Hawley'S: The Short Line Republican and Solomon Valleys

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$& 4«jt««l |tt«ttli f mint f iwfw | . f •,
Completed and in operation from


£>3T6^rt H o u i e s t e a d A i ' e a o f X3C£UiiSl«»fit.
Thie 1J. si.' Government Land Offices are a t 0 ON CO RDI A a u d K I R I W N .
FOR 1878-78
'1'lie So;itliw;^h'r-»i .-.h.'j,;: CiV.upatiy's Line of Concord Coaches make close
connn.-ii!-ii'.'i WaKltiug'iton, • o n c o r d i a and B e l o i t , for all points in
the Republican iiml :-oio;iion Valleys, Northern Kansas, a n d Southern
Nf-bnisUTi tJ;i:-f.s(iiu-'«.-'!! t:o!ii all Missouri Tiiver Points aud from the East
for W a s h i n g t o n , ClWtOtV, C l y d e , C o n c o r d i a a n d B e l o i t , will ob-
serve thai by this Route limy m a k e from

5 to !9 Hoars Quicker line and San SO Miles in Distance.

This is the Shortest, Cheapest and moat Direct Route to Ashervile, Os-
borne ! ity, Jewell Centre, Brittsvilie Bull City, Gaylord, Glasco, Belle-
ville, Kir win, Solomon Rapids, Scaadia, Smith Centre, Glen Elder, White
Rock, Phillipsbinv, i awki:r <'.:ity, Jewell City. .
I'lissoiisei-s bv this Mm will find- Liisii pi .,•••• air COJII
fort and safety, while close ami eon mictions with Raii .ati Lint1.-
at Acohison. and with the Concord Coach Lines at "Washington, Concor-
Big-The lint' to Seandia is graded and will be completed and in opera-
tion by December 15th, 1879, also to Cawker City; hy March 1st. 1879. BUSINESS DITECTORY; LIST OF CITY AND
Trains m a k e clos and mi\ •'••••• a ' • • • on will ail train
and from the East, West, Noi I h and South. The lowest ruling rates al- COUNTY OFFICERS; CHURCHES, SCHOOLS,
ways gnarranteed t o our patrons, FIRE DEPARTMENT, STREETS
Ask for Tickets, and Consign Freight, via Atchison, Kansas. AND WARDS.
W. F. DOWNS, Gen'l Supt.
The Short Line to Free Homes. Hist rical Sketch of the City, and the Notices of its
Leading Business Men.
| f a Rental Xrandt imoir jjarijfc fclroad
Offers for sale 1,280,600 ACRE* OF I.ASUHess the occupied tract,
at THE LOWi..-:; PRICES and on moi s liberal term's than ever before
offered. The lands offered by this company are a t an average of but
6 0 XV1XX-.T£;-T» P R O I M ^auT03EJ:i&C53Xr
and have the advantage of competing lines of Railroad with a choice ot C O M P I L E D B Y D. E . H A W L E Y ,
markets, and in other respects are located in the most favored Section of


For full information and descriptive circulars with seciional m a p , a p -
ply to or address
Genera! Office, Atchison, Kansas.
Umflell Hotel In presenting ihis, my first City Directory, to the citi-
zens of Atchison, I have spared no pains or expense in my
endeavors to make this work as complete as possible, al-
though, in a work of this kind, some slight mistakes and
discrepancies may possibly occur, which it is almost impos-
sible to obviate; still, I hope my efforts in making this work
1 both pleasing and interesting, will be fully appreciated, and
i 11
: iI i !OTEC
i f iIJ my shortcomings overlooked.
My warmest thanks are returned to my numerous pat-
l i! i S s ;
rons, and all who have rendered me much valuable assist-
ance and information which has aided.me in issuing this

•MS I We present, in this Directory, about 3,000 names of
••-.* heads of families, which makes the population of Atchison
—-e*" about T 2,000.
LAPIERE & LUGTON, Proprietors. We are under many obligations to the Champion, Pat-
riot, Globe and Banner (German) newspapers of the city, for
their many flattering notices, that has added so much to the
w T l . GHRIST, M. D:, publishing of a work of such magnitude.

West Side 4th, north Commercial,
With many thanks to the business men generally, assur-
ing all that I shall continue to faithfully represent the inter-
ests of Atchison, I extend to one and all a hearty good-bye
until I appear again.
Very Respectfully Yours,
Henry Barker & Co., J. E. Glass,
Chicago, III. Atchison, Kan,

Table of Contents,
Alphabetical List Names m to 152
Atchison Comity Officers 48 .Mre Department 50
Heuy lukei 4 Co..
Banks and Bankers M> History of Atchison !i '{/,V,' Wholesale Dealers i
Cemeteries 2K "lV f<C>K
Pab 10 Building and tbtlls of) ,v 17
City Officers J, Public school*.. =n
;..I->-MI1«I li.i-j. l . | r . . . . . u ]-..,„,,C *«• rot <
i ri. ks -,

t i l l , SASH, I I S ,
Congregational Directory .43 . . ' . ' 3 J A ""•
ward Boundaries ......-;

no^tW40 U° f l ° " t cover and
°P" Gilbert & (_)(•];,.r i.
fj»ttMrs J A 18 and
a lu 35 gW.J» .V.'.'.'i'fiaiHl"^
A & N By ' ZZ H a m s 1*0 • ••
Ante! J $> Hassett Mi'K C W
HLxnu u< & (.o front "^over&i
[(•; •,,!•! T BLINDS, Etc.
Knrth C F n,
Atchison Patriot. Vj Lapier & Lugton...'.'.' s
•• ••••• :ul DC. . baeli We will sell to Country Dealers at
^'»-'f» \ A Jt Hon top lines & w
E*pEiCo oppm<
"IK!,J8 Warkle .1 :

Cili©®if© Pri@©«
-M.cCrie R Mnn7f «
McNeal W H f r o n t c <f*£?£ jf
o™e ....front cover & 31
u * n>it.:rj ,t Walner. .. . ;•> ,,,K, VJ
» a » P % inside "SoViVcovorf S
h*'vol!it.fon8to-re.. front co?er & 3S
Champion Office.... oj. i «"•* |-i! J< front covci'&;i7
li >«1 : ilan<i '•, ,.\ . EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR LINE.
Davis I t s s'Wn'ir
Editorial Notices..;.' X S^'^&^or.aRJ " I
Klks Coffee House...
^ S t r o ^ 3 " "
' • » » «
• >1M
. met! ;'• j.j ... ,i ..- AffClTOOTs RAW*
& £ & „ ; •••' -ifsSil?
A.tcliison S t e a m S o a p W o r k s
wood Mrs ooLV.VZ.V.V.V.viJCaS
The celebrated AMERICAN PALE
C A L G E R M A N and E X T R A F A M I L Y SOAPS.
A. B E E G S T R A N D ' S
Tailoring Establishment,
8. WAGSTAFF, Business Manager.
N O R T H F I F T H S T R E E T , (in rear of Savings Bank).

Cutting a Specialty. Repairing Neatly Done.

D. H. S A L I N G E R & CO.,
Wholesale Dealers la

igars, ToJbaccos, Pipes,

Commercial Street, - ATCHISON, KANSAS,
I ® - Sign of the Big Pipe. -®S


J. W. ALLEN & CO.,

Its Geographical Location—Manufactories—
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Wholesale Trade — Churches—Transpor-
tation—Private and Public Institu-
Bmc©s, ©IIS,GLASS, tions of Learning.
Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, Etc.
'The City of Atchison, Atchison County, Kansas, is sit-
Extracts and Essences for Flavoring Ice Cream, Soda Water, uated at the point of the " Great Western Bend " of the
Pastry, &c, a Specialty. Missouri river, onehundred and forty-four miles from Coun-
cil Bluffs, at Union depot over the Kansas City, St. Joseph
511 Commercial St., ATCHISON, KANSAS. & Council Bluffs; three hundred and thirty miles from
Wilton junction, over the Chicago & Southwestern, n®w
controlled by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, where
ID. <3k J O I S T I E S , it connects with the main line of the B. & M., now controll-
ed by the C , R. I. & P. Rv, for Chicago and all eastern
MANITFACTUBER OF cities; three hundred and thirty miles from St. Louis, over
the Missouri Pacific; two hundred and twenty miles from
Hannibal and Quincy, over the " Old Reliable " Hannibal
• l i i l i . . & St. Joseph; six hundred arffct eighteen miles from Pueblo,
(Colorado), over the Atchison, Topeka & S a n t a ' F e ; one
AND hundred and forty-seven miles from Lincoln, the capital of
the State of Nebraska, over the Atchison & Nebraska; One


hundred and eighty-four miles from Beloit,over the Central
Branch Union Pacific; and eighty miles from Hopkins,
Idwa, over the Hopkins Branch of the Kansas City, St. Joe
& Council Bluffs Railroad, which connects with the Chicago,
Burlington & Qnincyyfor Chicago.and the East. You no.vr
will see at a glance that Atchison has been fairly won as the
tem of Atchison is the most complete in the West. T h e
railways radiating from Atchison make a larger area of rich
Commercial St., between 8th Sf 9th,

territory naturally tributary to this city than is penetrated

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in by the roads leading fiom any other town in the Missouri
Valley. There is not a railroad route on the continent with
STOYES ITfflWARE, which the railroads leading from Atchison do not afford a
direct connection. Atchison is the terminal or initial point
of eight great lines of railway, and radiating to every point
BOUTH S I D E , of the compass. In its practical operations, the railway

S S ± r r i _ ^ i l ^ H 1 8 ^ KANSAS.
system of Atchison affords five through routes from this this
city to the Atlantic seaboard, three being northeastward
through Chicago or Toledo, and two southeastward through

* c. F 7 B A C K ^ J S T St. Louis, besides ^competing routes to Colorado and the

Gulf ports.
Thus in every direction, East, West, North and South,
* + + + the railway system of Atchison radiates, affording competing
routes to every important market on the continent—to the

prafc fto#rao frunsr, great cities of the Atlantic seaboard, to the ports on the
Gulf coast, to the Great Lakes, and to the mining regions of
Colorado, New Mexico, the Territories of the West, and to
all points in the interior of Kansas and Nebraska. T h e
AND BEE HANDLER, system is thorough and perfect. There is no railroad from
WKST Atchison that enjoys a monopoly. Competition is sharp in
SKtSf7SREET'|| A.TCHie©lf s KS. every direction, and as a necessary consequence rates are low.

J?. H Davis, Tributary to Atchison is the best fruit country in the

Union. It produces immense quantities of all the varieties
of fruit. In the region of country immediately tributary to
PAWN OFFICE, Atchison the flax product is enormous, and a large mill for
the manufacture of oil has been completed at this city.
Every week immense quantities of wool, hides, etc., are
Cor. Third and Commercial Streets,
brought to Atchison, and shipped from here East. T h e
ATCHISON, - KANSAS. almost inexhaustible supplies of oak, ash, black walnut,
Money Loaned on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Clothing, in
fact, everything bought and sold. hickory, elm and cottonwood timber in the immediate vicin-
ity of Atchison can be utilized with less expense for trans-
portation than is paid by most of the large manufactories of
PETER BECKER, , the country. This timber is of excellent quality, and suit-
able for the manufacture of agricultural implements, furni-
PROPRIETOR ture a n d chairs, wagons, buggies, etc., and the region of
country in a circle of four hundred miles in diameter around

"HatiYe Wine Garden"

•Manufacturers Native Wine, Pure Whiskies, Fresh Lager Beer always
Atchison is destined to be the central market for manufac-
tories in these lines, thus bringing the customers and pro-
ducers in close proximity. Those who have engaged in
on draught, Cigars, etc. A pleasant place to spen,d a manufacturing enterprises in Atchison have demonstrated
day of pleasure. Call and see. how profitable the establishmment of such industries can be
made. The demand for all kinds of manufactured articles
3Vo*-tIi S i d e M a i n , W e » t Independence.
i . A, NORTON & SON,

GARSIDE & ANDERSON, is already immense, and is constanty increasing. T h e sup-

ply of raw material for very many manufacturing purposes
Proprietors is inexhaustible. The facilities for securing and utilizing
them are unexcelled in this or any other country. Food is
Atchison Railroad Freight Transfer Co. cheap and abundant. The country is growing and devel-
oping with marvelous rapidity. Hence it is apparent that
manufacturing establishments in this locality would not fail
GENERAL T M N 8 F E R ¥ F O R W A R D I N G AGEHCY. to do a large successful and profitable bnsiness.
Storage and Commission Merchants. While Atchison has always laid claim to superior ad-
vantages as a manufacturing centre never until the past
Office and Depot, Corner Utah Avenue and Fourth Street, three years have these claims been so manifestly evident to
ATCHISON, E1NSAS. those who have been attracted to our city by its name and
tame abroad. There has never been a question as to the
W. D. GILBEHT. &. W. OCKEB, peculiar fitness of Atchison for manufacturing industries,
nor of the absolute necessity for the establishment of such
industries Viere. The struggling half dozen manufacturers
GILBERT & OCKER, of '73 have increased to a prosperorous two score of the
busiest and best paying industries of the State. And what
J L t t e s a e y e a t laAw, is far more encouraging and far more flattering to her honest
pride in the belief that Atchison is rapidly and surely com-
ing to the front as the leading manufacturing city of Kansas,
ATCHISON, KANSAS. is the indisputable fact that there is not a single industry in
Atchison that was not originally inaugurated on a small
scale, and not a single one was ever established which did
not prove a financial success, and is now in existence.
The lumber trade of Atchison is an immense business,
giving employment to a large number of men, and increas-

ID. TOHcisrsoisr
Lime Burner and Contractor for all kinds of Grading and Build-
ing in volume year by year. The dealers in pine lumber do
a Iaige jobbing trade, supplying a number of smaller dealers
in the interior, while several of them have branch establish-
ing Material. Kiln east of Santa Fe Round House, between Ninth ments in different towns along the lines of railway radiating
and Tenth Streets. from Atchison. The lumber dealers of Atchison rank
• 0-OJEX3XT A W I ' E I J , Ager.fc among our most enterprising and substantial business men
an,d citizens, and are doing much to build up the commer-
cial supremacy of this city.
PIERCE & WALKEBT Atchison's system of competing railroads, with their
branches and connections, reaches every portion of Ksnsas,
^Attorneys at Law, Nebraska, Colorado and Missouri, and the people in almost
every town or county within a circle of five hundred miles
can reach this city easily and directly.
will practice in Atchison, Jefferson, Doniphan and adjoin-
ing counties. Her Eastern railway connections, and the great river flow-
ing.by her, commands at all times the most varied markets
Office over W e b e r ' s C l o t h i n g Store, of the continent. At the same time, bv means of her rail-
J0NSHtiMNr,< BA\W. C, WEBER'S, '
J. A. NORTON & SON, " " " a «ffi£5S-: w * w

F. C. GEHRETT, ways through the interior of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado,

she commands at all times the products and trade of the
vast and fertile region thus made tributary to her. Her
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
transportation facilities to every point of the compass are
unequalled, and should and will concentrate at Atchison the
STOVES A I S TINWARE, greatest distributing amd wholesaling business in the West.
Of the eight railroads centering in Atchison, seven have
either their initial or terminal point here. These different
H O U S E F U R N I S H I N G GOODS, lines make direct connections with almost every line of rail-
Mo. 706 Commercial Street, South Side, way this side of the Mississippi river, giving this city the
most perfect railroad system in the West. Its productive
^^A"1loh4Zll%?SXy. ATCHISON, S S . capacity has no equal on this continent—a region uniting
extraordinary fertility and durability of soil with a climate
of remarkable healthfulness not surpassed by far-famed Min-
ROBERT McCRIE, nesota, and a temperature equable and genial. The agri-
cultural productions of this vast country are unexcelled,

Always keeps the Largest and Finest Stock of Goods
either in quality or quantity, by those of any other section
of the continent. Its undulating surface affords admirable
natural drainage. Its pure water, its abundance of timber
and stone, its healthfulness and its capacities cf production,
to be found in the city, consisting of unite to make it a country of durable homes. For all this
E U m , FASTCT CLOTHS, m n AND DOMESTIC CA5SIHERS, vast region—a country many times as large as New England,
capable of sustaining a population of many millions, and
Special Bargains in Black Cloths and Doeskins. growing and developing with wonderful rapidity,—Atch-
A T C H I S O N , KAXT. ison is and always will be the natural commercial centre.
There is no portion of the four States of Kansas, Nebraska,
Colorado and Missouri that cannot be speedily and directly
M R S . O. O. W O O D . M . D . , reached, by railroad or river, •from Atchison. The gold and
silver districts of the Rocky Mountains, the cotton fields and

ttOMWATttlC fttYSJCIAli cattle ranches of Texas, the vast prairies of Kansas and N e -
braska, with their illimitable and numberless fields of grain
and herds of cattle, sheep, hogs, and other stock, cart be
Offiee—4%3 Commercial St., reached from Atchison more speedily and directly than from
ATCHISON, EASTSiLS. any other city in the Missouri Valley. Atchison has a num-
of houses engaged in the jobbing trade, and doing a large,
Jtesisienee—JVwWi -SiartA $r<?e(, ^rarf door af&ow Parallel. prosperous and constantly increasing business. The pro-
prietors of these establishments, who rank among the most"
enterprising, sagacious and reliable wholesale merchants ot
B. SHIFFLET, the West, unite in the statement that many more jobbing
houses could, if established here, at once secure an immense
and profitable trade.
FiFv., K a l i I f s,
East Side of Fourth Street, bet. Com'l and Kansas Avenue,


T h e country traversed by the Roads through Kansas and
1 Nebraska is growing with wonderful vigor and rapidity.
Thriving towns are springing up like magic, farms are being-
improved in every direction, and the hardy pioneers are set-
Office : in Hear of Hethwington's Bank, tling the country far beyond the terminal points of these
Railroads. T h e trade of this vast region, a dream of empire,
Cor. Commercial and fourth Streets, is naturally tributary to Atchison. T h e Railroads stretch-
Owns Residences to Rent in a!l parts of the City. I AtphlCnn KaC ing out from this city are the arteries of the country they
Also, Several Bargains in Real Estate. f nlUlliOUU) iXdOi traverse, and they bring to their common center its business.
THE ATCHISON AND N E B R A S K A — I s one of the most
important lines radiating from this city. Its general course
JOHN GRAY, is northwest, and its terminus at Lincoln, the capital of Ne-
braska. Col. L. VV. Towne has been General Superinten-
dent of the road since the summer of 1875. T h e general
jlttormy at Law, offices and machine shops of the Compapy are located at
this city. J>
During the past few years the Company has expended
a large amount of money in its road bed. T h e track atdif-
ATCHISON, KAS. ferent points has been raised ; new and substantial bridges
and culverts have been constructed, and the A. and N. now
has one of the most, solid and substantial road-beds in the
West. T o say that this work was done under the direction

Lively, Peed and Sale Stable. of Col. Towne is a sufficient guarantee that it was well done,
for he is a thorough railroad man.
T h e Atchison and Nebraska is one of the most import-
ant, and has always been one of the most popular, roads in
HORSES BOARDED BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. the West, it is officered throughout by competent, popular
T E A M S AND SADDLE HORSES FURNISHED and energetic railroad men, and we are glad to know that
it is doing a large and steadily increasing business. N o
Northeast Corner Sixth and Main, road in all the country traverses a more beautiful and fertile
region than that along the line of the A. and N.
Rqad is the only line from Atchison to Chicago that is con-
trolled and operated by,one management. Maj. H . Glea-
MRS. C. W . HASSETT, son is the General Agent at this city, and M. McClure the
traveling agent. Its most extreme western terminus is at
Atchison, and it is extremely popular with shippers and
|il|iraill8 jink i l l |ntt ||akisg9 travelers on account of its first class accommodations and
promptness of its agents, in doing business.
4$6, South Side Commercial Street, oldest Railroad at Atchison. This management, one of the
most important in what is known as the " Joy interest," con-
At.©jlls.#tt» (Dp Stairs) K a n s a s . C. WEBER'S,
J, A, NORTON k SON,""*".S,K,..,SXd-KS,

1* •» 11411i l l trol and operate two hundred and three miles, extending
from Omaha and Council Bluffs, through Atchison to Kansas
City. It runs trains in connection with the Hopkins Branch
Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road, to Chicago,
j^^^^S^. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
and makes close connections with the St L., K. C. & N.
road, for St. Louis. Vine Hovey is the freight agent at this
city, and Austin McFarland the ticket agent. T h e company

i " \ i r l »* PIANOS, have during the last few years made extensive improvements
on their road, of which one is the stock yards, at an im-
mense cost, for the accommodation of travelers and shippers.
j ' ~^%> OlifUNS, ATGHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA F E — T h i s road forms
the great thoroughfare from the Missouri river to the moun-
v^^^w^^-iiip,' M U S I C tains of Colorado, connecting the rich and producive mines
with the commercial metropolis of the west. It has a length
- s^raMr of 618 miles, running from Atchison to Pueblo, Col., with
branches from Florence to Eldorado, and from Newton to
Witchita, Kansas. The inprovements in Atchison of this
great western road is principally confined to general repairs
of buildings. Waj. W. R. Peabody, general agent incharge
ALL KINDS. at this place, we must say, is a very pleasant and accommo-
dating gentleman, and always found laboring faithfully in
5113 Commercial Street, ATCHISON, KANSAS, the interests of the road and its patrons.
HANNIBAL AND S T . J O S E P H — T h e " old reliable " Han-
A. S. EVEREST. B. P. WAGGKNER. nibal and St. Joseph road has one of its termini on the Mis-
souri river at Atchison, and extends eastward to Quincy
and Hannibal, at which points it connects with important
lines to Chicago, Toledo and other eastern cities. R. F.

^Attorneys at Law, Clark is the general agent of the company at this city, and
D. E. Farnsworth the ticket agent. T h e company have
made some very important improvements along the line of
road, in the last few years, for the accommodation of its
Hktherinc/ton'i Bank Building, ATCHISON, KANSAS. many patrons. The officials of this road are very pleasant
and genial gentlemen, with whom it is a pleasure to do busi-
ness, which accounts for its large and increasing patronage.
MRS. J. A? ABBOTT. H O P K I N S BRANCH OF K. C , S T . J. & C. B.—This is an-
other important line of road, extending from Atchison to
Hopkins, a distance of 80 miles, with Atchison as its western
terminus. It is considered to be one of the best equipped
roads running out of Atchison. This road connects with
5%6 Commercial Street, the main line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, at
Hopkins, for Chicago and the East. Austin McFarland is
I extend an invitation to the Ladies of Atchison to call and the ticket agent at this point, and is con-
give me a trial. I have all the Latest Styles and Fashions. ductor of passenger train. This Branch of the Kansas City
Prices Hea$onable,
C. WEBER'S, ™*

TAKE TBB St, Joseph and Council Bluffs railroad is fast becoming pop-
ular for Eastern travel, on account of its efficient agents,
accommodating conductors, and the rich, fertile country,
ROCK ISLAND ROUTE both in Missouri and Iowa, that it traverses through.
the first extended from Atchison into the interior of the
State, and may justly be call d the " Pioneer Line." This
road operates one hundred and ninety-one miles of road,
with two termini — one at Beloit, one hundred and
and eighty-four miles, the other at Washington, one hundred
and twentv-four miles. Work on the construction is now
The Chicago, Rock Island $ Pacific Railroad progressing from Concordia, one hundred fifty-seven miles
west, in a northerly direction to Scandia, a distance of fif-
teen miles, and will be completed and in operation Decem-
ELEGANT SLEEPING AND DINING CARS, ber 15, 1878. Surveys from Beloit are now in progress for
Now forms the most Popular Lino to immediate construction from Beloit, its present western
terminus, to Cawker City, a distance of eighteen miles; to

ig© I t i e East. which point this line will be in operation by March 1st,
1879. This road has within the last two years built, con-
structed, and is operating ninety-one miles of new road,
with a prospect of building from thirty :o sixty miies more
" T h i s Great Road Runs through Northern Mis- during fiscal year. It enjoys a very large local business,
souri and Southern Iowa, crossing the Mississippi River at the result of which is from its enterprise and gentlemanly
Davenport and Each Island. officers, and rapid development of the richest portion of the
State through which it runs, and its tributaries. The Cen-
Direct connections made for psints in Northern Iowa,
tral Branch Union Pacific is purely an Atchison r o a d ; its
Minnesota and Wisconsin, and at Chicago for general offices and machine shops are located here, and its
pay roll shijws that twenty thousand dollars per month is
paid out by the line to employes at Atchison. T h e road
has a. large land grant lying in the counties of Brown, Jack-
^At'^^faketheRockTsland'Route son, Nemaha, Marshall, Pottawatomie and Riley, a portion
of which land embraces the celebrated Kickapoo Indian
NO CHANGE OF CARS FROM ATCHISON to CHICAGO, Rese'rve They are among the best and richest lands in the
State, and are at this time attracting an immense immigra-
Remember that this is the only Railway Line between tion from the Eastern States. They are sold on the most
Atchison and Chicago owned and operated by One Company favorable terms and lowest prices. All these lands are
which fact insures ' within one hundred miles of Atchison.

The QUICKEST TIMEgSUBEST CONNECTIONS, Officers located in Atchison are : F. W. Downs, Gen.
Superintendent and Land Commissioner; M. A. McLaugh-
For full information, Through Tickets, etc., apply at the lin, General Freight Agent; G. A. Downs, Asst. Land
Company's Ticket Office, corner Third and Commercial Commissioner; Thomas J. White, Chief Clerk; Flavel W.
(Durst's Block), Atchison, Kansas. Downs, Cashier; J. Garside, Accountant ; E. G. Wills,
General Agent.
H . O . O O I U S S I T , Agent, Atchison.
A . Ml. S M I T H , Genl. Pass. Agint, Chicago. C, WEBER'S, ™
line, between Atchison and St. Louis, a distance of 330 miles,
rrxxxi with its western terminus at Atchison, and its headquarters
at St. Louis, is fast becoming popular for all travel and
freight from the South, Southwest and East. T h e ticket

Atchison Patriot,
Is the only Democratic Daily Pamper in
agent, Mr. Charles W. Styles, we must say, enjoys rather an
enviable reputation among competing agents, and Mr. J. W.
Anderson, freight agent, is always found ready to attend to
all the freight in a satisfacterilv manner.
the State of Kansas. It is now in its eleventh The development of the grain trade of Atchison, during
the past three years, has been very rapid. T h e first elevator
year, and stands in the front rank of West- was opened for business less than three years ago, and Us
ern Nespo.pers. proprietors were compelled to double its storage capacities
in less than six months thereafter
As an advertising medium it has no su- Atchison has three of the largest and best constructed
perior in the State: it reaches a class of cus- Elevators in the West, and in addition several firms are e n -
gaged in purchasing grain at this city. This business is-only
tomers among whom no other Kansas paper in its infancy, ft is growing prodigiously every year. T h e
circulates (advertisers will do well to remem- best grain-producing region on the continent would send
almost the whole bulk of its export products through Atchi-
ber this). son, if this city had adequate facilities for handling the trade.
All the Elevators now here, and all the grain buyers now
Parties who contemplate moving to Kan- here, have not the facilities for handling'the business that
sas should, subscribe for The Patriot. ought to come to Atchison, as a distributing and transferring
point, from a single one of the three great roads leading
Mvery Democrat ought to lend a helping from this city into the interior. Because the cereals of the
regions traversed by each of these roads can be handled
hand to Democracy in Kansas by subscrib- more advantageously in Atchison than at any other point in
ing for either the Daily or Weekly Patriot. the Missouri Valley, if the capital and machinery necessary
to handle t h e m were provided.
Advertisers desiring Kansas customers, FLO VRING MILLS.
should advertise in The Patriot: it is the only The Flouring Mills of Atchison are built on the improv-
Daily speaking for the 60,000 Democratic ed plans, with all the modern improvements. There are
four in number—three in operation now, and the fourth will
voters of the State. be completed and re*ady for business by the first of Febru-
ary 1879, and we must say, that it is a model structure, with
TERMS:—Daily, $8.00: Weekly. $1.50 per four runs of burrs, and a benefit to its owners and a credit
annum. Specimen copies of the Daily a,nd, to the city, and no doubt a safe investment.
Weekly will be sent on receipt of 10 cents. MISSOURI RIVER BRIDGE.
This beautiful structure was commenced on the 9th day .
of August, 1S74, and completed on the 31st of July, 1875.
Address: H. CLAY PARK & CO., Publishers.

The contractors were the American Bridge Co., of Chicago.

@+ %+ Mutty, Maj. O. B. Gunn was the Chief Engineer, and Capt. H. L.
Marvin, First Assistant.
T h e bridge is 1,182 feet long, and the approaches aggre-
gate 2,000 feet—500 on the west and 1,500 on the east bank
Editor and Proprietor of of the river. T h e superstructure is of wrought iron, rec-
tangular truss, resting on stone piers. It is floored, so as to
be used for highway as well as railway traffic, with sidewalks
for passengers. The width is 18 feet 6 inches from center
to center, the stdewalls being 5 feet on each side. T h e
,!f08 Commercial /Street, trusses of the draw are 28 feet high at the ends, and 36 in
the middle over the pier ; the trusses of the fixed spans are
28 feet. T h e botton chord of the bridge is to feet above
Htcl)i6on, - $nn§it«. the high water of 1874. The bridge consists of a drawspan
(on the western side) 328 feet long, giving 160 feet clear
water-way on each side; and three fixed spans of 250 feet
M. M. T R I M M E R , each. T h e foundation consists of four piers and two abut-
ments ; the pivot pier being circular, and 46 feet in diameter;
and the other three piers being 24x52 feet at the base, and
9x26 feet at the top. These are all of solid masonry, and,
ATCHISON, K A N S A S . except the abutments, were sunk to bed rock.

^O000=AGENTS =
The Atchison bridge is admirably located, both for rail-
way and highway traffic, being within a square and a half
of the main business street of the city, and directly opposite
W A H T B D TO S S U the termini of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Central
HOWE'S IMPROVED Branch U. P. Railroad tracks, and nearly epposite the de-
pots of the Atchison & Nebraska and Missouri Pacific Rail-
Spring I Pad Belt Truss, roads. In appearance it is the most beautiful bridge on the
river. It has, sinee the day it was opened far travel, done
and immense business. The Bridge Company operates an
Patented March 23, 1875. The only scientific Truss ever invented. engine of its own, for crossiug trains, and employs the de-
Every physician endorses it at once, and patients buy it at sight. It is sired help.
as easily worn as a pair of pants, and extremly pleasant to wear night ATCHISON BANKS.
and day. Send $3.00 for sample Truss, circulars, etc., to agents. State
county and city rights for sale. Fortunes to be made in a few months. There are in this city six organized banking houses, of
Three hundred thousand dollars will b u y a half interest in the, "patent" which two are National Banks, three are incorporated under
for the United States.
ADDRESS H O W E TRUSS CO., the State laws, and one is a private bank. They are all do-
Box 1170, Council Bluffs, Iowa. ing a prosperous businees, most of them having been organ-
REMEMBER, O N E P E R S O N is EVERY F O U R is R U P T U R E D . ized for a number of years, and all are managed on conser-
"The Howe Truss has been manufactured and sold satisfactorily for over six vative principles. During the financial panic of 1873, the
years, and I believe it to be one of the best instruments now in use. It gives satisfac-
tion to the afflicted and often and make* radical cures. Its simplicity and scientific banks of Atchison were the only financial institutions in the
principles commend it at first sight I cheerfully endorse it as the Truss to my many
patients. Yours truly, H, W.HART, M. D., Missouri Valley that did not declare a temporary suspension
Physician Iowa Deaf and Dumb Asylum. of payments.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, November, 1875.
For Sale by all Leading Druggists.


