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A. Background
Internship program or Kegiatan Magang Mahasiswa (KMM) is one of
compulsory subjects in English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas
Maret University. The students who want to take this subject must have completed
120 credits or have finished 6th semester, and also have passed English basic skills
subjects, such as Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Grammar, and also
Translation. All students of English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences,
Sebelas Maret University must take KMM as one of requirements for graduation.
KMM is aimed to give the experience of working world for students, and to
apply knowledge that has been learnt in the class during the lecturers, so that the
students are familiar with the real working world later. In the internship program, the
students are also expected to improve their soft skills related to the development of
students personality, such as professionalism attitudes in working world, build
cooperation, teamwork, collaborate with other people with different background,
build network, develop responsibility attitudes, develop good working attitudes, and
The students, with the guidance of Supervisor, choose an institution or a
company as the place to conduct the internship program. The institution or company
must have official legal status and business sectors that require the use of English.

The institution or company also allows the students to apply their academic and
English skills.
Therefore, I chose UNS Language Center as the institution partner for
conducting KMM. Besides language trainings, UNS Language Center also provides
translation service, in which I can apply my knowledge about translation that I have
learnt during lectures.

B. Reasons
There are some reasons in choosing UNS Language Center as the institution
partner to conduct KMM. First, UNS Language Center provides translation service,
in which I can apply my knowledge about translation theories that I have learnt
during the lecturers. Besides, I can also apply skill of writing and grammar. Another
important reason is I can get experience as a professional translator and know the
challenge encountered by the real translators in doing their job.

C. Objectives
The general objectives of the internship program are to give the experience of
working world for students, and to apply knowledge that has been learnt during the
lecturers. Besides, there are also specific objectives that I want to achieve by
conducting internship program in UNS Language Center. Those specific objectives
1. To apply knowledge and theories especially in translation that have been
learnt during the lecturers.

2. To learn soft skills related to the working world, such as professionalism,

ability to work with team, and others.
3. To gain new experience of working as a professional translator that can be a
preparation for entering the real working world.
4. To create a job opportunity as a translator by having a network with people
that work at translation field.

D. Benefits
After conducting the internship program, the students are expected to get the
benefits which are very useful as the preparation for entering the real working world.
The benefits of the internship program are not only for students but also for the
institution partner and English Department. The benefits of this internship program
1. For the student:
a. Getting new experience and knowledge, especially as a professional
translator in the real work environment.
b. Getting soft skill related to the working world that is very useful to be
applied in the real work environment later.
c. Knowing the condition and challenge encountered by the professional
translators in conducting their job.
2. For the institution partner (UNS Language Center):
a. Getting new partner to help the translator finish his job, such as translating
and editing.
3. For English Department:
a. Creating networking with other institution related to English subject that
can be an opportunity for the alumnus to work there.
b. Adding reference of institution partner to conduct the internship program.

The internship program started from September 14th, 2015 until November
14th, 2015. It was conducted in UNS Language Center, located in Jalan Ir. Sutami 36
A Kentingan, Surakarta. In the first month, I worked from Tuesday until Friday (7.30
am 15.30 pm), and in the second month I worked from Tuesday until Thursday
(7.30 am 15.30 pm). In UNS Language Center, I worked in Translation service
under the guidance of Translation Coordinator of UNS Language Center, Mr.
Herianto Nababan, S.S., M.Hum.
On the first day, Mr. Herianto Nababan, S.S., M.Hum as my supervisor gave
some descriptions about the rules and job there. He also gave explanations how the
translation business done and showed me how the translation service officer served
the clients who wanted a translation service. On the first week, I worked as the
translation service officer. In this week, I tried to adapt with the working rythm in the
UNS Language Center. I also made a greeting with several officers working in there.
On the second until the last week, I did the main job, translating. There are
two types of translation which are provided by Translation service in UNS Language
Center, non-document, and document/abstract/draft translation. Document includes
certificate (certificate of graduation, certificate of birth, Family certificate, and
others), transcript academic, official letters, and others. The second and third week,
he asked me to start working with translating abstract.

From the fourth to sixth week, I started to translate document, such as

certificate of graduation, certificate of birth, Family certificate, and others. In the last
two weeks, I translated all kinds of text from the clients. Besides, my supervisor
sometimes asked me to revise/edit the translation.
Planned activities during internship program:





Being a translation service First week

Translating abstract

Translating document

Serving the clients who

wanted to translate text.

Second and third week Translating all abstract



from the client.

sixth Translating certificate of



Translating all types of Seventh





academic, and others.

eight Translating all kind of
text from the clients.




