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You are on page 1of 32 Vol. 10, No.

12 | Thursday, June 10, 2010


A helmet waits for its rider at the
Rock Store on Mulholland Drive,
the destination for the third annual The Port of Hueneme dredging
Naval Base Ventura County Safety project that recently garnered Na-
Ride. Military spouse Kelly Varner val Base Ventura County (NBVC)
captured the ride in photos. an award from the Chief of Naval
Page 10. Operations is now being honored
by the Oxnard Chamber of Com-
NBVC and the Oxnard Harbor
District, which devised a team ap-
proach to getting the job done, have
been named Innovative Business of
The top female triathletes in each branch of the armed forces line up in preparation for the start of the the Year by the chamber.
Armed Forces Triathlon, held June 5 at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu. 1st Lt. Kathy Rakel of the Capt. Jim McHugh, command-
Air Force won with a time of 2:00:04. The Admiral’s Cup, open to civilians, was held prior to this event. SEE AWARD, PAGE 8

Base hosts triathlons Emergency drill

A wall of fire demonstration that
simulates a Napalm drop will be part
of the 2010 Naval Base Ventura
Admiral’s Cup, and military personnel for a
400-meter (one-third mile)
set for June 16
County Air Show at Point Mugu Aug.
7 and 8. Page 3.
Armed Forces swim, 20-kilometer (12-mile)
bike ride and 5-kilometer (3.1-
More than 100 people will be
taking part in a mass casualty ex-
championship at mile) run. ercise at Naval Base Ventura Coun-
“I absolutely love this race,” ty (NBVC), Point Mugu, on
Movie page is back Point Mugu said Peggy McDowell-Cra- Wednesday, June 16.
Operations are returning to mer of Santa Monica, who, at “There will be a large presence
normal in Millington, Tenn., By Andrea Howry 69, has qualified for the Kona of emergency vehicles at Point
Lighthouse editor Mugu, and we don’t want people
where floodwaters hit the Ironman on Oct. 9. “I always
headquarters of Morale, Welfare Naval Base Ventura County, have a good time here, and it’s to become concerned,” explained
and Recreation, disrupting the Point Mugu, played host to very friendly.” Robert Huether, NBVC’s installa-
distribution of movies to military two triathlons on Saturday, The U.S. Armed Forces Tri- tion training officer and the lead
bases nationwide. Movies are June 5, with the course win- coordinator of the event.
now back on a regular schedule,
athlon two hours later had 73 PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
ning rave reviews from many of the top triathletes in the Capt. James Bales of the Air Force The exercise will run from 8 to
and so is the Lighthouse movie
page. Page 15.
participants. Army, Air Force, Navy and crosses the finish line first to win the 11 a.m. Nearly a dozen outside
The Admiral’s Cup at 8 Air Force Triathlon on June 5 with a agencies are involved.
a.m. drew nearly 100 civilians SEE EVENTS, PAGE 17 time of 1:46:32. Gate access will not be limited.


Ask the








By Captain Jim McHugh

NBVC Commanding Officer 800-221-STAR (7827)
The Lighthouse

Does Naval Base Ventura County use solar power? Ventura County Star
Question: The installation of solar panels at the with a 303-kilowatt system that is expected to MICHAEL HOFFMAN
Port Hueneme pool has me wondering: How many produce 641 megawatt hours of renewable energy a
buildings, if any, use solar power at Naval Base year, enough to power 71 average homes.
Ventura County? The electricity generated by the system will be
tied back to the base grid, saving an estimated

Answer: That is a great question. $83,360 a year. 805-437-0372
NBVC is committed to saving energy wherever Solar hot-water heating systems are being in-
and whenever possible. For that reason, the base has stalled at both the Port Hueneme and Point Mugu
eagerly embraced solar power, which has proven to pools. When completed, these projects are expected
be a reliable source of alternative energy, especially to generate 2,075 megawatt hours per year, resulting
here in sunny Southern California. in an annual savings of $64,410.
It has been nearly 10 years since solar power was Let me take this opportunity, too, to thank every-
first installed at NBVC -- a 25-kilowatt system on one for their patience as construction continues on MENT EVERY OTHER THURSDAY BY THE STAR, OF CAMARILLO,
PH-850 that generates 46 megawatt hours per year, these important projects. THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR THE UNITED STATES NAVY,
for an annual savings of $5,950. Altogether, renewable solar projects expect to ENTERPRISE NEWSPAPER FOR MEMBERS OF THE U.S. NAVY,
Since then, increasingly complex solar photovol- save the base a whopping $256,100 in energy costs NOT NECESSARILY THE OFFICIAL VIEWS OF, NOR ENDORSED BY,
Thursday, June 10, 2010


taic systems have been installed at six other build- per year. This equates to, roughly, 4,045 megawatt OR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY AND DO NOT IMPLY EN-
ings at Port Hueneme, the largest being at PH-800, hours, which is the amount of energy required to DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT
a 125,000-square-foot warehouse. It was equipped power 450 average U.S. homes annually. PUBLICATION SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE, USE
Please submit your questions or comments to Lighthouse Editor Andrea Howry at AND PROVIDED TO THE PUBLISHER BY THE LOCAL INSTALLA-
TORCH: Runners from
Naval Base Ventura
County will join Special
Olympics athletes in carrying the
“Flame of Hope” at 12:30 p.m.
from Missile Park to Mugu Rock.

Night Spaghetti Dinner,
A wall of fire demonstration will take place at the NBVC Air Show on Aug. 7 and 8. 5 to 8 p.m., Naps, Port
About the Air Show Hueneme. Adults $5;

Wall of fire at Air Show

The 2010 Naval Base Ventura County kids under 5 eat free; kids 5 to 10
Air Show at Point Mugu is scheduled for
Saturday, Aug. 7, and Sunday, Aug. 8.
half price. Open to all with base
Admission and parking are free. Gates access.
will open at 8 a.m. both Saturday and

Sunday, with flight demonstrations The Explosive Ordnance Disposal DATE NIGHT: Parents
starting at 10 a.m. (EOD) Mobile Unit 3 Detachment Point Night Out. 6 to 9:30

The Lighthouse
Headlining the air show is the Air Mugu will provide the wall of fire dem- p.m., free child care
Force Demonstration Squadron, the onstration during the 2010 Naval Base NBVC
Thunderbirds. The air show will also
at both Hueneme and
Ventura County Air Show at Point Mugu
feature the latest in aviation, with both Mugu provided on first-come, first-
Aug. 7 and 8. serve basis for active duty only.
military and civilian air acts and vintage
EOD will use TNT, detonation cord and
Air Show
aircraft on display. Sign up before June 15 at CDC
The public can purchase special 500 gallons of diesel and gas to create a
for children 1 to 5 years old and
reserved seating tickets from the Air giant fireball explosion as part of the Air
Show Network. For information, visit the
website, http://www.airshownetwork.
The wall of fire will be used to simulate
Napalm dropped from an aircraft during
Update Youth Activity Center for those in
kindergarten through 12 years old.
Space is limited.
Keep up with the air show status by an air strike. The air show audience will

calling the information line at 989-8786, feel the heat from the intense explosion. WIVES OF FAITH:
visiting The Ventura County
A six-man crew will work for two days EOD Point Mugu also provided the wall
to set up the materials and detonation cord of fire demonstration during the Naval Wives of Faith chapter
htm or our new Facebook page, NBVC Air
Show at Point Mugu. to provide the special effects demonstra- Air Facility El Centro air show. officially launches its
tion. first meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the
Seabee Chapel, Port Hueneme.
LOOKING BACK Discussion topic: the first chapter
of the book “God Strong” by Sara

43 years of change at Mugu Horn. Future meetings will be held

the third Friday of every month.
Information: Leanne Miller, lmiller@
By Andrea Howry erations Center (NAVSOC).
Lighthouse editor Along the way, he has served as a role

In December 1967, Lyndon Johnson model for hundreds of Hispanic co-work-
was president of the United States. There ers who saw a hard-working, determined
were 474,300 U.S. troops in Vietnam. The young man turn into a seasoned federal
Great Western Forum opened in Los An- employee entrusted with the job of man-

Thursday, June 10, 2010

geles. The civil rights movement was at its aging facilities maintenance and a state-

fullest. of-the-art antenna system atop Laguna FREE CHICKEN
And Ernie Mora got his first job at Na- Peak. DINNER: The Chick-Fil-
val Air Station, Point Mugu. Mora said things were a lot different at A Military Appreciation
Mora retired last month after 43 years Point Mugu in 1967. Night, 4 to 7 p.m. All
at Mugu. He went from picking up trash “There were a lot more people,” he re- active and retired military and their
along the streets to managing the buildings called. “And the landscaping was different. immediate families are invited for
and facilities that hold one of the most There weren’t any trees along the main a free meal. Limited menu. 2040
highly technical operations at Naval Base PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
N. Rose Ave., Oxnard. 988-9232.
Ventura County: the Naval Satellite Op- SEE MORA, PAGE 12
Ernie Mora, retiring after 43 years. 3
When’s the last time you took ‘me time?’

Seabees reunite
I have a question for you: What did you challenge. Join our team as we set “Me
do for yourself today? What about this Time Goals” and meet them. I am work- The Annual All-Seabee Reunion
week? When was the last time you did ing out three times a week for my physical and All Hands Picnic will be held
something you totally enjoyed, that re- health, joining a Bible Study for my spir- from noon to 3 p.m. June 25 at Bolles
charged your batteries or fueled your pas-
sion? How often do you make sure you
Homefront itual health and scrapbooking once a week
for my emotional health. My team and
Field, Naval Base Ventura County,
Port Hueneme.
“take care of you?”
Are you like me and feel guilty taking in focus listeners are also taking the challenge.
Please join us. Set a goal for one or more
The picnic is open to all active duty
and retired military, Defense Depart-
time to do something for you? Do you
look at the family budget, the needs of the
with Beth areas of your life: emotional, spiritual or
physical. Then log on to the Enlisted
ment employees and special guests.
The event is a great opportunity to
family, your hectic schedule and find your- Wilson Spouse Community forum (www.enlist- meet those who have “been there and
self pushing “taking care of you” to the, e-mail or done that,” with veterans attending
back burner? Tweet me with your goals. You’ll hear from from World War II, Korea, Vietnam,
Guess what? You are not alone. us on a regular basis to keep us focused Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraq,
Military spouse and self-care expert neglect or even abuse of the people we on taking care of us. Afghanistan and more.
Peggy Nolan recently joined Navy Home- love. Martha Washington wrote, “I am de- Lunch is $5 and includes burgers
front Talk/Enlisted Spouse Radio to talk We can only be good for those around termined to be cheerful and happy in or hot links (choice of two), chips
about self-care. The statistics she offered us if we take care of ourselves. On an air- whatever situation I may find myself. For and a drink.
on the amount of time per week that we plane we are told to put the oxygen mask I have learned that the greater part of our Contact Chief Construction Elec-
spend on “us” versus the amount spent on ourselves first before trying to help misery or unhappiness is determined not trician (SCW/DV) Lynn Rodriguez
on others is starkly out of proportion. others. You are no help if you pass out! by our circumstance but by our disposi- at 982-3131 for more information and
What is the result of a long practice of Self-care, or “me time,” is vital. It is put- tion.” to RSVP.
not balancing our lives with work, respon- ting the oxygen mask on us so we can help We may not be able to change the re- The picnic is being held in conjunc-
The Lighthouse

sibilities and recreation? We become edgy, others put on theirs. We must determine sponsibilities, but with proper self-care, tion with the 11th Annual All Seabee
perhaps impatient and short-tempered. to take care of ourselves, our emotional, we can be cheerful, happy and healthy. Reunion June 24-27 in Port Huen-
We are out of balance. We can become physical and spiritual health. You are worth it! eme. For reunion information visit
depressed. Keep that up long enough and As part of the Year of the Enlisted — Contact Beth Wilson at beth@ the Web at http://www.allseabees.
in some cases it can potentially lead to Spouse, we are launching the “Me Time” com/

Cancer Treatment. Close to Home.

When you need cancer treatment, rest assured that Radiation Oncology
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

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L E A D I N G T H E W A Y I N V E N T U R A C O U N T Y S I N C E 1 9 7 9
Working group visits base NMCB 3 command
A recent proposal in Congress service members and their fami- master chief retires
led to congressional legislation lies that their participation in the By CM3 (SCW) Christopher Carson
change to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t process is now more important NMCB 3 Public Affairs
Tell” policy while Department of than ever. He encouraged service After 30 years of military service, includ-
Defense Comprehensive Working members and their families to ing nearly three years of service aboard
Group visited Naval Base Ven- stay informed on this process, but Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
tura County on May 27. they should not let the ongoing (NMCB) 3, Command Master Chief
During the working group’s political debate distract them (SCW) Jeffrey B. Wiegel passed the torch
visit with approximately 100 ser- from what is important — the to his successor, Command Master Chief
vice members, congressional leg- critical mission to defense of the (SCW/EXW) Percy Trent, in a retirement
islation was written to change the country and the duty to uphold ceremony held recently at Naval Base Ven-
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. the values represented by the uni- PHOTO BY MC1 AARON PETERSON
tura County, Port Hueneme.
The current law is still in effect, form. Vice Admiral Mark E. Ferguson III, chief of naval personnel, During the ceremony, Cmdr. Patrick A.
and DoD will continue to apply Service members and their speaks at Naval Base Ventura County on May 24. Garin, the commanding officer of NMCB
the law. families can provide comments to 3 who had previously served with Wiegel
The legislation would allow a the working group by using the in NMCB 74, described Wiegel as a solid
change in the law only after the online inbox at and determined leader who has never
ongoing DoD review is complet- This website is Vet clinic will reopen June 30 backed down from a challenge, no matter
ed and only after the president, common access card (CAC)-en- how huge it may have been.
Secretary of Defense, and the abled and is another way to com- The Naval Base Ventura County Army Veterinary “Master Chief Weigel is an old-school
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of municate with the working group Clinic will close on June 14 and reopen Wednesday, June master chief who has met all challenges
Staff all certify DoD is ready to on issues associated with the re- 30, in its new quarters in Building 19, at Pacific Road and head on and has stayed positive through-
make this change without hurting peal. 43rd Street, across from Pacific Park. out his service,” he said.

The Lighthouse
unit cohesion, military readiness A plan of action to address the A grand opening ceremony is planned for 1 p.m. June Rear Adm. Wayne G. Shear Jr., Naval
and effectiveness, as well as re- issues involved with implement- 30. Facilities Engineering Command Chief of
cruiting and retention. ing a repeal of the law will be Should your pet become ill or need veterinary care Civil Engineers, who served alongside Wie-
In a recent message to the force, submitted to the Secretary of De- while the clinic is closed, please do not wait for the clinic gel in NMCB 1, described him as a rock-
the Secretary of Defense informed fense no later than Dec. 1, 2010. to reopen. Seek civilian veterinary care right away. solid leader, saying he has really made a
difference with his honorable service.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Father’s Day a time to reflect on importance of dads

I am so proud to write this article pay- tian Bible that speak to the responsibility
ing tribute to fathers, mostly because I am of a father to his child: Ephesians 6:4,
a “daddy’s girl.” Therefore, acknowledging “Fathers, do not exasperate your children;
and celebrating the pertinent role of fa- instead, bring them up in the training and Worship schedule
thers is easy.
When I was a child, my father was my
Chaplain’s instruction of the Lord,” and Colossians
3:21, “Fathers, do not embitter your chil-
cheerleader at every basketball game, track
meet and my Saturday bowling league. He corner dren, or they will become discouraged.”
Both these Scriptures reveal the power a
Seabee Chapel
encouraged me never to give up. He with Lt. Deann father has that will either help or hinder Port Hueneme
coached me even when I didn’t want to a child’s emotional state.
hear it. He screamed my nickname from Coleman The message I perceive is, “Fathers, train
Building 1433
Phone: (805) 982-4358
the gym bleachers with instructions and your children and instruct them in righ- Fax: (805) 982-5364
warnings of players nearby on the court. teousness and godliness, and be careful
The time and effort he spent with me not to hurt them to the point where they Sunday worship service: 9 a.m.
proved his love and satisfied my heart and become discouraged.” Choir rehearsal: Wednesday, 6 p.m.
mind that I was cared for. them how to be men, and girls need their Fathers have a tremendous responsibil-
My daddy was my hero, friend, confi- fathers to legitimize their value. I know ity! Catholic Mass
dant, encourager and protector. His tire- these statements are both general, but I pray God will bless every father with Sunday: 11:15 a.m.
less affection of hugs and kisses made me what every child needs is for their fathers the wisdom, love, selflessness, guidance, Confession by prior appt.: 10:45 a.m.
feel like I was the most important kid in to be available for them. kindness and determination to make every Wednesday: 11:30 a.m.
the world. Some would think I was spoiled, In our military community, when fathers interaction with their children meaningful Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.
and quite possibly that thought might have deploy, they can still be available for chil- to build their children’s spirit, confidence
The Lighthouse

Christian Bible Studies

been true. But if persistent and consistent dren. The method and effort changes, but and faith. Women’s Bible Study: Tuesday, 10
love means spoiling your child, well, do the concept of loving that child by show- Happy Father’s Day to every father, and a.m.
it! ing them is still needed. A father’s interac- may God strengthen your hearts and All Hands Bible Study: Saturday, 7
A father’s presence is essential in the tion and love is like a miraculous balm minds, providing every spiritual and phys- p.m.
healthy emotional development of every that heals every wound. ical blessing!
child. Boys need their fathers to teach There are two Scriptures from the Chris- Catholic Religious Education
Pre-K through high school

Register soon for Vacation Bible School

Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Summerfest set for June 26
Registration begins June 14 for Vacation for the classes. The Annual Summerfest sponsored Chapel of Faith
Bible School, sponsored by Naval Base The theme of this year’s Vacation Bible by Religious Ministries will take place
Ventura County Religious Ministries. School is “High Seas Expedition: Explor- Saturday, June 26, from 11 a.m. to 3 Point Mugu
Classes designed for youngsters ages 3 ing the Mighty Love of God.” p.m. at the Point Mugu Chapel. Building 121
to 12 will run from 8 a.m. to noon Monday Parents can register their children There will be fun activities for the Phone: (805) 989-7967
through Friday, Aug. 9-13, at the Seabee through July 16. entire family, including a sack race and Fax: (805) 989-7968
Chapel, Port Hueneme. For more information or to enroll, call a three-legged race, volleyball, soccer, Protestant
Children 13 and older are welcome to the Seabee Chapel at 982-4358 between a karaoke contest and free food and Sunday worship service: 11:15 a.m.
sign up as volunteers. 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through drinks.
Parents who wish to volunteer will have Friday. For more information, call Religious Catholic Mass
a nursery available for children too young Ministries at 982-4358. Sunday: 8:45 a.m.
Confession by prior appt.: 8:15 a.m.
Thursday: 11:30 a.m.
Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.
Missionary Baptist
Church Chaplains serving NBVC
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sun Morning Prayer 8:30a-9a

Sunday School 9a-10:15a Lt. Deann Coleman
Morning Worship 10:30a Command Chaplain
Wed Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p Lt. Kyung Tak
Staff Chaplain
Pastor-Bishop Princeton Allen
125 E.Pearl St., Pt Hueneme Father Antony Berchmanz
Catholic Priest
Bill introduced to change California kindergarten rules
An issue that often affects military to fund increased enrollment in quality an adult.
families is kindergarten school registra- preschool programs. The remainder of the The LAO estimates that changing the
tion. Each state can set its own age require- funds would help alleviate California’s kindergarten cutoff date could lead to
ments for kindergarten entry. Therefore, budget shortfall. budget savings of approximately $700 mil-
as families move from one state to an-
other, the requirements may change.
In most states, children must turn 5 by
September 1 in order to start kindergarten. School lion from revenue limits and categorical
programs by having 100,000 fewer kinder-
As if moving a family around every 2.9
years isn’t enough to handle, varying state
California allows children as young as 4
years and 9 months to start kindergarten connection garteners in school. The cumulative sav-
ings over 13 years would reach $9.1 billion
education requirements make moves even
more difficult.
as long as the child turns 5 by December
2. Currently, California is one of only four with Monica as a smaller kindergarten cohort transi-
tions through the K-12 system.
For many years, a move from California states — the others are Connecticut, Mich- James The bill changes the required birthday
in the middle of kindergarten has meant igan and Vermont — with a cutoff date for kindergarten admission to November
a student needing to repeat kindergarten later than December 1. 1 for the 2012-13 school year, October 1
in another state. A 4-year-old in California Research indicates that beginning school for the 2013-14 school year, and Septem-
can start kindergarten as long as he or she at an older age improves children’s social the kindergarten cutoff date to September ber 1 for the 2014- 15 school year and each
will be 5 by December 2. However, a bill and academic development. A 2005 study 1. The LAO notes: school year thereafter. It also provides that
has been sponsored that may change that by the Rand Corporation found a “sig- -- California’s kindergarten start date is half of the savings (roughly $350 million
requirement. nificant boost” to test scores, especially one of the latest in the nation; each year) shall be devoted to the State
Sen. S. Joseph Simitian of the 11th Sen- for children from low-income families. -- Beginning school at an older age Preschool Program to increase enrollment
ate District is sponsoring SB 1381, which Based on these benefits, California’s would benefit children’s academic perfor- in quality preschool programs.
would change the kindergarten entry-age nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office, mance and social adjustment; For more information about the bill,
in California from 5 years old by Decem- the California Performance Review, and -- Children who are older when they contact Simitian’s office. The staff contact
ber 2 to 5 years old by September 1. The the Governor’s Committee on Education is Cory Jasperson at (916) 651-4011 or

The Lighthouse
start kindergarten tend to perform better
new age requirement would be phased in Excellence have each called for an earlier on standardized tests; and
over three years beginning in 2012. Half kindergarten cutoff date. In the analysis -- Research suggests that changing the -- For any K-12 school related question,
of the approximately $700 million in an- of the 2010-2011 Proposed Budget, the kindergarten date may lead to positive please contact the NBVC school liaison at
nual cost saving from having fewer chil- legislative analyst recommends that the student outcomes, including less chance 989-5211 or
dren in kindergarten would be redirected Legislature take action this year to change of grade retention and higher earnings as

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At the Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley, Ca. Immigration Service on base June 24
A Salute to the U.S. MARINE CORPS The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration either beginning or already started, includ-
Service will provide services on Thursday, ing fingerprinting. Bring all relevant pa-
June 24, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to all perwork, including copies of filed docu-
The 25th Annual military personnel, dependents, retirees ments.
and Defense Department personnel at Signup is required. Please stop by Naval
RED, White & Blue Ball Building 1180, Region Legal Service Of-
fice, second floor.
The outreach will directly assist with
Legal Service Branch Office, Building
1180, first floor, to complete a Military
Inquiry Sheet.
June 26, 2010 immigration and naturalization issues, For more information, call 982-3124.

