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Self introduction

I have never though that studying Ecotourism could bring me incredible experiences. During
and after five years of study at the university, I have visited many places around Ecuador, met
people from different cultures, and work in incredible projects. In this journey, I was able to
know and love my country. However, I have had to face some challenges and situations during
my studies, personal life and career. Without these experiences I would not be the person who
I am. Life has taught me that all sacrifices have a great reward, never give up no matter what,
and as life is short we always have to do our best. Life could not be easy but our future is on
our own hands. Our decisions will define our successes and failures. However we always have to
go ahead and make our existence worthwhile.
The undergraduate program in Ecotourism of ESPOCH has become one of the most successful
Ecotourism programs in Ecuador. The wide variety of courses, the well-balanced relationship
between theory and practice, and the opportunities for students to be part of local and regional
projects are some of the features in Ecotourism Program that have made its professionals highly
recognized in the whole country. Ecotourism curriculum involves disciplines related to environmental, cultural and tourism studies, which gives its students a multidisciplinary approach.
Personally, Botany, Anthropology, Management of Cultural Resources, Territorial Planning, Alternative Constructions Trails Design, and Management of Protected Areas have had a significant
influence in my actual academic interest. In Botany, I learned taxonomy and traditional uses
of different plants, which has allowed me to identify the different Ecuadorian species used in
Ecuadorian gardens. I realize that the use of plants and gardens design is limited. Anthropology
course transformed the way I used to see life. It made me comprehend that the behavior and
thoughts of human beings are strongly connected with culture and are almost always reflected in
peoples lifestyle and living spaces. M. Cultural Resources taught me many kinds of methodologies and strategies to analyze, plan, evaluate, and protect the material and immaterial cultural
heritage. In Territorial Planning course, considering physical space, policies, and sociocultural,
ecological, and productive economic conditions, I developed a land-use plan for Ishkay Yaku
Community in Pastaza Province.
In Alternative Constructions, I not only learned to design huts, outdoors trails, and touristic
facilities but also I learn about ancient and traditional Andean Construction Techniques. In
Protected Areas, my group of work and I formulated a conservation and management proposal
to decrease the environmental impact caused by native people living in an area in Llanganates
National Park. Experiencing different areas of study like natural resources management, territorial planning, environmental and cultural conservation, and tourism, and having done some
fieldwork, I realized that my research interest involve the design of attractive landscapes for
people where history, environment, and people could coexist. I consider Landscape Architecture
Program very suitable for me because it promotes not only the physical improvement of outdoors
areas but also their sustainable development creating a balanced interaction between landscape
design, human beings, and the environment.

I am confident that my knowledge and experience in ecology, botany, environmental interpretation, cartography and SIG, anthropology, ecosystem management, biodiversity management,
territorial planning, pollution and environmental impacts, alternative constructions and trails
design, audit of environment impact, and management of protected areas will make a great
contribution for doing research in Landscape Architecture.
Moreover, I have had the opportunity to work in some projects with prestigious organizations
such as the World Tourism Organization UNWTO, The European Committee for Agriculture
and Training CEFA, The Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Tena a canton in
the Amazon Region, and as a volunteer in the Galapagos National Park. After my graduation, I
worked in my university as a professor. This extraordinary opportunity reaffirmed my desire to
continue my graduate studies, so I could become a better professor by improving my academic
Since 2004, I have been working with my family in a conservation project in our property in
The Galapagos Island. We have been reforesting with endemic species, creating citrus forest,
eradicating invasive species, and making gardens with endemic and non-aggressive introduced
species looking for a balance. In the future, we also want to build geodesic domes by using
bamboo, and expand this kind of project to the whole islands.
Korea is an amazing country. I really admire how Korea succeeded despite all the difficulties
that this country had to afford in the last century, the courage of its people when they sacrificed
themselves looking for a better future for next generations, the actual balance between development and the protection of natural and cultural resources, and the impressive Korean culture
and traditions which have survived even time passes. I am sure that Korea is a great country
that is why I would like to study there and also learn more about Korean Culture. Then, I
will do my best to improve the relationships between South Korea, my country and the whole

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