TO THE Eastern people very often hesitate about removing to
what they call the " far West "—and they include Kansas in
REPUBLICAN AND SOLOMON VALLEYS. the designation. We might appeal to such people to come
and see for themselves. Kansas is. especially proud of her
fyt 4«rtwl $muk twn f atifif % %, development in all interests which concern the home, and
all institutions and privileges which make home life pleasant
AISTTJ L E A S K D LIJNES- and attractive. And the city of Atchison has attained such
Completed aod in operation from
a development, in this regard, that the best life and society
of New England, social, educational or religious, does not
AND PENETRATING THE excel that exemplified and illustrated in the conditions of
O r r e a t XXoxxi.eieitect,cS. A i ' e a o f 3E51JE4,XI»a«, home-life here. T e n religious denominations have prosper-
The U. S. Government Land Offices are at CONCORDIA and KIR1WJS . ous organizations here. The church buildings are generally
The South i.'onipiuiy's Lint? of Gonconi v'oitehe;, make close
ooimfictionsai W a s h i n g t o n , > o n c o r r t i a avul R f t o l l , for all points i n elegant and costly structures, fully equal in size, beauty and
the: Republican unrt Solomon Vaiififs, Xonhurii Kii.'.:vMs, and SouUM-m. architecture and substantial construction, to those of any
Nebraska. Passengers from all Missouri River Points and from the East
for W e l l i n g t o n , C l i f t o n , C l y d e , C o n c o r d i a n » 4 B c l o l t , will ob- Eastern city having double the population of Atchison
serve t h a t by this Route they make from

5 to 10 Hours Quick Time u i Save 60 Miles in Diihnct,

This is t h e Shortest, Cheapest and most Direct Route to Ashervile, .
borne ity, Jewell ventre, BriUsvlile Bull City. Gaylord, (ilasco, Belle- Educational and religious privileges are justly regarded
ville. Ktrwin, Solomon Rapids, Seandia, Smith Centre, Glen Elder, "White as the basis of cultivated and orderly society, and both oi
Rock, FliiiHi^tinrs, t'nwkor ».'ity. Jewell City.
Passengers by this line will find every requisite provided for their com- these interests have certainly received due attention and
fort and safety, while close ami sure connections v, ith ail Railroad Lines attained a remarkable development in Atchison. It used to
at Atchison, and with the < oneord coach Lines at Washington, Concor-
dia and Reloii. are assured be the case in the East, that the court house was the largest
W T I n i tine to Scandia Ls graded and will be completed and in opera- and most showy ediffice in every county seat, while the
lioo by Decembei' 1.5ih. 1879, also to Cawker City b y March 1st, 1879.
Train> n I ltd sure connection a t Atchison with all trains lax school house was a low, dingy building, as dismal in its out-
and from the East, West, North and South. The lowest ruling rates al- side appearance as it was squalid in its interior furnishing.
ways guarranteed to our patrons.
The Atchison Court House is a fair-sized two story building,
Ask for Tickets, and Consign Freight, via Atchison, Kansas. surmounted by a belfry,'but the contrast between it and the
W. F. DOWNS, Gen'l Supt. Central School building, near by, makes the former look
small and.mean.
The Short Line to Free Homes. We must say that the free educational advantages of
Atchison is far superior to that of other towns of its size in
the West, where children of the poor as well as those of the
jjfa ^entral Jjrauxh Imon jjarijfc U rich, reap the same privileges.
Offers for sale 1,380,«00 ACRES* O F L A N » less t h e occupied tract, A large portion of the above information of the History
at THE LOWJBST PRICES and on more liberal terms than ever before of Atchison, we are under obligations to the Champion for.
offered. The lands offered by this company are at an average of but
We copy it, for we think every word of it true, and it is a
eo TA-IIXJDHS* O F X V O I U I : A T C H I ^ O N mere matter of time when Atchison will be a city of from
and have the advantage of competing lines of Railroad with a ch< ice of
markets, and in other respects are located in t h e most favored section of 25,000 to 35,000 souls, as she has already gained an envia-
Kansas. ble reputation abroad from her rival cities in the Missouri
LOW PRICES AND LIBERAL TERMS. Valley. She bids welcome, with open hands, and says to the
For fall information and descriptive circulars with sec'lonai m a p , a p - merchant, manufacturer, tiller of the soil, and to the tourist,
ply to or address
come, see, and abide.
W. F. DOWNS, Land Commissioner
General Office, Atchison, Kansas. C. WEBER'S,

•a- *<
Leading Professional and Business Men of the City of Atchison, Kan.

d 2 S
We wish it distinctly understood by our readers, that not
one of the following Notices are paid for, but are written by
ourself, to show to the people of Atchison and vicinity with
<r> H whom to do. their trading if they desire to meet with gen-
tlemen and men of good business qualities. Wc must be
brief, however, for we desire to enter on our list a goodly
number. We will therefore begin with

CI & S P> hrt J . A. NORTON & SON,

» Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, are well known to the people
* * H of Atchison and the surrounding country as reliable work-
men ; carry a magnificent stock to suit their customers; are
straightforward in all their dealings. It is a fact that they
have been very successful in business; have saved a share
o of this world's possessions, although they make very little
show of it, but are always ready to help all business enter-
prises that promotes the interests of Atchison, and the citi-
zens in return have given them a liberal share of their pat-
ronage. We bespeak for them the continuance of their
2> well-merited patronage.
s Clothing, gents Furnishing goods, Trunks and Valices,
Hats, Caps, and the "Best Boot manufactured in America."
o Mr. W. t a m e to Atchison in 1864, and began the clothing
business with a stock of eight hundred dollars, and employed
one clerk, but now he carries a stock of $40,000, and em-
ploys seventeen;workmen. We attribute the success of this

? 2
J, A. NORTON 4 SON, ™&«S£Sb.v""m
firm to the fact that its proprietor sold his goods at the very
TECS! lowest prices, and therefore done the lion share of the trade.
It is said by the people around that you need not be afraid
of buying goods of this house, for if they do not suit, you
ATCHISON I NEBRASKA can take them back and your money will be promptly re-
funded—in fact his word is as good as a bond, which is a
great deal to say of a man these days—or something furn-
ished in their stead. Mr. W. has established a branch
R A I L R O A D house at Cawker City, where he carries a stock of six thous-
and dollars worth of goods, and employs two men, so you
Is the only Line between will see that this gentleman has been a great benefit tp
Atchison and the surrounding country from the time he first
came to the State, and the good citizens of this place—the
A-tofrtaQti., Haaeae "metropolis of the west"—have gave him in return a large
portion of their patronage.
This hotel is recognized all over the West, as the'largest
LINCOLN, NEBRASKA and one of the best in Kansas or the Missouri Valley, It
is a briek building, four stories high, having a front of 105
feet on Commercial street, and a depth of 120 on Second.
There are 163 rooms in the house. On the Commercial
street front, on the first floor, there are four store rooms,
e©K!fl§C»I®lfgS and a large billiard room fronts on Second street. The
office, parlors, sample rooms, and dining hall are on the 2d
At Atchison with floor, the latter 'being 40 by 60 feet, and a very handsome
room. T h e Otis House can room 400 guests. Every room
H a n i b a l & St. J o s e p h , C h i c a g o , R o c k I s l a n d * in the house is elegantly furnished. The new proprietor*
P a c i f i c , K a n s a s C i t y , St. J o s e p h & C o u n c i l Bluffs, are Moore & Webb, the former an old hotel proprietor, in
fact he has been connected with the hotel business all his
Missouri Pacific, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, life, in so many places, that we cannot mention them in this
a n d Central B r a n c h U n i o n Pacific Railroads. brief notice, the latter a resident of Chicago for many years,
where he held many important positions of trust, among
a few of which we may mention that he was superintendent
At Troy junction witn
of a street railway. He tells us that when he arrived in
Chicago he had the BIG amount of fifty cents, and now it is
St. J o s e p h <k D e n v e r C i t y R a i l r o a d . a fact that by his close attention and good business qualifi-
cations, has gained quite an amount of this world's goods.
At Lincoln, Nebraska with The proprietors tell us that they intend making the Otis one
of the best houses in the west, and they have the money to
B u r l i n g t o n & M i s s o u r i R a i l r o a d in N e b r a s k a , a n d do it, and as the building itself is a magnificent structure,
we have no reason to doubt that if you patronize the house
Nebraska Railroads. you will be well suited.

Gen. F r e i g h t tfc T i c k e t Agt. Gen. Superintendent, C. WEBER'S,
John A. Martin, Proprietor, and James A. Loper, Business

Rock Island Manager. In speaking of this office we do it with pleasure,

for we must say, without jesting, that it is the finest office,
does the best work, and is managed with more regularity
than any other establishment of the kind in any town the
size of Atchison, in the whole Western country. Its mana-
ger, its proprietor, and in fact every man that holds a posi-
tion of trust about the establishment are gentlemen that

Peoria Railway. thoroughly understand their business; and. in fact the

whole establishment glides as smoothly as a marriage
bell. If there is any person that has a difficult job of work,
and one that requires care and professional skill to execute
it, they cannot do better in the west than to give it to the
CHAMPION, and we will guarantee them that it will be done
in first-class style. The proprietor, the manager, and all
A n d Superior Accommodations. connected with the establishment that we have been
brought in contact with, are men of the highest order, and
they have our hearty thanks for their kindness, and much
T H I S IS T H E valuable assistance during our brief sojourn with them, and
we sincerely hope that the friendly chord now woven between

Short Line to the East us, as time passes, and we become more and better ac-
quainted, will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

And Southeast, Through Peoria. G. C HIXON £ CO.,

Wholesale and retail Lumber Dealers. This establishment
Passenger Trains are run daily (Sundaj s excepted) Making has had a branch yard here for the past five years, and keep
Connections at Galva for all Points on Chicago, from twenty-five to thirty thousand dollars worth of stock
Burlington & Quincy R. R. on hand all the time, to suit the trade. It is said they do
about one half of that line of business in Atchison. T h e
firm, which is the richest at Hannibal, Mo., is worth in the
THIS ROAD IS THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED WITH aggregate of five hundred thousand dollars. They own their
own pinery, in the Wisconsin pineries, their own boats, for
the rafting of logs down the Mississippi, to Hannibal, where

Elegant Hew Coaches,

their main yards are located, their own mills for the manu-
facture of lumber, and sell yearly about thirty-five million
feet of lumber, and a proportionate amount of lath, shingles,
doors, sash and blinds, so you will see that they can sell
cheaper than other yards on account of there being no
WestiilMse Air Brake and Miller Platform and Coupler, middle men profit to make out of their st©ck. If you do
business with this firm here you will find Mr. Pennell, their
business manager at this place, a very courteous and
JAMXS V. MABONMY, Gen. Ticket Agt, obliging gentleman, one towhom it is a pleasure to meet with
M. M. CABLE, Superintendent.
J. A. NORTON & SON, ' ' " " " S . SSZZ.XSr™*'- J. A. NORTON & SON,
from a business standpoint and socially. When in want C. F. BACHUS,
of anything in that line do not fail to call and examine their
stock. Shrub, Vine and Tree Pruner. When you want any kind of
the above work done, don't fail to give him a call.
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, and a Cloak
"Department to suit the Ladies, wholesale and retail. A vis- Attorney at Law, is an old citizen of Atchison, and does a
it to this magnificent place of business is enough to satisfy large collecting business. It is said that if you have a bill
any one that this establishment is the largest, most commo- to collect, he will get it if there is any chance. H e is also
dious and finest arranged in the city. T h e shelves are filled a trustworthy attorney.
with the best stock that can possibly be purchased, and sold JOHN MARKLE,
at the lowest Hying prices. Thirteen clerks are emplyed in
the different departments for the accommodation of custo- Harmony Garden, west side of Main street, is a very pleas-
mers, which are pleasant, and always found ready to show- ant place to spend a few minntes for pleasure, and you will
goods. He keeps a resident buyer m New York to take find " J o h n " always in a pleasant mood, and ready to serve
advantage of the markets, which enables him to not be un- up the desired wants of your stomach in his line.
dersold. Mr. Newcomb has lived in Atchison twenty-one Mrs. C. W. BASSEETT,
years and understands exactly what goods to buy to suit the
people of Kansas, is a man of few words but fine business Fashionable Dress and Cloak maker. You will perceive by
qualifications, courteous in his manner, and one of Atchi- reading her advertisement in another part of this book that
son's most respected citizens. When you buy goods of this she guarantees satisfaction. Ladies, don't fail to call on her,
House you need not be in doubt of not getting exactly what and you will get your work done at reasonable rates.
you call for with no misrepresentation. Country dealers
. can be assured that their orders will be filled to a letter. Mrs. J. A. ABBOTT,
See advertisement on baek cover of this work. Dress and cloak maker. There is nothing so gratifying to
a lady as to know, when she has a dress to make, that when
Mrs. O. C. WOOD, finished it will suit her. We therefore recommend Mrs. A.
as a lady that can make them fit to perfection* so ladies do
Homeepathic physician, 423 Commercial street, is exper- not fail to call and be convinced.
ienced in her profession, very enterprising, and a very cour-
teous lady. P. BECKER,
R. S DAVIS, Native Wine Grower. Mr. P.-has been in Atchison for a
great many years ; is manufacturer of pure native wine ;
Pawnbroker. We are glad to see a man so young in busi- keeps it constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, and is
ness, and that uses such good judgment in the purchase of a good fellow. Lovers of wine cannot do better than call
goods, and always pays the largest possible figures to his
purchaser. at his place and spend a few moments socially with him.
Merchant Tailor, north Fourth street, has been in this line
Livery, Feeed and Sale Stable. Teams, Saddles and Har-
of trade for eighteen years. As he has always made sure
ness furnished on short notice, and at reasonable rates.
His stock of horses, carriages and saddles and harness are fits; keeps a large and first-class stock, and sells at the low-
as good as can be found in the city. Do not fail to try est living prices, he has built up a first-class trade, and if in
them. want a wedding or a business suit, you cannot do better
than to give him a call.


Merchant tailor, located in the rear of Savings Bank, north Wholesale and retail dealer in Stoves add Tinware. It is a
5th street,where he has a well-selected stock of merchant tail- well known fact that the above named gentleman is a
oring goods. H e is a first class workman,which is well known straightforward, energetic, enterprising and genial gen-
through this city; has been at the business all his life, there- tleman, and in his establishment can be found as fine a
fare, any one wishing anything in his line need not be afraid stock as there is in Atchison. The citizens of Atchison and
afraid of getting a good fit. vicinity, and surrounding towns should be sure to give him
B. SHIFFLETT, a call and examine his immense stock.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. We speak of this stable from W. H. McNEIU
experience, as we have rode behind some of his " c r a c k " Dealer in Coal, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair and Brick,
stock, and pronounce them A No. i roadsters, and the pro- wholesale and retail. Is located at the corner of Utah av-
prietor very accommodating. Parties wishing anything in enue and Third street, where his yard is supplied with all
the line of first-class turnout cannot do better than give him the above articles, which he sells low, as he believes in
a call, and you will verify what we say as being true. "quiek sales and small profits." Is a gentleman in every
sense of the word, and if you order from him at home or
ROBERT O. HARRIS, abroad it will be filled to the letter and in first-class style.
Real Estate Broker, rear Hetherington's Bank, Mr. H, is
a new comer among the citizens of Atchison, is a thorough M. M. TRIMMER,
business m a n ; he owns property to rent in all parts of the Grain Dealer, west Main street. This old and respected
city, and has several good bargains in real estate. When citizen has been a resident of this county for twenty years,
you have property for sale or rent, we don't think you can and has been in a great many different kinds of business since
put it in better hands than the above named gentleman he took up his home here, and is a good natured, obliging
courteous gentleman. Mr. T. has always made it a point
F. C. GEHRETT, to pay for grain the highest possible figures, and is considered
Wholesale and retail Stoves and Tinware. When you are by grain dealers to be one of the best graders in the city.
in want any t)f the above articles do not fail to call and
examine his stock. Though he has been in business here EVEREST & WAGGEJSfER.
but a short time, he has gained many friends, is energetic, Attention is called to the card of Everest & Waggener,
and an enterprising gentleman, one with whom it is a pleas- Attorneys at Law. The firm practice in the United States
ure to do business. Remember the place, 706 Commercial. and District Courts, and attend to a general collecting
business. ~"They have a leading standing among the very-
FIERCE <B WALKER, best in this city, and in the State. Those who entrust busi-
Attorneys at Law. These gentleman both socially rank ness to them can do so in confidence that their cause will be
with the first of the city. Mr. P, the senior member of the ably sustained, and have the satisfaction of knowing that it
firm, is a prominent young attorney, with advanced exper- could not be placed in abler hands. Their professional and
ience for a man of his age, was a member of the State Legis- social standing is of the first order.
, lature from Doniphan county, this State, which he repre-
sented with honor to himself and credit to the county, and LOUIS ROfJHAT,
Mr. W, the junior member, is fast becoming popular in his Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, 420 Commercial street,
profession. As they have lived in the city several years, is a native of that well known country for its manufacture of
they need no comment from us farther than to say that they watches—Switzerland. Mr. Rochat began his business career
are reliable attorneys. in Atchison in 1864, with a capital of six h u n d r e d dollars,

J. A. NORTON k SQHivSSBFitefySBSgS* J. A. NORTON & SON, - - — a . * * ™ . . , . * . . .

and by his fair dealing, first-class work, good judgment and mense establishment is loccated upon was granted to the
pleasant disposition, has drawn a large trade, gained many company by the enterprising city of Atchison. T h e con-
friends, and now enjoys the pleasure of possessing a large tractor, Mr. J. T. Nicholson, has done about $600,000
stock of many thousand dollars worth ©f the best goods in worth of business for this company alone, besides many other
his line that the country affords. See advertisement on first very costly buildings, among which we may mention the
cover of this book. Chicago Exposition building, which was finished in eighty
working days, and is, we must say, a model of architecture.
D. T. BRADFORD, Mr. N. needs no comment from us, as he is known all over
WHOLESALE .AND R E T A I L D E A L E R IN MUSICAL INSTRU- the United States as being one of the safest and most
MENTS, S H E E T M U S I C , & C . trustworthy contractors in the country. " His residence is
We refer with pleasure to the card of D. T. Bradford, Chicago. •
whose musical house has a Western reputation that very few A. P. TENNY, PHYSICIAN,
possess. It is one of the oldest and largest in the city or Simonds & McConaughy's. A graduate of Harvard Medi-
State, and has a standing for quality of merchandise, fair cal School, 1858. One year previous to this he was Assist-
dealing and integrity, which makes it a pleasure for those ant Physician in the Boston Lunatic Asylum, and one year
who wish anything in that line to deal there. The stock is after graduating he held the same position, also at the same
large and complete in every particular. Lovers of music time was Physician for the Boston Home of Reformation,then
cannot but feel at home in this Musical Emporium, and to was appointed Assistant Physician of the State Insane Asy-
retail dealers we Call especial attention to this house as t h e ' lum at Jacksonville, Illinois, which position he held for five
place to buy. years, whereupon he went to Burlington Illinois, and prac-
RAILROAD FREIGHT TRANSFER, ticed, making a specialty of diseases of women. In October,
1859, he was appointed Superintendent of the Kansas State
The Atchison R. R. Freight Transfer Company dates Insane Asylum, but on the 1st of November resigned
its establishment back to the time when Atchison was a that possition, and cast his lot with the enterprising citizens
mere village. It has had a steady line of successors, and Is of Atchison, and as we have personally known Mr. T. for
one of Atchison's permanent institutions. The present firm, several years, we shall take the liberty to say that he is a
Messrs. Garside & Andeson, have been doing the railroad trustworthy Physician, and socially a gentleman of high
transfer business for several years between Atchison and merits.
Winthrop. They also do a large drayage business in the
city for our main wholesale stores between the depots on REVOLUTION STORE.
this side. They keep -none but careful men in their employ,
who are courteous, and are proud of their special 'teams. This store is located at 520 Commercial. The propri-
By their honorable dealings they have gained ahost of friends. etor has been dealing in all kinds of goods for the last six-
Their office and storage depot is south Fourth street, where teen years, and is a first-class salesman. He attends to the
information about freight will be cheerfully given at any the grocery department and his estimable lady will attend
time. They give receipts for all points east. to the notions, then comes the man known all over the coun-
try as the mockingbird and cornet imitator, who will be seen
FOWLER BROS around there the most of the time, which makes up a first-
Pork Packers, is located on the east side of the river. The class establishment. The building is in one of the most
main building of this establishment cost $TOO,OOQ, and'is prominent places in the city for trade, and finished as it is,
capable of handling two thousand hogs per day, and with its counters filled with goods the inside view can not
employs from three to four hundred men, that receive be beat. Don't forget the place for cheap notions, confec-
from $1.25 to $4.50 per day. The grounds that this im- tionery and groceries.


T h e lumber firm just started here, is well known in the
West as one of the largest and most liberal dealers in
Chicago, have opened a branch yard in West Atchison, so
as to be able to accommodate their customers in Kansas on RAILROADS.
short notice. Country dealers will find it to their advantage
to send their orders to Atchison, as this firm intend to- sell
at Chicago prices.
Dr.'W. H. BOfFEN. Dentist.
T h e above gentleman is one of Atchison's pioneer sel- ATCHISON, KANSAS.
lers, as you might say, as he has been here upwards of 25
years, is a first-class dentist and it is worth your while
to call in and see him and hear him tell of the olden times CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC.
in Atchison, and he can do it in good style too. Don't for- H C Golden, Freight and Ticket Agent, Atchison, K a n .
get the place, 80S Commercial. See advertisement on out-
side back cover of this Publication. Atchison to Miles j Atchison to Milea
ROCK ISLAND AND PEORIA RAILWAY, Winthrop o Seymour . 189
Running from Rock Island to Peoria, Illinois. This line is Rushville.... = 5 Numa 197
connected with all railways at both of the above named De Kalb r 1 Centerville 221
points, for all points East,. North, West and South, and Wallace 21 Unionville .:• • • 225
Northwest. T h e road has during the last year made many New Market 26 Paris 231
important improvements, one of which is the new depot at junction 34 Drakeville -237
Rock Island, Illinois, which is one of the finest arranged Edgerton 34 Belknap 240
depots in the country. Mr. R. A. Cable is a thorough rail- Grayson • • • 37 Floris 247
road man, and has made himself of late very prominent in Plattsburg 49 Eldon 259
railroad circles. The road runs through some of the best Perrin . - - 5*> County Line 259
counties in the State. Cameron 73 Liberty ville 265
Winston 83 Fairfield 272
THE ELKS COFFEE HOUSE Gallatin 94 Perlee 278
Is located on the west side of 4th street, between Commer- Jamesport 104 Brighton 278
cial and Kansas Avenue, near Corinthian Hall, is the finest Hickory Creek 112 Washington 300
sample room in the city, keeps a lunch and cup of hot cof- Trenton 120 Ainsworth. • 300
fee always ready. Mr. F. is well known among the "boys," Tindall r56 Columbus Junction 301
and is a good, jovial fellow, while Mr. S., we know from per- Spickarks. $$2 Fredonia • • • • 302
sonal experience, is able to please the most fastidious. With Mill Grove 126 Ononwa 307
these two energetic and thorough business men at the head Princeton 147 Muscatine 318
and their beautifully arranged palace, it can not help doing Lineville 162 Wilton 330
a good share of the best trade. What we have to say is, if Allerton 176
you want to pass a few minutes pleasantly you can not do At Wilton connects with main line of C R I & P for
better than to call in and see them. Chicago and all eastern cities.
rv l A / r n r n j o T H E FIWEST STOCK O F «ENT,S F U B .
[_>, W t b t n O j n i s h i m g Goods In Kan*u»«-


HANNIBAL <k ST. JOSEPH RAIROAD, C K Garrison, President, New York City
O Garrison, Vice Pres't, St Louis
William Dowel President, 78 Broadway, N«w York. O L Garrison, Cashier, St Louis
Chas G Warner, Acting Auditor, St Louis
M P Bush, Vice President, New York. A A Talmage, General Superintendent, St Louis
John A Hilton, Secretary, Broadway, New York. Frank E Fowler, Acting Gen'l Passenger Agt, St Louis
M- Billiard, Sup't Eastern Division, St Louis
W J Hilton, Treasurer, Hannibal, Mo. J W King, Paymaster, St Louis
John B Carson, Jeneral Manager, Hannibal, Ma, .T A Hill, General Freight Agent, St Louis
W H McDoel, General Freight Agent. H Hale, Sup't Western Division, Kansas City
Sfc Louis Ticket Office, 116 N Fourth Street—C S JudsOn, Ag't.
T Pentield, Gen'] Pass, and Ticket Agent.
W R Woodard, Superintendent, Atchison to Miles Atchison to Miles
T.D Rice, Land Commissioner, Hannibal, Mo.
' St. Louis 330 Elston 195
D E Farnsworth, Ticket Agent, Alchison, Kirkwood 317 Centretown 190
Rose Hill 316 California 180
Atchison to Miles Atchison to Miles Barrett's 319 Moniteau 174
Meramee 311 Tipton 167
Winthrop.. • • . . . . Bucklin r^i St. Paul 306 Otterville... ••- I 55
Rushville Lingo ,36 Glencoe : 303 Smithton 149
Halls.... New Cambria 140 Eureka. 300 Sedalia 141
Lake Callao 147 A lien ton 297 Dresden 135
St. J o s e p h . . . . . . . . . Bevier ^51 Pacific 293 Rnobnoster 122
Saxton Macon. 156 Gray's Summit 289 Gallaher 120
Easton Round Grove 163 Labadie 285 Warrensbui'g 112
Stewartsville Clarence 167 Augusta 282 Centreview 106
Osborn Lentner 1*3 South Point .....278 Holden... 98
Cameron J unction. Shelbina ---179 Washington 275 Kingsville 93
Cameron Lakenan-.. 184 Newport 268 Strasburg 87
Kidder Hunnewell. . 1S9 New Haven 263 Pleasant Hill 81
Hamilton Monroe 196 Etlah 259 Greenwood 76
Nettleton Woodland 207 Merger 255 Lee's Summit 71
Breckenridge Palmyra junction 211 Hermann 249 Little Blue 65
Mooresville Barkley 216 Gasconade 242 Independence 53
Utica Beatr Creek. 220 Morrison 237 Kansas City 48
Ohillicothe... Hannibal 226 Chamois 230 State Line 47
Wheeling . . . St. Aubert.. 225 Wyandotte 44
Meadville Palmyra 211 Bonnot's . - 217 Pomeroy 35
Laclede North River 227 Osage 213 Leavenworth 21
Brookfield..., West Qunicy 224 Jefferson City--.. 2r5 F t Leavenworth 18
Si. Catherine. Quincy 226 Scott 198 Atchison o


W F Downs, General Superintendent.
H S Ming, Master Transportation.
J F Barnard, General Superintendent, St. Joseph, Mo.
Atchison to Miles I Atchison to Miles
D H Winton, Asst. Superintendent, St. Joseph, Mo.
Junction 6 Waterville ' 00
J McConnirT, Train Dispatcher, St. Joseph, Mo, Barnes to
Farmington • 12
A McFarland, Agent, Atchison, Monrovia "4 Greenleaf i*3
Effingham 17 Washington 120
Muscotah 24 Summit 120
Kansas City to Miles Kansas City is Miles Whiting 31 Palmer '•• 124
Netawaka 36 Day *28
Harlem i Bigelow ......105 Wetmore 42 CHfton i33
Parkville, 9 graig n3 Sother 47 Clyde 140
Waldron ,. 16 Corning 118 Corning 54 Ames *43
East Leavenworth 24 Nishnabotna 12^ Centralia 62 Rice U9
Beverly •••••• 29 Phelps 132 Vermillion 69 Concordia '54
Weston 33 Watson 137 Frankfort 78 Jamestown 165
Iatan 39 Hamburg.. 146 Barrett's 81- Scottsville *72
Sugar Lake 44 Nebraska City June 154 i Danville. 180
Irving 91
Winthrop Jet & Atchison 48 Pereival, 160 Blue Rapids 95 I Beloit .... 183
Rushville 51 McPaul 165
Lake Station 62 Haney's r7^ W B Strong, Vice President and General Manager.
Round House 66 Pacific Jim ction 178 W F White, Genera] Passenger and Tieket Agent.
St. Joseph. 68 Hen tori's ,1.82 J F Goddard, General Freight Agent.
Amazonia . 76 Wright's TOO A S Johnson, Acting Land Commissioner.
Nodaway 81 W K Peabody, Gen'] Agent. Atehison.
Council Bluffs..... r/95 M T, Sargent, General Ageni, Kansas City.
Forbes...., 87 U. P. Transfer 197 T J Anderson, General Agent, Pueblo.
Forest City , 95 M-ths
Atchison to Mile.* Atchison to
HOPKINS BRANCH. Valley Falls 26 Sterling 37
Topeka 5° Great Bend 169
Atchison to Miles j Atchison to Mile* Carbondale 66 Darned • 291
Burlingame 76 Kinsley 3r6
Winthrop Junction 1 Rosendale 42 Osage City • 85 Dodge City 35 2
Rushville 5 Bolckow 47 Emporia TTI Lakin -424
Halls 9 Barnard 51 Cottonwood 13 T G r a n a d a . . . . ; -481
Lake Station 16 Arkoe KQ Florence 156 Las Animas • 53 T
St. Joseph 21 Maryville.. 65
Amazonia 30 Peabody ' 5 8 West Las Animas 536.
Pickering 73 Newton 185 La Junta 555
Savannah.... 35 Hopkin s;.,,. 80 Hutchison TT8 Pueblo 61S


. L W Town?, Superintendent, Atchison.
John E Utt, Gen Ticket and Freight Agent, Atchison.
Atchison to Miles j Atchison to Miles
Atchison o Dawsons 68
Doniphan. 6 Humboldt 75
Brenner . . . . i^ Table Rock
Troy Junctson
Elk Creek
Tecumseh HAWLEY'S
Sterling 1
Iowa Point ^T Adams ,r
White Cloud
Rulo V
Falls City 55 Lincoln 1
Salem 6i FOR 1878-79.


