Egyptian Goddesses

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History Of Design

Ancient Egyptian Goddesses

ARTH 321-History of Design

OBr-Ann Forde (0078863)
September 29, 2016
Ms. Sten



The Kingdoms of Egypt

Ancient Egypt, a great nation found in Africa is home to many exquisite designs known
through time, whether it is found in their architecture, landscapes, wall paintings or even fashion.
Egypt was also known for their gods and goddesses. In this essay it would be shown how the
goddesses were designed, and where they were placed in the art forms of Egypt. Like every art
movement through time there was a beginning for each of these, and more importantly a reason.
So lets start from the beginning with the three kingdoms. The Old Kingdom, The Middle
Kingdom and The New Kingdom.
The old kingdom existed from 2,700 BC - 2,200 BC. It spanned from the 3rd Dynasty to
the 6th Dynasty, however it is also included in the 7th and 8th Dynasties as it continued to hold a
firm establishment in Memphis.
The old Kingdom is referred to as the Age of the Pyramids, this is because of the many
pyramids that were built as burial places for the Pharaoh.
The first possible pyramid ever built in Egypt is the Step Pyramid of Djoser, Imhutep
(2635 - 2595 BC), which to this day still towers over the landscapes which surrounds it. The
Pyramid of Djoser consists of 14 false doors and one real one. The ruler at the time was
Imhutep, who even though was very well known only created 3 pyramids. One of which was
never finished, that being the Pyramid of Sekhemkhet.
The Middle Kingdom began in c.a. 2030 - 1640 BC, when the Upper and Lower Egypt
werereunited by Nebheptre Mentunotep II. This begun the evolution of Egyptian culture in the
11th Dynasty. Thebes became a capital of Mentuhoteps mortuary complex, where he is placed
on the monuments among his ancestors. These designs were a representation of perfect union



between architecture and landscape that included painted ceremonial scenes and hieroglyphic
texts. These designs are also carved in the tombs of Mentuhoteps officials which have now
become the finest ever produced in Egypt.
The New Kingdom also known as the Egyptian Empire, 1550 - 1070 BC, is the period of
ancient Egypt which existed between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC. It covered
the 18th - 20th Dynasties.
The 18th dynasty contained some of the most famous pharaohs such as, Amunhotes III,
Akhenaten and Tutankham. In the New Kingdom, Egyptian kings were buried in tombs in the
Valley of the Kings at Thebes. These tombs were tunnels cut deep into the natural rock.



Egyptian Goddesses
Bast & Isis
Gods and Goddesses play very important roles in Egyptian art and sculpture. They are
deities of the Egyptian religion and a strong part of their culture. These Gods can be seen in
pyramids on the hieroglyphics and other Egyptian art works. One main place you may find this is
on the walls of the pyramids of great pharaohs. When shown in sculptures the Gods are always
the largest, the pharaohs are the second largest and it goes all the way down in size. In paintings
the are shown in a side profile with the exception of their torso which is always face forward, the
pharaohs are also done in this way. Another important thing about Gods and Goddesses is that
the God/Goddess which the Pharaoh had worshipped, their head would be placed on that
pharaohs body in paintings.
Two well known Goddesses which have different poses in their art work for certain reasons.
The first goddess is Bast, who carries the body of a woman with the head of a cat,like many
Egyptian drawings the important characters are designed in a side profile with their torso facing
forward. She is also shown in these drawings carrying a sistrum and a basket. In hieroglyphics she
is drawn in a simple outline kneeling down on the right side of plane facing towards the left on
her left is an outline of an Egyptian jar with what looks to be a setting sun in the middle. The
reason for a jar shown in the hieroglyph, is because of the meaning of her name she of the
perfume jar. Often times she is also shown as a cat completely. She is the Goddess of joy, music,
dance, healing and health, and protection against contagious disease and evil spirits.
The second Goddess is Isis, unlike Bast she is portrayed as fully human with a throne crown
on her head. She is also shown in different ways. One, she is kneeling down while breast feeding


the infant Horus. Second, she is shown with her sister Nephthys, standing behind Osiris. Thirdly
she is shown with out - stretched wings, with the thrown shaped crown on her head. In
hieroglyphs, she is sitting on the right hand corner of the drawing facing towards the left infront
of her there is an egg shaped symbol, and above that is the same half moon symbol shown in
hieroglyph with Bast what is different however is that in the far left is there is a throne symbol.
the reason for this is because the meaning of Isis name is she of the throne. Isis is the goddess
of motherhood,marriage, love, sexuality, health and healing, immortality and magic.
In conclusion all art forms in Egypt tie in together. Pyramids are created as burial places for
Pharaohs, a pharaoh can carry the head of his/her god/goddess in certain art pieces. The
importance of a person in Egypt plays a huge role in the position of them in art, as well as the
size of them in sculptures. Goddesses are shown in hieroglyphs through symbols that represent
the meanings of their name, which also helps differentiate them from other goddesses.






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