J Prepositions of time and place § Lookagain at Grammardatabase 240n page 154 before doing these exercises g 1 match. 3 1 We're meeting this evening at__ the post office. i) 2 I'm going by — ‘b home later today. 4 3. Were shooting today in front of € tothe police car. = 4 They're filming the second scene in 4 Monday, 5 The extras are standing next__ € eight o'lock. 6 The first day of shooting is on f theafternoon. 7 The main character is walking out g ofthe kitchen 8 They're going — hi plane ifits not too expensive. 2 Write a word from the boxin each gap. at « by for « into » near « on 1 Paul’san actor and he lives London. 2. Were filming the last scene ____3rd March 3. Helen’ not here right now. Shes __ work, 4 Jillopened her front door and walked her house. 5 Wellew to the movie studio___ helicopter. Can you believe it? 6 We waited for the director____ two hours. 3 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. 1Ain Bto Con 2Aat Bon C next Oe oe ello cat Geode Bee Cin TONY’S BLOG SAby Bon Cat Cae one SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE . {really enjoy James Bond flms. My fiend Louis and | are 7Ain Bat Cby planning to watch Casino Royale (1) TV (2) Louis's oa 8 oc house (3) the weekend, 'm excited because i's my 9 Aa Bto C into favourite James Bond film. | ist saw it (4) 2006 (5) 10 Aon Bin Cat the cinema (6) my house. One of my favourite parts ioe nec (7) the movie is when James Bond goes (8) a Ban Shee journey (9) an istand (10) the Caribbean Sea to look for information about a man. There are some scenes (11) Ain 8 bripec the beach that are really great. Then he goes (12) plane Ain Bat Con (13)__America to stop a scary event from happening. Later 13 Aon Bin Cat he's (14) Europe playing cards with some dangerous characters. It's very exciting! Well, the movie's starting (15) 9pm. It's going to be great! 5 4 Fs 5 | g E g a) Quick check choose the correct answer. 1 Can we use the present continuous to describe future arrangements? yes / no 2 Can weuse the present simple to describe future arrangements? yes / no 3 Which is correct? What are you doing tonight? / What do you do tonight? / both 4 Dowe use at before times, on before days and in before months? yes / no 5 Can we use near, next to, in front of and in before places? yes / no 6 Thecorrect answer to Where are you? is: Pm at the home. / 'mat home. /both writing 1 Read the interview and match each question (a-f) with a gap in the interview. Working in Film | This week's interview is with 28-year-old Matt Warren. He talks to us about what g he does in movies and why he got started doing it. So, Matt, you workin films. (1) 4 was writing film reviews for a local newspaper Sure, Dale. | workasa writerforthe movies. __ when | got the idea to becomea screenwriter. ‘Actually, 'm called a'screenwriter. Itsounds like you really like films. (4) That's interesting, (2) Well, theres one movie in the cinema now, Ofcourse. Ascreenwriterissomeone who Russian Holiday, about a family thattravels | ‘writes the story of a movie. We write the to Russia and gets into some serious trouble. words that theactors say. Wealsowritethe _It’sanaction movi i action ofthe movie, such as whatactorsdoin Thatsounds exciting. (5) — i different scenes. Why they move, where the Yes. working on another actionmovie. | action happens, and soon. I'm finishing it in about a month. E Inother words, you write the movie.(3)___ That's great. (6) _ Forabout five years. started when! was 23.1 _In about nine months. Atleast | hope so. a Can wesee your workin any recent movies? b Howlonghave you had this job? ¢ Whenis the movie coming to cinemas? 4 Can you tell us what you do? € Are you working on anything right now? £ Can you tell us what that is? 2 Read the interview again and write a word or phrase to complete the sentences, 1 Matt's job in film. One part of his job is to write what the actors to write the __ ofa movie. Matt also writes what actors do in different Before he started working as a screenwriter, Matt wrote Russian Holiday, is a(n) auee His next movie is in cinemas in about. Check your progress! | Units 11-12 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer A, Bor C. Itmay seem like an easy job, but acting in the (1) is harder than it looks. Ifyou're interested in acting, the first step isto take classes at a(n) (2). (3) — today’s famous actors studied acting 8 Fy 8 5 A 3 4 6 before they got their important (4) __. It's important to study acting so you know how to (5) fora part. You also learn things