Educ 359 Reflection Questions 3

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Courtney Sobotka

EDUC 359 Fall Semester

September 14, 2016
Learning Styles Reflection
Everyone learns in different ways. Some people are better at listening, while others need
to see it written out on the board. Some people work better independently, while others need to
work with their fellow peers. Teachers should know each and every one of their students
learning styles. This will help not only the teacher, but the students as well, especially a new ELL
student. If a student works better in groups, than that teacher should know to give group
assignments. If a student learns better with visualizations, than the teacher must incorporate
images with the content. Knowing students learning styles will make them feel more
comfortable when they are in the classroom. After taking the quiz that determines my learning
styles, my results were visual, applied, verbal, social, and pragmatic.
1. Visual: Visual learners strengths are visual modes of learning, such as reading, studying
pictures, or reading graphs. It is easier for a visual learner to gain information and
remember it when it is associated with images. These types of learners need to see what
they are expected to know. Visual learners learn best when the content is written out on
the board. For visual learners, the best approach would be to have the notes written out on
the board, while the teacher is lecturing. Some other effective approaches would be
providing graphs or diagrams.
2. Applied: Applied learners prefer real objects and situations. They prefer examples that
make an idea clear and understandable. For applied learners, the best approach would be
to provide real life scenarios and examples when teaching them something.

3. Verbal: Verbal learners prefer and rely heavily on verbal and language skills. Teachers
should verbalize what is expected of those students and what the objectives are for a
certain task/assignment.
4. Social: Social learners prefer to work directly with their classmates and even the teacher.
Group projects are very effective for these types of learners. Class discussions are
essential for social learners. Social learners like to be engaged with their classmates and
instructor, so by having a group class discussion, it will help them more.
5. Pragmatic: Pragmatic learners are practical, logical, and systematic. They like to follow
a distinctive set of rules and directions of a guide when completing a task. Rubrics would
be very effective for pragmatic learners, that way they know exactly what the teacher
expects from them and what the teacher wants them to accomplish. Writing lists and
outlines also help pragmatic learners.

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