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Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Technology Patna

MA - 201: B.Tech. II year
Autumn Semester: 2015-16
Assignment-1: Fourier Series
1. a) Show that the set of all periodic functions with period p > 0 form a vector space.
b) Obtain fundamental period of following functions: sin 2x, cos 2x, sin x cos x sin x2 .
c) If f (x) has period p then find the period of f (ax) and f (x/b), a, b = 0.
d) If f is a piecewise continuous periodic function of period T , then show that


f (x)dx =

f (x)dx, (a is a constant).

2. Which among the following 2 periodic functions are piece-wise continuous on [, ]? Are they
piece-wise smooth (continuously dierentiable) too there?
(i) f (x) = sgnx, (ii) f (x) = 1/x, (iii) f (x) = sin 1/x, (iv) f (x) = e|x| , (v) f (x) = |x|.
3*.Find Fourier Series
for following 2 periodic functions i.e. f (x + 2) = f (x), x:
0 < x < ;
f (x) =

< x < 2.
x, /2 < x < /2;
(ii) f (x) =
{ 0, /2 < x < 3/2.
/2 < x < /2;
(iii) f (x) =
x, /2 < x < 3/2.
(iv) f (x) = x2 /4, < x <
(v) f (x) = x, 0 < x < 2
(vi) f (x) = ex , < x <
4*. Using the series obtained in Prob 3, show the following:
(i) 1 + 1/33 + 1/52 + = 2 /8 [use 3 (iii)]
(ii) 1 1/4 + 1/9 1/16 + = 2 /12 [use 3 (iv)]

5: Which of the following functions are even, odd, neither:

x5 sin x, x2 sin 2x, ex , cos(x + x3 ), log


6*. Find the Fourier Sine and Cosine series for

(i) f (x) = /4, 0 < x < , (ii) f (x) = x2 , x , (iii) f (x) = 1 + sin x, 0 < x < 1.
7. Find Fourier series for following functions
(i) f (x) = |x|,
2 < x < 2, f (x + 4) = f (x), x,
0, 2 x < 1;
2, 1 x 1; f (x + 4) = f (x), x.
(ii) f (x) =

0, 1 < x 2.
8*. Find Fourier Series of x2 ; < x and using term by term dierentiation obtain Fourier
Series of x. What can you say about convergence of FS of x?
Nearly fty years had passed without any progress on the question of analytic representation of an arbitrary function, when an assertion of Fourier threw
new light on the subject. Thus a new era began for the development of this part of Mathematics and this was heralded in a stunning way by major developments in
-Bernhard Riemann

mathematical Physics.

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