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Manual visualcargocare


Load Spreaders
version 1.0.1

Load Spreaders

Copyright 2011 | Visualcargocare All Rights Reserved.

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Load Spreaders

Every time we have a loading or discharge operation we prepare our job with care.
We calculate up to 3 digits behind the comma. Preparation of the job is very important and we know a lot of
preparation is based on experience from previous load-outs throughout the years.
Still, we encounter a lot of professionals with different opinions about a lot of topics.
What we hope to achieve with this software and of course with this manual is, that we all speak the same language, we all mean the same things and perform in the same way.

What are Load spreaders and how to use them?

In VCC we have three(3) different types of load spreading devices.
- ISO - platforms / flat racks
- Steel beams
- Timber beams

Load spreading means to divert the weight of the cargo into a more wide footprint, the more wide or longer your
footprint, the more weight spreading you can accomplish within certain limitations.
A load spreading platform is an enhanced and strengthen ISO - platform or a ( 20 or 40 ft) flat rack for use of
dividing the weight onto the strong beams in your deck-panels or structure of your vessel.
If ISO - platforms or flat racks are used for bedding heavy cargo units, their bending resistance (section modulus) is generally unknown, their specific pay-load i.e. the maximum permissible homogeneous load, may be
used to determine permissible concentrated loads.
(This will be handled in the module Deck strength & Load spreading. In VCC we offer you the use of these
load spreading tools.)
Steel and timber beams are self explanatory.
As load-spreading for deck is not calculated in VCC ( another module) we use the platforms, steel and timber
beams to give you the option to use them under your cargo. This gives you a real life situation and the height
of COG will raise, due to the use of them. We all take this into consideration.
As steel or timber beams are commonly used, the calculation of its capacity and number of beams required
some more detailed focus. We entered them in the program to make it complete, so hopefully you will enjoy
the feature.

Load Spreaders

In VCC ( Visual Cargo Care ) we have 3 different types of load spreading devices in the toolbox.

In VCC ( Visual Cargo Care ) we have 3 different types of load spreading devices in the toolbox.

- Three (3) different options

Three (3) different options

We have two(2)
We hsituations
ave two(2) sfor
using them:
- when COG- w
in the
the cargo
COG center
is in the
of the cargo
- when COG- w
COG so
is onot
not in cof
of cargo.

Required number
of beams
Required number of beams

The required number of beams should be determined by means of formulae with due regard to the bedding
The required
of beams
should be
etermined by means of formulae with due regard to the
condition A (Flat
or bedding
bedding condition A (Flat bottom) or bedding condition B (cradles).


Load spreading condition A

Required number of beams for condition A :

Load Spreaders

Required number of beams for condition A:

m = mass ofcargo unit (t)
g = gravity of earth ( 9.81 m/s2)
r = supported length of beam (m)
s = loaded length on beam (m)
Op = permissible tensile stress (kN/cm2)
Wx = section modules of the beam (cm3)
The above formula may be customized for timber and steel beams as follows:
For timber beams:

For steel beams:

The effective length of beams in condition A is limited by their tendency to deflect more than the tank-top or
deck below. The table should be used to check the suitable length r against the loaded length s.
Timber beams 10 x 10 cm:
Timber beams 15 x 15 cm:
Timber beams 20 x 20 cm:
Timber beams 25 x 25 cm:

r max = (1.2 . s + 0,8 m, but not more than (s + 1.0 m)

r max = (1.2 . s + 1,5 m, but not more than (s + 2.0 m)
r max = (1.2 . s + 2,0 m, but not more than (s + 3.0 m)
r max = (1.2 . s + 2,4 m, but not more than (s + 4.0 m)

Steel beams 12 x 12 cm:

Steel beams 14 x 14 cm:
Steel beams 16 x 16 cm:
Steel beams 18 x 18 cm:
Steel beams 26 x 26 cm:
Steel beams 30 x 30 cm:

r max = (1.2 . s + 3,0 m, but not more than (s + 4.0 m)

r max = (1.2 . s + 3,2 m, but not more than (s + 4.2 m)
r max = (1.2 . s + 3,4 m, but not more than (s + 4.4 m)
r max = (1.2 . s + 3,6 m, but not more than (s + 4.6 m)
r max = (1.2 . s + 4,0 m, but not more than (s + 5.0 m)
r max = (1.2 . s + 5,0 m, but not more than (s + 6.0 m)

The VCC program calculates all this atomically for you.

If beams are used to bridge the weak area of a hatch cover between the strengthened transverse segments
of the container sockets, the number of required beams must be increased due to the lack of intermediate
support. This is the condition B, which is almost inevitable requires steel beams for practical reasons.

