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Quad Torc 2017rise above all

QT17 Manual [updated on 10/09/16]

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Section B- QT17 Calendar

................................. 4

Section C- Registration Requirement ....................... 6-9

Section D-Quad TORC Rules and Organizers Authority ....... 9-10
Section E- Prize Money ..................................... 11
Section F- Vehicle Technical Regulations ................ 12-16
Section G- Driver Safety Gear ........................... 17-20
Section H- Engine and Transmission ......................... 21
Section I- Vehicle Identification ....................... 22-23
Section J- Driver Training Program ......................... 24
Section K- Judgment Criteria ........................... 25-30
Section L- Quad Torc 2017 Conduction ................... 31-44

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Section A
What is Indian Society of New Era Engineers?
Indian Society of New Era Engineers is an organization focusing on the
technical and managerial development of future engineers. It gives
opportunity to the undergraduate and diploma engineers to research and
develop innovative projects. Knowledge is limited, imagination encircles
the world. We inspire them to imagine because imagination is more important
than knowledge. Design Challenges organized by ISNEE provides students a
panorama to work as team and allows them to commit and dedicate to
demonstrate and prove their creativity in real engineering. Any student can
be theoretically strong but practicality is very much different from the
theoretical world. Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows
vision, and gives us the right stuff to turn our dreams into reality.
We aim to build a bridge between imagination of the student and the real
engineering through design challenges, Training and Research programs. When
a team works for any project, they learn to research, develop and manage
various things related to the project which prepares them to join the
industry as a complete professional and having a good knowledge of
engineering and management.

What is QUAD-TORC?
QUADTORC is QUAD-The Off Road Championship. Quad is an all-terrain
vehicle (a four-wheeler bike), which was initially developed as a farm-totown vehicle in isolated and mountainous areas. This competition is
basically to design and fabricate a QUAD with some rules and regulations
specified in this MANUAL. The vehicle and associated documentation must be
researched, designed and fabricated by the team members without direct
/indirect involvement of professional engineers, faculty or professionals
in the off-road and racing. Vehicles, which have been professionally
fabricated, may be penalized or even disqualified from the competition. The
decision of the organizing committee in this regard will be final. Since
Quad Torc is a motor sports design challenge and there are several risks
involved in the competition; the participating team and respective college
has to bear every applicable obligation and liability of the losses
happening to the man or machine.

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10th Sept,2016

Rulebook Publishing Date

3rd Oct,2016

Registration Starts

3rd Nov,2016

Registration Ends

4th 10th Nov, 2016

5th Nov,2016
11th Nov, 2016
15th Jan,2017

Registration (Late Entry)

Last Date to Pay Registration Fee
Last Date to Pay Late Entry
Registration Fee
Preliminary design report,
Preliminary DFMEA, Preliminary
DVP, Preliminary Gantt Chart

19th Jan, 2017

Last Date to Pay Participation Fee

20th Jan, 2017

Preliminary Cost

22nd Jan, 2017

Preliminary Business Plan

24th Feb, 2017

Engine Payment (50% total amount)


25th March, 2017

Due Payment of the engine

10th April, 2017

Engine Dispatch

10th July,2017

Final Design Report ,DFMEA ,DVP,

Gantt Chart

15th July,2017

Final Cost Report

18th July,2017

Final Business Plan

20th July,2017

Fabricated and Pre-fabricated Part


30th July,2017

College level Technical Inspection


5th August,2017

Equipments and Driver SAFETY Gear

Purchase proof Submission

10th August,2017

Manufacturing video proof


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15th August, 2017

Driver Medical Insurance,

Liscence, Medical fitness
certification Submission

25th August, 2017

Testing Report and Video


22nd Sep to 25th Sep, 2017

Final Round


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Section C
Registration Requirements
QTC.1. Maximum Registration Slots: Only 70 teams can register in QT17 from
Oct 3rd to Nov 3rd, 2016. The registration process will be practiced on
first come first serve basis. Teams paying the registration fee will only
be considered as the confirmed teams; the payment and its confirmation must
be completed within two working days from the date of registration. Failing
to pay the registration fee within two working days will result into the
cancellation of the registration and the slot will be allocated to the next
team which pays the fee earlier.
QTC.2. Late Entry Registration: There is a provision of Late Entry
Registration in QT17, only 5 slots will be available in late registration.
Teams registering during this period of time will need to pay slightly
greater registration fee as compared to the other teams. The late entry
registration can be done from Nov 4th, 2016 to Nov 10th, 2016. The different
categories of registration fees are mentioned in the table belowS#


Old Teams
Female Teams
Teams from ISNEE
Student Chapter
Late Registration
Registration Fee
for Extra Member


(INR excluding
Service Tax)



QTC.3. Team Requirement: Team registering for Quad TORC 2017 must possess
a Team Name, Team Logo, Team Captain, Team Manager and Faculty Advisor.
Maximum three teams can register from each college. In case of more than
one teams from same college Team logo and Faculty adviser must be
different. No member can participate in more than one team.
QTC.3.1 Team Name and Logo: Every team must have a unique team name and
impressive team logo.
QTC.3.2 Team Structure: Team distribution must be as described below:
a> Maximum Members: 40
b> Drivers: Not less/more than 2 drivers in one team.
c> Extra Member: Members registered in a team after the
maximum members will be considered as Extra Members.
Maximum 10 extra members can be registered in each
team by paying registration fees. Fee for extra
members registration is mentioned in the registration
fee table given above in Rule# QTC.2. Please be
informed that the extra members will be treated as the
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normal members once their registration fee is paid and

will be eligible to avail every facility like other
members of the team during the design challenge.
QTC.3.3 Eligibility: Team registering for Quad TORC 2017, must consists of
the students pursuing degree/diploma in engineering. All the members of the
team must have enrolled as undergraduate/ diploma student from same
Students passing out in the year 2016 are eligible to
QTC.3.4 Drivers Age: Both the drivers must be 18 years old or above by
15th December, 2016. A scan copy of the license should be sent to the
organizing committee as mentioned in the event calendar and the same will
be verified during the Final event.
QTC.3.5 Drivers License: Both the drivers must
driving license issued by Road Transport Authority.




QTC.1.6 Medical Insurance: Both the drivers of a team must have a valid
medical insurance. A scan copy of the medical insurance should be sent to
the organizing committee as mentioned in the event calendar and the same
will be verified during the Final event.
QTC.3.7 Drivers Physical Fitness Test and Medical Certificate: Both the
drivers must have a physical fitness certification issued by recognized
doctor/hospital. The scan copy of the same must be sent to organizing
committee as per the schedule mentioned in the event calendar and ISNEE
officials may conduct the different fitness test, which include physical
and psychological tests to verify the documents provided. If any driver
fails, then he/she will not be permitted to drive the vehicle at the event
QTC.3.8 Faculty Advisor: Each team is expected to be facilitated with a
faculty advisor. The responsibility of the faculty advisor is to advise the
team on project management and engineering theory. The participation of
faculty advisor in the designing and fabrication of any part of the vehicle
is strictly prohibited. Presence of the faculty advisor at the final event
is not compulsory.
QTC.4. Team Registration
Online registration will be available around the clock on our website from 3rd October, 2016 to 3rd November, 2016 while the late
entry registrations will be available from Nov 4th to Nov 10th, 2016. All
the registered teams will be provided with an online account on the
website, After registration, payment must be done within 2
working days from the date of the registration. The transaction receipt of
the payment has to be uploaded in the respective team account. In case of
payment failure within the due dates, online registration will be cancelled
and the slot will be offered to the next team in waiting list which pays
the fee earlier. The detailed guidelines for the registration process with
the screenshots will be uploaded on the website.

