Past Tense and Action Verbs

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Lesson Plan Outline

Class being taught: EFL Students

Sponsor Teacher Bro. P. Christensen

Prepared on
To be used on

For my pre-assessment, I would start off with a fill in the blank exercise to assess my
students understanding of the past tense. It will give an idea on what, where and how to
work on this specific lesson. The two exercises requires the students to draw from their
background knowledge what they know about the past tense. I will then collect the
exercises to review what they know about past tense.


1. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks.

Last weekend I did a lot of things. On Saturday I went to see We went to the
park and . chess there. I went .. in the late afternoon, and played some
music on Later that evening I watched my ..on TV, and went to
bed very late. Next morning I spoke with my friend ., but I could not visit
him, because I had to help . in the garage. There we made a bird feeder
that fly around the yard.
2. Match the verbs with their past tense.
work/ played / listen / did / show / ate / drink / danced / do / worked / eat / showed / swim /drank /
dance / swam

Course Objective
Past Simple Tense and Action Verbs
Distinguish regular from irregular verbs

Lesson Objective(s) The students will be able to

Rewrite sentences correctly in the past
1. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks

Match the verbs with their past tense.


Irregular verbs. Look at some of the most common

irregular verbs.

4. Fill in the blanks in the table

5. Rewrite the sentences in past tense
6. Put the story in order. Rewrite in past tense
7. Underline the correct option

E.g. want+ed wanted
work+ed worked
Verb, ending in e+d
E.g. dance+d danced
live+d lived
Verb, ending in y: y i +
E.g. cry cried
try tried
One vowel verb: double the
E.g. spot spotted
blog blogged


Review/Development, and Time (5 minutes)

1. Fill in the blanks in the table.

2. Rewrite the sentences in past tense. (5 minutes)

1. My father works as a policeman.
2. Three kids play outside.
3. I listen to music and play cards.
4. I walk in the park with my best friends.
5. We write a story about our families.
6. I go to school and then I come back home.
7. They run around the block.
8. Your mother goes to the mall.
3. Put the story in order. Rewrite in past tense. (5 minutes)
1. Monika works late last Friday.
2. Then she miss the bus and got a taxi back home.
3. She has a lot of work to do, and had to stay in the office until 7.30 pm.
4. After dinner, they watch a movie together and go to bed at 11.30pm.
5. When she comes home she started cooking.
6. He wants pizza, so his dad ordered some pizza on the phone.
7. Monikas son Daniel does not like his dinner at all, and did not want to eat it.
8. At about 9pm dinner is finally ready and everybody sat at the table.
4. Underline the correct option. (5 minutes)
1. I .. (telled, think, told) Martin to give me the book.
2. She ..(answered, brings, drew) the phone.
3. The family . (swim, bought, drives) the house last April.
4. My brother and I ..(fed,dress,talled) our two cats Tomy and Mike.
5. Our friend Sonya . (talked, ate, saw) a very famous actor last week.
6. I .. (cleaned, wash, drove) my room yesterday, so I can play today.

Here is a list of different websites the students can use
to practice their knowledge about past tense and
action verb.

Philosophical Justification
I chose to focus on past tense and verb actions
because Ive realized that my students are
struggling with past tense in their essays and it
makes me worry that later on they wont be able to

For this lesson, I will start off with the pre-assessment
and have them do the different exercises in my
development. All the exercises I chose have for purpose
to drill tin the students brain the formation of past tense
and how to use it. Also, I will have them do the online
games because I know that the students like games in
Contingency Plan
As a contingency plan I would have all the exercises
printed and will also play jeopardy on the board. I will
come to class early and prepare stickers and card boards
for the lesson.

keep up with the next chapter which is present

perfect. I want to lay down a strong foundation
about the past tense so when it comes to other
tenses the students will be able to understand when
and how to use it.
-how can I get the students interested in the
lesson? How can I get them engaged to share their
ideas?-how will I make sure they dont get bored?
Is my discussion have a clear focus?-When will I
step in and call on a student to share with the
class?-should I allow them to work in groups and
talk to each other/share stories then talk as a whole
-Am I talking slow and clear to slow to fast?Is my writing on the board clear and visible to
everyone?-Are my questions open ended and
making them think and talk more?-What can I do
if the conversation and the discussion is not
pushing past the surface level?-Are the students
understanding the lesson? How can I tell?
After:-was my lesson clear and organized?-how
were the transitions between questions? Did they
stay on topic?-Was I able to cover all the
information or did time slip away from me?-What
changes might Improve my next lesson?
-Did a few students not talk and then some do all
the talking?

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