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The Historic Event of the Patriotic Law

The History of the Patriotic Laws and the Protection of the Races, Religions and the
Teachings of Buddha

To Venerable Sayardaws, Monks, Parents and the Public

In today Myanmar, the four Patriotic Laws which are very special ones have emerged. The
four patriotic laws asked by the monks and the people with the leading of the Patriotic Association
have successfully emerged by signing of the President together with the discussion of the
respective Parliaments.
In today ceremony, I would like to present the performances of the patriotic laws from
the successive periods till today and the protection of the races, religions and the teachings of
Buddha. Actually, the Patriotic laws are being carried out according to the disciplines of Buddha.
Buddha carried out the patriotic works in his Buddhahood
The patriotic works had already existed before Buddha. Buddha practics three kinds of
Cariya. According to the Cariya, Buddha served these practices since his Buddhahood.

Lokatth cariya- Practice for all the animals


Nyatattha cariya- Practice for the races, the religions and the teachings of Buddha


Buddhattha cariya- Practice for the improvement of knowledge of himself and others.

Buddha practiced these above three things all the time.

The one actual event was the Kukkura Budhisattas life story. While Buddha-to-be was the
dog and lived in the graveyard with other dogs, the rubber rings of the coach of the King of
Baranasi weted by rain and swelled which were eaten by the dogs in the palace. But the real
event was hidden and the dukes reported that the dogs from outside came and ate. So, the King
ordered to kill all the dogs from outside.
In such situations,the King of the dog, Buddha-to-be, went and expressed the true story
to the king and saved the lives of the many dogs. This showed that the proof of the protection
of the races of the Buddha-to-be. As well as, MaharKaPi lifes story showed how the King of
Monkeys, Buddha-to-be, saved his races of monkey.
Buddha also carried out the protection of races
While the Buddha is alive, Kappila and Koliya strongly were competing to own the River
of Rohini and were going to participate in the battle. Therefore, Buddha went and made peace

between them as Buddha knew that there would be a war. It proved that Buddha carried out the
protection of the races of Social welfare.
As well as, Buddha also made them stop for three times when the prince of Vitadupa with
troops marched to kill the Kings by telling how the place of relatives were peaceful. It was also
the protection of the races Nyatatthacaria.
By looking the Engulimala Paritta, we can know that if it is necessary, the Sanghas go to
the birth room and participate in social welfare.
When Visakha lady married the man with different religion, Buddha delivered the
literatures such as the Patriotic laws. The words Not to show the inside domestic affairs to
outsideof Buddha are the patriotic laws based on the peaceful cooperation in the case of
If we look at the Seingalovada Sutta and Mingala Sutta in which Buddha delivered the
moral code of Parents and the moral code of Children to be responsible for the Ethics of Human
Beings was the implementation of the Patriotic laws.The rules of conduct of Seingalovada Sutta
were the Patriotic Law of Buddha. This is why;I would like to mean that Buddha himself carried
out the works of Patriotic Laws.
The Protection of Races, Religions and the Teachings of Buddha by the King of Dutugamunu in
Sinhala Island
In Sinhala Island (SariLanka), the Kalar (the name clled by the Burmese) in false belief
tried to colonize the Siho Island.The king with full patriotism had to fight the Kular in false belief
for two years to preserve as a real Buddhist Land. He is the King of Dutugamunu whose capital
city was Anurada in Northern part of Sinhala Island in the year of Buddhist Era 383.
The words of the King Dutu gamunu proved that he killed the Kalar in false belief not
because of his own interests but because of the preserving The Teachings of Buddha.The King
said that-My fighting was not my own interest but to preserve and propagate the Teachings of
Buddha. Because of these truthful words, the chain-mail of my soldiers was bright like fire and
won the battle successfully. This was why, the king won the battle.
Moreover, the King of Dutu gamunu took and paid homage the 500 monks to the battle
field as he worried that he could not have the good deeds of Samananica dassana without paying
respect to the monks. It was the way of preservation of King Duttha gamani in Sihos Times and
he could clean and kill the people in false belief because of the spirit and the loyalty of the King.
The Preservation of the Teachings of Buddha by King Kyan sittha

When the King Kyan sittha knew that his daug hter, Shwe Eain Si, fell in love with the
prince of Paraikkaya, he called on his daughterand reminded her that there might be unnecessary
cases in future though he let her to make friendship with the people in different belief. Therefore,
he made up his mind and made marry his daughter with the son of Sawlu Min. It was also the
way of preservation of the races, religions and the teachings of Buddha by King Kyansittha.

