ISDS 361B - Fall2016 - 14

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ISDS 361B-14, 12213: Business Analytics II

Mihaylo College of Business and Economics

Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences
(657) 278-2221 / Fax (714) 278-5940

Fall 2016 TuTh, 1:00PM 2:15PM

Pramod Pandya
2:30 3:00 PM

Office Hours:


Course Description and Objectives:

This course provides students with a basic introduction to the
concepts, methods and models used in the business analytics.
Analytics is defined as the use of data, statistical analysis, quantitative
methods, computer-based models and information technology to help
managers gain insight about their business operations and make
better, fact-based decisions. Tools and techniques of business analytics
are used across many areas in a wide variety of organizations.
Emphasis of the course will be on developing analytical thinking in
addition to the knowledge of procedures. Students also gain a high
level of proficiency of Microsoft Excel through extensive use of
Microsoft Excel capabilities to various analytic problems.
Pre-requisites: ISDS 361 A: Business Analytics I.
Learning Goals:
After completing this course, students should be able to:

Explain descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics

Use Excel to manage large volumes of data
Use decision-making tools of Excel
Use PivotTables of Excel
Use Solver in Excel
Use regression models for prediction and classification
Understand the role of forecasting in minimizing future risk
Use exponential smoothing models and regression models to do

Fall2016 361B

Prof. Pandya

Understand linear programming models

Implement linear programming models in Excel
Conduct simple simulations for risk analysis
Understand inventory models

Required Text:

Course Materials: Essentials of Business Analytics,
2nd edition by
Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann/Anderson/Sweeney/Williams with
Custom MindTap access code.
b. ISBN: 9781337380720
The bundle will sell for around $135 at the boosktore. This
includes the book, MindTap code AND also included in this price
is the Frontline software that was installed in our labs.
d. Note: This can ONLY be purchased at the CSUF on campus
bookstore or off-campus bookstore (Little Professor). The code is
specific to the CSUF course.

Required Technologies and Skills:

In order to participate successfully in this class, you must have strong
general computer skills. The following technologies and skills are
required in order for you to take this course:

You must have access to a computer with an active Internet

connection and a web browser that will properly render the
course website (e.g., Firefox or Internet Explorer)
MS Office will be used in this course to create required
deliverables for assignments.
You must possess the requisite skills to use the hardware and
software noted above.
You should be proficient in emailing and attaching files,
uploading files, cutting and pasting, downloading and opening
files with Acrobat Reader, PowerPoint, and MS Word, and viewing
multimedia files.

Teaching Method:
This course will be taught using various methods including lectures,
discussions, case problems, and hands-on examples. Students are
responsible for all information given in class. If class is missed, it is the
students responsibility to get notes from a classmate and/or see the

Fall2016 361B

Prof. Pandya

professor during office hours. The lecture and class discussion will not
be repeated via email.
Expectations and Behavior:

The content of this course is difficult to master without a

substantial degree of effort on your part. Thus, you will need to
dedicate a great deal of time reading and thinking about the
topics being addressed if you are to be successful.
The course website will be your primary resource of
communication. You will be using the course website to obtain
course materials, communicate with your professor, and to
communicate with your classmates. Please be sure to check the
website for updates regularly.
When communicating with your professor or your classmates,
you will be expected to follow the standard rules of network
etiquette (netiquette). A detailed description of standard
netiquette rules is published by the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) in RFC 1855, which can be found at

Instructor Responsiveness:

Barring any unusual circumstances, all student emails requiring a

response will be answered within 48 hours.
Grades for all quizzes, written projects, and exams will be posted
within two calendar week of their respective due dates.

Additional Advice:
Don't fall behind, and dont be afraid to ask questions. You have many
options for contacting and interacting with your instructor and with
your fellow classmates, so please do not hesitate to use them as
The course grade will be based upon your performance on five quizzes,
three case studies, one Excel project, and two written exam.

5 Quizzes will be administered there are no makeup quizzes.

Homework assignments must be submitted on due dates
emailed homework assignments will not be accepted late
homework assignments will not be accepted.

Fall2016 361B

Prof. Pandya

Group Project: In the Excel project, students will use their

knowledge of Excel (based only on topics covered in the course)
to perform various analytic functions group project must be
submitted on a due date OR else penalty will be imposed
Group Project to be submitted on flash drive.
The written examinations will be comprised of primarily multiple
choice questions and a few open-ended problems.