A. Company Profile
UNS Language Center is Technical Implementation Unit of Service and
Language Development that works under the coordination of Vice Rector I of Sebelas
Maret University that deals with service and language development.
UNS Language Center gives services in the form of foreign language trainings
and translation, both for UNS academicians and for public. It also conducts the
development of language learning technique through making course materials and the
development of effective teaching approaches through short training and workshop at
regional and national scale. UNS Language Center also creates and provides teaching
materials in the form of multimedia such as cassette, video cassette, VCD, and
computer-based materials.
1. Brief history of UNS Language Center
UNS Language Center was established as a non-structural institution with
Rectors Decree dated on October 7th, 1989. In performing its work, UNS Language
Center is under the coordination of Vice Rector 1 of UNS. On the early period, UNS
Language Center got a support from International Development Program (IDP) of
Australian Universities and Colleges and all activities were centered in English
Department, Faculty of Letters with limited facilities and management. UNS
Language Center started to have its own building since May 1990. The building
consisted of seven classrooms, one office room, one head office, one

meeting/teachers room, one language laboratory, and one special room for resource
In accordance with Rectors Decree dated on May 5th, 1992, UNS Language
Center assigned as Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelayanan dan Pengembangan Bahasa
(UPT P2B) in which the services are not only focused on the UNS internal, but also
provides services for public. Besides, UNS Language Center also starts to cooperate
with other universities and institutions inside and outside country in the form of
seminar, workshop, and other language trainings.
As time passes, programs and activities in UNS Language Center increase,
thus requires a wider space. In July 1999, UNS Language Center had a new threefloor building with an area of 1050 m2. The building has eight classrooms, three
language laboratories, one auditorium, one studio room, one administration room, one
teachers room, and one resource centre. With complete facilities, UNS Language
Center is able to give language services optimally for general public.
2. Vision, Missions and Purpose of UNS Language Center
As the center of service and language development in UNS, UNS Language
Center has a vision or goal that want to be achieved in the future. This vision is a
condition that is expected by UNS Language Center.

Vision of UNS Language Center:


Become a selected reference of service and development language

center in Indonesia.

As the effort to achieve the vision above, UNS Language Center has
formulated several missions.
Missions of UNS Language Center:

To support the university policy in improving foreign language

competency of UNS academicians.

To provide language services for UNS academicians and public who

To provide consultancy service in the field of foreign language

Besides vision and missions, UNS Language Center has also formulated
several purposes. These purposes are important as the instruction or direction for
short and long term development of UNS Language Center.
Purposes of UNS Language Center:

Improving the trainees competency of foreign languages (English,

French, Japanese, Mandarin, Dutch, and German).

Ensuring customers satisfaction of the services provided by UNS

Language Center.
Improving the understanding and skills of customers relating to the
things that are consulted.

3. Services In UNS Language Center


There are five types of service which are provided by UNS Language Center.
These services are not only for UNS academicians, but also for public. The services
in UNS Language Center include:
a. BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speaker)
Program of BIPA in UNS Language Center started at the academic year of
2010-2011 with first class that was opened in October 2010. The BIPAs participants
are all foreign students in UNS.
To organize the learning process of BIPA, UNS Language Center has
formulated learning mechanism. The learning mechanism of BIPA consists of three
phases that must be followed by all foreign students in UNS. The learning
mechanisms are:
1) Pre-test UK-BINDO
2) Learning process for 6 levels (BIPA Basic I-IV and BIPA Academic I-II)
- Each level is taken in 22 meetings @ 90 minutes
- Each level is assisted with 8 times of face to face tutorial (2 x @ 90
minutes/week). The meetings are conducted outside structured class
and guided by tutor to strengthen the students Indonesian language
ability in the form of language practice especially deepening of skill of

communication in particular topics.

Post-test certified UKBI from Balai Bahasa.

The learning process of BIPA is divided into two main levels. Each level has
different purpose and all participants must pass each level. The learning levels in
BIPA are:


1) Basic Level: Basic I Basic IV

Purpose: to give basic introduction to Indonesian Language, language
threshold skill, and four language basic skills (writing, reading, listening,
and speaking).
2) Academic Level: Academic I II
Purpose: to prepare the foreign students to be able to use Indonesian
Language in academic domain, by using four language skills with
emphasize on the listening to the courses information, writing, presenting,
and absorbing information in textbook.
b. Foreign language Test
UNS Language Center provides service of foreign language test for all UNS
academicians and general public based on schedule or clients request.

