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Anna Reid

Unit Activity 6
Law: Civil Rights Act of

Policy: Title I

Law: Civil Rights Act of


Policy: Title III

Law: Civil Rights Act of


Policy: Title VI

Implication: Part A of the
Elementary and Secondary
Education Act. Provides
financial assistance to
schools with high numbers
of low-income families.
This program is a formula
grant that provides
financial assistance to
schools that have a high
number of low-income
students and families. It is
to help ensure that all
children meet challenging
state academic standards
by providing after school
tutoring, groups, and oneon-one help for students.
Implication: Program that
helps migrant students
and youth meet high
academic challenges by
overcoming obstacles
created by frequent move,
educational disruption,
cultural and language
differences, and healthrelated problems (OSPI).
This program is federally
funded and provides
services to migrant
children and their families.

Implication: Cannot
discriminate against race,
color, and national origin
in programs and activities
receiving federal financial
assistance. The school
receives federal assistance

for programs such as

counseling services,
recreational activities, and
academic programs. Of
those programs or
activities, educators
cannot discriminate
against a student based
on their race, color, and
national origin. If an
educator is found to be
discriminating, federal
funding for those
programs will be pulled.

The school I looked into was Maricopa Elementary school located in Maricopa, Arizona.
I was able to find a little bit of information on their website about Title I and III and I was also
able to obtain some information from the Arizona Department of Education website. Arizona has
their own version of the Dream Act that is called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DECA). DECA was first introduced by President Obama in 2012 (The DREAM Act, 2014).
Maricopa Elementary also follows Title I and Title III by providing their students with the option
of receiving free or reduced lunch, as well as providing funds for ELLs and immigrant children
(Title III, 2015). Title I and Title III stemmed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which banned
discrimination of race, color, religion, sex, or nation origin in the work place as well as in


The DREAM Act. (June, 16, 2014) Retrieved April 15, 2015, from
Title III. (2015, January 1). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from

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