The loyalty on the Doctrines of Buddha by the King of Bayinnaung

(Myanmar Year-877-943)
The founder of the Second Myanmar Country, The King of BayinnaungThe history expressed that Bayintnaung won the battle many times because he vowed that if I
was a man who deserved to preserve the teachings of Buddha, I might win the battle. In this
way, he tried to be a strong country. It was a historic proof thatthere might be many
achievements if the king led the country by the patriotism. Our national leaders should emulate
The Preservation of the races by
The King Alaung paya
(Myanmar year 1076-1122)
In Myanmar history, AlongMintara U AungZaya fought the war by vowing. This was the
noble way of the people who worked for the Teachings of Buddha. While the country was weak
and scattering and was surrounded by the enemies, he vowed that if I was the man who could
preserve the Teachings of Buddha, I might win or if he was the one who could preserve the
Teachings of Buddha, he might win.As he fairly fought the battle, he might win the war
The King AlongMintaya who established the city of Yangon took census the numbers of
foreigners according to the policy of good country which must have records. The king set down
the policy that was every foreigner who lived in the land of Myanmar must be faithful to the land.
The actual process was that as soon as the king heard the news of building the trade
camps in Haigyi Island by English, the king said that I did not want any foreigners (Kalar) who
came and set down in Haigyi Island; I let you to live and trade here as I thought about the
wealth of the animals but you all did not pay gratitude, betrayed and took the guns and dynamites
to English and this was the opposite of the Teachings of Buddha. Therefore, the king ordered

that all the Kalar in false belief should not live in Haigyi Island which belonged to Myanmar and
they all must be arrested at once.
According to the strong decision of AlongMintaya, the force of police commando by
MinYaeKaungpon fought and colonized Kalar in white face in Haigyi Island. Finally, English had
to run away from Haigyi to sea.
The words of the king were that Every foreigner who lived in Myanmar must stay
peacefully and the Kala in false belief who neglected the gratitude and was opposite to the
teachings of Buddha should not live in Myanmar. Therefore, the distinctive policy and orders
were the preservation of the races, religions and the teachings of Buddha. This was the patriotic
law of King AlongMintaya.
The Distinctive Patriotic Law of King Tharyawady
(Myanmar year 1148-1208)
In the ways of preservation of the races, religions and the teachings of Buddha, the
significant patriotism of King Thar yawady can be studied. It can be said that the patriotic law of
King Saryarwaddy.
In Konbaung Era, the king Thar yawady practis the laws which were similar to the present
patriotic laws to protect the races, religions and the teachings of Buddha. Today countrys leader
should copy it.
King Thar yawady was the 8th king among the Konbaung at late age eleven dynasties.
The famous Konbaungs Times was founded by AlonMintaya. From such periods, the time of 6th
king Bodawpaya, was the most top level of Konbaung Era. After wards, there was first MyanmarEnglish war in the times of the king Bagyidaw at Myanmar year 1185. When English built the
army on the island of Shinmaphyu (shapuri) at the entrance of Nat River, there were disputes
about with island between Myanmar and English. But, Myanmar lost the war and gave the regions
of Rakhine and Tanintharyi according to the treaty of Rantapo. This was the bad history of
When the times of the king Tharwayady, he tried to cancel the treaty of Rantapo. On 17th
May, 1873, the Tharwayady replied the English Counselor, who came to Inva that the loser was
his elder brother, it was not his affairs and he would not stand anymore the actions of English.The
king of Tharwayady distinctively replied that I did not sign the treaty of Rannapo, it was not in
my times and English never won me. This showed that the king significantly replied English
because of his patriotism.
Though Myanmar lost the first Myanmar-English war, Myanmar won English at the battle
of Kyaikkalot which led by the king Tharyawady. This was why, Tharwayady king announced

