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Political Issues: What Do the Major Candidates Stand For? Issue Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Immigration Children of illegal immigrants should be given a path to United States, citizenship. Hlegal immigrants should be eligible for government healthcare. Clinton would like to see a path to amnesty and citizenship for working illegal immigrants. Immigrants should not be banned from this country due to religion Build a wall across the United States/Mexico border. Return all illegal immigrants back to their countries, End birthright citizenship (children who are born in the United States to illegal immigrants currently become United States citizen. Trump would like that to end.) Temporarily ban Muslims from entering this country. Education Expand early learning for children. Ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years. Add millions of more dollars for technology in schools. Offer more workplace training in our school, Reduce testing in schools Put an end to Common Core, Provide vouchers so that students in inner cities can attend any Charter School or other school of their choice. Spend less on education, Gun Control 1f Perform background checks on anyone who purchases a gun. This, would reduce gun trafficking (selling guns illegally to criminals), reduce murder victims of domestic violence, and reduce unlawful gun transfers to dangerous individuals. ‘No background checks for guns. Trump has stated that law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own, College Education Expense Provide debt-free, and tuition free college education at state universities and colleges. The government should not be in the business of college loans. Educate parents on how to better save for college Marriage Equality Marriage between two people should not be limited to a man and a woman. man anda womah. Minimum Wage All working employees should make at least $15.00 an hour. Ithas been hard to determine Donald ‘Trump's stance on finimum wage. He has said that he doesn’t understand how people survive on $7.25 an hour. However, he has stated that he would not raise the minjmum wage. @Ginakennedy | | Economy Invest $125 billion to create good paying jobs. Rebuild crumbling highways and bridges, and improve housing in communities that have been neglected for too long. Make sure every employee is offered “paid leave" to take time off after faving child. Make sure that the wealthy pays thelr fair share of tax breaks and not be allowed to not pay taxes, Lower the tax rate for corporation to | 15% so more people will start businesses. Make paying taxes easier ‘and cut taxes for all Americans, Make sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes. Companies do not have to provide “paid leave” as that would be too costly for some companies to bear. Climate Change This is caused by people and we must do something about is. Clinton has a plan that would generate enough renewable energy to power every home in America within 20 years of taking office and increase solar capacity by 700 percent by 2020, Climate change does not exist and therefore there is nothing to do about it, Reopen coal mines as a major part of energy. Both Clinton and Trump agree that fracking should be banned. Death Penalty/Criminal Justice Death penaity only to be used in severe cases set forth by the Supreme Court. Police body cameras should be mandatory. Ex-felons should be able to earn back their right to vote. Clinton would like the government to run the prisons so that they can oversee the programs. Supports the death penalty and each state should set their own rules. Police cameras should not be mandatory, €&- felons should not be given the right to vote, Trump would like to privatize prisons and contract private companies to run them. Trade Pacific Partnership (TPP} (itinvolves 12 counties the US, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Seunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canad, Mexico, Chile and Peru. Encourages the wading of products with each ofthese ‘counties. Member countries ae hoping to be able expand businesses in their country by seling more goods and creating more goods internationally) Personally, Hillary Clinton is against the TPP. However, President Clinton and the Democrats agree to support it on their platform, Any trade deal has to produce jobs and raise wages and increase prosperity and protect our security. The Democrats would like to renegotiate the TPP with the other countries. Wants to end the TPP. Trump would like to create huge tariffs (taxes) on any country that would lke to import goods to our country and a large tax to companies that do business with other countries by exporting their goods or having their goods manufactured in other countries. Healthcare Believes in continuing a universal healthcare program that ensures that all Americans have health insurance, Would like to keep President Obama's healthcare pian, but expand oni. Would like to end Obamas healthcare plan immediately. He has not laid out the details of his own healthcare plan as of yet. The War on Terror Social Security Do not increase military spending. Clinton would not lke to increase soldier's presence in terroristic countries like Syria, ~ Expand Social Security for those who contribute more to balance the need it most and who are treated unfairly by the current system. Stop decreasing a widow's check when their spouse dies. Have the rich system and reduce the number of seniors we have living in poverty and balance the system, Provide cost of living increases. Increase military spending. Trump would like to increase the presence of soldiers in countries such as Syria Whereas the GOP platform would like || to decrease social security, Trump would lke to keep it as itis,

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