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Mindful Seeing

By Devin Addison
Sunset Over The Pembina Valley

This Photo was taken on May 23 in La Riviere. I tried many pictures of this
with many different exposures, I liked this one the best because of the sky,
and anything with a higher exposure caused the sunset to be too bright. I set
my white balance to “cloudy” in order to bring out the warmer tones of the
In Bloom

I took this picture for my mothers landscape design website on may,24. This picture
was taken just outside my house and is a picture of a tree which only blooms for a few
weeks in late may. I had to set my camera to macro in order to keep the entire picture
from being in focus. I also set my color mode to vivid, and I set the camera to take less
sharp images with more contrast.

This picture was taken on may 25 on the Snowflake highway just south of La Riviere. I
thought it looked interesting because it looks like it could be moving but, in fact, its not. I
also like it because of the reflection on the front of the van.I believe the use of lines in
this picture also make it more appealing.
Sunset Over 242

This picture was taken on may 26th in La Riviere at the dam overlooking highway
bridge 242. This was the first of my multi-day attempt at catching the
overwhelmingly orange sunset. For this picture, I set my color mode to vivid and my
white balance to cloudy, I also zoomed in in order to get more orange in the picture.
Mid-Evening Portrait

This picture was taken on May 27th In La Riviere. While at a friends house I decided to try
some portrait photography (which is not something I do very often) and this is the best of
the lot. While taking this picture I angled it so the sun was right (which gives it a really neat
effect) and made sure the background was out of focus. This picture is used with
Taye TourPro

This picture was taken on May 28th,2010 at my house in La Riviere, MB. This picture is
another attempt at getting a good picture of my drums, to get the light right I had to
take this picture at the right time of the day I also had to use a tripod with a slow shutter
speed so that I wouldn’t need to use lights- I didn’t want to illuminate the background.
Sunset Over The Pembina River

This is another of my attempts to get a good shot of the sunset. This picture was taken on
May 29th off a bridge on Highway 3. To get this picture, I set my color mode to vivid,
increased the contrast, and put my white balance to cloudy.I zoomed in in order to get
more orange, and I also decreased my exposure value to make parts of the picture more
Bridge 242

This picture was taken on May 30th in La Riviere and is another picture of the bridge at
highway 242. For this picture, I set my white balance to Sunny and my color mode to
Springtime Sun

This picture was taken on May 31st in my backyard in La Riviere. For this picture I decreased
the sharpness, decreased the exposure value, and set my color mode to natural. I also set
my white balance to Sunny.

This picture was taken on June 1st at my house in La Riviere. For this picture I increased the
exposure value and changed the color mode to black and white.
A Peek Of Sun

This picture was taken on June 2 in my backyard in La Riviere. To get this picture, I had to
decrease the exposure value, set the white balance to sunny, and increase the contrast.
Dark Sunset

This picture was taken on June 3, and is a picture of the prairies around Manitou. In this
picture I was experimenting with different aperture sizes and shutter speeds. I zoomed in,
and set the white balance to cloudy.
Car Port Greenhouse

This picture was taken on June 4, in my yard. This is a picture of an old car port which we
converted into a greenhouse. For this picture I set the white balance to cloudy and
increased the sharpness.
Personality Portrait

This picture was taken on June 5th outside my friends house in Manitou. For this picture I
increased the sharpness. To keep the focus on his face, I centered the camera on his face
and held the shutter button halfway down to focus, I then moved the shot to make it look
more interesting.

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