that English never won me. The book Looking for of Konbaung by Sir NyoMya stated that the
king said about the treaty at the conference on 22nd May, 1837 I did not want to say any more
about the treaty, I did not want to aim at this and these treaties were shame and the insulting
ones for Myanmar.
SiryarwaddyKing significantly said English that making treaty was the custom of English and it
was not the tradition of Myanmar. If they wanted to stand as a friend of Myanmar, they could
stand without treaty. There were no anymore friendships between Myanmar and English because
of this treaty. Thus, in 1839, English announced that they would seal the embassy of Binsin.
At that time, Saryarwaddy King said that if they wanted to go back, let them go back. I
would not stand anymore as my elder brother, the former king. We had already made up our
mind to solve these disputes by weapons and I would let English know. If they wanted to fight
to us, let it be. I would let them know What Myanmar was.
From that time, the king Tharwayady extend his army with full of patriotism of Myanmar,
held a military parade every day, went down to Yangon and showed the power and the brave of
Myanmar. The history proved that in the times of the king Saryarwaddy, English dared not make
any quarrelling on Myanmar. However, there were so many foreigners coming in Yangon. Though
Yangon belonged to Myanmar, it seemed to prefer the authority of English to the powers of
Myanmar. Therefore, they did not respect the tradition of Myanmar and they wanted to test the
sovereignty of the Myanmar King. The king Tharwayady who had patriotism could not stand
anymore because they tried to influence not only economy but also social affairs. This was why,
the king Tharwayady ordered strongly as followings:
Every foreigner must not build anything without the order of king. They must not have
chance to buy the farms for trade. Any Myanmar men must not live in the home of foreigners. If
they live in theirs because of selling or pawning, the good masters must get back it again. If they
got it back, they must use the finance of the king for getting back. In addition, there were
censuses on the numbers of women who live together with the foreigners. The men belonged to
foreigners must be got back again by the governor of Yangon. The women who stayed together
with her husband had no longer chance to live anymore because of the order of the king. Above
all, the order of the king stopped the foreigners from having Myanmar as their own slaves and
farmers. The king Tharwayady did not totally accept the disturbance of the foreigners including
English and protected the ladies and gentlemen of Myanmar with full patriotism from insulting of
anyone. It meant that the protection of races, religions and the teachings of Buddha.This
highlighted that the protection law of the races, religions and the teachings of Buddha by the
king Tharwayady in Konbaung Era.

The Patriotic Speech of General Aung San

It recorded that like King Saryarwaddy, the national leader, General Aung San, delivered
the brave, distinctive and historic speeches on 20 th January, 1946 in the conference of
Fa.Sa.Pa.La (Anti-Fascist, Peoples Independence Organization). General Aung San said that,
Frankly, the foreigners such as kalar needed to decide whether they would live as friends for the
ethnic groups or lived as enemies for the ethnic groups. They could not be both sides at one
This was the performance of patriotism of General AungSan. We can say that the monks
had to guide him to do correctly.
After Second World War, in the times of the British Government,the National Sangha
Meeting was held at Phayagyi Monastery in Chaukhtekgyi, Yangon in 1946 (Myanmar
year1308,from 1stNayon waxing of the moon to 4th). The Sayardawgyi from MaharWithutarama,
Pakhukku came to this meeting and told General Aung San as followings:
By chance, I want to tell you, Mg Aung San, I do not understand you are doing to develop
the country but I understand to develop and propagate our teachings of Buddha. Therefore, be
mindful to perform the religious affairs by consulting to the Sayardaws (leaders of religions).
Above all, I wanted to remind you significantly that specially, you must be alarm and
diligent among the glories of the saint: patience, alarm, pity, activeness, analysis. Be mindful
wherever you go, whatever you eat or what you meet or make meeting.
Todays leaders need to serve to protect races, religions and the teachings of Buddha like
General Aung San.
The Battle of Shoe of the Patriotic UTheinMaung
In the successive periods, we can see thatnot only Kings but also the normal people
carried out the protection of races, religions and the teachings of Buddha and the patriotic laws
as much as they could. The history of Myanmar told that Myanmar revolted even the minute
things which concerned with the religion.
For sample,
There was the battle of the shoe which was brought about from the revolution of the events in
which the European and Americans wore the shoes on the floor of the pagoda. It was an event
which insulted not only the tradition of Myanmar but also the worship. The one called U
TheinMaung who learnt in England and got the degrees of Law from Cambridge University bravely
participated in this battle of the shoe. His movement was renowned all over the world and this
event was recognized as Shoe Thein Maung and his Battle of Shoe.When U TheinMaung who
was a barrister-at-law came from oversea, he performed the interests of the people and its