Load spreading condition B

Required number of beams for condition B :

m = mass of cargo unit (t)

g = gravity of earth ( 9.81 m/s2)
r = supported length of beam (m)

Load Spreaders

Required number of beams for condition B :

m = mass of cargo unit (t)
g = gravity of earth ( 9.81 m/s2)
r = supported length of beam (m)
s = loaded length on beam (m)
Op = permissible tensile stress (kN/cm2)
Wx = section modules of the beam (cm3)
The above formula may be customized for timber and steel beams as follows:
For timber beams:

For steel beams:

If the beams in condition B are loaded with an offset e ( meaning the load-point is not exactly in the middle)
from their middle, the bending stress is reduced and less beams may be required.
As this is a topic to be used in the Deck-strength & Load-spreading module, we keep in simple by just taking
the worse case.
When applying beams under your cargo, we calculate the weight of the cargo on either side of the cargo and
divide them in 2 . Means if you have cargo of 100mt of mass we divide it by 2 and have 50mt on each side of
the cargo.
Then we calculate the capacity of 1 beam ( timber or steel ) and divide the weight by the capacity of the beam.
We round upward, when dragging the beam from the toolbox to your form, it will automatically distribute the
numbers of beams under the cargo on both ends.

The COG is in the middle of the cargo

Same numbers of beams are applied,
divided over both ends of the cargo.

If the COG is offset, we calculate the weight on each side differently and when dragged onto the form we
change the number of beams required automatically. So in practice this means, when having ac cargo of
100mt, and the COG is located at 0,4 length of the cargo, we calculated that there will be 60mt on one side
and 40mt on the other side of the cargo. We then automatically apply enough beams, based on their capacity.

Load Spreaders

- The COG is offset of the cargo

- Different numbers of beams are
applied, based on the calculation of
the weigh resting on 1 side of the

Once the beams are applied, the beams will automatically be locked on your cargo. If you want to change the
position of the beam, first unlock them in the property form, then shift them and lock them again. The reason
for locking beams or platforms to your cargo, is that when you move the cargo, the beam or platforms will automatically be moved with the cargo.
Only with the platforms you have to lock them manually, because platforms always needs to be shifted and of
course they are not calculated automatically. So when your satisfied with their position, just tick the checkbox
and it will stay in this position.
When you want to change from steel to timber or vice versa, simply drag them from the toolbox onto you form
on the location what you want to change. The following form will popup:

If you want them replaced, click Yes, if you want to add a single item click No or cancel if you dont want to
do anything.
By clicking yes the already present load spreader beams will be removed and replaced by the new selected
If you want to remove all of the load spreaders under your cargo, go to your property form and click on the red
minus. The following message box will appear:

By selecting Remove one only the activated (yellow coloured) load spreader will be removed.
By selecting Remove all then all load spreaders will be removed.

Load Spreaders

How to use it in the program.

Now that I have explained to you what kind of load spreaders we have in the program, ets find out how to apply
them and what information you will get.
Create a voyage under a vessel and add cargo onto your voyage, go to the toolbox on your voyage viewport
and select the tab Load spreaders from your toolbox.
Keep in mind load spreaders can only be applied in the side view and in top view section of the viewport. The
best way to do this is using the top view, you will see in an easy way, what you are doing.
Move your cursor over the item you want, press your left mouse (keep it pressed) and drag it onto the top view
and release it on the side of the cargo where you want to place it.
The load spreader will rotate itself in the longitudinal position. This goes automatically. You are still able to
change the rotation of the beams and platforms by changing the rotation in your property form.
You need to make two (2) moves with the load-spreader to cover each side of the cargo.
This option is build to give you the option to use different materials, if needed.
this is never recommended, but sometimes you have no options.

Cargo description
Type of load spreader

Dimensions of the load spreader

Rotation of the load spreader
Position of the load spreader
(advanced data)

Removing of the load spreaders

Load Spreaders

The result in the lashing and securing viewport will be as follows:

Top view - Load spreader platform

Top view - Steel beams

Top view - Timber beams

So how should we handle all these options, all these possibilities. All is depending, what is available or not.
Some vessels have load spreading materials on board or have the option to order them if needed.
Now go to Tools -> Options -> Load spreaders tools and change the settings and dimensions from your default
platforms and beams.
Anyone who works as CSI or surveyor as freelancer has to adjust by what they find on board.
Please look at case studies which will be provided on the website.

version 1.0.1 | september 2011

...the new standard.
Worldwide Headquaters
Beekpunge 65
Tegelen, 5931 DP
The Netherlands

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