2 cheat sheets permitted for reference to all 3 Tests.
NO other material such as Power Point slide copies, homework, or sample
copies of tests with or without answers - NO ACCESS to any WEB sites
including the ISDS-361B site on the Blackboard (NO ACCESS to INTERNET)
No media such as Flash drive, disk, laptop or cellphone to be used while
taking the Test or to bring any information coded in such a device to be
used in the Test.
Course grades will be determined using the following scale expressed
in %

93% - 100%
90% 92.99%
86% 89.99%
80% 85.99%
70% 79.99%
60% 69.99%
0% 59.99%

Course work at 100%

Five Quizzes
Homework Assignments
One Excel Group Project
Three Exams (2 Mid-Terms and 1

Fall2016 361B

10% of course work

5% of course work
5% of course work (for each
member of the group)
80% of course work

Prof. Pandya


Late case reports, Excel project, online quizzes, or make-up exams will
not be allowed without a documented, University-approved
excuse. No exceptions! There is no extra credit in this course.
Technical Problems:

Please be aware that your professor has no control over the

hardware, software, or networks which underlie the course
website. If you encounter any technical problems, you should
therefore contact the CSUF IT Help Desk instead of contacting
your professor. You can contact the help desk by calling
657.278.7777, or by sending an email to
Although the course website is generally very reliable, if it
happens to be offline when you are attempting to submit a
written project, you may email your project to professor as an
alternative. No alternative means of submitting online quizzes is
available, however, because those quizzes rely entirely upon the
functionality of the course website. You should therefore avoid
waiting until the last minute to submit your quizzes and
homework so as to hedge against the possibility of the course
website being unavailable.

Additional Class Rules and Considerations:

If you have a grading dispute for a project, quiz, or exam, you

must provide written details of your dispute to your professor
within one calendar week of your grade having been made
available to you. This includes grades being made available via
the course website.
If you have any special needs, you must inform your professor
within the first week of class if those needs are to be
accommodated. Please note that any special accommodations
must be documented by the CSUF Disabled Student Services
office. Information about your right to accommodations for
documented special needs can be obtained from the Disabled
Student Service office, UH 101, 657.278.3117 or as documented
Review the Universitys recommendations regarding emergency
preparedness, which can be found at

Fall2016 361B

Prof. Pandya

Academic Integrity:
Per UPS 300.021: Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to
cheating on examinations or assignments, unauthorized collaboration,
plagiarism, falsification/fabrication of university documents, any act
designed to give unfair academic advantage to the student, assisting
or allowing any of these acts, or the attempt to commit such acts.
These activities are expressly prohibited in this course.
As an MCBE student, you will be held to a high standard of integrity
and behavior. All violations of academic integrity will therefore be
reported to the Dean of Students Office, Judicial Affairs. This applies to
both individual and group work. Students adjudged in breach of UPS
300.021 will be subjected to whatever penalties are levied by Judicial
Affairs. Please note that you are subject to all of the provisions of the
University Policy Statement on Academic Integrity, even though only a
subset of those provisions is noted herein. For more information, please
Disabled Services:
If you have any special needs or require any special accommodation,
you must inform the instructor within the first week of class. Please
note that any special accommodation must be documented by the
CSUF Disabled Student Services office. Information about your right to
accommodations for documented special needs can be obtained from
the Disabled Student Service office, UH 101, (657)278-3117 or as
documented at
Emergency services:
See for
Assessment Statement:
The programs offered in Mihaylo College of Business and Economics
(MCBE) at Cal State Fullerton are designed to provide every student
with the knowledge and skills essential for a successful career in
business. Since assessment plays a vital role in Mihaylo Colleges drive
to offer the best, several assessment tools are implemented to
constantly evaluate our program as well as our students progress.
Students, faculty, and staff should expect to participate in MCBE
assessment activities. In doing so, Mihaylo College is able to measure
its strengths and weaknesses, and continue to cultivate a climate of
excellence in its students and programs.