country and the teachings of Buddha though he was a youth. Therefore, he was offered as a
steward in Pyay Shwe Sandaw Pagoda because he lived peacefully and served the culture
according to his knowledge of religion.
At such times, the board Anyone cannot wear the shoes except European and Americans
was distinctively put in the monasteries and the pagodas. Myanmar felt sad much as they wore
shoes on the pagodas while Myanmar respectfully paid homage to Buddha.
Though U TheinMaung could not deny obeying the orders of dictators, he bravely revolted
with patriotism. When he saw the board, he was immeasurably painful. Therefore, he cancelled
the first characteristics Except European and American and replaced and put the sentence
Anyone must not wear the shoes.The sentence by KoTheinMaung not only showed the
greatness of Myanmar but also ordered to foreigners to obey the culture of Myanmar. However,
they ordered Myanmar to remove the board as their governor general would come to Myanmar
soon. But, the commission of the Steward of U Thein Maung bravefully denied the order of English
General Commissioner taking down the board. This news was spread to the whole country due
to the religious stimulation though there was no online media. Through the record of the history,
we can know that U Thein Maung is renowned as the shoe of Thein Maung.
These problems grew bigger and the people supported the nationalism of U Thein Maung
and the whole nation carried out the revolution of the battle of shoe.
YMBA (Young Men Buddhists Association) by U Thein Maung protested by holding the
whole town conference in Jubilee Hall on 19th May, 1918. On 29th October, 1919, the British
Government fulfilled the order Anyone cannot wear the shoes of Myanmar.
This was the way of strongly showing the national spirit of Myanmar to foreigners in the times of
British Government about with the religion. This was the protection of races, religion and the
teachings of Buddha.
The Emergence of the Marriage Law for the Buddhist Ladies
There was a case of living together with the foreigners and the Myanmar women and
intermarriage because of the entrance of the foreigners to Myanmar. The other religions and the
other races only had the laws that emphasized on their nationalism. In their marriage laws, as
the Buddhist women had to follow to their rules and regulations, the Buddhist women had no
chance to accept their husbands property and just as the mistress officially, and the children
were just unofficial ones. It can be seen that U Thein Maung, the barrister-at-law, implemented
the Act Law of the Special Marriage of Buddhist Women and Inheritance not to have the loss
of Myanmar women. However, the advantages could not be achieved as the Second World War

was happening. U Thein Maung participated in the managing committee of Buddhist Law and the
Justice Minister at Hluttaw in 1954.
U TheinMaung added 1939 law and enacted this law on 23rd April, 1954 when he became
a Union Justice Prime Minister. It was 1954 act-law of Buddhist women special marriage and
Inheritance. This was the performance of the patriotic law before Second World War.
We need to be mindful that if the persons who do not have patriotism lead in the Hluttaw
which is really important for the nation, there may be weak protection and the races and the
religions may disappear in the future.Though U TheinMaung was a Buddhist, there would not be
1954 act-law if he was not a patriot.

Steps of the Endeavors of Patriotic Laws

Shwe Don Bi Aung
Incarrying out the patriotic laws,
the novel The Letter Written By The Blood of Shwe Don Bi Aung described the patriotic laws.
In the novel, the Myanmar soldier delivered the speech the Kayin Lady who was going to
marry the man with different religion that if we got the independence we firstly asked this law.
This was a light from the sky for the Myanmar people.
At 1942, Japan was incoming to Myanmar and English was outgoing from Myanmar, the
150 villages were on fire and over 40000 Rakhine Buddhist ethnic groups were killed in the
extremist war.
Bangali who came together with English, Bangali from India and Bangali from Sittagaung
established the dense of population by the system of having many wives and having many
children. Therefore, their population was more than the population of Rakhine and then they
killed Rakhine ethnic groups.
As some Rakhine ethnic groups predicted the action of Bangali, they ran away from there
by the ship but the ship met accident and the thousands of people killed in the accident.
Maygawady Ashin Narada
This event did not stop and the Rakhine ladies were sold to Bangladesh (Before, India) as
the slaves of sex and the ladies were raped forcedly by them. Therefore, Rakhine Sayadaw
Maygawady AshinNarada emerged because of such sorrowful events.

