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Reduced Labor Costs

Automation reduces labor costs. Manufacturing companies hire staff for the
production of their products but labor costs is rapidly increasing. As a solution,
companies acquire industrial robots and machines to make their production automated.
With the acquisition of the machines, there is minimal human interference needed on
the production. This means that less people are needed on the production. As a result,
this will slash the manufacturing labor costs on manufacturing companies. The ibtimes
website says, industrial robots could be l6% less costly than to employ people on 2025.
The report proves that automated production reduces labor costs.

Reduced Waste
Automated production reduces waste on manufacturing plants. The amount of
raw material used in the production are reduced because of the accuracy of robots and
machines. Compared to a robot or a machine, there are more waste collected when
humans are in charge of the production. This is because humans are not as accurate as
robots and machines. Machines can also be reprogram to further reduce waste on
plants. Also in an automated production, waste is reduced through early detection of
quality problems and less floor space is needed. Technicians can make the necessary
adjustments if there are problems in the production thus limiting the waste on plants.

Improved Tolerances

Automated production produce more products than a human worker. Robots and
machines save workers from performing dangerous tasks. They can also work in
hazardous conditions, such as poor lighting, toxic chemicals, or tight spaces unlike
humans. Robots and machines are capable of lifting heavy loads without injury or tiring.
Unlike humans, robots imbued with a pro-social moral code could exercise extreme
consistency and predictability. Robots and machines are not affected by emotional or
psychological thus their performance is not affected. Unlike humans, our personal
problems sometimes affect how we perform certain tasks. Also aging does not affect
machines and robots, unlike us humans whose performance is affected because of aging.

Better Product Consistency

Humans are prone to error. On the other hand, robots rarely makes mistakes.
Robots and machines are accurate and precise on the production with proper
maintenance. Though machines work for a long period of time, the quality of the
products do not change. Machines make thousands of products without changing the
quality. This kind of precision is very hard to achieve. Humans cannot provide the
accuracy and consistency that a robots and machines can provide. Thus, manufacturing
companies invest on machines to produce products with better quality.

Product Convenience

Robots save time by being able to produce a greater magnitude of products. Since
the production is automated

Improved Development Techniques

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