Recipients of Patrick Henry Awards: Award given for team approach to project
Former Gov. & Mrs. Pete Wilson
Military Guest of Honor CONTINUED FROM 1 nard Harbor District, and the five-year
Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., ing officer of the base, will pick up the project they devised was completed in July
USMC award June 18 at the 60th Annual Com- 2009, restoring the harbor to full naviga-
munity and Business Awards Luncheon bility.
Invitations are available for at the Courtyard by Marriott in Oxnard. The project called for dredging the entire
Military and the public: The event runs from 11:30 a.m. to 1 harbor but disposing the sediment into a
Call 805-495-6962 or p.m. “confined aquatic disposal” (CAD) cell
805-496-5286 The dredging project required a unique in the bed of the Navy portion of the har-
approach because the sediment that had bor. Not having to haul the contaminated
accumulated in the harbor since 1999 was soil to a landfill made the project more
Sponsored by: The Conejo Valley Chapter contaminated — mostly with pesticides affordable. The Navy’s share of the $14
The Lighthouse

The Military Order of the World Wars and PCBs — and needed to go to a land- million project was $5.8 million.
fill, making it cost-prohibitive. McHugh recently returned from Wash-
A team from NBVC’s Environmental ington, D.C., where he and several mem-
The Sergeant Michael A. DiRaimondo Chapter Division came up with a solution that in- bers of the team received the Navy
The Military Order of the Purple Heart
volved several agencies, including the Ox- award.

Grow Your Money Workshop

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The Lighthouse
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Thursday, June 10, 2010


The Lighthouse


BUCS Christopher Torina of UCT-2 gives a thumbs up during the third annual Safety Ride on May 21. More than 70 motorcyclists from NBVC took part in the 70-mile ride.

Sailors take the high road on safety

More than 70 motorcyclists from Naval Base Ven- have fun.
tura County (NBVC) took part in the third annual “Look out for yourself and the other guy, too,” he
Safety Ride on May 21, an event captured here by said. “This is a great way to spend a beautiful morning
Kelly A. Varner, spouse of Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class and afternoon.”
Murray Willett of Port Operations at Port Huen- The ride tested motorcyclists’ skills on such treach-
eme. erous conditions as wet roads, gravel and switch-
Varner was on the back of Willett’s motorcycle for backs.
the 70-mile trip from the Point Mugu Theater to the “This ride gives motorcyclists the skills they need
Rock Store on Mulholland Highway and back. for a group ride, and it offers leadership skills,” said
“Riding on the back of my spouse’s motorcycle gives NBVC Safety Manager George Egeler. “Many have
me the opportunity to take photos while in motion,” never ridden in a group before, and this gives them the
Varner said. “I just can’t do that while riding my own confidence to do it again.”
motorcycle.” Egeler was pleased with how many took part.
Capt. Jim McHugh, commanding officer of the base, “It was great to see such a good turnout from all the
kicked off the ride by urging everyone to be safe and units,” he said. “We hope to do it again next year.”
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Above, riders head into the hills on their way to Mulholland

Highway and the Rock Store. Far left, new motorcyclist CECR
Cierra Fultz of NMCB 40 gets ready to return to base. At left, a
group heads back to base along the Pacific Coast Highway.
Tips for staying safe this summer
After a rather unusual winter, • Ensure you are completely tion and the most dangerous of
the summer season is fast ap- rested prior to your departure and all, heat stroke, all have warning
proaching. Summer can be one of return from trip. signs.
the most enjoyable times of year, • Plan for at least a 15-minute To cool off, many of you will be
but it also comes with the need for rest stop every two hours. heading out to the beach or a dip
many precautions. Exercising a • Limit driving to 350 miles per in the pool. Be safe around water.
little operational risk management day or no more than eight hours Drowning is the leading recre-
can prevent most summertime in- on the road. ational killer of military members.
cidents. If you’re in doubt about your Most occur during swimming or
According to the Naval Safety journey, log on to the Naval Safe- boating excursions and often in-
Center, private motor vehicle ac- ty Center website at volve alcohol use.
cidents are the No. 1 killer of Sail- and click the Use the buddy system when
ors throughout the fleet. Statistics TRiPS (Travel Risk Planning Sys- boating or swimming. Know the
show that one Sailor dies every five tem) link to access a number of weather conditions and use com-
days in a traffic accident. tools to assist in your safe travel mon sense. Don’t swim right after
Here is some sage advice for you planning. eating and especially if you have
and your shipmates to consider: With summer sun comes sum- been drinking in excess.
1. Wear your seat belts when- mer temperatures. Heat injuries, When boating, use approved
ever you are in a vehicle. It doesn’t one of the most common summer flotation devices even if you are a
matter if you are driving or are just injuries, can easily be avoided with skilled swimmer. Mishaps happen
a passenger in the back seat. Seat just a few simple measures. Re- with little to no notice. Limit your
belts can be the difference between member to drink lots of water, boat to the recommended capac- PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
a fatal accident and an accident. wear light colored clothing and use ity, and always check weather ad- Looking over beach safety tips at the May 21 Summer Safety Fair

The Lighthouse
2. Ensure you get plenty of rest sunscreen whenever you plan to be visories before heading out. at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, are, from left, Junior
before long trips. The general rules out in the elements. Each and every Sailor is a criti- Lifeguard coordinator Gerry Legaspi, Junior Lifeguard instructor
are: Familiarize yourself with the cal component to mission readi- Sarah Conners and NBVC Safety Manager George Egeler. About
• Schedule your trip to avoid many symptoms of a heat- related ness. Be safe, and enjoy your lib- 1,000 people attended this fair and the one held the day prior at
Point Mugu. The fair included information about fire and fireworks
driving during sleep hours. injury. Heat rash, cramps, exhaus- erty!
safety, traffic safety and camping.




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Mora reflects on a 43-year career at Point Mugu

CONTINUED FROM 3 self desperate for a job. He took what was He also became involved in career devel- Naval Base Ventura County.
roads. It was an industrial area, but there available on base and was given a yellow opment programs for students, something “I can actually say that I’ve seen major
weren’t nearly as many buildings.” bag and a stick and worked trash detail. he is especially proud of today. advancements in the diversity of the
Mora came on base as a laborer, making “I was going to Ventura College at He helped create the Careers Through workforce at Point Mugu,” Mora said.
crate boxes for missile shipments. Work nights, and what nobody knew is that I’d Education program, which provided local “That’s what I’ll take with me.”
was nothing new to him; he grew up help- keep my school books in the yellow bag,” math and science high school students job- He’ll also take away a bittersweet mem-
ing in his parents’ restaurant, El Charrito he said with a sly smile. “I studied on the shadowing by professional engineers, then ory of Sept. 11, 2001. In the midst of all
in Ventura. job. It took me a long time, but I finally helped them get summer jobs on base. The that terror that day, Mora received the
“I’ve worked hard my entire life,” he got my associate degree in business man- goal was for them to return after college Civilian Meritorious Award.
said. “I got that from the restaurant.” agement.” graduation. The program lasted three years, “I told the captain that it was going to
He was assigned to various public works Mora was moved off trash detail after with about 15 youngsters taking part each be difficult for me to accept it on that
shops projects until Herman Qualls, a pest a year and qualified for a job as a main- summer. The number who completed the day,” he recalled. “The captain said it was
control technician, suggested he try that tenance helper at the Navy Astronautics program and returned to base jobs after the right thing to do, that good things
field. He qualified and got the job, and Group, the forerunner of NAVSOC. De- finishing college: two. are still happening, and that we need to
for the next eight years, he and his co- termined to break into management, he “And neither was a minority,” Mora said look forward. I was totally over-
worker applied and managed pesticides went back to school, and three nights a in frustration. “But you know what? It was whelmed.”
around the entire base. week for two years, he drove to the UCLA still a success because two entered the fed- Mora leaves with a sense of accom-
“We were ‘The Bug Guys,’” he remem- Evening Center in downtown Los Angeles, eral workforce.” plishment and pride of his years at
bered with a smile. eventually earning a certificate in plant In 1990, Mora was appointed facilities Mugu.
Always looking to further himself, he engineering. manager of NAVSOC, and over the next “When I come to work every morning,
debated a career in entomology but real- By this time, the Navy was making head- 20 years he did everything from redesigning and I see all the farmworkers out in the
ized it required a lot more schooling. way on diversity issues. Initiatives were its buildings to modernizing the equipment rain and cold, trying to make a decent
implemented to recruit “underrepresented at Laguna Peak. wage, and I think of all the people out
The Lighthouse

Looking back, he’s glad he didn’t go down

that route, given what would soon come groups,” and in Southern California, that “Buildings are important,”he said. “They of work and all the people in Iraq and
out about DDT and other poisons. meant Hispanics. Mora was appointed the provide comfort to people, and if those Afghanistan who are there so we can be
Around that time, pest control operation Pacific Missile Test Center Hispanic Em- people are happy, they’re motivated.” here – when I see all that, I feel blessed
was contracted out, and Mora found him- ployment Program manager, a position he Mora’s proud of the role he has played and grateful for my time in government
would hold for 10 years. in changing the color of what is today service.”

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NMCB 4 helps train Afghan National Army engineers
By CM Timothy Ryan chain of command. is now the official curriculum for the Exca-
and EOSC Thomas Maxwell After a few more visits and many cups vator, Bulldozer and Dump Truck Phase
NMCB 4 of chai tea, the OMLT, ANA and the Sea- at the ANA Engineer School.
Twenty-six students graduated from the bees stepped off with five ANA tractor- Shortly thereafter, discussion began re-
first class of the Afghanistan National trailers to pick up NMCB 4’s equipment garding the concept of leveraging NMCB
Army Engineer School on May 25, com- at Camp Marmal, Afghanistan. 4 construction of the nearby new Forward
pleting phase one of the partnership be- Over the next few weeks, the Seabees Operating Base at Deh Dadi to train the
tween Naval Mobile Construction Bat- and ANA completed five more convoys ANA class.
talion 4 and the ANA partnership that together, transporting more than 20 piec- On April 14, 10 military instructors from
was facilitated by the multinational Op- es of equipment while the ANA soldiers Norway, Germany, Finland and Hungary
erational Mentoring and Liaison Team. gained valuable experience in convoy plan- accompanied 26 ANA officers (students)
This partnership found its beginnings ning and execution and maintenance train- to FOB Deh Dadi. After a quick introduc-
at the crowded dining facility at Camp U.S. NAVY PHOTO ing with several of NMCB 4’s top mechan- tion, Equipment Operator 1st Class Brian
Mike Spann in northern Afghanistan EO1 Brian Cummings from NMCB 4 explains ics. Cummings, Equipment Operator 1st Class
when several Seabees were seated next to proofing to Afghanistan National Army Santini introduced NMCB 4’s Seabees David Cobbell and Selfors of NMCB 4
two officers from the Croatian Army. Din- students through an interpreter. Proofing to several Norwegian officers who were took over the daily coordination of the
ner conversation naturally led to the Sea- is the first step in clearing an area of
tasked with standing up the Engineer class.
unexploded ordnance before construction
bees and the Croatians discussing their can begin.
School at the adjacent ANA installation, “It’s kind of a train-the-trainer sort of
respective missions and the current chal- Camp Shahin. They initially asked for thing,”said Cummings. “We train the ANA
lenges they were facing. valuable experience. Seabee assistance with the curriculum and officers and they then train their enlisted
The Seabees’ challenge at the time was The following day, Construction Me- operator maintenance training. Selfors personnel.”
the shortage of line haul assets. Capt. San- chanic 1st Class Paul Selfors and Senior contacted the Center for Seabees and Fa- ANA students gained experience main-
tini from the Croatian Army was tasked

The Lighthouse
Chief Equipment Operator Thomas Max- cilities Engineering, Fort Leonard Wood, taining and operating bulldozers, excavators
as part of the OMLT mission with mentor- well of NMCB 4 accompanied Lt. Col. which immediately sent a disk with student and dump trucks, and their training area
ing the Engineering Company command- Vucic and Capt. Santini of the Croatian guides and instructor guides from Equip- was a U.S. FOB construction project that
er and expressed that his company pos- Army to inspect the ANA tractor-trailers, ment Operator School. This disk was will one day be turned over to the ANA.
sessed the line haul capability, but lacked provide guidance on pre- and post-opera- translated into Dari, the local Afghani “It is a win-win for everyone,” said Cum-
the line haul missions necessary to gain tion maintenance and meet the ANA language, sent to Kabul for approval and mings.

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Underwater construction tech enters Divers Hall of Fame

By Lt. Daniel Wall dustry leaders and underwater research- oversaw more than 2,070 man-days of
Executive officer, UCT 2 ers. underwater construction on six separate
Chief Roseanne Oliveros of Underwa- Oliveros was able to travel to Secaucus projects with zero safety incidents.
ter Construction Team (UCT) 2, was re- for the formal awards dinner during the She has also volunteered twice for six-
cently inducted into the Women Divers Beneath the Sea Exposition, where she was month Iraqi deployments.
Hall of Fame (WDHOF) during a WD- presented her certificate of membership. Oliveros was recently selected as a chief
HOF 10th anniversary celebration in Se- In keeping with Navy tradition, she was warrant officer, another first for a woman
caucus, N.J. “pinned” by WDHOF members Capt. diver in the U.S. Navy.
Oliveros is the first-ever underwater Erica Sahler, her former UCT 2 command- “I would like to encourage any potential
construction technician to receive an in- ing officer and now the director of the female candidates who may be discour-
vitation to join this prestigious interna- Navy Ocean Facilities Program, and Capt. aged by the physical requirements, primar-
tional honorary organization. Her selec- (ret.) Bobbie Scholley, the current presi- ily pull-ups, that they can complete them
tion recognizes excellence in her craft and dent of WDHOF. Following tradition, Chief Roseanne Oliveros
and excel in this field,” Oliveros said. “I
leadership in her field. To make the evening even more special, of Underwater Construction Team 2 is pinned could not complete one pull-up or swim
Oliveros is currently the officer in charge Oliveros was joined by her father Lino by Capt. Erica Sahler, left, as Capt. (ret.) when I first decided I would become a
of Construction Diving Detachment Oliveros, mother Marie Oliveros and Bobbie Scholley watches. All are members diver. Through hard work and a strong
Bravo at UCT 2 in Port Hueneme. She is brother Lino Oliveros Jr., all of whom of the Women Divers Hall of Fame. support network I was able to build my
the first and only female chief petty officer traveled from her hometown of Guada- strength and attend swimming lessons
to be assigned in that role, one of the many lajara, Mexico. Grad at First Class Dive School in 2004. until I could complete six pull-ups and felt
firsts she’s had in her naval career, a dis- Oliveros is a 2000 graduate of the U.S. She returned to UCT 2 and quickly comfortable in the water.”
tinction which was a key factor in her Navy Second Class Dive School located proved both her diving and leadership WDHOF is an international non-prof-
selection. at the Naval Diving and Salvage Training skills. She was promoted to chief petty it professional society whose mission is to
Oliveros was one of 10 women from Center in Panama City, Fla. Upon gradu- officer in 2006 and became the assistant honor women from around the world who
The Lighthouse

around the world to be selected for induc- ation, she served as a second class diver officer in charge of Construction Diving have excelled in diving. There are cur-
tion this year. Others in this prestigious at UCT 2, where she was given the op- Detachment Bravo and then on to officer rently 176 members of the WDHOF, of
group included a cave diver from Austra- portunity to attend First Class Dive in charge. In that position, she led her 15- which 20 are U.S. Navy divers.
lia, a shark researcher from South Africa, School. man detachment through a grueling six- For more information on WDHOF,
several diving media experts, diving in- She would go on to become the Honor month Pacific deployment, where she visit the web at

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Seabees take part in Fleet Week
By Lt. Earl Chow to experience how “haze gray and under-
Cardiovascular CT Scans NMCB 3 way” Sailors work and live. Berthed in
FORT EVERGLADES, Fla.— Ten triple-stacked racks with about 18 inches
Do You Know What’s
Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction from the top of the mattress to the bottom
in Your Coronary Battalion (NMCB) 3, NMCB 40, and of the rack above, the Seabees experienced
Arteries? Our 64CT Underwater Construction Team (UCT) 2 firsthand life aboard ship.
Serving all the optometric needs Detector Can Show You! traveled from their homeport in Port Hue- During the time on board the Iwo Jima,
• Eye Disease • Retinal Mapping neme to Joint Expeditionary Base, Little they conducted man overboard drills as
(805) 988-0616 Creek, Va. to participate in Fort Ever- well as Damage Control, Chemical Bio-
• Vision Therapy glades Fleet Week April 27 through May logical Radiological and General Quarters
2705 Loma Vista Rd., #100, Ventura
• Contact Lenses • Glasses 3. drills.
• Active Duty Dependents The Seabees began the trip in Little They also set up a static display with
Creek when they loaded four pieces of four pieces of CESE and UCT dive gear.
With Prime have no out-of-pocket Please Help Complete A Family Civil Engineer Support Equipment Over the course of the week, the Seabees
expense for exam (CESE) onto two Landing Craft Air Cush- informed members of the public, as well
Become a Surrogate ioned (LCAC) onboard USS Iwo Jima as Sailors and Marines, what the men and
Discount on all materials for military Earn $20,000-30,000 (LHD 7). Despite decades of combined women of the Naval Construction Force
members and their families •
experience, at shore and on deployment, bring to the Navy and Marine Corps team.
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Easy to make an appointment. Become an Egg Donor this was these Seabees’ first experience Visitors enjoyed climbing on and explor-
Earn $4,000-$10,000 riding an LCAC and being underway on ing the different pieces of CESE and were

Serving Ventura County since 2005 a U.S. Navy warship. impressed by the capabilities that Seabees
1200 Paseo Camarillo, Ste. 180 • “Riding the LCACs [was] cool,” stated provide.
Camarillo 888-400-0944 Equipment Operator 1st Class (SCW) “It was a great opportunity to showcase Deanna Robison from NMCB 3’s Alfa the Seabees to the public and to other
484-0577 Company. “It is amazing the power behind Sailors and Marines,” said Engineering them and how fast they can go.” Aide 2nd Class Carolina Forero from
While underway, the Seabees were able NMCB 40.
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The Lighthouse
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PhotoS by Andrea Howry / Lighthouse

The first wave of nearly 100 civilians and military personnel take part in the Admiral’s Cup, held two hours before the Armed Forces Triathlon on June 5 at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu. The Admiral’s
Cup is a sprint triathlon, with a shorter swim, bike ride and run than the Armed Forces Olympic-style triathlon.

Admiral’s Cup gives everyone a chance

The Lighthouse

By Andrea Howry miral’s Cup was Robert Sumpt-

Lighthouse editor How’d they do? er, a 61-year-old Vietnam vet-
Even before they got in the Final times for all eran from Oxnard.
water, Admiral’s Cup triath- particpants in both the “This is his third year of tri-
letes Hillary and Brent Admiral’s Cup and Armed athlons,” said his wife, Mary,
McLoughlin of Camarillo Forces Triathlon can be as she patiently waited for him
knew they’d have some tough found at near the finish line. “He does
competition: about half a dozen a year.”
Dolphins were swimming Sumpter was the last one out
near the shore. Westlake Village with a time of the ocean for the first leg of
“Actually, I don’t think we’ve of 50:24. He runs track and the triathlon, and lifeguards in
ever had a race where there field for the University of kayaks and on boards had
were no dolphins,” said Kent Pennsylvania, where he attends formed a semi-circle around
Blankenship, who, as the out- the Wharton School of Busi- him, encouraging him on. The
going athletics director of Mo- ness. night manager of the Warfield
rale, Welfare and Recreation, Blanchard, too, is a business Gym, Miguel Fernandez,
was organizing his last events major, having just completed walked with him up the beach Brianna Blanchard of Agoura transitions between swim
at Naval Base Ventura County her undergraduate work at and over to the bike racks — and bike race. She would go on to win the women’s race,
(NBVC) with the June 5 Ad- Pepperdine University. Both never physically assisting him, finishing at 57:20.
miral’s Cup and Armed Forc- hope to become professional just being there with him.
es Triathlon. athletes. Aquatics Manager Mandy
He ended on a high note. “I’ll just have to see how far McCarthy had told the life-
“We had a great turnout for I can go,” Blanchard said. guards to keep a close eye on
the Admiral’s Cup,” said Capt. One who has gone a long the slower swimmers.
Christopher Baird of Westlake Village Jim McHugh, commanding way on the amateur circuit is “The ones who are in the
crosses the Admiral’s Cup finish line officer, NBVC. The morning Peggy McDowell-Cramer. She water longer have a higher risk
first with a time of 50:24. was overcast and the ocean started competing in triathlons of hypothermia,” she ex-
Thursday, June 10, 2010

was a cool 56 degrees. in 1992, when she was 51 years plained. “They’re not necessar-
“I love this course,” said Bri- old. Now 69, she still competes ily professionals, and they
More on the web anna Blanchard of Agoura, in about nine a year, but the might not be so strong.”
To view photo galleries of the who came in first among the Admiral’s Cup, she says, is a But Sumpter made it and
Admiral’s Cup and the Armed women with a time of 57:20. priority. went on to finish both the bike
Forces Triathlon, find these “The weather is always great, “I feel really safe here,” she ride and the run, crossing the
articles under Top Stories at and I love all the fans. I like a said of the base. “I’m not finish line last with a time of
www.TheLighthouseNews. flat, fast course, and this is per- afraid someone will jump out. 2:15:26, about half an hour
com. Robert Sumpter, 61, is accompanied up the beach by
fect.” It’s a wonderful environ- after the 92nd place finisher. Warfield Gym night manager Miguel Fernandez. Sumpter
Finishing first among the ment.” “He always finishes,” his wife was the last Admiral’s Cup contestant out of the water and
16 men was Christopher Baird of Also competing in the Ad- said. the last to finish the triathlon with a final time of 2:15:26.
Event draws military’s top triathletes to NBVC

Marines swimming 1,500 meters

(one mile) bicycling 40 kilome-
ters (24.8 miles) and running 10
kilometers (6.2 miles).
The Air Force won the top
individual and team titles, de-
spite losing Staff Sgt. Aaron
Appelwick during the swim por-
tion. He was taken away by am-
bulance after suffering an appar-
ent concussion when he was
kicked in the head. Paramedics
also treated him for potential
hypothermia after lifeguards
s Triathletes transition from the bicycling stage to
hauled him out of 56-degree the running stage two-thirds of the way through the
water. He was treated at a local Armed Forces Triathlon.
hospital and released.
Despite the loss of their team
member, the Air Force triath-
letes carried on, with Capt.