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QTC.4.1 Bank Account: All the teams must have a bank account. The prize
money will be awarded to the team account. The required certification/
documents will be provided by ISNEE. The account must meet the following
The account must be a joint current account.
The name of the account must be same as the name of the team
Minimum two account holders are required to operate the
Note: The prize money, if any secured by the team will only be awarded
through the team account as mentioned above.
QTC.4.2 Registration fee:
Team registration fee: INR 11600/- plus 15% Service Tax per
Note- The team registration fee does not include the registration fee
of extra member(s) and the participation fee.
Extra Member Registration Fee:
1,160/- INR per person
(inclusive of all taxes). After fulfilling the maximum members of
team i.e., 40 members, adding members to the team will be an extra
member. Team has to pay the fee as mentioned above to register an
extra member.
The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Team Participation Fee- INR 22500/- plus 15% Service Tax
QTC.4.3 Mode of Payment: The registration money can be paid through the
following modes;
A> Money transfer through the bank
B> Money transfer through ATM
C> Money transfer through online banking
D> Payment through Demand Draft (DD)
Payment only through the modes mentioned above is accepted.
The bank account details will be sent along with the registration
confirmation mail and also displayed in the respective team accounts.
QTC.5 Communication
QTC.5.1 Official Announcements: All the official announcements and
information will be published in Team accounts and sometimes through emails also. It is the responsibility of the Team captain/ Team manager to
keep the team updated with all the information shared on team account and
QTC.5.2 For any queries regarding the event, an e-mail has to be sent to All the queries will be replied within 24 hours. No
Technical queries will be answered through telephonic conversations. It is
the responsibility of the team that any declarations, decisions and
permissions given by organizer must be through e-mail for future
references. The format of any mail sent to the Quad TORC Authorities must
be as follows;

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Subject: Team ID_Subject of the mail. (Ex. 20160001_Regarding the

*** Body of the mail ***
Designation (Ex. Team Captain, Team Manager, Member.. etc)
Team ID
Team Name
D No.

QTD.1 Quad TORC 2017 Rules and Organizers Authorities:

QTD.1.1 The rules and regulations provided in QT17 Manual are to be
followed by every participant. In case of failure, Team/Participant is
liable to be penalized accordingly. Indian Society of New Era Engineers/
Quad TORC officials have right to debar the team at any stage and withdraw
the award(s), if any secured by the team/individual.
QTD.1.2 Validity of the Rules: The rules and regulations provided in the
QT17 Manual will be valid and same throughout the event. Any amendments
made in the rule book to resolve any loopholes perceived or any alterations
in the event calendar will be communicated through the team account, emails
and news on website and an updated manual will be uploaded on the website.
It is the responsibility of the team to stay updated with the amendments
made; all the updates will be published in the team account.
QTD.1.3 Rule Compliance: By registering for Quad TORC 2017 the Team,
members of the team as individuals, faculty advisor and other personnel of
the college/university (involved in the project) agree to comply with, and
bound by rules and all rule interpretations or procedures issued or
announced by ISNEE. All the team members, faculty advisor and other
university representatives are required to cooperate with and follow all
the instructions provided/informed by the event organizers, judges and
respective officials.
QTD.1.4 Right to Impound: Indian Society of New Era Engineers (ISNEE) or
Quad TORC officials reserve the right to impound any onsite registered
vehicle at any time during competition for the inspection and examination.
QTD.1.5 Complaint/Questions
QTD.1.5.1 Team manager/Team Captain (any one of them) is the only
authorized member to lodge any kind of the complaint during the final event
through the registration desk. Any complaint must be lodged within 10
minutes after the completion of the particular incident/event. The
complaint lodged by the particular team manager must be valid and related
to the respective team. In case of lodging any invalid complaint, the team
will be penalized.
QTD.1.5.2 It is the responsibility of the Team Captain/ Team manager to
notify the organizers regarding any issue upon allotted scores and it is to
be notified within 48 hours from the date of publication of score sheet.
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The Decision given by the convener/nominated authority will be final and no

further arguments/ discussions will be entertained.
QTD.1.6 Intoxication and Illegal Material: Consumption of Alcohol and
Illegal drugs, weapons/illegal material are strictly prohibited on the
event site during the competition. This rule will be in effect during the
entire competition. Any violation by any team member, faculty advisor and
other representative will lead to the expulsion of the entire team from the
competition. Any kind of intoxication by any individual will be informed to
the concerned government authorities.
QTD.1.7 Track Access Conditions: No driver is authorized to drive the
vehicle on the track until the vehicle is passed through the technical
inspection and brake test. Team members are permitted to watch/observe the
dynamic events from a specified location.
QTD.1.8 Resources Usage Terms: All the resources provided by ISNEE or any
associated organizations at the event site are just for the onsite usage.
All the resources are to be returned to ISNEE in the same condition as
issued by ISNEE. If any resource is damaged, then the team will be liable
to pay the fine imposed by the organizer accordingly.
QTD.1.9 Withdrawal Notification: Any team withdraws from the event need to
send an official letter to the convener of Quad TORC 2017. The letter must
be approved by faculty adviser and sealed by the college management.
QTD.1.10 Reports and Deadlines: Teams are required to submit the reports as
per the respective terms. Any team failed to meet the deadlines will
penalized accordingly.
QTD.1.11 Procedure to Change Team Captain: To change the team captain, the
present captain has to write a letter requesting for the modification. The
letter must be signed by the present captain, new captain and faculty
adviser and sealed by the college.
QTD.1.12 Procedure to Change the Team Manager: To change the team manager,
the team captain has to write a letter requesting for the modification. The
letter must be signed by the team captain, present manager, new manager and
faculty adviser and sealed by the college.
QTD.1.13 Procedure to Change the Faculty Adviser: To change the faculty
adviser, the present captain has to write a letter requesting for the
modification. The letter must be signed by the team captain, both the
advisers (present and replacement) and sealed by the college.

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Section E
Prize Money
QTE. The competition will have following categories and the prize money


Prize Money






Endurance and Fuel Economy


Mud Walker Challenge of the


Winner 25,000/-

Kill the Hill

Runner Up

Best Suspension




Best Innovation


Best Design



Best Business Plan



Best Cost Award



CAE Awards



Best Driver



Judges Choice Award



Best Female Participant



Best Team Captain




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Vehicle Technical Regulation
The vehicle must have four wheels that cannot be in a straight line in
longitudinal direction.
QTF.1 Vehicle Configuration
QTF.1.1 Wheel Base and Track Width: The vehicle must have wheelbase of at
least 43 inches and the smaller track width must be at least 80% of the
The wheelbase is measured from the centres of contact on ground of the
front to rear tires with the wheels pointed straight ahead.
QTF.1.2 Maximum Vehicle Dimensions: Maximum Width: 60 inches at its widest
points and Maximum Length: 80 inches end to end. Vehicle exceeding these
dimensions will not be allowed to participate in Design Challenge.
QTF.1.3 Ground Clearance: With the driver aboard there must be a minimum of
177.8mm (7 inches) of static ground clearance measured at any of the lowest
point (except tyres), under the complete vehicle. Ground clearance would be
measured in similar lines to that of IS 9435.
QTF.1.4 Centre of Gravity location: Centre of gravity must be physically
located in the vehicle by affixing the below given sign at the exact
location of COG.