Types of test service given include:

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is test of foreign
language skill for those whose native language is not English. TOEIC is designed
specifically to evaluate someones English skill with another individual in nonacademic activities (business, trade, and industry).
TOEIC takes about 2 hours, which consists of 200 questions that are divided
into 2 sections, namely: Listening section and Reading section.

Institutional Testing Program (ITP) TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign

Language) is a test that aims to measure English skill for those whose native language
is not English. Specifically, TOEFL is taken to evaluate English skill for those whose
have a purpose to continue their study to the higher level or to follow students
exchange program or scholarship program in USA & South America.
This test takes 1.5 until 2 hours, which consists of 3 sections, namely:







3) IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
IELTS is a test which is designed to measure English skill for those who will
study or work in countries that use English as communication tool. This test is one of
requirement if someone will continue his/her study or work in United Kingdom,
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and USA.
IELTS is available in two different formats (Academic and General Training)
which are suitable with participants need.
Academic module is used to measure whether someone is ready to continue
his/her study, in which English is used as the medium language in bachelor and
graduate program.
General Training module emphasizes English skill in education and social
context. This module is needed for those who want to work, follow work training
program, and immigration matters to Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.


4) HSK ( Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi)

HSK is international standard test of Chinese language skill. HSK is held in
UNS Language Center in October every year.
5) IELTS Prediction
IELTS Prediction is a test that aims to measure English skill level for those
who want to take a IELTS course as a preparation to follow International IELTS test.
IELTS Prediction can be held based on the schedule or based on the agreement
between UNS Language Center and course trainee.
6) TEAP (Test of English for Academic Purposes)

c. Translation
UNS Language Center provides translation service of manuscript or document
and abstract/draft from seven foreign languages (English, German, Dutch, French,
Mandarin, Japanese, and Arabic) into Indonesia and vice versa, for all UNS
academicians and public. The translation service is conducted every day at working
hours. The client brings the document in the form of softcopy and/or hardcopy. 1 5
pages of original document will be translated for 5 days of working hour.
Translation fee in UNS Language Center:
Type of Translation



1. Indonesian English

Rp 50.000 / page

2. English Indonesian

Rp 50.000 / page

3. Indonesian - Non-English

Rp 75.000 / page

4. Non-English Indonesian

Rp 75.000 / page

Document and Abstract/Draft



1. Indonesian English

Rp 100.000 / page

Rp 75,000 / page

2. English Indonesian

Rp 100.000 / page

Rp 75,000 / page

3. Indonesian - Non-English

Rp 125.000 / page

Rp 100,000 / page

4. Non-English Indonesian

Rp 125.000 / page

Rp 100,000 / page

d. Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance (TA) is a training program with material (combination
between theory and practice) that is given specially through the guiding of experts.
The training is conducted through intensive approach with technical guidance that is

individual, so this training needs special time allocation, sometimes 2 weeks. The
training can be conducted in UNS Language Center, or through in-house training in
client institution.
Types of TA provided by UNS Language Center:
1) Development of teaching material-based Multimedia (audio Cassette,
Audio Visual, Interactive CD, and Web- based Material).
2) Making of curriculum, syllabus, teaching material, and evaluation system

of English learning.
Micro Teaching/ Training of Trainers (TOT).
Development of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Creating and developing Self Access Center (SAC)
Training of Foreign languages

UNS Language Center provides training of English and other foreign

languages (French, Japanese, Mandarin, German, and Dutch). Those trainings are
especially intended to all UNS academicians (academic and administration staffs and
students). This is to improve the language competency of academic and
administration staffs, and give additional value and improve the competitiveness of
UNS graduates. UNS Language Center also provides training for general public,
personal and institution, in the form of regular class, private class, or in-house
training. UNS Language Center provides language programs that must be followed
by UNS students. For Bachelor Program, UNS Language Center provides EAP
(English for Academic Purposes). For Diploma program, UNS Language Center
provides TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication).


Besides, UNS Language Center also provides training of General English I

and II, Speaking/Conversation I and II, EAP Preparation, and IELTS Preparation, and
special class based on the request of UNS academicians and general public.
For French, Japanese, Mandarin, German, and Dutch, UNS Language Center
provides class of Basic I and II, and class of Conversation I and II.