Council chamber n e cor 4th and Kansas av; meets
Monday evenings.
Mayor—Clements Rohr.
Clerk—T J White
Councilmen—First Ward—hi Clay Park, James N
Burnes J r ; Second Ward, W W Hetherington, E K Blair;
Third Ward, J F Thompson, R F Wetzel: Fourth Ward, C
W Barker, A L Shipley.
Attorney—H C Solomon.
Treasurer—C N Reigncr.
Assessor—Robert Forbriger.
President—John Seaton.
Vice President—A F Martin.
HOPKINS & WORK, Proprietors. Clerk—Aug Lang.
mmMWt - - « KA»iAs. Treasurer—Frank Howard.
Members—First Ward, Clem J Neal, John Bemer;
When you visit the "Land of Solomon" call at the CUS-
T E R ; we will do you good. C. WEBER'S,
J, A. NORTON & SON J. A. NORTON & S 0 N , 8,tTE
Second Ward, A F Martin, Aug Mangiesdorf; Third Ward,
A Lang, S C K i n g ; Fourth Ward, John B Kruth, John Supt of Insurance—Orrin T Welch.
Seaton. Judge of U S Court for Dist of Kansas—C G Foster,
Chief justice Supreme Couit—A H Horton.
JUSTICE COURTS. Associate Justices Supreme Court—D J Brewer and
Justices of the Peace—R B Drury, j K Fisher. D M Valentine.
Constables—P M Tomlinson, J W Truesdell.
R F Wetzel, chairman council committee.
Engineer—A Meier.
Street Commissioner—Winfield Kehler. U S Senators—John J lngalls, P B Plumb.
POLICE DEPARTMENT. Representatives in Congress—First District, William
A. Phillips ; Second District, Dudley C Haskell; Third
judge—Azef W Spalding.
Marshal—C W Benning. District, Thomas J Ryan. •
Policemen—Phillip Dunkin, John Flannery, Jacob iS79.
Starr, C W Koppell. U S Senators—John J lngalls, P B Plumb.
Represenaatives in Congress—First District, John A
ATCHISON COUNTY OFFICESS. Anderson; Second District, Dudley C Haskell; Third Dis-
Official paper of the county—The Patriot. trict, Thomas J Ryan.
Board of County County Coihmissioners—E R Brown,
chairman, A B Bradish, John A Moore. BANKS AND BANKERS,
Clerk—Charles H Krebs. NATIONAL.
.Treasurer—D E Merwin.
Sheriff—Wm H Wylie, Atchison National Bank, n s Commercial e 3d, capital
Register of Deeds—J O Feebler. $50,000, C J Drury, vice-pres, M Barrett, cashier.
Clerk of the District Court—W W Church. First National Bank,- n;w cor Commercial and and,
Probate Judge—J J Locker. capital $100,000, David Auld, pres, C G Foster, vice-pres,
County Attorney-^C K Wells. T Coplan; cashier, S A Frazier, asst'-cashier.
Surveyor—A Meier.
Superintendent of Public Instruction—J W Tucker. Atchison Savings Bank, n w eor Commercial and 5th,
Coroner—Dr. P Ff Fischering.
capital $100,000, A G Otis, pres, J W Parker, vice-pres,
STATE OFFICERS. R A Park, cashier.
German Savings Bank, 408 Commercial, capital paid in
Governor—John P St John.
$10,000, Geo Storch, pres, Robert Farbriger, vice-pres, John
Lieut. Governor—N J Humphreys-
Belz, cashier.
Secretary of State—James Smith.
Auditor—P I Bonebrake. Perpetual Savings Bank, s e cor Commercial and 4th,
Treasurer—John Francis. capital ^50,000, Wm W Cochrane, pres, H M Glancy, vice-
Attymey General—Willard Davis. pres, Albert H Lamphear, cashier.
Supt of Public Instruction—Allen B Lemmon. Burns C C & Co, Private Bankers, Otis House Building.
State Printer—George W Martin. Hetherington's Exchange Bank, W W Hetherington
Sec'y State Board of Agriculture-Alfred Gray. proprietor, n w cor 4th and Commercial.

• VVuDELn O, nlaning Goods In UHIIM*

J. A. NORTON & S O N , . , » , B 2 , , i . B P w ! « S S " J. A. NORTON & SON,'


AtcUison county court house, s w cor 5th and Parallel Latter Day Saints, 6th between Santa Fe and Atchison,
Apollo Hall, s w cor 3d and Commercial Rev David Williams, pastor.
Corinthian Hall, w s 4th n Commercial Ebenezer Baptist, (col) cor 6th and Santa Fe,
Good Templars Hall, 4th Commercial pastor, services n a m and 7 ^ p m. Sunday School 2 p m .
Leu's H a i l s sCommercial bet 3d a n d 4 t h African M E, Atchison between 7th and 8th, Rev James
Masonic Hall, Hetherington's bank building, n e cor Com- W Wilson, pastor, services 10*4 a m and 7 ^ p ra. Sunday
mercial and 4th School 2% P ni.
Odd Fellow* Hall, 526 Commercial German Lutheran, cor Commercial and 10th, Rev Wm
Pioneer Engine House, n w cor Kansas av and 4th •B Schoche, pastor, services 10 a m. Sunday Scool 2 y£ p m.'
Turner Hall, s e cor Kansas av and 6th Protestant Episcopal, cor Utah av and 5th, Rev Frank
O Osborne, rector, services 10.45 a m a n ( i 7-3° P m - Sun-
FIRE DEPARTMENT. day School 12 m.
Chief—C j Neal. St Benedict's Abbey, cor 2nd and Division, Rev Adolph
Assistant Chief—L Rochat. pastor, services 6, 8 and to a .m, Vespers 3. Sunday School
^Etna Engine and Hose Company, 6th, bet Kansas a v a n d 2 ^ p m.
Santa Fe, William C Barnes, Foreman; L Highy, Engineer. Methodist Epiacopal, cor Kansas av and 5th, Rev Wm
Ingalls Engine and Hose Company, cor 6th and Santa Friend, pastor, services 1 ° ^ a m and 714 p m. Sunday
Fe, Jacob Starr, Foreman. x School 2*4 P m.
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company, cor 4th and Kansas Methodist Episcopal, South, cor 6th and Park, Rev
av, George Tofte, Foreman; J Ham, Asst. Foreman. . ... } W Faubion, pastor, services n a m and 7.30 p m, every
two weeks.
CEMETERIES. First Baptist, cor Kansas av and 9th, Rev W T Fleenor
Oak Hill, W Atchison, city limits, cor Independence and pastor, res s w cor 2d and Kansas av, services n a m and
Atchison streets. 7 p m, Sunday School 9% a m .
Mount Vernon, South Atchison, city limits. First Congregational, 4th between Kansas av and San-
Catholic Cemetery, North Atchison, city limits. ta Fe, F T Ingalls, pastor, services 10.45 a m a n c * 7 P m>
Sunday School 12 m
PUBLIC SCHOOLS. First Presbyterian, 4th between Commercial and Main,
C S Sheffield, Supt City Schools for 187S and 1879, Rev Matthew F Howie, pastor, services 10.45 a m an< ^ 7
Average daily actual attendance about 900 ; Enrolment* p m. Sunday School 9.30 a m , Prayer Meeting Wednesday
about 1200 scholars. Office in Central School Building, evening 7.30 p m.
west side of 5th bet Santa Fe and Atchison streets. Mrs
N A Maher, Principal High School Department. SOCIETIES.
South Atchison Public School, north-west cor 5th and Washington Lodge No 5, A F & A M, chartered Tuiy
R streets, Miss Annie M Nicklaus, Principal. 14th, 1856, with Jacob Saqui, W M ; Luther C Challis, S W ;
West Atchison Public School, south side of Kansas ay Wilcox, J W. Present Officers—T M Pierce, W M ;
e Liberty, Miss Maggie A McDuff, Principal. R Smith, S W ; A B Parker, J W ; L Frank, T ; A D
South Atchison Public School, (col), n e cor Q and 6th, McConaughy, P M, S; S R Stevenson, P M, S D ; C B Nor-
Thomas Morton, Principal. ton, J D; J N Utley, T. Meets in Masonic Hall, Hethering-
Third Ward Public School, (col), cor Atchison and 8th, ton's Bank Building, on the first and third Mondays of each
R M Wilson, Principal. month. Present number of members, 135.


ttie State of Mansat.
. YYc.OL.no, mute i n the u»ft.««i «*-*—
J. A. NORTON k S O N , K ' - " . I t ^ ^ ^ L ? " ^ "
K. of H.
AtchisonLodge N 1284. Meets first and third Thurs-
Active Lodge No 158, A F & A M,. chartered October days in each month. Jno. A. Martin, P D ; D J Holland,
21st. 1S75, with Thos Clyde, W M ; R P R Millar, S W ; D; W S Greenlee. V D; Dwight E Merwin, A D; R F
|as G'Thayer, J W ; Present Officers, C P Cochran VV M ; Smith, R: J L Berry, F R; Wm Shultz, T; E C Johnson, C;
J C Greenawalt, S W ; H Hovey, J W ; A H Sockman, S D ; W H Glancy, G; W H Kline, G.
A Macdonald, ) D ; W ] Stone, T. Meets at Masonic I. O. O. F .
Hall on the second and fourth Saturday. Number of mera-
, bers, 26. Friendship Lodge No 5. Meets every Tuesday even-
ing. B H Kohorn, N G; W H McNeil, V G; H R Bost-
Martha Washington Chapter No 2, O E S, first charter- wick, Sec; A R Piatt, Treas.
ed by Supreme Grand Chapter of the V S April 9th 1872 with Schiller.Lodge No 33. Meets every Wednesday even-
Mrs A K Todd, W Matron ; C J Neal, W Patron; Mrs Mary ing. Aug Lang, N G, H Trulleib, V G; M Marcus, Sec;
L Hazard, Asst Matron. Rechartered by the Grand Chap- A Shultz, Treas.
ler of Kansas October 16th, 1878, with Mrs E C White,
W Matron; A D McConaughy, W Patron ; Mrs Rebecca Hesperian Encampment No 6. Meets first and third
Harres, Asst Matron; Mrs L Frank, T ; Miss Mary Copian, Fridays of each month. S Stevenson, C P; C H Scott,
S; Mrs J Leu, C; Miss Marv E Stone, A C; C P Coch- S W; W H McNeil J R; H R Bostwick, Scribe: S H Kelsey,
rane, W ; J N Utley, Sent. H P; A T Ontis, Treas.
Washington Chapter No 1, R A M Originally char- K. of P.
tered by the General Grand Chapter of R A Masons for the Golden Cross Lodge No 7. Meets second and fourth
United States, May 18, 1859. Re-chartered by the M E Fridays in each month. C C Burns, C C; D J Holland, V
Grand Royal Aich Chapter of the State of Kansas, Dec. C; C W Browne, K of R and S; A D Glancy, M of F; J A
27, 1867, with John A- Chase as M E High Priest, John M. HaroufT", M of E; S R Stevenson, P; H R Bostwick, M of A.
Price. King and W. H. Bowen, as Scribe. A. O. U. W.
Present officers—A. D. McConaughy, M E H P ; A . H . Ancient Order United Workmen No 4. Meets first and
Sockman, K ; S. Hesselberger, S ; C. H. McDuff, C H ; third Wednesdays in each month. Vine Hovey, M W; G
Robert Lovell,' P S ; Geo. Allen, R A C ; S. M. Darrah, G W Hunter, F: E Thomkins, O; E B.Couch, R; A Macdon-
M 3 V f ; Chas. Wincheck, G M 2 V ; O. H. [ohnson, G M 1 ald, F; T B Piatt, R; C A Stewart, G; J Nesbit, O W; and
V ; j . ' L e u , T r e a s ; ]. A. Bailey, S e c y ; J. N. Utley, T No. H Devers, O W.
of members 54. Meets at Masonic Hall 2d and 4th Wed-
nesday of each month.. I^THTSALIKGER 'atcd~
Washington. Council No. 2, R and S Masters. Charter Wholesale and retail dealers in Cigars, Tobacco, and smok-
issued by Grand Council of R and S Masters of Kansas, Dec. ers articles in general, Sign the Big Pipe. This is the larg-
12, 1867,—to John L Philbrick, T I M ; J L Thompson, D est establishment o f t h e k i n d i n Kansas and the proprietors
M ; and Amos Averv, P C W. Present officers—John M are straightforward gentlemen, courteous and enterprising
Price, T I M ; J E Lewis, D M ;'. A H Sockman, P C W , S citizens, Country dealers or citizens of this county can not
Hesselberger, T ; J A Bailey, R ; C H Me Duff. C G ; O H do better than to give them a call when in want of the
Johnson, C O ; Geo C Allen, S'; J N Utley, Sent. Meets in above articles.
Masonic Hall, on the.second Monday of each month. No. B.G.JONES.
of members 24 ,1 -" : Broom Manufacturer and dealer in Broom material, Com-
mercial between Eighth and Ninth Streets. This enter-
Shiloh;Coiiclavfe No r, Knightsof;the Red Cross ofCon- prising gentleman manufacturers as good a Broom as can be
stantine. Charter issued by Sov G. Council of the U S, made and sells at the lowest possible figures. Merchat and
April 16, 1878, to Sir A D McConaughy, M P S ; Sir J C citizens of county should, and we have no doubt do patron-
Greenawalt, V. Present officers—Sir A D McConaughy, M ize this establishment eberby promote ihe entcrest of Atchi-
THE son and incourage home industry.


P Sovereign ; Sir J C Greenawalt, Viceroy: Sir J M Price.

S Gen'l ; Sir A H Sockman, J Gen'l ; Rev Sir J H Clark, H
Prelate; Sir Jacob Leu, T ; Sir H C Golden, R ; Sir G C
Allen. Prelect; Sir J A Bailey, St Bearer ; Sir O H John-
ston, Herald; Sir J N Utley, Sent. Meets in Masonic Hall.
fourth Monday in each month.
Washington Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar,
chartered by the Grand Encampment of the U S, "Sept 7,
1847. Officers—Sir 1 C Greenawalt, E C ; Sir Charles £
Styles, G ; Sir J G Thayer, C G ; Sir Fred Giddings, Pre-
late ; Sir Robert Lovtll. S W , Sir A H Sockman, T W ; Sir
R B Morris, T ; Sir A D McConaughy, R ; Sir T A Bailey.
St B ; Sir O H Johnson, S'd B ; Sir George C Allen, War-
der; Sir J N Utley, Sentinel. Meets in Masonic Hall first
and third Thursdays of each month.
Medina Temple Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine, chartered by the Imperial Grand Council of
the U S, Feb 20, 1878. 111. T C Greenawalt, G Potentate ;
III. J M Price, C Rabban ; lit. A D McConaughy, ARabban ;
TIL A H Sockman, High Priest and Prophet; 111. J A Bailey,
Oriental G u i d e ; 111. Robt Forbriger, Treas ; 111. J H Gar-
side, R ; 111. Geo C Allen, 1st Cer Mast; 111. O H Johnson,
2d Cer Mast; 111. Wm G Rail, Marshal; 111. Jacob Leu,
C G u a r d ; Til. J. N. Utley, O Gu*rd.
Atchison Turnverein. Meets on the first and third Sun-
days of each month.
Atchison Liederkranz. Meets on the first and third
Mondays in each month.
German St. Joseph's. Meets the first Sunday in each
Irisd Catholic. Meets on the first and third Sundays
of each month. -,
Atchison Covnty Medical Society. Meets on the sec-
ond Tuesday of each month.

STREET DIRECTORY. Washington, w of Levee, runs n and s, bet river and ist
Ash runs n from Div bet 10th and n t h , N Atchison. First, ist w Levee, runs n and s.
Atchison, 3d street n of (Join, runs e and w. Second, 2d w Levee, runs n and s.
Commercial is the chief business street in the city, and runs Third, 3d w Levee, runs n and s.
from river w. Fourth, 4th w of Levee, runs n and s.
Constitution runs n and s, 17th from river. Fifth, 5 th w of Levee, runs n and s.
Division, 9th st n of Com, runs e and w. Sixth, 6th w of Levee, runs n and s.
Elm runs n from Div, continuation of 10th, N Atchison. Seventh, 7 th west of Leveee, runs n and s.
Federal runs n and s, 16th from river. Eighth, 8th w of Levee, runs n and s
Gillespie runs n and s, a continuation of 3d from Park to R. Ninth, 9th w of Levee, runs n and s.
Hickory runs n from Div, bet n t h and 12th, N Atchison. Tenth, 10th west of Levee, runs n and s.
Independence runs n and s, 18th from river. Eleventh, n t h west of Levee, runs n and s.
Kansas av, 1st street n of Com, runs e and w Twelfth, 12th w of Levee, runs n and s.
Kearney, 6th street n of Com, runs e and w.
Laramie, 5th street n Com, runs e and w. WARD BOUNDARIES.
L, 10th street n Com, runs e and w. First Ward contains all that part of the city lying s of Com
Liberty runs n and s, 15th from river.
Main, rst s Com, runs e and w. and e of 5th streets.
Second Ward contains all that part of the city lying n of
Maple runs n from Div, continuation 12th, N Atchison Com and e of Fifth.
Mound, 8th street n Com, runs e and w. Third Ward contains all that part of the city lying n of
M, n t h n Com, rus e and w. Com and w of 5th.
N, 12th street n Com, runs e and w. Fourth Ward contains all that part of the city lying south
Oak runs n from Div, bet 9th and 10th, N Atchison. of Com and w of 5th.
O, 13th n Com, runs e and w.
Parallel, 4th n of Com, runs e and w.
Park, 3d sCoffl, runs e and w.
Q, 6th from Com, runs e and w
R, 7th from Com, runs e and w.
Riley, 7th n Com, runs e and w.
Roberts, 14th from river, runs H ands, bet Utah av and Com.
Santa Fe, 2d north Com, running e and w.
Short, w Levee, runs n and s, bet river and 1st
Smith av, runs e and w, from 4th to 5th, s Com
Spring, 5th s of Com, runs e and w.
Spruce, 4th s of Com, runs e and w.
S, 8th s of Com, runs e and w.
T, 9th s of Com, runs e and w.
U, 10th s Com, runs e and w.
Union, 13th from Levee, runs n and s.
Utah av, second s Com, runs e and w.
V, n t h s Com, runs e and w
Walnut runs n from Div, bet 8th and 9th, N Atchison.


FOR 1878-79.
agent. e east of.
avenue. mar manulactui
between. ... north of
boards. nr,. near.
building. °PP opposite.
corner. south of
clerk. w... west of
laborer. n s. north side.
.carpenter. w s. west side.
.south side. e s.. east side.

C.RI&P Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific.
H & St J... Hannibal & St. Joseph.
K C, St.l A (i B Kansas Oily, St. Joseph & Council BlulTs.
MP Missouri Pacific,
A& X Atchison & Nebraska.
CBUP 1 Central Branch Union Paciric.
A, T & S b Atchison, Topeka &• Santa Pe.
B&M Burlington & Missouri River.


ABBOTT MRS J U L I A A, Dress and Cloak M a -
k e r 526 Com'l, res s a m e
Abdill N L, shoemaker, res w s 5th n Com
Abell Peter T, elk, bds n e cor 5th and Riley
Abell Mrs Emily M, res n e cor 5th and Riley
. W C D L n O) the State of Kansas.
J. A. NORTON & SON, «,»•!£ so,,
Achenback C B, baker C Treffz, res 320 Com
Acker Edwin, res s e cor Kearney and n t h Althoff Gertrude, servant, res w s 2d s Sanla Fe
Adams Elias C, millwright, res n s Kearney Altboff John, engineer, res w s Gillespie s Park.
Aderson John M, hostler, bds 5th St House Alwens Max J, traveling salesman Bartiett & Merrill, res
Adsit Alva, res e s 3rd n Kansas av Concordi, Kas
Aenfeldt John, hack driver, res e s 4th n Mound Alwens Otto G, printer, bds n e cor Santa Fe 3d
Anderson Andrew, trackman A & N Ry, bds N Y House
AGER HENRY G, Medical Doctor Specialist, Anderson Andrew, clerk, res n e cor Main and 7th
507 Com, res same Anderson Benjamin, (col) laborer, res s Railroad w n t h
Anderson Clayton, bds n s Park w. 4th
Ahrens Henry, bds s s Atchison e 9th Anderson James (Garside & Anderson), res n s Park w 4th
Ainsworth Anther, bds Atlantic House Anderson John, hostler, bds Fifth St House
Ainsworth Edward, manager lumber y'd, bds Atlantic House Anderson Mary, (col) servant, res e s 6th and R
Aiken Violet, servant, res n s Parallel e 6th Anderson Niles, elk, res e s 7th n Main
Alderson Louie, carrier Patriot, bds e s 5th n Divisori Anderson Robert, coductor, A T & S F Ry, bds Lindell
Aldrich William, fireman Bridge Trans Co, res E Atchison Hotel
Alexander Henry, railroad man, bds Tremont House Anderson Thomas, elk, res n s Kansas av w 6th
Alfrey Mary A, bds \v s 7th n N Anderson Willard S, elk, res ri s Kansas av e 5th
Allard Samuel, brakeman Mo Pacific, bds Atlantic House Andrews Russell S, paints oils glass picture frames mould-
Allen - • • , contractor, bds Grand Central ings 618 Com, res s s Main e 10th
Allen Alfred H , carpenter, res w s 5th s L Andrews Russell S, painter, res s s Main e 10th
Allen Amos H , res e s 2d n Santa Fe Andrews Robert G, messenger U S Ex Co A & N Ry, bds
Allen Frank H, res e s 2d n Santa Fe Lindell Hotel
Allen George C, transfer C & A Bridge Co, bds 211 Com Angle Danies L, messenger U S E x Co M P Ry
Allen Harper H, publisher, res w s Jth's Q Antle Francis, laborer, res n s Kearney e 9th
Antle John, res e s 9th s Riley
A L L E N J W & C o , ( J o h n W Allen George E T a y -
Archer John J, elk, res n w cor Park and 4th
lor) W h o l e s a l e & R e t a i l D r u g s O i l s a n d G l a s s ,
Armstrong William G, book keeper, bds Legal Tender
511 C o m
Arras Lois, bartender C Hoxie, res out of city
Ash Andrew J, elk, bds Atlantic House
Allen J F, Gen'l Fr't agt M P Ry, bds Otis House
Allen Joseph YV, (Quigg & Allen) res e s 2nd n Santa Fc ASH & PAYNE, (Henry F Ash James C Payne)
Allen John K, tailor, res s w cor Parallel and 7th Chicago 9 9 c Store, 521 C o m
Allen John W, (J W Allen & Co) res n s Laramie w 5th
Allen Nellie S, res e s 2nd n Santa Fe Ash Henry F, (Ash & Payne) res Florence, Kansas
Allen Phillip N, teamster" res w s 5th s L Ashton Eva M, servant, res s s Q w 7th
Allen Samuel Jesse, res e s 4th s T Askren Oliver H P, wagon maker, res s s Main w 7th
Allen Samuel J, elk, bds w s 5th n Division Atchison Elevator Co, prop elevator C, W F Downs pres and
Allen Samuel J, elk, res s w cor 5th and L treas, A C Low manager, s s Main e 12th
Allen Mrs Sophia R, res e s 2nd & Santa Fe ' Auld Veit, res n s Kearney e 9th
Allen Willard P, store keeper A & N Ry, bds 5th St House Auld David, pres 1st Nat Bank, resn e cor 4th and Laramie
Alley James F, engineer A T & S F Ry, res 426 Com Auld James C, capitalist, res s s R e 6th
Alligan Henry, (col) laborer, res e s 7th n Spring Auld William W, (Blair & Auld) res n w c o r 3 d and Laramie
Allison James H. laborer, res n/e cor 7th and Santa Fe Averill Laura, dressmaker Mrs J A Abbott, res 526 Com
- LO"IS BOOT, 1HE HKST Avery Alfred | , carpenter, res w s Union s Kansas av
\ji VVLDLn O, Made in tli« United states. tA/CDCD'O T H E STETSON HATS. ARE T H E BEST
Avis Charles B, res e s ist n Santa Fe Barrett J as M, bds Legal Tender
Ayers Dad P, night elk U S R x Co, res same Barrett Milton, Cashier Atchison National Bank, bds 211
Back Henry, student, res n s Kansas av, w 4th Barry Catharine F, housework, res e s 5th s Division
Back Lizzie, seamstress, res n s Kansas av, w 4th Barry Eugene, bookkeeper, res n w cor Division and 2d
Back Mrs —, res n s Kansas av, w 4th Barry Henry, wheelwright, res e s 5th s Division
Backus Charles, laborer, bds n s Park w 6th Barry Catharine, servant, res e s 9th cor Atchison
Backus Lawrence, laborer, bds n s Park w 6th Bartlett Alonzo W, (Bartlett & Merrill) bdsOtis House
Backus Mrs Allice, res n s Park w 6th B A R T L E T T & M E R R I L L , (Alonzo W Bartlett Edwin A
Bacon Geo A, brakeman A T & S F, res s s Kan av w toth Merrill) Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Corinthian Hall
Bailey Thomas, fireman Atchison EleVator Co, res e s 4th Building
Barton George, servant, res n w cor Laramie and 5th
B A K E R D A V I D , Groceries and Meat Market cor Barton Harry, elk New York Store, res 428 Com
7th and Spring, res w s 7th n Spring Barton John W, telegraph operator, res n s R e 5th
Bass Jacob H , laborer, bds s s Division e joth
Baker Hood S, traveling agt, res s s Com w 10th Bass John W, farmer, res s s Division w 9th
Ballantine Richard H, bookkeeper Atchison Nat Bank, bds Bass Samuel H, freight elk C B Ry, bds n w cor Santa Fe
Lindell Hotel
Baldwin James W, Broker & real estate dealer in Colorado, and 7th
res n w cor Commercial and iTth Bass Thomas E, teamster, res s s Division w 9th
Baldrige Jerry, (col) laborer, res s 6th n N Bass William, laborer, res s s Division w 9th
Bandle Amelia, dressmaker, res w s 6th s Park Baskett Henry L, (col) laborer, res w s 2nd n Riley
Bandle Frank, blacksmith, res e s 6th s Park Bassett William, (col) waiter, res s s Santa Fe e 5th
Banks E, blacksmith, res e s 4th s Atchison Bates Benjamin F, (col) preacher, res s s Mound, w 5th
Banks Lucy, (col) cook, res e 2nd n Park Bauer Albert, barber 620 Com, res same
Barber Joseph, engineer Atchison foundry Baumgard Andrew, elk, res n s Atchison w 5th
Barber Joseph H, engineer, res s s Mound e 6th Baumgard Mrs A, millinery and straw goods 419 Com., res
Barbee Samuel, (col) res n s R w 7th n s Atchison w 5th
Barcoon John F, carpenter, res e s 7th n T Baumgard Mrs Martha, milliner, res n s Atchison w 5th
Baring John, laborer, res w s 3d s Utah av Baxter Charles, (col) laborer, res s s S e 6th
Barker & Lambert, (Campbell W Barker William Lambert) Bayer Louis, barber e s 5th n Com, bds Legal Tender
Bayer Mrs Catharine, housekeeper, res n s Laramie e 5th
general merchandise crockery, 5J5 Com Bayley H H, bookkeeper, res s e cor Santa Fe and 2d
Barker Campbell. (Barker & Lambert) res s s Spring e 7th Beall E AV (H Clay Park & Co), res s w cor 5th and Spring
Barker Mrs Sarah J, dressmaker, res s s Spring e 7th Bealle Frank, millwright, bds Click House
Barkley Harriet, (col) servant, res sw cor Laramie and 5th Bean A J, coal dealer, bds Otis House
Barkow Herman W (Nore & Barkow), res n s Kan a v w g t h Beardahl Ole, tailor, res n e cor Main and 8th
Barnes Charles, elk, res n e cor Main and toth Bearckley Henry, whitewashes res n s Atchison w n t h
Barnes Francis, carp C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree House Bearckley Joshua W, waiter, bds n s Atehison w n t h
Barnes Lovick P, law student, bds Legal Tender Beauchamp Alfred, elk, res s s Atchison w Sth
Barnes M N , U S route agt, bds Dr Ellet Beaver Mary, servant, res w s 7th s Kansas av
Barnes Reuben C, florist n s Main w Constitution, res same Beck Henry, elk, bds n s Kansas av e 5th
Barnes William C, Foreman Champion Job Rooms, res s s Beck Mrs Catharine, res n s Kansas av e 5th
Kansas av, w 7th \A/CDCD10 T H E I*AR(>iEST J.OT OF T R U N K S AND
Barnett Silas A, baker, bds w s 6th n Kansas av C
. W t D t n Oi Valises ol »U kimls.
Bent James, lawyer, bds n s Laramie e ioth
B E C K E R P E T E R , Native W i n e Garden, n s Main Bent Mrs Elizabeth, res n s Laramie e toth
w Independence, res s a m e Bentley Alfred W, clerk Simonds & McConaughy, bds w s
6th n Kansas av
Beerhart H, bds Legal Tender Bentley Julia A, (col) servant, res e s 2d s Santa Fe
Behan Lyda, waiter, Atlantic House Bereman Samuel O (fohnson & Bereman), res n s Santa Fe
Belden Mrs Augusta, res s s Parallel e 7th e 4th
Bell & Trulleib, (George Bell Henry Trutleib) blacksmith Bergen Mary, dressmaker Mrs J A Abbott, res s e cor 7th
and wagon makers e s 3d n Com and V
Bell Elija, (col) flagman, res s s Q w 7th Bergen William, wiper Mo P round house, res n s R e 5th
Bell George (Bell & Trulleib), res s s Laramie e 7th Bergstrand A E, merchant tailor w s 5th n Com, res n w cor
Bell Joseph, (col) laborer, res e s 7th n Q 7th and Utah av
Bell John S, teamster, res s s Kansas av e s Sth • Bergstrand John, tailor, res s w cor Utah av and 7th
Bell Joseph W, freight depot, res n e cor 7th and Q Berkey Howard, carp, res s 5 Spring w 7th
Bell Mrs Corinda, (col) washing, res s e cor Mound and 4th Bernstein Simon, loan agt 41.0 Com, res n s Laramie e 5th
Bell Perry, (col) laborer, res s e cor Mound and 4th Berry Catharine, servant, res. n s Laramie w 5th
Bell Walter, (col) laborer, res s e cor Mound and 4th Berry John F, travelling agent, res s s T e 6th
Bell William, blacksmith, res s s Laramie e 7th B E R R Y J O H N L, Probate Judge and Attorney at Law 323
Beller Frank, brakeman C B U P Ry, bds Wash'ton House Com, res n s Atchison w 6th
Belville Joseph H, laborer, res s s Parallel w 10th Bertenshaw James, moulder Atchison foundry, res s e cor
Belz John, Cashier German Savings Bank, res.s s Santa Fe Sth and Kansas av
e 8th Best L B, elk, bds Lindell Hotel
B E M E R J O H N , Boot and Shoe Manufg 304 Com, res n Best Peter M, elk, res e s 4th s Com
s Park w 4th Bick John, farmer, res w s 2nd s Riley
Bemer Gertrude W, servant, res s e cor Atchison and 8th Bidding Charles G, teamster, res s s Parallel w n t h
Bender Fannie, seamstress, res n s Kearney w 3d Biddle Joseph H, carpenter, bds e s Sth n Parallel
Bender Frederick R, shoemaker, bds n s Mound e -8th Bier-Frank, (Brown & Bier) res 218 Com
Benedict Charles W, machinist C B Ry, res s s Main e Fed- Bingaman James T, laborer, res s s Santa Fe e 6th
eral Bingman David A, (col) laborer, res s s Parallel e 1st
Benedict George A, ticket agent C B U P R.y, res 11 w cor Bingham Mary, elk, res s s Laramie w 6th
Birch Henry, (col) quarryman, res n s Parallel e tst
Liberty and Main Birch Mrs Adaline, (col) washing, res n s Parallel e rst
Benedict George C, master mechanic *C B U P Ry, res s s Bird Mary E, assistant teacher high school, res n s Atchison
Main e Federal
Benfor Edward, plasterer, bds w s gth cor Atchison w ioth
Bennett Edith J, teacher, res R e cor 5 th and Mound Bird L F, attorney at law 425 Com, res n w cor Sth and Q
Bennett J H, bds Legal Tender Bishop fohn, laborer, res s s R w 7th
Benning Charle's W, city marshall, res s e cor Main and 8th Bitther [bhn, stone-mason, res n s Kearney e 9th
Benning Eliza L, teacher central school, res s e cor Main Bivins Mrs Catharine (col), res s s Mound e 4th
and Sth Bixler John, broom-maker, res e s 6th s Park
Benning James P, brakeman, res s e cor Main and 8th Black James, (col) freight house C B U P Ry, res s w cor
Benning Phillip H, blacksmith, res s e cor Main and Sth Main and 5th
Bernhoster Henry, bartender, res n s L e 4th Black John J, (coi) flagman C B U P Ry, res s w cor 5th
Bent Arista B, machinist, bds n s Laramie e ioth and Main
Bent Charles H, employee C B U P Ry, bds w s 6th s Park C WI- R F R • ^1 TIiK I
1 V l U O L n O) nishing Goods in Kansas.
J, A. NORTON & SON 1 A N D WAT< ! H K B P A I R I J N U .
Boswell Eugene A (Boswell & Bro), res e s 8th s Com
Black Milton, ticket agt C R I & P Ry, bds 211 Com Boswell William F (Boswell & Bro), res e s 8th s Com
Black Shelton, (col) teamster, res s s Riley e 8th Bouler Jane M, res e s gth n Park
Blackburn Joseph W, carp C B Ry, res n s Atchison w Union Bowen John, elk, res w s 7th s S
Blair & Auld (Edward K Blair William W Auld) props city Bowen Joseph (col), transfer driver, res e s 7th n Q
t mills cor Utah av and 4th
Bowen Wells H, dentist, res n s Kansas av e 9th
Blair Edward K, (Blair & Auld) res s e cor 3rd and L Bowker William W, carpenter, res s s Parallel w roth
Blake Charles, railroad man, res n s Kearney e 7th
Blake Michael, railroad man, res n s Kearney e 7th BOWMAN & MURPHY (Wm Bowman,Thomas
Blank George J, painter paper hanger, bds Legal Tender M u r p h y ) F l o u r i n g Mill s w c o r K a n s a s a v
Blankenship Emma j . (col) teacher, res n w cor Mound and 6ih
and 6th
Blankenship William, bds s s Atchison w 8th Bowman Charles, railroad man, res n s Com e 12th
Blish David P (Blish, Mize & Silliman), res s s -R e 4th Bowman John, railroad man, res n s Com e 12th
Blish, Mize & Silliman (D P Blish, E A Mize, J B Silliman), Bowman William, (Bowman & Murphy) res s s Santa Fe
wholesale and retail hardware 404 Com w 3d
Bliss J L, watches, jewelry, clocks and silverware 504 Com, Boyer Jennie, milliner, res n s Atchison w 4th
res s e cor 3d and Atchison Boyer Jenny, dressmaker,'res n s Santa Fe e 3d
Bloom George, elk, bds w s 6th s Q Bracke Charles A, meat- market 409 Com, res n e cor 2nd
Bloom Geo W, bds Legal Tender and Com
Bloom George C, elk, bds Lindell Hotel Bradford D T, music dealer, res s s R e 4th
Blue Moses, (col) laborer, res s e cor Mound and 6th Bradford Mrs Ann, servant a't Dr Linley's, res n s L w 8th
Bockries Frank J, elk, bds Farmers and Mechanics House Bradford William, (col) laborer, res n s. L e 9th
Bode Rev Eugene, Prof St Benedict's College, res same Bradish Albert B, lumber, res n s Q e 4th
Boles Lee L, carp, res n s Smith's av e 5th Bradley Albert, fireman, res n s Atchison e 1st
Boling Eli, laborer, bds s s Com w 9th Bradley Alfred S, railroad man, res n s Atchison w 1st
Booker Paton K, (col) farmer, res s s Parallel e 12th Brady Anna, dressmaker, bds s s Spring e 7th
Brady Mrs Lou, seamstress, res n s Main cor 5th
Boone Catharine, teacher central school bldg, res s s Atch-
Brandner Augusta, sewing, res s s Com w 7th
ison bet 8th and 9th Brandner Adolph J, bookkeeper, res w s 7th n Com
Boone Lyde, milliner, res n s Atchison w 7th Brandner Gustav, cigars and tobacco 412 Com, res n e cor
Bosanka James, butcher, res w s 6th s Santa Fe
Bosanka Richard, butcher, bds s w cor 6th and Santa Fe 8th and Santa Fe
Bosshammer George H, blacksmith A K N Ry, res n e cor Brandner Henry, grocer, wines and liquor (wholesale) 701
Spring and 5th Com, res w s 7th n Com
Bosshammer George, blacksmith, res w s 5th s Spring Brashaz Ella, housework, res n s Atchison, e rst
Bosshammer John, street sprinkler, res e s 2nd s Parallel Brashay John, laborer, res 11 s Atchison e 1st
Bostwisk George L, elk, res n s R w 4th Brashay Mrs Ellen, washing, res n s Atchison e 1st
Bostwick Henry, general time keeper A & N Ry, res 6th s Brassington Chas E, omnibus driver, res 622 Com up stairs
Atchison Brassington James, bds n s Park w 4th
Brassfiefd Mrs Elizer, res w s 7th s M
Bostwick Henry R, elk, res w s 7th s Utah av
Brazier Mary, servant, res n e cor Atchison and 2nd
Bostwick Oliver F, corn planter and marker manufg and Breeding Andrew, machinist, res w s 3d n Main
machinist n s Main e 9th, res n s R w 4th Breeding Harrison A, machinist A & N Ry, res w s 3d n
' Boswell & Bro (William F and Eugene Boswell), boiler Main
makers n s Main e 10th TSX!