NOTE: The Physical CG location must be in the form of sticker

QTF.1.5 Vehicle Top Speed: The vehicle top speed must not exceed more than
60 kmph under any circumstances.
NOTE: The speed of the vehicle will be evaluated and verified using
electronic meters. Organizers can measure and verify the speed any time
during the dynamic activities. Vehicle exceeding the restricted speed will
be directly disqualified from the design challenge.
QTF.2 Fuel Tank
The fuel tank must be placed on the top of the engine with proper shielding
so that it can cover and protect the driver from the heat produced from the
QTF.2.1 Capacity of Fuel Tank: The capacity of the fuel tank can be kept up
to 15 litres. The fuel tank must be properly covered so that it doesnt
receive heat from the engine.

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QTF.2.2 Ventilation: Every fuel tank must have proper ventilation system,
so that the fuel can be drained out from the tank in fuel economy test.
NOTE: It is mandatory to drain away the fuel tank before and after
endurance during fuel filling and fuel economy test respectively. Vehicle
ventilation/draining system in the vehicle.
QTF.2.3 Fuel Level Indicator: Every vehicle must be equipped with proper
Fuel level indicator to display the volume of fuel inside the tank.
NOTE: Fuel Level Indicator is mandatory. Without this, no vehicle will be
allowed for fuel filling and will not get T.I OK.
QTF.2.4 Catch Cans: Proper catch-can
vehicle to collect the spilled over
directed towards ground with the help
inside diameter. Fuel pipes must be
structural member.

(if required) must be installed in

fuel or leaked fuel. Fuel must be
of Fuel pipes (OEM) with minimum 6mm
directed towards ground along the

QTF.3 Driver Seat

The drivers seat must be soft enough so as to absorb all the jerks and
shocks produced in the dynamic events. The seat mounting must be rigid
enough to withstand the dynamic conditions while the driver is driving the
vehicle on the track.
QTF.4 Kill Switch
The vehicle must be equipped with at least two kill switches. These kill
switches must be able to cut off all the electrical connections including
ignition system (except brake light) and must be rigidly mounted near the
steering handle where the driver can easily control it. Second kill switch
should be placed in left side of the vehicle such that in the case of
emergency the bystander can operate it easily.
Refer to figure for the location/installation and type of kill switches to
be used. Push to off kill switch can be used.

QTF.5 Throttle
OEM two wheeler Bike throttle is strictly
equipped with proper thumb throttle.

prohibited; Vehicle must be

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NOTE: Teams can also design and manufacture the thumb throttle and can also
use pre-fabricated one (OEM Thumb throttle)


Throttle must give full return.

Must be mounted rigidly on steering handle.
Must be easy and comfortable to operate.

NOTE: Thumb throttle will be checked again and again by every dynamic test
Judge. Judges keep to authority to give DNF to the particular vehicle, if
the thumb throttle is not fully operational.

QTF.6 Tyres- Teams are free to

compatible with their vehicle.









A> We advise and recommend using proper off road tires which will help
them during Mud-Walker, Kill the hill and Traction test.
B> Also give attention towards selecting the tyre tread pattern and ply
QTF.7 Gear Shifter
The gear shifting must be operated by left foot and it must be designed and
manufactured according to OEM placement.
QTF.8 Mud Guards- The vehicle must be equipped with the mud guard made up
of suitable material both on the front and rear wheels. Mudguard must be
mounted rigidly with frame.
QTF.9 Lock Nuts
Locking nuts are mandatory to be used everywhere in the vehicle. Failure to
fulfil this will result in disqualification from design challenge.
QTF.10 Fire Extinguisher
Each team must have at least two (2) nos of 02 Kg ABC type fire
extinguishers. One to be placed with vehicle and another one must be with
the crew member in all the dynamic events.
The Fire extinguisher must be placed near the driver seat. Prevention must
be taken while mounting the fire extinguisher
It must not be in contact with any heat producing device or component
It must be easily accessible in case of emergency.
It must not be placed near exhaust.
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QTF.11 Foot Step and foot protector

The foot step must be designed considering the tallest member of the team
as the driver. The foot step must be able to safely accommodate the
drivers foot inside. There must be at least 3 inch clearance between tires
and foot step both from front and the rear of the foot rest. The Foot step
must be equipped with a foot protector which will stop the drivers foot to
touch the tyre during any dynamic conditions. Care must be taken to cover
the foot rest from the bottom. The drivers foot at any dynamic condition
must not go down below the foot rest.
QTF.12 Toe Point
There must be one toe point in front of the vehicle. The toe point must be
manufactured with Mild Steel flat of minimum 3mm thickness.
These toe points must be polished with the orange colour for easy
visibility so that it can be easily identified or distinguished.
NOTE: The installation of toe point must be done in such a manner that it
can be rotated at minimum of 1800 without compromising the strength of the
joint. Dimensions are in inches.

QTF.13 Rear View Mirrors

Every vehicle must be equipped with the rear view mirror in both the sides
of the driver. Mirrors should be installed at its OEM Location only. No
vehicle will pass the technical inspection test without the rear view
We advise you to see to the below figure for reference of mounting rear
view mirrors and Kill switch.

QTF.14 Horn and Indicators

Horns and Indicators are strictly prohibited.
QTF.15 Reverse light and Alarm
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Reverse light and alarm is mandatory if the vehicle is having reverse gear.
QTF.16 Electric HarnessAll the electrical harness must be insulated and installed properly. There
must not be any loose fittings.
QTF.17 Drop Test Toe Point
Every vehicle must have Drop test toe points at front and rear of the Quad.
Front Toe Point: It must be present between the steering handle and Fuel
tank. The front Toe point must be the structural member of main frame. (If
No nut and bolt joint is used)
Teams are free to use Nut and Bolt joint members even with frame for Drop
test; in this case, care must be taken in selecting proper Nut and Bolts.
Rear Toe Point: It must be placed at the back of the seat, near brake light
bracing. Care must be taken, such that the toe point do not damage the
brake light at any cost
A> The fuel tank and drivers seat must be removed from the quad during
drop test.

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Driver Safety Gear
The following are the minimum requirements and restrictions that will be
enforced through technical inspection at any stage of competition.
Noncompliance observed by the inspection/organizing/judging committee
members must be corrected and no vehicles without passing the technical
inspection would be allowed to participate further in the event. All the
parts of Drivers Safety Gear must meet the required ratings (specified).
No driver would be allowed to drive the vehicle without the complete
drivers safety gear in any of the dynamic event. The complete drivers
gear of QUAD-TORC will consist of the following items:
QTG.1 Helmet
A well-fitting open face off road helmet that meets one of the following
certifications and is labelled as such
- Snell K2000, K2005, K2010, M2000, M2005, M2010, SA2000, SA2005,
SA2010 or equivalent
- SFI 31.2A, SFI 31.1/2005
- FIA 8860-2004, FIA 8860-2010
Driver has to wear off road goggles inside it. All helmets to be used in
the competition must be presented during Technical Inspection where
approved helmets will be stickered. The organizer reserves the right to
impound all non-approved helmets until the end of the competition.

