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Charles Babbage-Father of Modern

He is considered as Father of Modern
Computers because he orginated the
modern analytic computer.In 1834
heinvented the principle of the analytical
engine,the forerunner of the modern
electronic computer.The study of
computation of logarithms made him aware
of the inaccuracy of human calculation and
this made him soobsessed with mechanical
computation and that he spent 6000
pounds in pursuit of it.The government
granted him 17000 pounds to support him
but was withdrawn in 1842 that made him
unable to pursue with his
purposes.Althought Babbage never built an
operational,mechanical computer,his design
concepts have been proven
correct.Recently such a computer was
builtfollowing Babbages own design
criteria.The great contribution of Charles
Babbage is the development of blueprint
for the modern computer that made us
enjoy computer games today.

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