The Lighthouse
James Bales of Texas finishing
in 1:46:32 and 1st Lt. Kathy
Rakel of Luke Air Force Base
in Arizona finishing in 2:00:04.
Both winning times are about 5
minutes off the course records.
This is the 11th consecutive
year the event has been held at
NBVC. Point Mugu was made
the permanent host several years
“It is an honor and a privilege
to host this event,” said Capt. PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
James McHugh, commanding Navy teammates Lt. Laura Springer, left, and Lt.
PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE Molly Cook chat after the Armed Forces Triathlon.
officer, NBVC. Lt. Cmdr. William Reed of the Navy gets ready to hop on his bike at the start of the second leg of the Armed Forces Cook came in last on the swimming leg of the
Most years, the winners would Triathlon. triathlon and intentionally slowed down on the
progress to international com- biking portion to help Springer gain speed. Springer
, petition at the Conseil Interna- “It was a tough day out there,” said bicycling is her “weak spot,” Saturday. came in third among the women; Cook came in
tional du Sport Militaire said Navy Lt. Cmdr. John Cal- and without the packs, she Perhaps the most unusual last.
(CISM), but this year’s events vert, who was competing in his struggled. Her saving grace was story of the day belonged to
were canceled so all efforts could fourth Armed Forces Triathlon. teammate Lt. Molly Cook, sta- Bales, who didn’t arrive at Point
go into the Military World “The packs on the bikes didn’t tioned at Miramar. The last Mugu until 13 hours before the
Games, scheduled for 2011 in stick together. Plus, this was by swimmer out of the water, she start of the triathlon because he
Rio de Janiero. far the toughest field I’ve seen. devoted the bike leg to helping had to complete his residency
The Air Force team defeated It was a very close competi- Springer. program at Wilford Hall Medi-
the other armed forces with a tion.” “It’s a team sport,” Cook ex- cal Center, an Air Force Level 1
point total of 121. The Army Drafting not being a factor plained. “I went slower on the Trauma Center at Lackland Air
came in second with 124, Navy helped the winner of the wom- bike so I could pull Laura.” Force Base, San Antonio.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

third with 136 and Marine en’s race. Cook ended up coming in last. “I just finished the 25th
Corps fourth with 174. Points “It actually played into my Springer came in third among grade,” he said with a laugh. In
are determined by the times of strategy and the way I train,” the women. less than a month he takes the
the top eight men and top four Rakel said. “I always try to be “It’s all about having fun and board exams to become an or-
women on each team. in front of the swim pack, and staying healthy,” said Cook, who thopedic surgeon. Less than two
Drafting is allowed in the I like to put my head down and took part in her first triathlon weeks after that, he reports to
Armed Forces Triathlon, but bike as fast as possible. So for exactly two years prior to the Colorado Springs to join the
r some veterans of the race said me, this race was great.” Armed Forces event at the urg- two-year Air Force World Class 1st Lt. Kathy Rakel of the Air Force is the first
d that didn’t become much of a Lt. Laura Springer, stationed ing of her husband, Lt. Cmdr. Athlete Program, a possible pre- woman to cross the finish line at the Armed Forces
factor this year. in Seattle with the Coast Guard, Jerry Cook, who also competed lude to the Olympics. Triathlon with a time of 2:00:04. 17

Support Center
The Fleet & Family
Help when you need it.

All classes at Port Hueneme unless oth- Financial Management

erwise noted. Call 982-5037 for more in-
formation. • Financial guidance by appointment.
New toll-free appointment scheduling Evening appointments available. Call 982-
service: 1-866-923-6478. Call 24 hours a 3640 Port Hueneme or 989-8844. Informa-
day, seven days a week. Schedule counsel- tion available on saving, investing, TSP,
ing (individual, marital, family) and ap- credit reports, creating a spending plan,
pointments for financial, spouse employ- car buying, avoiding foreclosure and bank-
ment, transition and relocation ruptcy, selling versus renting your home,
assistance. retirement planning and financial plan-
ning for deployment.
Career Support and • Car Buying Strategies: Don’t let buy-
ing your dream car become a nightmare.
Retention Learn how to do your homework, how to
get the best price and what to do about
(Register for TAP classes with your your old car. Wed., June 16, 9 a.m. to
Command Career Counselor) noon, FFSC, Point Mugu, Bldg. 225.
• Executive Transition Assistance Pro- • Home Buying Seminar: Do you want
gram: Monday-Thursday, July 12-15, 7:30 to buy a home in the near future? Learn
The Lighthouse

a.m. to 4 p.m. E-7 and above, all retirees. how to determine price range, select a real
Civilian attire. Bring medical records and estate agent and choose the best financing
DD2648 on Monday. plan. Thurs., June 17, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
• Transition Assistance Program: Mon- • Command Financial Specialist Train-
day-Thurday, July 19-22, 7:30 ing: E-6 and above must attend all ses-
a.m. to 4 p.m. Seperatees E-6 and below. sions. Call 989-8844 or 982-3640 to regis-
Civilian attire. Bring medical record and ter. Monday-Thursday, June 21-25, 7:30
DD2648 on Monday. to 4 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 to 10 a.m.
• Spouse Resume Writing: Learn what • Command Financial Specialist Forum:
makes up a winning resume and learn job Command Financial Specialist training
search skills. Mon., June 14, 9 to 11 a.m. for designated CFSers. Thurs., June 24, 9
• Corporate Resume writing: Cutting- to 10 a.m.
edge resume techniques.. Must call 982-
5325 to register. Fri, June 18, 7:30 to PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
9 a.m. Monique Ciccone Lanos of the Ventura County New Parent Support
• Federal Employment: Resumes, web- Public Health Department shows the right
sites and the application process. Fri., June way to adjust a car seat during a First Steps • Little Explorers for Toddlers: An in-
18, 9 to 11 a.m. accident awareness and prevention class put teractive parent-toddler playgroup for
• Interview Skills: Prepare for your in- on by NBVC’s Fleet & Family Support Center. babies 15–36 months. Thursdays, 10 to 11
terview. Mock interview, possible interview The class, which also deals with choking a.m. except first Thursday of month. Call
questions, what to wear and much more. hazards and safety in the home — such as
982-5037 for location.
Tues., June 22, noon to 1:30 p.m. making sure children know the difference
between candy and medicine, right — is taught
• New Mamas: For expecting mamas
• MS Excel: From beginner to advanced several times a year. Information: 982-5037. and mamas with babies 0–15 months old.
in 2 hours. Wed., July 7, 8:30 to 10:30 a. Information, education and support.
m., FFSC Point Mugu, Bldg. 225. Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
• LAPD Testing: July 28, 4:30 to 6:30 • Yoga Mamas: For expecting and new
p.m. Call for future dates at 982-5325. • Data Collection Coordinator Training: OBT. Monday-Wednesday, July 19- 21, mamas. a gentle stretch. Tuesdays, 12:30
Required training for data collection co- 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Point Mugu to 1:45 p.m., Bee Fit Center.
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sexual Assault Prevention ordinators. Mon., June 28, 9 to 11 a.m. FFSC, Bldg. 225. • First Steps Program, Accident Aware-
Relocation ness and Prevention in the Home. Weekly
and Response (SAPR) for parents of infants, babies, toddlers &
Ombudsman • Smooth Move: Make your PCS move siblings 0–5 yrs. Lap babies welcome,
• SAPR Command Liaison Training: • Ombudsman Meeting: Ombudsman easy, simple, smooth. Wed., June 16, 10 childcare needed for toddlers and pre-
Required training for command liaisons. program updates and advanced training. a.m. to 12:30 p.m. schoolers. Information: 982-5037.
Mon., June 21, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues., June 29, 6 to 8 p.m. • TRACC, PFM Meeting, CFS Forum:
• Victim Advocate Meeting: All com- • Ombudsman Basic Training: Required Transition, Relocation, Financial, CCC — For information, please call Sandy Lyle,
mand advocates are required to attend. to become an ombudsman and if more Quarterly Focus Group Meeting. Thurs., command liaison, at 989-8833 or e-mail
18 Thurs., June 24, 10 to 11 a.m. than 3 years have elapsed since attending June 24, 9 to 10 a.m.
Thousand Oaks
Thousand Oaks
Lease a New Scion vehicle through a participating Scion dealership with less than 6,000 miles on the odometer through Sept 30, 2010.
Scion thanks the men and women of the U.S. Military for their service and dedication to defending our country. If you are a member of the U.S. Military with current active duty status or an inactive reservist, you may qualify for a $1,000 rebate towards the purchase or lease of
a new Scion when financed or leased through a participating Scion dealer and Toyota Financial Services (TFS). [1] The Military Rebate can now be combined with the Scion Pure Lease program or applied toward the purchase of a new 2010 Scion. See dealer for details.

1000 LEASE EVERY 2010 X D

129 08


$15,924 Per Mo
FOR ONLY... Plus Tax

The Lighthouse
36 months. Drive off of $3,000.00 cash plus $1,000.00 Military rebate, total $4,000.00 due at signing. 15c per mile in excess
of 12K miles per year. On approved Tier 1+ credit. No security deposit required.

1000 LEASE EVERY 2010 X B

159 95


$16,574 Per Mo
FOR ONLY... Plus Tax
36 months. Drive off of $2,500.00 cash plus $1,000.00 Military rebate, total $3,500.00 due at signing. 15c per mile in excess
of 12K miles per year. On approved Tier 1+ credit. No security deposit required.

1000 LEASE EVERY 2010 t C

179 59


$17,670 Per Mo
FOR ONLY... Plus Tax
36 months. Drive off of $3,000.00 cash plus $1,000.00 Military rebate, total $4,000.00 due at signing. 15c per mile in excess
of 12K miles per year. On approved Tier 1+ credit. No security deposit required.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thousand Oaks Scion
Thousand Oaks
2321 Thousand
School Rd.

Oaks Bl.



2321 Thousand Oaks Blvd. Sales Toll Free: 866 -871-0105

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Contact our web site at... 20 Min. From
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*All cars subject to prior sale and on approved credit. Prices do not include any charges for Government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $55.00 dealer document prepara-
tion charges, any emission testing charge, $8.75 tire charge. No rental companies or dealers. Offer ends Wed, June 9, 2010. **Military rebate can be combined with other factory
rebates. See dealer for details. Military rebate ends Jan 3, 2011. 19

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
To our advertisers:
Please check your ad the first 105 Tickets- Merchandise 204 204 207 207
Antiques And Antiques And
day and report any issues
promptly. Classified ads are Found/Lost Sale/Wanted 200-297 Collectibles Collectibles
Appliances Appliances
charged using an agate line
unit of measurement. Visible
lines are larger for readability
collar might of come off/ Ah Dodgers! BUYING
Antique religious figures,
Sales, Service & Parts Appl.
and adenhancement, therefore sin collar, male Yorkie field this wk $39ea lg pews, art & design books, Save on repairs & sales
Angels this wk $35ea Coins 1964 & Older
billable lines may be more than
what is visible to the reader.
(Frazzle) hair clipped
around head, due to prior
wound, pelo corto arrede-
Dodgers/Angels 6/13 fld $85ea
Dodgers/Yanks fld $189ea
Dimes - $1.03
Quarters - $2.57
Ethnic art & tile murals,
Latin American fine art
$100-$3000 (805) 901-2137
during the economy crisis.
Halfs - $5.15 with repairs in Vta County.
Announcements LAKERS
dor de cabeza ,10 lbs, VCS241842 Washers, Dryers, Heaters,
Dollars - $12.00 & up
13 yrs copper/anaranjado 204 Refrigerators, Ovens Gas &
blk/negro, around avenida C.C. $$ - cased $135
Electric, Microwaves
100-170 de los arboles/plantas,
wandered distance, scared
nr court only $595ea
Kobe MVP signs $8; 276-4095
Antiques And Coin Collections
Gold Coins - Call
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
GOLD HAS 35 Years Exp. Vta Co.
easily especially men Laker cards $9 VCS240378 Collectibles Gold Scrap
PASSED $1000 AN Victor 805-302-1866
please pick up gently, se Mexico Wanted Miguel 805-760-8267
asusta muy facil, dehy- DODGER Sterling Pieces OUNCE, HIGHEST VCS240375 For Kenmore
drates easily. needs ALL CASH Pocket Watches PAID CASH NOW! Washers &
SEASON SEATS Indian Baskets
LOGE 149, ROW F, 1-4. BUYING Free Appraisals
SCRAP GOLD, CHAINS, Dryers 10 years
mucha agua 24/7,
$200 per game. Credit All U.S. Silver, Gold AD
Cards ok 805-639-0794 and Copper Coins, 805-646-2631 BRACELETS, DIA-
REFRIGERATION or less. Working
VCS240664 Large & Small Collections. VCS241647 MONDS .25CT -10,00 CT
805-497-4950 805-277-7579 Foreign Coins Medals - PLUS, Uncirculated & REPAIR & SALES or not.I also pay
105 805-341-4747 VCS242093 Tokens Gold Jewelry Circulated Coins, Some
box 161, (3) tix for $150/ea Broken or unwanted Gold BUYING OLD BASEBALL Paid Over Gold Spot Refrigerators, walk-in for Whirlpool
LOST Prescription sunglass- Cards Top dollar paid! Prices, Gold Crowns.
es. Left a Luna’s Mexican game 6/25 vs Yankees Jewelry. Scrap Gold
& Silver Dental Gold Autographs, memorabilia, 4255 E. MAIN ST coolers, ice machines washers/dryers
Rest in Camarillo week of 805-444-7212 VCS242046 pre-’70’s only.Call today! VENTURA, CA etc. From $99.00.
LOST CAT on 6/2/10. Sterling Flatware
Telephone & Cachuma. Small
female, short hair, brownish
May 2. Would appreciate
their return 805-482-8243
Online Classifieds. Buy or Sell.
1211 Maricopa, Ojai
805-657-0533 VCS238539 805-650-0444 VCS241998 FREE ESTIMATES!
Will pick up dead 805-290-5310
gray w/black spots & stripes. 40 Years Buying BUYING ___________ refrigerators!
Green eyes, kinky tail.
805-698-9228 VCS242105 Online garage sale map.
Every Friday P.M.
Find new & used cars. 805-646-4904
VCS240672 PAID!
PASSED $1000 805-816-7169
VCS240704 & Dryer
Online garage sale map. Every Friday on quality photographs,
DOLLARS old Hollywood photographs, AN OUNCE
WE ARE LARGEST Affordable Repair at
autographs & posters,
old documents, old postage BUYERS OF SCRAP WASHER/DRYER an affordable

stamps & envelopes,
KENMORE price!
The Lighthouse

Lighthouse art, old Oriental antiques, BRACELETS,

old casino chips,
Indian baskets & rugs.
For Sale
WATCHES, SWISS $100-$150 ea cash NO house call to pay,
Top dollar paid.
I’ll buy 1 item or the WATCHES, GOLD BUZZ 984-2327 just flat rate repairs.
whole collection COINS, WE PAY UP TO
805-300-2308 VCS242005 SPOT PRICES, GOLD
---------- IF I DON’T FIX IT
FREE ads for the following categories: $ CASH $ FOR OLD

Guitars, Basses, Tube Amps CASH NOW TOP $$ “DEAD OR ALIVE” Best Price Around
• Pets – Free to good home • Motorcycles Musical Instruments, etc
805-981-7196 VCS239630
4255-18 E. MAIN ST
VENTURA CA 93003 FREE 7 days a week!
• Roommate Wanted • Merchandise 805-650-0444
Kenmore 805-290-5310

• Lost & Found • Miscellaneous Wanted $ CASH PAID $ NEXT TO HONEY
• Automobiles & Trucks Planning

AD FOR Repair/Sales
______ VCS240515
an Estate For appliance
or garage sale? BUYER of OLD COINS
Coin Collections
teacher $100 to $150
Maytag Dryers
All free ads are 20 WORD MAXIMUM.

FREE! 984-2327
Call Us-Get More Silver & Gold Coins Kenmore•Whirlpool
We come to you TOP $$$ PAID Washers & Dryers
I Buy Toy Trains
Paid classified advertising available for remaining Buying antiques & Old BB cards, Old Toys.
VCS241566 Free Estimates
categories and non-eligible personnel. fine estate items: Jeff 805-302-7104 VCS240632
Call Juan
The Lighthouse offers
fine jewelry and
costume jewelry, NEED CASH? Greatbuys 625-3132
Submissions: sterling flatware BUYING GOLD arecloserthan VCS240622
free classified ads for Submit your 20 WORD MAXIMUM free or paid classified
advertisements with your contact information including
& serving pieces,
perfume bottles,
Paying $16.50 per gram for
14 carat. 805-646-2631
youthink. APPLIANCES
figurines, Lladro,
property and personal phone and email via one of the following: furn & lots more SHOWCASES 1898 (3) Oak
Countertop & Lg Cathedral
Kenmore Ex Lg
Call Carol Now!
items offered by active 818-888-0677
Case $350-$1650 805-640-9948
798-0061 VCS241159
For Sale
$100-$150 ea cash
Fax: (805) 437-0466 Buzz
duty and retired military, Email:
Established 1984.
All of Conejo, Camarillo, VIOLINS,

civil service and dependent Tel: (800) 221-7827 (M-F 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
Vta County VCS240819 VIOLAS, CELLOS
Wanted in any cond. 984-2327
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mail: The Lighthouse Classifieds
personnel within Naval P.O. Box 6006, Camarillo, CA 93011 1978 1 oz. gold Krugerrand
VCS240061 Online Browse
Base Ventura County. Deadline:
1900 Lafayette dollar
1910 $5 gold piece. WANTED: Swords, Japanese garagesalemap a directory of regional new housing
1891 $5 gold piece. & Civil War, German
daggers, antique weapons,
everyFridayp.m. communities. Visit
All classified ads must be received by 5 p.m. 1910 $10 gold piece.
military. CASH. (818)992-4803
Wednesday a week prior to publication.
1876-S $20 gold piece.
Make offer. Cash only. VCS241146
Call 805-660-1037
and leave message Online Classifieds. Buy or Sell. garagesales
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––OOL TABLE
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
P pockets.
ather drop
Prof size, le and balls included.
20 Cues , rack
VCS123456 ––––––––
– "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827

