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Tesla and scalar energy explained

Mon 6:34 am UTC, 1 Jun 2015 9

posted by Gordon

Re: Scam hunters question; Can you explain what a

scalar torsion field model is?
The History of Scalar Energy
The discovery of Scalar Energy can be attributed to James Clark Maxwell, a Scotsman who
was born in the 19th century. Maxwell was a mathematical genius whose work led to the
development of quantum physics. Albert Einstein worked on Maxwells findings and
discovered The Theory of Relativity.
However, it took another fifty years after Maxwells discovery to prove the existence of
Scalar Energy. It took one Nikola Tesla, who was born in Yugoslavia around 1856-1857 to
demonstrate the existence of this form energy. Tesla, who became a US citizen in 1891
carried on Maxwells work and soon began to harness Scalar Energy without using any
wires. Tesla referred to this energy as standing energy or universal waves. Albert Einstein
and Otto Stern acknowledged the existence of this form of energy and made due reference
to Scalar Energy in the 1920s. Nikola Tesla is generally considered the father of scalar
electromagnetics. Teslas name for this was Radiant Energy.
It is not just Albert Einstein and Otto Stern who discovered zero point energy. They were
not even the first. As noted above, Scalar Energy was first proposed by James Clerk
Maxwell in mid-1800s and was later refined by Tesla who called it Radiant Energy. Tesla
even invented and was building a machine to create and distribute free energy when J. P.
Morgan, the oil tycoon who was backing him, discovered what he was doing and put an
end to the project.
Harold Puthoff has recently been popularizing the zero point energy concept from his
discoveries of quantum science, but zero point energy has been discovered many times
before by others such as Wilhelm Reich and has been given other names such as Orgone
energy and Tachyon energy.
In final analysis this energy has been known to mankind since time memorial, the ancients
called it Chi (Chinese), Ki (Japanese) or Prana (Indian). Modern day science is just
catching up with ancient wisdom and rediscovering it as zero point energy. Lets call it the
energy of life, as Wilhelm Reich called it, its the energy that animates and gives life to
every living species on earth, whether it be plant, animal or human.
Properties of Scalar Energy
The properties of Scalar Energy include them being non-linear and non-Hertzian. This
energy form has the capacity to carry information. It also does not decay with the passing
of time or distance.
Scalar Energy cannot be measured by contemporary frequency instruments as it is
depicted to be without frequency. This energy form is static, a stationary form of energy.
When two similar frequencies coming from opposite directions meet, they cancel each
other out. This results in a stationary energy form.

The traditional understanding of energy is that it flows out in the form of waves. However,
Scalar Energy does not radiate as waves but expands outward in circles of energy.
Occupying space, this spatial mass is not a vacuum but comprises a field of energy
systems that is alive. This vibrant and dynamic energy field radiates a network of
harmoniously balanced energies.
Scalar energy can be created naturally. It is always existent in the universe. By applying
the conditions required, Scalar Energy can be created artificially.
Scalar Energy and the Nervous System
It is a commonly accepted fact that the brain works with the nervous system to control the
various functions of the bodys organs and systems. The nervous system is extremely
sensitive to electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. Most electrical
equipment (television, computers, mobile phone, microwave) radiate 60 HZ frequencies
and are able to interfere with the proper function of the nervous system.
High voltage cables also emit EMF which has a negative effect on the human body. There
is growing evidence in the medical field that links diseases like cancer and Alzheimers with
this man-made EMF. Medical investigations and studies are also pointing out that
symptoms such as headaches, lack of concentration, depression, hyperactivity in children,
sleep disturbances and others could be the result of EMF.
Scalar Energys expansive and circular movement offers a field of protective shield around
the body. This protectiveshield removes and cancels the effects of man-made frequencies
(60 HZ) on the human body. This is achieved by enhancing the bodys natural defenses
against the damaging radiations coming from the various household and industrial
appliances that surround us.
The brain has its own vibrations. The human brain uses these vibrations to communicate
within itself and with the rest of the body. There are 4 classifications of brainwaves Beta,
Alpha, Theta and Delta. Scalar Energy is able to promote Alpha wave frequency in the
brain. The brain then resonates at the same vibration as the earths energy field and is able
to amplify these vibrations. If this frequency is transmitted throughout the body, this could
assist the cells in the body achieve a particular resonance which is essential to optimum
health. Scalar energy also promotes a mind that is relaxed, more coherent, focused and
sharp with improved clarity. We are most decidedly experiencing a renaissance of Scalar
Energy. After all, the implications are limitless.

