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Lauren Chiarchiaro

Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is that every child should have the right to learn and get a
quality education. Every child that enters the classroom should feel safe and comfortable and that
is done through a nurturing and enriching environment. Students voices should be heard; their
opinions and ideas should be received with the utmost importance and should guide the structure
of the classroom.
A teacher should not only be aware of the students cognitive growth, but also their
emotional, social and psychological development. Individualized instruction plays a key role in
aiding students with different learning preferences and needs. To this end, lessons must be
constructed to incorporate Gardners Multiple Intelligences; giving all students the opportunity to
succeed on their terms. Using self-discovery and hands-on approach to learning are necessary in
providing students with authentic and meaningful instruction.
Teaching is a learning process; learning from your students, colleagues, parents and
community. This allows teachers to learn new strategies, ideas and philosophies. My classroom
will be a place not only for my students to learn and become compassionate people, but also a
place for my students to teach me.

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