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Diamond Davis

Old Man and The Sea

Writing Prompt 1
1st hr
In Ernest Hemingways novella The Old Man and the Sea, an old man struggles
for 3 days trying to catch a marlin and make it back to shore. In doing so, Hemingway
shows the struggle between man and nature. With the use of vivid imagery and great
detail Hemingway is able to effectively convey the relationship between man and nature.
The novella contains a lot of biblical imagery. First, the wounds that Santiago get
on his hands and back from the rope can remind one of the ones of Christ. Then he lay
down on the bed. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders and then over his back and
legs and he slept face down on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of
his hands up. (121) This is obviously the same position Jesus was in on the cross. With
these images Hemingway shows the Christ-imagery vividly.
To show the connection between the nature and man Hemingway uses great
detail. As the story progresses Santiagos bond with the natural world becomes greater.
Mainly with the marlin. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a
right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing
than you brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who. (92) Santiago even
refers to the marlin as his brother showing respect. This also shows how it is less of a
battle, but more of mans relationship with nature and not against it.

Ernest Hemingway effectively uses imagery and details to convey the relationship
that is shared by man and nature. With christ-imagery and great detail this key theme is

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