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by Joseph Zernik
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345@e
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email:, c=US
Date: 2010.06.12
Blog: 00:39:10 +03'00'

10-06-11 Accountability Requested by the Los Angeles Jewish

Community for Rampant Fraud at the Los Angeles Courts

Mitchell Kamin Erwin Chemerinsky

Bet Tzedek President Dean, UCI Law School

Los Angeles, June 11 - in an open letter to Prof Erwin Chemerinsky and Attorney Mitchell Kamin, Dr Joseph Zernik, Los
Angeles County resident and founder of Human Right Alert (NGO), asked the two to call for accountability by the Los
Angeles Jewish community for the rampant fraud at the Los Angeles Superior Court. Both Prof Chemerinsky and
Attorney Kamin are self-identified as Jewish. Erwin Chemerinsky is a renowned constitutional scholar, Dean of the
University of California, Irvine law school, and a civic leader with considerable achievements and a reputation second to
none. Mitchell Kamin is President of Bet Tzedek, a prominent Jewish charity in Los Angeles, providing free legal
services. However, in an ongoing court scheme, opined as fraud by a nationally recognized fraud expert - a highly
decorated FBI veteran, three former senior officers of Bet Tzedek were found acting in collusion: Sandor Samuels -
former President of Bet Tzedek and today Associate General Counsel of Bank of America, David Pasternak - former
President of Bet Tzedek, and Terry Friedman - former Executive Director of Bet Tzedek.
In his letter, Dr Zernik alleged that the ongoing imprisonment of the 70 year old former US prosecutor Richard Fine is
another example of the same court fraud scheme. The common pattern in numerous cases that were analyzed by Dr
Zernik is identical: Litigation where minutes, orders, and judgments, are never adequately authenticated and/or
verified, where notice and service are deemed "waived" by the court, and where no orders and judgment are entered as
required by law to make the "effectual for any purpose". Such minutes, orders, and judgments are never deemed valid
and effectual by the court itself, yet are enforced, in disregard of any notion of the California, US, or international law.
In his letter, Dr Zernik asked Prof Chemerinsky and Attorney Kamin to call for accountability by Bet Tzedek for conduct
of its officers, and accountability by the Los Angeles Jewish community for its vast over-representation among attorneys
and judges involved in the rampant fraud at the Los Angeles Superior Court. Moreover Dr Zernik proposed three
concrete measures, which he suggested would bring about substantial improvement in integrity of the courts in Los
Angeles: (a) Honest, published Local Rules of Court pertaining to entry of judgment and maintenance of Books of
Judgment (digital in this day and age), as required by California Code; (b) Notice and service of authenticated minutes,
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orders, and judgments in all court actions and an end to the routine "waiving" of notice and service, and (c) Restoration
of the First Amendment right to access court records - to inspect and to copy.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) filed in April 2010 submission for the upcoming 2010 first ever UPR (universal periodic
review) of Human Rights in the United States by the United Nations, claiming serious violations of the Human Rights of
the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County, California by the courts. Hallmarks of the alleged violations were large
scale false imprisonments and real estate fraud by the courts.

Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 23:25:09 +0300

To: "Chemerinsky, Erwin" ,
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Request for Accountability by Bet Tzedek for Extortion Campaign by Its Former Senior
Officers, initiated in retaliation for request for assistance by Bet Tzedek.

June 11, 2010

Attorney Mitch Kamin

President, Bet Tzedek

Prof Erwin Chemerinksy

Dean, Irvine Law School
University of California

RE: Request for accountability by Bet Tzedek for extortion campaign by its former senior officers,
and accountability by the Jewish community rampant fraud in the Los Angeles Courts, where
Jewish judges and attorneys are vastly over-represented.

Dear Attorney Kamin and Prof Dean Chemerinsky:

I approach the two of you today, as two who are self-identified as Jewish, and also as two, who are well-recognized
as holding civil rights dear. I write to ask you that Bet Tzedek will at long last take accountability for its own
conduct and conduct of its former most senior officers, and likewise, that the Jewish community rebuke the
rampant fraud routinely perpetrated at the Los Angeles Superior Court, where Jewish attorneys and judges are
vastly over-represented.