like where to stand when the director is (6) — the film. Acting lessons can also help young actors to know (7) if this is what they really want to do. Many young actors start by acting in (8) __ before they go on to shooting a film. When actors start doing movies, (9) __ them play small parts in the (10) as extras. Then, ifthey're lucky, they get bigger parts and one day, they become stars! A A roles B scenes movies ‘A company B app C drama school A Aquarter B Almostallof _ C Noneof A. scenes B plays C roles A programme —_B guess C prepare A preparing B shooting C programming A for sure B sure C certain A forests B beaches C plays 9 A almostall B most of C almost half 10 A role B actionmovie _C background JO marks Write sentences and questions using the 3 Write sentences and questions using will. correct form of be going to. 16 the classes /be/ difficult? I/ wear / my jacket / tomorrow. pp 17 Jake / enjoy / the gift / very much. you/ travel / to Spain / next week? ees 18 I/not go / to university / in the summer. Rachel / practise / music / tonight. BS 19 it/be/ hot / in Greece? we / study /for the maths test /later? eee eee 20 we//do/ well / on our exams. Ben and Steve / play / football / this weekend. Smarks yarks Choose the correct word or phrase. Are / Will we meeting Tim at 10am today? T'm play / playing the part of a teacher in this film. ‘They are not / won't practising the scene after lunch. ‘The movie is showing in 9pm at Wednesday / at 9pm on Wednesday. Tmat home on 4th April /on home next 4th April. Raising Money! — = DOING YOUR BIT FOR CHARITY: by Katherine Bums ‘The world is a strange place, and itisn't always a fair A place — some people are rich and some people are fi 1 Reading oor. In some parts of the world, children don't have enough food to eat or enough money to buy clothes or ‘shoes. Every year at Greenfields Primary School, we ‘raising money ee | soconctis orc re Rhecuieernater KiBorc. year we've decided to have a Market Day, On Market Day, on Saturday 4th December, we are 1 Katherine Burn’ text is going to make our schoo! look just like a big shopping) A ashort story. centre! People can come any time from Sam to Spm meas and buy everything from clothes to CDs, cakes and: flowers! My team and I have been very busy. There Cus | been a lot to do to prepare for this big charity event, but 2 Katherine there is more to do, and we need your help. A goes to Greenfields Primary School. Bill Thomas has visited local shops and asked B doesn't have enough food to eat. them to give us things that we can sell at the event. (© chine WHI fr place Bookworm Bookshop has sent us twenty new books and Mel's Music Shop has offered to give us thirty 3 Market Day... new CDs, We haven't gone to get those, so we need A ison a weekday. someone to do that. B willbeina supermarket. Philip Polanski and Khan Duong have emailed all C will raise money. the teachers and asked them to come to our event, : and Ned Campbell has put a message on the school 4 Katherine says they have got... | website saying the event is open to the public. Last year, Ms Grant and Ms Ali made some B cakes froma local shop. wonderful cakes for our charity event. Luckily for us, C twenty books from a bookshop. they have said they will do it again this year. They have bought the flour and all the other ingredients and they are going to make the cakes, over fifty, on the Friday before Market Day. We want students to give us things that we can sell - old toys, games, clothes, anything that we can sell to make money for poor children Please do your bit for charity on Market Day! A twenty new CDs to sell. | Read the text again and tick (V) the things people have done to prepare for the event. People have decided what kind of event to have. ‘The students have made the school look like a shopping centre. _ Someone has asked local shops to give things for Market Day. ‘Someone has gone to Mel's Music Shop to get the CDs. Philip and Khan have sent emails. Ned has put a message on the school website. meone has bought the things to make the c ‘Ms Grant and Ms Ali have made fifty cakes. — 4 wordpower! 3 Each of the words in boldis in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one. 1 T've decided to raise the Boston Marathon this year! Tony isn't local! He's got a huge house and an expensive car. My class wants to enter money for the poor children in Somalia, My uncle isa poor actor and he gives a lot of money to children in Africa My parents give money to the messy WWF every year. Look at this room! Why are you so rich, Judy? Have you seen that the marathon butcher's on the high street has closed? Has your dad ever runa charity? 