B. Activities Results
The instructions from Mr. Herianto Nababan were the beginning of the
internship program in UNS Language Center. It contained the information and
descriptions about Translation service in UNS Language Center, rules and working
hour, and also jobs for intern in UNS Language Center. There were two jobs for
intern in Translation service; they were being the officer of translation service and
being a translator.
1. Translation service officer
Before asking me to be a translation service officer, my supervisor explained
the rules of translation service in UNS Language Center. He showed me how to
conduct the translation brief and how to calculate the translation fee for each type of
text. After I quite understood about the rules and all the jobs of translation service
officer, my first job as the intern in UNS Language Center began.
When the client came, first thing to do was checking the text that he/she
brought in order to see the type of text. Knowing what type of text brought by the


clients was important, because each type of text had different price. Most of clients
were UNS academicians, only few clients that came from outside UNS.
After that, I gave translation brief to the client. Translation brief consisted of
explanation about the rights and obligations of client and officer. The next step was
making agreement with the client dealing with the translation fee. All things related to
the translation fee had been arranged. The translation fee in UNS Language Center:
Type of Translation


1. Indonesian English

Rp 50.000 / page

2. English Indonesian

Rp 50.000 / page

3. Indonesian - Non-English

Rp 75.000 / page

4. Non-English Indonesian

Rp 75.000 / page

Document and Abstract/Draft



1. Indonesian English

Rp 100.000 / page

Rp 75,000 / page

2. English Indonesian

Rp 100.000 / page

Rp 75,000 / page

3. Indonesian - Non-English

Rp 125.000 / page

Rp 100,000 / page


4. Non-English Indonesian

Rp 125.000 / page

Rp 100,000 / page

1 5 pages of original document would be translated for 5 days of working hour.

There were also extra fee for clients who wanted their document to be translated less
than five days. It was called acceleration fee.
After the client agreed with the fee, I asked her/him to fill the registration
form. The registration form consisted of clients identity, type of text that wanted to
be translated, date of translation withdrawal, and payment validation. The client must
pay the Downpayment (DP) first, minimum 50% of total fee and the rest of the fee
must be paid when the client took the translation. After the client paid the
Downpayment (DP) the clients text was ready to be translated by translator.
The final step was translation withdrawal by the client. The client took the
translation and the source text on the date that had been agreed. When the client took
the translation result, I gave her/him questionnaire of customer satisfaction to assess
the service in Translation Service.


Checking the text which was brought by the client

Giving translation brief to the client

Making agreement
(Calculating translation fee, giving registration form that filled by
the client)

Translating process by the translator

(after the client paid the Downpayment)

The translation result was taken by the client

(after the client paid the rest of the23
fee and filled the questionnaire
of customer satisfaction )

Figure 1: The working process of Translation service officer

There were some problems or difficulties occurred while I worked as
translation service officer. The difficulties occurred when I gave translation brief to
the client and made agreement with the client.
In giving the translation brief, I must use good dictions and deliver them in
simply way to make the client understand. It was quite difficult because I did not
really memorize the clients rights and obligations. Sometimes I also forgot some
points, but my supervisor always helped me. He would give additional information to
the client and correct me if I said something wrong.
Making agreement with the client was also quite difficult, especially when the
client wanted to translate text that consisted of more than 5 pages. The translation
service officer must calculate the translation fee fairly. I always asked my
supervisors opinion before I decided the translation fee that must be paid by the
client and sometimes my supervisor calculated the translation fee by himself.
While I worked as translation service officer, I learned some important things.
I learned how the process of translation business done and I also learned how to
communicate with other people effectively by using good dictions.
2. Translator


The main activity during the internship program in UNS Language Center
was translating texts from clients (become a translator). There are two types of
translation which are provided by Translation service in UNS Language Center, they
are non-document, and document/abstract/draft translation. In here, my job was
translating document, abstract, and draft. In conducting my job, I tried to apply all my
knowledge about translation theories that I had learnt during the lecturers. I did my
job at SAC (Self Access Center/ UNS Language Centers library).

a) Translating abstract
The first type of text that I translated was abstract. While working as the
translator in UNS Language Center, I had translated 19 abstracts. All of them are
translated from Indonesian to English. In a day, my supervisor gave two or three
abstracts that I had to translate. Abstract was a short text, so I could finish translating
three abstracts in a day.
There were some difficulties occurred during translating abstract. First
difficulty occurred when I had to translate technical terms, for example Perjanjian
Pengikatan Jual Beli Dibawah Tangan. To solve that difficulty, first I tried to
translate them literally, and then I checked them in Google. My supervisor taught me
how to search parallel text in Google correctly, i.e. by giving quote, for example
Through Binding Sale and Purchase Agreement Underhand. The internet
connection in SAC was very helpful for me in finishing my job.