Maygawady AshinNarada and the author Shwedon Bi Aung published these truth events
in the book The Pity of Ashin and so, the people around the country noticed the danger of
The sangha and the people who alarmed with patriotism willingly hoped the patriotic laws
because of the two books The Letter written by the Blood and The Pity of Ashin.
U Kyaw Lwin
The one who officially delivered the speeches and introduced about the patriotic laws was
the author, Hnahpethla U Kyaw Lwin.
Sayargyi U KyawLwin not only got the degrees in Sakkyasiha Dhammacariya, cetiyingana
Dahmmacariya, Sasanadajha Dhamma cariya but also he got the degrees of Master of Arts and
the degrees of Upper Lawyer. Therefore, he called his pen name Hninthpethla U KyawLwin for
the degrees of the mundane life and the monk life.
Not only he wrote the religious literatures but also he delivered speeches about religion
in the university.
Everyone knew the value of patriotic law as he always spoke in delivering speech
ceremony, meditation camp, the culture training class and the training class of Abhidamma.
Though he could not delivered well in the duration of seizing state power as he was a
director general in the department of religion propagation and the lawyer, the monks and the
youths alarmed their patriotism because of the announcement of Sayargyi.
Wirathu (Masoeyein)
The one who received the heir of literatures of patriotism was the nationalist sayardaw
Ashin Wirathu.
While he was trying to sit for the exam of Sakkyasiha Dammacaia in the Masoyein
Monastery in Mandalay, he began to arouse the young generation of Sangha by delivering
speeches about the nationalism.
Though his real name was Ashin Vicitta, he was famous as Wirathu, his pen name, in the
book The Battle Of Htayravada in 2000.
AshinWirathu was renowned among the monks and the public as he delivered that the
patriotic law was needed while he was speaking about the nationalism in the years of 2001,2002
and 2003.
The murder case of Su Su Latt who was from the Monywa Township pointed out why the
patriotic law was really needed.
Su SuLatt was the fourth daughter of Primary School Headmaster U Hla Myat and Middle
School teacher Daw Sanyi lived in the quarter of Shwe Bridige in Alone township.

She was born on 1972, married in 1998 and killed in 2000. The murderers were her
husband, Razin, her parents-in-law, U Cho and Daw Myint Myint Than and her sister-in-law,
She was cruelly killed by the accusation that she donated the flowers to Buddha and really,
she put flowers in the bottle on the sewing machine according to the advice of fortune teller.
Though the four crimes were punished as life sentence, it was recorded as the bitterness in the
heart of Buddhists.
When Ashin Wirathu heard the news of Ma Su SuLatt, he prepared to deliver the speeches
about the nationalism. At that time, the event at Kyan khin Township in Ayeyarwaddy division
alarmed AshinVirathu to deliver the speeches about nationalism.
Ashin Wirathu began to deliver about nationalism at Nawingone Monastery in Kyankhin
Township on May, 2001 as he met himself the event of DawThan Than Chit who could not get
the chance to go to the funeral ceremony of her father.
The Sangha and the people from the whole country uniformly agreed that the exact
protective law was needed to protect the Buddhist women because of such events.
While he was talking about the nationalism, he was prisoned by the Na YaKa government
and the aim of patriotic law was buried together with AshinVirathu.
On 8th June, 2012, at 1pm, the Rakhine people were man handled extremely.The two
quarters and eight villages in Maungtaw Township were burn and the Rakhine people were as
the homeless and hopeless.
The majority, Bangali, made jihad to minority, Rakhine people without any problems when
the population of Rakhine was about 30000 and their population (Bangali) was much more than
the Rakhine people.
As well as, the Bangali fought the towns of YathaeTaung and Sittwe. There was evidence
in the world if the population of Muslim was much more, they fought other non-Muslim and they
established Muslim state but the people of Rakhine lost their lives and properties as the successive
governments were weak in the protection of nationalism.
The Buddhists all over the world felt sad because the state of Rakhine which was made
jihad. In addition, the innocent monks, the old people, the men, the women and the children
were killed and the pagodas, the images, the house, the hospitals, the schools and the
monasteries were burn by them.
Among the majority, Bangali, the Rakhine people were going to become just as the rare
ethnic groups. Therefore, we were going to strive to explore the patriotic law which hoped by the
citizens for the security of Rakhine, the sovereignty of Rakhine State and for the security of the