4 Write a word from the box in each ga charity « enter « local « messy * poor 1 | Some people in the world are (1) ___ and have lots to eat, and some are (2) —______ and don't have shoes to wear on their feet. It’s not fair, but that's the way itis, Have you got time to help people that arent as lucky as you are? Why don't you (3) ___this year’s Baked Beans Bath event? This event is a part of the bigger event, Food for Africa, to (4) _______ money for hungry children. Come to the ‘ (6) —____., but it will help a very important (7) school on Elm Road to do your part - sitting in baked beans will be Present perfect simple (ever, never) Lookagain at Grammar database 25 on page 154 before doing these exercises. 1 Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Write the correct words on the lines. 1 Has he ever give money to charity? 2 Has she never see that action movie? 3 Dont worry. The pilot has fly a plane before. 4 Ihas be to this restaurant before 5 Has we raise enough money for the local school? 6 Tveever visit the UK. Isit nice there? 7 Good, you's bought all the ingredients for the cake, 8 Sheila hasn't never run in a marathon. 2 Lookat the information and answer the questions. 4 =a you = put a message on =y the website =4 Sheila = make lots of cakes Aton = sell fifty tickets qo ati and san - go to the local shops : : Bookworm Bookshop give us twenty new books ay YOU and mace ~ bring old clothes to sell q =a 1 What have you done? A have put a message on the website. 2 What has Sheila done? 3. What hasTom done? 4 What have Ali and Sam done? 5. What has the Bookworm Bookshop done? 6 What have you and Matt done? 3 Use the answers in Exercise 2 to write negative statements. 1 Lhaven't put a message on the website. 2 3 4 5 6 Write the verbs in the present perfect simple. 1(1) —___ (work) alot, and I (2)____ (save) a lot of money. 1(3) (be) very lucky and successful, so I (4) ___ (give) a lot of money to charity. My wife and I raise money for Feed the Children every year. It isa charity that (5) ____(do) a lot for poor children all around the world. (6) _____ (you ever help) a charity? Next week, there is a marathon in my city. The city (7) ______ (not have) a marathon before, so everyone is very excited. I (8)_____ (enter) and I (9)_____ (ask, alll my friends to enter, too. (10) ____(anyone tell) you about this event? You can read about it on the website Someone (11) ______(put) a message about it on there. If you (12) ____ (not do) your bit for charity, now is the time! 4 wordpower! 1 Lookat the picture and decide ifthe statements are true (T) or false (F). MARKET: 1 Below the MARKET DAY sign, someone is selling books and CDs. TE 2. On top of the CDs are some books. TE 3 Between the books are some CDs. TE 4. Underneath the table with hats and shoes onit are some oldclothes. —T/F 5. Beside the stall selling hats and shoes there isa stall sellinghot dogs. T/F 6 Behind the table with hot dogs on it isa person dressed asabigdog. —T/F 7 Over the table with hot dogs on it there is lots of mustard. TE 8 Above the hot dog stall isa sign saying how much the hot dogscost.—T/F 2 Rewrite the words to complete the gaps in the text. Y'mata fair in the local school. ‘The students decided to have the fair to raise money for charity. See that sign - the one (1)____ (veo) the door? It says that the fair is for the charity WWE. Look over there. That's my friend (2)___(dnihbe) the table at the stall selling cakes. See all the cakes on (3) ______ (po) of the table? My Mum made those - she loves doing things for charity. There's (evbao) it says the hot dogs cost one euro; that’s not the hot dog stall. Look, the sign (4) - | (thnaerednu) the table, and he looks hungry! | expensive, Oh, look. There is a dog That's my sister, Suzie, atthe stall selling old books and CDs. And that’s her best friend (6) (ebedis) her. See them? There - at the stall (7) ___(eenwebt) the hot dog stall and the cakes stall. You still can't see them? There! (8) _______ (woleb) the sign that says “GOOD AS NEW: (Q Listening © cotrack 16 1 Listen to three people talking about charity events and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. 