VVE-DLn 0 |
tK* State
of Kama*.
74 HAWLEY'S ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY. Bruce Mrs Polly (col) res e s 9th n Division
Breen Patrick, coach cleaner, res w s Gillespie s Park Bryning & Sherer (Joseph V Bryning, Edward C Sherer),
Brierly Henry, (col) laborer, res 3d w end prop Atchison Linseed Oil Mills, n e cor 3d and Park
Briggs H Charles, foreman Atchison elevator co C, res w s Bryning Joseph V (Bryning & Sherer), res e s 7th n Park
Bryant Josephine H , teacher in central school bldg, res n e
Briggs Charles B, manager Spanier Bros, bds Lindell Hotel cor Kansas av and 6th
Briggs William S, stoves tin sheet iron and copper w s 5th Bryant Charles, elk, bds Atlantic House
n Com, res w s 5th s S Bryant Russell, laborer, res s s Santa Fe e 6th
Briner Casper, shoemaker, res e s 2d s Riley Bubb Amanda, servant, res s s Parallel e 6th
Briner Elizabeth, res e s 2d s Riley Buckhanan Surilda, (col) servant, res s s Kansas av e n t h
Brink Timothy W, laborer, bds s s Com w 9th Bucknum Julies R, gunsmith 606 Com, res n e cor n t h and
Brinker Hamilton, (col) blacksmith, res w s 5th s Main Parallel
Brooks Thomas, plasterer, res n s S w 7th Budd N F , bds Tremont House
Bufflap William, engineer bridge transfer co, res e Atchison
B R O W N E L L G E O R G E G, A t t o r n e y a t L a w w i t h Burch George, (col) employee elevator A, bds n s Atchison
W W Guthrie over Hetherington's Bank n w e 12th
cor Com a n d 4th, res w s 4 t h s P a r k Burchett Daniel, res e s 3rd s Park
Burchett Elizabeth, res e s 3d s Park
Brown & Bier (John P Brown, Frank Bier), railroad con- Burchett James, res e s 3d s Park \
tractors and money ioaners, 2T8 Com Burdette Charles H , (col) employee foundry, res w s Wash
Brown Alexander, lime kiln, n s Atchison w 8th
s Laramie
Brown Alexander, farmer, res e s 3d n Kansas av
Burke James, stone cutter, res w s 5th n Kansas av
Brown Charles W, news, stationery and books 311 Com, res
Burke William H, printer, bds w s 5th n Kansas av
e s 7th s Spring Hurley Paton, (col) laborer, bds n s L e 9th
Brown Elijah, (col) teamster, res e s 2nd n L Buvlingame Edward P, carpenter, res n s Com e 10th
Brown 'Harvey, (col) laborer, res e s 3d s Park Burns C C, real estate, bds Otis House
Brown Harvey A, messenger Adims Ex co A T & S F Ry, Burns Charles, stone mason, res s s Q w 5th
bds Otis House Burns James N jr, real estate, bds Otis House
Brown Jerry C, mail agent M P Ry, res e s 5th Burns Robert S, restaurant, w s 5th s Kansas av
Brown John P, (Brown & Bier) res s s Riley e 2d Burnett James H, res 523 Com
Brown James, moulder Atchison foundry, res w s Gillespie Burnaugh Lucius, carpenter, res w s 5th s T
s Park Burress George, barber crystal palace shaving parlor, res e s
Brown John, elk, res s s Riley e 2nd
2nd s Main
Brown John H, foreman McPike & Fox, bds Miller's res't
Burringtou William, carpenter, res s s Kansas av w 5th
Brown , cigar maker, bds Grand Central Burroughs Harrrison, (col) teamster, res n s Atchison w 3d
Brown Martha J, (col) res e s 3d s Park Burrus Mrs Susan M, washing, res w s 1st n Laramie
Brown Mrs Mattie C, res e s 7th s Spring Burse Henrv, (col) laborer, res w s 1st n Laramie
Brown Perry, bds e s 5d n Kansas av Burtis Hiram J, bookkeeper Hetherington's bank; res e s
Brown Robert, bds e s53d n Kansas av 2nd s Division
Brown Thos, repairer telegraph, res s e cor 3d and Kearney Burton Mary, servant, res 729 Com
Brown William, railroad man, res n s Main e 12th Butcher George W, mailagt K P Ry, res w s 7thn Santa Fe
Brnna Henry, res n s Santa F t e Liberty Butcher Thomas, farmer, rer n w cor 10th and Com
Brune Frank A, elk, bds n s Kansas av e 5th Butler Francis M, brakeman A & N Ry, res n e cor Kear-
Bruce Gardner W., res s s T w 7th ney and 8th
Bruce Henry C, (col) res e s 9th n Mound
J. A. NORTON & SON,«JBK«ZS»wt«Si5ff u > J. A, NORTON & S0N,K<"",".rs*,T1.n:i"edi;s«r"h"

Butler George, engineer, res s s Com e loth Cariile Daniel H, laborer, res n s Utah av w Liberty
Butler Henry C, (col) laborer, res w s Washington s Riley Carlile Gilbert, brakeman C B U P Ry, bds w s 8 t h s L
Butler Harry, clerk, bds n s Kansas av w 6th Cariile Isaac N, teamster, bds w s Sth s L
Butler John (col) laborer A T & S F depot, res n s Atchi- Cariile James, laborer gas co, res n s Main \v 7th
son e n t h Cariile Samuel, fruit seller, bds w s Sth s L
Butler John E, (col) freight house A T & S F Ry, res n s Cariile William M, laborer, res w s Sth s L
Atchison e 12th Carpenter Charles, cabinet maker, res s s Laramie e 7th
Butler Mrs Ada G, res n .e cor Kearney and Sth Carroll C, cook Otis House.
Butler Mrs Mary E, (col) sewing, res w s Wash s Riley- Carrol Michael, carriage maker, res n e cor 7th and Division
Butler Robert, laborer, res cor Sth and Spring Carter John W, carp, bds w s\6th s Utah
Butler Scott, (col) waiter, bds e s Sth s Kearney Carter Richard R, (col) laborer freight depot, res n e cor
Butler Stanton (col) packer C N Regnier 4th and Kearney
Button Charles E, elk Johnson & Bereman, bds Otis House Carter William E, carp, res w s 6th s U
Button Mrs Lucy P, res n e cor Laramie and 5th Carver Kahn K, engineer, res s e cor 10th and Main
Butts Tohn, laborer, res w s 12th s Riley Carver James R, transfer driver, bds n s Park w 4th
Butz John F, carpenter, res n s Kearney w 13th Caswell N J, laborer, bds 5th St House
Byers C S employee elevator, bds 5th St House Cathey Isaac H , laborer, res n w cor Com and 2d
Byram Augustus, res n e cor Santa Fe and n t h Catchpole Robert, carp, bds e s 3d s Com
Byrens Catharine, dressmaker, res s w cor 5 th and Q Cavendor Catharine, servant, res s s Santa Fe e 7th
Ceinar Louis M, butcher, bds Washington House
Cerre Henry G, express driver, res s s Atchison w 3d
Cahill William, railroad man, res w s 2nd s R Challiss Bros & Co (Geo T and William L Challiss, David
Cain Alfred D, (Cain Bros) res s w cor Roberts and Com
Cain Bros (John M and Alfred D Cain), grain dealers and B Rogers), wholesale grocers. Burnes' Block
commission merchants, office s 'w cor Union and Main Challiss George T, (Challiss Bros & Co) res w s 4th s V
Cain John M (Cain Bros), res 11 w cor Union and Utah av Challiss James C, elk Hetherington's Bank, b d s w s 4th n
Cain William S, dry goods groceries and notions s s Main Spring Garden
w Union, res s s Main e Roberts Challiss Paul, job printer Champion office, res n w cor 1st
Cairns Patrick H, plasterer, res n s Santa Fe e 5th and Kansas av
Calais Henrv J, packer, res s w cor 6th and Laramie Challiss William L, (Challiss Bros & Co) res n w cor 1st and
Callahan David, drayman, res n s Laramie e 5th Kansas av
Callahan Mary E, tailoress, res n s Laramie e 5th Chambers Henry, carpenter, res'n s Com w 12th
Calvert James M, carp, res 517 Com Chambers Marshall N, carp, res 3 s Spring e 8th
Camel Margaret, (col) housework, res s s Mound e 4th Chambers W P, music elk with D T Bradford
Campbell Charles C, mail agent A T & S F , res n e cor 7 th Champ James, cook, res s s Kearney e 4th
and Parallel Champ Robert B, laborer, res s s Kearney e 4th
Campbell George, bds Legal Tender Chandler John K, eating house n w cor Main and 6th, res
Campbell George, piano tuner, res s s Park e 6th same
Campbell Samuel, (col) painter Atchison Foundry Chapman Charles L, bookkeeper, bds s s Atchison e n t h
C A M P B E L L S A M U E L P, Carp, res s s Atchison w 10th Chapman Garret A, elk, res w s 2nd n Atchison
Carishaw James, laborer, res s s Santa Fe e 5th Chaplin Henry, hatter 622 Com, res same
Capsey Gertrude M N, teacher parish school, res St Scho- Cheney Reuben G, engineer A '1' & S F Ry, res w s Sth s
lasticas convent Park
Carlson Alfred C, bookkeeper, res n w cor Santa Fe and 7th Chessbrough Mrs E, res w s 7th e Q
C• \A/E"BFD>0
VV r_DLn Oj
HE B E S T Asr» L A R G E S T S T O C K O F
Rubber Goods in Kansas. C, WEBER'S,
J. A, NORTON & SON e ,,
Chip-man Clark E, cattle dealer bds 5th St,House
Chiles Thomas D, res n s Kansas av w 6th Cobb Frank, hostler, bds 5 th St House
Christie Alexander J, painter, bds e s 6th n Division Cobb Henry, confectioner, res s e cor Larami^ and n t h
Cobb Musetta, seamstress, res s e cor Laramie and n t h
C H R I S T I E A L E X A N D E R M, House Sign and Cobb Rosette, dressmaker Mrs C W Hassett, res n w cor
Ornamental Painter and Grainer 509 Com,
res e s 6th n Division n t h and Laramie
Coburn Daniel, commercial traveler, res s s Kansas av e 1 ith
Chrislie William, railroad man, res s s Santa Fe e Liberty Coburn Hattie, seamstress, res s s Kansas av w 10th
Christian Mary A, servant, res n e cor 3d and Laramie Coch H R, elk C B U P Ry, bds Tremont House
Christendon Peter, carp, bds 608 Com
Church Charles C, Auditor A & N Ry, res s w cor S and 5th COCH W I L L I A M , Proprietor T r e m o n t House,
Church Ellis S, oil mills, res in country res same
Church Rosa M, drawing and painting, res s s S w 5th
Church William W, elk District Court, res s s Utah av e 7th Cochran .& Heath, (Charles F Cochran, Seneca Heath) at-
Clark Abram D, carp, res e s Independence s Kansas av torneys at law, w s 4th n Com
Clark Edward M, H & St J Ry freight office, res e s 2nd s Cochran Charles F, (Cochran & Heath) res n e cor Mound
Santa Fe and 6th
Clark Emma E, servant, res n w cor Parallel and 4th Cochran Chill P, train dispatcher A & N Ry, res s s Atchi-
Clark Martha, (col) servant, res n s Parallel e 5 th son w 9th
Clark Mrs Elizabeth, (col) washing, res w s Gillespie s Park Cochran Mrs Lettie, res s s Atchison w 9th
Clark N C, mail agent A & N Ry, res Doniphan Cochrane William W, physician pres perpetual savings bank
Clark Oiis, engineer C B U P Ry, res e s Robert s Com s e cor Com and 4th, res n e cor Kansas av and 7th
Clark Patrick J, laborer, res s s Com w Union Codrick Joseph, carpenter, res n e cor 7th and Parallel
Clark Reuben M, clerk, res s s Main iv 7th Codrick Mrs Elizabeth, dressmaker, res n e cor 7th and
Clark Richard F, freight agent H & St J Ry, res e s 2nd s Parallel
Santa Fe Codrick William, printer, res n e cor 7 th and Parallel
Clarke John W, carpenter, res s s Kearney w n t h Cody John J, fireman gas works, res n e cor 10th and Paral'l
Clarke Raison, (col) laborer, res s s S e 6th Cogswell Mrs Sophia, washing, res s s Main e 7th
Clarke S Casius, printer Patriot office, bds s w cor 12th and Colbert Andrew, engineer C B U P Ry, bds n s Main e 10th
Coleman Frank N, printer Patriot, bds n e cor 7th and U
Kearney Coleman James, wagonmaker, res e s 7th n U
Clay Henry, (col) teamster, res w s 2d n Riley Coleman John G, moulder, res s s Park e 8th
Clifford William, gov't employee, bds N Y House Coleman Patrick, railroadman, res n w cor Com and Union
Cline George, transfer driver, bds n s Park w 4th Colter Douglas, hostler, bds n w cor Com and 6th
Cline J H, bds Legal Tender Collins Dennis, res s s U w 7th
Clinton William, moulder Atchison foundry, bds Washing- Collins Ella, dressmaker, res w s 7th n V
ton House Collins John, railroad man, res w s 5th s U
Clites Abram, elk, res n s Mound w 6th Collins Timothy, laborer, res s s.U w 7th
Clute E B, bookkeeper Hetherington's Bk, bds Lindell Hotel Collins William, brakeman bridge transfer, res w Atchison
Clites Noah B, (Hausner & Co), res s s 2d w 6th Collins William T, railroad man, res n s Utah av w Union
Close Lemuel, brakeman C B U P Ry, bds Avenue House Coleman John G, moulder Atchison foundry, res s w cor
Cloyes Marshall J, farmer, res e s 7th s Parallel
Coates H Aylmer, abstractor of titles and notary public w s 7 th and Park
4th n Com, bds n s Smith av e 5th Compton Anna, servant, res s e cor Kansas av and 7th
Compton John, boiler maker, bds e s 8th s Com
1 Wt.Dt.nOj Fr«ni in Han* a-*.
Costello Barnard P, machinist A & N Ry, res n w cor 9th
CONK.LIK & S T E V E N S O N , (Stanley L C o n k l i n ,
and Parallel
Richard Stevenson) Photographers 325 Com
Costello Edward, yard despatcher A & N Ry, res s w cor
Conklin Stanley I,, (Conklin & Stevenson) res n e cor 6th 9th and Parallel
and Laramie Costello John F, printer Patriot, bds s w cor gth and Paral'l
Connor Ellen, Laundry Otis House Costello Peter B, printer, bds s wcor 9th and Parallel
Connor Daniel, laborer, res s s T w 7th Costello Patrick, laborer, bds s w cor 9th and Parallel
Cornar Michael, engineer M P Ry, res vv s 2nd s Santa Fe Cotter John J, marble cutter, res e s 2d s Mound
Conway Elizabeth, dressmaker, res s e cor L and 4th Cotter Mattie, servant, res s e cor 2d and Division
Conway George W, (col) laborer A & N Ry, res e s Wash- Conter Mollie A, milliner, res e s 2d s Division
ington s Riley Cotter Richmond (col) work freight depot A & N Ry, res e
Conway James, (col) laborer, res n s Riley e rSt s 4th n Mound
Conway Julia, servant, res w s 4th s Riley Cotter William J, brick layer, res e s 3d s Riley
Conway Loughlin, stone mason, res s e cor L and 4th ^ Couch Edward B, cash A & N Ry, res w s 6th s Q
Conrad Hammond, laborer, res w s Gillespie s Park Covert Duglas, transfer driver, bds n s Park w 4th
Conrad Herman, oil mills, resW s Gillespie s Park Covert Jesse M, coal near M P depot, res w s 6th s R
Conrad James I,, elk, bds s s Kansas av w 6th Covert Joseph S, carpenter, res w s 9th n Riley
Conry Timothy, labore'r, res e s 7th s S Cowell John, tailor H M Glancy, bds Legal Tender
Cpnser Amelia, tailoress, res e s 3d s Atchison Cox Benjamin, (col) laborer, res n s Utah av e Liberty /
Conser Asa Bt tailor, res e s 3d s Atchison Craft Harry B, engineer C B Ry, res s e cor Laramie and 8th
Crig Matterson, (col) quarryman, res n w cor 1st and Lar-
C O N V E R S L U C I U S R, V i t a p a t h y P h y s i c i a n , r e s amie •
n s M e 8th Craig Ambrose, carpenter, res s s Com c roth
Crall Jesse C, livery feed and sale stable, n w cor Com and
Cook Alice, milliner Mrs A Baumgard, res n s Santa Fe t 7th
Cook Charles, bricklayer, res n e cor Main and Robert and 6th, res same
Cook Charles C, ticket clerk C R I & P Ry, res n s Santa Cramer Jacob, liveryman, res w s Gillespie s Park
Fe e 7th Cringo Christ, laborer, res Gillespie s Park
Cook Fred M, bookkeeper, bds Lindetl Hotel Crocker Annie B, teacher, res n e cor 5th and Mound
Cook Mrs Emily C, res n s Santa Fe e 7th Crocker Annie, (col) cook and waiter, e s Washington s Riley
Cook Joseph C, nurseryman, res 304 Com Crocker Clay, (col) quarryman, res e s Washington s Riley
Cook William, elk, res n s Santa Fe e 7th Crocker G W, bds Legal Tender
Cooper George, teamster, res s s Spring w 6th Crocker Levi, (col) farmer, res e s Washington s Riley
Cooper John M, carp, res e s 3d s Com Crocker Mrs Louisa B, res n e cor 5th and Mound
Cooper L, laborer, res s s Q e 10th Crockett Annie, (col) servant, res n s Atchison w 3d
Cooper Mollie., seamstress 423 Com, res w s 4th Crook William R, mail agt Mo P Ry, res s s Park w 8th
Coplan Jacob T, Cashier First Nat Bank, res n e cor 2d Crookham & Heal, (William H Crookham, C J Neal) un-
dertakers and builders, s e cor Main and 4th
and Atchison Crookham William H, (Crookham & Neal) res 729 Com
Coplan Mrs Mary, res n e cor 2d and Atchison Crowell John M, special agt P O dent, res s e cor Kansas
Coplan William F, res n e cor 2d and Atchison
Cordovia Harry, elk, bds Glick House av and 7th
. Corlett Thomas, painter, res w s 4th s Q Crowley Thomas N", (col) farmer, res w s 6th n N
Cornell Joshua, (col) loborer, res s s Railroad e n t h Cuff John, moulder, bds Glick House
Coston Abraham, laborer, bds s s Atchison w 8th Cummings Martha, servant, res e s 6th n U

f a
Cunningham Daniel, prop New York House, e s 4th s Com Davis Thomas B, carp, res n e cor 7th and Parallel
Cunningham Patrick, laborer, bds s s Com w 9th Davies William M, merchant tailor s s Com e 3d, res n w
Cusack Mrs Hannah J, millinery and fancy goods, 41-5 Com cor Parallel and 7th
res same Dawson John, brakeman C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree House
Cusack Thomas J, elk, bds 415 Coin Dawson John, foreman carp shops C B U P Ry, res w s Lib-
erty n Kansas av
Dailey Peter, carpenter, res s s Q e 5th Dawson Mollie, servant, res s s Laramie w 12th
Dailey Thomas, carp A. & N Ry, bds s s Q.e 5th Dawson Jonathan H , brakeman C B U P Ry, bds 5th St
Dale Rev Frank M, (col) pastor A jtf E Church Liberty Mo, House
res w s i t h s Laramie Day Clarence A,conductor C B U P Ry, bds Avenue House
Dale Maria J, servant, res n e cor Santa Fe and i ith Day Chloe A, boarding, res e s 4th n Q
Dalmah A B, bds Legal Tender Day Addison L, chief elk gen ticket dept C B U P Ry
Daly Peter, carp A & N Ry, res s s Q e 5th Days Sophia, kitchen girl, res 211 Com
Daly Thomas, car repairer A & N Ry, s s Q e 5th • Dean G A A, bds Lindell Hotel
Dam Mitz, brewer Zeibold & Hfegelin, res at brewery Dean William, laborer, bds s s Division w 9th
D A N E N H O W E R H E N R Y K, Sewing Machines 3 Mur- Dearstine Conrad, laborer, bds New York House
phy's Block res w s 5th n Com Decker Aleck B, elk, bds w s 4th s V
Daniels Amos A,clk C B U P Ry, res n e cor 6th and Kearney Dee D, bricklayer, res s s Kansas av e 6th
Daniels Amos, bookkeeper, res s s Riley w 6th Deer Daniel, laborer Redington & Co, res s s Atchison e 9th
Daniels Mrs Mary, res s s Riley w 6th De Gan Owen, livery and feed stable n e cor Main and 6th,
Daniels William E, messenger C B depot, res s s Riley w6th res n s Park e 5th
Daniel Rev Raymond, Prof St Benedict's College, res same DeGignac A F & Co, millin'y fancy goods notions, 414 Com
Danforth Charles, res w s 6th n T De Graff Marinus, dealer in agricultural implements, res
Darrah Stephen M, mailing elk, res w s 5th n Laramie n s Com w 10th
Davis.Benjamin F, ^ a r repairer A &: N Ry, bds n s Lara- De Graff Flora, music teacher, res n s Com w 10th
mie w 4th
Davis C B, bds Lindell Hotel D E G A N O W E N , U v e r y Feed a n d Sale Stable
Davis Charles H, painter, res vv s 4th s T n e cor 6th and Main, res n s P a r k e 4 t h
Davis Edward," elk, bds n w cor 7th and Parallel
Davis Eliakim S, painter, res n e cor 2nd and Riley Delaney James, bds Glick House
Davis Elizabeth R, milliner, res n e eor 7th and Parallel Demorest Nelson, pattern maker, res w s 3d s Laramie
Davis Geo A, fireman A & N Ry, res n w cor Main and 8th Demer Anton, coachman, res s w cor 1st and Santa Fe
David Henry, res s w cor 6th and Santa Fe DeMallorie Frederick, elk Tremont House, bds same
Davis Joseph, elk, bds n s Q w 3d Dennison Mrs Emily H , res n s Com e 10th
Davis Lewis, res n s R w 7th Dennis E Frank, cabinet-maker Atchison Furniture Co, bd^
Davis Mary, servant, res n e cor 4th and S Lindell Hotel
Davis Merritt. (col) stone mason, res w s 3d n Division Dennis E L, bds Lindell Hotel
Davis Nelson, (col) laborer, res w s 6th n N Denning Mrs Flora, res n s. Parallel w 4th
Denton Henry, lumber dealer, res s w cor 6th and Atchison
DAVIS REBECK.Y S, Pawn Broker n w cor Com Denieffe Thomas F, mail agt C B U P Ry, bds Otis House
and 3d, res n s R w 7th Denton Samuel, res e s 5th n T
Dever Henry W, car inspector, res s s R e 4th
Davis Samuel, pawn shop, bds n s R w 7th Devroe John, laborer, bds e s 4th n Q
C \A/COFD'C THE I.ABGEST I,OT OF Dewitt James, engineer, res n s Utah av<w 4th
. VVCDtLn Of Valises ol till
J, A. NORTON & SON, "S, SS^fe"™""- J. A. NORTON & SON, *,?,™™« SS? **««»">
Dickson Edwin R, sawyer A & N Ry machine shop, res n s Downard Oliver L, elk C Weber, bds s s Santa Fe e 4th
Division w 3d Downing Benjamin, porter, res w s 7th s M
Dickson Harry, clerk J Perkins grocer Dewning Charles, laborer, res w s 7th n U
Dickson Joseph A, elk D C Newcomb, Downing Nancy R, (col) housework, res e s 7th n M
Dickson Joseph J, farmer, res n s Division w 3d Downing Isaac, (col) laborer, res e s 7th n M
Dickson J*seph A, elk, res w s 4th s T Downing James M, (col) e s 7 n M
Dickson John, laborer, bds 608 Com Downs William F, supt C B U F Ry, pres and treas Atchi-
Dickson Mrs Mattie J, dressmaker, res n s S w 6th son Elevator Co, res n e cor 3d and Atchison
Dickenson Mrs Maria, (col) res s w cor 5th and Main Downs Flavel W, cashier C B U P Ry, res n w cor 4th and
Diesbach Henry, capitalist, res w s 4th s Park Kearney
Dierks William, bds Legal Tender Dowling Charles, solicitor Atlantic House, res same
Disord Daniel, blacksmith, res w s 9th s Kearney Doyle Michael J, groceries 309 Com, res s s Kansas av
Disbrew William C, engineer A & N Ry, res s s Kan av e 5th- Drissler Frank, tailor, res s s Kansas av e 6th
l)ix Milton, teamster, res w s 3d n Park Driscoll Bridget, laundress Otis House
Dizart Daniel, blacksmith, res w s Sth s L Drury Richard B, justice of the peace 405 Com, res s s Lar-
Dobson A B, bds Legal Tender amie w 6th
Dobson Dr A B, bds 5t St House Drury Charles J, vice pres Atchison nat bank, roams n s
Dobson George, builder, n s Main bet 7th and Sth Com e 5 th
Dobson Stephen, moulder, res e s 4th s Atchison Drummond Nepoleon B, engineer A & N Ry, res s s Paral-
Dobbs James, bus conductor, bds s s Utah av w 5th lel w gth
Doerr Daniel, laboreer, res s s Atchison e 9th Dudley Mrs Catharine, res n s Atchison e 2nd
Dofflemyer Alexander, waiter Otis House Dudley Mrs Maria, (col) res s s Laramie w 10th
Doffy William, expressman, res e s 9th s Parallel Dudley Joseph, (col) laborer, s s Laramie w 10th
Dolan William F, grocer n e cor 5th and coin, res e s 2d n Duffay Patrick, railroad man, res e s 7th s S
Laramie Duffy Cornelius, sample room 216 Com,res w s 2nd n Santa Fe
Donnohoe Cornelius, carp C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree Duffey George, fireman C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree House
House Dugan James jr, laborer Pullen Bros, res e 5th s Main
Dugan James, teamster, res w 7th n T
DonnellRobt S, sewing machine agt, res cs Roberts nUtah av
Dumpy James, teamster, res Park bet 6th and 7th
Donlon Patrick, laborer, res s s T e 7th Dune Julia, (col) servant, res n w cor 2nd and Atchison
Donehoe L E, bds Lindell Hotel Duncan William H, compositor Champion, res cor 7th
Donovan P H , bds Glick House
Dorsey William, (col) barber, res n s S w 7th and Parallel
Dougherty John, night watchman A T & S F. depot, res e s Dutican Alvin B, harnessmaker, res w s 7th s Atchison
8th n Atchison Dunham Jackson L, baggagemaster A T & S F Ry, bds w s
Dougherty James, A & N Ry, res e s 6th s Park 6th s Q
Dougherty Hugh, bricklayer, res n w cor Laramie and 10th Dunlap Richard, elk, bds Glick House
Dougherty Mary E, dressmaker, res e s 8th n Atchison Dunn M, baggageman Mo P Ry, res s s Park w 5th
Dougan James, res w s n t h n Laramie Dunn W J, printer Champion office, bds Grand Central
Dougan Mrs Julia, res w s 7th s Kansas av Dunkin John W, laborer, res n s Main w 9th
Dougan Lincoln L, farmer, bds w s n t h n Laramie Dunkin Squire W, laborer, res n s Main w 9th
Douglas William, laborer, res n s Atchison e 12th Dunkin Phillip P, policeman, res n s Main w 9th
Douglass William, coppersmith C B U P Ry, res n s Utah Dunkin George, labarer, res n s Main w 9th
av w Union Dunton Samuel A, moulder Atch Foundry, res e s 5th s Q
1 WtDtn Oj From in Kansas. • W L t S L n Oj Ittadc in the Unil«cl Mates.
Durst Julia, laundress Otis House Ellis Thomas E, carriage trimmer, res s s Parallel e 8th
Durst C & Bro, (Charles and John Durst) prop'rs parlor Elliston Henry, attorney at la-w w s 4th n Com, rooms cor
livery stables w s ad s Com Com and 8th, bds n s Kansas av w 8th
Durst Charles, (C Durst & Bro) res n s R w 7th Ellsworth Mrs Jane, res n s XT w 7th
Durst John, (C Durst & Bro) res n s R w 7th "Elson Joseph T , engineer, res w s 5th n Utah av
Durlach Otto, bar tender E Klien's, res 608 Com Emden William, brewer, bds 608 Com
Dussler -, tailor, bds Washington House Emler Jacob, carp, res s s Com w 9th
Dwyer Patrick, watchman A & N Ry, res w s 2d s L Emmery Jacob, carp, res s s Com w 9th
Dwyer Mary E, dressmaker, reS w s 2d s L Emmeluth John J, cabinet maker, res n s Com w 12th
Dyer Isabella, seamstress 423 Com, res n s Parallel e 5th Emmeluth Justus, cabinetmaker Atchison Furniture Co, res
Dysart Andrew, (col) s s Parallel e 5th s s Com w Union
Dysart Edward, confectioner, res w s Mapple n Mound Emmeluth Louisa, dressmaker, res n s Com w i a t h
Dysart Julia M, (col) res n e cor Santa Fe and 2d Emslie Mrs Anna A, res 729 Com
Dysart John G, (col) teamster A B Symns, res w s Mapple Engleman Catharine, 1st cook Atlantic House, res same
n Mound Erns Eugene, architect, res w s 5th n Com
Dyser Hiram (col) teamster, res e s 10th s Railroad Estes Alanson S, laborer, res e s 4th s S
Estes Benjamin, laborer, bds 5th St House
Earhart Martin L, mail agt A T & S F Ry, res e s 6th n Estes Benjamin, engineer, A & N Ry machine shop, bds
Kansas av Tremont House
Early Jacob H , gunsmith 318 Com, res e s 3d s Park Estes Henry, laborer, res n s Kansas av w Union
Earley Mrs Katie, dressmaker, res n s Spring e 6th Estes Isaac, (col) laborer, res s s Riley e 1st
Eberling Frank, grain dealer n s Main e 10th, rooms same Estes Thomas, (col) sawyer, res s s Riley e Sth
Eberling Henry B, elk, res w s 1st n Kansas av Estes William, (col) laborer, res w s Washington n Laramie
Eberhard Albert, (Poehler & Eberhard) res s w cor Parallel Evans Alice, servant, res w s 5th s Spring
and 10th Evans & Sherry (Henry S Evans, Henry L Sherry) livery w
Eberhard Edward, elk, res s w cor Parallel and 10th s 5th n Com
Eberhard Godfrey, salesman, bds s w cor Parallel and roth Evans Charles, Atchison Foundry, res e s 3d s T
Echtler John, printer Atchison Banner, res 408 Com Evans Henry L, (Evans & Sherry) res w s 5th n Q
E d m u n d James, emp elevator, bds'n s Atchison e 12th Evans Samuel K, carp, res s s Q w 5th
Edmiston James M, groceries 505 Com, res e s 7th s Park Evans William H , dentist 412 Com, res same
Egerton George W, lab Moulton & Yates, res w s 3d s Park Eve James, (col) laborer, res e s 6th s U
Egerton Samuel, res e s 3d s Park Everest Aaron S, (Everest & Waggener) res n e cor 5th and
E G G L E S T O N A R T H U R , Carpenter, res s e cor 4 t h and U Laramie
Ehret Frederick bartender, res e s 5th n Corn
E l d e r Bailey, trader, res n s Atchison e 12th Everest & Waggener, (Aaron S Everest, Balie P
Eleg Henry, (col) freight depot C B U P Ry Waggener) Attorneys at Law Hetherington's
Ellet John I, magnetic healer, res s e cor 4th and V Bank Building n w cor Com and 4th
Elliott B R, elk, res s Utah av e 9th
Elliott James, plasterer, res s s Division e 10th Everest Frank L, stenographer, res n wcor 5th and Laramie
Elliott Henry, elk, res s s Railroad w 8th Everst Charles, machinist C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree
Elliott H M, bill clerk, res n s Park w 8th Heuse
Ellis Leroy S, elk, bds s s Parallel e 8th Everett R D, asst treas A & N Ry, res cor 4th and Park
Ellis Mrs A K, dressmaker, res n s Mound e 7th