The other difficulties occurred when I translated the part of abstract that
explained the research results. Sometimes the explanation of research results in the
source text was hard to understand. To solve that problem first I tried to read them
slowly and carefully, and tried to understand the meaning of the text. Sometimes I
split up a long sentence into short and simple sentences. The choice of words was
also important in order to produce readable translation.
After finishing my translation, I submitted it to my supervisor. Then we
checked it together before the translation was taken by the client. While checking my
translation, my supervisor would give some suggestions. Those suggestions were
very helpful for me in improving my translation skill.
b) Translating document
According to my supervisor, texts that belonged to document were texts that
could not be revised anymore, for example certificate of graduation, academic
transcript, family card, school report card, and and others. While working as the
translator in UNS Language Center, I had translated two certificate of graduation of
Senior Secondary School, two academic transcripts, school report card, and others.
Translating those texts were quite simple because my supervisor gave me the
translation sample of those texts. I just needed to change the data. The problems
occurred when my supervisor did not give me the translation sample, for example
when I translated Kartu Keluarga (family card) from Indonesian into English. My
supervisor did not give a sample of family card translation in English. To solve that


problem, I tried to search family card translation in Google, in order to see how the
pattern of family card translation.
Translating academics transcript was also quite difficult, especially when
translating the name of subjects. In translating the name of subjects, I searched the
parallel text on Google. There must be no mistake in inputting the score, so when I
finished translating the academic transcript, I always checked it again at least three
times, to make sure that I inputted the score correctly.
Working as the translator in UNS Language Center was a very good
experience. In here I could apply my knowledge about translation theory that I had
learnt during the lecturers and I could also improve my skill in translation field.



A. Conclusion
The internship program which is conducted by the students of English
Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, is aimed to give
the experience of working world for students, and to apply knowledge that has been
learnt in the class during the lectures, so that the students are familiar with the real
working world later. During the internship program in UNS Language Center, I have
learnt so much knowledge. In Translation Service of UNS Language Center I can
apply my knowledge about the translation theory that I have learnt during the
lecturers. Besides, I can also apply skill of writing and grammar.
While working as the translator and translation service officer, I got a new
experience as the professional translator and knew the challenge encountered by the
real translators in doing their job. I also got new knowledge about how the real


translation business done. All activities during the internship program have improved
my knowledge about translation field and also improved my soft skills, especially my
communication skill. Having an internship there became my valuable experience. It
can be a good modal for me when entering the real working world.

B. Recommendations
Based on my experience during the internship program in UNS Language
Center, I have recommendations for UNS Language Center and English Department:
1. For UNS Language Center, it would be better if UNS Language Center
provides special working room for the translator which is completed with








working/translating in SAC was less comfortable. I hard to concentrate and

the speed of internet connection became low when the SAC was full of
visitors. With this special working room, the translator will be more focus and
comfortable in doing her/his job. Hopefully, with the special working room, it
can improve the quality of the translation produces by the translator.
2. For English Department, it would be better if English Department can build
cooperation with some institutions that can be used the alternatives for the
students to conduct the internship program.



Program Studi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sebelas Maret.
(2015). Buku Pedoman Kegiatan Magang Mahasiswa. Surakarta: Universitas
Sebelas Maret.


Some of documents that I had translated during the internship program in
UNS Language Center.
1. Abstract
Source text:
BOYOLALI (2014/2015). Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan
Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Oktober 2015.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah adalah untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman konsep bilangan Romawi melalui penggunaan media
kartu bilangan pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Mudal Boyolali tahun
ajaran 2014/2015.
Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK)
yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari empat
tahap, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi.
Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Mudal Boyolali
tahun ajaran 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 38 siswa, terdiri dari 24
siswa laki-laki dan 14 siswa perempuan. Sumber data berasal dari
siswa dan guru kelas, data nilai pemahaman konsep bilangan
Romawi pratindakan dan saat tindakan. Teknik pengumpulan data
melalui wawancara, observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Validitas data
yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan validitas isi. Analisis
data menggunakan model analisis interaktif yang mempunyai tiga
buah komponen yaitu reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman konsep
bilangan Romawi dapat meningkat melalui penggunaan media kartu
bilangan pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Mudal Boyolali tahun
ajaran 2014/2015. Peningkatan tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan
meningkatnya ketuntasan klasikal siswa mulai dari pratindakan,
siklus I, dan siklus II. Pada pratindakan ketuntasan klasikal adalah
34,21% atau 16 siswa dari 38 siswa, pada siklus I tingkat
ketuntasan klasikal mencapai 73,68% atau 28 siswa dari 38 siswa,