207 207 212 219 221 229 233 233

Appliances Appliances Bicycles Cemetery Lots Commercial Farm Supplies/ Furniture/ Furniture/
Equipment Equipment Household Goods Household Goods
FRONT LOAD WASHER $60 - $700. 805-384-0183 stove, tables, dishwashers, AG TRACTOR, 107hp, 6 cyl Leather Platform Bed Orthopedic Pillowtop
Pierce Bros. Garden of
APPLIANCES Top of the line, large
Capacity. $500. 805-497-6012
Gethsemene Plot # 832 C
refrigerators, container
freezers, more $100-$2000
diesel, auto-tronic speed
shift, 16 spd, encl air condi- w/Thick Queen Mattress Set
WANTED VCS240966 & D $5,500 each or make
offer 805-498-8941
805-445-8400 VCS241940 tioned cab w/heater, low
hrs, xlnt cond, will deliver
Pillowtop Mattress
Never Used, in plastic, war-
Never used, still in plastic
w/warr retails $699, sell $160.
CASH PAID REFRIGERATOR Hotpoint 213 VCS240126 within 100 miles. $19,000 ranty. Retails $999, sell $365 805-830-3314
top freeze, wht, 4-5 yrs new, 805-407-7108 VCS241976
Washers/Dryers, clean, very good cond $175. Boutiques COMPANION LAWN Crypt 227 805-830-3314
Refrigerators plot 5-13 Conejo Mountain
805-671-9852 VCS241309 Memorial Park, today’s Exercise Equipment BEDS King & Full Queen.
10 years or less,
STOVES (2) O’Keefe & value $8000, will sell for $5000 233 BED California King
Dressers, Queen Futon Sofa,
working or NOT ARTS & CRAFTS bunk bed. $100-$250.
Merrit and Wedgewood,
Moving to Virginia
310-457-9343 VCS241942 BOWFLEX “Blaze” Only two Furniture/ Pillowtop Mattress Set 805-501-0951 VCS240586
FOR SALE both need work $300/each
805-648-1779 VCS241972 CONEJO MOUNTAIN
years old. Hardly used.
$650.00/obo. “Wavemaster”
Household Goods Never used, still in
Washers/Dryers Sun, June 13th, 10am-4pm.
Memorial Park, 2 prime punching bag, never used plastic w/warranty,
Refrigerators WASHER/DRYER Kenmore 30473 Mulholland Hwy.,
location plots. Santa Cruz #1, $75.00 805-415-9861 Affordable retails $899 sac $260! Tempurpedic Style
Agoura Hills. Queen Memory Foam
$300/pair. Refrigerator $175 Sectionals & Sofas
Starting at $125 All very good cond Handcrafted goods,
#148 G & H. Half Off Sale
$4000 ea or $7500 both OBO
Custom Sized 805-830-3314 Mattress Set
805-290-7327 805-671-9852 VCS241264 unique gifts, garden items,
jewelry and more!
805-671-5622. VCS241769 TREADMILL Pro Form
Sport 1200T, Style 5049201. Pottery Barn inspired styles
and more, local mfr show-
Brand new in plastic w/warr!
Retails $1199, Sell $345!!
VCS241189 Washer & Dryers 818-378-0138 VCS241854 Garden Of Gethsemane
Asking Price $349.
805-407-6250 room factory BED FULL SIZE 805-830-3314 VCS240525
COIN OP WASHER Guaranteed and/or in Pierce Brothers - WLV direct sectionals sized Orthopedic Pillowtop
real good condition. Repair $99 to $199 Plot 521, Spaces G & H TREADMILLS Display and by the inch with your COUCH & RECLINER Set,
Whirlpool. $250ea 805-525-2062 Must Sell for $7,000. Floor models, excellent measurements. Hard to Mattress Set Leather, beige, very good
482-4983 or 816-4081 Gary 215 Current value $12,290. condition, $250-$400 fit spaces our specialty Best Never used, still in plastic
w/warranty. Retails for $499
cond, $170/obo 805-499-3077
Bowen VCS239941 prices, quality & VCS241752
Building Materials 805-495-8038 VCS240724 (805)671-9852 VCS241267
selection. Sectionals from Sacrifice $150.
KitchenAide. Still in box, $799. 805-302-2138 805-830-3314 DINING ROOM SET Pecan,
27” stainless steel, HARDWOOD (Oak)
Online garage sale map. Find new & used cars. VCS242012 VCS241650 6 cane back chairs, table
convectional & conventional CALL 3/4” and 1/2” stock, various Every Friday P.M. w/2 leaves, 38 x 84. 2 tier
$2400/obo 818-889-7738 lengths, starting $1 lft obo Buy it. Sell it. Find it. Online Classifieds. Buy or Sell. china cabinet. $350.
VCS240990 800-221-STAR(7827) 805-583-3316 VCS241185 805-383-7914 VCS240446

The Lighthouse
Your Dodge Chrysler Jeep Dealer For All Of Ventura & Santa Barbara County
New 2010 Dodge
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Military Factory Dealer! DIRECT LINE:
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Crown Dodge Chrysler Jeep
RAM 805-639-8250
Open Every Day 9am - 9pm • Saturday Service
All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. Prices good through Sunday. All items subject to credit approval and prior sale. Sale prices exclude leases.
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––SSIC CAR ‘60
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
CLA int, new
ne, new pa
Rebuilt engi included, must sell.
stereo, dice
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 21

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
233 274 283 297 310 310 Financial 540
Furniture/ Medical Equipment Cats/Dogs Cats/Dogs Help Wanted
Household Goods & Supplies
Sporting Goods Wanted To Buy
Supplies/Services Supplies/Services 400-420
with our amazing items;
desks, copier, tables, art,
Pwr Chairs/Scooters $400
Edition Pool Table. Dark
mahogany, 110” x 60”W WE BUY old Long hair and 2 yr old
short hair Dapple, looking CORGI - AKC
1 Male Pup - Tri Color, shots,
Must have QBE AND MS
Ofc exp. incls invoicing, de-

couches, chairs, electron- Hospital Beds $375 collector’s item, sold for for a good home. We would dewormed. $650. 805-526-0321 posits, collections & filling.
ics & much more $100-$1000 Hoyer Lift/Sling $450 $10,000 new, with accessories love to keep them together, VCS240984 Fax resume+salary history
818-917-8331 VCS240442 Scooter Lifts $400 Sacrifice $2,195. 805-493-1599 Please call 805.857.1620 805-981-8697 VCS241345

Lift Chairs $350 VCS241377 VCS240243 POMERANIAN PUPPIES
LARGE Antique Oak Exec Walker/Commodes $30 Healthy & Adorable. 2 blk & AUTO BODY ESTIMATOR
Desk & Credenza. Both
pieces for $1,000. 805-482-2887
2038 N. Ventura Ave, Vta GOLF CART, newer
batteries & tires. Runs great. GOLDENDOODLE 2 blk/tan. 1F $600 & 3M $550. 403 Must be bilingual & have 5
805-797-5624 VCS240631
VCS241082 $950. 805-437-6578 PUPPIES
Parents on site. 1st shots & Businesses For Sale yrs exp & knowledge of

PRIDE CELEBRITY X VCS241722 dewormed. 805-643-6862 Pathways. Busy Oxn shop.
LOVESEAT SLEEPER Sin- Adorable, family raised, VCS242026 Benefits pkg. No phone
gle bed, still in plastic cov- 3 Wheel Scooter, 20 miles, dew claws, micro-
head/tail lights, flat-free •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• calls. Fax resume to:
er. Cost $799, sell for $189. chipped, OFA, CERF. POMERANIANS 2 adorable Tony’s Body Shop,
805-484-2223 VCS240662 tires, swivel adj seat,7 month Males & females, black, white-F. 1 blk/wht-Shih Zu & MOBILE MECHANIC 805-988-4532 VCS241480
factory warr, MSRP $2,797. CALL gold, light gold. Pom mix-F, 1 yr old.$400/obo BUSINESS
MOVING SALE Sacrifice $1450/obo. $800-$850 805-579-3885 Bulk of work is on boats.
Ballard Designs Dining Rm 805-797-5624 VCS240987 800-221-STAR(7827) VCS241781
805-354-4658 VCS241578
1984 IH Bus converted to AUTOMOTIVE
set & sideboard $700; two PUG Pups AKC Champagne WARRANTY
complete double beds $100; mobile shop outfitted with

GOLDEN RETRIEVER +Rare Blacks! Outstanding tools/equip.Great for ADMINISTRATOR
pub table & 4 chairs $200; 275 Puppies AKC registered, all 35 Champs/Pedigree, Simply mechanic with initiative;
Dressers $35-$50; Bakers
Rack $30; area rugs $25; Miscellaneous 289 shots, parents on site.$700ea. Exquisite! Social+Trained. established customer base. Neftin VW/Mazda in Thou-
805-358-1518 VCS241365 Local 20yrs exp. 2 Yr Money
French sofa table $30; For Sale Televisions/Video $80,000. OBO Call Ernie sand Oaks seeks exp’d War-

Back Guar.SALE!$975-1350 805-452-5982 ranty Administrator.
white wicker patio set GOLDEN For Photos Call 805-320-4834
$100; electric keyboard VCS241411 Family owned business w/
AQUARIUM RETRIEVER PUPS VCS242025 great hours, excellent com-
$30; small pet door-new in SAMSUNG 50” Plasma
70 gal salt water reef tank. AKC , shots, light blondes, pensation & benefits. Ter-
box $80; nightstands $25; Fish, corals, live rock, Hi-definition TV $600. Infinity QUEENLANDS HEELER
kathy Ireland Floor lamps
$35; TREADMILL $150
lights, skimmer, much
more. $699. 805-901-3110
tower speakers $150 All
work great. 805-558-5325
3 F, 1 M, $500 each, cash
only. 661-396-2722 VCS240972 Pups - Born 4/8, Avail 6/3.
2 Males. Tails docked. $250.
Employment rific work environment too.
Contact Mark Gupton at
818-706-1346 VCS242059
MOVING SALE Solid wood
VCS240594 VCS240992
Running or
úGolden Retriever Pupsú
$2000+ goldenmeadows
Santos 805-443-3471
VCS241389 500-585 or email resumé to:
antique buffet w/marble Boxes for moving 291 VCS241483
top. Cal King bed, like new
$250/obo. Solid wd 6 drawer only 75¢ each Tools/Gardening Not Running 805-532-2216 VCS241327 SHIHTZU ADORABLE AKC
PUPPIES, 8 weeks,
dresser w/3 pullouts for 250 used 805-487-2796 KITTENS (10) Tuxedo, black health guaranteed $600+
Auto Supplies & white. $40-$60 (4) 1 yr olds, 805-320-8244 VCS240127
The Lighthouse

sweaters $375. Entertain-

ment ctr for tv, etc, 6’x3; VCS240667 2 Black adolescents.
$300/obo. 8ft Sofa, beautiful
green, good cond, $150
$50, used only a couple of
805-625-0471 VCS240570 SHIH TZU PUPPIES
2 females, 1 male, beautiful VENTURA
805-484-8838 VCS240991 times; 24” Metal Fire Pit LAB PUPPIES colors. $450-$500. Ready now.
YOUR CAR with lid $25 (805) 488-6172
805-607-2141 or 805-640-1112.
Leave msg. VCS241104
We’ll buy your car Find new & used cars. VCS239903 Black, dew claws removed, Help Wanted Is looking for a
0273 running or not! 1st shots, dewormed, M & F
Can’t find the pink $500/ea. Parents on premises. Experienced
Jewelry/Clothing or registration? Pets & Supplies 805-525-7447 VCS241684 Blue & Chocolate Pt M/F,
Very friendly, 1st shots
$150 Cash. 805-494-1447
No problem!
To get the best
293 300-315 LAB PUPPIES Wht/Yellow
AKC/Pedigree, shots, VCS239918 Nunes Vegetables, Inc. Consultant
Dealer exp. required
Open Thurs thru Sun
Clothes, jewelry, books/etc. deal, call us first! Toys And Games dewormed, beautiful block
VIZSLA Outstanding Champs
Seeks person to supervise
Oxnard transplant opera-
heads. $600. 805-499-1979 or • High energy, positive
4160 Market #10, VTA 25¢- 213-700-3116 or 661-724-1588 VCS239711 OFA, training, 805-532-2216 tions, food safety inspec-
Deps. $1500 goldenmeadows tions, water sampling, work environment
up 805-485-8811 VCS241257 805-582-2515 • Great CSI a must
PROFESSIONAL LAB PUPS - AKC VCS241329 GPS mapping & invento- • Must be able to handle
______________ VCS240273 FOOSBALL TABLE 12 wks old, dewormed, 1st ry control. PC/Excel pro- any schedule
Yorkie Beautiful playful ficient. BS in Ag/related,
GOLD HAS _ Gibraltar _ shots, 1 blk-F, 1 ylw-M. $500 puppies. M/F priced from
DALLAS COWBOYS Brand 805-985-9337 VCS240460 Resume/salary req. Please apply in person
PASSED $1000 New Authentic Demarcus Good Time Novelty $650. Cavalier King Charles wrutledge@ Service Dept or E-mail
DOLLARS AN Ware Jersey, wht w/blue Great Condition, 310 LAB PUPS AKC papers.
Spaniels too. 805-320-1246 your resume to
letters & numbers sewn on.
OUNCE Paid over $250, will sacrifice 1 Man Goalie. Cats/Dogs M/F, Black, 1st shots, VCS241458 or Fax: 805-487-8274
6360 Auto Center Dr.,
WE ARE LARGEST Loc in Simi Valley.
$60. 805-646-6365 VCS241231 Supplies/Services dewormed/declawed.
Parents on site.661-618-5686 YORKIE PUPPIES Ventura, CA
GOLD, GOLD CHAINS, SECTIONAL Couch xlnt cond Pick Up ONLY! VCS241537
BRACELETS, $300. Tankless Waterheater $200obo. AMERICAN BULLDOG VCS241349 WITH AKC AND ACA Agriculture
DIAMONDS LARGE NKC Reg, Born 4/12, 5 M, Yorkie puppies, 10 weeks old. RANCH SUPERVISOR
never used, $350 Hospital TEXT MSG’s MALTESE PUPS AKC Born 03-10-2010. 3 very little Auto
DIAMONDS, ROLEX bed w/new foam pad $150. 4 F, shots, $595 805-890-7197 Nunes Vegetables, Inc.
Shots, health guaranteed, females $1100. 805-443-4673
WATCHES, SWISS All obo 805-498-1088 Only Please VCS241292
trained, gorgeous baby doll
Seeks person to supervise WE’RE GROWING!
VCS240339 Oxnard transplant opera- Simi Valley Ford has sev-
VCS241715 805-587-5741 BLUE PITBULL (grey) 4 mo faces. $700+. 805-320-8244
tions, food safety inspec- eral exciting opportu-
SPOT PRICES, GOLD WE PICK UP & RECYCLE VCS240663 F, great bone structure, all tions, water sampling, nities to join our dynamic
CROWNS, SILVER all Major Appliances. shots, very friendly. $275/obo MALTESE PUPS CKC Reg. 315 GPS mapping & invento- sales team. If you are
Help Save our Planet. 805-223-4986 VCS241277 ry control. PC/Excel pro- friendly, highly-motivat-
Call 805-671-9569 VCS241265
Born 5/7. 3 F, $1000 ea; 2 M Horses/Livestock ficient. BS in Ag/related, ed & customer-oriented,
297 CATS & KITTENS $125 Sat
$900 eac. Non shedding, sm
size. Call 805-824-3615 Miscellaneous Resume/salary req. apply online at:
4255-18 E. MAIN ST
Find a home. Wanted To Buy & Sun 11-5@ PetCo in CAM,
PT HUE, Market/Donlon,
or call Jim or Ken @
805-650-0444 VTA 805-485-8811 VCS241726 MINI SCHNAUZERS AKC Holland Lops, Blue & Silver or Fax: 805-487-8274 805.583.0333 We offer
MAIN & TELEPHONE I BUY HIGH-END blk/silver, females/males, $35-$40. Lion Heads, Choco- VCS240771 health care, paid vaca-
Next to Honey Baked RANGES & CHIHUAHUAS CKC, 10 wks. Family raised. $750. late, Blk Marten, Siamese, tion, 401K & commission
Ham Firehouse Plaza REFRIGERATORS, Purebred, 2 Males, 661-947-3537 VCS241567 White, Soft Gray $45-$50 up to 35% No exp nec.
Thursday, June 10, 2010

______________ 805-671-9569 VCS241266 White/Black, Brown $400. 805-649-3692 VCS240306 VCS242072

805-443-0015 VCS241428 ______________ MAINTENANCE
magazines, paper ephemera, Large, quality Oxnard com-
274 Pool/Spa Supplies movie/comics/sports pure bred, 4 F-3 tan, 1 blk, Health Guarantee.
munity requires exp. Main- Selectyouroptions.
memorabilia, libraries, loan calculator to project monthly tenance Tech. Some office
10 wks, tails off $200 Maria Black/Silver & Salt/Pepper.
Medical Equipment posters, old toys, etc. 805-890-6659 VCS240627 Cute pups and payments. Visit
work req’d. F/T. Sala-
ry/Apartment/benefits. FAX
& Supplies Deluxe 2010 Model.
Carl 818-889-3599
Great personalities! Reply to 805-644-2853 ormodel.
Neck jets, therapy seat, CORGI PUPPIES 7 weeks ONLY $550. Ready on 6/11. VCS241574
ELECTRIC LIFT AND/OR warr, never used, can METAL - WE PICK UP old, purebred, parents on Now Taking Deposits. Locatelocaldealers.
MOBILITY SCOOTER FOR deliver, worth $5950, AND PAY YOU FOR YOUR premise, 3 M, 5 F, $500 ea 805-484-4050 Leave msg
YOUR VAN. $475 & $700 will sell $1950 818-785-9043 SCRAP METAL. CALL 805-933-2212 or 805-889-9493 _______________ Local online classifieds.
805-320-2065 VCS240377 VCS241892 805-643-HAUL VCS241147 VCS241687 VCS241341
VCS1234 56 –––––––
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ainless stl,
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22 water an
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(800) 221-7827

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Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

FISCAL Healthcare Amgen Inc. has an opportu- BUSINESS SYSTEM ANA-
Duda Farm Fresh Foods, EXP’D HEAVY EQUIP Thomas Aquinas College is
seeking a qualified donor OPERATIONS VITAS nity for a Principal IS Ar-
chitect. Reqs: Master¹s &
LYST Candidate analyzes,
supports, and manages en-
Inc., a leading grower OPS / LABORERS &
shipper of fresh fruits and BRIDGE CONCRETE database assistant. The da- INTERN Innovative 10 yrs exp; & exp w/ 21CFR hancements for current
tabase assistant is respon- Part 11 reqs related to drug software applications; as-
vegetables, has an opening
for a Cost Accountant for
For Prevailing wage jobs in sible for entering and
Flexible Work Schedule
15-20 hours per week
Hospice Care dev/manufacturing; exp sists in the acquisition and
the fresh cut operations at Carpinteria and Oxnard. maintaining data in The $15 per hour with DB, OS, data model- implementations of comput-
their Oxnard facility. This Raiser’s Edge donor data- Vitas, the nation’s lead- ing, architecture & design er application systems as
Offering Pension and Seeking an energetic, de- ing hospice provider is
position requires a solid un- Health Benefits. Pre-em- base. Duties include: tail oriented, team player patterns; life sciences & directed by management;
derstanding of cost account- • Entering accurate dona- seeking individuals to drug research business pro- and performs other related
ploy drug testing & back- with good organizational serve patients in Cama-
ing fundamentals. ground check required, tion data and issuing proper skills to assist the Fi- • RN, Home Health, FT, cesses. Job site: Thousand duties as required.
Applicants must be able to thank you letters and re- rillo, CA Oaks, CA. Reference # Bachelor’s Degree or
EOE. Fax resume and or nance Department with Oxnard, bilingual
compile raw data and pro- app. to 805-226-4021 ceipts in a timely manner. current workload de- • RN evening and/or 5V7NVS & submit resume equivalent or 3 or more
duce cost accounting re- For application go to: • Verifying gifts for match- mands. Requires high Team Manager weekend to Global Mobility, Amgen years experience in Health-
ports (daily, weekly, ing programs and contact- school diploma, strong Admission Nurse • RN, WOCN, per diem Inc., One Amgen Center care. Three to five years of
period), provide ongoing or email to: ing donors as needed. Drive, MS 19-1-A, Thousand experience working with
analytical support by cap- • Assisting the database
data entry skills, and ex- After Hours Nurse • PT, per diem Oaks, CA 91320. No phone Hospital Information Sys-
perience with Microsoft • OT, per diem
turing accurate costs and WHITAKER manager in maintaining an Excel & Word. LVN Continuous • HR Assistant, FT calls or e-mails please. tems, supporting applica-
streamline and improve accurate database. Care Nurse Must be legally authorized tion software, analyzing
cost analysis practices for CONSTRUCTION • Providing administrative to work in the U.S. without business problems and / or
the fresh cut operation. The VCS241374 support for development
Apply by 12 pm, June 10, Continuous Care Call Eli 805-642-0239 sponsorship. EOE. project management
2010. Ventura Regional Fax resume: 805-650-1536
successful candidate will projects and events. Sanitation District, 1001 Hospice Aide 1996 Eastman Ave #101 VCS241276 Specialized knowledge of in-
have an accounting degree CONSTRUCTION SALES Prior database experience Partridge Drive, Room Ventura, CA 93003 tegrated hospital systems.
with a minimum of 3 years Exp in sales & construction is preferred. 100, Ventura; visit Volunteer opportunities Information Systems Knowledge of analysis, de-
Please send your resume available. Excellent bene- VCS240826 BUSINESS SYSTEM ANA- bugging and standard pro-
experience in cost account- for residential & commer-; or call
ing in the food sector, pref- cial. Pools, concrete, ma- with applicable exp to: 805-658-4663 (recording). fits & paid time off. For LYST Candidate analyzes, ject management tools.
sonry, houses, landscaping, personnel@ more information call Hotel supports, and manages en- Full-Time position avail.
erably in a fresh-cut VCS241891
produce environment. etc. Call 805-732-7019 866-778-4827 or forward NIGHT AUDITOR hancements for current CMHS offers excellent
Strong communication and VCS241770 or mail to: your resume to: Apply in person software applications; as- benefits, such as Medical,
organizational skills are re-
quired and a full under- Customer service/sales
Attn: Personnel
Thomas Aquinas College FISCAL Best Western
Thousand Oaks Inn
sists in the acquisition and
implementations of comput-
Dental, Vision, Life, and
AD&D insurance. We also
standing of Microsoft 10,000 Ojai Rd. OPERATIONS 75 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd er application systems as offer a comprehensive
applications. EOE
Send resumes to:
$16.00 BASE-APPT
No experience necessary,
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Flexible Work Schedule
Innovative Hospice Care
805-496-0563 VCS241938
directed by management;
and performs other related
duties as required.
403(b) retirement plan,
flexible spending accounts,
paid time off, and a variety training provided. Condi- 15-20 hours per week Amgen Inc. has an opportu- Bachelor’s Degree or of other great benefits.