QTG.2 Neck Support

The neck support must be a full circle (360) and SFI rated. Horseshoe
collars are not allowed. Simpson, RCI,
GForce, Deist or
Products supply neck collars that meet this requirement.

NOTE: Neck support should properly cover the whole neck of the drivers.
QTG.3 Chest and Back Armour
Every team must have proper fitting chest and Back support as given in the
figure below. The chest support must cover all the ribs of chest. Chest
support must be separate with kidney support, Chest support with attached
kidney support is not allowed.
Back Support must also cover the back of the driver completely.
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Chest Armour

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Back Armour

QTG.4 Shoulder Armour

Every team must have shoulder armour to protect the driver shoulder in the
vehicle got misbalanced.

QTG.5 Hip Protection

Hip protection is also mandatory.
QTG.6 Leg protection
Leg protection includes the overall leg protection including knee and
Note that the leg protection and knee protection are different, we advise
you to refer to the below figure for your better understanding.

Overall Leg Protection

Knee Pads

- Indicates the allowed things.


Indicates not allowed things

QTG.7 Elbow and Forearm Protection

Both Elbow and Forearm Protection is compulsory for the design challenge.
We advise you to refer to the below figure while procuring the Elbow and
Forearm protection pad.

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QTG.8 Boots (Boots are totally different from shoes)

Only the racing boots (Bikers shoes) are allowed in the event. Normal
Shoes/Leather Shoes are strictly prohibited. Below mentioned is the figure
to distinguish between boots and shoes.
Boot must also cover the shin and calf of the drivers leg. Driver can wear
cotton socks

QTG.9 Kidney Belt

Every team must have proper kidney protecting belt and it must not be
attached with the chest armour.

QTG.10 Gloves with Wrist Protection

Every team must have proper leather gloves (Bikers Gloves) with wrist
protection. We advise to refer the below figure while procuring the gloves.

QTG.11 Underclothing/Inner-wears
Every Driver must wear full sleeves underclothing covering from neck to
wrist and from waist to ankle as shown below.
Underclothing must be Fire Resistant or 100% Cotton Fabric.

A> Pure cotton cloths are allowed but team must show the manufacturers
B> SFI/FIA rated underclothing is also allowed.
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QTG.12 Hydration Pack

Every driver must have proper hydration pack during endurance. No driver
will be allowed to participate in endurance round without the hydration
Hydration pack must be mounted with the back armour of the driver safety
gear. Refer to the below picture for more clear understanding.

What is Hydration pack?

A hydration pack is a type of hydration system built as a backpack or
waist pack containing a reservoir or "bladder" commonly made of rubber or
flexible plastic. The reservoir contains a capped mouth for filling with
liquid and a hose that allows the wearer to drink hands-free. Most hoses
end with a "bite valve" that opens when the user bites down on it; the
valve may be protected by a dust cover

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QTH.1 Guidelines
Teams have to use the engine provided by SD Motor Sports.
Engine Usage- One engine can only be used for two consecutive
events/years by the same team. The engine registration will be done
by ISNEE. Engine will be supplied by SD Motorsports for the new
Energy boosting devices/hybrid systems are strictly prohibited.
Engine Tuning-Teams are strictly restricted to tune the engine
or do any modification with internals of the engine. Teams are
allowed to work upon the intake system of the engine to optimize the
fuel economy. Please be informed that the supplier or the
manufacturer wont be liable for any accountability if the engine is
being tempered or tuned.
Chain Guard- Every vehicle should be equipped with proper chain
guard. It should restrict accidental contact of any person standing
outside. It should be mounted properly any un-usual sound is not
NOTE: Perforated sheets are not allowed for chain guard.

Detailed Technical specification of the Engine is given below:

Compression ratio
Max.Net Power
Max. Torque
Ideal RPM


Single Cylinder, Air-Cooled, Gasoline

11.5 kw/7000 RPM
16.0 N.m/6000 RPM
1420 RPM
Electric/Kick Starter

Engine procurement






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Vehicle Identification
QTI.1 Vehicle Identification
Each team will be given a vehicle number, and the vehicle will be known by
that number in the whole design challenge. Teams are required to have an
impressive team logo along with the college logo which is to be placed on
the vehicles body.
The vehicle number must be clearly visible from every side of the vehicle.
Dimensions of vehicle number must be larger than any logos and stickers for
better visibility and tracking.

Refer the below figure as example.

NOTE: Every team must meet the minimum requirement of dimension and
placement of the vehicle number, instruction for which are given below.
A> Vehicle number must be visible from every side of the vehicle as
shown in the figure below.

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B> The width of the letters must be at least 1 inches and it should be
enclosed in a circle of minimum diameter of 6 inches and border of 1
C> The vehicle number must be of black colour with white background and
the border of the circular part should also be black.

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ISNEE will conduct driver training program for every participating team. We
advise you to read the below mentioned instructions carefully
A> It is compulsory for all the drivers to participate in driver
training program.
B> Each team must send at least 2 drivers for this training program with
full safety gear as per the norms and regulations mentioned in Driver
safety gear section.
C> Accommodation, travel and hospitality and other expenses will be
borne by team itself. ISNEE will not provide any kind of these
D> No need to come with the manufactured vehicle. ISNEE will provide the
E> Both the drivers must carry their driving licence and medical
insurance with them
F> Venue for DTP will be announced two months before and it will be
updated in your team accounts. The venue will also be announced on
Quads official website and also in Teams account.
G> Registration for driver training will also be done through teams
account at
H> Teams failing to report to the DTP will not be allowed to participate
in final round and will also be disqualified from the remaining

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QTK.1 The report Submission will be done in two parts:
A. Reports Submission before Final Round
B. Report Submission for final Round
QTK.2 The deadlines are given in QT17 Calendar. We strictly advice you to
follow the given deadlines to avoid the penalties.
QTK.3 Report Submission before Final Round
QTK.3.1 Preliminary Design Report (40 Marks)
Every team need to submit the PDR on the given deadline. In case team fails
to submit the report on time, penalties will be imposed on each team
according to below intervals:




Note: No reports will be considered for evaluation after 3 days and will be
considered as not submitted in case team fails to submit the design report,
the other reports like DVP, DFMEA, COST REPORT, and BUSINESS PLAN will not
be evaluated for Preliminary stage.
Report Format and Guidelines are uploaded on our website
and will also be updated in every teams account.
A> What is PDR?
A PDR is a brief idea and knowledge of overall vehicle designing and
Manufacturing. It must include design objective, design methodology,
Subsystem selection with proper justification, Design Supporting
calculations and Analysis.
B> Do we need to submit the design of overall vehicle?
Yes. Complete design report with Vehicle CAD Model must be submitted
in Preliminary Design Report. We require the complete design of the
C> What should be included in PDR?
You must include the brief idea about the selection criteria,
calculation and analysis of different subsystems of Quad Bike.
Engine and Transmission
Steering System
Braking System
Suspension System
Ergonomics etc.
D> What is the format of PDR?