Fagan John, foreman A T & S F round house, res n s Utah Fleenor Rev William T, pastor ist baptist church, bds Av-
enue House
av e 6th Fleischbein T h e o E , Pressman Champion, bds Grand Central
Fairfax Reuben, (col) laborer, res w s 4th n M Fleming John, car inspector C B U P Ry, res n s Main e In-
Falkner Rudolph P, elk, res ss Mound w 4th dependence
Fallon Thomas M, U S ex messenger A & N Ry, bds Lin- Fleischer Edward, ed and prop German weekly Courier e s
den Hotel .
Farris J M, Italian and American marble monuments and 5th n Com, res s e cor Santa Fe and 3d
Floytl Avis, servant, res s s Atchison e 5 th
tombstones e s 4th s Com, res s s Parallel w 6th
Florence Charles G, traveling agt, e s 4th s Park
Farris Jeremiah, marble dealer, res s s Parallel e 7th
Florence G L & Co (George L Florence, Edwin W Frey-
Farmer Henry, brakeman C B Ry^ bds Green Tree House
Farnold C C, bds Lindell Hotel schlag) wholesale notions e s 4th s Com
Farnsworth Dallas E, ticket agent H & St Jo Ry 324 Com, Florence George L (G L Florence & Co) res e s 4th s Park
Floersch Josephine, clerk res s s Santa Fe e 5th
res n w cor 7th and Atchison Flynn John, clerk, res s s R e 7th
Farwell Charies H, (Stevenson, Farwell & iVtoffett) res e s Foiling John, elk, res s w cor 8th and Mound
5th s T Foley Daniel, laborer, res e s 7th s S
Faulkner Joseph W, laborer, res n s Main w n t h Foley Hannah, dressmaker, res w s 7th s V
Faust Albert C, hardware 422 Com, res n s Park e 7th Foman Al, bds Lindell Hotel
Feilheimer Louis, elk, bds Legal Tender
Foot Isaac, baggagemaster A & N Ry, bds Atlantic House
Fenton Birdie, res 400 Com
Foote Charles H , conductor, res n s Mound w 5 th
Ferrell Mary, servant Robert Nash, bds same
Foottit Joseph B, carp, res w s 7th n Mound
Fetter F P, bds Legal Tender Forbriger Robert, vice prest German Savings Bank, res s e
Fezler Madara D, elk, bds Lindell Hotel
cor 5th and Atchison
Fields B F, conductor, bds Atlantic House
Ford Ann, (col) washing, res e s 3d s Park
Finney James K, elk, res e s 2d n Parallel
Ford Elijah D, (Howe & Co) res s e cor 5th and Q
Finney Mrs Catharine, res e s A n Parallel Ford H K, printer Globe, res s e cor 5th and Q
Fischering P H, physician, res w s 2d s Parallel Ford Mrs O L, teacher, res n w cor Kansas av and 3d
Fisher Anna, servant, res n s Kansas av w 6th Forman A B, telegr opr A T & S F depot, res w s 4th n Q
Fisher Annie L, servant, res n s Atchison w 10th Forman H W, night train dispatcher A & N Ry, bds Mil-
Fisher Conrad, carp, res w s 6th s T ler's Rastaurant
FISHER JOHN K, Insurance Agent and Justice Fortune Mary J, milliner A Kenan, res n s Park w 4th
Peace 404 Com, res s w cor 4th and v Foster Emma, res n s Kansas av e 9th
Foster Cassius G, U S District Judge, n s Com e 2nd, bds
Fisher Joseph, (col) moulder, res s s L w 9th Otis House
Fisher Lilly, musical teacher, res s w cor 4th and V Foster Fred'k, boiler maker A & N Ry, res w s 4th s Park
Fisher L W, laborer A T & S F Ry freight depot, res s s Foster Harry, Champion office, res es 5 th s Spring
Kansas w 9th Foster Harry, engineer C B U P Ry, res e s 5th s Spring
Fisher William L, railroad man, res s s Kansas av e 10th" Foster Mrs Jane A, res n s Atchison w 10th
Fisk James S, R R contractor, res n s Atchison w 3d Fouts Alfred, (col) pressman, res n w cor Riley and 3d
Fiss Frederick C, elk, res 320 Com Fouts Lazarus, (col) farmer, res n w cor Riley and 3d
Fitzpatrick Lucy E, sewing, res n s Q w 7th Fouts Robert W, (col) laborer, res n w cor Riley and 3d
Fitzgerald Richard, carpenter, res e s 7th n T Fouts Mrs Rose, (col) washing, res s s Spring e 7th
Fitzpatrick Robert F, book agent, res w s 6th n Parallel Fonts Russell, (col) res n w cor Rile and 3d
Flanery John, res n s Main w 7th

J. A. NORTON ,& SON, *.£*,
Fouts Wesley, (col) laborer, res n w cor Riley and 3d
Fowler Elijah V, res w s 4th n U Galaher Hugh, res es 7th n T
Fox James, bds Click House Galbraith Patrick, agricultural imp n s Kansas a v e 7th, res
F'ox Jared C, (McPtke & Fox) res s s 3d n Laramie s s Kansas av w 9th
Fox Josia B, laborer, res e s 7th s L Galbraith Simon, salesman N Stetter, s s Kansas av w 10th
Francis William, carp, bds e s 9th n Kansas av Gale Mrs Rosa, res n w cor Park and 5th
Francke Theodore, grocer, bds Washington House Gardiner David, lab, res n s Kansas av w Liberty
Frank John, cabinet-maker Atchison Furniture Co, res s s Garlick Mrs Harriet, seamstress, res s s Laramie e 9th
Com w 9th Garlick William H, res s s Laramie .w 8th
Frank Leon, clothing hats caps furnishing goods and trunks
s e cor Com and 3d, res n w cor Kansas av and 7th GARSIDE & ANDERSON, (James H Garside,
Frank Mrs Anna, boarding, res s s Com w 9th J a m e s Anderson) Atchison Railroad F r e i g h t
F R A N K E T H E O D O R E , Provisions and Groceries, res n e Transfer Co s w cor 4 t h and U t a h av
cor Com and 8th
Franklin Thomas, bds Lindell Hotel Garside Charles A, bookkeeper, res n s Athcison e 5th
Frazier Robert C, teller ist Nat Bank, bds Grand Central Garside James H , (Garside & Anderson) res s s Paral-
Frazier Samuel A, asst cashier ist Nat Bank, res s e cor 6th lel w 4th
and Riley Garside John, bookkeeper, res n s Atchison e 5th
Frazier Win, bookbinder Champion, bds Grand Central Garside Joshua, bookkeeper, res n s Atchison e 5th *
French William, liveryman, res e s 3d s Santa Fe Gates James, railroad man, bds Farmer's Home
Freely Henry, laborer, bds n s Mound e 8th Gates Vincent, (col) laborer, res e s 6th s U
Frey Daniel, laborer, bds 608 Com Gaugh Chas E, foreman Champion book bindery, res out-
side of limits
Freyschlag Ed W, (G L Florence & Co) res n s Utah av w 5th Gearhart Clara A, teacher, bds i s Q w 6th
Friedenburg Mrs H, prop Grand Central Restaurant, 308 Gehringer Joseph, mason, res w s 6th n Kansas av
Com, res same
Friedenburg Henry, elk, bds Legal Tender GEHRETT FRANCIS C, House F u r n i s h i n g
Friend L & Co, (Leon Friend, Solomon Hesselberger) dry Goods 706 Com, res n s Parallel e 10th
goods clothing boots and shoes, 312 and 3 i 4 Com
Friend Leon, (L Friend & Co) res s w cor Parallel and 3d Gehrett Henry carpenter, res n s Parallel e 7th
Friend Rev Wm, pastor M E Church, res n s Parallel w 5th Gehrett Jennie L, teacher 3d ward public school, res e s
Frisbie Frank, elk, bds w s 2d n Santa Fe 7th n Parallel
F'rost Daniel, (col) servant, res s w cor 4th and Mound Gearhart John T, railroad man, bds s s Q vt 6th
Frost Sarah I, (col) servant, res s w cor 4th and Mound
Frottle Mrs —u—, weaver, res n s Division w 8th GEHRINGER MRS ROSA, Dress and Cloak
Frommer Jacob (Redington & Co) res Harmony Garden Maker w s 6 t h n K a n s a s av, r e s s a m e
Fuller James, elk F Howard, bds s s Parallel w 6th Genthery August, lab, res w s 2nd n R
Fuller J, bookbinder Champion office, bds s s Parallel w 6th Genen Mrs Mary, dressmaker, res w s 8th s Park
Fuller Mrs Emily, res s s Parallel w 6th ' Generals William, (col) lab, res w s 7th n T
Fultonhoz Robert (col) porter 211 Com George, Durst & Co (J George, Charles Durst, G W Stock-
well) live stock commission merchants office Stock E x -
Gainge Joseph, janitor Institute, res n e cor 3d and Kan av change E Atchison
Gaghagen David, fireman Bridge Trans Co, res E Atchison George Jacob (George, Durst & Co) res w s 3d n Atchison
Gagreen Joseph, telegraph operator, bds Atlantic House Geros Frank, engineer C B U P Ry, res n s Utah av w
J. A. NORTON & SON, " - ' I . S K X ^ f f T " * J. A. NORTON & SON,
Gerow J James, elk, res e s 3d n Laramie
Glide Sylvester, bds New York House
Gerber Matthias, (M Gerber & Co) res s s Santa Fe w 5th Golden Edward, tailor, bds w s 5th n Com
Gerber M & Co, (Matthias Gerber, August Hagen) groceries Golden H C, fr't & tic'tagt, C R I P Ry, res ns Parallel w 4th
provisions and notions s e cor Liberty and Main Goodwin Charles .W, fireman C B U P Ry, res w s 6th n T
Gehrett Frank C, stoves and tinware, res n s parallel e jotlr Good Daniel E, traveling agt, res e « 9th n Kansas av
Gearhart John T, flagman C & A Bridge Co, res s w cor Goodrich Charles F, insurance agt, res n s Park e 4th
6th and Q Goodell H C, grain broker, bds Otis House
Gerow John J, .elk, res e s 3d n Laramie (lore Emery E, canvasser, res n e cor Atchison and 7th
Ghrist Isaiah W, physician w s 4th n Com, bds Av House Gorman Thomas O, prop Farmer's Home H W cor Main and
Gibbs Mary D, rag sorter, res w s 10th n Q 9th, res same
Giddings Fred, ("Count") civil engineer A N Ry, bds Otis Goslin Mrs Mary j , res n e cor 2d and Santa Fe
House Gotherd Geo W, (col) laborer, res w s Wash n Mound
G I L B E R T & O C K E R , (William D Gilbert, Geo G O T T E S B U R E N H E N R Y , Groceries and Provis-
W Ocker) Attorneys at L a w w s 4 t h n Com ions 516 C o m , res n e cor 4 t h a n d S a n t a F e
Gilbert William D, (Gilbert & Ocker) res w s 4th n Com Goucher Lewis, brickmaker, bds s s Q e 7th
Gilbert J VV, telegraph operator, bds 211 Com Gough William M, physician, res 7th n Spring
Gilkison A, cooper, bds Farmer House Gowey William, carpenter, res n s Atchison e 1st
Gilkinson James, engineer Champion office, res w s 3d s Graham William, bds e s 3d s Com
Utah av Graves Alpheus L, boatman, res n s. Com e Liberty
Gilkison Samuel, railroad man, res w s 3rd s Utah av Graves George, laborer, gov't works, res s s Kansas av w
Gillespie George W, lumberman, res s s Q e 7th Constitution
Gillett George F, hostler, res n s Riley w n t h Graves Ira E, res n s Com e l i b e r t y
Gitsham Charles, laborer, res e s 7th n L Graves Levi (coi) laborer, res e s 4th s Division
Gilson Andrew J, cooper, bds Farmer's Home G r a y J o h n , Attorney at L a w £ 0 8 Com, res w s
Gilbert W D, lawyer, bds Legal Tender 6 t h n S a n t a Ke
Glancy Agnes, teacher parish school, res St Scolasticas con-
Greathouse Leonard, lab Atchison foundry, res e s 3d s Park
Green Aaron, laboaer, bds w s Maple n L
G L A N C Y H A R V E Y M, D r y Goods a n d M e r c h a n t Green Abram, (col) washing, res n.s Kansas av e 8th
Tailor 411 Com, res s w cor 5 t h a n d L a r a m i e Green Mrs Catharine, (col) washing, res w s 7th s L
Green Emmet P, marble works 708 Com, bds s e cor 5th
Glancy William H, traveling agent, res s w cor Laramie
and 5th and Utah av
Green Mrs Emily, res w s 12th n L
Glancy Absolom D, merchant, res s w cor Laramie and 5th
Green Ettie, servant, res s e cor Atchison and n t h
Glancy Topsy, (col) servant, res s w cor Laramie and 5th Greene F W, chief elk gen'I freight dept C B U P Ry, bds
Glattfilder, Anna, servant, res w s 4th s R
Lmdell Hotel
Gleason Frank, (col) railroad, res s e cor 6th and Spring
Green George, waiter, Otis House
Glenn Alexander, laborer, bds s s Utah av w 6th Green Harrison, (col) laborer/res w s-xst n Laramie
G L E N N S A M U E L H, lawyer 400 Com. res e s 7th n Par- Greenawalf Henry, engineer, bds Glick House
allel Greenawalt Joseph C, attorney at law 422 Com, bds Legal
Click George W, farmer, res n w cor 2nd a Parallel
From in Knnsa».
Hager William, res n e cor Main and 10th
Greene M D, elk, bds Atlantic House Haggefty Mary, servant, res s s Q w 6th
Green Mary J, servant, res n e cor Laramie and 8th Hagner Charles, carpenter, bds Tremont House
Green Mrs Mary, (col) washing, res s s R w 7th Hale Micajah, bds s s Atchison w 10th
Green Mary, (col) servant, res n e cor Mound and 6th Hall Elizabeth, teacher Institute, res n w cor Kansas av
G R E E N L E E W I L L I A M S, Attorney at Law 425 Com, res and 3d
w s 6th s Park Hall Mead, sacker city mills, res cor Wash and Mound
Green William M, A & N Ry, res s s Park c 6th Hall Peter, railroad man, bds 211 Com
Green Walter, laborer, res w s Maple n L Hamilton Amos D, laborer, res s e cor Laramie and n t h
Grice George, teamster, res n s Santa Fe e 7th Hamilton Edw, (col) broom maker, res n s Atchison e 8th
Grier Lewis, railroad man, res e s 12th n Main Hamlin Mary M, teacher parish school, res St Scolasticas
Griffin Charles T, attorney at law n s Com, res n w cor Di- Convent
vision and 5th Hammond F, conductor, bds Atlantic House
Grimm Francis J, carp, res s s Atchison w 6th Hamner James A, railroad man, res n s V w 7th
Grimes Howard, mail agt A T & S F Ry, res Newton, Kan Hamner Mrs Matilda, boarding house, res n s Atchison e 6th
Griffin I G, traveling agt McPike & Fox Hamner Thomas F, collector, res n s Atchison e 6th
Griffin Mis Julia, (col) washing, res e s 6th n T Hampe Albert, elk, bds Grand Central
Griffin James, elk, bds w s 4th s S Hampton Eliza B, dress maker, res n s Laramie w 4th
Griffin Robert, (col) lab A T & S F Ry depot, res e s 6th Hanley James, carpenter, bds New York House
Griffin William W, carpenter, res n s Kansas av w Liberty Hanley Margaret T, sewing, res e s 2d n Laramie
Grimes Mrs W H, res w s 7th s R Hans Mathias, moulder Atchison foundry, bds Wash House
Groomes Arnett, junk dealer, res s e cor 7th and Parallel Hanson Chris, carpenter, res s s Parallel w 7th
Gross Harry W, elk, bds n e cor Parallel and 5th Hanson Noah C W, (col) barber n s Com e 2nd, res same
Gross William, gardener, res n s Riley w 1 ith Hanshaw Mrs Mary J, (col) washing, res w s Washington n
Groninger Samuel A, miller, res e s 4th s Park Mound
Grunert Theodore, carpenter, res n s Laramie w gth Hanthorn John W, elk R H Hanthorn, bds s s R w 5th
Guntchell Cyrus, carpenter, bds Glick House H A N T H O R N R O B E R T H , Groceries 323 Com, bds s s
Gushing. Alphons E, res s s T w 4th R w 5th
Happy Jesse, (col) waiter, bds e s 8th s Kearney
G U T H R I E W I L L I A M W, Attorney at Law Harder Albert, teamster, res s w cor Riley and 7th
Hetherington's Bank Building n w cor Com Harder Charles H, bds s w cor Riley and 7th
and 4 t h , res e s 2nd n Com . Harder Thomas M, harness mkr, res s w cor 7th and Park
Harding Mrs Mary, (col) res n s Parallel w 1 ith
Hadley Melvina'S, elk 99c store, bds n s Parallel w 8th Harding William F, (cot) oil works, res n s Parallel w n t h
Haegelin Joseph, (Ziebold & Hagelin) res nr brewery s w Hardwicke A Fuller, printer Patriot, bds Otis House
city limits Hargis Andrew J, teamster, res w s 8th s Park
Haffenden Horace, engineer C B U P Ry, res n s Com w Harned Matteson W, boatman, res n s Com e Liberty
Union Harner David L, boatman, res n s Com e Liberty
Hagan Charles W, photographer 309 Com, res same Harouff Jacob A, carpenter and undertaker, res e s 8th s
Hagan Mrs Kit, dress and cloak maker 409 Com, res same Laramie
Hagen August, (M Gerber & Co) res s e cor Liberty and Harper Joseph, packing house, bds New York House
Main Harris Edwin T, engineer C B U P Ry, res n s Utah av w
Hager Otto 'C, groceries and liquors n e cor Main and 10th, Liberty

Harres Gebhard, printer Patriot, bds se cor 2d and Santa Fe Hawk James L, elk, bds Miller's Restaurant
Harres Mrs Rebecca M, res s e cor Santa Fe and 2d* Hawk Phillip S, (H B Stout & Co) res n e cor L and 5th
Harris Mrs Mariah, res s w cor 1st and Santa Fe
H A W L E Y D A V I D E, Publishers Hawley's Di^
H A R R I S R O B E R T O, R e a l E s t a t e B r o k e r , office r e c t o r i e s , r e s J a c k s o n v i l l e , 111
i n r e a r of H e t h e r i n g t o n ' s B a n k c o r C o m a n d
4 t h , o w n s r e s i d e n c e s t o r e n t i n a l l p a r t s of t h e Hayes A, bds Legal Tender
city, r e s n s Q w 7 t h Hayes Albert, (col) whitewasher, res s s Santa Fe e 5th
Hayes Edward, carpenter, res n s S w 7th
Harrison Allen, res n s Q w 7th Hayes George, waiter Otis House
Harrison George, teamster, b d s n ' s Atchison w roth Hayes Mark, travelling agt G L Florence & Co
Harrison Henry, gas fitter, bds n s Atchison w 10th Hayes Rhoda T, transfer driver, res w s 6th s Utah av
Harrison John C, res n s Main e n t h Hazlitt William, painter, res e s 4th s Kearney
Harrison Mrs Emma M, music teacher s s Com w 9th, res Heath Seneca, (Cochran & Heath), res e s 6th s Laramie
same Hedges Cecelia M, asst teacher west Atchison Public School,
Harrison Mrs Hannah (col) washing, res s e cor Riley and res s w cor 2d and Laramie
4th Hedges Mrs Margaret, res w s 2d s Laramie
Harrison Mrs Mary, res n s Atchison w roth Heilmer B R, carp, bds e s 3d s Com
Harrison Richard, laborer, res n s Main e n t h Heim Robert A, bookseller and stationer 421 Com, res n e
Harrison William H, (col) carpenter, res s e cor Riley and cor Santa Fe and 2d
4th Heim W T, elk A T & S F Ry freight depot, res w 7th n Q
Hart Charles, moulder, Atchison Foundry, res w s 5th n T± Heim Mrs Caroline, res s s Com e 9th *
• Hartz Oscar, prof Music Institute, res n w cor Kansas av Heinze Theodore, watchman C & A Bridge Co, res E
and 3d Atchison
Hartzell Mrs Sarah A, res e s 10th n Division Heist Alfred G, wagon maker, rooms ss Com, w 8th
Harvey John H, shoemaker, res s s Riley w 7th Heffernan Mrs Ellen, res s w cor 1:2th and Santa Fe
Harwi Albert J, hardware and farm machinery, 406 Com,
res n e cor 5 th and Park HEKELNKAEMPER W I L L I A M M, Bottling
Harwi Edwin C, elk, res w s 3d s Kearney works, soda and mineral waters and Lemp's
Harwood Edward E, elk bds Otis House St. L o u i s L a g e r B e e r s w c o r L a r i m e r a n d 9 t h ,
Haskins Joseph, res w s Santa Fe e 7th res same
Haskins Judson, farmer, bds n w cor 1st and Kansas av
Hassett Charles W, traveling agt, res 426 Com Helan Frank, bds n s Smith's av e 5th
Held George. re*i..'!.ui-;tni 709 Coin, res sunn:
H A S S E T T M R S C H A R L E S W , Dress and Cloak Held George W, harness maker, bds Farmers and Mechan-
M a k e r 4 2 6 Com, res s a m e ics House
Heifer Emanuel, salesman, res e s 4th, s Park
Hathaway Cora I, book-keeper, res n s Mound w 6th Hellener Jacob R, elk, bds s s Atchison w 8th
Hathaway Leroy, book-keper C B U P Ry, res n s Mound Bellinger Reuben, elk, bds Legal Tender
w 6th Henderson Mrs Lucy A, res w s 6th s Laramie
Hausner Henry & Co, (Henry Hausner, Noah B Clites) Henderson William R, elk, res w s 6th s Laramie
wholesale fruits and vegetables e s 5th n Com Hendershot O 1"), conductor C R I & P Ry, bds Otis House
Hausner Henry, (Hausner & Co) res e s 5th n Com Hendricks D D, bds Legal Tender
Haverty Thomas, carp, res s s Com e Liberty Hendric'kson George W, elk, bds n s Kansas av w 6th

J.A.NORTON&S0N, tigStfaSSB • » « - " • J. A, NORTON & S0N,« B , !S , •|RI5, E w5??gIr ,,
Henfeld John, barkeeper, res s s Kansas av e 6th Hill Lcttie R, servant Farmers' Home
H E N N I N G E R G E O R G E , Saloon e s 5th n Cora, res same Hill Peter, (col) transfer driver, res nw cor Park and 3d
Henninger Mrs Elizabeth, washing, res n s Main e 8th Hillegass Sylvester, elk, res s e cor 4th and Kearney
Henry Albert, dishwasher Grand Central Restaurant Hiller Henry, shoemaker, res.n s Main w 7th
Henry Thomas B, messenger Adams' Express Co A, T & S Hinton Thomas W, shoemaker, bds ws 6th s Utah av
F Ry, bds Lindell Hotel Hiet Wm O, shipping elk, res s s Kansas av w 6th
Henton John M, foreman elevator, res s s Atchison e 7th
Hepwort Jeremiah, (Redington & Co) res n s Atchison w 9th HIXON G B & CO,* (Gideon H Hixon, Myron
Herod John F ; Oil Mills, bds s w cor Utah av and 3d H Withe, Albert W Petebone,) L u m b e r Lath
Herman Julius, res o s Atchison w 6th and Shingles Wholesale and Retail, George
Hermann Mrs Almira, teacher private school, res e s 5th n W Pennell Mai/ager, n s Main w 9th
Kearney Hixon Gideon C, (G C Hixon & Co,) res LaCrosse Wis
Hersey J T & Co, (James T Hersey, A V Symns) commission Hoager Frederick, res nr Brewery
merchants'722 Com Hobson William P, res ns R w 5th
Hersey James T, (J T Hersey & Co) bds Atlantic House Hodapp Francis, car painter A &i N Ry, res e s 2d s Lara-
Hersey Franz, cabinet maker, res n w cor 9th and Atchison^ mie
Herth William, elk, bds Washington House Hodapp Frank A, painter, res s e cor 2d and Parallel
Herzog Frank, cab't maker, res e s 9th nr Young's Brewery Hodges John, (col) emp .Elevator C, res n e cor Atchison
H E S S E L B E R G E R SOLOMON, (L Friend & Go) and 12th
re's s s P a r k w 6th Hoffman Frederick, bds Washington House
Hoffman Julius, bds Washington House
Hetherington C S, Hetherington's Bank.
Hoffman Lizzie, servt, bds n w cor 7th and Kansas av
Hetherington William, (Hetherington's Exchange Bank) res Hoffman Paul, traveling agt, res n w cor Com and 2d
n e cor 3d and Santa Fe Hoffart William, moulder Atchison Foundry, bds Washing-
Hetherington W & W W (William and William W Hether- ton House
ington) Hetherington's Exchange Bank n w cor Com Hogan Rev Henry D, presiding elder M E Church South,
and 4th res n s Parallel e 8th
Hetherington W W, (W & W W Hetherington) res n w cor' Holbert Charles, elk, C B U P Ry, res n c cor 4th and S
4th and Division Holbert W B, bookkeeper Challiss Bro's & Co, res n s Kan-
Hetz Christian, painter, res n s Atchison w n t h sas av e 7th
Hetz Johannah, servant, res n s Santa Fe w 10th Holbrook James E, carp, res s s Spring e 4th
Hiatt, Joel jr, stock dealer, res n s Atchison e 10th Holder John R, Gardener, res s s Main w Constitution
Hickman Simon, (col) farmer, res e s 4th n L
Higby Lewis, gas fitting and plumbing pumps gas fixtures HOLLAND DR D A N I E L J, Physician and Sur-.
606 Com, res s s Utah av w 7th geon 325 Com, res e s 5th n Atchison
Higer Arch, (col) lab, res w s 6th s L Hollster Samuel, farmer, res n w cor 3d and T
Higley Charles, jailer, res w s 5th s Parallel Holloway Marshall, (col) lab, res e s Wash n Mound
Higbv Luther L, city carrier Champion, res s e cor 7th and Holmes John M, teacher, res n s Parallel w n t h
Utah av Holt Fred P, bookkeeper elevator B, res w s 2d n Com
"High Phillip, carp, res n 3 Com e Independence Holt T P, bds Legal Tender
' Hiley James M, teamster, res n s S w j t h Holt W J, telegraph operator, bds 211 Com
Hill Elihu J, foreman machine shops, res n w cor 3d and Holthaus Gustave, baker and confectioner 725 Com, res
C • V V L D t n O j i w A M E R I C A .
J. A. NORTON & SON, J. A. NORTON & SON, - " T t i S K S S U " 4 " *