The Lighthouse
tions apply. Call today. $15 per hour nity for a Principal IS Ar- equivalent or 3 or more
Duda Farm Fresh Foods If you are interested in join-
860 Pacific Avenue Ventura 805-650-0025 Seeking an energetic, de- EOE/AA/M/F/D/V chitect. Reqs: Master¹s & years experience in Health- ing teams that meld quality
Oxnard, CA 93030 1000 Oaks 805-418-1754 tail oriented, team player Drug-Free Workplace 10 yrs exp; & exp w/ 21CFR care. Three to five years of care and compassion to
Attn: Manuel Alcala, West
Coast Harvest Ops/HR Mgr.
Simi Valley 805-306-1998
findingyour with good organizational
skills to assist the Fi-
nance Department with
VCS241642 Part 11 reqs related to drug
dev/manufacturing; exp
experience working with
Hospital Information Sys-
create an environment of
excellence, please take a
nextcar. current workload
mands. Requires high
de- Healthcare with DB, OS, data model-
ing, architecture & design
patterns; life sciences &
tems, supporting applica-
tion software, analyzing
business problems and / or
moment to discover more
about what it’s like to work
at Community Memorial
TECHNICIAN Duties: Re- school diploma, strong drug research business pro- project management. Health System.
HAIRSTYLISTS sponds to all computer and data entry skills, and ex- cesses. Job site: Thousand Specialized knowledge of in-
Willing to work Mon-Sat. computer network related perience with Microsoft Oaks, CA. Reference # tegrated hospital systems.
For more info call Julie To apply go to:
technical matters. Evalu- Excel & Word. 5V7NVS & submit resume Knowledge of analysis, de-
805-981-4708 or 486-8100 ates, recommends, and im- to Global Mobility, Amgen bugging and standard pro- CMHS is an EOE.
plements various high Education/Social Services Apply by 12 pm, June 10, Inc., One Amgen Center ject management tools. VCS240766
VCS241711 quality software and hard- (Preschool) 2010. Ventura Regional Drive, MS 19-1-A, Thousand Full-Time position
Sanitation District, 1001
Find a home.
ware solutions to meet user FAMILY Oaks, CA 91320. No phone available.
needs. Performs a variety Partridge Drive, Room calls or e-mails please. CMHS offers excellent of technical tasks in the di- SERVICES 100, Ventura; visit • RN, Home Health, FT, Must be legally authorized benefits, such as Medical,
agnosis, repair, mainte- SPECIALIST; or call Oxnard, bilingual to work in the U.S. without Dental, Vision, Life, and CALL
• RN, per diem, East
Must have computer
nance and installation of
computers and remote job
$12.80 - $17.76 805-658-4663 (recording).
VCS241379 County. sponsorship. EOE.
AD&D insurance. We also
offer a comprehensive
• RN evening and/or
experience. F/T w/benefits. entry stations. Inspects SITE SUPERVISOR weekend 403(b) retirement plan,
Pay DOE. Fax resume malfunctioning computer or
Find a home. INFORMATION SYSTEMS flexible spending accounts,
$2,643 - $3,887month • RN, WOCN, per diem
805-652-1151 or email components; analyzes Amgen Inc. has an opportu- paid time off, and a variety cause and plans repair pro- • PT, per diem nity for a Principal IS Ar- of other great benefits.
VCS241238 cedures, and establishes a • OT, per diem chitect. Reqs: Master¹s & If you are interested in join-
schedule of preventive $12.07 - $20.57 • HR Assistant, FT 10 yrs exp; & exp w/ 21CFR ing teams that meld quality
CAREGIVERS $250 Sign On maintenance to ensure opti- Part 11 reqs related to drug care and compassion to
Bonus! Start $8.50/hr. WE mum performance of equip- HOME BASED Call Eli 805-642-0239 dev/manufacturing; exp create an environment of
TRAIN. Apply in person Fax resume: 805-650-1536 with DB, OS, data model-
only Mound Guest Home,
ment. TEACHER General 1996 Eastman Ave #101 excellence, please take a
Requirements: Graduation $12.80 - $17.76 ing, architecture & design moment to discover more
5430 Telegraph Rd, Vta from High School or GED, Medication Tech Ventura, CA 93003 patterns; life sciences & about what it’s like to work
VCS241175 supplemented by vocation- Dining Room Staff VCS241596 drug research business pro- at Community Memorial
al/specialized training in ASSISTANT cesses. Job site: Thousand Health System.
CLINICAL LAB SCIEN- TEACHER Dishwashers Oaks, CA. Reference #
TIST Must have current CA computer systems. A+ and Looking for work that To apply go to:

Network + certification re- $9.94 - $13.51 makes a difference in the 5V7NVS & submit resume
CLS License; Recent expe- to Global Mobility, Amgen
rience in all areas of the quired. Associate in Sci- BUS DRIVER lives of seniors? Atria CMHS is an EOE.
ence/Arts degree preferred. (Preschool) $13.16 - $18.62 Hillcrest is hiring part time Inc., One Amgen Center VCS241594

Lab Minimum of one to two Drive, MS 19-1-A, Thousand
(2) Per-Diem Positions medication technicians, din-
years experience in com- Oaks, CA 91320. No phone
Available COOK ing room staff & dishwash-
If you are interested in join- puter and local area net-
work in a health care $10.95 - $15.65 ers Call 805-373-0606 or calls or e-mails please.
Must be legally authorized
Find new & used cars.
ing teams that meld quality apply in person at 405
related environment. Mini- Hodencamp Rd, Thousand to work in the U.S. without
care and compassion to mum of three years experi- ASSIST. COOK sponsorship. EOE.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Oaks, CA VCS241524

create an environment of ence with computer $9.41 - $12.68 VCS241354
excellence, please take a network design, network

moment to discover more
protocols, computers, in- X’lnt Benefits. Apply by

about what it’s like to work

stallation and management. 6/30/10. CDR, 221 Ventura
at Community Memorial
Health System. CMHS offers competitive
benefits, including Medical,
Blvd. Oxnard,
485-7878. AA/EEOE
stories and features about new housing
yourcar. Findusedcars.
CMHS is an equal employ-

Dental, Vision, Life Insu- VCS241837 communities. Visit
ment opportunity employer. rance, and Retirement
To see all job opportunities Plan.
To apply go to:
Create your own ad online Findadealer.
at CMHS go to:
CMHS is an EOE.
CMHS is an EOE. VCS240759 800-221-STAR(7827) 800-221-STAR (7827) 800-221-STAR (7827)
VCS1234 56 –––––––
–––––––– ard Office
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Oxn ception
r lease, re
1300 sqft fo,Avail now.
VCS123456 – "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 23

professional services
Relax. Let a pro do it.

“California law requires that
contractors taking jobs that
Carpet Repair Construction Electrical Gardening Handypersons Hauling House Cleaning
total $499 or more (labor and
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tors include their license num-
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Ca Lic 835604 Services • Room Additions
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Air Conditioning/ Data Recovery. 12 yrs exp Residential & Comm’l pruning, removal, shrub &
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The Lighthouse

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EXPERIENCE Block Walls, BBQ. Stamped Moldings. Wholesale Prices. Wood Fences & Gates. New
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

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To advertise (800) 221-7827

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Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Paint & Drywall Specialist
Construction SPRINKLER SVC
*New Installations
Temporary positions at our
Apartment owner seeks li-
censed Electricians, Plum-
GIFTS Duties: Reporting
to the Director of Develop-
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•Lath/Stucco, Restucco
• Int Plaster, Drywall *Repairs ABATEMENT Centers for Family Health
from 05/2010 - 11/2010
Clinical Nurse Educator
collaborates with nursing
bers, Contractors for ment, the Manager, Major
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Removal •Retexture •Int/Ext *Trouble Shooting Brush Clearing maintenance work.
• Block Walls • Cement Job Location: Locations staff and department man- Fax resume to 310-314-4894 and evaluates donor culti-
Painting •Ind/Res/Comml Work • Repairs *System Tune-Up Tree Service vary CFH Saviers, CFH agement and physicians to vation, fundraising and ste-
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lic #579047 VCS239446 (805)604-4801 or (805)377-8513 VCS242146 and county codes. Essential Duties and Re- employees. Assesses the MANAGER, MAJOR seven-figure gifts. Manag-
Lic#703539 VCS240684 Guaranteed to pass Fire sponsibilities include the continuing education needs GIFTS Duties: Reporting es a caseload of up to 150 in
ANGELO LORENZO BOBLETT’S Department inspection. following. Other duties may that requirements of the to the Director of Develop- various stages of develop-
FREE Estimates! be assigned. 1. Obtains all staff as reflected in techno- ment, the Manager, Major ment. Works with donors
Custom Painting SPRINKLER SVC Lic’d, Bonded & Insured Gifts organizes, manages
•Residential•Comml Plumbing *New Installations
required specimens from
inpatients and outpatients
logical development, chang-
ing licensure requirements, and evaluates donor culti-
and professionals to bring
planned gifts to closure.
•Repaints *Repairs vation, fundraising and ste-
of all ages. Patient safety standards of nursing prac- For the $25 million capital
•Remodel/New Construction
*Trouble Shooting
*System Tune-Up
805-584-3930 and identification protocols tice, and revisions in poli- wardship activities for campaign, works with tar-
Call for FREE Estimate Lic#817027 VCS241555 kept in high priority. Main- cies or procedures. Initiates donors able to give five to get groups that specifically
(805) 581-0268 ACROWN 805-804-7785 VCS239232 tains a safe work environ- planned change and evalu- seven-figure gifts. Manag- include board members,
ment in assigned area. ate the outcomes to im- es a caseload of up to 150 in employees, physicians, and
Lic#465487/Insd VCS239658 PLUMBING 2. Maintains supplies. prove quality of patient various stages of develop- the community of Ventura
Drain Clean/Repair. Leak ment. Works with donors
Repair. Fixture Install. Water Bill too High? 3. Processes patient speci- care through conscious, de- County. As a key member
PAINTING mens including registration, liberate collaborative ef- and professionals to bring of the capital campaign
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Call K & S
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implementation of hospital
policy, procedure and phi-
For the $25 million capital
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committee work and shares
in responsibility for cam-
Comm’l & Residential
Interior & Exterior Lic #921281 VCS240670
We Assess & Repair, Modify
& Install Sprinklers & Low research& Education and/or Experi-
ence: High school diploma
Requires a valid CA RN Li-
get groups that specifically
include board members,
paign success. Responsible
for the development of ma-
Free Estimates!
Quality @ Reasonable Rates $75.00 MAIN LINE
Voltage Lights. Design &
Trouble Shoot VCS241590 resources. with valid phlebotomy li-
cense (CPT-I); and 3 to 6
month related experienced
cense and Bachelor’s De-
gree in Nursing, Master’s
Degree preferred. Must
employees, physicians, and
the community of Ventura
County. As a key member
jor gifts policies and proce-
Requirements: Minimum,
805-647-4900 CLEANING required. have a current BLS and of the capital campaign Bachelor’s Degree; CFRE
Insured/Lic635809 VCS241944 team, supports campaign
If you are interested in join- ACLS certification. A mini- preferred. Minimum five
AM PM Rooter & Plumbing ing teams that meld quality mum of five years of clini- committee work and shares years experience required
TONY’S All Plumbing Repairs. care and compassion to cal Critical Care in responsibility for cam- specifically in major gifts
PAINTING (805)890-6524 create an environment of
excellence, please take a
experience. Previous expe-
riences as an Educator re-
paign success. Responsible
for the development of ma-
development; demonstrated
skills in cultivation, solicita-
Lic #563479 VCS241902

The Lighthouse
_Commercial/Residential moment to discover more quired. Excellent verbal jor gifts policies and proce- tion and stewardship of ma-
_Intr/Ext_Pressure Wash about what it’s like to work and written communication dures. jor gift donors; experience
_Stucco Repair_Good Prep at Community Memorial skills. Must attend a mini- Requirements: Minimum, in conducting moves man-
_Free Estimates_Low cost Roofing Tree Services Health System. mum of 16 hours of continu- Bachelor’s Degree; CFRE agement and develop-
To apply go to: ing education annually preferred. Minimum five ing/implementing
805-388-7014 Weed Abatement whose content focuses on years experience required stewardship program; a
or 805-816-0645 CMHS is an EOE. the Critical Care patient. specifically in major gifts proven track record of in-
Insured/Lic777200 VCS241866 VCS240742 CMHS offers excellent development; demonstrated creasing, personal success
benefits, such as Medical, skills in cultivation, solicita-
tion and stewardship of ma-
in generating major gifts.
Dental, Vision, Life, and Campaign experience pre-
ROOFING •Trimming•Removal Katsuda’s Landscape Find new & used cars. AD&D insurance. We also jor gift donors; experience ferred. Must be competent
Painting All Types of Roofing
Residential & Commercial
•Stumps •Firewood
Free Estimates, Pymt Maintenance offer a comprehensive in conducting moves man-
agement and develop-
in donor database, pref-
Specializing in Weed abate- 403(b) retirement plan, erably Raiser’s Edge.
20 Yrs Exp. Free Estimates Options Avail. 20 Yrs Exp. ment, Fire Preparedness, flexible spending accounts, ing/implementing CMHS offers excellent
24 Hr Emergency Svc paid time off, and a variety stewardship program; a benefits, such as Medical,
805-807-5550 805-532-1710
Vegetation Trimming &
Removal. Experienced, of other great benefits. proven track record of in- Dental, Vision, Life, and
_ DISCOUNT RATES _ LIC#887458 VCS239530 creasing, personal success
licd & insured VCS241232 Honest and Reasonable To apply go to: AD&D insurance. We also
• Painting $75 rm in generating major gifts. offer a comprehensive
• Complete Exterior Lic # VC089196805 805-205-0328 Campaign experience pre-
CMHS is an EOE. 403(b) retirement plan,
$950 - $1,050 Gold Coast Tree VCS241350
a directory of regional new housing VCS241603 ferred. Must be competent flexible spending accounts,
• Drywall Repair $50 - $150 ALL PHASES in donor database, pref- paid time off, and a variety
• Acoustic Removal $250 rm communities. Visit MACHINIST/Programmer erably Raiser’s Edge. of other great benefits.
• Spray Texture $150 rm Starting position, will be- CMHS offers excellent If you are interested in join-
• Pressure Wash $250 home come CNC department benefits, such as Medical, ing teams that meld quality
KEN 805-212-6739 Mgr. Student w/program- Dental, Vision, Life, and care and compassion to
VCS239456 RELIABLE ming training acceptable. AD&D insurance. We also create an environment of
Trimming, Shaping, Stump & 805-525-2171 offer a comprehensive excellence, please take a
EXCELLENZ PAINTING ROOFING Tree Removal, Dangerous/ VCS241078 403(b) retirement plan, moment to discover more
Interior & Exterior Since 1989 Hazardous Tree Removal. flexible spending accounts, about what it’s like to work
Acoustic & Wallpaper • All Types of Brush Fire Danger Clear- paid time off, and a variety at Community Memorial
removal. Can do handyman
work. Lowest Prices!
Roofing & Repairs
• Inspections &
ance. Free Estimates
805-578-6500 or
Rolling hills of other great benefits.
If you are interested in join-
Health System.
To apply go to:
Call Pedro 805-223-9384 Insurance Work
come right to the ing teams that meld quality
Lic #877-858 VCS240835 Kenneth Stoer backyard care and compassion to CMHS is an EOE.
805-373-7354 create an environment of VCS240746 630 Maple Court, Fillmore excellence, please take a
Lic # 603396 VCS241113 moment to discover more
LOW COST $380,000
Interior/Exterior about what it’s like to work
Residential/Comml TREE REMOVAL at Community Memorial
Health System.
Wallpaper Removal Screens • Expert Trimming
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Wall Texturing • Yuccas & Shrubs Selectyouroptions.
(805)987-6647 • Free Estimates CMHS is an EOE.
VCS241508 Searchbymake

Thursday, June 10, 2010


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Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Medical Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing

parts for use on Harley Clinical Nurse Educator the Chief Nursing Officer, - PER DIEM An opportu- An opportunity for a Per OVCH Must have current available in our Emergency
Davidson Motorcycles collaborates with nursing the Director of Nursing nity for a Per Diem Pallia- Diem Palliative Care Clini- CA RN License; Current Department (2 Full Time
MED3OOO, a leader in staff and department man- Med/Surg is responsible for tive Care Clinical cal Coordinator position. CPR, ACLS. night shift and 1 Per Diem
QUALITY healthcare management agement and physicians to leading patient care on a Coordinator position. This This position provides di- One Full-Time Position any shift).
and information technolo- formulate objectives based busy 44 bed unit. Must dem- position provides direct pa- rect patient care to pallia- Available (72 hrs a pay pe- Duties: Render professional
INSPECTOR on the learning needs of all onstrate knowledge of tient care to palliative care tive care patients through riod) nursing care to Emergency
Precision measurement gy, advances the perfor- employees. Assesses the medical-legal and regulato- patients through the consult the consult service, in col- Night Shift (7:00pm - Department Patients in
of machined parts. Sur- mance of medical group continuing education needs ry requirements. Must service, in collaboration laboration with and under 7:00am) support of medical care as
face plate exp. req. CMM practices and physician that requirements of the have strong customer ser- with and under direction of direction of the Palliative Ojai Valley Community directed by medical staff
preferred. networks. We are seek- staff as reflected in techno- vice skills, be detail orient- the Palliative Care Service Care Service Medical Di- Hospital offers excellent and pursuant to objectives
ing the following experi- logical development, chang- ed and have good computer Medical Director. It is coor- rector. Coordinates the pal- benefits, such as Medical, and policies of the hospital.
GREAT BENEFITS enced candidates for our ing licensure requirements, skills. Must have commit- dinator of the palliative liative care services team, Dental, Vision, Life, and Coordinates patient care
Oxnard office: standards of nursing prac- ment to the advancement of care services team, ensur- ensuring excellent patient AD&D insurance. We also planning with other hospital
CLAIMS tice, and revisions in poli- Nursing practice and the ing excellent patient care care services, coordinating offer a comprehensive Re- disciplines. Reports to the
cies or procedures. Initiates Nursing profession. Must services, coordinating edu- educational and outreach tirement plan, flexible Department Manager and
Fax: 805-482-7422 EXAMINER: planned change and evalu- possess great interpersonal cational and outreach ser- services, leading quality spending accounts, paid interfaces with RN IV, De-
555 Dawson Drive Responsible for time- ate the outcomes to im- communication skills relat- vices, leading quality improvement initiatives time off, and a variety of partment Educator.
Camarillo, CA 93010 ly/accurate adjudication prove quality of patient ed to knowledge of improvement initiatives and linking team efforts other great benefits. Education and/or Experi-
VCS241626 of complex medical care through conscious, de- group/system dynamics, and linking team efforts with other hospital depart- If you are interested in join- ence
claims in high production liberate collaborative ef- commitment to staff educa- with other hospital depart- ments and with outpatient ing teams that meld quality ADN or BSN or equivalent
environment; maintains fort. Promotes appropriate tion and development. ments and with outpatient and community services. care and compassion to from two-year college and
Manufacturing knowledge of health plan implementation of hospital Requires a valid CA RN Li- and community services. Ensures compliance with create an environment of minimum of 1yr of Emer-
TEST contracts, benefit cover-
age, and reimbursement
policy, procedure and phi- cense, Bachelor’s Degree in Ensures compliance with legal, regulatory, and clini- excellence, please take a gency Room experience.
losophies. Nursing (Master’s pre- legal, regulatory, and clini- cal policies and procedures. moment to discover more Certificates, Licenses, Reg-
TECHNICIAN rates. Requires a valid CA RN Li- ferred), Experience in cal policies and procedures. QUALIFICATIONS: Will about what it’s like to work istrations
Manufacturer of aero- cense and Bachelor’s De- Med/Surg and/or Teleme- QUALIFICATIONS: Will consider Advanced Practice at Community Memorial Current CA RN License -
space motors and starter Position Requirements: gree in Nursing, Master’s try, and 3-5 years of Nurs- consider Advanced Practice RN or RN. Appropriate li- Health System. Current BLS, ACLS and
generators in Camarillo, HSD req. Minimum 2-3 Degree preferred. Must ing management RN or RN. Appropriate li- censure & credentialing, 2+ PALS certifications are re-
seeks exp. test tech to years exp. as medical have a current BLS and experience. Must have ex- censure & credentialing, 2+ years of direct patient care To apply go to: quired.
perform production elec- claims examiner in an ACLS certification. A mini- pertise in budget develop- years of direct patient care required. EPEC and EL- CMHS offers excellent
trical testing. 3 to 5 yrs. HMO, MCO, MSO, IPA or mum of five years of clini- ment, performance required. EPEC and EL- NEC training preferred. CMHS is an EOE. benefits, such as Medical,
Exp. and AA degree pre- medical group environ- cal Critical Care improvement initiatives, NEC training preferred. Palliative Care experience VCS240810 Dental, Vision, Life, and
ferred. Local candidates ment; expertise in adju- experience. Previous expe- leadership and staff devel- Palliative Care experience preferred. AD&D insurance. We also
only. EEO employer dication of complex riences as an Educator re- opment. National certifica- preferred. Must have current CA RN Nursing offer a comprehensive
The Lighthouse claims is a MUST; strong quired. Excellent verbal tion in Nursing Must have current CA RN license and current BLS. RN, EMERGENCY DEPT 403(b) retirement plan,
VCS241387 working knowledge of and written communication Administration is pre- license and current BLS. If you are interested in join- Full Time 12 hour shifts, flexible spending accounts,
HMO contractual pay- skills. Must attend a mini- ferred. If you are interested in join- ing teams that provides 3pm - 3am (2 positions paid time off, and a variety
Medical Assistant ment methodology, CPT, mum of 16 hours of continu- CMHS offers excellent ing teams that provides quality care and compas- available), 7pm - 7am of other great benefits.
CLINICAL TECHNICIAN ICD-9 coding and medical ing education annually benefits, such as Medical, quality care and compas- sion to create an environ- (1 position available). If you are interested in join-
Center for Family Health - terminology; EZCAP or whose content focuses on Dental, Vision, Life, and sion to create an environ- ment of excellence, please ing teams that meld quality
Ashwood (Ventura, CA) Facets exp. strongly pre- the Critical Care patient. AD&D insurance. We also ment of excellence, please take a moment to discover Education and/or Experi- care and compassion to
To provide safe, efficient, ferred. CMHS offers excellent offer a comprehensive take a moment to discover more about what it’s like to ence: ADN or BSN or create an environment of
and therapeutic patient MED3OOO offers com- benefits, such as Medical, 403(b) retirement plan, more about what it’s like to work at Community Memo- equivalent from two-year excellence, please take a
care services under the su- petitive compensation Dental, Vision, Life, and flexible spending accounts, work at Community Memo- rial Health System. college and minimum of 1yr moment to discover more
pervision and direction of a and benefits. AD&D insurance. We also paid time off, and a variety rial Health System. To apply go to: of Emergency Room exp. about what it’s like to work
licensed physician and E-mail qualified resumes offer a comprehensive of other great benefits. Certificates, Licenses, Reg- at Community Memorial
nurse in performing various West_HumanResources@ 403(b) retirement plan, If you are interested in join- To apply go to: CMHS is an EOE. istrations: Current CA RN Health System.
duties. Has completed the flexible spending accounts, ing a team that provides VCS241636 License - Current BLS, To apply go to:
training and competencies VCS240630 paid time off, and a variety quality care and compas- CMHS is an EOE. ACLS and PALS certifica-
for medical technician in of other great benefits. sion to create an environ- VCS240807 Nursing tions are required. CMHS is an EOE.
performing the routine ment of excellence, please REGISTERED NURSE - CMHS offers excellent VCS241506
tasks needed to care for the Search for available jobs. To apply go to: take a moment to discover INTENSIVE CARE UNIT - benefits, such as Medical,
clinic patients. more about what it’s like to OVCH Must have current Dental, Vision, Life, and Local online classifieds.
REQUIREMENTS: One CMHS is an EOE. work at Community Memo- Call 800-221-STAR(7827) CA RN License; Current AD&D insurance. We also
year certificate from col- VCS240791 rial Health System. CPR, ACLS. offer a comprehensive
lege or technical school. Please submit your resume One Full-Time Position 403(b) retirement plan,
6-12 months previous medi- Available (72 hrs a pay pe- flexible spending accounts,

to Human Resources by
cal office experience pre- fax/email to: (805) 585-3079; riod) paid time off, and a variety
ferred. Current Phlebotomy
certificate, CPR - Health Greatbuys
w e b s i t e :
Night Shift (7:00pm -
of other great benefits.
If you are interested in join-
Care Provider and Medical
Technician certificate. arecloserthan Ojai Valley Community
Hospital offers excellent
ing teams that meld quality
care and compassion to
To apply go to:
Must have excellent inter- benefits, such as Medical, create an environment of
personal skills and excel-

CMHS is an EOE. Dental, Vision, Life, and excellence, please take a

lend customer service VCS241655 AD&D insurance. We also moment to discover more
skills. Bilingual preferred. offer a comprehensive Re- about what it’s like to work
CMHS offers excellent tirement plan, flexible at Community Memorial
benefits, such as Medical, spending accounts, paid Health System.