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PDR Format must be in IEEE format. PDR format is also uploaded on our
website and will also be uploaded in every teams
account after the registration process.
E> Why do you take PDR?
PDR gives us the clear idea about the Technical Knowledge level,
Maturity, Management skills and other qualities of the team. Our
experts scrutinise the reports and suggest for the improvements, if
any. PDR suggestions will help the teams to make better and
constructive Final Design Report for the Final Round of the Design
Preliminary Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis Report (DFMEA)
(20 Marks)
Every team need to submit the DFMEA Report on the given deadline. In case
team fails to submit the report on time, penalties will be imposed on each
team according to below intervals:




NOTE: DFMEA Report will only be evaluated if the team submits the
Preliminary Design Report before the deadline. No reports will be
considered for evaluation after 3 days and will be considered as NOT
SUBMITTED. Report Format and Guidelines for the submission will be uploaded
on our website and will also be uploaded in every teams
A> What is PDFMEA?
Preliminary Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PDFMEA) is used
to get the brief idea to uncover design risk associated with the
vehicle, which includes possible failure of weld joints, Wheels
Assembly ,A-ARMS and degradation of performance which can cause
damage to vehicle and can also cause in injury or even the death of
B> How it will be helpful?
It will help you to recognize the crucial components of the vehicle
where you have to pay more attention give priority for repair after
on track test or Dynamic event. It will also help you in
understanding the loopholes of the vehicle. After analysing the
PDFMEA we will suggest changes and Improvements needed for Final
DFMEA report for Final Round.
C> What is the format?
The format will be uploaded on our website and will
also be uploaded in teams account. The format provided is just a
sample; teams can follow any standard format available to them.

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QTK.3.5 Preliminary Design Validation Plan (PDVP) (20)

Every team need to submit the PDVP Report on the given deadlines. In case
team fails to submit the report on time, penalties will be imposed on each
team according to below intervals:



NOTE: PDVP Report will only be evaluated if the team submits the
Preliminary Design Report on given Deadline. No reports will be considered
for evaluation after 3 days (Penalty period) and will be considered As NOT
SUBMITTED. Report Format and Guidelines for the submission will be uploaded
on our website and will also be uploaded in every teams
QTK.3.6 FAQS (Design Validation Plan)
A> What is Preliminary Design Validation Plan?
Design Validation Plan is a pre planning real time experiments
conducted by the teams to validate the vehicle with the design
parameters like Vehicle speed, Turning Radius, Acceleration, Output
Torque and Power etc.
After analysing the PDFMEA we will suggest changes and Improvement
needed for Final DVP report for Final Round.
B> How DVP Report will help us?
DVP will help you to know whether your vehicle is meeting the
targeted design parameters to give desired performance for the design
challenge or not.
Suppose if you have targeted the speed of 60 kmph for your quad and
after checking the DVP report you found your vehicle maximum speed is
only 50kmph, it means you have to bring changes and improvement to
meet the targeted speed. You can also set acceptance criteria for
targeted value.

QTK.3.7 Preliminary Cost Report (20 Marks)

Every team need to submit the Preliminary Cost Report on the given
deadline. In case team fails to submit the report on time, penalties will
be imposed on each team according to below intervals:



NOTE: Preliminary Cost Report will only be evaluated if the team submits
the Preliminary Design Report on given Deadline. No reports will be
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considered for evaluation after 3 days (Penalty Period) and will be

considered as NOT SUBMITTED. Report Format and Guidelines for the
submission will be uploaded 0n our website and will also be
uploaded in every teams account.
QTK.3.8 FAQS (Preliminary Cost Report)
A> Why should we submit the Preliminary Cost Report?
Preliminary Cost Report is taken to examine the depth and genuineness
of Market survey done by the teams. If the Preliminary Cost Report is
submitted without detailed market survey, team will receive a warning
email explaining the importance significance of Cost report.
B> What should we include in Preliminary Cost Report?
Detailed cost of all the components and Sub Components with BOM must
be submitted in the Preliminary Cost Report. We advise teams not to
miss even the single nut bolt in their cost report.
QTK.3.9 Preliminary Business Plan (20)
Every team need to submit the Preliminary Business Plan on the given
deadline. In case team fails to submit the report on time, penalties will
be imposed on each team according to below intervals:




NOTE: Preliminary Business Plan will only be evaluated if the team submits
the Preliminary Design Report on given Deadline. No reports will be
considered for evaluation after 3 days (Penalty Period) and will be
considered as not submitted. Report Format and Guidelines for the
submission will be uploaded on our website and will also be
uploaded in every teams account.
QTK.4 Report Submission for the Final Round
QTK.4.1 Final Design Report:
Final Design report must be submitted on or before the deadline given in
deadline table. If in case any team fails to submit the report,
Firstly, their report will not be accepted for evaluation and
Secondly, they can be also disqualified from the Design Challenge.
NOTE: Organizers have the right to disqualify the team at any point of the
QTK.4.2 FAQS (Final Design Report)
A> When will you evaluate the Final Design Report?
Final Design Report will be evaluated during the Design Evaluation in
the Final Round.
B> 10% Deviation is allowed from PDR or FDR?
10% Deviation is allowed from Final Design report (FDR) not from PDR.
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QTK.4.3 Other Reports

according to the deadline.
NOTE: All the report in section QT.J.3.3 will only be accepted for
evaluation if the team submits the Final Design Report within the given
QTK.4.4 Important Instructions
All the report formats will be available in teams account and on
official website .


QTK.4.5 Fabricated and Pre-Fabricated Part List

Every team must submit the Fabricated and Pre-fabricated list before coming
to the design challenge. The format of report will be made available in
teams account @ The List will be verified with the vehicle
during the final round with reference to the Manufacturing proof video
submitted by the team.
It is the duty and responsibility of the participant to answer all the
questions and provide Judge with required proof to verify the design. And
handover the proof to the judges to verify the design
If the verification process remains incomplete because of no proof or less
proof, teams will be penalized accordingly and can also cause in getting
DNF (DO NOT FINISH) from the Event.

QTK.4.6 Testing Report and Video Submission

Testing report and video submission is one of the very important report
submissions that enables you to move further in the competition or that
permits the team to participate in the event
Testing report must be submitted on or before the deadline given. If in any
case team is unable to submit the report on time due to genuine reason like
Exams, college close, Holidays etc., they have to send the duly signed
letter from college authority explaining the condition and reason to the
organizing team. After receiving the later the organizing team will provide
extension for three days with penalties as follows:




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NOTE: Testing Report format will be uploaded in teams .The penalty will be included in total marks.

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QTK.4.7 Manufacturing Proof Video Submission

Manufacturing proof video submission should be done on the given deadline
to participate in the Final Round, without this submission no teams will be
allowed for the final round and will be directly disqualified from the
Design Challenge.
Instructions for Submission:
1> Manufacturing proof video must be submitted
QTK.4.8 Equipment, Accessories and Driver SAFETY Gear List
Every team must submit the pictures of the required
accessories and Driver safety gears mentioned below:


Hydraulic or Mechanical Jack

Face shield(Welding), Safety Gloves
Full sleeve workshop wear (For all member attempting the DisAsm)
Workshop/Industrial shoes (For all member attempting the DisAsm)
Driver Safety Gears( As per the norms mentioned)

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Section L
A score sheet will
final Round; it is
result entered on
dynamic evaluation.

be provided to each team on registration desk during

the duty of the team manager/team captain to get the
the score sheet after finishing specific static and
Same copy will also be available with the judges.