dan pada siklus II tingkat ketuntasan klasikal mencapai 86,84% atau

33 dari 33 siswa. Nilai rata-rata pemahaman konsep bilangan
Romawi juga mengalami peningkatan. Pada pratindakan nilai ratarata kelas adalah 62,17; pada siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas mencapai
69,01; dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas mencapai 80,13.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa
pemahaman konsep bilangan Romawi pada siswa kelas IV SD
Negeri 2 Mudal Boyolali tahun ajaran 2014/2015.
Kata Kunci: Kartu bilangan, pemahaman konsep, bilangan
Translation result (first version):
OF MUDAL BOYOLALI (2014/2015). Thesis, Surakarta: Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. October 2015.
The objective of this research is to improve the understanding of Roman
Numerals concept through the use of card of number media on the students of grade
IV of State Elementary School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in academic year 2014/2015.
This research was classroom action reserach (CAR) that conducted in two
cycles. Each cycle consisted of four phases, namely planning, action implementation,
observation, and reflection. The subjects of this reserach were 38 students, consisted
of 24 male students and 14 female students, of grade IV of State Elementary School 2
of Mudal Boyolali in academic year 2014/2015. The source of data derived from
students and teachers, the data of the understanding of Roman Numerals concept
score in the pre-action and while the action. The data of this research were collected
through in-depth interview, observation, test, and documentation technique. The data
were validating by using source triangulation and content validity and analyzed by
using interactive analysis modhel that has three components, namely data reduction,
data presentation , and conclusion.
The result of the research shows that the understanding of Roman Numerals
concept can improve through the use of card of number media on the students of
Grade IV of State Elementary School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in academic year
2014/2015. The improvement can be proven with the improving of students classical
completeness, starting from pre-action, cycle I, and cycle II. In pre-action, the
classical completeness is 34.21% or 16 students out of 38 students, in the cycle I level

of classical completeness reaches 73.38% or 28 students out of 38 students, and in the

cycle II level of classical completeness reaches 86.84% or 33 students out of 38
students. The average score of the understanding of Roman Numerals concept also
improves. In the pre-action, the class score average is 62,17; in the cycle I the
class score average reaches 69.01; and in the cycle II the class score average reaches
Based on the result of the research, the use of card of number media can
improve the understanding of Roman Numerals concept on the students of Grade IV
of State Elementary School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in academic year 2014/2015.
Keywords: Card of number, the concept understanding, Roman numerals.
Final translation result (after revising/editing):
BOYOLALI (2014/2015). Thesis, Surakarta: The Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Sebelas Maret University. October 2015.
The objective of this research is to improve the conceptual understanding of
Roman Numerals through the use of number card media of the students in Grade IV
of State Primary School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in Academic Year 2014/2015.
This research used the classroom action reserach (CAR) with two cycles.
Each cycle consisted of four phases, namely: planning, implementation, observation,
and reflection. The subjects of reserach were 38 students, 24 males and 14 females, in
Grade IV of State Primary School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in Academic Year 2014/2015.
The sources of data were the students and the class teacher of the school, the students
scores of the conceptual understanding of Roman Numerals in the pre-treatment and
ongoing treatment. The data of this research were collected through in-depth
interview, observation, test, and documentation. They were validated by using the
source triangulation and the content validity and analyzed by using the interactive
model of analysis comprising three components, namely: data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing.
The result of research shows that the use of number card media can improve
the conceptual understanding of Roman Numerals of the students in Grade IV of
State Primary School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in Academic Year 2014/2015 as indicated
by the improvement of the students classical learning completeness, from Pre-cycle
to Cycle I and form Cycle I to Cycle II. In Pre-cycle, 16 students (34.21%) fulfilled
the classical learning completeness, in Cycle I 28 students (73.68%) fulfilled the

classical learning completeness, and in Cycle II, 33 students (86.84%) fulfilled the
classical learning completeness. The students average scores of the conceptual
understanding of Roman Numerals also improve. In Pre-cycle, the average score was
62,17. Following the treatment, it became 69.01 in Cycle I and 80.13 in
Cycle II respectively.
Thus, the use of number card media can improve the conceptual
understanding of Roman Numerals of the students in Grade IV of State Primary
School 2 of Mudal Boyolali in Academic Year 2014/2015
Keywords: Number card media, conceptual understanding, Roman numerals.


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