Fall2016 361B

Prof. Pandya

As an MCBE student, you are required to make an ethical and
professional commitment to act appropriately in all academic activities
and to not tolerate any dishonorable or disrespectful behavior from
yourself or from your classmates. This requirement includes both
online and face-to-face behavior, and applies unambiguously to ISDS

Course Weekly Outline*




Course Descriptive Analytics, Predictive
overvie Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics
o 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5
o 1.4 (big data introduction)
Introdu Essentials of MindTap package
ction to
Descriptive analytics
Analytics o 2.3 data filtering and sorting
with Excel o 3.2 pivot tables
o 3.3 scatter charts (only)
Ch3 video: PivotTables in Excel
Ch3 video: Scatter Chart Matrix in
XLMiner Platform
Regressio o 7.1-7.3 simple regression review
n Analysis o 7.4 multiple regression

Fall2016 361B

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Prof. Pandya

o 7.5 inference for regression

models & investigation of residual
o 7.6 regression with categorical
Ch 7 video: Simple Linear
Regression and Butler Trucking
Ch 7 video: Regression with Dummy
Variables and Johnson Filtration Inc.


Predictive Analytics
o 8.1 recognizing time series
o 8.2 measuring forecasting
accuracy (template?)
o 8.3 stationary methods
Moving average
Exponential smoothing
Weighted moving average ? (not
covered in the book)
o 8.4 trend methods
Linear regression
Holts method? (not covered in
the book)
o 8.5 seasonal method
Regression based
Ch 8 videos:
Exponential Smoothing and the
Gasoline Sales Data
Moving Averages and the Gasoline
Sales Data
Excel's Forecast Sheet and the
Smartphone Sales Data

Quiz 3

Test #1

et models

Prescriptive Analytics
o 10.1 intro
o 10.2 data tables
o 10.3 sum and sumproduct
Ch 10 video: Nowlin Plastics -- Using
Excel to Construct a Data Table

Fall2016 361B

Prof. Pandya


o 11.1 formulation
Quiz 4
programm o 11.2 solving LP with solver
o 11.3 minimization
o 11.4 special cases of linear
programming outputs
o 11.5 sensitivity analysis
textbook covers reduced cost and
shadow price only
using solvertable-type analysis
using the frontline software!!
o 11.6 more examples
Ch 11 videos:
ASB Investment -- An Example of
Linear Programming Model
Par, Inc. -- Using Excel Solver to
Solve a Linear Optimization Problem
M&D Chemicals -- Interpreting the
Shadow Prices from the Excel Solver
Sensitivity Report for Linear


Probability o 5.4 random variables: uniform,

o 5.5 and 5.6 discrete and
continuous distributions
uncertaint o Appendix 14.2 (p724) y
Distribution fitting with Analytic
Solver Platform
Ch2 video: Frequency Distributions
and Histograms


y in

Fall2016 361B

o Ch 14 all sections - Problem setup,

pros and cons of simulation
ch 14 videos:
Simulation Modeling with Native
Excel -- Sanotronics Example
Construction of simulation model
with random variables from a

Prof. Pandya

general discrete distribution, a

uniform distribution, and a normal
Simulation Modeling with Native
Excel -- Land Shark Example
Construction of simulation model
with random variables from a
discrete uniform distribution, and
resampling from data.
Distribution Fitting Using Analytic
Solver Platform



d topic as


Final Exam: Friday, Dec 16th, 9:30 AM

11:20 AM

Fall2016 361B

o 15.1 & Appendix 15.1 set up

o 15.2 Decision Analysis without
probabilities ?
o 15.3, 15.4 decision analysis with
probabilities and with sample
o Tornado charts with Analytic
Solver Platform (not covered in
the book)
Ch 15 videos:
Expected Value Approach for
Decision Analysis
Uses PDC condos example to
demonstrate expected value
calculations in a decision tree.
Decision Analysis for Hemmingway
R&D Project
Demonstrates calculations and use
of decision tree. This is exercise
15.10 in your reading.

Quiz 5

o Inventory management
o classification analysis


Prof. Pandya

* This schedule is subject to change with notice, per UPS

Video tutorials, EBOOK, Homework assignments, and
Adaptive Test Prep resources available.

Class + HW Assignments

Chapter 2
1, 2, 3, 24, 25, 26
Chapter 3
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15
Chapter 7
SLR: 1, 3, 4, 7,
MR: 9, 10, 11, 12
Dummy: 13, 14, 15, 19
NLR: 17, 18
Chapter 8
Stationary TS: 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12
Non-Stationary TS: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Stationary with Seasonal components: 22
Non-Stationary with Seasonal components:23,24,26

Chapter 5
14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 25, 24, 30
Chapter 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 13
Chapter 11
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10

Fall2016 361B


Prof. Pandya

Fall2016 361B


Prof. Pandya

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