races, religions and the teachings of Buddha in all over the country.The Sangha who always stood
for the citizens of Myanmar when ever the people faced the danger began their movement on
11st July, 2012 to prevent the danger at nationalism.
The famous Sayardaws from Yangon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Monywa, Amarapura,
PyinOoLwin, Thipaw, Kutkhaing, Nantsam, Muse, Kalay, Hommalim and Mawlamyaing asked
together with 136 signatures.
The in-charge Sayardaws were Sitagu Ashin DayweindaBiwunsa from SagaingMountain
and BaddhantaVicitta, the patron of Mandalay Masoeyein Damma Thaharya Monastery.
The sayardaws (monks) who made endeavored to achieve the signs from one town to
another town were Ashin Wirathu, Ashin Eaindarcatkar Biwunsa from Masoyain, Sitagu Ashin
Dayweindar Biwunsa, Thitsarvedagu Sayardaw Ahsin Kaymarcara from Patheingyi and Sayar daw
layAshinPinnyabala from Myoma Pariyatti Monastery, Hommalin.
Sayardawlay Ashin Pinnyabala from Myoma Pariyatti Monastery, Hommalin did to listen
the Avada from Sayardawgyi from State Sangha Organization, to meet and discuss with the
Hluttaw speakers in Naypyitaw and to go and ask the advice from the respective parties.
We relied on the State Sayardawgyi as most of the parliament representatives could not
decide as their own and they said that it disturbed the human rights. But the request was to the
lowest level as the State Sayardaws could accept it as the record though they could try and ask.
Therefore, it was vain in efforts though Ashin Wirathu and SitaguAshin Daywainndar
Biwunsa made efforts.
The Patriotic Association
The 135 ethnic groups are staying together in the Union of Myanmar. These ethnic groups did
not have any problems at all about with the faiths. They believe with freedom as their own wish.
The state gives the freedom worship according to the law.
The Sayardaws reasoned that it is the time to organize the MA BA THA continuously because
Sayartaws did not want any more religious conflicts by the immigration of the foreigners, by the
people with different religions and the different races, by their religious concepts, by the force to
convert the original belief of the Buddhist girls, by the rape cases of the Myanmar girls, by the
different race. They want the ethnic groups stay together peacefully and harmoniously and they
think it is time to prevent the races and the country according to the law not to disappear and to
explore the laws that must be followed equally by the ethnic groups.

Ywama Pariyatti Sayardaw Bhaddanta Tilawkar Bhiwunsa leaded and discussed with the following
Executive Sayardaws(1) Bhaddanta







Dhammaban Dagarika)
(2) Bhaddanta Eaindapala (Tipitakadhara Tipita Kovida, Tipitadhara Dhammaban
(3) Bhaddanta Panna Wara (Dhamma Duta)
(4) Bhaddanta Visaittar (Wira Thu Ma Soe Yein)
(5) Bhaddanta Kosalla
(6) Ashin Sandar Thiri (Mobile Insein)
Such meeting was held in the hall of Ywama Pattiratti Monastery on 6 th May, 2013 and set down
the decision. They are
(1) To be known as the Patriotic Association
(2) The association is called
(A) The group of Executive Sayardaws in which State Ovadacariya involved.
(B) The Leading Sayardaw in which the abbot participated
(C) The Leading Sayardaw in which the Dhammakahitka and Kammahtanacariya
(3) To extend the leading sayardaw commission. To alarm and stimulate the Pariyatti
Sayardaw as Ashin Thilawkar Bhiwunsa, State Ovadacariya and Tipitakadhara
Sayardaws as Bhaddanta Silakkhanda Bhiwunsa and Bhaddanta Eindapala,
Dhammakahtika and Kammahtanacariya Sayardaws as Bhaddanta Pannawara and
Bhddanta Visaittar Bhiwunsa (Wira Thu Ma Soe Yein)
(4) To carry out the long term plan for the religious law to protect the races, religions and
the teachings of Buddha according to the law.
(5) To educate to the public about the objectives and the programs by the print media
and the electronic media in suitable time.
(6) To cooperate together with the respective administrative ogranization, the Hluttaw
Speakers of the people and the people.
(7) U Wira Thu as the in-charge of Upper Myanmar and U Pannawara as the in-charge of
Lower Myanmar have to carry out the programs that based on the public together with
religious and social organizations.

