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Tina Bara - Lange Weile

Fotohof 2016 ISBN 9783902993212 Acqn 26014
Pb 23x20cm 220pp 380ills 29.95
The photo book Lange Weile comprises a selection of 400 black-and-white photographs taken by
Tina Bara between 1983 and 1989, in East Berlin, the German Democratic Republic, and on her
travels. Combined with texts in the form of subtitles, this artists book is also the book for a photo
film. The artist talks from todays perspective about the beginnings of her artistic and
photographic work combined with the search for feminine identity and a subversive, melancholy
rebellion against East Germanys dictatorial system.
Documentary photographs on a clandestine trip to Russia, forbidden photographs taken at the
publicly owned VEB Buna chemical plant, and observations of punks and other young rebels are
all interwoven with intense full-body and portrait photographs of her friends as well as a
photographic love story.
They are about breaking out of a system perceived as boring and monotonous, a system that
seeks to suppress individuality and self-will.
Together with her own overlaid memories the photographic material creates an intimate cosmos
which, from a distance of some thirty years, recreates the atmosphere and mood of a country and
society that no longer exist. The search between awakening, doubt and self-exploration, between
political structures and personal artistic intent and the will to live can also be read at a general
level, just like her reflections on the role of photography in this process.


Georg Salner - CHANDIGARH BRASILIA reVision

Fotohof 2016 ISBN 9783902993243 Acqn 26398
Pb 24x32cm 224pp 321ills 29.95
Why does a visual artist, as Austrian photographer Georg Salner, make a photographic
excursion to Le Corbusier (and Pierre Jeanneret) in Chandigarh and to Oscar Niemeyer in
Braslia (Niteri and Rio de Janeiro)? Of all grandmasters, Le Corbusier and Niemeyer are the
only ones to have infused entire capitals with their ideas and endowed them with key buildings.
They were all ideal types of designers: innovative, influential and motivated by a huge
commitment to a world civilization whose at times utopian approaches were not always able
to flourish in every sense. Indeed, they remained lone figures with many outstanding comrades in
arms and successors.


Katharina Gruzei - War Rooms

Fotohof 2016 ISBN 9783902993328 Acqn 26459
Pb 40x30cm 20pp 10col ills 22.50
As the setting for her WAR ROOMS series of photographs, Katharina Gruzei chose the odd halls
and premises of a Moscow museum. Indeed, at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War she
turned her gaze away from the large-scale war dioramas to focus on areas of the museum space,
in which museum structures and staging strategies become apparent. There pathos-filled murals
of wartime activities engage in a bizarre dialogue with the museums functional level. Painted
soldiers appear entrenched behind a desk that belongs to the museum staff. Elsewhere it seems
like a gathered group of military commanders is staring at a red phone placed in the room.
Real items become bizarre objects engaged with their surroundings in an absurdist way. In the
middle of the painted battlefields for instance there are museum doors that suggest an escape
route out of the war scenario and the option of being able to flee the war through the paintings.
In her photo series Katharina Gruzei combines fundamental questions about museum staging
and the representation of war with a subtle criticism of the institutions themselves.


Kurt Horbst - S10

Fotohof 2016 ISBN 9783902993298 Acqn 26460
Pb 24x32cm 176pp 85col ills 32.50
From February 2012 to December 2015 I used my analogue large-format camera to keep a
photographic diary of the construction work on the S10 dual carriageway. Since I live at the
northern end of the S10, it seemed only natural that I should take a closer look at the whole
I used the plate camera because this type of landscape photography requires a measure of
slowness and precision.
My photographs are designed to preserve a certain distance from the construction site. Whats
important to me is the outsiders scrutinising gaze. What sort of impact is the project having on
the landscape, the villages, the settlements, the town (Freistadt), and the people?
Kurt Hrbst



Frank Madler Tafelwerk

Fotohof 2016 ISBN 9783902993267 Acqn 26461
Hb 22x28cm 192pp 156col ills 26
For many years now Frank Mdler has pursued an image-finding concept aimed at discovering
in the reality beyond the image that which is sufficiently impressive, wondrous or aesthetic to
assert its own reality as a photograph in its own right. Frank Mdler. Tafelwerk features for the
first time a comprehensive insight into the work created between 1996 and 2016 by the
photographer born in 1963, a graduate of the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig and a former
master student of Astrid Klein. Frank Mdlers works are poetic, sensitive explorations of
structured photographic compositions. Blurring techniques, motif-abstracting details and the use
of colour filters are among the means used to highlight the process by which the photographs are
produced, rendering their categorisation as landscapes or still lifes of secondary importance.
Instead, the fifteen groups of works selected for the publication are invitations to reflect on what
constitutes a photographic image.


