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Shoe Box Project Club Constitution and Bylaws


Section A: Name The name of this club shall be The Shoe Box Project
Section B: Purpose The purpose of this club shall be:
1. To raise awareness for the disabled youth in our community.
2. To address and learn about the physical and social issues associated
limb disability among youth in our community.
3. To provide opportunities to students in Stevenson to give back by
donating their time and talent to a non-profit organization in the area.
Section A: Eligibility - Membership shall be open to anyone in the
Stevenson community; anybody who is interested in offering their time
and service to children, or interacting with children.
Section B: Active Membership Executive Committee will ratify ACTIVE
membership monthly during planning meeting.


Section A: Officers The officers shall be a President and a VicePresident.
Section B: Eligibility Officers must be students and ACTIVE members
of the club.
Section C: Election The officers shall be elected by ballot at the end of
trimester during the week preceding final exams.
Section D: Term The officers shall serve for one trimester, and their
term of office shall begin at the commencement of the each trimester.
Section E: Vacancy If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the
Vice-President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and
vacancies in any other office shall be filled by a special election.
Section A: President it shall be the duty of the President to:

Schedule the time and date of meetings

Represent the club in any form

Understand the aims and goals of this club

Encourage others to join the club

Get to know club members and have a good understanding of

their own goals for joining the club
Section B: Vice-President It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:

Schedule meetings ahead of time

Take club members opinions into consideration when making

plans with the President

Create a list of the parts that will be touched on in meetings

Take notes during meetings and compile them somewhere


Serve as accountability officer

Section A: Meetings Regular meetings shall be held every two Thursday
during the regular school year (twice a month). Most of our communication
will be online.
Section B: Special Meeting Special meetings may be called by the
President with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Section C: Quorum A quorum shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the
Active membership.
Section A: Responsibility Management of this club shall be vested in
an Executive Committee responsible to the entire membership to uphold
these bylaws.
Section B: Membership This committee shall consist of the officers as
listed in Article III and the faculty advisors.
Section C: Meetings This committee shall meet at least twice monthly
to organize and plan future activities.


Section A: Duties The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be to:
Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs
sponsored by the student club.
Meet on a regular basis with the club president to discuss
upcoming meetings, long range plans, goals, and problems of the

Assist in the orientation of new officers.

Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to

the club.
Assist the club president in monitoring expenditures,
fundraising activities, and corporate sponsorship to maintain an
accurate and up-to-date account ledger.

Inform club members of those factors that constitute

unacceptable behavior on the part of the club members, and the
possible consequence of said behaviors.


Section A: Selection these bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote of the chapter membership.
Section B: Notice All members shall receive advance notice through
the clubs conference of the proposed amendment at least five days
before the meeting.

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