Dental, Vision, Life, and
AD&D insurance. We also
time off, and a variety of
other great benefits.
To apply go to:
stories and features
a comprehensive
retirement plan,
If you are interested in join-
ing teams that meld quality
CMHS is an EOE.
about new housing
flexible spending accounts, care and compassion to communities.
paid time off, and a variety
of other great benefits. anexpert create an environment of
excellence, please take a Visit
If you are interested in join- moment to discover more
ing our team to provide about auto about what it’s like to work
quality care and compas-

maintenance at Community Memorial
Thursday, June 10, 2010

sion to and create an envi- Health System.
ronment of excellence, or tires. CMHS is an equal employ-
please take a moment to ment opportunity employer.

discover more about what To apply go to:
it’s like to work at Commu-
nity Memorial Health Sys- garagesalemap
CMHS is an EOE.
everyFridayp.m. onlineat...
FINDIT. FINDIT. anexpert
tem. VCS241645
To apply go to:
CMHS is an EOE. about auto maintenance
VCS241504 garagesales CALL
or tires.
Online Classifieds. Buy or Sell.
800-221-STAR (7827) 800-221-STAR (7827) 800-221-STAR(7827)
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WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827

540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
Nursing Nursing Nursing PROPERTY MGR Rehabilitative Services SALES Technician Technologist
render professional nursing ICU/CCU Duties: Provides PACU Candidate must have exp’d person to manage THERAPIST (PER DIEM) TECHNCIAN Performs patient monitoring and
care to ICU/CCU patients in critical care nursing to the Med-Surg background. HOAs in various locations Duties: Provides evaluation SALESMAN quality, diagnostic Non-in- scrub duties for the patients
support of medical care, patients in the ICU/CCU, Must have a current CA RN from Westlake ofc, sal, and treatment to a variety Telesales exp. Good Comm vasive Vascular Lab stud- in the cardiovascular
and pursuant to objectives oversees shift operations, license and a CPR certifi- benes & comm. Call Don of complex inpatient and skills, comp savvy. Excel- ies as ordered. Processes lab/special procedures
and policies of the hospital. and participates in leader- cate. Per Diem, 12 hr. shift 9-5, Mon-Fri 800-729-5673 x0 outpatient diagnoses. lent pay structure awaits study data to facilitate area. Physio monitoring du-
Coordinates patient care ship activities. Assumes position available with VCS241850 Supervises daily profession- you. Email resume at timely report generation by ties, generates reports,
planning with other hospital role in directing shift opera- variable hours. al patient related activities the reading physician. Per- troubleshoots equipment,
disciplines. Reports to the tions as appropriate to li- CMHS offers excellent of physical therapy assist- VCS240430 forms daily activities of maintains film library. Fol-
Department Director and cense and practice. benefits, such as Medical, RECEPTIONIST ant and physical therapy SENIOR STRATEGIC NIVL and Physiology Dept. lows standard precautions.
interfaces with other RNs, Participates in various as- Dental, Vision, Life, and Phones, filing, ms office aide. Communicates physi- ANALYST for Central Pur- Prepares patients for / per- Shields patient/self at all
Department Educator, De- pects of leadership role. AD&D insurance. We also and good communication cal therapy goals and pa- chasing, LLC dba Harbor forms / processes NIVL US times. Uses radiology moni-
partment Manager, and Participates in departmen- offer a comprehensive skills. Multi-task oriented. tient information to Freight Tools. Mail resume studies. At minimum: Ca- tors appropriately. Knowl-
unit supervisors. tal and hospital-wide Per- 403(b) retirement plan, Located in Ventura Salary: physicians, other hospital to 3491 Mission Oaks Blvd., rotid Duplex, Arterial and edge of aseptic techniques.
Qualifications: Current CA formance Improvement flexible spending accounts, $10/hr Email resume to: staff, and agents of reim- Camarillo, CA 93012. Venous Ultrasound Studies. Requirements: Associate’s
RN License, ACLS and BLS projects. Acts as a resource paid time off, and a variety bursement. Documents in a Only mailed resumes will REQUIREMENTS: Mini- degree (A.A.) or equivalent
certifications. to staff. of other great benefits. VCS241834 timely manner appropriate be considered mum of 1 year experience from two-year college or
CMHS offers excellent Requirements: Must have If you are interested in join- patient status and goals. VCS240755 in non-invasive ultrasound technical school; or six
benefits, such as Medical, current California RN li- ing teams that meld quality Rehabilitative Services Follows policies for depart- under the supervision of a months to one year related
Dental, Vision, Life, and cense. Must have current care and compassion to STAFF PHYSICAL mental and hospital perfor- Technician physician or experienced experience and/or training;
AD&D insurance. We also ACLS and BLS certifica- create an environment of THERAPIST (PER DIEM) mance improvement CVL TECHNICIAN Pro- vascular technician. Gradu- or equivalent combination
offer a comprehensive tion. excellence, please take a Duties: •Provides evalua- projects. Attends meetings vides patient monitoring ate of an Ultrasound of education and experi-
403(b) retirement plan, CMHS offers excellent moment to discover more tion and treatment to a va- and performs special pro- and scrub duties for the pa- school/program. ARDMS ence. Must have a current
flexible spending accounts, benefits, such as Medical, about what it’s like to work riety of complex inpatient jects as required. tients in the cardiovascular registration (RVT) or CCI BLS card. Completion of
paid time off, and a variety Dental, Vision, Life, and at Community Memorial and outpatient diagnoses. Education and Certifica- lab/special procedures registration (RVS) or regis- CVT course with clinical
of other great benefits. AD&D insurance. We also Health System. •Supervises daily profes- tions: Must be a licensed area. Physio monitoring du- try eligible (have certifi- experience.
If you are interested in join- offer a comprehensive sional patient related ac- Physical Therapist by the ties, generates reports, cate as listed above). Must CMHS offers excellent
ing teams that meld quality 403(b) retirement plan, To apply go to: tivities of physical therapy State of California. Must troubleshoots equipment, have valid BLS CPR card. benefits, such as Medical,
care and compassion to flexible spending accounts, assistant and physical have two to four years of maintains film library. Fol- If you are interested in join- Dental, Vision, Life, and
create an environment of paid time off, and a variety CMHS is an EOE. therapy aide. related experience and/or lows standard precautions. ing teams that meld quality AD&D insurance. We also
excellence, please take a of other great benefits. VCS240765 •Communicates physical training. Must have current Shields patient/self at all care and compassion to offer a comprehensive
moment to discover more If you are interested in join- therapy goals and patient CPR certification. times. Uses radiology moni- create an environment of 403(b) retirement plan,
about what it’s like to work ing teams that provides information to physicians, If you are interested in join- tors appropriately. Knowl- excellence, please take a flexible spending accounts,
at Community Memorial quality care and compas- Nursing ing our team and to provide edge of aseptic techniques. moment to discover more paid time off, and a variety
RN, PRE-OP HOLDING & other hospital staff, and
Health System. sion to create an environ- agents of reimbursement. quality care and compas- Requirements: Associate’s about what it’s like to work of other great benefits.
To apply go to: ment of excellence, please PACU Candidate must have sion to create an environ- degree (A.A.) or equivalent at Community Memorial If you are interested in join-
•Documents in a timely

The Lighthouse take a moment to discover Med-Surg background. ment of excellence, please from two-year college or Health System. ing teams that meld quality
Must have a current CA RN manner appropriate patient
CMHS is an EOE. more about what it’s like to status and goals. take a moment to discover technical school; or six To apply go to: care and compassion to
VCS241515 work at Community Memo- license and a CPR certifi- more about what it’s like to months to one year related create an environment of
cate. Per Diem, 12 hr. shift •Follows policies for de-
rial Health System. partmental and hospital work at Community Memo- experience and/or training; CMHS is an EOE. excellence, please take a
To apply go to: position available with rial Health System. or equivalent combination VCS241643 moment to discover more
Nursing variable hours performance improvement
RN IV CHARGE NURSE, projects. of education and experi- about what it’s like to work
CMHS is an EOE. CMHS offers excellent To apply go to: ence. Must have a current at Community Memorial
ICU/CCU Duties: Provides benefits, such as Medical, •Attends meetings and per- Technician
critical care nursing to the VCS240749 forms special projects as BLS card. Completion of NIVL ULTRASOUND Health System.
Dental, Vision, Life, and CMHS is an EOE. CVT course with clinical To apply go to:
patients in the ICU/CCU, AD&D insurance. We also required. TECHNCIAN Performs
Nursing Education and Certifica- VCS240813 experience.
oversees shift operations, RN IV CHARGE NURSE, offer a comprehensive quality, diagnostic Non-in-
and participates in leader- tions: CMHS offers excellent vasive Vascular Lab stud- CMHS is an EOE.
ICU/CCU Duties: Provides 403(b) retirement plan, Sales benefits, such as Medical, VCS241633
ship activities. Assumes flexible spending accounts, •Must be a licensed Physi- ies as ordered. Processes
critical care nursing to the cal Therapist by the State Are You A Hustler? Dental, Vision, Life, and
role in directing shift opera- patients in the ICU/CCU, paid time off, and a variety study data to facilitate
tions as appropriate to li- of California. We are looking for loud & AD&D insurance. We also timely report generation by
oversees shift operations, of other great benefits. confident phone hustlers! If offer a comprehensive TRUCK DRIVER
cense and practice. If you are interested in join- •Must have two to four the reading physician. Per-
and participates in leader- years of related experience you have lots of energy & 403(b) retirement plan, for sm co. in Fillmore.
Participates in various as- ship activities. Assumes ing teams that meld quality forms daily activities of
pects of leadership role. and/or training. sound confident on the flexible spending accounts, NIVL and Physiology Dept. Class A Lic. Drive 10
role in directing shift opera- care and compassion to phone, come make some paid time off, and a variety wheeler w/equip trailer.
Participates in departmen- create an environment of •Must have current CPR Prepares patients for / per-
tions as appropriate to li- certification. $$$. Work Mon-Fri selling of other great benefits. F/T. Fax resume to
tal and hospital-wide Per- cense and practice. excellence, please take a forms / processes NIVL US
formance Improvement If you are interested in join- industrial tools + supplies. If you are interested in join- studies. At minimum: Ca- 805-524-3484 VCS242085
Participates in various as- moment to discover more Exp isn’t a must, but we’re ing teams that meld quality
projects. Acts as a resource about what it’s like to work ing our team and to provide rotid Duplex, Arterial and
pects of leadership role. not looking for wall flowers. care and compassion to

to staff. at Community Memorial quality care and compas- Venous Ultrasound Studies.
Participates in departmen- sion to create an environ- If you have the guts, call create an environment of
Requirements: Must have tal and hospital-wide Per- Health System. REQUIREMENTS: Mini-
current California RN li- ment of excellence, please Matt, 805-644-4833 excellence, please take a mum of 1 year experience
formance Improvement To apply go to: VCS241388 moment to discover more

cense. Must have current take a moment to discover in non-invasive ultrasound
projects. Acts as a resource more about what it’s like to about what it’s like to work
ACLS & BLS certification. CMHS is an EOE. under the supervision of a
CMHS offers excellent
to staff.
Requirements: Must have VCS241517 work at Community Memo- SALES at Community Memorial
Health System. physician or experienced
benefits, such as Medical, rial Health System. City Books Yellow Pages vascular technician. Gradu-
current California RN li- To apply go to: offers benefits, base+com-
Dental, Vision, Life, and cense. Must have current ate of an Ultrasound
AD&D insurance. We also mission, holidays, bonuses, To apply go to: school/program. ARDMS
ACLS and BLS certifica- PARKING ATTENDANT CMHS is an EOE. 401K, $55K- $100K income
offer a comprehensive tion. registration (RVT) or CCI
403(b) retirement plan, The Ventura Port District VCS241651 potential. Advertising, Yel- CMHS is an EOE. registration (RVS) or regis-
CMHS offers excellent seeks a part-time Park- low Pages, outside sales VCS240806
flexible spending accounts, benefits, such as Medical, try eligible (have certifi-
paid time off, and a variety ing Attendant. Early exp pref’d. Fax resume to cate as listed above). Must
Dental, Vision, Life, and morning: Friday–Sunday 805-473-1190 or email
of other great benefits. AD&D insurance. We also have valid BLS CPR card.
If you are interested in join- for Summer. 15 hrs. a If you are interested in join-
offer a comprehensive

ing teams that provides week $14.30 per hour. VCS241005 ing teams that meld quality
403(b) retirement plan, 805-642-8538 VCS241420
quality care and compas- flexible spending accounts, care and compassion to
sion to create an environ-
ment of excellence, please
paid time off, and a variety Buildacar. Newspaper Sales Reps
create an environment of
excellence, please take a
of other great benefits. PEST $800-$1200 per week.
take a moment to discover
more about what it’s like to
If you are interested in join-
ing teams that provides CONTROL Findusedcars. Call Mr Perez 909-664-8217
or Mr. Vault 323-529-4993
moment to discover more
about what it’s like to work
work at Community Memo- quality care and compas- Findadealer. at Community Memorial

Thursday, June 10, 2010


rial Health System. sion to create an environ- Health System.
To apply go to: ment of excellence, please For busy co. Must be SALES REP A realistic 10K take a moment to discover Branch 2 or State Ap- mo FT Unlimited earnings. To apply go to:

CMHS is an EOE. more about what it’s like to plicator Lic’d. Good Paid Daily. H2O Tech.
VCS240753 work at Community Memo- pay & bene. EOE. Serious Only. 818-597-0590 CMHS is an EOE.
rial Health System. Call (805) 339-9215 VCS240808

To apply go to: VCS242091 onlineat... VCS241634
Find a home.
Online garage sale map.
VCS241509 Find new & used cars. Every Friday P.M.
Buy it. Sell it. Find it.
on site for lg apt complex
Bilingual & exp required.
Fax resume to 310-314-4894
800-221-STAR (7827) 800-221-STAR (7827)
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3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
REF 25 cu ft,
ainless stl,
Like new, std ice through door.
water an
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WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827

540 540 609 609 609 609 609 609

Help Wanted Help Wanted Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
CAM OXN 2+1 & 1+1 Apts OXN____________ Port Hueneme
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Intern (paid) Generous Benefit Pkg
1 & 2 bdrms start @ $980.
Call for details. $1175 & $950-$975 1/2 1st mo
apartments available at 1 & 2 bd, 2 bath w/garag- parking, laundry room,
Rancho Solana Apts es, w/d hkups, pool & spa, onsite manager. $950/mo.
TestEquity, a worldwide
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Seeking a highly motivat- Hacienda Apts (805) 485-1047 VCS241249
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ed and experienced pro- 831 Paseo Camarillo Specials! 805-985-0644 VCS241197 Call today!(805)488-1434!
ternship opportunity for
fessional to supervise the
water/wastewater main-
805-987-6146 VCS241000 OXN 2 + 1 triplex centrally
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Low Deposits OXNARD (South) OXN JUNIOR 1+1 $825mo
Pacific Point Apts
an individual looking at tenance department. FILLMORE Adult 55+ dry on site $1150 NO PETS OAC Garden Apartments
1001 Gonzales Rd 805-485-1078
getting real world experi- $300 move-in special 1br, Real Investments 985-1000 Weekdays 10am - 5:30pm Hue 1bdrm from $850, wtr &
ence doing web market- Appointments Available Mon 7:30a-5p, Sat 9a-5p basic cable pd.No pets.Coast
ing at our corporate
Position qualifications in-
clude the equivalent of
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From $745-$795.HUD/PET
VCS241937 1 & 2 Bedrooms VCS239523 Prop Mgmt 805-483-1178
headquarters in Moor- four years of progressive- OK. Call 805-642-9527 or 3+2+fireplace+ OXN MOVE IN SPECIAL VCS239961
park. This opportunity is OXN 2 + 1 triplex centrally walk-in closet $1,499/mo.
currently scheduled for 2
ly responsible experience 805-524-4124 VCS240993 located, small patio, laun- • Beautiful Grounds 2+2 $1,199/mo. 2+1 $1050/mo.1+1 $895/mo.
PT HUE 1br apt, garage,
in a water/wastewater dry on site $1150 NO PETS • BBQ Area Available now 805-487-9841
months, but may be ex- maintenance capacity as FLMR 3+2, 2-story unit Huge apartment, bright, VCS241333 pool, most utils $845+$500
panded dependent upon Real Investments 985-1000 • Pool and Jacuzzi lots of windows & closets. dep.No pets. 805-483-8301 or
well as two years of lead @ 1104 El Paseo St. VCS241294
business needs. We are Family living. Nr schools 805-488-2131 VCS241196
looking for a commitment
or supervisory experi- 2-car garage with Laundry • Tennis Courts and shopping. No pets.
OXN STUDIO $795 utils incl.
ence. hkups $1,300 + Dep-OAC Clean, newer apt.
of 4-8 hours daily, with No P/SM. Central Coast OXN 2 Bedroom • Close to Shopping Ready to move-in! Call today for more info
specific hours & days to A completed District ap- 389-6803 VCS241179 • 1 bath from $1,125 • Cats OK 805-488-3815 english 805-981-3719 VCS241332 PT HUE NICE 1 BR 1 BA
be determined. Duties in- plication and supplemen- • 2 bath $1,175 2 blocks from ocean.
clude creating & editing Beautiful grounds. 805-701-8317 espanol PORT HUENEME $850/mo +$400 dep Call
product web pages; tak-
ing content from existing
tal questionnaire are due
in the Human Resources NEWBURY PARK Heating paid.
See us before you rent!
1905 N. H St. VCS240703
1 bedroom/from $925
2+1.5 $1,450-$1,495 Pool/Spa • Gated Parking
web pages containing
multiple items & creating
Office by 12 noon on
Thursday, June 17, 2010. +$750 dep. 1,200 sq. ft. 805-485-5877
or visit:
805-981-4341 Online garage sale map. Across from CBC
Application material may 1+1 $1,150 VCS241193 Park Madera Apts.
new pages for individual
items, as well as taking
be obtained at the Ventu- +$750 dep. 850 sq. ft.
VCS241985 Every Friday P.M. 805-984-4062
Ch. Islands Blvd.W of Vta Rd
Studios • 1bdrm • 2bdrm
Avail NOW starting @ $712.
ra Regional Sanitation Recently upgraded Search for available jobs.
content from supplier
web pages & creating
District, 1001 Partridge
Drive, Room 100, Ventu-
Clean & quiet OXN ALL TYPES of rentals
Studios, etc. Some w/utils or visit:
805-525-5804 VCS240412
new pages on our web- Private balcony
ra; by visiting our web- Stove & Refrigerator paid. From $750. Broker,
site.We require experi- site at; or English 805-377-1459 Espanol
ence working in a W/d hkups (2 bdrm only)
The Lighthouse

by calling (805) 658-4663 Onsite laundry rooms 805-233-1434 VCS241247
Windows environment, (recording). EEO
working knowledge of ba- Open beam ceilings
VCS240499 Some w/small backyard
sic HTML coding, both by Oxnard 2 bedroom
hand & with Dreamweav- Assigned parking spaces
(carport w/storage) STOP! See Us First!
er (or similar HTML
creation tool); working
knowledge of image pro-
Rentals Close to schools, shopping
& freeway. Small pet ok.
Spacious. Frig included.
North end convenient to
600-683 CALL TO VIEW: Fwy. From $1,095.