1 The telethon raises money to buy food for the poor. 4 Asad’s local pool is closed at weekends. A Right B Wrong C_Doesn'tsay A Right B Wrong C_Doesn'tsay 2 Enid knows some of the people she has spoken to. 5. Angelalearned about the children in Africa online. A Right B Wrong C Doesntsay A Right B Wrong Doesn'tsay 3. Toraise money, Asadis cleaning cars. 6 Angela walks people’ dogs when they are at work. A Right B Wrong C Doesnitsay A Right B Wrong € Doesn't bE) @ cotrack 17 2 Listen to the first speaker again and complete the gaps. =F Name of event: (i) the A World Telethon =F when: (2) December =a =4 Time: fam fo (@) pm =A Name of speaker: Enid Smith = Number of people Enid has spoken to in =the morning: more than (4) =4 money Enid raised in the morning: about = =a = = Adverbs of manner Look again at Grammar database 26 on page 155 before doing these exercises. Choose the correct word. ‘Mum put the books on the glass table carefully / careful. Kevin finished the marathon sucessfuly / succesfully. Sue has a problem with her leg; she can't walk very quickly / quick. Why are you talking so loudly / loud? I'm here beside you! Dad used the sharp knife nervousily / nervously. I didn't know Ivan wrote so good / well. I loved his short story! ‘Timothy won the swimming race easyly / easily. Raising money ishardly / hard, but we have to help the poor children. ‘My parents were happy I got home safely / safly. Look at Pete go! He can run very fastly / fast. Seevaueene Puta line through the incorrect sentence. ‘Why are you eating so fast? / Why are you so fastly eating? ‘Tanya whispered quietly to her best friend. / Tanya quiet whispered to her best friend. My mum makes cakes very good. / My mum makes cakes very well. (Our team won easily the match, / Our team won the match easily The little gitl stroked the lamb gently. / The little girl stroked the lamb gentle. Grandma sang happily in the garden. / Grandma happy sang in the garden. Gerrard tried hard, but wasn't successful. / Gerrard hardly tried, but he wasn't successful Bob plays the piano very badly. / Bob plays the piano very bad. eyauseneN 2 Quick check 3 choose the correct answer. 1 The exact time is important when we use present perfect simple. yes/no 2 Wecan use ever in questions using the present perfect simple. yes / no 3 We use the past participle to form the present perfect simple. yes/no 4 Which one is correct? Have you ever run in a marathon? / Have you ever ran ina marathon? / both 5. We use adverbs of manner to describe how someone does something, yes / no 6 Which one is correct? My sister cooks very good. / My sister cooks very well. both “writing 1 Read the text and for each question, 3 How much money did Sam raise? choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. A fifty euro 1 What kind of text is it? B eight euro A anemail C five euro B anarticle C ablog 2 Read the text again and underline all 2. What did Sam do to raise money for theadverbs of manner. charity on Saturday? A ate hot dogs B sold things € hada concert Sam has his say! December 14th Doing my bit for charity! Hi, everyone, welcome back. Today, 'm going to tell you about what my schoo! cid to raise money for the charity WWF on Saturday. My school has raised money for charity successfully lots of times. One year, we had a concert and the money from the tickets helped build a school in Africa. Another time, we had a Market Day where we sold things to raise money. This year, the school decided to do something we've never done before - we had a hot-dog-eating marathon! Students had to eat ots and lots of hot dogs, and they had to eat them fast! | had a plan, Tate the hot dogs slowly at first, but then, after two or three, | ate really fast. Some of the students did well, but | won the marathon easily. | ate eight hot dogs in five minutes and raised over fy euros for charity! | didn't do badly, did ? Have you ever raised money for charity? Leave a comment below. ~ Looking Ahead! (= Reading 1 Read the article and write’k’for Kyle, D’for Debbie or’s'for Shawn: dourkids.couk es CAN YOU SEE THE FUTURE? ‘Weasked some tudentstotell us what they think ie willbe ike ina decade, Here are ther preictons Kyle, 13 Debbie, 12 Shawna, 14 Card UK Glasgow. UK Sydney, Australia Well intenyears|'tbetwenty-three _Tenyearsisareallylongtime! Ihopewe I reallyhopelifewilleeasier forall 4yearsold.llprobably fish university _willtravelinspace more. That seems of usinten years. These days, it seems beforethen. Ihopelifewillbe great. but ikeanexcitngthingtodo. IFtechnalogy ike we worktao much. IFwe Finda way it'shardtosay.IFscientists and doctors improves, Ithinkwewillfindawaytoget _towark essbutgetmoredone then life discoverbetterwaystohelpsickpeople, _tothemoanmareeasily.lalsathinkwe'll