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[zee ON XL) Lo:LT aML 20/92/20 To: Palos Verdes City Council February 26, 2002 From: William Brand Redondo Beach, CA have surfed and scuba dived off the Palos Verdes Peninsula for over 30 years. have lived in Redondo Beach most of those years and I’m alarmed at the recent actions being taken in response to the ‘localism’ in your city. 'm alarmed by the proposed remedies such 2s a volunteer group with vests, calling the police before going surfing, the waterproof cameras, end especially the live video feed to the Internet. Itall smacks of an expeusive overreaction that is going to violate the seciusion and serenity that Palos Verdes represents, and that many South Bay residents have enjoyed. There always seemed to be a professional and reasonable response by the PVE Police to any acts of violence or vandalism. But the above measures are way over the top. In my view, the PVE Police has been very responsive (not that the Easy Reader would want to hear that). People have been arrested, and I attended a meeting several years ago where Chief Johanssen(sp?) came to the Hermosa Beach Kiwanis Club to hear our complaints. Shortly after ‘that, I personally had the air let out of all of four of my tires while surfing Indicator, When I ‘came to the top of the trail it was dark and no one was around. A resident let me use their phone and the PVE Police responded very promptly. I don’t remember his mame, but he was very courteous and professional and asked me if would like to file a report. 1 declined because of the ‘minor nature of it and he called AAA for me. Iwas on my way in halfand hour. What more could have been reasonably expected from the police? 1 surf PV regularly, and believe you me I get the ‘stink eye’. The same stink eye I've gotten in Hawaii, Brazil, South Attica, Spain, Australis, Bali and yes, even the Breakwater in Redondo Beach, I've had the great fortune of surfing all those places and I can assure you what goes on in Palos Verdes is really no different. Localism is not a fine moment in humanity, but the resuiting ‘ownership and respect one feels and expects from frequenting a spot so regularly is not only understandable, but I expect it asa visitor. When I surf PV I get in the water and I go surfing. 1 don’t go looking for a fight, and I don’t expect the locals to ward to hold my hand and sing Kumbaya either. It’s a tough sport, and I always to have to jockey and scranible and sbow respect for the locals that surf there everyday. Localism in Palos Verdes is not near the story some lawyers and newspaper publications make it out to be. 1 wanted to express my views as a ‘non-local’ in the line-up at Indicator and the Bay. We do exist, you just don’t hear from us. We know how to conduct ourselves and we have better things to do than pick fights with some rich local kids, and then go crying to the police and whoever ‘else will listen. 1 appreciate your desire to do whatever is possible to make everyone welcome to surfin Palos Verdes, but the welcome mat is as big as itis ever going to get. Your proposed remedies are going to do mote harm to the serenity and beauty of Palos Verdes then good. Don't “throw out the baby with the bath water” because of a few jerks and their misguided attorneys. Sincerely a fn Td MdSt:S8 Zaz Sz -q35 Se wh ss GNQE "E : WONs CITY482

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