Josef Sudek - The Window of My Studio

Torst 2016 ISBN 9788072155071 Acqn 25908
Hb 22x28cm 88pp 73ills 54
Josef Sudek (18961976) was Pragues Atget. From the mid-1920s until his death in 1976,
Sudek photographed everythingthe Gothic and Baroque architecture, the streets and objects
usually leaving the frame free of people. Because he was reclusive, a large portion of Sudeks
work was captured through his studio window: he was particularly fond of how the glass refracted
light. The Window of My Studio series, spanning from the beginning of the Second World War to
the first half of the 1950s, presents the series, which was of fundamental importance to Sudek, for
it caused his work to move further into a surreal or Magic Realist style, with blurred images and
strong shadows. Photography historian Anna Frov contributes an introduction and an extensive
biographical chronology to this volumenow back in printwhich also includes a complete
bibliography of portfolios, books and catalogues of Sudeks work.


Rika Noguchi - To The Night Planet

Nohara 2016 ISBN 9784904257333 Acqn 26489
Pb 16x23cm 64pp 120col ills 39.95
Japanese photographer Noguchi Rika has been based in Berlin since 2004. This book presents
the first photo collection she has produced in four years, and reflects the more recent turn in her
work towards light has her dominant theme. Noguchi photographed scenes from the window of a
bus she regularly rides in the German capital, and arranged the shots from the resulting single roll
of film in the order taken. As if in real time, we see the diverse forms of artificial light that
comprise the urban landscape, such as windows lit from within, streetlamps, and lights of
vehicles, transformed into masses of spectral luminosity, transporting us to another realm in
fleeting, priceless moments.


Bert Danckaert - The Extras

Jap Sam 2016 ISBN 9789490322687 Acqn 26765
Pb 17x23cm 80pp 13.50
A photographer lands on a film set in Bollywood. He wants to photograph the dcors as part of
his PhD research in the arts. Posing as an extra, he infiltrates the set of Tezz, a romantic terrorist
film. But nothing goes as the photographer had imagined. In among thirty other extras, he winds
up on the least photogenic set. During the long day's shoot he enters into various conversations
about photography and society, with the overpopulated and poverty-stricken Mumbai and its
surrealistic Bollywood featured as the backdrop.
The Extras is about how doubt and incapacity drive the artistic process. The book is also a
reflection on the oeuvre of photographers working along the boundaries of fiction and reality in a
globalized world, where it is increasingly difficult to take a clear position (or photographic point of
Bert Danckaert is a photographer and professor of photography at the Royal Academy of Fine
Arts in Antwerp. He received a PhD in 2014 from the University of Tilburg (NL), with his thesis
The Extras and photography book Simple Present (published by Lannoo).


Roselyne Titaud - A Bruit

The Green Box 2016 ISBN 9783941644854 Acqn 26362
Hb 13x21cm 128pp 80col ills 15.95
The artist book A Bruit (With Noise) combines two works by French photographer Roselyne
Titaud. Retour de chasse (Return from the Hunt) is a series of photographs made in November
2012 near the city of Grlitz in Germany. Images documenting a hunt, a hunt for images of
animals that are peacefully stretched out, eviscerated, and could almost be sleeping. What
fascinates in these images is the fact that there is no reproach in the hunt; there is instead, light
and silence. There is something in this that goes very far back in time and that makes one feel
the contemplative celebration of photography. It is no coincidence that the earliest known works
of humanity are hunting scenes, as in the caves of Lascaux. With a text by Damian Cadio.




Nic Tenwiggenhorn - Fotografien 1951-2012

Schirmer Mosel Verlag 2016 ISBN 9783829607797 Acqn 26560
Pb 24x30cm 320pp 200ills 42
Text in German
Tenwiggenhorns photographic work of the 1960s and 70s spans photo reportages, product
photography, the documentation of art installations, studio shots, and artists portraits. While his
work in colour is well established, his black-and-white pictures presented in this volume are yet to
be discovered. With Texts by Kay Heymer, Anne Rodler and Beat Wismer.