Hooper Ella, seamstress, res n s Parallel e 8th Howe Emma C, teacher central school building, res s e cor
Hooper George R, travelling agt, res s e cor Atchison and Parallel and 7th
nth Howe George C, elk, bds n w cor 7th and Santa Fe
Hooper Pv H, bds Legal Tender Howe J N, bds Legal Tender
Hoover Jerome"; tinner J Leu, res n s Main w 7th Howe Mrs William N, res s w cor oth and Atchison
Hoover John H, teamster, %es s s Main w 7th Howe Warren B, manufg confectionery wholesale and retail
Hoover William, tinner J Leu, res 11 s Main w 7th 417 Com, res n w cor 7th and Santa Fe
Hopens David C, res's s Atchison w 8th Howe Rev Nathan F , pastor Presbyterian Church, res s w
Horan Michael, peddlar, res e s Short n Riley cor 7th and Park
Horan Michael F, res n w cor 9th and Riley Hoxie Charles H , saloon 400 Com, res e s 4th s Atchison
Horan Nellie, servant Charles Walcott, bds s w cor 7th and Huber Louis, laborer, bds e s 12th n L
Santa Fe Huber Matthew, lab, res w s 12th n L
Horan Thomas F, laborer, bds n w cor 9th and Riley Hubbard Mrs P L, res w s 6th s R
Horan James, laborer, res n e cor Larimer and n t h Hudlesback Irena, (col) cook, res 211 Com
Horan John, bds n e cor Larimer and 1 ith Hudson B F, attorney at law, res n w cor 7th and R
Horan John J, pastry cook Otis House, res n w cor Com Hudson Charles W, lab, res n s Atchison e 2d
and 2d Hudson John C, lab, res n s Atchison e 2d
Horan Julia A, servant, res n s Parallel e 8th Hudson Thomas H, laborer, res n s Atchison e 2d
Horan Patrick, railroad man, res n s Main w n t h Huff Oscar E, photographer w s 5th n Com, bds Atlantic
Horn Mary, servant, res n s Parallel w 4th House
Huffington William E, (col) laborer, res n s L w gth
H O R N E R J O H N G, G r o c e r i e s P r o v i s i o n s and Hull Frank G, fireman C B U P Ry, res w s Liberty, s
N o t i o n s e s 7 t h n Q, r e s s a m e Com
Hulse William, yardmaster C B U P Ry, res s-s Kansas av
Horton Albert H, lawyer, res s s Kansas av e n t h w gth
Hough E G, mail agent A & N Ry, res w s 3d n Parallel H U M P H R E Y D R D A V I D C, physician 414 Com, res
Hough Hugh, mail agent A & N Ry, res w s 3d s Kearney
Hourigan Nora, servant, res s vv cor Parallel and roth same
Houster H , bds Legal Tender Hunfeld John, ees s s Kansas av e 6th
Hover John H, teamster, res s s Main e 8th Hunt Nelson, (col) res n s S w 7th
Hovey Hardin, watchman Chicago & Atchison Bridge Co, Hunt William, elk, bds n s Kansas av w 6th
res East Atchison Hunt William H , elk McPike & Fox, bds Lindell House
Hunter Thomas B, lab A T & S F freight depot, res n s
H O W A R D FRANK., Wholesale Notions Hosiery Main e 8th
J e w e l r y Stationery Furnishing Goods 8 and Hunter George W, check elk A T & S F freight depot, res
10 » 4 t h , bds Lindell House S s Park e 6th
Hurzurz Francis, cabinet maker, res e s gth n Laramie
Howe Albert L, elk, res s e cor 9th and Atchison Hurley Marv, servant, res s s Atchison iv gth
Howe A J, (Howe \- Co), res 514 Com Hurd Mrs M, dressmaker Mrs. J A Abbot, res n s Com e 6th
Howe Mrs B S, res s s Park e 8th Hurd Oscar S, miller, res n w cor n t h and Atchison
Howe Carlton L, travelling agt, res s w cor 9th and Atchison Hurd Richard R, foreman elevator B, res s s Kansas av w
Howe & Co. (Ed W Howe, E D Ford, A J Howe) props Sth
daily and weekly Globe, 514 Com Hurd Seneca M, milter, res .11 w cor Kansas av and 10th
Howe Edgar W, (Howe & Co), res n. s Santa Fe w 3d ,Huse Mrs Hannah, res n s Mound e 7th
• V V u D t n O, From 111 Kansas. i VVLDLn Oi Valises of all kinds.
Jelf Isaac S, saddle and harness manufg 220 Com, res n s
Husted C W, clerk, bds Legal Tender Kansas av e 6th
Huston Edward, (col) brakeman, res s s Laramie w roth- j e n k s Alice J, teacher 3d ward public school, res e s 5th n U
Hutchinson Joseph G, miller, res s s Santa Fe w 7 th Jenkel Mrs Mary, res s s Atchison e 9th
Hyson Robert, laborer, res n s Division e 9th Jenks Mrs Alvira H , res e s 5th n U
Jennings Clarence, traveling agt G L Florence & Co
I N G A L L S J O H N j , U S Senator, res s s S w 3d Jennings Dowling, (col) iab, res 1st s Laramie
Johnson & Bereman (William Johnson, Samuel O Bereman)
INGALLS REV F T , Pastor First Congregational wholesale books and stationery retail druggists 325 Com
C h u r c h res 524 Com Johnson Allen, printer, bds 5th St House
Johnson David D, coal and lime s w cor roth and Main, res
Ingels Millard F, (Ingels & Bro), res s s Coraw Constitution n w cor 9th and Kearney
Ingels Thomas J (Tngels & Bro) res s s Com w Constitution Johnson Dollie, (col) washing, res e s 3d s Park
Ingels T J & M F (Thomas J and M F ingels) pump deal- Johnson Edward C, boots and shoes 405 Com, res n s Kansas
ers s s Com w Constitution av w 6th
Irwin , carp, res n s Parallel e 7th Johnson Frank, lab, res n s Park e 8th
Irwin Eliger, (col) lab, res n s Kearney e 8th Johnson George, mail agt A T & S F Ry, bds Atlantic House
Irvin Theodore, (col) bus driver, res s e cor Kearney and 8th Johnson George, railroad man, res n s Riley w Washington
Irvine William C, feed and stock market s s Com e 8th, res Johnson George B S, railroad laborer A T & S F Ry, bds
n w cor Main and 8th s s R w 7th
'Irving Dudley, (col) servt, res n s Parallel e 4th J O H N S O N G H T, Homeopathic Physician 317 Com, res
Irving Mary, (col) servt, res n s Parallel e 4th s w cor 2d and Atchison
Irving Thomas, servt, res e s 5th n Atchison Johnson Henry, hostler, bds n w cor Com and 6th
Isaacs Mary, res ss Main w 3d Johnson J P, A & N Ry yard, bds Fifth Street House
Ivers Edward J, messenger U S Ex C B U P Ry, bds w s Johnson Lettie,.(col) washing, res e s 3d s Park
4th s S Johnson Neils, carpenter C B U P Ry, res n s Com w 12th
Ivers Richard A , route agt 17 S Express Co, res w s 4th s S Johnson Patrick, bricklayer, bds Glick House
Johnson Thomas, teamster, res n s T w 7th
Jackson Mrs Amanda, (col) res s s Laramie w toth Johnson William, (Johnson & Bereman), res n s Sauta Fe w
Jackson Andrew P, wholesale peddlar 719 Com 9th
Jackson C W, elk, bds Atlantic House Johnson William R, bookkeeper, res s s R w 7th
Jackson James A, car builder, res s w cer Atchison and 7th Johnson Wyadd (col) baker, res e s 6th n N
Jackson Matilda, (col) servant, res n e cor Com and n t h Johnston David D, res n w cor Kearney and 9th
Jacobs Henry, elk, res w s 10th s Laramie Johnston Allen, printer, bds'5th Street House
Jacobs John, machinist Atchison foundry, res w s 4th s Johnston George H, transportation dept C B U P Ry
Laramie. Johnston Oscar H , bds Legal Tender
Jacobs John H , laborer, res w-s n t h n Parallel Johnston William, teamster, res s w cor Kearney and 7th
Jacobson Lors P, quarryman, res n s Mound w 6th Jolly John B, carpenter and cabinet maker e s 8th n Main,
[acquis H P, car acct A & W Ry, bds Otis House bds Legal Tender •
Jahn Charles, tailor, res n s Mound e 8th Jones A D, bds Legal Tender
Jahn William, tailor, res w s 9th s Riley Jones Allen N, engineer A & W Ry, res s s Atchison w ist
Janausek Joseph G, cabinet maker, res n w cor 9th and Jones C W, bds Lindell Hotel
Laramie Jones David, carp, res n e cor 4th and Division
Jeffers James, lab, bds Washington House
C. WEBER'S, nlstalng: GO04I* i n Knnwnn.
J. A. NORTON & SON, • - • * f f c « i a a i f f A * B ' J. A. NORTON & SON,*'"".;"».."*"''&?'*«'""**
Kehl Ernest, prop of Donovan Institute, res n s Kearney e
J O N E S DAVID G, Broom Manufg 606 Com, b d s
Legal T e n d e r 8th
Kehler Winfield, street commissioner, res s s Main e Federal
Jones Henry, (col) cooper, res e s 12th s L Keife Charles, elk, res s s Kansas av e 6th
Jones Henry, cooper, res e s 12th s L Keith Charles B, capitalist, res s e cor 4th and Q
Jones Henry, farmer, bds e s 9th s L Keily Margaret, servant, res n s Atchison w 10th
Jones Jason W, bds e s 2d s Santa F e Kelly Charles N , laborer, bds w s 10th n Laramie
Jones John F, res e s 9th s L Kelley Mrs Catherine, res w s 2d s Atchison
Jones John M, lab, bds e s 9th s L Kelly Elizabeth, waiter, 211 Com
Jones Mrs Jane, (col) washing, res e s 8th n M Kelly Fountain P, tanner, res w s 10th n Laramie
Kelly Harry, railroader, res s w cor 9th and Riley
Jones Mrs Lucy, (col) res s s Parallel e 12th
Kelley James C, (Malmgrem & Kelley), res s w cor 5th and
Jones Sanford, (col) laborer, res s s Santa F e e 5th
Jones Walter, lab, oil mill, res w s 4th Com
Junett Elizab?th J, boarding, resn's Park e 8th Kelley James R, (col) lab, res n s Q w 6th
Junett John, lab, bds n s Park e 8th Kelly Mrs Mary, res s w cor 9th and Riley
j u n o d C F, bds Legal Tender Kelley Thomas, boarding house e s 2d n Main, res same
Kelly William F, lab, bds w s roth n Laramie
Kelsey Samuel H, furniture, res es 7th n Spring
K A F F E R J O H N , Commercial BilHard Hall 415 Com, res s Kelso William W, meat market 723 Com, res n s Parallel
s Kansas av e 6th
Kaffer Charles, elk, res s s Kansas av w 6th e 5th
Kailey John, engineer C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree House Kelsey Asa G, white bronze monuments country lawn iron
Kaley William, machinist C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree fences es 4th s Utah av, res same
House Kelsey & Simpson, (S H Kelsey A W Simpson) ^wholesale
Kauten Mary, servant, res n s Atchison e n t h and retail furniture and carpets 508 and 510 Com
Kane Sarah, servant, res n s Atchison e 4th Kelsey S H (Kelsey & Simpson), res e s 8th s Park
Kassens Rev Pete/, Prof at St Benedict's College, res same Kemper Nettie, servant, res n s Kansas av w 6th
Kathrens Joseph, Job Printer Champion office, res e s 2d s Kensley George, bds Legal Tender
Kerns Thomas F, elk, res s s Q e 6th
Atchison Kerl Fanny (col) servant, res s s T w 6th
Kathrens & Bro, (Chas J Kathrens, Richard D Kathrens) Kerr John G, elk, bds Atlantic House
wholesale and retail liquors cigars and tobacco 313 Com Kerker J E, bds Legal Tender
Kathrens Richard D, (Kathrens & Bro) res e s 2d s Laramie Kern Christian, butcher, bds n s Mound e 9th
Kathrens Charles J, (Kathrens & Bro) res e s 2d s Atchison Kessler Bernhard, saloon n e cor Com and 7th, res e s 7th
Kathrens C V, elk, e s 2nd s Atchison
Kavanaugh Samuel, (col) farmer, res w s Washington n Riley n Cam
Kay Robert A, miller, res s s Utah av e 7th Ketcham William, (Ketcham & Krings) res s e cor Atchi-
Kearney Edward, plasterer, bds New York House son and 9 th
Keefe Cornelius J, boiler maker, res s w cor Mound and 9th Ketcham & Krings, (William Ketcham and Christ Krings)
Keefe Catharine, sewing, res n e cor gth and Main props Atchison Mills, nr Bridge on Levee
Keefe C B, sec'y Atchison Gas Co, res s e cor 4th and Q Key Richard, elk, bds w s 9th cor Atchison
Keenan Agnes E, millinery and straw goods 403 Com, res Kien/le John H , tinner J Leu, bds n s Kansas av w 13th
Kiefer James M, carp, res s e cor 4th and Kearney
w s 2d n Division Kiely Patrick, farmer, res n s Division e 9th
Keenan Mrs Margaret, res w s 2d n Division Kiengle William, engineer, res n s Kansas av w 14th
Keenan John, marble cutter, res w s 2d n Division

K1NUN j.1.
i j Styles a n d Sizes. J. A. NORTON & SON,«.« , 5K*S»23r'wB!iSr , »
Kiley Ellen, servant, res e s ist n Santa Fe
Knack Mrs Hattie, res e s Independence s Main
Killen William E, engineer, res n s Com e Union
Knauer John, fruit and vegetables, res s s Kansas av w 5th
Killey Phillip, asst grain inspector, res n s Com w 9th.
Knauss Charles, cigar maker, res n s Kearney w 13th
Kilkenny Mary, servt, res n e cor 3d and Parallel
Knowlton F B, bds Legal Tender
Kimbele S H, bds Legal Tender
Kock Henry R, elk C B U P Ry, bds Tremont House
King C M, bds Legal Tender
Koester Frederick, barber and bath rooms 212 Com, res w
King George H, Conductor Central Branch Ry, res n s Santa
s 2d s Kansas av
Fe w 6th
Kohorn Lena, res n s Laramie w 4th
King Lucy A, res n e cor Laramie and 5th
King Samuel C, (White, Washer & King) res n*s Parallel Kohorn Ben H, (D H Salinger & Co) res s s Atchison w 6th
Konenig Carl, elk, rooms n e cor Com and 8th
e 6th
Kopelk Charles, policeman, res s s Main nr 6th
King Solomon L, music dealer, res n s Divisen e 5th
Kramer Mathew, bottling works, res n s Atchison w 8th
King S S, bds Legal Tender
Krause Theodore, butcher, bds n s Mound e 9th
Kingston John, res n s Riley w 10th
Krebs Charles R, lawyer, res n w cor 2d and Atchison
Kingen W L, railroad man, bds Farmers' Home
Kritchmen John, wagon maker, res s s Kearney w 9th
Kingiley Mrs Mary, res n s Kansas av w Union
Krier Catherine, servant, res w s ist n Santa Fe
Kintzer J E, brakeman C B U P Ry, bds Grand Central
Krings Christ, (Ketcham & Krings) res Gillespie's park
Kinney j A, accountant, Athison Elevator Co " C , " res w s
Kroesing Charles H, saloon keeper 506 Com, res same
5th n S Kroening Charles F, commission merchant 608 Com, res
Kinney Thomas A, telegraph operator, res n e eor Com and
Federal s e cor 12th and Laramie
Kinney Michael P, butcher, bds n w cor Kearney and n t h Kroing Charles, commission merchant s s Com w 3d res e s
Kinney Patrick, railroad man, res s s Com w Constitution j 2th n Parallel
Kiper Charles, traveling agt, res s s Atchison e 5th Krones Peter, barber s s Kansas av w 5th, res same
Kiper David, elk, res s s Atchison e 5th Kuhn Julius, groceries and liquors wholesale 733 Com, res
n s Atchison e n t h
K I P E R L & Son (Louis, Julius a n d H e r m a n Kiper) Kuhn August, (col) butcher, res w s Maple n L
wholesale dealers in Hides Leathers Shoe Kuehner Frederick, carp, res s s Atchison w 8th
Findings Furs Wool Pelts and Tallow 613 Com Kurdze Paul, meat market n s Com e 3d, res n s Mound
e 9th
Kiper Herman, (L Kiper & Son), res s s Atchison e 5th Kurth John B, foreman C Weber's, res w s 5th s Spring
Kiper Louis (L Kiper & Son), res s s Atchison e 5th Kurth Andrew H, carp, res n s Smiths av w 4th
Kiper Julius, (L Kiper & Son), res s s Atchison e 5th Kurth Carl F, prop Atchison Weekly Banner (German) 408
Kipp George D, delivery cferk post office, res n e cor 9th Com, res s s Parallel bet 9th and 10th
and Atchison
Kipp Mrs Anna L, res e s 9th cor Atchison
Kjrkham Oscar, mail agent Central Branch La Bruner Isabella, elk, res s e cor Parallel and 7th
Kirwin John, lab, res s s Laramie Lacon W H , bds Legal T e n d e r
Lacy Frederick, transfer driver, bds n s Park w 4th
Kite George W, plumber, res n w cor 3d and Division Laherty James, trackman Mo Pac Ry
Klein Edward, boarding and saloon 608 Com, res same Laipple Charles, butcher, bds s w cor 6th and Santa Fe
Kline David, car repairer A & N Ry, res n s Kansas av e Lambert Cinton, elk Perkins, res n s Spring e 7th
4th Lambert Edward, carp A & N Ry, bds s e cor Atchison and
Klockman Henry, merchant tailor 717 Com, res same
Knack Berth, servt, res s w cor 3d and L 10th
Lambert William, (Barker & Lambert), res n s Spring e s 7th
J. A, NORTON & SON, J. A. NORTON & SON, " " 1 . « ^ 2 S U . . W * " ' -

Lamphere George E, lab, res s e cor Riley and 5 th Leary James, lab, res n s U e s 7th
Lamphere Mrs Julia, nurse, res s s Riley w 4th Lechler George W, butcher, res n s Parallel e 7th .
Lamphere Sidney, res s e cor 4th and Parallel Lechler George W sr, butcher, res n s Parallel w 6th
Lane David D, hostler, res s s Kearney e 9th Ledington Clarence A, lab, res s s Com e n t h
Lane John D, butcher, bds s s Kearney e 9th Ledington George W, carpenter A & N Ry, res s s Com e
LANG A U G U S T U S , Druggist 705 Cora, res n s Kansas av nth
w 9th Ledingham Mrs Agnes A, res w s 2d n O
Langan Patrick, lab Central City Colorado, res n e cor 9th Lee Thomas A, res e s 3d s Com
and Main Lee Orville A, business manager Burlingame and Scranton
Lanham S M, agt pianos and organs, bds Atlantic House coal company n w cor Main and 10th, res s 5 Kearney
Laningham Albert W, car washer A T & S F Ry, res n s w 6th
M e 8th Lee David, machinist A & N Ry, res n w cor 4th and Lar-
Lanigan William, blacksmith Atchison foundry, res cor amie
Atchison and 1st Lee Ella, teacher in central school building, res s s Kearney
Lanphear Albert H , cash savings bank, res n e cor Atchison w 6th
and 4th Lee Elizabeth, teacher, res s s Kearney w 6th
Lanphear Albert M, teller Perpetual Savings Bank, bds n w Lee H, telegraph repairer, bds Glick House
cor 4th and Atchison Lee Henry C, carp, res n s Atchison e 10th
Lapier & Lugton (John W Lapier, David T Lugton) props Lee Lizzie, teacher in central school building, res s s Kear-
Lindell Hotel s e cor Utah av and 4th ney e 7th
Lapier John W, (Lapier & Lugton) res n s Parallel w 4th Lee Myron, carpenter, res w s 4th s S
Laragn Jake, bds Lindell Hotel Lee Thomas, driver North & Son, bds n s Com ©8th
Larson George, carp, res n s Park e 8th Leed David, hostler A T & S F round house
Latenser John, stone mason, res s s Main w Liberty Leely Isiah B, carpenter, res w s 5th n M
Latenza Edward, barber, res w s Robert s Com Leeson Harriet, servant, res s s Atchison e 7th
Lathrop Charles E, bookkeeper Atchison Elevator Co, bds Leighton Thomas R, conductor A T & S F Ry, res n s Com
Lindell Hotel e 1 oth
Lavelle M, grocer and grain dealer 720 Com, res s s Atchi- Leighty Whitney S, billiard saloon s e cor Com and 2d, res
son e 1 oth Barnard Mo
Lawler Rebecca, dressmaker Mrs J A Abbott, res n s Park Leisenring George D, Job Printer Champion office, res e s
w6th 4th s Park
Lawrence Edwin D, car painter C B U P Ry, res n s Main Leith James, dentist, res w s 2d' s Atchison
e Constitution Leland Mrs Charlotte, res n s Com e 10th
Lawrence Frank A, fireman M P round house, bds Pacific Leonard Mrs J A, dressmaker, res n s Kansas av w Union
Hotel Leonardi & Wagner, (George Leonardi, Peter Wagner) gro-
Lawson Daniel, teamster, res s s Com e 2d ceries produce and liquors 509 Com
Lawson Martin, quarryman, res n s Mound w 6th Leonardi George, (Leonardi & Wagner) res s w cor K a n -
Lawson Mrs Mary (col) washing, res s s Com e 2d sas av and 5 th
Layng Charles A, ins agt, res n e cor Laramie and 6th Leonardi Lawrence, stone cutter, res s w cor Kansas av
Lea James H, res w s 2d s Santa Fe and 5 th
Leapson John I, clothing cleaned dyed and repaired Mur- Leonardi Michael, elk, res s w cor 5th and Kansas av
phy's block w s 5th n Com, res same Leonardi Michael* tailor, res s s T w 4th
Lcary Julia, dressmaker, res n s S w 7th Leonardi Peter, U S service^ bds s w cor Kansas av and 5th


, M , i
J. A. NORTON & SON » S « f f i K
Lenerker Dr, German physician, bds Grand Central Lips Henry, saloon 306 Com, res same
Lenz Theodore L, conductor H & St Jo Ry, bds Lindell Little George, machinist, res s s Com e Independence
House Little William, (col) laborer, res e s 6th s U
Letcher John, (col) engineer res n s Division w 8th Lloyd William R, cutter, res w s 7th n Atchison
Lockwood Peter S, U S ex agt Mo P Ry, bds Avenue House
L E T T D G <fc S O N ( D a v i d G a n d H a n n i b a l G Loewenstein William, res n s Kansas av w gth
Lett) C r y s t a l P a l a c e S h a v i n g P a r l o r 4 1 3 C o m Logan Francis, (col) expressman res w s Wash n Laramie
Logan Isaac, (col) teamster, res s w cor Laramie and 4th
Lett Rev David G, (col) Baptist preacher, res 413 Com Logan T C, bds Legal Tender
Lett Hannibal G, (D G Lett & Son) res 413 Com Logan William (col) lab saw mill, res n s L e 9th
Leu Jacob, wholesale and retail dealer in stoves, tinware Logeman F R, bds Lindell Hotel
and tinners' stock 318 Com, res n w cor 4th and Smith Logue Charles A, night watchman C B & Q Ry
Lewis Andrew (col) laborer, bds n s Division w 8th Long James, railroad man, res n s Atchison e 1st
Lewis Augustus (col) laborer, bds n s Divisian w 8th Longour William, carpenter, res s e cor 4th and Kearney ...
.Lewis Amelia, (col) servant, res e s 2d n Laramie Longrum August, quarryman, bds New York House
Lewis Anna, (col) res n w cor 2d and Santa Fe Longwood Albert (col) laborer, res s s Parallel w 1st
Lewis Henry (col) laborer, res e s 4th n Mound Longwood Mary (col) dressmaker, res s s Parallel w 1st
Lewis John D, stock dealer, res n s Mound e 9th Loper Elwood H, elk, res w s 5th s Kearney
Lewis John E, elk, res n s Laramie w 6th Loper James A, business manager Champion, res w s 5th s
Lewis John E, (col) barber Chrystal Palace shaving parlor, Kearney
res 413 Com Loper William F, traveling agent, bds w s 5th s Kearney
Lewis Mrs Mary A, res n s Kansas av w 6th Lovell Robert, foreman H & St J Ry, res n s Q, e 5th
Lewis Mary E (col) servant, res n s Division w 8th Low Alfred C, supt Atchison Elevator Co " C , " res e s 6th
Lewis Mrs Martha, janitor 3d ward public school, res n s s Division
Division w 8th Lowe Philip A, night watchman Elevator "C," res n s Lara-
Lewis Samuel, (col) stone mason, res s w cor Mound and 3d mie w 10th
Lewis Samuel P, railroad man, res n s Mound e 7th Lowe. William H, shoemaker, bds s s Santa Fe e 5th
Lewis Thomas, (col) lab, bds n s Division w Sth
Lewis William, (col) lab, res s s U w 6th L U C A S H E N R Y , Horse Farrier s s Com e 8th,
Lewis Patrick, (col) lab, res w s 6th n N res s s C o m e 9 t h
Lexsmith G R, lab, bds s s Com w 7th Lucky James, drayman, res s s Utah av e 4th
Lilly Stephen, (col) lab, res n s S w 7th Lugton David F, (Lapier & Lugton) res Lindell Hotel
Lincoln & White, (Frederick W Lincoln, Thomas L White) Lukens David, miller, res n s Atchison e 4th
manufacturers confectionaries w s 5th n Com Lungwitz Robert, elk, res n s Main w 7th
Lincoln Clara A, dressmaker, res w s 4th n U Luth Henry, carpenter and builder e s 5th n Kansas av, res
Lincoln Frederick W, (Lincoln & White), res s s Com w 4th n s Santa Fe e 8th
Lincoln George R, painter, res w s 4th n U Lutz William, carpenter C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree House
Linden Charles P, plasterer, res n s Main e Sth Lyen Ambros S, piano tuner, res s s Atchison e Sth
Lindsey Robert F, elk J Perkins res s w cor 5th'and S Lyen Mrs Ambros S, dressmaker s s Atchison e 8th, res
Linley Hubbard, farmer, res s s Parallel w 5th same
Lyndon Con, bds New York House
L I N L E Y J A M E S M, P h y s i c i a n C o r i n t h i a n Hall Lyndon Cornelius, foreman, res n w cor Washington and
Building, r e s s s Parallel w Sth Riley
J. A. NORTON & SON, ••'• i a."jaiMJr A - "' J. A. NORTON & SON,K*e»\rlK,,?i"•,S«Ir'•",•"

Lyndon Mary J, servant, res n e cor 4th and Laramie McElalt T S, bds Legal Tender
Lynch Johannah, seamstress, res s s Com w 13th McFaddon Frank, pressman, bds Avenue House
Lyon John H, farmer, res n s Main McFarland Austin, general ticket agt, Otis House
McGaff William, bds Legal Tender
McAllister John, transfer, driver, bds n s Park w 4th McGraw Julia, servant J V Bryning, bds same
McCarthy J, bds Lindell Hotel Mclnteer John, saddles and harness wholesale and retail,
McCarthy James, trackman, bds New York House 732 Com, res s s Kansas av e 9th
McCarthy John, elk New York Store, res 428 Com Mclntire Rebecca, servant, res s e cor Kearney and 6th
McKeever Andrew, elk, bds Stewart's Restaurant
McCarthy Susan, servt Green Tree House, bds same
McKeeley Clark J, carpenter, res n s Parallel e 7th
McClellan Samuel, blacksmith n e cor 2d and Main, res n McKizer Benjamin, lab, bds e s 8th n M
w cor 6th and Park McKizer Giles (col) lab, res e s 8th n M
McClure Henry W, commission merchant e s 5th n Com, McLarky John, messenger U S Ex Co C R I & P Ry, res
res n s Kansas av w 9th
McClure Jonathan E, traveling agt C R I P Ry, res n w cor s e cor Parallel and 7th
McLaughlin John, bridge builder, res e s 1st n Kerarney
Kansas av and 6th
McLaughlin M A, U P Gen Frt & Pass Agt C B U P R y , bds
McClure Preston, elk C B U P Ry office, bds Atlantic House
McCormick Andrew, machinist, bds e s 8th n Laramie Otis House
McCormick Andrew sr, carp, res e s 8th n Laramie McMaken Andrew C, mail agent A T & S F Ry, res w s
McConaughy Albert D, (Simonds & McConaughy) bds s s 7th s Atchison
McMilan , machinist C B U P Ry shop, res n s Parallel
Santa Fe w 8th
McCormick H , conductor A & N Ry, bds Otis House e 8th
MeCourt Agnes, servt, res w s 3d n Laramie McMillen Samuel, lumber yard, bds 5th St House
McCracken Samuel M, night collector Chicago & Atchison McNamara Anna, servt, res n w cor Parallel and 5th
McNamara Archie, tailor E Bergstrand, res s s R e 5th
Bridge Co, res s s Park w 5th McNamara Hannah, servt, res w s 2d n Laramie
McNamara Mary, servt, res n w cor Parallel and 5th
M c C R I E R O B E R T , M e r c h a n t Tailor w s 4 t h n McNamara Patrick H, paper hanger, res s s R e 5th
Com, b d s Otis House
McCubbin Thomas, engineer, res e s 5th n U M c N E I L W I L L I A M H, Wholesale a n d Retail
McCully John L, carriage woodmaker, b d s s e cor Santa Fe D e a l e r in Coal L i m e C e m e n t Plaster H a i r
and 7th a n d B r i c k office c o r U t a h a v a n d 3 d , b d s 1 4 7
McCully Joseph C, carriage manufacturing w s 6th n Com, n 2d
res s e cor Santa F e and 7th
McCully Mrs Sarah T, res e s 7th n Kansas av McNorton W H, telegraph operator A T & S F Ry, res East
McCusker Catherine, res e s 2d s Mound Atchison
McCusker Mary F, milliner, res e s 2d s Mound McNish Patrick, trackman, bds New York House
McDonald Mrs Jennie, (col) cook, res s s Santa Fe e 5th-- M c P I K E & F O X (William C McPike, Jared C Fox) Whole-
McDunnah Anna, waiter 211 Com sale Druggists and Liquors 322 Com
McDonnell Charlotte, (col) servant, res n s Mound e 5th McPike William C (McPike & Fox) res e s 1st n Santa F e
McDonnell Daniel D, elk, room 720 Com McQueen Alexander B, painter, res s e cor Kearney and 7th
McDuff Charles H , elk, res w s 5th n T McQueen Robert D, painter, res s s Kearney w 6th
McDuff Margaret A, prin West Atchison public school, res McQueen Robert W, painter, res s e cor Kearney and 7th
s s Kansas av e t ith McRae Duncan, lab, bds 608 Com