willbe muchbettrthanitisnow. think thenmayhe ur woridwon'thavesick _evengopastthemoonsome day. IFwe _technologyhasaroleinmaking that people initanymore. Oratleastnotpeople find awayto travelreally fast. we will ‘happen. We need to build better machines. | whoarereallysick. Thatwouldbeagreat —_travelallthewaytoMars. Ithinkitwillbe — IFwebuildbetter machines that dothe worétoliven.Imightevenbeconea _probablyascaryjoumey.Butiscentsts somethings people dobut much ster, we ‘doctor or a scientist at university. IF do ‘build a strong ship For space travel. the ‘willall work less! Who woulda’ like that? ‘that. | will try tohelp people a lot. Journey will be safe. And! want to go! Inten years, this person hopes ... 1 we will all work alot less, 4 machines will improve. 2 people will be healthier. 5 totravel to another planet. 3 wecan travel far away. 6 tofinish studying completely. 2 Read the article again and write one or two words in each gap. 1 Kyle will be ___inten years. 2. Kyle would like to workasa doctor or a__ some day. 3 Debbie thinks people will find a way to get to the __more easily. 4 Debbie thinks the __to Mars would be scary. 5. Shawna thinks technology hasa__ in helping us work less. 6 Shawna thinks machines might be able to work ___than people. 4 wordpower! 3 Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence toreplace the incorrect one. I can't drive because I didn't bring my predictions. Where will you go to technology afier you finish school? ‘There are millions of starsin the licence. Every year we see faster and better computers, thanks to scientist. What are your university for next year’s most popular jobs? Did you move a job with the computer maker? want to bea universe someday and study the stars. Are you going to apply for to a new town when you're older? 4 wi apply for « licence + move « prediction « scientist « universe « university Nouns a word or phrase from the box in each gap. Frank: Will you go to (1) _____ someday, Trish? Trish: _ I believe so, Frank. I want to be a (2) ____ when I'm older and study plants. ‘Actually, [d like to (3) __to the countryside someday so I can be closer to them. Ah, [realy like the countryside. If get my (4) ______ this year, we can drive there and look at the different plants and trees. ‘Trish: That's great idea! We can go to New Forest Park. I'm going to (5) ____a summer job there. Frank: My dad and I went there for the weekend once. There are many green areas and you can see all the stars in the (6) ____at night! Trish: Cool! Wel, Ihope I get the job. Frank: My (7)______ is that you will. You really seem to love plants, You're perfect for the job! Trish: Thanks. I'lllet you know if get it. First conditional Lookagain at Grammar database 27 on page155 before doing these exercises. 1 Tick () the correct sentences. Under correct word. 1e the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the IfTll geta good job, they'll pay me lots of money. — If go to university, I don't become a teacher. Ifyou'll study alot for this test, the teacher will give you a good mark, _ If you don't make new friends at this school, you hate it. Ifyou'll travel with me this summer, we'll have lots of fun, If drive you to the airport, you'll get there faster. I won't see them every day if they'll move to a new town. Ifthey visit London, Bobby and his uncle will go to the London Eye. 14 14 Fe cs > 5 rs bs 2 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1 If Rachel goes to Paris, she will meet / meets interesting people. 4 PI /Tinvite Mark to the party if you say its OK. I won't / don’t go to work tomorrow if the weather's bad. Ifyou visit me this weekend, we'll / we play cards. His life will change / changes if he decides to leave home. If1/ PU get a kitten for my birthday, I'l call it Sammy. Write sentences using the first conditional. If/I/ get/ the job /1/ buy / dinner If get the,job, I buy dinner. We / call you /if we / get lost 4 I/give/ you / this phone / if/1/ get /a new 5 If/ you / see / this movie / you / love /it If/ they / meet / they / like / each other 6 Life / be / easier / if/ technology / improve Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. write reply To: —_george16( From: Subject: mountain trip Hi, George, How are you? I wanted to ask you about the trip to the mountains this weekend. Are we staying with Jackie? If we stay with her, it (1) a lot of fun. And how are we getting there? If we (2), we’11 get there quicker. 