The fraud
In early 2007, when I realized the scope of real estate fraud being perpetrated against me under the guise of
lawsuit at the court of Jacqueline CONNOR, led by Countrywide and its then Chief Legal Officer - Sandor
SAMUELS and executed by in-house counsel Todd BOOCK and Sanford SHATZ, I approached the Los Angeles
County Consumer Bureau. The staff at the Consumer Bureau referred me to Bet Tzedek - as experts in assisting
victims of real estate and housing fraud. I then realized that Sandor SAMUELS was serving as Bet Tzedek's
President at that time. Moreover, he advertised at the time on Bet Tzedek's web site his own personal campaign
against fraud in Southern California -
If you are a fraud victim - who are you going to call ? Bet Tzedek! [1]

I therefore wrote a letter, addressed to Sandor SAMUELS, President, Bet Tzedek. I sealed it and marked it
"Personal and Confidential". The letter included a copy of one of the key fraud records by Countrywide (it was
later opined upon by fraud expert), and a request that Mr SAMUELS take action to stop the fraud being
perpetrated. I hand delivered the envelope to the offices of Bet Tzedek on Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles. [2]

No response was ever received from Mr SAMUELS. However, the entire web site of Bet Tzedek, including pages
advertising Mr SAMUELS' campaign against fraud, was removed from the network. A week later, the site was up
again - an older version of the Bet Tzedek web site, dated 2005, with no mention of Sandor SAMUELS and his
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campaign to end fraud. [3]

Less than a week later, a campaign of retaliation, harassment, intimidation and extortion was initiated by Mr
SAMUELS and Countrywide, led by Attorney John AMBERG - former Chair of the California Bar Ethics
Committee. Albeit - such campaign, going on now for close to three years, is conducted through fraudulent
appearances of John AMBERG and others, who were never authorized as counsel of record for Countrywide, and
later Bank of America. [4] Moreover, in such appearances Attorney AMBERG and others invariably file papers
under the fraudulent party designation of "Non Party" for Countrywide and Bank of America. The court, in turn
has interchangeably designated Countrywide and Bank of America "Plaintiff", "Defendant", "Cross Defendant",
"Intervenor", "Real Parties in Interest", and more - all with no legal foundation at all.

Further details of the fraud in the courtroom, being perpetrated to this date by Sandor SAMUELS and others, are
provided in complaint filed with OCC and SEC today. [5]

Later, after I disqualified Judge Connor for a cause - twice, she stepped down, and Judge John SEGAL took her
place. Like all judges involved in the case - Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) - he did so with no assignment order at

Judge SEGAL, in turn, purported to appoint Attorney David PASTERNAK - as "Receiver" for execution of
judgment for "specific performance" of a sales contract from 2004 for close to $2.0 millions. Albeit, neither the
judgment, nor the order appointing PASTERNAK "Receiver" were ever authenticated, neither were they entered,
as required by California law to render them "effectual for any purpose". Throughout the fraudulent litigation my
counsel and I were denied access to court records, and the right to notice and service was deemed "waived" by the
court, regardless of my protests.

David PASTERNAK, former President of Bet Tzedek as well, issued in December 2007 grant deeds on my
residence, which were opined as fraud by fraud expert second to none. [6] Furthermore, in disregard of California
Code, which requires that proceeds from sale of property by the court be distributed by the court within 30 days,
David PASTERNAK is holding the proceeds to this day, engaging in various transactions that are alleged as money
laundering - generously distributing funds to his colleagues. One should also be reminded that David
PASTERNAK is former President of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and former member of the California
Judicial Council.

The case was later taken by Judge Terry FRIEDMAN - former Executive Officer of Bet Tzedek - again with no
assignment order at all. Judge FRIEDMAN denied a request to distribute the proceeds from the sale (in an
unauthenticated minute order that was later secretly voided with no notice), and issued (but never entered)
Judgment for Contempt and serious sanctions - twice... for demanding Countrywide and Bank of America's
response on the claims of ongoing fraud.

