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HCI Design Challenge

Team Name

Group 5

Team Members:
Tessa Donaldson

Student ID

Josiah Atkinson


Michael Tyler


Raeesah Joowalay


This document outlines the design for a new anatomy and physiology interactive display
software application (Anatomy Explorer) to be implemented in the Griffith University Red Zone.


Project Description

Anatomy Explorer is an application that will be designed to be implemented on the existing

dome interface in the Red Zone at the Griffith Nathan campus. The primary aim is to educate
and give insight into the Griffiths School of medicine. The users will be able to interact with the
application via the Microsoft Kinect controller platform which will enable them to understand the
three categories that the application has to offer - bones, muscles and organs. Upon beginning
the AE, the user will need stand on the designated area; interaction domain which will have two
feet imprints to ensure the users have an accurate displays so that all elements on the
interactive display are within reaching distance.


The Anatomy Explorer will:

Use motion tracking to display an interactive image of a person that moves in time with the user
Display and educate users on the anatomy of the human body, focussing on bones, muscles
and basic organ functions
Showcase school of medicine anatomy and physiology introduction for prospective students


Product Scope

The Anatomy Explorer product will not:

Be offered on across multiple campuses

Be a replacement for course content
Allow for multiple users at one time


Audience Details

The audience for the Anatomy Explorer are primarily Griffith University students, however, the
Red Zone is open to prospective students as well. The Anatomy Explorer is designed to appeal
to all students and medical science enthusiasts. There are no age, gender, income or education
restrictions on the audience of the application. Users of the application will need to be familiar to
Microsoft Kinect technology and have at least one fully mobile and functional arm and hand for

interaction tasks. Users will be able to complete all tasks from start to finish with ease.

Griffith University students

Current students
Prospective students
School age students (secondary)
Parents and Lectures
Medical Science Enthusiasts
Open day visitors


Usability Objectives

The Anatomy Explorer has the following usability objectives

Controller - to get the application started
Be able to pick up from any point in the app
Continuation until task end
Simple and quick from start to finish
Descriptive buttons and interactive elements
Visible interaction feedback for ALL interactions


Structural Design

The application, the Anatomy Explorer, is structured to show a range of information without
trying to overload the user with information. The application will be set up so that all information
can be viewed from the interaction zone (see prototype); the area where the kinect will be
focused to sense the users presence and then overlay the skeletal/muscular/organ image
overlay onto the Domes screen. To demonstrate this we have developed initial sketches
(Brainstorming), a digital wireframe and have drawn low fidelity prototypes to convey the layouts
and features. Near the interface, an Information plaque will be placed with a QR Code that will
take the user to the Griffith Home page research section (https://www.griffith.edu.au/research).
This will be for the people interested in Griffiths current research projects.


Visual Design

Colour palettes
Red White - Griffith University colours - School of medicine this colour scheme incorporates
strong Griffith University branding typical of the Red Zone while remaining relatively simple.
GU Red








Colours of (bones, muscles, organs) will
be shown correctly to give the user more
of a visual and understanding of the
human body (e.g - bones - white, heart red, veins purple)
Brainstorming Content - Sketches
Low- fidelity Paper Mockups
Hi- fidelity Digital Wireframes

2.3. Supporting Design

Content brainstorming

Paper prototypes

Digital Wireframes

Digital Wireframes were chosen as a supporting design tool as they are excellent for
demonstrating the overall structure and architecture of the application we are designing. The
wireframe (above), shows the screen layout we have chosen to display our applications
information. The main part of the screen, the Interaction area will be where the visual overlay
will be shown of the person standing within the designated platform domain (see prototypes
above). Above the Interaction zone are the three viewing options. The X-Ray feature will show a
bone overlay over the top of the user in the interaction area. Whilst in this mode there will be
Points of Interest within the interaction area that the user can select. Once selected the
interaction area will focus on that specific bone/set of bones and show the information regarding
that targeted area on the left hand side of the screen. The Muscle and the Organ options will
have the same available features but, with points of interest regarding their own subjects. On
the far left of the screen is the How to Section which will give quick and helpful tips on how to
maneuver around the application. The image on the top left will display the Griffith Nathan Logo
and the top right will display a short welcome message. The information on the far left will
change depending on the screens and will showcase research being done at Griffiths school of


Natalie is a current student who is keen to encourage prospective students to get into the
School of Medicine. She hears about the Red Zone on campus and is curious to check it out
and see what innovations are available. She tries interacting with the display in the dome space
and finds it quite simple but entertaining. She then recommends this application to her younger
cousins to come in and give it a try before they choose their senior subjects at school.

Amelia is trying to choose her subjects for the next two years. Shes very much interested in
the sciences but doesnt know if she wants to go into some sort of medicine subject. She
attends a open day at Griffith University and is impressed by the displays on offer. After visiting
the Red Room and drying the application in the dome, she now knows where to get more
information and has a more confirmed plan to pursue a career in that topic area.

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