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DERDAP, THE IRON GATE Berdap is the largest and the most beautiful national and archaeological park site in Serbia. The area of the gorge is the habitat of rare plants and wildlife species. Archae logical relics tesiify to the history dating back to the earliest pre-historical period untl the present day, At erdap, during the Mesolithic period a culture of Lepenski Vir was developed, and several millennia after, wth the arrival of the Romans, Berdap became the frontier of the empire, or limes. A number of small fortifications were erected along the river bed, and in order to ensure their supply, they built a road which represents an extraordinary engineering feat glorified by a number of imperial plaques that were put there in the previous periods. Of all these plaques, only two remained 10 the present day, and thay belonged to Emporor Trajan. ROMAN ARCHITECTURE IN THE DERDAP AREA Roman architectural aptitudes are evidenced in a number of works carried out in the area of the © erdan gorge. The most the road bait in important among them is defini rock and the Sip Canal, as well as imperial plaques glorifying these works bine

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