J, A. NORTON & SON, . £ £ 0 . S i ? ***"*
McRae John D, clerk, res e s.^th n U M A N G L E S D O R F B R O T H E R S , (August and W i l -
McVey John, stripes castings, res s s Park w Gillespie liam Manglesdorf) Groceries Provisions and
Notions 4 2 6 Com
Maag Charles, grocer n s Main w Constitution, res n s MANLY & T U F T S , (Reuben M Manley, James F Tufts)
Main w Constitution Attorneys at Law n w cor (501) Com and 5th
Macdonald Alexandre, elk Blish, Mize & Silliman, res cor Manley Reuben M, (Manley & Tufts) res n w cor Com and
4th and Atchison
Macintosh L, carp, bds e s 3d s Com Manner Albert, shoemaker, bds 608 Cam
MacGee Thomas B, lawyer 420 Com, res same Manning Ada A, hair manufg e s 8th s Kansas av, res same
Maritime Byron, lab, res w s 5th s U Manning Grace, servant, res s s Q e 7th
Macinroe johannah, washing, res w s 5th s U N A N N I N G J A M E S , conductor M P Ry, res w s 3d s
Mack Abraham, (col) employee A & N Ry, res s s Laramie Santa Fe
e 1 st Manning Mrs Emma, dressmaker c s 8th s Kansas av, res
Mack Mrs Charity, (cold) washing, res n s Riley e 4th same
Mack David J, (col) laborer, res n s Riley e 4th Manning Nellie, chamber maid Otis House
Mack Edward (col), tinsmith, res 11 e cor 4th and M Manning Thomas, blacksmith, res e s 8th s Kansas av
Mack John, (col) laborer, res n s Riley e 4th Mannin Ellen, servant, res n e cor Kearney and 3d
Mack Rebecca, servant, bds 5th St House Mannix John, lab A T & S F freight depot, bds Farmers'
Mack William (col) laborer, res n e cor 4th and M and Mechanic Hotel
Mackelvane James, (col) carpenter, res n s Atchison e 12 th Mansfield S F, laborer, bds 5th St House
Mackey Patrick, lab, res e s 3d n Mound Manville Charles P, elk W W Marbourg, res w s 5th n L
Madison George (col) res n s Division e 8th Manbourg T E, elk, bds Lindell Hotel
Madison George (col) laborer, res n s Kearney e 8th Marbourg William W, hardware agricultural implements
Madden Mrs Ann, washing, res s w cor Liberty and Main 516 and 518 Com, res n wcor 2d and Santa Fe
Mahaffey Daniel E, U S Express driver, res s s Atchison,
w 8th MARCUS MOSES, wholesale and retail dealer in'
Maher Mrs Margaret, principal high school,-res 2d s Atchi- Wines and Liquors. A Sample Room in c o n -
son nection w i t h t h e Wholesale department w h e r e
Maher Nathan A, conductor A & N Ry, res 2d s Atchison the v e r y best Liquors and Wines a r e 316 Com,
Mahn Anna, bds Washington House res n s Kansas av e 5th
Mahn Clara, bds Washington House
Mahn Hugo, brakeman, bds Washington House Margason Mrs Jenny, dressmaker, res s s Com e n t h
Mahn Ida, bds Washington House Margason William M, elk, res s s Com e n t h
Mahn Mrs Elistina W, prop Washington House e s 4th n Margroe George W, painter, res s s Atchison e 12th
Mariner Betsey, (col) servant, res s s Riley e 2d
Santa Fe, res same
Malmgren & Kelley (John Malmgren, Julius C Kelley) boot M A R K L E J O H N , Proprietor H a r m o n y Garden
and shoe makers s w cor 5th and Com w end Main, res same
Malmgren John, (Malmgren & Kelley) res n s Riley e 6th
Malone Thomas, railroad man, res n s Main e Federal Marks W E, saloon, bds Otis House
Man3ce Mrs Julia, res e s 7th s S Marks Vincent, (col) lab, res s s Laramie e 1st
Mangelsdorf August, (Manglesdorf Bros) res n s Kansas av Marmaduke Joseph, engineer Atchison Furniture Co, res
esth cor Utah av and 3d


Marrion Patrick, res s s Main e Federal May Joseph, (Joe Mayy& Co) res e s 6th n Kansas av
Marser Fritz, cabinet maker Atchison Furniture Co, bds May Mrs C, wholesale dry goods millinery and fancy goods
Washington House 302 Com, res w s 7th n Kansas av
Marshall James W, manufacturer and builder, res n s Q w May Tilda, elk, bds w s 7th n Kansas av
6th Mayhood Frank W, res s s Atchison e n t h
Marshall T L, (Burlingame Coal Co) res Scranton, Kan Mayhood G & Son, (George and Frank W Mayhood), meat
Marshall W, broker, bds Otis House market e s 3d s Com
Martin Aaron F, (Webb & Martin) res w s 4th n L Mayhood Geo, (G Mayhood & Son) res s s Atchison c n t h
Martin Alfred H , Assistant Business Manager Atchison Meeker C W, car elk C R I & P Ry, bds Lindell Hotel
Champion, res s e car Kansas av and 10th Mehlheim John, fireman Gas Co, res n s Riley w 7th
Martin David, attorney C B U P Ry, bds s s Santa Fe e 7th M E I E R A L F R E D , Architect and Civil Engineer w s 5th n
Martin Edward, res e s Gillespie s Park Com, res s e cor 6th and Atchison
Martin T J, hack driver, bds 5th St House Meier & Ocobock, (Emil J Meier, A Ocobock) wines liquors
Martin F P, grainer, bds Atlantic House and cigars 75 Com
Martin James, res s e cor Kansas av and 10th Meier Albert E, elk, res s s Com e 8th
Martin John, county school supt, res s s Kansas av e 6th Meier Emil J, (Meier & Ocobock) res 715 Com

MARTIN J O H N A, Editor and Proprietor Daily M E I N H A R T E R N S T M, H o u s e a n d Sign P a i n t e r

and Weekly Champion and J o b Printer 311 505 Com (up stairs), res n s fi tchison w 11th
Com, res w s 1st B Santa Fe
Melanger Edward M, shipping elk A & N Ry, resw s 5th n U
Marvick Dedido, milkman, res w s 4th n T Mener B F, plasterer, bds Washington House
Meacham James C, lime and cement n s Main w 5th, res s s Merig»ld James, blacksmith, res n w cor 5th and L
Utah av w 6th Merrell Lizzie, cook Institute, res n e cor Kansas av and 3d
Matheny Fanny V, teacher central school, res s s Kansas av Merrill Edwin A, (Bartlett & Merrill) res n s Santa Fe e 4th
e 8th • Merwin Dwight A, County Treasurer, res n s Parallel e 8th
Mather Cassius L, mail agt A & N Ry, bds Otis House . Merwin H, bds Legal Tender
Mathews Fred, engineer, bds Glick House Messer G W, plasterer, bds Washington House
Mathews Mrs Mary, bds Glick House Mettler Jacob, teamster, rooms n e cor Com and 8th
Matteson Isiah, carpenter, res w s 5th s T Meyer Frederick W, bar tender, res 306 Com
Matteson Miner J, engineer A & N Ry, res e s 2d s Riley Meyer John, baker, res n e cor Kansas av and 5th
Mathews John, laborer, bds w s 8th n M Miller & Spatz, (Jacob Miller, Christopher Spatz) wagon
Mattocks Eli, conductor A T & S F Ry, res s s Coin w and buggy manufg s s Com w 8th
Union Miller Albert, (col) teamster, res n w cor Com and n t h
Masen Frederick, cabinet maker, bds Washington House Miller Benjamin, (col) lab, res 11 s Utah av e Liberty
Mason Ann, (col) servant, res e s 5th n Atchison Miller Charlotte, servant, res n s Riley w n t h
Masters Edgar, miller, res s s Main e oth Miller Christian, laborer, res s s Atchison w xith
Masters Edward, painter, res s Railroad e n t h Miller Commadore P (col) res n s Laramie w 13th
Mastus Albert express driver, res w s Washington n Mound Miller David M, res ss Kansas av w Union
Maxwell A, C B U P Ry, bds Grand Central Restaurant MILLER DELOS E, Restaurant 211 Com, res
May Isaac, elk, bds w s 7th n Kansas av
May Joseph & Co, (Joseph May, Leopold Schwarz) second same
hand store 606 Com Miller Isabel, (col) servant, res w s 3d n O

J. A. NORTON &S0N ™S$&ag&*3&££
Moffett Ellis B, (Stevenson, Farwell & Moffett) res n s Main
Miller Jacob, (Miller & Spatz) res s s Park e 8th w Liberty
Miller James M, iab oil mill, res s s Kansas av w Union Mohrbacher William F, emp bottling works, bds e s gth s
Miller Jesse, (cot) striker Atchison foundry, res w s 8th s L
Miller John, physician, res n w cor 4th and Division
Moiltor Henry, carpenter A & N Ry, res West Atchison
Miller Mary (col) servant, res w s 4th n Kearney Monmon George E, bds Legal Tender
Miller Richard,painter, res n s Atchiion w n t h Montgomery George, lab, res w s ?th n U
Miller Solomon, (col) lab, res w s 3d n O Montgomery Moses L, iab, res w s 7th s U
Miller Thilman M, cigars and tobacco 620 Com, res same Monroe H E, prin Atchison Institute, resn s K a n s a s a v w 3 d
Miller Wiliiam H , employee oil works, res s s Laramie w 13th
MOORE & W E B B , (Abraham M Moore, George L
MILLS & W E L L S , (Frederick D Mills, Charles K Webb) Props Otis House s w cor Com and 2d
Wells) Attorneys at L a w Hetherington's
Bank w s 4 t h n Com Moore A M (Moore & Webb) bds Otis House
Moores George, (col) lab, ress s Parallel e rst
Miller Aaron, (col) lab, resw s 1st n Laramie Moore James VV, grain dealer n e c o r 4 t h a * d Com, bds Lin-
Mills Charles, (col) lab, res s s Q v v 5th dell House •
Mills Frederick D, (Mills & Wells) res s e cor Kansas av Moore John, printer Atchison Banner, res 408 Com
and 10th Mo«re John, (col) lab, res e s 5th n M
Mills Hannah L, (col) res w s 7th n Spring Moore Phoebe, washer, res s s Atchison w 8th
Mills Mrs Annie, (col) washing, res w s 1st 11 Laramie Moore Samuel, lab, res n w cor ad and Riley
Milner Nealie, music teacher, res s s S w 5th
Milner William B, elk, res s s S w 5th MOORE W I L B U R F , Fruit and Confectionary
Minehart William H, salesman D C Newcomb, bds w 3 3d 708 Com, res same
s Utah av
Ming Hiram S, master transportation C B U P Ry, bds Otis Moran George E, tinner, res 503 Com
House Moran John H , moulder Atchison foundry
Mitchell Benjamin F P, shoemaker, bds n s Mound e Sth Morehead H S, bds Legal Tender
Mitchell Charles, fireman, res n s Main e Constitution Morris Frank, railroad man, bds Glick House
Mitchell David, A & N Ry shop, bds 5th St House Morris Wiernik, salesman, bds Atlantic House
Mitchell Emma, servant, res n s Atchison e 7th ' Morris Richard H, elk, res s s Q e 4th
Mitchick Frank, machinist A & N Ry, res s e cor 4th and Morris Richard B, capitalist, res s s Q e 4th
Atchison Morris Mrs Sophia, bds Glick House
Mitchell Harrison, teamster, res s e cor Riley and Sth Morrassay Michael, lab, res n s Main e 12th
Mitchel Isaac, farmer, res n s Main w Constitution Morrassay Timothy, lab, res n s Main e 12th
Mitchel Lank A, res n s Mound e 8th Morrisey John, trader, res e s n t h n L
Mitchel Lawrence A, painter, bds n s Mound e Sth Morrissey Richard, bds Green Tree House
Mitchell Mrs Julia T , (col) hair dresser & dressmaker, res Morton Daniel, expressman, res n e cor Atchison and 4th
n s Mound e 7th • Morton Thos (col) prin (col) school South Atchison, res s w
Mitchell Nathan S, (col) barber res n s Mound e 7th cor Mound and 3d
Mize James, elk H Sottesbures, res ss Main e 8th Mosser A K, bds Legal Tender
Mize James H, elk, res s s Main w 7th Moser Julius C, carpenter, res s s Com w Liberty
Mize Edward A, (Bliss, Mize & Silliman) res e s 4th n Q Moser William C, elk, bds n s Santa Fe w 7th
Modron Mrs Amelia, (col) res w s 6th s L Moss Thomas, lab, res n s T w 7th
J. A. NORTON & SON,' J, A, NORTON & SON,Ke<""*
Mote Nina, servant, res w s 2d s Kearney Neidermayer Frank, cabinet maker Atchison Furniture Co,
M O U L T O N & Y A T E S , (Gamaiel L and Harrison H Moul- res s s Kansas av w 5th
ton, James Yates), proprietors Omnibus transfer Co s s Nelson Charles, cook Grand Central Restaurant, res s s
Utah av bet 4th and 5th Com \v 6 th
Moulton Gamaiel L, (Moulton & Yates), res n e cor R and 4th Nelson David W, teamster, res n w cor Kearney and 6th
Moulton Harrison H , (Moulton & Yates), res e s 7th s R Nelson Lewis W, teamster, res n w cor Kearney and 6th
Moulton Jerry (col) laborer, res s s S e 7th Nelson Michael, lab, res e s 4th s Kansas av
Moxcey Samuel C, boot and shoe m a t e r 419 Com, res n s Nelson Richard H, teamster, res n w cor Kearney and 6th
Kearney w 6th Nesch & Waterston (Robert Nesch, John Waterston) meat
Moy Chesterfield, (col) lab, res w s 4th n Division market e s 5th n Com
Moy, Clark, (col) lab, res n e cor Santa Fe and 6th Nesling George, (col) lab, res n s.L w Maple
Moy George, (col) lab, res w s 4th n Division Nesbitt D, supt packing house, bds Otis House
Mulahan John, lab, res n s Riley e 8th Nesbitt Henry, carp, bds n s Kearney w 7th
Muller Joharmah, servant, res s w cor 1st and Santa Fe Nesbitt James, carp, res n s Kearney w 7th
Muller M, moulder, bds Washington House
Muller Richard, barkeeper 5 25 Cora, res n s Atchison w 1 ith N E W YORK. STORE, C A Pulver Manager 4 2 8
Mullijan Albert W, hackman, res e s 6th s T Com
M U L Y I H I L L THOMAS, City Bill Poster C o r i n - N E W O O M B D C, Wholesale a n d Retail Dry
thian Hall Building, bds Lindell Hotel Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoes Gents
Furnishing Goods Carpets and Notions 3 0 5
Munch L, bds Legal Tender Restaurant Cora, res w s 2d s Santa Fe
Munn John M, (Ragan &,Munn), res w s 5th s Division Newhard P P, bds Legal Tender
Munroe Charles W, bds s e cor Parallel and 8th Newman Mrs Milly, (col) washing, ress e c o n s t and Paral'l
Murphy Daniel B, railroader, res n s Main w 9th Newlon Leroy, (col) stone mason, res n s Parallel e 1st
Murphy Edward, lab, res n s Parallel w i s t Newlon Mrs Sarah, (col) sewing, res n s Parallel e 1st
Murphy Eliza, servt, res n e cor 4th and R Newton George A, candy maker, bds s s Kansas av e 6th
Murphy John B, bookkeeper, bds w s 7th s Park
Murphy John E, section man, res n e cor 2d and Parallel NICHOLSON J F, Contractor and Builder F o w -
Murphy J B, bds Otis House ler Bros 1 Pork House, bds Otis House, res
Murphy Timothy J, railroad man, res e s 2d n Laramie Chicago
Murphy Thomas (Bowman & Murphy) res w s 7th s Park
Myers Frederick, carp and builder n w cor 9th and Com, res Nichols William, brakeman, bds n s Spring e 6th
n w cor Kansas av and Liberty Nickerson H E, furniture manufg, res e s 5th s S
Myers Frank, carp C B U P R y , bds Green Tree House Neidermeyer Frank, cabinet maker, res s s Kansas av e 6th
Myers John, brakeman Mo P Ry, bds w s 2d s Santa Fe Ninnow W H , bds Legal Tender
Myers John, engineer, res s s Utah av e 7 th Niklaus Anna M, principal 3d Ward public school, res n s
Myers John, lab, res n w cor 9th and Riley Division w 4th
Myles Mrs Virginia, res n s Larimie w 4th Niklaus John, gardener, res w s 4th s L
Noble C G, foreman news room Champion, res n e cor Santa
Fe and 7th
Nass Jacob, brickmaker, res w s-2d s R Noble John A D, tinsmith, res n s Parallel w 6th
-Nash Robert, butcher, res w s 5th s Utah av Nolan & Sullivan, (Patrick Nolan, John Sullivan,) boots
Neal Clemenz J, (Crookham & Neal) res w s 3d n F and shoes e s 5th n Com
O'Keefe Daniel C, R R contractor, res e s 2d s Riley
Nolan Patrick,. (Nolan & Sullivan), res n e cor Main and
O'Kefee George, car repairer, bds s w cor 9th and Riley
N O R E & BARKOW, (Henry A Nore, Herman W Barkow) O'Keefe John. C, gardener, res s w cor 9th and Riley
O'Keefe John R, fireman, bds s w cor 9th and Rilev
dealers and manufr boots and shoes 523 Com
Nore Henry1 A, (Nore & Barkow) bds Atlantic House O'Keefe W, job printer Champion, res e s 2d 11 Kearney
Norman Lizzie, dressmaker Mrs J A Abbott, res n s Com e O'Keefe William, .car repairer A & N Ry, res n e cor 9th
Liberty and Mound
North Amos J (North & Son) res s s Santa F e e 7 th O'Keefe "William A, 'printer, res e s 2d s Riley
North & Son, Amos J and James C North) grocers, 425 Com O'Keefe William G, car repairer, bds s w cor 9th and Riley
North James C, (North & Son) res s s Santa Fe e 7th O'Keefe Daniel, railroad man, res w s 2d
North Jeremiah, photographer, bds Atlantic House Olthof Annie, servant, res n s Atchisen w 5th
North William C, miller, res n e cor Santa Fe and 7th Oltof John, laborer, res w s 2d s R
Norton Calvin B, (J A Norton & Son), res w s 4th s T Old David, banker, res n e cor 4th and Laramie
Oldham Thomas, painter, res n s Parallel e 1 ith
Oldham Clemmons, express driver, res w s 7th n Kansas av
N O R T O N J A & SON, ( J o h n A and Calvin B Olson George, shoemaker, res s s Atchison w Gth
Norton) W a t c h e s J e w e l r y Plated Goods and O'Neal John, railroad man, bds 2 [ 1 Com
Clocks 421 Com O'Neal John, painter, bds Fifth Street House
O'Neill fohn I., foreman paint shop A & N Ry Co, bds Fifth
Norton John, carp, res s s Q w 7th
Norton John A, (J A Norton & Son), res w s 4th s T Street House
Norton John W, mail agt A T & S F Ry, res s s Parallel e Otitis Allen T, Ry flagman, res n s Santa Fe e roth
7th" Ontis William B, jeweler, bds n s Santa Fe e 10th
Noyes Otis N, elk, bds Grand Central Orr FI C, western agt H & St Jo Ry, bds Otis House
Osborne Rev Frank O, Rector Trinity Church, res cor S
Orien John, brakeman bridge transfer, res East Atchison and 6th
O'Brien John D, railroad man, bds Fanner's Home O'Shay Mrs Hannah, sevt, res w Washington s Riley
O'Brien Lizzie, seamstress 409 Com Ostertag Albert, blacksmith helper, bds n w cor Laramie
Ocker George W, (Gilbert & Ocker) res w s 4th n Com and 7th
Ocobock A (Meier & Ocobock) res 715 Com Ostertag Anton, blacksmith and wagon manufg 711 Com, res
O'Connell Michael, blacksmith, res w s 5th n Kansas av n s Atchison w 4th
O'Conrass Michael, blacksmith P B Urie, res w 5th n Kansas Ostertag George, (G & J Ostertag) res 11 w c'or 7th and
av Laramie
Odell Mrs Anna M, tailoress, res s s Atchison w 3d Ostertag,G & J, (George and John Ostertag) blacksmiths
Odell William H, express driver, res s s Atchison w ^d and wagon makers 704 Com
Oehrlein Martin, barkeeper, res w s Gillepsie s s Park Ostertag John, ( 6 , & J Ostertag) res s e cor 7th and Laramie
O'Donnell James, wholesale liquors, 527 Com, res n w cor 6th Ostertag Joseph, brewer, res w s 9th n Riley
and Laramie Otis Albert G, Judge District Court, President Atchison
Ogden Benjamin, res n w cor roth and Parallel Savings Bank and President Gas Co., res s w cor Santa
O'Hare Thomas, carp, bds e s 3d s Com Fe and 1st
O'Keefe Charles D, printer, res e s 2d s Riley Opgenorth John, lab, bds e s Gillespie s Mo P round house
O'Keefe Charles W, apprentice Champion office, bds e s 2d
s Parallel Packard, Elizabeth, servt, res e s 2d 11 L
O'Keefe Cornelius |. boiler mkr, bds s w cor 9th and Riley Paddey Jack, carp, bds e s 4th n Q
C. WEBER'S, C• V V L D C n Oj Rubber G«ods in K a n s a s .
J, A. NORTON & SON, " " " S , g B * a » ? « " " - J. A. NORTON & SON,
Page Rozetta, servt, res w s 5th s Kearney Patchen Henry C, printer Patriot, res e s 4th n Atchison
Page Major, (col) laborer, res n s Com e 2d Pate Robert W, salesman, bds n w cor Kansas av and 6th
Page Willis, (col) waiter, res s s Santa Fe e 5th Patterson Dora, servant Click House, bds same
Page Mary J, servant, res n s Kansas av e 5th Paterson William L, shelter, res n s Laramie w 12th
Page Zack, (col) waiter, res; s s Santa Fe e 5th Paustian Charles, harness maker, res s s Main w* Liberty
Page Otis, Waiter Otis House > Paustian John C, harness maker C Rohr, res s s Main w
Page William, contractor C B U P Ry, bds Grand Central Liberty.
Paine Joseph, carpenter, bds Washington House Paulsen Peter, cabinet maker, bds Farmers Home
Paine Mary, (col) servant, res e s 2d n L Paul Peter, cabinet maker, bds 709 Com
Paine Rufus, moulder Atchison foundry, res w s 8th Payne James C, (Ash & Payne), res Leavenworth Kansas
. Palmer E L, elk C R I & P Ry, bds Lindell Hotel Pearson E, check elk C R I & P Ry, res n s Utah av w 4th
Palmer James H, bds avenue House Pearson Everett, elk, res n s Utah av w 4th
Palmer O, messenger Adams Ex Co A T & S F Ry, res e s Pearson Samuel E, attorney at law n e cor Com and 4th,
5th s S res w s 4th s T
Park H Clay, (H Clay Park & Co) res e s 5th s w L Pearson William, lab, res w s 2d
P A R K H CLAY & CO, (H Clay Park, Frederick PEABODY W P, agt A T & S F Ry freight depot,
L, Vandegrift and W Beall) p u b Daily and bds w s 6th bet Com and K a n s a s a v
Weekly Patriot 313 Com
Pearce Carrie, cook Click House, bds same
Parks John T, railroad man, bds 2 r i Com Pease V H, mail contractor; bds Atlantic House
Park Richard A, cash Atchison savings bank, res n s Paral- Peak Olive, res s s Park w 4th
lel w 5th Pearley Rice, lab, res s s Santa Fe e 5th
Park R A, treas Atchison Gas Co, res n s Parallel e 6th Pearl Rice, (col) freight hand, res n s Kansas av w 4th
Park Stanton, elk C B U P Ry, res n e cor 5th and Laramie Peck William A, runner Otis House
Parker Albert, (col) lab, resw s rst n Laramie
Peck Richard, transfer driver, res n s Park w 4th
Parker Azro, propr West Atchison mills s e cor Com and
Peebler Mary A, deputy register of deeds,- res w s 5th n
roth, res n s Kansas av e gth Atchison
Parker Charles J, freight elk, res s s Parallel e 12th Peebler John O, register deeds, res w s 5th n Atchison
Parker James W, pres Atchison savings bank, res n s Par- Pembertou Mrs Ann (col) cook, res n s Coin e 2d
allel w 3d
Parker James W, stage propr, res n s Parallel e 4th P E N N E L L G E O R G E W , agt G C H i x o n & Co,
Parker Mrs Julia A, res n s Parallel w 3d l u m b e r dealers, res n w cor 6th a n d Parallel
Parker Virgil W, elk, res n s Parallel w 3d
Parker William W, lab, res n w cor Atchison and 7th Penn W H, bds Legal Tender
Parks Alonzo, blacksmith, bds s s Riley w 7th Perkins Emma J, waiter Avenue House
Parks Frank M, plasterer, res s s Riley w 7th Perkins Albert, millwright, bds Click House
Parmenter Clarence J, shipping elk, res w s 6th n Kansasav Perkins John, grocer, res s s Atchison e 5th
Pare John H , railroader, res e s 7th n U Perkins 1) B, bds Legal Tender
Parent America, (col) res n e cor Parallel and 5th Perkins Henry, engineer bridge transfer, res E Atchison
Parrent Ausbun, (col) white washer, res n s Laramie w 13th Percival Isaac, carpenter, bds s e cor Santa Fe and 4th
Parrish Mrs Ellen, (col) washing, res ss Q w 5 th Peterson August, shoemaker, res w s 6th s Division
Parsons Elon G, lawyer, res w s 6th s Q , . . Peterson August, shoemaker, s e cor 8th and Com, res w s 6th
n Division
Fatten David, deputy city elk, res w s 5th n Main Peterson Charles, stone mason, res n s Kansas av w Union
1 V V t D t n O, From in K a n s a s
J, A. NORTON & SON *$S4ttc&%&&&!

