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Is life more stressful tan before? What can you do to live a peaceful existence?
Is possible that Newspapers will disappear in a near future?
Physical appearance nowadays.
Concept of friendship. What means to be a good friend? Have you been
betrayed for a friend?
Social networks and its consequences in our society
Changes of technologies in teaching method during the 2 last decades.
Deterioration generated by tourism.
Surveillance cameras.
Credit cards: pros and cons, security problems.
Impact of sensationalist tv in Young people
Should the voluntary work be subsidized? Should it be paid?
Measures to take to help refugees
Life in a city: traffic, noise, parking, pollution
Children: too much rights and less obligations? Are they overprotected?
Botellonas parties: illnesses, rubbish, vandalism consequences and possible
Animal mistreating. Bullfighting. Fox hunting.


How to focus the forthcoming cultural programme for young adults

How can we create a NGO to help refugees? Achieve an agreement to start a
refugee reception plan, first steps to do, financing
Complaint in a telephone company. I have some extras that I didnt asked. (B=
persuade the client, advantages of these extras).
Enhance and develop self-employment
How and where to expand our business? (Asia/USA?)
To become independent of ones parents. Pros and cons: buy or rent?

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