Nikola Tesla | The Father of Scalar Energy

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) posed in his laboratory
Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy, was one of the greatest geniuses of all time and
one of the worlds most gifted inventors. He developed ideas and technologies which were
far ahead of his time. Many argue that Tesla singlehandedly created the 21st
century. Tesla proposed two types of energy existed in the cosmos: scalar and
electromagnetic energy. Because of the lack of technology to detect scalar
energy, electromagnetic energy was more widely accepted and utilised. To prove scalar

energy existed, Tesla experimented with abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials, which
released scalar energy from the vacuum of space also known as the ether. Tesla referred
to scalar energy as radiant energy and felt that this was the primal force in
the universe.
Until recently, the ideas behind many of his most innovative inventions were shrouded in
mystery but recently, a German physicist has developed an elegant theory which derives
much of Teslas work.

Professor Konstantin Meyl has a background in electrical engineering

and field physics. His extensive knowledge of Eddy Currents made him
wonder about vortices in electromagnetic theory, and specifically with
regard to Teslas work.Dr. Meyl discovered a fundamental mistake in
Maxwells Equations. By fixing these equations, Meyl was able to
elegantly derive Teslas results as well as explain many other
unexplained physical effects in science. Meyls theory, like all good
theories explain all current results but is able to extend scientific
explanation to include results that were previously outside the theory.
By beginning with Faradays law of induction as an axiom, Meyl derived
relevant properties of the new concept of electric vortices. The potential Professor
vortex which Meyl derives propagates as a scalar wave through space; it Konstantin
is a longitudinal electric wave whose properties have already been
established a century ago by Nicola Tesla. Professor Meyl has used these
principles to develop development kits which can replicate some of
Teslas most fundamental work in energy transmission through space.
The consequences of Meyls theory are profound; they prove that free
space has an abundant supply of energy and if developed properly as
envision by Tesla a century ago, can result in environmentally benign
clean energy for humanity at a time when it is desparately needed.
Tesla Flat Coil patent #512,340 9 Jan.1894

At the heart of Cyberscan lies proprietary technology based upon a modified Tesla flat coil,
which has the capacity to produce longitudinal or scalar impulses that can receive and
transmit information through solid metal containers (Faraday Cages), travel long distances
without any loss of power, as well as produce over-unity gains of energy.Tesla Coils are
not myth, but established facts that have been replicated countless times by researchers,
engineers, and scientists around the world. One such scientist is
Prof. Konstantin Meyl from the University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen, Germany.
He has experimentally confirmed the above mentioned properties of Tesla Coils, and has
demonstrated his setups many times. Additionally, he has published a number
of books and papers detailing how they work. Another researcher in the field of Tesla Coils
is Eric Dollard, an absolute expert in the fields of electronics, antenna design, and radio.
He built many systems utilizing Teslas technology, and has verified Teslas claims.

Mechanics of Portal Travel through the

Cosmic Web via Torsion Fields and Scalar
With the Title of this Thread being what it is I decided that we should first begin with
some of the suppressed science. Some of the Portals are quite natural and have
been exploited as a means of travel by many types of beings (Including ancient
break away earth civilizations) for millions if not billions of years.
Just as in the Middle Ages when Kings and Religious Leaders kept their Commoners
illiterate, unable to Read, Write or know simple Geometry (Let alone Sacred Geometry)
The current era Elites have seen fit to prevent Us Commoners from knowing the Unified
Mathematics, Quantum Mass Consciousness and Scalar Torsion Field Physics Models
that have allowed them to Become as gods among men.
If Math were truly the Universal Language then we have been denied the basic Universal
Translation Manual. Everything from the Micro to the Macro is Vibration and Frequency
(Including Matter, Energy and Thought) and these various groups have decided that only
they have the right to eat from this tree of knowledge. This reference is no accident you will
find as you read further.
I thought I would first start with some basic descriptions of Portals or the Cosmic Web
and we will work from there and dig deeper and discuss the topic that is the title of
this Thread: Alien Federations, AIs, Secret Space Programs, Break Away Secret
Governments & MILAB Exploitation
TRAVELLING THE COSMIC WEB is actually how the Network of Natural Stargate
Portals works Those who have the address/code systems and technologies to
travel them have been doing so for a very long Time. Some have been ancient
Break Away Civilizations from our own Planet WE are just now being slowly
introduced to some of these concepts, but it is up to us to put the pieces together