Serving Ventura County since 1960

cessing for the web (crop- Parkwood Gardens
ping, resizing, (805) 498-6131 or email:
mtshadow207 805-983-1201
sharpening) using Photo- or visit:
shop (or similar pro- VCS241183
gram.) Please submit
resume to NEWBURY PARK
VCS241236 CASA OAKS APTS Oxnard Beach
Select Units, Channel Island
609 1 & 2 Bedrooms.
Custom paint &
Village Apts
MANAGER Apartments carpet, fireplaces, Studio $825
City of Ventura Unfurnished balcony, pool, 1+1 $975
($83,286 - $111,604/yr
+ xlnt benefits). laundry facility. 2+1 $1225
CAM 2+1.5 Dogs welcome.
Move In Special Spacious floor plans,
Seeking professional with Waived pet dep.
strong leadership to over- 1 MONTH FREE!
$30 application fee heated indoor pool &
see the administration Lovely spacious townhome
and maintenance of wa- Attached 2 car gar. Tennis, App fee will be spa tennis ct & gym.
ter production, treatment
and distribution opera-
Playground, pool & spa.
805-482-1682 VCS239375
applied to 2nd Only $500 dep!!
months rent. No Application Fees
✔ New Vehicles
tions. Req’s equiv to BS
+ 5 yrs supv/mgr exp in
a treatment and distribu-
2 Weeks FREE For
Studios & 1 bedroom
3650 Ketch Ave Special Military
tion water system opera- MI by 6/13/10 Pricing
tion. Visit VCS240518
for more information and
2088 W Hillcrest Dr
888.201.4050 OXNARD ✔
application information. VCS241090
Filing deadline: 6/27/10. 1, 2, 3 bdrm CROSSROADS
EOE VCS242131 Townhome Apts
Close to public
Studio Apt, $750+ sec dep.
300 Esplanade Dr
Suite 580
✔ All Makes/Models Active Military
Buy it. Sell it. Find it.
transportation, easy
freeway access, close to
Part of utils pd.
805-648-2021 or 805-640-8741 805-485-4040 Quality Pre-Owned rebates
Thursday, June 10, 2010

shopping & outlet malls. VCS241560

750 Mobil Ave, Cam 2+1 South Oxnard

(805) 642-6701
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Call for Move-in Spotless, gated, garage with op laundry $1050 Pacific View
Buildacar. Specials. Friendly remote. All applcs. Some
utils. N/S/P 805-452-1691 2+2 North Oxnard Mall
HWY 126
on-site staff.
Findusedcars. 805-482-8800
or 805-272-5235 VCS240389 upstairs, carport, coin-op Main St.

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laundry $1100.
VCS241712 Online garage sale map. VCS240102

Mills Rd.
Every Friday P.M.
Online garage sale map. Every Friday Call 800-221-STAR(7827) HWY 101

VCS1234 56 –––––––
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3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Oxn ception
r lease, re
1300 sqft fo,Avail now.
VCS123456 – "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
609 609 609 609 609 617 617 621
Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Condos/Townhomes Condos/Townhomes Duplexes
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
SIMI 2bd+2ba, $1300/mo. VTA E. 1+1 Clean, quiet, VTA VILLA BOCCALI APTS CAM Ponderosa Heights 3+2 OXN N. 3+2 $1600 2+2 $1300
Gated, Garden Building, VTA 1 Bedroom upgraded $900 & 2+1.5 Quiet, cottage like 2+1. w/gar, f/p, lndry. Avail 6/1. OXN Westport Marina Completely remodel, lndry,
Pool, A/C. No pets COMPARE! townhouse style apt $1325 FP, enclosed patio w/carport. N/S/P.2 story.$1,650/mo+dep. Gated, Large 3bd+2.5ba. spacious, parking, tile.
805-520-9486 VCS240665 Spacious, self-clean oven & N/S. 805-647-8411 VCS240811 W/D facilities, close to mall 805-482-3381 VCS240979 Living, Family & Dining 805-233-4757 VCS241829
frost free frig. You be the & hospital. Smoke Free Rms. Pool & Spa. Pets OK.
SIMI GATED COMMUNITY judge! From $900. VTA E 1BR w/custom bath Rentals. No dogs. CAM TWNHM 3bd/3ba 2 car $1,950. 805-708-2919 OXN Silverstrand Charming
3+2 & 2+2. Pool, spa, f/p, & 805-644-5676 for appt upstairs, park view, N/S/D. $1,200. & $1,250. + sec garage/pool/fitness ctr. VCS240661 Beach Front 2+1 large deck,
$975/mo includes utils. $2325/mo N/S, no pets, 1st+ f/p, hrdwd flrs. $1,850/mo.
tennis court. Baywood Apts
805-581-9052 VCS240379 VENTURA or visit:
VCS241986 805-672-2809 VCS240121
Good Credit a must.
By appointment only!
Manager (805)642-1316
last+deposit. 805-448-5137
or 805-448-2441 VCS239775
PT HUE 2+1.25, 2 story on
beach w/beach views on both
805-377-1429 VCS241319
STA PAULA 2+1 CLEAN, 2 & 3 Bedrooms VTA E. STUDIO All utils pd, VCS241638
floors. Newly remodeled! VTA Near Mall, 2+1+gar,
many cabinets, w/t/s & gas VTA 2+1 1 level $995.2+1.5 w/d, cable, Avail Now. $595. Pool, jacuzzi,gated. $1,300mo new hardwood/tile/appliances
twnhs style $1050.Lg rms Nice cond & loc. N/S/P. $200 move-in special. Call JT $1,450. 805-798-0503
pd. W/D avail $1000+dep. 675 Providence Ave big closets, new crpt. 805-647-1301 VCS241696 818-917-1320 VCS241836 VCS241867
805-525-3437 VCS240360
CALL FOR Montalvo $500 dep OAC PT HUE 2+1.5 w/ocean view
STA PAULA 343 S. Steckel PRICING 805-642-9660 VCS241199
VTA hkups, pool, spa, no pets.
Dr. Lg, clean 2 br 2 ba,
incl garage, laundry, water 866-964-9019 VTA 2+1 Best deal in Town Harbor View Villas WAIT LIST
$1,250 mo+$1250 dep.
805-377-1191 VCS240469
& trash. $1100 +$1100 sec.
$1075 New paint, Pergo
flooring, parkng, trash,
Luxury Apts.
OPEN!! PT Hue 2+1 gar, pool, lndry, Houses Furnished
VCS241885 OPEN DAILY laundry (805) 643-3419 Ocean view. nr harbor, clean, new crpt
132 Kellogg VCS240054 Most utils paid Affordable Senior /paint from $1095+$1000 dep OJAI - MIRA MONTE Clean
THOUSAND OAKS 9am-6pm Free basic cable. (805)985-7253 VCS241943 4+2+2 car gar, loc in nice
A must see - 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath PET FRIENDLY! VTA 2+1 Best Value/Lowest Apartments family neighborhood, $2,400.
Price! $888 Nightingale St. 333 N. Kalorama Income Restrictions
PT HUE 2+1 Townhouse,
starting at $1800. with 1 gar, pool, N/P.$995+$995dep. 805-649-1424 VCS240409
Pristine. Carport, laundry.
805-745-8600 VCS239664
VCS241241 Apply HOUSES Coast Prop Mgmt
up, 2 car garage, spa. Call 805-483-1178 VCS242089
Rand for a showing VTA 2+1 drive by bldg on Must be 62+ VTA VIEW HOME 3+3.5
(805) 777-0076 Aliso Lane. From $1200
VTA LARGE 2+1, $1395/mo
includes all utils. Pleasant
3 car gar. 2 suites down & PT HUE BEACH w/Ocean 627
Location, Location, Views, gated, 2+1.5 No one
3200 Foothill Dr. VCS242054
Office hrs Tues thru Sun 12-6 surroundings. Access to
master suite up $3400
above you.Hkups, pool/spa, Houses Unfurnished
80 Aliso Lane VCS241719 transit/shpp’g & restaurants. Location VTA 2+2 Stonehedge no pet $1325+$1350 Owner/
T.O. 1+1 in Very quiet VENTURA 3785 Telegraph VTA 2+1 805-642-3000 VCS242098 in cul-de-sac, Owner may Agt 805-340-0343 VCS241334
area, surrounded by Close to Everything CAM 2+2 1591 Brookhaven,
2+2. S/W/T paid, all applcs new paint. nr park & school VTA Large 2+1 in Midtown Easy Access to Transprtn consider pet $1650 PT HUE Marina Village 2+1 1,500sf, $1,795mo+$1,000dep.
trees! Furn. Own en- & W/D, $1295+$1300 dep. $1025/mo No pets. Call Super sharp twnhse, shared
trance, bath, kitchen, Vaulted ceilings, deck CAM 3+2 1501 Old Ranch Rd 805-258-3203 VCS239343 spacing E. & W. Walkable to VTA East end 3+2 crnr lot gar, pool & spa. Avail Now. 1,600sf, $1,995mo+$1,000dep.
laundry, private, utils, (805)933-2121 VCS241017 Call Now–Don’t Wait nice terraced bkyd $1800 $995. SARALEI REALTY Pets ok.479-6198 VCS241240
downtown. $1,250mo.

The Lighthouse
cable. Includes all. N/S. VTA 2+2@ 1267 E. Meta (805) 654-1155 805-529-5853 VCS241849
No illegal drugs. No pets New crpt/paint, garage & 805-218-6362 VCS241417
VTA 3+2 w/added fam rm. CAM 4+3, 2 sty, view, cul-
$1,350. 805-388-5027; VENTURA COUNTY carport S/W/T pd, close to Near Aquatic ctr $1900 de-sac, new paint, incl wtr,
Cell 805-982-0899 VCS241371 beach/dwntwn $1,200+Dep VTA Laurel & Meta 1+1, SIMI VALLEY - EAST
grdnr, spa maint, sm pet
Tierra Vista Apts -OAC No P/SM. Central refurbished. Quiet, carport,
wtr/trsh pd $850+$850 dep no VTA 3+2 by Buena High
Condo End unit. 1-MB+loft
ok, refs/crdt ck reqd $2100
1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms Coast 389-6803 VCS240235 w/closet+1.5 bath. Garage,
T.O. A Must See - 2 Bdrm, pet 805-643-7972 VCS241948 school w/huge yard $2000 2 patios, granite kitchen+ 805-482-5013 Kathy
starting from $1,467 Frownfelter VCS241666
2 Bath starting at $1,800 Models open to view VTA 2br 2ba x-Lg units w/all cypressmeadows refrig. 2 pools+spa. Non
with 1 MONTH FREE. appliances, close to shopping VTA LG Midtown Art Studio CAM 3+2 on cul-de-sac smoking/drugs/pets. Near
Pet Friendly w/living quarters, $775+ w/tons of upgrades $2250 Camarillo Mission Oaks Hm
W/D hookup, 2 car garage, • Spacious floor plans $1250. Some units avail for Metro/Amtrack. July 1st. 4+2, patio, 2 car gar, N/S,
spa. 3200 Foothill Drive handicapped and/or seniors. $775 dep some utils pd. N/S/P VCS239913 1st month sec+clean dep.
• Washer/dryer- every unit 805-216-7609 VCS241683 PT HUE 3+2 close to base. nice area.$2,030mo. Avail 6/12
Call Randy for a showing • Full kitchen appl pkg 805-658-7453 VCS241960 $1,550mo+utils. 805-798-3610 VCS241437
805-777-0076 VCS242024 May consider Sec 8 $1900
• Covered parking
• Dog & Cats welcome* VTA 3+2 Loft Apt drive by VTA Midtown lg 1+1 617 or 805-587-5787 CAM - MISSION OAKS 3+2
T.O. GRANADA GARDENS 1375 Poli St. From $1700 downstairs, views, parking, CONDOS/APTS
2+2 $1395-$1495+dep.
Open Mon-Sun 8:30-6:00
Office hrs Tues thru Sun 12-6 laundry, balcony. Pet ok. Condos/Townhomes VCS241451 Community pool, $2,100/mo,
$2,000/dep. 805-216-9188
1+1 $1145-$1170+dep. Call 866-799-0390 80 Aliso Lane VCS241718 60 N. Laurel $895 Unfurnished Cam 3+1.75 near shopping, VENTURA 4+2 - Walk to VCS241815
Move-In Special. VCS239631 805-451-8848 VCS239873 restaurants & easy mall, pool, spa, N/S/D/P.
No Dogs or Cats. VTA CAM 2+2.5 +den, 1634 sq ft freeway access $1750 $1,700/month. 805-642-3616 CAM Open Today. Avail Now
VTA MONTALVO 2+1 clean beautiful Mission Verde. VCS241423 Pets OK, 3+2+ Encl porch.
805-492-2113 Ventura - East unit. Call for more details
VCS239731 Avail 6/1. $1950/mo +dep Pt Hue 3+2.5 Las Palomas VTA 2+1 MCKEON Condo $2000-$2300 Negotiable+SD.
805-320-4554 805-390-0505 805-985-8833 VCS241062 w/d/frig, 2 car gar $1700 1410 Kendall. Call Meyer
VCS240324 on Bryce, close to every-
thing. $1200/mo water/trash 805-300-1309 VCS241577
55+ Leisure Vlg, 1200sf,
VTA 1+1 West end incl 805-569-9877 VCS239478 CAM Village @ The Park
Summer Specials!! -- A CHOICE -- VTA OCEAN VIEW formal dining, new cntrl
close to downtown $695
VTA 2+1 - New floors and 5+3. $3,100/mo. Contact:
1br from $1000 2br from 1+1 Completely Renovated
$1300 Pool, Spa, Playpk. CITRUS GLEN BLOW OUT Laundry on site. Trash & heat/ac, cvrd patio, gated
/sec. Avail now. Water/
VTA 2+1McKeon manor ut windows, near shopping.
$1,125/mo+dep. 805-218-5219
Gina Jamison 805-340-7060
VCS241717 GAS & WATER PAID water paid $950 N/S/P gas stove/coin ldry $1200
trash/grdnr/cable pd VCS241825
805-492-2022 VCS240998 805-647-6755 2 Bdrm 2 Bath 1171 Meta St. Kathy
805-746-1793 VCS240668 805-987-8305 VCS241172 VTA West end Studio $625
FLMR 3+3 newer lg 2 story,
Call, We Answer! VTA 3+2.5, gar, patio, pool, w/view, f/p, 2 car gar, 2071sf,
Ventura 1 Bedroom VCS238162 $1395 CAM 3+3+gar, patio, a/c, f/p, washer, refrig. $1,750mo. $1800/mo+$2000/dep. C-21 Eli
VTA $2,300+sec. Next to park, VTA 1+1 comm spa/bbq 846 Murdoch Ln. 805-639-3483 805-525-7118 VCS240856
Visit us to see the Come Join Our close to fwy & schools. Pool cat ok, wtr/trash pd $825 VCS241562
PINEHURST spa/exercise rm. Two story. VTA Todd Ranch I 3+1.5,
NBP 3+2 Lovely & Clean.
1 Bedrooms from $995 & up VTA 3+2.5 tile floors, Light & bright sunroom
Ventura Del Sol FREE utils, indoor cat ok. Community! APTS 805-732-0400 VCS239710
ss appls, granite counters, immac spacious end unit, opens to bkyd. Hrdwd flr’g
6250 Telegraph Rd. Call for appointment. Why wait, call or 3980 Telegraph CAMARILLO Spacious
may consider pet $1725 lndry, gar, nice lg patio,
pool, clubhse, housekeeper
throughout living area.
805-653-0809 VCS241648 stop by today! Interior newly painted.Grdnr
805-656-0236 • Walk to: Shopping, VTA HUGE 1 BR Townhome Apartment. VTA 2+1 upstairs apt, N/S sm dog only. Very incl’d. $2,200/mo. Drive by VTA 1+1 $900/mo+$500/sec. Trader Joe’s & the with fireplace & garage Call for price 805-482-8800 water/trash paid $1195 quiet neighborhood. Must 735 Ruth Dr. VCS240425
VCS241988 2+1 - $1100/mo+$500/sec. Government Center see to appreciate. $1600
Martha 805-641-1776 • Refrigerators included VCS238542 All properties are no pets, 805-658-6134 VCS241870 NBP 4+2.5+family rm+f/p,
_VENTURA_ VCS241855 • Cats Welcomed no smoke, 1 year lease VTA TODD RANCH II skylights in kitchen, large
1br apt $950, 2br apt $1200 Telephone & Victoria Camarillo Townhome 805-650-2500 Townhouse 3+1.5 - End Unit master bedroom, cul-de-sac.
Near college. No smoke/pets. 2+2.5, SM YD 2 car garage $2,100/mo. 805-498-8042

Thursday, June 10, 2010

VTA 1+1 clean-quiet $950 $299 Deposit!* 866-963-4667 w/balcony,yd,pool,clubhouse
805-890-2142 VCS241198 Large.Best in Town! No pets N/P N/S w/d hkups CLEAN VCS242113
(866) 311-7888 VCS241827 805-822-9831 VCS242020 garage. N/S/P. $1,650/mo.
no smoke. Open Sat & Sun VCS240277 805-642-5456 VCS240114 NBP 4+2, dining rm, long
11-4pm 1247 E. Santa Clara VTA Spacious 1 & 2 two car gar, granite f/p,
*OAC VCS241668
Carnews, VCS240723 Beach/mall, $950/$1050.Sunny,
can furnish. Open Sat/Sun
Mission Ridge Condo OXN 1 br, 1 ba in gated com-
munity. Covered prkg.
621 hrdwd flrs, fenced bk yd,
on cul-de-sac. Avail Now.
research& VTA 1+1 in garden setting,
with pool, laundry room,
VTA Close to Ventura Beach
Gated parking, common area
10am-2pm. 3090 Channel
653-7711 VCS240918
2+2+2 car garage with
electric door opener. Pool, Laundry in condo. Pool &
jacuzzi. $1000/mo. Call
Duplexes 3459 Michael Dr. $2,200/mo.
310-471-5868 VCS240988
resources. and garage. Call
805-644-4131 VCS239286
BBQ & pool, studio unit, $850
& Townhouse unit,$1,625+sec VTA Studio 1209 E. Main
spa, tennis & park, very
clean, washer & (805) 844-7697. Immediate Unfurnished N.P./DOS VIENTOS 4BR,
Cats ok.Smoke Free Rentals. S/W/T/G/E Paid! Near down dryer, near schools & shop- availability OXN 340 E Channel Islands 3BA, $3,100/Mo. Commu-
Good Credit a Must. town/shopping $850+dep/OAC ping. Furniture available 2br 1ba with new carpet nity Pool & Spa. Avail.
Local online classifieds. By appointment only. No P/SM. Central Coast if needed $1575/mo Find new & used cars. and paint, $1100/mo July 1st. James 805-642-1316 VCS240572 805-389-6803 VCS240234 805-795-3098 VCS239940 805-276-2080 VCS241343 213-663-2234 VCS240781
VCS1234–– 56 ––––––––––
–––––––– I ROOM
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Q uiet, clea n, util pd, .
cable, gara
maid, w /d,
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 29