Wolfgang Tillmans - On The Verge Of Visibility

Fundacao De Serralves 2016 ISBN 9789727393350 Acqn 26614
Pb 23x32cm 96pp 70col ills 21.50
With the exhibition On the Verge of Visibility at the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art,
German artist and photographer Wolfgang Tillmans focuses on border zones and liminal states,
trademarks of his recent work. Tillmans has become increasingly interested in the chemical
foundations of photographic material, as well as its haptic and spatial possibilities, creating works
without a camera in the darkroom that present photography as a self-referential medium. In this
way, Tillmans engenders an experimental ground for the creation of a new type of image
structure. In this catalogue, these abstract works appear in juxtaposition to figurative


Hamburger Eyes - The Continuing Story Of Life On Earth

ROMA Publications 2016 ISBN 9789491843716 Acqn 26621
Pb 21x30cm 114pp 140ills 18.50
Published on the occasion of an exhibition at Kunstverein Mnchen, this volume begins by
recounting the prospectus written by American publishing magnate Henry Luce, outlining what
would become Life magazine. Today, to see, and to be shown is an almost universal obsession
for all. Founded in 2001 by David and Ray Potes, Hamburger Eyes has grown into a magazine,
publisher, and distributor of zines by an international photographers network. This particular
publication complies facsimiles of spreads from back issues, plus images by such names as
Ricky Adam, Stevie Dacanay, Ryan Florig, Troy Holden, Lele Saveri, Jai Tanju, David Uzzardi,
and many more.




Ari Marcopoulos - Rome Malibu

ROMA Publications 2016 ISBN 9789491843785 Acqn 26736
Pb 21x28cm 368pp 300ills 36.50
Photographs taken by Ari Marcopoulos in Rome (February - March 2016), and Malibu (August
2016). With a text contribution by Kara Walker. "Rome. (...) Here, no image or structure is
complete without symbolic framing devices, which also require framing devices, and so on. Ad
infinitum. Malibu. Rockstars and fallen rocks and the edge, here is where the European conquest
of the New World meets its fountain of youth endgame. We have reached the end, and it is vast."




Mika Ninagawa - Light Of

Kawade Shobo Shinsha 2016 ISBN 9784309277370 Acqn 26826
Pb 30x22cm 54pp 52col ills 39.95



Nobuyoshi Araki - Sentimental Journey

Kawade Shobo Shinsha 2016 ISBN 9784309277004 Acqn 26827
Hb 25x25cm 114pp 108ills 68



Mori And Mugi, The Sumo Stable Cats

Little More 2016 ISBN 9784898154472 Acqn 26816
Pb 21x15cm 76pp 69col ills 16.25


Dan Burn-Forti - Go Away

Dan Burn-Forti 2016 ISBN 9781526205315 Acqn 26802
Hb 18x11cm 88pp 50col ills 19.95




Thierry Bouet - Affaires Privees

Editions Xavier Barral 2016 ISBN 9782365110860 Acqn 25320
Hb 17x24cm 128pp 60col ills 27
Text in French
From horse manure to a fortified residence, through canine trophies, Thierry Bout watches out
for surprising objects sold on the popular French website of classified advertisements, Le Bon
Coin. He contacts the sellers to meet and photograph them with their good, alongside the
real published advertisement and accompanied by short, humorous texts of this improbable
encounter. A portraitist, Thierry Bout draws a bemused portrait of our consumer society in which
everything is for sale!




Stephane Courtier
Editions Xavier Barral 2016 ISBN 9782365111119 Acqn 26706
Hb 29x23cm 208pp 117ills 111col 42
Text in French
This first survey monograph spans Stphane Couturier's entire career from his photographs of
construction sites, factories and ex nihilo cities taken with a large-format camera to his transition
to digital photography including the ongoing series Alger - cit Climat de France. Couturier is
interested in the notion of urban archaeology, central theme of his work questioning the
transformations of our surrounding landscapes.
Two new essays shed light on this visual journey. In a first text, Mathieu Poirier examines the
deconstruction and transformation of reality themes in Couturier's work. In the second text,
Franois Cheval focuses on the series Alger - cit Climat de France currently exhibited at the
Muse Nipce in Chalon-sur-Sane, France.


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