Final Round Point Allocation:

S. No.


Maximum Points



Design Validation


Design Evaluation


Suspension Test


Mud Walker Challenge of the Year


Manufacturing Level


Business Plan


Innovation Test








Kill the Hill



Traction Test



Fuel Economy and Endurance




QTL.1 DisAsm
This event consists of the dismantling and assembling the different parts
of the vehicle. Maximum six (6) members can engage in this activity and
maximum time limit for the completion of this event is sixty (60) minutes.
Parts to be dismantled and assembled from the vehicle:
Body works- All the body parts/panels must be detached
from the vehicle.
Tire and Wheel Assembly- All 4 tires, Knuckle Assembly
(Calliper and Disc must be removed from the Assembly, Calliper and
Disc must also be separated. Teams are advised to keep the above
point in mind while designing the Knuckle and Hub assembly.
Engine (not internal parts) Need to take the engine out
of the vehicle and keep it on ground.
Fuel Tank- Must be completely removed from the frame.
Steering- Steering wheel and all the links must be
dismantled, except steering column from bearing. Welding the
steerting column to fix it permanently is not allowed.

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P a g e | 32 Suspension and A-arms- A-arms (Must also be removed from

Knuckle and Frame), Trailing arm, Shock absorber should be separated
from A-arms as well as from frame. Driver Seat: Driver seat must be dismantled from the frame. Rear Axle-Must be completely removed from frame and also
from trailing arm. Exhaust system- Exhaust system must be taken out of the
DisAsm Penalties Following penalties would be applicable on the
teams if they are not able to dismantle the parts
Body Works 5 min
Tires and Wheel Assembly 5 min
Engine and Exhaust 12+3=15 min
Fuel Tank and Seat 5 min
Steering and Its Linkages 10 min
Suspension System 10 min
Rear Axle 10 min
TOTAL 60 min(1 hour)
Please note that the complete vehicle is to be dismantle first and
then assemble.

QTL.2.1 DisAsm Scoring Formula

DisAsm Score = 50 x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]
Tshortest is the fastest time by any team
Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.2.2 Target Performance

The record of DisAsm timing is 30.2 min.
Since the record timing is 30.2 min, every team must aim at this target and
work to complete the test in lesser possible time. We advise the team to do
more and more practice in their college and come fully prepared.
QTL.3 Drop Test
After finishing







QTL.3.1 Procedure

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In this test driverless vehicle will be dropped from 6ft height without
driver and its reliability will be checked. Since the track will be very
tough to drive, the safety measures are taken very seriously. If any damage
happens with the vehicle during Drop Test, teams will be given chance to
repair it, but only 2 chances will be granted to clear the test .Every team
is advised to get the Drop test sticker affixed on their vehicle and get it
signed from the judge present over there or from the judge who is
evaluating it. Below figure shows the drop test sticker.

NOTE: Drop Test Sticker will be stamped by ISNEE Gadget Officer of the
Design Challenge.

QTL.4 Design Validation

After attempting the DisAsm, every team will proceed to Design Validation
Arena. Design Validation Arena will contain few important inspection and
evaluations which are listed below:
QTL.5 Vehicle Identification: In this inspection, vehicle identification
like logos, vehicle number will be checked in reference to the rules.
QTL.6 Safety Inspection
In Safety Inspection the overall driver safety gear will be inspected as
per the Rules mentioned in Manual. There wont be any compromises made on
safety gear, we advise the teams to get the safety geared as per the norms
set in Rulebook.
Every team is advised to get the safety Check sticker affixed on their
vehicle and get it signed from the Safety Inspection Judge. Below figure
shows the Safety Check sticker.

NOTE: Safety Check Sticker will be stamped by ISNEE Gadget Officer of the
Design Challenge.
QTL.7 Technical Inspection
Next will be the technical Inspection. Overall vehicle will be evaluated on
the basis of the rule book. We advise the teams to follow all the rules and
regulations mentioned in the Rule-book, Judges will be very strict during
T.I The Judges will not make any compromise with the Rules.

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If the team clears the technical Inspection, they will be awarded with the
first successful clear sticker of T.I.
Note: After attempting the T.I, every team is advised to precede further in
the design validation stages.
Every team is advised to get the Technical Inspection okay sticker affixed
on their vehicle and get it signed by the Drop Test Judge. Below figure
shows the T.O Ok sticker.
Drivers Helmet will also be inspected by the Technical Inspection judge;
we advise teams to get the Helmet okay sticker affixed on drivers helmet,
which will be again inspected in Endurance Line-up.

NOTE: Technical Inspection Sticker will be stamped by ISNEE Gadget Officer

of the Design Challenge.
QTL.8 Design Evaluation (50 Marks)
After attempting the technical inspection for first time, every team will
proceed further in design evaluation.
A> Documents to be carried during Design Evaluation
a. Final Design Report
Only the soft copies will be allowed for the evaluation, all the teams are
advice to carry their laptops with them.
NOTE: Hardcopies of any report is strictly prohibited.
QTL.8.1 Procedure

15 minutes are allotted to participants to present their design in

front of the judges and remaining 15 minutes are kept for the
question and answers session with the judges. Only the design
report will be evaluated in design evaluation, other reports like
DFMEA, DVP, GANTT CHART will be evaluated in next panel which is
Report Evaluation.

QTL.8.2 Report Evaluation

After the Design evaluation all the teams will proceed further for the
report evaluation in other panel (Panel name will be announced during the
final event).
QTL.8.3 Procedure
Every team must carry the different reports in their laptops, only the soft
copy will be entertained for the design challenge.
QTL.8.4 Report List
DFMEA, DVP and Gantt chart.

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After Report evaluation team will proceed further for the Manufacturing
level test.
QTL.9 Manufacturing Level (50 Marks)
Good engineering practice will reflect a great manufacturing level. The
vehicle will be examined by the judges at the time of Dynamic Event, so the
participating teams are advised to manufacture their vehicle with preplanned strategies so that the vehicle would be able to compete in several
tasks and tests.
DISCUSSION (QUESTIONNAIRE) - In the static test event while examining the
vehicle, judges may ask questions from any of the team members.
All The
team members are advised to be fully prepared with the vehicle. Every team
member should carry a soft copy of the vehicle documents with them.
After Manufacturing Level team will proceed for the Innovation Evaluation.
QTL.10 Innovation Evaluation
The innovation done in the vehicle will be discussed with the team and its
working will be examined by the technical inspectors in the respective
After innovation Evaluation team will proceed for Cost Verification.

QTL.11 Cost Verification

During Cost verification team will be asked to provide BOM of every subsystem and components used in the vehicle. Team failing to provide the
necessary document will get ZERO points in Cost verification.
During Cost report evaluation judges can ask for BOM of any minor part.
After Cost Report Evaluation, teams who have cleared the technical
inspection will be allowed to proceed further in the dynamic event like
Brake and acceleration test and the teams who have not cleared the T.I will
be allowed to correct the mistakes and clear the T.I as soon as possible.
QTL.12 Dynamic Activities
After going through the tough static evaluation and inspection, team will
proceed to one of the very important dynamic activity which is as important
as Technical and Safety Evaluation. Without clearing this test, teams wont
be able to participate further in the design challenge.
QTL.12.1 Brake Test
Brake test will not be carrying any points but each vehicle has
the this test to participate in any of the dynamic events. All
should be locked and the vehicle must stop in a straight
vehicles speed must not be less than 35 kmph while attempting
Teams will be given five attempts to qualify the brake test.

to qualify
the wheels
line. The
this test.