Some of the largest mysteries of our physics can be solved with an In Depth
understanding of this view of the Universe and Multi-Dimensional Physics and
Other Densities. Parts of the Universe appear to be travelling in different directions
with one discovery in 1995 by Hubble of Galaxies travelling away from Earth Faster

than the speed of light? Torsion of Space/Time and its effect on Densities are
things that have recently been worked into Our Understanding of the Math of the
Universe Which is still quite limited compared to what is in Black Programs let
alone truly Advanced Civilizations. IMHO.
An implicit definition of the torus is:

Torsion Field Universe

JG: 10/10/2014
Short Summary of Portal Travel through the Cosmic Web via Torsion Fields and
Scalar Energy.
As far as how the Natural Electromagnetic Portals or Relational Star Gates they work
though what has been referred to recently as the Cosmic Web.
Anything with enough mass inside a Solar System to establish a Magnetic link between it
and its Star will have a variable energetic strength magnetic portal connection to that
Star. The object being a either a Rocky Inner Planet with or without a Moon, a Gas Giant
with or without Moons will all produce a Torsion Field which produces the Filament of the
magnet portal/tunnel.

In turn the Stars in a Local Star Cluster will have a similar affect on each other with their
Torsion Fields creating the Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnels between according to Mass

The filaments at times can arc around or collapse into each other based on the Mass and
Position of the Stars in relation to each other and to larger Magnetic Mass Anomalies such
as Galactic Arms, Black Holes or their alignment with their Galactic Centre.
This relationship of Massive Objects and Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnels repeats itself
going up the Macro levels (From the most extreme quantum micro) including the Galactic
Torsion Field Affects on each other in Galactic Clusters up into the way we visualize the
Cosmic Web depicted in NASA renderings of the early Universe and recently released
discoveries of Galactic Super Clusters.
On Earth there are Magnetic Anomalies known a Ley Lines that Criss Cross the planet
along a Magnet Grid where beneath the surface run fast moving underground rivers
through certain pressurized quartzite layers of stone and minerals. This creates Node
points below the Surface of the Earth, On the Surface of the Earth and in the Upper
Atmosphere of the Earth which can be stabilized and exploited for near instantaneous

travel through the Cosmic Web to great distances with the right calculations and
observations made of local Solar activity and Space Weather also know as Solar Wind,
Measured Cosmic Rays, Vibratory Anomalies in the local space of the projected portal

With the use of a complex Coding system for destinations and Quantum Computation and
a Software of Sorts we can use Scalar Energy and Torsion Fields to stabilize and plot a
portal destination long enough for bidirectional travel at little risk to those making the
journey accept for destinations that have not been travelled prior or are far enough away
from the local Star to be affected by Space Weather/Phenomenon at the destination
Edit: Paste from Page 2 of this Thread
Most people have a very difficult time with the vast differences of teleportation within your
own dimension, travelling through or to other dimensions, travelling to another density via
vibratory shifting, and travelling within the multi-verses or realities. Most have a hard time
with the differences between all of the above especially with Densities and Dimensions.
Time travel is even an ability, but with time-line problems already and temporal drives being
in use they created buffers and placed them on technology to prevent travel back into timelines prior to some of the time-line corrections/convergences.
Some Stargate/portal end points flail around to points in open space for reasons that are
theorized by the egg heads (Effects of Torsion Field Universe or the Vibratory Change of
our Sol System after entering a Tighter Twist/Density area of the Galaxys Torsion Field?).

The fact that these magnetic connections have become unstable has been cause for alarm
and the shut down of some big projects and types of travel and material transport recently
for what ever be the reason (Change of vibration etc).
The portals that exist that I was discussing are of types that most are transport
mechanisms to other planets, moons (Any body w/dense enough
gravitational/electric/magnetic pull to have a Local Stellar Magnetic Portal Connection
relationship with it) within this star system and others in our dimension and give or take a %
/factor of time in our current time-line. Some if boosted with existing ancient or alien
technology can be tapped into that transport to other dimensions (Very Unwise!).

Most of the Other Density Beings travel here by just thinking it so, adjusting their essence
to the destination frequency and there they are. Teleportation has allowed accidental
journeys into surrounding realities/multi-verses (Teleportation & Quantum Entanglement are
spooky (AKA Spooky Magic at a Distance)) as they show how on the Quantum level
things flash in and out of other universes/realities so quickly it cannot even be measured
accurately in oscillations.