1 don’t know if you can take your parents? car. I think if we (3) — the bus, it will be easier, and it’s not expensive. If we take an extra 20 euros with us, that (4) —— for the bus tickets. hen are we Leaving on Saturday? Tf we (5) —— in the morning, we'll have more tine to spend in the mountains, of course. But maybe you can’t leave early. 1 know you have to work at the bike shop that morning. If you (6) ——, maybe the shop owner will give you the day off. T was also thinking about activities to do while we’re there. Tf the weather (7) nice, we’1l do lots of things outside, Like go for a walk in the forest. But if it’s rainy, we (8) — inside and play cards. What do you think? Bye for now, Leslie Ais B be C willbe A drive B willdrive © are driving A will B will take C take A pay B paid C will pay A areleaving B leave C willleave A. willask B ask C areasking A isbeing Bis C willbe A stayed B stay C will stay BRA 4 wordpowe: 1 choosethe correct word. 1 Thisisn’t the right way. We have to go / turn around. When you get to King Street, go / cross straight on and my house is the fourth house on the right. Turn /Go left at the museum and go to my office at 54 Nichols Street. After you cross / go past the library, you'll see my house on the left. I don't think we can go down this street. We'll have to turn / cross back. ‘To get tothe theatre, cross /go the road and you'll see it on the right. When you get to the traffic lights, cross / turn right and drive another two blocks. 8 When you see the police station, turn / go straight ahead and you'll see me standing on the right. 2 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. Margie: So, we're on Long Street. When we get to the library, (1) __ left onto North Street. Eric Ah, I see it. OK. Margie: Then, we (2) past the supermarket and at the crossroads, we turn (3) __ onto Elm street. Erica: OK. There’ the supermarket, and I'm turning now. Margie: ‘There's a police station at the end of the block. Don't turn left or right here - (4) __ the road and keep going - jill house isthe third house on the left. Erica: OK. Hmm, I dontt see the police station. Maybe we need to (5) around, : Let me give jill a call ... Hi Jill, it’s Margie. Hi, Margie. Where are you? ‘We're on Elm Street. I think we're lost. You are! When you get to the crossroads, go (6) __ on. Pine Street is the next street. Oh, yes, I read the directions wrong. So, you should turn (7) __ now and get back on North Street, On North Street, go straight (8) and you'll see Pine Street. 1 A cross B go C turn 5A straight B turn C go 2 A tum B go C cross 6 A ahead B back C straight 3 Around B back © right 7 A back Bon C ahead 4A cross B turn © back 8 A past Bahead —C back 9 Listening © cotrack18 © cotrack18 1 Listen to two teenagers talking and put the 2 Listen to the conversation again and choose the irections from Martin’shouse tohis new school _correctanswer. inorder. 1 Martin's house is on East Road / Market Street. 1 a Turnleft onto Market Street. 2. Angie’ favourite clothes shop is on Market Street 2b Turmrightonto Crabtree Road 1 Crabtree Road. 3 Gostraight down East Road. 3. Martin has to travel or 10 minutes / 20 minutes 4d Gotothe crossroads on Crabtree Road. on Market Street. 5 —__e Gopastthe clothes shop. 4 Martin says you turn right onto Crabtree Road at the crossroads / police station. When Martin's dad made a wrong turn on Crabtree Road, they turned back / ‘went straight on, +E) Ft Fi rs 5 B Fe 3 a eo 3 Adverbs of degree FA Look again at Grammar database 28 on page 155 before doing these exercises. 2 Fo A 1 For each question, choose the correct phrase, Aor B. = 1 It to study hard. A. important quite B quiteimportant 2 Mark doesn't enjoy Avery much school B school very much 3 I'm__ofmoney! A nearly out B outnearly 4 Doyouhave__? A alot towork B toworkalot 5 Thisisan__ computer. A extremely old B oldextremely 6 Wendy walked to arrive in time. A really quickly B quickly really 7 Arewe— yet? A therealmost B almost there 8 Itwas__ of you to come to the party. A verynice B nice very 2 Putthe words into the correct order to make sentences, 1 nice / She's / doctor. really /a 5 very/dont/ science /1/ much. / like 2 a/upset / You /lot. me bags. /lost/ She /her / almost 3 at/ good / quite / They're / maths. his/ very / He’/job./ good / at 4 an/ desert /is/ place. hot /extremely/The 8 homework. nearly /to /1/do/ my / forgot 3 Writea word from the boxin each gap. ally ly © qui ‘What kind of job do you want to do? I think I want to bea doctor. Its a(n) (1) _____ important job, and I'm interested in studying it very (2) Sarah: That's good. Doesn' it take (3) ___a long time to become a doctor? Are you sure that's what you want to do? John: — Well, it’s my last year in high school and 'm (4) ____finished, so Ill start university soon. I've thought about it a (5) _____, and I've decided that its a(n) © amazing job. Sarah: Yes, it seems like you know what you want. Good luck with that! John: — Thanks! A Quick check 4 choose the correct answer. 