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827

627 627 627 677 Commercial 885 887 909

Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished Rooms For Rent Real Estate Commercial Stores/Offices Boats
Industrial Rent Rent/Lease
•••••••••••••••••••••• OXN SILVERSTRAND 5+3 VTA 2+1 on Sunset Dr. CAM FURN 875-893 WLV 1875-4000sf Office &
OAKVIEW 2 bdrm cottage dble gar, f/p, sun deck. $2,850 Best ocean views, recently Warehouse Available. SIMI OFFICE SPACE WAVERUNNER
Big and nice! Some applianc- Coast Prop Mgmt remodeled, f/p, w/d, xln’t STUDIO/ PVT Beautiful park. $1.05-$1.20 360 sqft. Available.
Excellent terms & pricing.
es.Nice deck,backyard.1350 805-483-1178 VCS239962 cond, $1,995/mo. Avail Now!
805-896-0946 VCS240831
ENTRANCE NNN. Janet 805-496-1304
VCS241256 Mid Valley Properties FX1100C-C
+1350 dep. 805-300-9666 $925 + Util; br/ba/liv; exc
•••••••••••••••••••••• OXN Spacious 3br home, lg 805-527-9632 Ext: 1
family rm, f/p, 2 car, hdwd VTA 2+2 w/Bonus Room area; nr Kmart/Cam track; VCS241609 High Output, Four Stroke,
VCS242002 Amazing Ocean & City Quiet person/no pets;
OJAI 1+1 $1095/mo+$1095
flrs, lg yd $1800 310-218-7233
Pets ok VCS241033 Views! @ 2260 Sunset, $925+util 805-388-8730 885 887 Very Powerful 3 Seater.
Very low hours!
dep w/front & bk yd, tenant
pays all utils. HUD ok. PT HUE 3+2, garage, f/p,
Grdnr Incl $2,500 + Dep-
OAC No P/SM. Central
330 sq ft. VCS240775
Commercial Stores/Offices Cochran/Sequoia _GREAT CONDITION_
Never used in ocean!
MRPK lg room w/view near
C21 805-525-7118 VCS241847 fenced yd. $1550+$1550dep.
Coast Prop Mgmt
Coast 389-6803 VCS241338 college. Incl’s utils, privs, Industrial Rent Rent/Lease 1,705 SF
OJAI SPECIAL $2100 Large DSL & cbl tv. Shared bath Rice/101/Rose • Trailer
805-483-1178 VCS242092 600sf-2400sf Industrial 2 OFFICES, Some Ware- • 2 Factory covers
4+2, avail now. No pets. VTA 4+2 East Ventura $550+sec, quiet adult home. house & Encl Outside Yard 1000 - 55,000 SF
PT HUE 3+2 Lg family rm single level, lndry hookups, Avail July 1st. 805-553-0573 Warehouse - office, rent or • Life Jackets
Extra play rm, new int. Incl lease $650. Oxn. 805-486-8796 Avail in Oxnard. Other of- OXN OFFICE/MEDICAL
grdnr & wtr. 805-794-7437 w/Bamboo flrs, lg yd, near fenced yard, dbl garage, VCS241992 500 - 5,000 SF • Wet suits
VCS241401 fices incl remodeling con- • Wakeboard
VCS240506 Navel Base. Avail 6/15.$1,800. pets considered. $1750 tractor & kitchen & bath 805-604-0700
Crossroads Inv 805-485-4040 OJAI Avail 6/1 Furnished Rm
805-415-4300 VCS242061 share bath, tv & internet, full CAMARILLO 675 to 4480sf showroom. Perfect for ar- Sunbelt Enterprises
OXN 1+1 HOUSE VCS241116 warehouse, office and VCS241649 Many other great items.
w/stove, garage, yard, hkps, SANTA PAULA 3+2 hse privs. $450mo+$200dep. chitects & designers ALL for $7,300obo
utils paid $1150. No Sec 8 2 living rooms, att garage. VTA 4+2 home in xlnt neigh- 805-490-4392 VCS240094 bathroom. No auto. Call 805-340-4598 VCS241565 __ MUST SELL __
805-483-1002 VCS241018 $1,700/mo+$1,500dep. borhood. New paint/car- 805-649-4857 VCS239977 Sublease available:
OJAI FURN room for rent 3 OFFICES AVAIL 2 rms 208 2 Office Suite w/
OXN 2+2, 1 car gar, near 314 N. 13th St. 805-671-5037 pets. $2200 +dep Pet ok. $500 utils incl, kitch privs CAM-OXN-NP-VTA sq ft, $490. 2 rms 203 sq ft, Located in SIMI VALLEY
base, shopping & school, VCS241375 805-689-1775 VCS241588 w/d, shared bath, no pets Industrial 1152 to 3873sf $300. 2 rms 287 sq ft $490. Reception area Call Ray 760-559-2352
very private, $1550+dep _VTA_ 4+3 redecorated 805-798-3816 VCS241342 from $.71/sf. No NNN/CAM Free utils. No CAM fees Located in Ventura, right off
Silverstrand Beach 3+2, sm 805-981-1361 VCS240573 101 fwy, we are currently US-YAMA2099F404
805-383-6434 VCS242106 dog ok. $1850+$1850 1 yr east end home $2300/mo OXNARD Private Gated 805-341-9118 VCS240444
w/gardener. No smoke/pets looking to sublease part of VCS240230
OXN 3+2.5, w/dbl gar in lease 831-229-0590 avail now. Community, Close to Navy AGOURA HILLS our bldg. With a little over
Call for more info VCS241546 805-477-0031 VCS239447 Base, Furn Room, Full Erringer Plaza Office Spc
gated community, fenced 1100, 2200, 3300sf. Large Furnished Office 1,000 sf, this spacious 2
Privs, Cbl/WIFI/Internet
yard, f/p & patio. $1950/mo.
Photos online at:
SIMI 5+2 lg liv rm w/fp, fam VTA Darling midtown 2+1
parking, some hdwd flrs, $600 Mo, $300 Dep Incl utils Simi Industrial Reception & secretarial area
break room, security system
office suite+reception area
offers a pvt entrance into
rm, lovely 2 sty w/1+1 dwn 625, 1600, 1950, 2100 John or $2195 Westcoast Mgmt water/grdnr paid $1450 805 228-8164. VCS239908
805-526-5260 VCS239933 installed, fax line incl. $1,100. the building, ample park- Boat Parts &
call Jeff @ Ventura Property Vta by Hospital 2+2 hdwd Contact: 818-865-1088 ing & easy fwy access.
Shoppe 805-701-0653
805-522-0060 VCS241915
flrs, hkups, garage $1650 OXNARD ROOM OXN St Marys Dr, off VCS239763 The common area, which is Services
VCS241545 VTA E. Cambria Vlg 2+2.5 Utils & Cable included Vineyard near 101 Fwy appr 400 sf, has laminate
Simi Prime townhouse, f/p, hkups, $595/mo leave message PRICE REDUCED! APPROX 600-830 sq ft flooring throughout, includ- _______________
3+2.5 New east end $2295 805-901-3062 VCS242128 $400 - $550 per month ing its restrooms & kitchen WAKEBOARD/SKI TOWER
OXN 3+2 at 1530 Hemlock water/trash paid $1495 An upstairs Office Suite.
The Lighthouse

3+2.5 New west end $2195, 575 Dawson Drive Cam area. The office suite also w/BIMINI in excellent
dbl gar, lg yd, wd & tile, 805-652-1050 VCS240845 1,170sf at $700/mo + Sec Dep. condition. $1,400obo.
all new in & out. 3+2 at Troop Mgmt 805-300-3883 Jacobson Realty, Inc. 2nd floor offices has large windows, bring-
VCS239854 VTA E./STA PAULA Quiet OXN Furnished, clean & Crossroads Inv (805)485-4040 805-890-8191 VCS241126
2725 Lassen Sharp & quiet, close to base. Pvt 805-389-4747 VCS240699 ing natural sunlight!
Ready! N/S. Avail Now country gem, sm 1+1 guest VCS241215 Janitorial svc & utilities are
SIMI VALLEY cottage w/complete kitch, bath, kitch/lndry privs. SIMI 1000-2500’WAREHOUSE
805-484-0119 VCS240840 TV/VCR/Cable-Internet & A+ VTA Executive Suites included with the exception
**NEW 3+2 HOUSE** w/d hkups, lg pvt deck, new space avail on Easy St, of telephones. $1250/mo Online garage sale map.
Completely reconstructed, paint/cpt, gated pvt rd off WiFi/Utils. NS/ND. with loading dock, forklift, $295-up, utils paid. 101 Fwy &
OXN 3+2+den. Near Base, $595/mo+$225 dep. Victoria. For Info call Terms include a one year
fp, fenced yard, recently yd, garage, patio. 2373 Wheeler Cyn Rd, N/S/P.
805-983-6709 or 805-204-8060
rollup doors 80¢/sf.
805-479-8284 VCS241993 lease. After the first year, Every Friday P.M.
remodeled. $1,795/mo. Heather $1950. 818-800-9718; $750+dep. 805-525-3726 Also avail EXECUTIVE terms are month to month.
818-706-1010 VCS241526 818-882-4456 VCS240288 VCS241513 OXN mstr bdrm for rent pvt OFFICES starting @ $500 Business Starter Email inquiry to volpes@
bath, lg walk in closet, $700 805-304-6295 VCS241697 or call
OXN 4+3, 3 car, fm rm, encl STA PAULA 5br+3ba, stv, VTA Mid-Town/ S. Oxn 1 to 3 room offices
(805) 658-6156, ext. 117.
yard, $2200+ sec dep, refrig, dshwshr. On quiet utils incl, kitch/lndry privs, 280-525sf Saviers Rd. Incl
180 Glen Ellen $300 dep. No Smoke/Drugs SIMI INDUSTRIAL utils. Mint Cond. Wall to VCS241182
grdnr incl,no pet /no smoke
805-988-9932 VCS241828
cul-de-sac, a/c,2 car gar, W/D
RV prkg. $2,300/mo+dep.
3+2 New paint,appliances & 805-890-6178 VCS241830 800sf - 5000sf, with office & wall crpt, pvt patio, 1st 918
Curtains, refinished wood VTA Offices & Flex Spaces
805-290-7641 VCS240712 floors, Call for app. & OXN Room, pvt bath/entry,
warehouse, roll up door,
terrific location, great
floor. $400/mo-$700 Street Signage 1554, 1632,1776 Campers/Trailers
showing 320-2436 nr Oxn College $550+dep Rodgers Management sf on corner of Telephone
NICEST HOME ON Thousand Oaks 4+2 2300 per month VCS241425 utils incl Avail now n/s/d/p
terms and pricing.
805-985-0044 VCS239904 & Market Central Coast
Quiet street w/large yard. Mid Valley Properties Airstream International 1972,
THE BLOCK All new inside $2250/mo 805-732-8551 VCS241340 805-527-9632 Ext: 1 389-6803 VCS241331
3 bed 2ba, HUGE family rm. VTA Midtown 4bdrm, 2ba, 36’ Land Yatch, double
Call 805-370-5440 to view spotless, fenced yard, 2 car VCS241608 CAMARILLO OLD TOWN twin beds. New Carpet.
new tile, french doors, Available now VCS242138 OXN Utilities & Satellite RETAIL/OFFICE VTA Office Space
decorator kitchen, includes garage, pet ok. Avail Now. included. $500. Leave msg! T.O. 2 Small office units-no asking $7500 (JA9619)
$2,100/mo. 805-654-1314 New building, perfect for Beautiful units from 474sf- 805-822-4785 VCS241234
washer&dryer, fridge 2 car T.O. 4+2+bonus rm, w/fam 805-984-0089 VCS241692 retail & 3000sf Commercial retail & hi-end office 1687sf. Great terms and
gar. Private yard, $1900. rm, nice yd & loc. $2,200+ VCS241516 industrial space. Call TPC w/shower. Day spa,pilates, pricing. Now Available!
Call 910-5081 grdnr/trsh incl. Avail Now. PT HUE Rm w/pvt entrance 760-247-6798 VCS242077 hair/beauty.View. Signage.
1/2 mi from beach, utils & Mid Valley Properties
VCS240787 805-813-3679 VCS241339 Visible from fwy, easy 805-527-9632 Ext: 1 LANCE MAX 1191
cbl inc $525 also Share Ocean VTA 2646 PALMA DRIVE
T.O. Spacious 5+3, with w/d 675 view condo, pool spa, $575 200 - 500 sqft - offices access. 600 -1200sf.
805-320-2128 VCS241500
VCS241610 2006 Truck Camper. 11.5 ft,
full equipped. $18,500.
Oxn & grdnr incl,quiet neighbrhd. Rentals To Share N/S 818-292-3399 VCS240764 Bill @ 818.519.1653 Call 805-701-2457
Two story, pets ok.$2,695/mo. Lourdes @ 805.236.0267 VCS241413
SIMI Available now $600 VCS242095 EXECUTIVE SUITE with
805-535-5959 VCS239859
BIG 5bd, 3ba +sec dep. Free internet, reception room and supply
$2250 mo. n/p, n/s.
Near Pacifica High School.
1 story, pvt cul-de-sac, cvr’d
Hollywood Beach
utils incl. Tracy
805-428-4711 VCS242132
room in E. Ventura $350
805-340-1371 VCS241263 900-945 TOYOTA
805-265-6082 RV. Avail 7/1/10. $2,100/mo.
805-522-5775 VCS239797 Two rooms, private bath, SIMI FURNISHED ROOM,
• 1,340 sqft - $1,119/mo
• 1,544 sqft - $1,280/mo OFFICE SUITE to share w/ Camper Shell
VCS241884 private entry, quiet & safe, privs, pool, $550/mo + $200 insurance agent in Financial Fits 1992 - 1996
• 2,260 sqft - $1,900/mo
OXN N. 4+3 near golf VENTURA EAST 3 beds, steps to beach, N/S/P, dep, utils/cable incl Bill @ 818.519.1653 Ctr near PV mall. $450/mo White, Aluminum
course, yard w/gazebo. 2 baths, quiet neighborhood. utilities+cable+wifi incl. 805-522-7418 VCS240748 Lourdes @ 805.236.0267 805-339-2715 VCS241702
Gardner included.N/P. $2,100 $895. 805-402-5115 VCS242094 Like New. $400obo.
$2550/mo+sec incl grndr T.O. Room w/pvt bath. Near OFFICES Vta (2) 1000sf, sep
available July 10th + 2 months dep. Please call Moorpark Rd / Gainsborough crptd units w/RR. 2300sf hi- 805-620-2969
to see home. 805-701-4429 VTA Callens Rd 640sf small VCS240971
805-273-6111 VCS239351 Contact: Bill 805-338-3874 or industrial warehouse/shop. bay unit. 65-70¢ Market St
OXN N 5+3 newer home w/
$500/mo. 805-443-3346 805-340-4622 VCS241890
1+1 downstairs, 2000+sf, VCS241798
Rooms For Rent Single Waverunner trailers
Thursday, June 10, 2010

$3800 So facing, 4 bd 4ba, 3

large yard. $2500 Agent
805-558-8642 VCS241124 fp’s, triangular dock, hdwd
VTA E 2 Rooms, pvt bath, in
beautiful remodeled home VTA Industrial Space
OXNARD Boats $400 & $250. 805-822-3989
OXN RENT w/option to BUY
flrs, w/d, pond. 805-509-2590
••••••••••••••••••••••• AGOURA HILLS 12x36 suite, utils incl. N/S/D $825/pair 800sf-5000sf, with office & RETAIL 1dd4025 4dd1325 VCS240837
805-672-2809 VCS240123 warehouse, roll up door,
2+1 with fenced yard &
3+2 coming soon.
VCS241551 $1000/mo. Own entrance,
bath. Kitch/laundry privs, VTA Furn or Unfurn Room terrific location, great SPACE 18.5’ GLASTRON ‘00
Bowrider, ski/pleasure, 4.3L
1200 SF,1500 SF,2700 SF
805-983-9283 VCS242033 VTA 2+1 $1,525/mo includes utils/internet/cable incl. in Large House with view. terms and pricing. V6, Volvo eng, Penta. Only 922
OXN SHORES Lg 2 story
water & trash. 714-508-7927 No smoke/illegal drugs/cats. Ondulando area. $750 & full Mid Valley Properties
805-527-9632 Ext:1
OXNARD 51 hrs. Xlnt $8970. (cf3813ps)
805-526-0708 VCS241709 RV Spaces for Rent
or Cell 949-533-9277 805-338-5971 VCS240447 privs. Incls utils, smoking ok
corner hse. 3+2+2 car, each VCS241527 No pet 805-701-5139 VCS240920 VCS241611 OFFICE/
bdrm own balcony. Winter Camarillo Room , Quiet,
garden, seperate patio with VTA 2+1 MIDTOWN, large No Pets/Smoke/Drama, VTA ROOM FOR RENT VTA WAREHOUSE Storage MEDICAL 8 ‘ WALKER BAY LIVE IN YOUR RV. Spaces
in-ground jacuzzi. Avail now. spacious upstairs unit, deck, house privileges, $625 + in 4 bedroom house w/spa, sp,1200sf, load dock, Ventu- 2200 SF. Excellent Cond Row boat, with oars. $350. left for 30’ or smaller. All
$2,500/mo. 805-985-3639 or gar, lndry $1450+sec.Avail $300 sec dep. util/ internet no smoke/pets $575+ utils ra Ave /Stanley area 50¢/sf Steve 818-599-1501 Call 805-241-1012 hkups $300mo+utils Fillmr
805-551-9626 VCS240809 7-1. 805-651-9077 VCS242148 incl 805-987-5258 VCS241125 805-807-1437 VCS240830 805-653-1711 VCS241014 VCS240629 VCS242110 805-525-2062 VCS241981
VCS1234 56 –––––––
–––––––– ard Office
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Oxn ception
r lease, re
1300 sqft fo,Avail now.
VCS123456 – "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
933 962 977 977 995
Motorcycles And Auto Parts & Auto For Sale Auto For Sale Wanted Vehicles
Equipment Services
ENDURO XR 650L PARTS- CADILLAC CAV 1995 good VW BUG 2001 - 1 owner, only CASH FOR YOUR
Race. orig gas tank $250, Parts from a 1988 condition, 97k mi, asking 46k mi, well maintained, CAR OR TRUCK
orig muffler $175 Perf cond Toyota Pickup $3,000obo as is. #3nan915. $5,200. #4tsj666. 805-641-9306 ‘90 or newer. Any condition.
805-822-3989 VCS240838 805-889-9850 VCS241158 VCS241395 818-577-6799 VCS241738
Shovelhead, 1340cc, Wide- tan, 95k mi, full pwr, lthr,
all records, auto trans,
980 RV/Boat o/b-running/not
glide, all fresh built, xlnt BLUE BENCH non-smoker $2700 (wa6aru) Classics/Antiques/ veh ‘89-up RV ‘91-down
cond, $7500 805-985-4200 SEAT 1-800-613-5410 VCS240673
805-529-6487 VCS241325
(3233JO) VCS241166 Xln’t Cond. $200. Specialty
White, low 18” profile tires, Jaguar XK, Triumph TR, 986
Xln’t cond. Not used P95/75 R14. $50 each
100,000 mi, 8 cyl, 370HP Porsche 356, early 911, Trucks For Sale
for 2 years. $1,000. Please leave message at $14,999 (5jlr907) Wanted any year or cond.
415-227-0144 VCS241673

#810102. 805-985-7452 805-526-5331 805-987-3650 VERY FAST!
VCS240960 VCS240842 BUICK REATTA 1989, 7,000
VCS239479 1500 Lumber rack, shell, new
made by hand, all options, tires, white, custom wheels.
LEXUS ‘04 LS430 Full pwr, 98k orig mi. $5,999obo. Must
prkg sensors, 6 cd stacker & $3,150. #4v09924. 805-890-4576
Sell!(901372) 805-527-0638
HONDA casette. Lexus premium VCS241929

Call (800) 221-7827 or email

968 wheels, heated seats.
TRIKE 2005 Auto Under $1000 Beautiful dark blue metallic, CAD Brougham 1993
FORD F250 1967 100k mi,
orig owner, smog exempt,
Candy Red very clean in & out. Clean
Car fax. 73k mi. A must see.
Triple black, CELEBRITY,
2 car phones, loaded. runs
tags pd May 2011, 3 spd, air
3,200miles $19,500. Lic#6eet460. xlnt, 69k miles $65,998/obo.
& lift gate.$1,475. lic#Q94025.
805-483-1466 VCS241604
805-312-2231 or 805-384-0378 805-499-4956 (3CIB595)
(407623) VCS240841 VCS239718 FREIGHTLINER
805-527-2914 LEXUS ES300 2000 CHEVY EL CAMINO 1971 ARGOSY 2001
VCS241081 White, loaded, 85k mi, well 350 reblt eng w/8k mi, pwr Detroit motor, 2 axis, 477,000
maint, xlnt cond, $4,400. strng 4 spd Munsy trans, miles, 22.5 tires, 10 gear
(5CNM531). 818-712-9894 competition cam, Edelbrock trans ,sleeper, ac/heat,
Call 800-221-STAR(7827) VCS240064 evrthng, new disc brakes & $15,000 obo
prof’l paint, great body, (9E09107) Call 805-524-1811
MERCEDES BENZ 1999 Posse rear-end & more. Runs VCS239909

ML 430, black, xln’t cond, strong. $7500obo. 805-223-4986

The Lighthouse
936 Need clean in & out, low miles,
sunroof, pwr wndws, #6fsz582
(118463) VCS241274
Motorhomes/RV $10,500obo. 805-263-9334 or
Extra 805-477-9801 VCS240650
985 Vans

Ask the
GM 8.1 Workhorse, Allison,
jacks, 2 slides, 2 tv’s, maple Cash? 1997 ES, auto, a/c, full pwr,
mp3, 4 dr, clean in & out,
runs xlnt. #3wtk117. $2,300.
Sport Utility Vehicles TOYOTA SIENNA XLE ‘02
xlnt cond, loaded, not run-
& nickel int, 3 cameras,
basement air, dbl ss frig, $$$$$$$$$$ 805-253-6006 VCS241865 CHEVY SUBURBAN ‘00
ning/needs part front end
$6500/obo 805-822-3989
5k mi, ext warr. $69,500. 82,000 miles, many extras (4YLE290) VCS240836
NISSAN Sentra ‘06 4 cyl, 1.8l,

(5NKN473) 805-402-9460 $8,500. 805-526-7271
auto, fwd, p/dl, tilt, 52k,
WE cruise $9125 805-963-6746
(3N1CB5) VCS240018
(6LOT819) VCS240887

95k mi, silver, loaded, very CALL
62k mi, king or twin beds, TOYOTA ‘01 MR2 Spyder
micro, generator. $29,000obo. Convertible, silver, $7,000. reliable, $10,750 (008599) 800-221-STAR(7827)
Lic#8c50839. 805-794-5199
CARS 84k miles. Lic# 4TYZ124John
805-297-5272 VCS240199
805-647-8811 VCS240888

Send us your

WILDERNESS ‘97 5th Wheel
Trailer, 31 ft, 3 slide-outs,
good cond. $12,000. #572698. or not. HYBRID, 4 dr, 2 wd, V6,
auto, 40 k miles. $22,999.
Vin#015479. 805-407-6250 By Captain Jim McHugh
Truck Available. 805-492-0858

story ideas!
Can’t find TOYOTA CAMRY 1999 LE

Find a home. the pink or

blk, 4 dr, 127k mi, sunrf, pwr
pkg, cd/casette, new engine.
NBVC Commanding Officer
$4,750. #5uun226. 805-210-9875 registration? VCS241630
No problem! TOYOTA CAMRY LE 1996.
Transportation To get the best 4 CYL, A/C, POWER CHAM-
PAGNE RUNS GREAT A Do you have a story idea?
deal, call us first!
950-998 805-582-2515
FEW BODY 108,000
ORIGINAL MILES. $2,500 Is there something you would Please submit your
CALL 805-824-3438 (4TWT424)
213-700-3116 like to read about regarding
24 hrs/7 days
Under warranty,
19500 miles
NBVC community? Let us questions or comments
HONDA CIVIC know by contacting Lighthouse
LX Sedan Editor Andrea Howry at to Lighthouse Editor

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Volvo 1990 240 DL Wagon
4 cyl, auto, runs well. $850 Mind condition, 36MPG
959 (rece920) 805-218-2374 all service records from
Auto Notices VCS241714
VOLVO 760 ‘89 Cranks, does
not over, probably fuel
Honda. AC,Power every-
thing,cruise control,
mp3,Silver body/gray
Andrea Howry at
pump $995 5BCP686 int., clear title,always
Online garage sale map. 805-509-2504 VCS241430 garaged,no accident,

Every Friday P.M. Find new & used cars.

smoke/pet free #341293
$15,190 OBO
(805) 612-4801 ___________
VCS1234–– 56 ––––––––––
––––––––OL TABLE
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
PO ets.
leather drop pock
Prof size and balls included.
Cues , rack
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Free Quotes Diamond Bands $3,000 for .50ct Diamonds
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8I)4 %I"&= ,0*/31 59'D=) HIG %I9G1 -I! HIG I??"G1 >'E'H&H ?&9D4I)= 9=<&'9=@1

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B *//2 6CH'EC#) +5 .C"@=9 AA81 ;C( %I"'@ $'(4 IEG C(4=9 C::=91

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

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