Peterson Dorthea W.I, servant, res e s 3d n Atchison Piatt Thaddeus B, teller Atchison savings bank, res n w cor
Peterson Mrs James, kitchen girl Otis House Atchison and ioth
Peterson John, res n s Riley \v 7th Plunkett Thomas J, baggageman C B U P Ry, bds Green
Peters William H, elk C B U P Rv freight depot, lids s s Park Tree House
w 8th Plunkett Thomas, propr Green Tree Hous, res s w cor Main -
Peters Monton, lab, res w s 2d s K and Roberts
Peters William, lab, bds e s Gillespie s Park P O E H L E R LV E B K R H A R D , (George Poehier, Albert
Pettibone Albert W, (G C Hixon & Co), res Hannibal Mo Eherhard) Drj Goods Staple and Fancy 403 Com
Phelps Chancey G, wagonmaker, res e s 8th s Riley Poehler & Son (Jacob Poehler, Ernst J Poehler) confection-
Phelps Mrs Elizabeth H, dress and cloak making 423 Com, ers and bakers 502 Com
res same I'oehler Ernest j , (Poehler & Son) res 502 Com
Phillips Americas, res w s 4th s Park" Poehler Geo, (Poehler & P^berhard), res s w cor Com and 5th
Philipps Alois, cigar maker G Brandncr, res n e cor nth and Poehler [acob, (Poehler & S o n \ res 502 Com
Kearney POMEROY J A M E S P, Coal Dealer s w cor 6th and Main,
Phillip Joseph, cigar maker, res u ecor 9th and Kearney bds Atlantic House
Phillips Rebecca, (col) servant, res n s Q w 7Ll» Post E C, ticket agent K C St J & C P. Rv, res vv s 3d s Com
Pickett Crohen, packing house, bds New York House Post Edward, res w s 3d s Com
Pierce & Walker (Thomas M. Pierce Claudius I) Walker) I'otter Harvey, laborer, res s w cor L and 6th
attorneys at law n e cor Atchison and 4th Potter Harvey (col) laborer, res n s Riley e 41)1
Pierce Thomas M., (Pierce & Walker) bds Atlantic [louse Potter Henry, laborer, res s w cor L and 6th
Piker Emma, servant, s w cor Kansas av and 5th Powers Mrs Fanny, col, res n s Com e 2d
Pike Barney, expressman, res s s R. w 5th Powers William, trackman A. & N Ry, bds New York House
Pillow Henry, carp C B U P Ry, bds Green Tree House Powers William, bartender C Duffy, bds w s 2d n Santa Fe
Pipher Richard, laborer, res s w cor Main and 7th Powell J B, mail agent H & St J Ry, res Cameron Mo
Pischer Mary, servant, res s s Atchison e 5th Prather Edward, carriage painter, res s s Com w Sth
Pitts Anne, (col) washing, res s e cor Riley and 4th Prater Sterling (eol) laborer, res n w cor 3d and M
Piersbn Bell, servant, res n e cor 4th and Laramie Preston William, cashier and bookkeeper, res s s Parallel
Pierson E, attorney at law, bds Atlantic House w 4th.
Pierson John, tailor, res s w e o r }d and Kearney Pretzel Albert W, bottling wks, w s 3d s Com, res n s Laramie
, P R I C E & T A L B O T T , (John M Price, Joseph H Talbqtt) w ioth
Real Estate Brokers Attorneys at Law, Conveyancers Preston McClure, telegraph operator, bds Atlantic House
and nolaries 315 Com Protymen Bernard, teacher parish school, res St Scholaaticas
Price Alice, res w s 6th s R convent
Price Catherine, chamber maid Atlantic House Pullen Charles, (Pullen Bros), res Shannon township
Price Charles, painter and paper hanger, bds Pacific House t'nllen Bros, (Charles and Jabez Pullen) wood yard roofing
Price John M, (Price & Talbott) res n e cor Com and n t h and paving, s e cor 5th and Main
Price Mclie, servt, res w s 5th n Coin Pullen Jabez, (Pullen Bros), res Shannon township
Pitts Fountain E, (col) wks freight depot, res s e c o r Riley Pullen Mrs Ann, res n e cor Mound and 4th
and 4 th Pullen Sarah M servant, res w S 4 t h n L
Piatt Augustus R, asst P M, res s w cor 6th and Atchison Pltllen Thomas A, elk, res n e cor Mound and 4th
Piatt Eva, housekeeper, res w s 2d n Atchison Pullen Thomas A, bill elk Blish, Mize & Silliman, res n e cor
Platte Mrs Marie A, res s s Atchison w 9th 4th and Riley
Platte Fanny O, housekeeper, res n s Parallel \v 3d Pulver W W, dry goods, bds Atlantic blouse
J, A. NORTON &. SON, ••r**L%OS2X£**d' J, A, NORTON & SON,

Purslow Harry C, barber, res n s Com w roth Raterman John P, groceries and liquors 303 Com, res s s
Puree]] Margaret A, res e s 2d s Mound Parellel w 3d
Pnrcell Tobias M, printer, res e s 2d s Mound Raterman George A, elk, bds s s Parallel w 3d
Purcell Tobias, printer Patriot, bds s e cor 2d and Mound Rathburn James, night yardmaster bridge transfer, res E
Purcell Mrs Johanna, res e s 2d s Mound Atchison
Purcell Philip, lab, res n s M e 9th Rathanell R F, elk, bds Legal Tender
Purcell Piere, lab, res n s M e 9th Ray Albert Laborer in stock yard, res s s Main e 7th
Putkamp August, saloon 721 Cora, res same Reck. Chas E, land dept C B U P Ry, res n s Santa Fe e 7th
Rebner Albert, elk, bds n s Main w 7th
Rebner Bertha, seamstress, res n s Main vv 7th - .
P U R S L O W H A R R Y E , t h e finest S h a v i n g P a r l o r
in the city e s 5th n Cora, res n s Com w 12th Red Catharine (col) servant, res n e cor Laramie and 6th
Red James, lab, res s railroad w 8th
Putnam Mrs Helen E, dress and cloak maker 418 Com, res Red Lewis, (col) lab, res e s 2d n Park
Redfield Elihue C, conductor, res s s Kansas av w 9th
same Redhead James R, clk x Chas W Brown, bds s w cor Division
and 7th
Quigg & Allen, (M Quigg, J W Allen),wholesale fancy grocers Redhead Mary A, elk Mrs H J Ciisack, res n w cor Division
and liquors, Burns' block s Com and 7th
Quigg Rosa, res s s Santa Fe e 4th Redhead Moses, carpenter, res s w cor 7th and Division
Quigg Mathew, (Quigg & Allen), res s s Santa Fe e 4th Redington Emma R, seamstress, res n s Santa Fe w 4th
Quigg William M, bookkeeper, bds s s Santa Fe e 4th Redington & Co, (J Redington, J Hepworth, j Frommer)
Quinn Bernard, U S Ex Co, res s s Atchison e 8th prop stone saw mill, s s Main w 7th
Quinn Lizzie, dressmaker, res n s Santa Fe w 2d Redington James (Redington & Co) res n s Santa Fe w 4th
Quinn Mary B, washing, res e s 2d s Laramie Redington John, boiler maker, res n s Main e roth
Reed George B, tanner, res s s Kansas av w Constitution
Raeht John, carpenter, res n e cor Riley and 8th Reed Jabe G, bartender, bds w s 6th s Park
Reed Mrs Cynthia A, (col) hair dresser, res n s Kearney
Radford Maria, Click House, bds same
Radigan John, track layer C E U P Ry, res n e cor 2d and w ^d
Parallel Reed Thomas A, (col) lab, res n s Kearney w 3d
Raff John B, miller, res w s 7th s Kansas av Reed William, saloon n s Com w 5th, res w s 6th s Park
Regnier Charles N, importer and wholesale dealer in queens-
Ragan x . M u n n , (William O Ragan, John M Munn) photo-
ware china and glassware 402 Com, bds Otis House
graphers 317 Com
Regnier F W, traveling agt C N Regnier, bds Otis House
Ragan William O, (Ragan & Munn), res w s 6th n Spring Rehrig Joseph, cigar maker, bds s s Parallel e roth
Rahreig Catherine, servant Farmer's House Rehrig Phillip, engineer, res s s Parallel e roth
Rahreig Phillip, engineer Redington & Co, res s s Parallel e Reidmier George, cooper, res s w cor Com and 9th
roth Reilly James W, printer Champion office, res w s 6th s Park
Ramey Edward, (col) lab, res w s Washington n Riley Reilly John T, printer Champion office, res w s 6th s Park
Rank Christian, shoemaker, res s s Q w 4th Reinhardt William, carp, res s w c@r 9th and Com
Ransom Frank, (col) lab, res w s 7th n, Division Reinhardt William, carpenter, res s w cor Com and 9th
Ransom George, (col) teamster, res n e cor Riley an 4th Relth Jacob, printer Patriot, bds s s Kansas av e 6th
Ranter Charles, shoemaker, res 521 Com Remington A H, mail agt A T & S F Ry, res e s 7th s
Rasdell John, teamster, res n s Park e 6th
Raterman George A, elk, res s s Parallel w 3d Utah av

J. A. NORTON & SON, «&SU «S? «»--»••
J. A. NORTON & mti*BS£!*iSMIS82Sff*
Rennex Lewis, (col) lab, res e s 6th n N
Renter Carl, shoemaker n s Com e 6th, res same Roach John, lamplighter, res n s Riley w 7th
Reynolds John, fireman, res s s S w 7th Roach John F, student, bds n s Riley e Sth
Reynolds William H, brakeman, res e s 10th s Parallel Roach Mrs Catharine, res n s Riley e Sth
Rhoades B A, bds Legal Tender Robb Albert, laborer, res s s Parallel w 10th
Rhoades George, res n w cor Main and Robert Robb Isiah, stnne mason, res n s Parallel e 10th
Rhoades John H, res n w cor Main and Robert Robb Muscor, waiter Otis House
Rice Christian H , engineer Central mills, res s s Kansas av ROBERTS GEORGE H, Notary Public and Short
east Robert Hand Reporter Hetherington's Bank Building,
Richards Charles E, res n s Kansas av w Union bds Atlantic House
Richardson Christopher R, freight house A T & S F Ry
Richardson Frank, elk, res w s 2 d s Atchison Roberts Jennie L, teacher 3d ward public school, res e s
Richardson Kate, millinery and fancy goods 413 Com, res 4th n S
same Roberts John, (col) lab, res w s 3d n Park
Richardson Mrs Francis, cook 5th Street House Roberts Paul, railroad man, res e s 4th s Atchison
Richey Corum C, farmer, res 11 e cor Mound and 7th Roberts Solon W, emp Elevator "C," res w s gth n Riley
Richter, Frederic, laborer, bds 608 Com Robson Charity, (col) housework, res s w cor Laramie and 4th
Ridgaway, Prof Charles B, teacher Atchison Institute, res n Roberson Alexander, (col) farmer, res e s 5th n M
w cor Kansas av and 3d Roberson James, (col) lab, res s w cor 5th and M
Riece Thomas, stone mason, res n s Mound w Maple Roberson Mrs Lucinda, (col) lab, res w s 4th n M
Rienhardt Edward, barber, res sw cor Com and gth. Roberson Taylor, (col) lab, res w s 4th n Division
Rienhardt William, cigar maker, res s vv cor Com and 9th Robieiht Rev Albert, Prof St Benedict's College, res same
Rienhardt William, Sr, carpenter, res s w cor Com and 9th Robinson Agnes, seamstress 423 Com, res w s Division e 4th
Rieke Barney, drayman C N Regnier, res bet 4th arid 5th Robinson Benjamin L, check elk A T & S F Ry depot, res n s
on Spring Utah av w 6th
Rifenberrick James C, teamster, res s s Division e 10th Robinson Daniel, asst pastry cook Otis House
Rigg Thomas J, bookkeeper Atchison foundry, res w s 2d s Robinson Jennie, res 400 Com
Kearney Robinson J M, bds Legal Tender
Riggs Mrs Mary, prin private school e s 5th n Kearney Robinson Johanna A, dressmaker, res n s Division e 4th
RiggS Mrs Ruth, works Otis House, res w s Washington s Robinson Luther L, machinist Atchison foundry, res s s
Riley Park w 3d
Riggs Richard, miller, bds Glick House Robinson Mrs Mary, res n s Division e 4th
Riley James M, teamster, res n s Spring w 6th Roby F L, salesman, bds Fifth Street House
Riley John, stone mason, res n s Kansas av e 6th
Riley Mary, chambermaid Otis House ROCHAT LOUIS, W a t c h m a k e r and J e w e l e r 4 2 0
Riley Patrick, trackman C B U P Ry, bds New York House Com, res s w cor 4 t h and P a r k
Riley Rosa, kitchen girl Otis House
Roeder George A, butcher, bds Washington House
Riley Thomas B, works at Otis House, res e s 2d s Laramie
Ringo Lot W, bookkeeper, res w s 5th n T Rogers David B, fChalliss Bros & Co) res n w cor is and
Rinigo Mrs Eva, dressmake, res n s Spring e 6th Santa Fe
Ripley Charles, bds Lindell Hotel Rogers Henry D, machinist, res s e cor Utah av and 5th
Ripley Joseph, bricklayer, bds e s 4th n Q Rogers Louis B, bds Otis House
Ritchie William A, pattern maker, res n s U w 7th Rohr George W, elk McPike & Fox, bds 410 Com
Rohr Clem, saddle and harness maker 410 Com, res same
Scudder Albert, (Scudder & Tortat) res 519 Com
Schmidt Rev Winfried, Prof St Benedict's College, res same Sears Anna, servant, res s s S e 7th
Schoenbeck Charles, teamster, bds n wcor Santa Ke and 8th Sears Mrs Jennie, bds Glick House
Schoenbeck Peter, bartender, res n w cor Santa Fe and Sth Seaton John, prop Atchison Foundry s e cor Park and
,Schoenecker Mrs Susan, res n s Atchison w 5th 2d res n w cor Q and 7th
Scholes James H, bookkeeper, res e s Sth s Kans'as av Seaver Mrs Luckett A, music teacher, res s e coi Parallel
Schwartz Charles R, carp, res s e cor 7th and Division and 6th
Schwartz Jeremiah, carp, res s e cor 7th and Division Seeger Henry, lab, res w s 2d s R
S'chwarz Leopold (Joe May & Co) res w s 7th s Santa Fe Seger Gertrude, servt, res e s 3d n Kansas av
Schweder Chas, stone mason, res n s Main w Independence Seger Mary, servt, res e s 3d n Kansas ay
Seip Charles N, cash U S ex office, res e s 4th s Park
SHCRAAG T H E O D O R E , Music T e a c h e r T u n e r Seip Owen, contractor, res s e cor Park and 4th
and Repairer Bradford's Music Store, bds Seip Thomas L, contractor, res e s 4th s Park
Avenue House Seitz Henry, tinsmith, res s s Kansas av e 6th
Seitz John M, piano and organs s s Kansas av e 6th, res same
Schweder Herman A, tinner, bds n s Main w Constitution Seitz Julius, traveling agt, bds Legal Tender
Schweder Ida, seamstress, res n e cor Atchison and 10th Selectman Edward, (col) waiter, bds e s Sth s Kearney
Schweder William M, shoemaker 723 Gom, res n w cor Atch- Selectman George, (col) lab, bds e s 8th s Kearney
ison and 10th Selectman Olmsted, (col) lab, res e s Sth s Kearney
Schwim Edward C, elk, bds Washington House Seminger Dominic, shoemaker 721 Com, res s s Santa Fe w
Schueltz Albert, saloon 525 Com, res s s Santa Fe e 9th 10th
Schultz G, elk, bds Grand Centra! Restaurant Seminger Mary, waiter, res 608 Com
Schure Frederick, saloon e s 4th s Com, res s s Kearney e Seminger Julius P, bar tender, res s s Santa Fe w 10th
10th Session John H , agt A & N Ry, res Utah av e 5th
Schure Gottlieb, bar tender, res s s Kearney e 10th Shackerford Frederick, (.col) lab, bds w s 8th n M
Sohurtz John C, bookkeeper, b d s s s Santa Fe e 7th Shackelfoot Lewis, (col) teamster, res n s Atchison e 12th
Schurger Jacob, tailor, res n e cor tst and Kansas^av Shahan George, lab, res n s U w 7th
Scott Benjamin N, yardmasler M P Ry, res s w cor Riley Shannahan Patrick, carp A & N Ry, res n s L w n t h
and 4th Shaffer Otto R, bds n e cor 7th and Santa Fe,
Scott Charles H, saddler, res s s Atchison e 1st Shallcross John H, elk, bds n s Kansas-av w 6th
Scott Frank, (col) lob, res w s 4th n Kansas av Shaw Alfred, painter and paper hanger, res e s 4th s Atch-
Scott John G, stenographer C B U P Ry, res w s 6th s Park ison
Scott Jane, servant, res e s 3d s Santa Fe Shaw Francis E, elk, res s s Atchison w 8th
Scott Lizzie C, teacher central school, res s s Kansas av e Shaw Rev James, Methodist Episcopal preacher, res s s
Sth Atchison w Sth
Scott William (col) laborer, res e s 1st n Laramie Shaw Rachael, cook, res s s Atchison w Sth
Scoullar Willtam W, elk C B U P Ry, res w s Union n Com Shay Nora, works Otis House
Scoville Giles E, attorney at law and notary public 404 Shea Oscar, head waiter Otis House
Com, res n s Com w 9th Sheehy Bryan, freight house A T & S F Ry, res e s 4th n
Scoville William, elk, res n.s Com w 9th Kansas av
Scruggs B R, bds Legal Tender Sheffield Charles S, supt schools, res n s Atchison w 10th
Scruggs Benjamin P, bookkeeper, bds w s 2d n Santa Fe Sleigh George W, shoemaker, bds Washington House
Scudder & Tortat, (Albert Scudder, William R M Tortat} Shehan Catharine, laundry Otis House
Grocers 519 Com
J. A. NORTON & SON, s " J, A. NORTON & SON, •"""• JWffi3B&?"**^
Sheldon & Marshall, ( H A Sheldon, T L Marshall) props Simons David, carp, bds e s 3d s Com
Burlingame and Scranton Coal Co, O A Lee manager, Simmons W H, carp, bds Gllck House
n w cor Main and 10th Simpson A ,W (Kelsey & Simpson) res e s 6th n Kansas av
Sholdon^ N A, (Burlingame & Scranton Coal Co), res Sinclair Andy, laborer C B U P Ry, res e s 7th n Spring
Scranton, Kan Singer James P, elk, res s w cor 4th and Division
Shepard A B, conductor, res n s Park w 5 th Singer Samuel, res s w cor 4th and Division
Shepard David, res w s 4th s Park Singer William P, painter, res s w cor 4th and Division
Shepherd Dora I, works Lindell House, res w s Wash,
Singleton Charles B, dry goods dealer Leavenworth, Kan,
s Riley n e cor Com and n t h
Shepard David, moulder Atchison foundry, res w s 4th s Sislour C P, furniture finished bds 'Fremont House
Park , , Skinner W R, elk C R I & P Ry office, bds Lindell Hotel
Shearer John D, plasterer, res n s L e 7th Slater Mrs Elizabeth, res s s Division e 10th
Sherer Edward C, (Bryning & Sherer), res n s Com e n t h Slater William, carp, bds e s 3d s Com
Sherry Henry L. (Evans & Sherry), bds w s 5th n Q Slattery Mollie, servant, res e s 2d n Kansas av
Sheffield Charles S, supt public schools, res n s Atchison w Slawson Charles R, painter, res e s 3d s Com
10th Slawson Charles W, painter, bds e s 3d s Com
Slawson Hendric j , painter, bds e s 3d s Com
S H I F F L E T T M R S B E V E R L Y , P r o p ~5th S t r e e t Slawson Seymour S, painter, res e s 3d s Com
H o u s e B o a r d p e r d a y $1 p e r w e e k $4.50 Day Slawson William E, painter, res e s 3d s Com
B o a r d $ 3 . 5 0 w s 5 t h n K a n s a s av res s a m e Sloan C C, broker, bds Otis House
S H I F F L E T T B E V E R L Y , Livery Sale a n d Feed Smart Dana B, machinist, res n s Kansas av w Union
Stable e s 4 t h n C o m , r e s Eth Street H o u s e Smith & Solomon, (William R Smith, Henry C Solomon)
attorneys at law s e cor Com "and 4th
Shifflett Ellen, waiter Fifth Street House Smith & Starr, (Samuel D D Smith, David C Staar) wagon
Shipley Alfred L, agent A and U S Express Co's, res w s manufg n s Main bet 8th and 9th
7th s.Q Smith Alvin P, conductor, res w s 7th n Spring
Sholse George, bds Legal Tender Smith Barnard, elk, res e s 2d n Division
Shoot Woolfolk A, lab, res n e cor Laramie and 6th Smith Benjamin A, car builder C B U P Ry, res s e cor Rob
Shoup Charles A, traveling agt, bds Otis House
erts and Main
Shoup Henry M S, teamster, res s s Division e ioth
Smith Charles, tailor, bds Lindell Hotel
Shriner. Charles H, farmer, res n s Kansas av w 1 ith.
Smith Charles J sr, b d s Avenue House
Shuck William, carp, res s s Parallel w 9th
Smith Charles, lab, bds s s R e 6th
Shulze George G, elk, bds Grand Central
Smith Charles, (col) lab, res s s Santa Fe e 5th
Shulze.William H, dentist 526 Com, res w s 6th s R
Smith Dock, (col) lab, res s s Santa F e e 5th
Shurts J" C, bookkeeper elevator B, room Murphy's Block
Smith Daniel, carp, bds Tremont House
Siabery Charles H, painter, res n s Riley w 7th
Smith Fremont, elk, res n w cor Atchison and 6th
Siegrist Samuel, carp, res w s 7th n T
Smith Fanny, col) servt, res s s S w 5th
Silliman j B, (Bliss, Mize & Silliman), res w s 6th s Q
Smith George S, elk, res n w cor 6th and Atchison
Simmons Mrs Catharine E, res s s Parallel e 12th
Smith George W, boiler maker, bds Green Tree House .
S I M O N D S & M c C O N A U G H Y , (George W Simonds,
Smith George, butcher, bds Grand Central -
Albert D McConaughy) Druggists 407 Com Smith George G, blacksmith, res e s 7 th s Division
Simonds George W, (Simonds & McConaughy) res s s Smith Henry T, salesman, res n w cor 4th and Q.
Smith av w 4th Smith Harry, carp, res n s Division w 3d
J, A. NORTON & SON, ^ V . T w K K " 1 '
Smith John, tailor, res w s 2d s Riley
Smith Jesse J, carpenter, res e s 3d s Laramie Sprigs Harm, (col) lab, res n s Com e 2d
Smith Joseph L, res s e cor Com and 2d Stad«f Henry, blacksmith, bds s s Atchison w 1.0th
Smith John B, carp, bds s s Com w 8th Stage William C, brick layer, bds Click House
Smith James M, (col) tinman, res n s Kearney e 5th StanterJ H, bds Legal Tender
Smith James, (col) gardener, res w s 6th s Division Starr David C, (Smith & Starr) res s s Atchison w 10th
Smith James VV, carriage painter, res 11 w cor 3d and Main Starr Jacob, (col) policeman, res s e cor Riley and 7th
Smith Lucy, (col) washing, res e s 5th n Spring Staub John J, music teacher, res s e cor 6th and Atchison
Smith Marsh, bds Legal Tender Stawpert Henry A, engineer, res s s Q w 7th
Smith Margaret, (col) washing, res w s 6th s Division Stawpert William, brakeman bridge transfer Co, res s s Q w
Smith Mary E, res n e cor Atchison and 4th 7 th
Smith Oscar, (col) lab, res n s L e 3d- Stebbins Homer P, job printer and intelligence n e cor l o r n
Smith P O, b d s L i n d e l l Hotel and 4th, res n e cor 3d and Laramie
Smith Pauline, servant, res w s 2d n Atchison Stebbins William R, banker, res e s 3d n Kansas av
Smith Percy, c]k, bds Lindell House Steele Augustus F, farmer, res n s Parallel e 8th
Smith Rodney, telegraph operator, bds 211 Com Stekle Eber W, messenger Adams Ex Co A T & S F Ry,
Smith Reuben F, elk, res w s 6th s R bds w s 2d n Laramie
Smith Samuel D D, (Smith & Starr), res ws 7th s Kansasav Steele Ida, servant, res w s 2nd s Santa Fe
Smith William C, register elk post office, resn w cor6th and Steele John I, fireman, res w s 2d s Laramie
Atchison Steele Sylvester (col) servant, res n w cor 2d and Santa Fe
Smith William R, (Smith &: Solomon), res s e cor 6th and R Steele William H , tinner, res s s Q e 7th
Smithey Mrs Rachaei, res e s 7th s Division Stein Henry L, elk, res 321 Com
Smith S Avery, traveling agt, bds Otis House Steinert John, cook Otis House
Smock Wilson C, broommaker, res s e cor i t h and L Stephens Frederick sr, carp, res s s Kansas av e 8th
Snivel John, lab, res,e s 12th n L Stephens George, barber, res s s Kansas av e 8th
Snyder C A, carpenter, bds 'Fremont House Stephenson James W, teamster, res e s 3d n M
Snyder George E bookkeeper, res n s Utah av w 5th S T E T T E R NATHAN, Dry Goods Clothing Boots
Solomon Henry C, (Smith & Solomon), res w s 6th s Q
Sommerend Hyman, clothing hats and caps gents' furnishing
Shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods 317 and
and 319 Com __
goods 315 Com, res 214 Com
Spahr Jacob, driver, res n s Laramie w 9th Stetter Max N, manager N Stetter's 317 and 319 Com, ret
Spatz Christ, blacksmith, res n s P a r k e 4th ' e s 4th s Park
Spatz Christopher (Miller & Spatz), res n s Park e 4th Stevens Albert G, conductor, bds Avenue House
Spatz Jacob, carp, res n e cor Kearney and 7th Stevens Ami W, traveling agt, res w s 4th s Q
Spatz Mrs Josephine, dressmaker, res n e cor Kearney and Stevenson,-Farwel! & Moffett, (Samuel R Stevenson, Charles
7th H Farwell, E B Moffett) props Atchison Furniture Co
Spanier Bros, (Isaac and Meyer Spanier) toys notions fancy cor Utah av a 3d
goods 310 Com ^Stevenson E K, book agt, bds Farmer's Home
Spanier Isacc, (Spanier Bros) res St Joseph, Mo Stevenson George, traveling agt, bds Atlantic House
Spadden Mack, barber, res 212 Com Stevenson Milton, (col) lab, res e s 3d s T
Spanier Meyer, (Spanier Bros) bds Legal Tender Stevenson Richard, (Conklin & Stevenson) res n s Division
Spelecy Mary, servt, res w s 4th s Q w 5th
Speiti Mrs Barbra, dress maker s s Kansas av e 5th, res same Stevenson Samuel R, (Stevenson, Farwell & Moffett) res s
w cor 8th and Atchison
J. A. NORTON & SON, J. A. NORTON & SON, • " " * < £ £ £ £ « WABE-

Stevenson Walter, (col) servant, res s s Riley w 4th Streder Rev John B, Prof St Benedict's College, res same
Stewart Arthur F, prop Legal Tender Restaurant 424 Com Stringfeilow Benjamin F, attorney at law, res e s 2d n L
res same Stringfellow H F, elk, res e s 2d n 1,
Steward Fortune, (col) res 11 s Division w 6th Strother Benjamin, (col) lab, res w s 5th s M
Steward Mrs H a n n a (col) washing, res n s Division w 6th • Strobel Theodore, helper A & N Ry, res betwen Gillespie
Steward Mrs Melvina, (col)^res w s 4th n Kansas av and 4th
Stiffey Daniel, contractor stone work, res n s Parallel e 5th Stuart Chas A, check elk M P Ry depot, res s s Laramie e 7th
Stillwater Mrs Pernelia, washing, res s s Com w 7th Siurges S A, moulder Atchison foundry, bds Lindel! Hotel
Stindle Mrs Celia, res s w cor Division & 3d Styles C E, ticket agt M P Ry, res w s 2d n Laramie
Stindle Mary, dressmaker, res w s 2d s Division Styles Catherine, (col) servant, res n s Parallel e 4th
Stivers Thomas, city editor Champion, res n s Spring w 6th Sullivan John, (Nolan & Sullivan) res n s Santa Fe w 12th
Sulton Jennie, (col) servant, res s s S w 5th
S T O C K C O N R A D , Saloon Wines Whiskies Cigars Sumner William H, conductor, res es 4th s Park
E Anheuser & Co's Beer always on-draught Surry Richard, wiper, res se cor 10th and Main
es 5th s Com Sussman John W, upholsterer 622 Com, res n s Com e 3d
Sussman Lewis, candy maker, res n s Com e 3d
Stock Conrad jr, bartender, res e s 5th s Com Sutter Frank, jewelry clocks watches toys fancy goods 419
Stocks Carrie A, asst teacher musical institute, res n e cor Com, res s s Parallel e 4th
Kansas av and 3d Swartwood Arthur, elk A T & SF Ry depot, bds Miller's res-
Stock Lewis, crayonist n e cor Com and 4th, res c s 5th 5 taurant
Cora Swartz A E, wholesale and retail cigars and tobacco, 214
Stokes Mrs R C, prop Avenue House n s Kansas av bet 6th Com, res same
and 7th, res same Swarts Daniel, cigar manufgn s Com bet 5th and 6th res s s
Stockwell George W, stock commission, res s e cor Parallel Santa F w 6th
and 8th Swartz Henry, cigar maker, res s s Santa Fe w 6th .
Stone Mrs Elizabeth M, tailoress, res n s Santa Fe e 4th Swartz Marx, cigar maker, res s s Santa Fe w 6th
Stone Frederick R, elk, res s e cor 4th and Santa Fe Sweet Hiram, jeweler, bds Avenue House
Stoner Samuel A, elk, res e s 8th s Com Sweney James, C B U P Ry, res w s 8th s Park
Stone William J, painter, res n s Santa Fe w 4th Swenev Mary, dressmaker, res s s Park e 8th
Stoneman James G, brewer, bds n s Laramie cor 8th Sweney P L, baggagemaster C B U P Ry, res w 5 5 t h n
Storch George, prest German savings bank, res n e cor 8th Utah av • •
and Laramie Sweetman John M, iab, res e s 4th s Division
Storch George H, elk, bds n e cor Laramie and 8th Sweetman William, teamster, res e s 4th s Division
Stout H B & Co, (Hampton B Stout, Philip S Hawk) cloth- Symns Andrew B, (J C Hersey & Co) wholesale and retail
ing boots shoes hats caps furnishing goods 517 Com grocers, 524 and 526 Com, res out of City
Stout Hampton B, (H B Stout & Co) bds n s Com w 1st
Strachen Edwin, fireman A & N Ry, bds 'Fremont House Tack Joseph, engineer C B 0 P Ry, res N S Utah av w
Strachan James T , engineer A & N Ry, res n s Parallel w 9th Liberty
Stratom John, laborer, res s s Mound w 7th Tack Mrs Flora, res n s Utah, av, w Liberty
Stratton Mrs Melissa, res n s Santa Fe w 1.0th Tabor John H, car inspector A & N Ry, res 11 s 2d s Spring
Stratmon John, elk, res s s Mound e 8th Taden Mrs Rosina, res s e cor Kearney and n t h
Straub Frederick, brewer Zebald & Haegelin, res s w cor Taintor Frederick, printer, bds n s Santa Fe w 7th
city limits outside Talbot Ann (col) servant, res n w cor Atchison and 6th

Thomas Edward E, mail agt A T . & S F Ry. res c s 7 th %
Talbott Joseph A, ( Price & Talbott) res n e cor 2d and Lar- Laramie
amie Thomas George, res e s 9th n L
Talbot Robert, (col) lab A N & Ry, res s s Laramie e 1st Thomas George E, bds Avenue House
I'alcott W G, bookkeeper Blisb, Mize & Sillnnan, bds Otis Thomas James, (col) blacksmith, res e s 4th s Mound
House Thompson Benjamin, bds n s Laramie w 10th
Tanner Mrs Mattan, (col) washing, res s s Main w 4th* Thompson Ann (col) cook, res 211 Com
Tanner Sally, (col) wash girl 21 r Com Thompson Charles H, hats caps and gents' furnishing goods
Tarrent Thomas, plastering, res s s T w 6th
Trulleib Henry, (Bell & Truileib) res w s 7th n Kansas av •418 Com, res w s 2d n Atchison
Tavlor George E, (I W Allen & Co) bds n s Kansas av w Thompson Charles W, cooper, bds Farmers' Home
Thompson George A, res n s Utah av w Union
'6th Thompson John, medical student, res s e cor 6th and Q
Taylor George W, traveling agt, res n s Kearney w 5th Thompson John, contractor, res n s Laramie w 10th
Taylor H, bds Grand Central Restaurant Thompson Mrs J L, res s s Q e 6th
Taylor Henry, (col) lab, res w s 1 st n Atchison Thompson Mary, (col) servant A J Harwi
Taylor Homer J. bookkeeper elevator " B " , bds IMV cor 10th Thompson Mrs Amy, (col) res e s 7 th s L
and Com Thompson Peter, constable, res s w cor Utah av and 3d
Taylor James S, agent, res n s Laramie w 4th Thorp John, elk, bds n s Santa Fe e 7th
Taylor John, (col) porter, res e s ist s Riley Tiffany Charles C, elk, res s e cor Parallel and 6th
Taylor J E, (col) porter McPike & Fox Tilghman William M, farmer, res e s 9th S Atchison
Taylor Mrs Sicily, (col) res n s Kearney e Sth Tillman Edward, tinner, bds s w cor Utah av and 3d
Taylor Mrs Cynthia L, dressmaker, res n s Laramie w 4th Tillman Frank (col) res s s Division e 4th
Taylor Samuel F, res s s Kansas av e 1 ith Timmons William M A, shoemaker Nore & Barkow, res *f a
Taylor Warren", (col) lab, res w s ist n Atchison
Teasdale Mary, primary teacher, res n w cor Kansas av and- 6th n Santa Fe ^
Todd Frank A, student, res n w cor Parallel and 5th
3rd ._^__1_1^__ , Todd Harvey M, stone quary, res e s 4th n Kansas av
T E N N E Y A p, physician S i m o n d s & M c C o n - Todd Luther L, supt bridge Co, res n w cor Parallel and 5th
a u g h y ' s D r u g Store, res n s K a n s a s a v bet 6th Todd Mrs Emma, washing, res w s 6th s Spring
a n d 7th Todd Newell, assist supt bridge Co, res n s Utah av e 5th
T o d d S B, bds Legal Tender
Terry Charles, agt Howe Sewing Machine Co, res e s 5th n T Tofte George, plasterer, res e s 5th s Atchison
Terry Thomas, lab, bds n s Laramie w 12 th Toleton W A, bds 5th St House
Terney William G, mason, res s s Kansas av e 6th T o d d Newell, collector Chicago and Atchison Bridge Co,
Thatcher Robert, bds e s 7th s L res Utah av w 4th
Thatcher Watson B, cabinet maker Atchison Furniture Co, Toma Michael, miller, res n s Kearney w 7th
res e s 7th s L
Thatcher William S, res s w'cor 9th and Main T O M L I N S O N J O H N C, A t t o r n e y a t L a w Heth-
Thayer Charles E, carp, res e s 2d s Riley erington's Bank Building w s 4 t h n Com, bds
Thayer James, carp A & N Ry, res s w cor 3d and Atchison Atlantic House
Thayer Sarah A, dressmaker, res e s 2d s Riley
Thayer William C, carp, bds s e cor Santa Fe and 4th Tompkins Caleb, car inspector, res e s 6th n U
Thayer Will'am H, machinist, res e s 2d s Parallel Tompkins Mrs R. hair goods and notions s s Kansas av w
Thomas Alfred, car repairer C B U ? Ry, res n s Main w 5th, res same

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