NOTE: Vehicle speed will be checked with the help of radar gun.Vehicle must
reach at least 35 kmph, without this, team will not get brake test okey
After getting the Brake test OK sticker the teams are advise to get the
score sheet signed by Brake Test Inspector and the brake test OK sticker
affixed on vehicle. Below is the brake test okay sticker.
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Acceleration Test

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= 60x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]

Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team

Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.12.2 Acceleration Test

Acceleration determines the time it takes the vehicle to accelerate along
100 ft (30.48 m).
Procedure - Each team may make two (2) attempts but with different drivers.
Scoring will be based on the best of the two attempts. Timing may be noted
down using electronic systems or stop watches. The acceleration test will
be evaluated while attempting the brake test. The acceleration test scores
will be calculated for the attempt in which the vehicle has qualified the
brake test.
Cones Down or Out- A two (2) second penalty will be added for
each cone down or out (including entry and exit gate cones) that occurred
on that particular run to give the corrected elapsed time

DNF- Vehicles that have not run by the end of the

(determined by the organizer) will receive a Did Not Finish (DNF).


QTL.12.3 Manoeuvrability
The objective of the manoeuvrability event is to evaluate the vehicle's
cornering and handling qualities on a tight course without the hindrance of
competing vehicles. The course will combine the performance features like
acceleration, braking, and cornering into one event.
Procedure- The vehicle will be placed such that the front wheels are 5 m
behind the starting line. The timer starts only after the vehicle crosses
the start line. There will be no particular order of the vehicles to run
each heat. The organizer will determine the allowable windows for each heat
and retains the right to adjust for weather or technical delays. Vehicles
that have not run by the end of the heat will be disqualified for that
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NOTE: Each team may make two attempts but with different drivers. Scoring
will be based on the best of the two attempts. Timing may be noted down
using electronic systems or stop watches.
Manoeuvrability Course Specifications & Speeds
The following specifications will suggest the maximum speeds that will be
encountered on the course. Average speeds should be 40 km/hr (25 mph) to 48
km/hr (30 mph).

Straights: No longer than 60 m (200 feet) with hairpins at both ends (or)
no longer than 45 m (150 feet) with wide turns on the ends.
Constant Turns: 23 m (75 feet) to 45 m (148 feet) diameter.
Hairpin Turns: Minimum of 9 m (29.5 feet) outside diameter (of the turn).

Cones in a straight line with 7.62 m to 12.19 m Spacing.

Miscellaneous: Chicanes, multiple turns, decreasing radius turns, etc. The

minimum track width will be 3.5 m (11.5 feet).
The length of each run will be approximately 0.805 km (1/2 mile) and the
driver will complete a specified number of runs.


Cones Down Or Out- Two (2) seconds per cone.

Driver must re-enter the track at or prior to the missed gate or a
twenty (20) second penalty will be assessed. Penalties will not be
assessed for accident avoidance or for any other reasons deemed
sufficient by the track officials.
Missed Slalom- Missing one or more gates of a given slalom will be
counted as one "off-course" per occurrence. Each occurrence will
incur a twenty (20) second penalty.
The length of each run will be approximately 0.805 km (1/2 mile) and
the driver will complete a specified number of runs.

Manoeuvrability = 70x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]

Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team
Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.12.4 In this event the vehicle will climb/run on the road having slope
of 45o and will travel down the hill with obstacles to check the torque,
weight transfer and stability.
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Scoring Formula
Kill the Hill Score =

100x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)

Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team

Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.12.5 Suspension Test

In this event










Objective- Suspension test is introduced to check reliability of suspension

component and its effect on different subsystems.
Procedure- The Track will be specially designed to put Quad in very tough
terrains which will consist of Mud, stones, wooden blocks etc.
Suspension Test = 70x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]
Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team
Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.12.6 Mud Walker

The following are general guidelines for conducting Mud Walker test. The
organizers reserve the right to establish procedures specific to conduct of
the event at event site.
Mud Walker Objective This Event is designed to check quads potential to
come through the extreme muddy track.
Procedure The entire quad has to complete this event in limited amount of
time. Organizers retain the right to take any decision about the conduction
of Mud walker. Attempts- There will be only 2 attempts for this particular
Scoring Formula
Mud Walker = 150x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]

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Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team

Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.12.7 Traction Test

The following are general guidelines for conducting Traction Test. The
organizers reserve the right to establish procedures specific to conduct of
the event at event site.
Traction Test This Event is designed to check quads potential to pull
the extra load. The Load will be from 400-600 kg.
Procedure The entire quad has to complete this event in limited amount of
time. Organizers retain the right to take any decision about the conduction
of Traction test.
Attempts- There will be only 2 attempts for this particular test.
Scoring Formula
Traction test = 60x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]

Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team

Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

QTL.12.8 Endurance and Fuel Economy

The following are general guidelines for conducting the endurance and fuel
economy event. The organizers reserve the right to establish procedures
specific to the conduct of the event at the site. The endurance round will
be of 4 hours. Organizers reserve right to change the procedure and given
track parameters for endurance run at any time during the event without any
prior notice to the teams.
NOTE- Fuel economy marks will only be given to those teams who complete the
overall endurance.

Endurance Objective (200 points) - The Endurance Event is designed to

evaluate the overall performance of the vehicle and to test the vehicles
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Fuel Economy test (100 points) - The fuel economy test is based on the
average litres per kilometre fuel economy obtained during the endurance
NOTE- The vehicles fuel economy will be measured in conjunction with the
endurance event. The fuel economy under racing conditions is important in
most forms of racing and also shows how well the vehicle has been tuned for
the competition. This is a compromise event because the fuel economy score
and endurance score will be calculated from the same heat. No refuelling
will be allowed during an endurance heat.
Course speeds can be estimated by the following course specifications.
Average speed should be 45 km/hr to 55 km/hr with top speeds of
approximately 60 km/hr.
Procedure- The vehicles will run continuously for 4 hours on the track.
Maximum points will be awarded to the vehicle making maximum number of laps
in the given time.
Endurance Fuel Fill- Before entering the event each vehicles fuel tank
must be filled to the fuel level line at the fuelling station. During
fuelling, once filled to the scribe line, no shaking or tilting of the tank
or fuel system (incl. entire vehicle) is allowed.
Vehicle Starting/Restarting- The vehicle must be capable of starting /
restarting without external assistance at all times once the vehicle has
begun the heat. If a vehicle stalls out on the track, it will be allowed
approximately one (1) minute to restart. If a vehicle has a restart problem
at the end of Driver Change, it will be allowed a further two (2) minutes
to restart the engine. If restarts are not accomplished within the above
times, the car will be deemed disabled and scored DNF for the heat.
Driver Changing Procedure- Elapsed time will begin when Driver A enters the
course and crosses the timing line. Driver A will drive for one (1) hour,
and pull into driver change area where this change will take place.
Vehicle Breakdown and Stalls- If a vehicle breaks down it will be removed
from the course and will not be allowed to re-enter the course. If a
vehicle stalls, or ingests a cone, etc. it will be allowed to restart and
re-enter the course where it went off, but no work may be performed on the
vehicle. If a car stalls and cannot be restarted without external
assistance, the track workers will push the car clear of the track. At the
discretion of event officials, two (2) team members may retrieve the car
under direction of the track workers.
Endurance Minimum Speed Requirement- If a car is unable to maintain lap
times within 133% of the fastest lap time for the course, and then it must
exit immediately. Disqualification for failure to maintain the minimum
speed will be made at the discretion of the Director of Operations.
Endurance Lap Timing- Each lap of the endurance event will be individually
timed either by electronic means, or by hand. The time for an individual
heat will be determined by subtracting the extra-long lap for the driver
change from the total time and adding any penalty points.
PenaltiesQT17 Manual [updated on 10/09/16]