1 Do we use the ifclause of the first conditional to talk about the result of situation? yes / no 2 Dowe use will in the other clause of the first conditional to talk about possible situations in the future? yes/no 3 Which is correct? Pll go, if you go. / Ifyou go, Pll go. both 4 Do we use adverbs of degree to describe how small something is? yes /no 5 Dowe use adverbs of degree to show how much there is of something? yes / no 6 Which is correct? She’ quitea good friend. / She's really good friend. / both writing 1 Read the article and for each question, choose the correct answer, A or B. Why | want to be a scientist | don't know if being a scientist is « popular job, bu really want fo be one. become a scientist, Iwill discover so many things. Ijust know itl ‘And of cours, if! discover many things, will make alot of money. IF make alot of money, I will give some ofthe money back to science. Then other scientists can discover more things, And think discovering new things helps people, ond that makes me very happy. There's another thing | can do with the money | make from science. | might build smart places for scientists to work. Ifthese places have amozing ‘machines, scientists will probably find it easier to do their work. Maybe other scientists will do the same thing as me. They might give money back to science clo. Then science will become the bes it can be. I know when | get older | may want to do something ese in lif. I'm quite young ct the moment, but 'm really interested in science. will continue to study it, cond perhops I'llbe the next Albert Einstein some day! 1 ‘The writer thinks if he becomes a scientist, ... A itwill become a job everyone likes. B he will find things for the first time. 2. Ifthe writer makes a lot of money, he will. A give it to people. B useit to make science better. 3 The writer says it will make him happy if A science helps people. B people earn about science. 4 The writer wants to use the money he makes from science to build .. A. new machines B new work places 5. The writer hopes other scientists will A do what he will do B give money to him. 6 “The writer is certain thathhe ... A will become a scientist. B enjoys studying science. 2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold. 1 Iwill be rich someday. probably 2 When I get older, I will change jobs. might 3 T'llbea famous singer. maybe 4. will give some money to poor people. may see 5 T'llbuild nice places to work. perhaps Oe e = oS = 2 4 a ae | Ra le leer LUT Th eye sti 3 Fal 1 Foreach question, choose the correct answer, A or B. Ee 1 Iwill be upset if I don't get my driving when I'm eighteen. 2 A univerity B licence 3 2. People make a lot of __, but no-one knows for sure what the future will be like. aged A predictions B charities 3 Go onand you'll come toa crossroads. A straight B above 4 We don't really want to___ house, but my dad got a job in New York. A enter B move 5 We should __ some money for those children ~ they need our help. 6 IfSantos for the job, he will get it. A applies B enters 7 Whyare your shoes _ the kitchen table? ‘A ontopof B between 8. You're going the wrong way - you'll have to turn _. A over B around 8 marks 2 choose the correct word or phrase. 9. Why is she screaming so loud /Ioudly? 10 ‘The book was quite/ extremely good - the best I've ever read! 11 We're really / nearly at the university. Go past the cinema and we're there, 12 Bob thinks almost / lot about the poor children in Africa. 13. My grandfather doesntt like new technology very much / very much new technology. ; 4 Can youbelieve Roger isalmost an adult / nearly adult? 