The basic scheme is simple - litigation with minutes, orders, and judgments, which are never adequately
authenticated, where notice and service are deemed "waived", and where no orders and judgment are entered as
required by law. Such minutes, orders, and judgments are never deemed valid and effectual by the court itself, yet
are enforced, in disregard of any notion of the California, US, or international law.

The Jewish point

One cannot avoid noticing the patter - all those named above, and others, leading the fraudulent schemes at the
Los Angeles Superior Court are identified as Jewish:
•Jacqueline Connor
•Sandor Samuels
•David Pasternak
•John Segal
•Terry Friedman
•John Amberg
•Todd Boock
•Sanford Shatz
Moreover, in this particular case, three senior officers of Bet Tzedek were allegedly colluding in perpetrating fraud
and racketeering in the court room:
a) Sandor SAMUELS - President of Bet Tzedek at the time.
b) David PASTERNAK - former President of Bet Tzedek
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c) Terry FRIEDMAN - former Executive Officer.

The case is not unique at all. Numerous other cases of real estate fraud under the guise of litigations were
identified, and Attorney PASTERNAK appears to have been a regular henchman in such cases.

Such fraud schemes are not limited to real estate either: The ongoing imprisonment of Attorney Richard Fine is a
perfect copy of the scheme - to affect false imprisonment. Richard Fine is held now for 14 months in solitary
confinement pursuant to a March 4, 2009 Judgment by David YAFFE - another judge identified as Jewish, albeit a
judgment that was never authenticated, never noticed, and never entered.[7]

And justice at the House of Justice...

Given that the retaliation in my case was initiated following my request for help by a Bet Tzedek officer, on Bet
Tzedek premises, in response to solicitation by Bet Tzedek, I have requested in recent years that Bet Tzedek inform
me of any dispute resolution mechanisms that may exist at Bet Tzedek. No response at all was received from Bet
Tzedek - the House of Justice.
•Isn't it time for the two of you to call for Bet Tzedek to take responsibility for conduct of its
then President - Sandor SAMUELS alleged as entrapment and retaliation in response for
request for help by Bet Tzedek?
•Isn't it time for the two of you to call for an end to the rampant fraud at the Los Angeles
Superior Court, where Jewish attorneys and judges are vastly over-represented?

It is suggested that restoration of the following three elementary rights would be sufficient to affect a revolution in
integrity of the Los Angeles courts:
•Honest, published Local Rules of Court pertaining to entry of judgment and maintenance of Books of
Judgment (digital in this day and age), as required by California Code
•Notice and service of authenticated minutes, orders, and judgments of all court actions, and an end to the
routine "waiving" of notice and service.
•Restoration of the First Amendment right to access court records - to inspect and to copy.
I look forward to hearing from you.


Joseph Zernik, PhD
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine:

[1] 07-06-20-Samaan-v-Zernik-SC087400-Bet-Tzedek-apos-s-web-pages-featuring-Sandor-Samuels-apos-

[2] 07-06-22-Samaan-v-Zernik-SC087400-Letter-Hand-Delivered-to-Sandor-Samuels-in-his-capacity-as-

[3] 08-03-05-Case-of-Borrower-Parsley-05-90374-Dkt-248-Judge-Jeff-Bohm-apos-s-Memorandum-Opinion-

[4] July 2007 web site - any mention of Samuels or the campaign to end fraud was removed.

[5] 10-06-11-Dr-Zernik-s-Complaints-Filed-with-Office-of-Comptroller-of-the-Currency-and-SEC-against-
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[6] 07-12-17-Samaan-v-Zernik-SC087400-David-Pasternak-Grant-Deeds-opined-as-fraud-by-James-Wedick-

[7] Records that led to the false imprisonment of Richard Fine and are alleged as fraud by the Court and the

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