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Diplomacy is Representatives Only

A) Interpretation: Diplomacy must be through

representatives. Anything else is Extra-Topical
Black's Law Dictionary Free 2nd Ed. and The Law Dictionary No Date
What is Diplomacy? The science which treats of the relations and interest of
nations with nations. Negotiation or intercourse between nations through
their representatives. The rules, customs, and privileges of representatives at
foreign courts.

B) Violation: The Affirmative uses more than

representatives <Insert Example>
C) Standards
1) Limits
a) No limit on diplomacy justifies affs that send Kanye West to China to
diplomatically engage with Chinese pop stars

2) Education
a) Representatives give us a clear political emphasis which focuses education
on relevant issues

3) Predictability
a) Blacks Law Dictionary is incredibly predictable, and thus easy for the aff to
prepare for

D) Voters
1) Apriori Topicality determines the rules of the game. The must exist for
the debate to exist so T always gets evaluated first
2) Education education is the only portable skill from debate and must be
valued first
3) Fairness Fairness guarantees the activity continues and is a pre-requisite
to education
4) Prefer competing interpretations, reasonability justifies judge intervention

2AC A2 Reps Only T

1) We meet: We use representatives to make the offer to China

2) Counter Interpretation: Diplomatic Engagement in China

includes strengthening regional security cooperation including
the South China Sea,
Daniel R. Russel Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Statement Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on
Asia and the Pacific Washington, DC April 19, 2016

As the region builds a more mature economic architecture in the shadow of

maritime security concerns, sustained U.S. commitment is essential to
furthering stability and prosperity. The Asia-Pacific is vital to unlocking shared
strategic and economic opportunities in this dynamic region. The Presidents
FY2017 budget request includes $1.5 billion overall in diplomatic engagement
and foreign assistance funds. The $873 million foreign assistance request
supports five key priorities: (1) strengthening regional security cooperation,
with a strategic focus on maritime security around the South China Sea; (2)
advancing inclusive economic growth and trade; (3) promoting democratic
development; (4) strengthening regional institutions and fora; and (5)
addressing war legacies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Mr. Chairman, let
me now share with you some examples of how our FY 2017 budget request
supports these five priorities.

3) We meet our counter interpretation: We aim to strengthen

regional security cooperation in the South China Sea.

Counter Standards
1) Education
a) The South China sea is one of the biggest issues of the modern day
b) Learning about security cooperation is key to allow future policy
makers to avoid conflicts

2) Predictability
a) The South China Sea is a major hot button issue which dominates most
discussion about China

3) Field Context
a) Russel works with the Bureau of Asian and Pacific Affairs and is
defining exactly the types of engagement we do with China
b) This means he is the most qualified to determine what diplomatic
engagement with China includes

On Voters

Prefer reasonability, competing interpretations incentivizes running T every

round and wed get no topic specific education.

First, the neg didnt even address our We Meet argument in their 2nc, thus
they concede that argument and their whole Topicality crumbles and falls, so
you absolutely must drop everything they have said about their
interpretation, because they concede that we do, in fact, meet their

My opponents also say we dropped their violation, however, we didnt. We

addressed their violation while explaining our counter interpretation and also
during our we meet.

My opponents also say that no limit on diplomacy justifies sending Kanye to

China and calling it diplomacy, however, we would NEVER send Kanye to
china calling it diplomatic engagement, and also, like our counter
interpretation says, diplomatic engagement supports five key priorities, none
of which, included Kanye.

They say that our predictability is bad because there are also other pressing
issues in the world. However, we never said that there were not other
pressing issues in the world, we just said that the South China Sea is a major

hot button issue that deserves the worlds attention. The South China sea is
an extremely big current topic, thus making it predictable.

My opponents say that their blacks dictionary is just as qualified as our

Russel card, however there is no way that their dictionary, which we dont
know exactly who wrote it by the war, could be nearly as qualified as Russel
because his JOB is to deal with FOREIGN AFFAIRS specifically IN CHINA. There
is no chance that their author can be as qualified as ours.

On voters, you must prefer reasonability over competing interpretations

because competing interpretations incentivizes running Topicality every
single round. If that happened, we would get no topic specific education out
of the debate. And like my opponents say in their standards, education is the
only portable skill from debate and must be valued first, thus you must prefer
reasonability over competing interpretations.

For all of these reasons I strongly urge you to vote aff.

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