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Off Course- for an OC, the driver must re-enter the track at or
prior to the missed gate or a twenty 2points penalty will be
Penalties for Moving Violations violating
Failure to obey a flag: 6 points
Over Driving (After a closed black flag): 6 points
Vehicle to Vehicle contact: DISQUALIFIED
Out of Order- Running out of order 12 points penalty
Mechanical Problem- No additional penalty other than the time
lost to ensure that the car is safe to continue
Reckless or Aggressive Driving- Any reckless or aggressive
driving behaviour (such as forcing another car off the track,
refusal to allow passing, or close driving that would cause the
likelihood of car contact) will result in a black flag for that
driver. When a driver receives a black flag signal, he must
proceed to the penalty box to listen to a reprimand for his
driving behaviour. The amount of time spent in the penalty box
will vary from 6 to 18 points depending upon the severity of
the offense.
Inexperienced Driver- the Event In charge may disqualify a
driver if the driver is too slow, too aggressive, or driving in
a manner that, in the sole opinion of the event, officials,
demonstrates an inability to properly control their car
resulting in a DNF.
Poor Fuel Economy- Mileage exceeding 1 litres/25 km

NOTE- The score for the Endurance Event is the sum of the Endurance Time
Score and the Endurance Finish Score. The Endurance Time Score is based on
the team's time for event, including penalties, compared to the fastest
team. A vehicle will also receive an Endurance Finish Score of twenty five
(25) points if the team's time for the event, including penalties, is less
than or equal to the maximum allotted time. The total Endurance Score is
calculated using the formula

Endurance Score Formula

Endurance test = 200x [(TlongestTyours)/ (TlongestTshortest)]

Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team

Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

NOTE- Tlongest will be 1.333 times the Tshortest

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Fuel Economy- The fuel economy score is based on the average litres per
kilometre fuel economy obtained during the endurance heat.
Fuel Economy Score FormulaIf Vyour is less than Vmax then the following equation will be used to
determine the fuel economy score:
Fuel Economy Score = 100 X [(VmaxVyours)/ (VmaxVmin)]

Where: Tshortest is the fastest time by any team

Tlongest is either (a) the slowest time by any team or
(b) 2x the fastest time whichever is the short interval.
Tyours is your teams best time

NOTE- Vmax is equal to 5 litres and will be adjusted to represent 1

litres/30 km if the course is shortened or lengthened. In case, if Vyour is
greater than Vmax then 0 points will be given to the performing vehicle.

QTL.13 Business Plan (40 Marks)

Teams are expected to prepare a complete business plan by understanding the
sector and industry they are working for the event. Every team has to do
the complete market survey of the same segment and prepare the strategies
to target the customers. Team has to prepare a presentation, which has to
be presented during the final round. Team has to convince the judges with
their business plan presentation. Every team has to prepare a detailed
report and the presentation. Team has to submit the complete business plan
report in two phases. Preliminary report has to be submitted before the
final round (Refer the event calendar for the submission schedule) and the
final report has to be submitted in the final round.
Team are expected to work upon the following points and prepare both the
report and the presentation accordingly;
1. Executive Summary: This includes the organisational structure of your
company. You need clearly define the roles for each member of the
executive board. This member will then be responsible for the same in
the report to follow.
2. Introduction to the company: Introduce your company and its vision.
Need a mission statement as well as vision statement.
3. Business/Company Profile: Explain your company profile in brief. This
should act as the brochure of your company which will cover the
product line, the services provided, the USP etc.
4. Industry and Market Analysis: Thorough and complete survey of
industry performance of last 2 years. Market analysis for the
placement of your product in the competition. Competitor analysis
should be included with the detailed report on the same.
5. Marketing Strategies: The basic plan of the company to tap the
available market. Types of strategies the company proposes for
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marketing such as: 4P method, SWOT analysis, Porters Five Forces

method etc.
Operation Plan: The whole operation plan and the basic layout of the
machinery used for the processes. Basic machining processes available
in-house and the outsourced processes. The logistics and warehousing
methods used in the company. The after sales spare parts process
Sales forecast and Strategies: The teams are required to forecast
their sales for the next five years and their strategies to achieve
these sales. IF POSSIBLE the teams can also include the spare parts
sales too.
Environmental Impact: The teams are required to give a report on the
environmental impact caused due to their manufacturing activities and
their measures to reduce the impact caused. Also, the teams are
required to include an innovation to reduce the pollution caused by
their vehicles.
Cost Plans: Teams are required to give a detailed cost report of
their activities for the next 5 years. The exact calculation of the
break even period as well as break even quantity is a must. The
capital structure of the company should be well explained. Cost plans
MUST include the consideration of warranty costs as well. The costs
of depreciation should also be considered.

1. Roles and responsibilities of the company has to be distributed
between minimum of 5 members. This means, the executive board must
consist of minimum 5 members.
2. All the members of the executive board must be present during the
Business plan evaluation and deliver the presentation.
3. Every team has to prepare a detailed report and the presentation.
Team has to submit the complete business plan report in two phases.
Preliminary report has to be submitted before the final round (Refer
the event calendar for the submission schedule) and the final report
has to be submitted in the final round.
4. Report and presentation are not the same. Every team has to prepare
both the presentation and report.

1. BLACK FLAG - Pull into the penalty box for discussion with the
Director of Operations or other official concerning an incident. A
time penalty may be assessed for such incident.
2. BLACK FLAG with Orange Dot - Pull into the penalty box for a
mechanical inspection of your car, something has been observed that
needs closer inspection.
3. BLUE FLAG - Pull into the designated passing zone to be passed by a
faster competitor. Obey the corner workers hand signals at the end of
the passing zone to merge into competition.
4. CHECKER FLAG - Your session has been completed. Exit the course at
the first opportunity.
5. GREEN FLAG - Your session has started; enter the course under
NOTE: If you stall the vehicle, please restart and await another
green flag as the opening in traffic may have closed.

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6. RED FLAG - Come to an immediate safe controlled stop on the course.

Pull to the side of the course as much as possible to keep the course
open. Follow corner worker directions.
7. YELLOW FLAG (Stationary) - Danger, SLOW DOWN, be prepared to take
evasive action, something has happened beyond the flag station. NO
PASSING unless directed by the corner workers.
8. YELLOW FLAG (Waved) - Great Danger, SLOW DOWN, and evasive action is
most likely required, BE PREPARED TO STOP, something has happened
beyond the flag station, NO PASSING unless directed by the corner
9. RED AND YELLOW STRIPED FLAG - Something is on the racing surface that
should not be there. Be prepared for evasive manoeuvres to avoid the
situation. (Corner workers may be able to point out what and where it
is located, but do not expect it.)

QT17 Manual [updated on 10/09/16]

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