Us Senate: Voices For People They Represent by Making New Laws For Country

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Voices for people

They represent by making
New laws for country
A senators job is to represent the people living in his or her state in the United States Senate. Part of this job is to write and vote on
new laws called bills. A bill must be voted on and passed by both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives and
signed by the President of the United States in order to become a law. A senator can stay in office for an unlimited amount of six-year
terms if they are re-elected. In total there are one hundred senators, two from each state. A senator must be at least thirty years old
and have been a citizen for nine years. No education is required for this position, but most have degrees in law or political science.
They work part of the year in Washington, D.C. and part in their home state.

Kamala Harris

Loretta Sanchez

Civil Rights Enforcer

Wishes to help those who cant
Defend for themselves

A fighter for the

Great state of california
Running for senate

Kamala Harris is the first elected female, african american, and asian
american attorney general. She received her undergraduate
bachelor's degree from Howard University, and her law degree at the
University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Being a young
girl during the Civil Rights movement, which inspired her to fight for
peoples rights by becoming a lawyer. She believes in fighting for the
vulnerable, such as children, immigrants, women, and people subject
to hate crimes. Kamala also believes in supporting:
-Immigrant rights, such as
-Stopping Wage Theft
-Protecting immigrant workers
-Safe Space for any immigrant
-An assault rifle ban for those who cannot be trusted with weapons
-Fighting criminal organizations such as
-Hackers, ISIS, Human Trafficking
-Instating an affordable college plan
-Free tuition at community colleges
-Lower tuition at public colleges
-End student debt
-Instating affordable childcare
-Supporting and strengthening animal rights
-Special rights for military families and veterans

Loretta L Sanchez is a member of the US house of Representatives with

almost 20 years of experience. She attended college at Chapman
University and got her Bachelors in economics. Later on she got her
MBA in finance at American University.
WIth parents who were immigrants to this country Loretta advocates for
immigration reform in the US. She is also a supporter of the DREAM act.
Additionally she advocates for education reform. Once a Head Start
student she pushes to devote 10.1 billion to the program. She
introduced the Middle Class Chance Act which would strengthen the
Federal Pell Grant, in hopes to combat rising student loan debt for
college students.
Loretta grew up in a union household and has experience first hand the
struggles of working families. She pushes to offer support to local small
business. Loretta is a believer in the 2nd amendment (the right to bear
arms) and wants to ban high capacity magazines for guns. Additionally
she supports the development of safe gun technology, guns that can
only be fired by a certified owner. She wants more in depth background
checks and longer waiting periods on gun sales.

Notable Endorsements includes

-President Barack Obama
-Vice President Joe Biden
-Governor Jerry Brown
I will be a fighter for middle class families who are feeling the pinch of
stagnant wages and diminishing opportunity. I will be a fighter for our
children who deserve a world-class education, and for students
burdened by predatory lenders and skyrocketing tuition. And I will fight
relentlessly to protect our coast, our immigrant communities, and our
--Kamala Harris

Notable Endorsements Include:

-20 members from the house of reps
-Local congress members including Scott Peters & Susan Davis
- Former City of Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan (Retired)
-California Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso (Retired)
As your senator I will fight for all californians, so together we can have a
stronger and more prosperous future. I humbly ask for your vote.
--Loretta Sanchez

(Works Cited on reverse)

(n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2016, from

Loretta L Sanchez. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2016, from
Kids Page. (n.d.). Bob Corker United States Senator. Retreved October 19, 2016, from

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