QCCD Quantum Communication Devices

The communications devices that are now used are Quantum Correlated
Communication Devices and use Quantum Entanglement of something like
isotopes inside the communication devices that have been Entangled with other
devices so no matter where in time/space/reality each communicator is they can
speak and video share. They can tell if you are a % out of phase time/space wise by
the reception on the home ends calculation devices.
They are supposed to be able to track and calculate exactly when/where you are once a
signal re-establishes the natural quantum entanglement (There may now be a difference
that is used to do the calculating before they naturally recalibrate) vibration and over quick
increments of time shift back into harmony or alignment.
This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the
QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other Beings or AIs
Note: Having a few Questions about the differences between the Natural Portals
and Dimensional Portals or Rifts.
Certain types of technology assisted RVers are tasked to keep a Minds Eye on a
certain Dimensional Rift that Entities & Craft Appear to be coming through and
have been noted around the 36th Parallel North. SSPRVers and Patrols are also
focused on Patrol Grids along this line.
This has been a very active region around the planet (I am sure there are others, maybe
not all along a complete parallel of the Planet). I understand the 33rd Parallel North is
important The Space Fence was placed along the 33rd The Roswell Incidents
occurred on the 33rd And there are quite a number of sightings of Unknown Craft
along the 33rd as well
I was born directly on the 33rd and seem to have always been drawn to live on or
around it for some reason unknown to me. I have never lived more than a few couple
of degrees away from it for any extended period of time in my whole life (Accept for
College and of course while not On the Globe at all).
Some important facilities are located on the 33rd

Mount Hermon UN Base 33 N. X 33 E. (Said to be Guarding a Major Portal)

However there is a known Dimensional Rift (Or Daisy Chain of them) either Permanently
Opened or that area has a thinning between parallel realities/dimensions along this 36th
Parallel North
36th parallel north
Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
360N 00E Mediterranean Sea
360N 07E Algeria
360N 818E Tunisia

360N 1031E Mediterranean Sea Passing just north of the island of Linosa, Italy
Passing between the islands of Comino and Malta, Malta
360N 2310E Aegean Sea Passing between the islands of Kythira and Antikythera,
Passing just north of Saria Island, Greece
360N 2745E Greece Island of Rhodes
360N 2755E Mediterranean Sea
360N 3559E Turkey Hatay Province
360N 3622E Syria
360N 4117E Iraq
360N 4521E Iran
360N 6110E Turkmenistan
360N 6349E Afghanistan
360N 7115E Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Gilgit-Baltistan claimed by India
360N 766E Shaksgam Valley Area administered by Peoples Republic of China, claimed
by India
360N 7648E Peoples Republic of China Xinjiang
Gansu passing just south of Lanzhou
Henan (for about 15 km)
Shandong passing just south of Qingdao
360N 12018E Yellow Sea
360N 12642E South Korea South Chungcheong Province
North Jeolla Province
North Gyeongsang Province
passing just north of Daegu
North Gyeongsang Province
360N 12935E Sea of Japan
360N 1331E Japan Island of Chiburi-shima:
Shimane Prefecture
360N 1334E Sea of Japan
360N 13558E Japan Island of Honsh:
Fukui Prefecture
Gifu Prefecture
Nagano Prefecture
Gunma Prefecture for about 4 km
Saitama Prefecture
Chiba Prefecture for about 6 km
Ibaraki Prefecture
360N 14040E Pacific Ocean
360N 12130W United States California

New Mexico
Missouri / Arkansas border (approximate)
North Carolina (Madison County, for about 14 km)
Tennessee (Unicoi County, for about 12 km)
North Carolina
360N 7539W Atlantic Ocean
360N 550W Strait of Gibraltar Passing a few metres south of Punta de Tarifa, Spain
the most southerly point of the European mainland
360N 525W Mediterranean Sea
I have no direct knowledge if this was something that really was opened by Aleister
Crowley Types (As I was told/read is what occurred in the 1800s) and is maintained (Or
even possibly trying to be repaired) with technologies such as Super Colliders (SSC/CERN,
which may serve several purposes) or other dual purpose technologies that we are being
lied to about.
If anyone has information about that please send me a Email about it.
(I will never claim to know all the answers and anyone who does should be held in
suspicion. These Projects are too vast and compartmentalized and there is NO one
person sitting in a room with a key to a file cabinet with ALL of the answers! From
my experiences seeing the different Secret Earth Government Groups rotate through
as Delegates in the UN Type Human Like ET Federation Conferences, These
Elites are STILL trying to put things together and themselves do not have ALL of
the answers Not even close!)
I do have information about actual Dimensional Portals (Different types of Portals
possibly to other Realities) that were detrimental to the traveller as there is sent a copy of
the traveller and their local copy is destroyed in the process. There was one room called
The Xerox Room that was rumoured about but didnt sound like anything I would want to
travel through. I do not recall any direct experience or dealing with anyone having direct
experience with this technology.


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