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Young Beth Jacob!

Morning Afternoon Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh June 12, 2010 g"a, iuhxc 'k jre ,arp,
Parshat Korach, pg. 820 Haftorah pg. 1208
Groups Begin @ Note: The Shabbos Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go
Groups with the
10:30am, Parents please up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Weisers begin @
tend to your children
6:00pm 1st Aliya: Korach, along with the plague sent as a punishment
Dattan, Aviram, and 250 men against the people. 14,700 people
Youth Morning Groups
Teen Morning Groups from Shevet Reuven, challenged perished in the plague.
Tots: Below 1st Grade with
Morahs Faye & Shayna Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Moshe and Aharon’s leadership. 5th Aliya: Aharon’s appointment
Group 2: Active and Edu- Learning w/ Bobbe Moshe set the next day for a as Kohain Gadol is reconfirmed
cational Programs with our Reitman showdown, hoping that the through the test of the staffs.
Middle School Helpers Teens: Parsha, Chulent! rebels would reconsider their Aharon’s staff was the only staff
Junior Cong: The Classic— With Rabbi Simon in the rebellion. that miraculously sprouted
Reborn with Mr. Weiser library followed by
2nd Aliya: After attempting to almonds.
convince Korach to reconsider, 6th Aliya: Aharon’s staff is placed
Moshe attempted to sway Dattan in the Holy of Holies. The duties
and Aviram. Moshe’s efforts were of the Kohanim and Leviyim are
rebuffed. stated along with a list of the
3rd Aliya: The next day Hashem Kohain’s share in the nations
instructed Moshe and the nation produce and live stock.
to separate themselves from 7th Aliya: The Levite’s share
Summer Camp the tents of Korach, Dattan, and of the nation’s produce and the
June 21-25, 9: Aviram. Moshe proclaimed that gifts given by the Laviyim to the
00am-1:30pm, his and Aharon’s leadership
1st-5th grade, $7 Kohanim are stated.
a day would be divinely confirmed
Haftorah Rosh Chodesh
through the way in which
Korach and his followers would This week’s Haftorah is from
die. Korach, Dattan, and Aviram, Yishayah Chap. 66 and reflects
Get Excited! along with their entire families the fact that today is also Rosh
Latte and Learning! - Tuesday Nights. were swallowed up by the earth, Chodesh. Yishayah describes
while the 250 men from Reuven the ultimate downfall of all our
Salad Home Work and Learning - Wednesday Nights.
were consumed by a heavenly enemies during the war of Gog
Teens Parsha & Cholent in the Library, Shabbos @10:30am and Magog. The Navi explains
Contact for details on Teens that this world is the manifestation
4th Aliya: A rebellion broke out
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:45-8:00pm. of g-d’s presence and glory. Yet,
among the people, and Aharon
Bloomberry Pancakes - Sundays at 8:50am-9:20am we are incapable and sometimes
had to intervene in order to stop
Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740 unwilling to properly recognize
G-d’s manifest presence. Even when the Bais Hamikdash stood the Youth Groups.........................6:00pm
Bnai Yisroel did not appreciate their opportunity to be close to G-d and Shabbos Schedule
Pre Teens w/Rabbi Bloom.......OFF
serve Him. The Navi forewarns that insincere expressions of devotion Mincha...…….........................6:45pm
Rabbi’s Class..........................6:30pm
are tantamount to offering blemished sacrifices and G-d will punish Candlelighting.........…………… 7:38pm
those who lack sincerity and devotion. Shacharis Beis Midrash...........7:45am
Shabbos Ends.......................8:39pm
Nevertheless, the institution of the Bais Hamikdash and prayer are our Daf Yomi................................7:45am
Candlelighting Next Week...7:41pm
only means for communication love and devotion. Therefore, those Shacharis Main Shul ......... .... . 8:45am
who truly mourn for the absence of the Bais Hamikdash and the Temple Latest Shema...... ....................9:14am Weekday Schedule
services will also merit to rejoice in her redemption and reconstruction. Teens in Library w/R Simon...10:30am Sunday Shacharis……..........…8:00am
When the Bais Hamikdash will be rebuilt the nation will again be able Open Beis Midrash.................6:30pm Mon-Fri Shacharis 6:20 & 7:15am
to witness the Rosh Chodesh offering and service, and fully participate Pirkei Avos ch. 4 for men&women Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv………7:40pm
in expressing their commitment. w/Rabbi Samowitz.................5:45pm Sun-Thur second Maariv.......9:15pm

Welcome! Learning In Your Community...

Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from Classes, to
To all guests and visitors here One-on-One Learning, to Guided Learning. Every night from 8:00pm-9:15pm
for Shabbos, please feel free there are programs followed by Maariv.
to ask us if you need anything. Mazal Tov! YOMI
Rabbi Avram & Leah Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am
To the Kaplans, Zoimans,
Schechters, Rosens, Dyckmans, Bogopulsky on the marriage
of their daughter Yehudis to CLASSES
Yarmush & Spetners who
are here for Shabbos Sheva Yaacov Kaplan in NY.
Mr. Weiser What’s on Weiser’s mind? call him to find out: 619.550.5954
Berachot. Happy Birthday Helen Lewis. Open Beis Midrash Sunday after Shacharis&Monday-Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm
Beis Midrash Learning: Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee
Welcome first time Mr. & Mrs. Thank You! every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.
Yaacov Kaplan.
Edward & Anita Bogopulsky, Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
This Week!! Zvi & Pessi Rosen and Heshy
Prophets Basic Judaism Parsha
Soille Hebrew Day Banquet- & Zemmy Schechter for
W/ The Rabbi Tastes of Talmud
W/Rabbi Marks W/ The Rabbi
Sunday, June 13. FMI contact the sponsoring Kiddush Lunch
6:00-7:00pm off this week W/ Rabbi Adatto 6:45-7:45pm

school @ 858 279-3300 IHO of Sheva Berachot for Jewish Thought Talmud 8:00-9:00pm Talmud
Yehudis & Yaacov. W/Ariella Adatto W/ The Rabbi W/ The Rabbi
Board Meeting-Monday, June 11:00-12:00pm off this week 8:30-9:15pm
14, 8:15pm. All are invited. To friends of the Bogopulskys
for sponsoring Seuda Shlishit
THS Presents: “Cinderella”,
IHO Yehudis & Yaacov Kaplan THS Graduation, Wed. June 16th, 7:00pm @ Beth Israel.
Tuesday, June 15, 7:00pm @ The
Lyceum. For women only. Refuah Shleimah
Rabbi’s Afternoon Class: Beth Jacob Fundraiser!!!
Coming Soon! Irving Bernhardt | Rose Kraft |
“Squaring off Online chinese auction!!!
Camp Kesher-this summer FMI Goldie Masliah | Doni Lepor | www.chineseauctiononline.
Fighting in Jewish Law”
call the Samowitz’s @ 619 582- | Marcie Maisel | Adella Adams org/bjsd
1070 | Moshe Wiesner | Sara Zajd | @ 6:30pm

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