15 Sophia did well / good in the cycling competition - 'm sure she won. 7 marks i 3 Write the verbs in the present perfect tense or first conditional form. LOOKING FORWARD TOTHE FUTURE Ebo Matatais a hip-hop singer from Zimbabwe. He(16) __ (enter) lots of music competitions, 7) (you / ever be) in a music competition and sung in front of alot of people? It's not easy! Ebo (18) __ (not win) all of the competitions he's been in, but he has always done his best. This, summer, he is going to the UK to sing at a huge hip-hop concert — his parents (19)__ (give) him their permission and his bestfriend Jo-Jo (20)__ (buy) hima plane ticket. Ebo hopes he sings well atthe concert. Ifhe (21) ____ (not sing) well, he will be very upset. But Ebo knows that if he works hard, he (22) ___ (get better and better at what he does. He (23). alot, so he'll do very well at the concert. Eventually, Ebo wants to be the best hip-hop singerin the world. He says that if he (24) __(be) the best hip-hop singer in the world, he (25) (earn) alot of money and be very famous. 10 marks Total:__/25 marks © Check your progress! | Units 1 Read the dialogue and choose the correct answer, A, BorC. Jessica: Have you (1) __ajob yet, Steve? Steve: Yes, I saw an advert fora job in a newspaper. They're looking fora (2) __ to write movie reviews and other articles. Jessica: ‘That's great! Steve: Yes, it is. They just called me and I have an interview tomorrow morning. I'm quite (3), you know ~ this is the first place I looked and it seems like a good job. Jessica: Yes, 1 (4). A newspaper isa great place to work. Well, I hope you (5) them well. Steve: ‘Thanks. Me too. I'll let you know! 1A pickedup B gonepast —C applied for 4 4 nog B one ence 2A passenger B customer C reporter 5g welcome B getonwith _C growup 3 A lucky B upset C angry Smarks 2 Write a word or phrase from the boxin each gap. Some words and phrases will not be used. allow « best friend « enjoy « lifetime « program + programme « relationship « scientist « uncle + whizz kid ‘My (6) ____is Thomas Kale. He lives four houses down from me and we've known each other since wwe were both five. Our (7) ___is very good. We never fight and we like many of the same things. ‘We spend alot of time together at the weekends and we (8) ___ourselves playing computer games or playing football in the garden. Thomas also knows how to (9)__ computers. He learned how to do it from his dad, who is a(n) (10) ___. Isrft that cool? Smarks 3 choose the correct answer. While Mary (11) was looking / looked at her calendar yesterday, she (12) was seeing / saw that she had something very important to do ~ practise for her driving test next Monday. So she (13) is going / goes with her dad later today behind an empty shopping centre to practise for the test. She thinks it (14) is / will be very difficult, She (15) never took / has never taken a driving test before, so she’ quite worried. She hopes that practising will help. Smarks 4 Read the text and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, BorC. If Martin goes to university next year, he (16) __ to bea doctor. He really likes to help (17) __and he thinks being a doctor is the (18) job for this. He knows doctors make (19) __ money, but he doesnt want to do it for that reason. He believes it's (20) important to do a job you're going to enjoy and not just think about money. 16.A study B willstudy —_C studies 17A peoples B person C people 19.A any B many C alotof 18 A good B betes G bet 20A extremely B almost C very much Smarks 5 Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. W 21 You don't must to cook dinner tonight. I'l do it. 22 When did you put the milk? Icant find it. 23 That's book I was telling you about, _ 24 We're meeting the director at 3rd April. —_ 25 ‘Did you clean your room?” ‘Yes, Iwas? ‘the correct words on the lines. Laser A lively, motivating and interesting A1+-level book specifically designed with teenagers in mind, Laser A1+ provides comprehensive coverage of the grammar, vocabulary and skills required at A1+ level as well as focusing eet uc koe oe Pee Roo SCL UU aR Lee Uy Lexical and grammatical syllabus based on the A1+ level of the Council of Europe's TU Ma ud ‘¢ Comprehensive coverage and development of core reading, writing, listening and Bo ‘¢ Wordpower! sections covering topic-based vocabulary, collocations, phrasal verbs Eo ec UU aie a en eee ey See ee Cue eee cy Pee ee ene eu i eC eed eee Rey j Fourteen detailed and structured writing planners, including space for students’ Cee ‘* Comprehensive databases covering grammar, vocabulary, speaking and writing, Deemed H ORCC EU ecu Le accaun cd On ee ue Ruse rd Nee Rte ete CUR Ce Le material Doo ee UU UR Cooe oOo RL Roma aici Pe em cece CMe ey Cy Student's Book with Student's CD-ROM Ere ere) Workbook with key, plus Audio CD Workbook without key, plus Audio CD See Ue RU ns rer) eee Ra ape | ren | MACMILLAN t | octane eer ey \

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