U Pannawara urged his friendly layman U Yae Khaung Nyunt, the lawyer, to make above drafts
quickly and U Yae Kaung Nyunt took responsibility for it. And then he reported the drafts to the
Then, U Pannawara reported Bhaddanta Tilawkar Bhiwunsa, Insein Sayardaw of Ywama Paritatti
Monastery and Sayardawgyi agreed with the drafts and accepted to lead.
On 27th June, 2013, (Buddha Year 2557, Myanmar year 1375, 4th New Moon of Nayon) the
Patriotic Association of Myanmar was firstly formed by the Sangha conference in Aung San Tawya
Monastery in Insein Town where 1553 monks attended.
In the basic constitution of MA BA THA, the policy is to prevent and to educate not to cause the
racial and religious conflicts within Union of Myanmar and to live peacefully and systematically
with mutual respects.
Then, Ywama Sayardaw Gyi took responsibility as the chairman and formed the association
according to the constitution in the level of village or quarter, townships, districts, stats and

Asking Patriotic Laws

In the successive periods, the Myanmar Ethnic Girls who intermarried with the foreigners
lost their chance when they faced with marriage problems as there was no protection law
systematically. Therefore, the association of Ma Ba Tha approached to lawyers to make law that
is equal with the discipline of Damma for the Myanmar ethnic ladies to be safe.
The groups of Scholars made the laws as the followings(1)

The Religion Converting Law


Myanmar Buddhist Women Special Marriage Law


Monogamy Law


Population Controls and Health Care Law

On the day of InseinSangha Conference, we can distribute the drafts of patriotic laws
made by the scholar U YaeKhaungNyut. At the same time, the human rights watch, the women
rights organization and the persons who watch the international standards began to object by
just hearing the words of Patriotic Laws without studying at all.

Ma Ba Tha Sayardaws (monks) had to carry out continuously among the criticism. From
the very first formingof Ma Ba Tha, Dr.Ashin Sopaka, Ashin SandarSiri, Sayar U Aung Myaing,
DammaCakka U MaungMaung, Lawyer U Aye Paing and Sayar MaungThway Chun delivered the
speeches around the country and formed Ma Ba Tha branches around the country. In addition,
we formed the association of lawyers for the law affairs department and received the signatures
of the people from the whole country.
Then, the chairman Sayardawgyi themselves signed and asked President to give the safe
laws for the marriage cases of Myanmar Ethnic Groups with the drafts of four laws.
On 18th February, 2014, Myanmar VunsanuRakkhitawas formed and held the public
referendum of forming Patriotic Laws by the Patriotic Association of Myanmar in the National
theatre of Naypyitaw ( in the field of Buddha Jayanti,Oppata Santi Zayditaw)
On the day of Naypyitaws Referendum, we received many signatures of the people and
over 50000 audiences attended the ceremony.
Then, the chairman Sayardawgyi themselves signed and asked President to give the safe
laws for the marriage cases of Myanmar Ethnic Groups with the drafts of four laws.
When we reported to the President, the president sent the formal message to the patron
on the date of 25th February, 2014 in which U TheinSein said that '' the laws could protect the
Buddhist women who intermarried with the foreigners and to be enacted the laws''. About with
the signatures of the monks and the people who asked the bills, the president mentioned in the
letter that the enacting ofthe bills were signed by the leading Sayardaws, the monks around the
country and (1335600) citizens who wished to preserve the interests of the nation and the
teachings of Buddha.(We had already saved over four millions signatures which were the second
batch and had not been sent to the president.)
On 27th February, 2015,Thura U Shwe Mansent back the formal message to the President.
On 25th October, 2014, the public referendum of asking to enactthe patriotic laws could be
held in Yangon by the leading of Ma Ba Tha (Bhaho).
As well as, on 30th October, 2014, the public referendum of asking to enact the patriotic
laws could be held in Mandalay by the leading of Man Ma Ba Tha. Over 100000 audiences
Though we planned to continuously hold the public referendum around the country with
the 250 branches of Ma Ba Tha townships, we stopped to go on as the respective Hluttaw
Government Association recognized our request.

When the president reported, the four patriotic laws appeared by the totally supported
votes as the enacted laws with the discussion and fulfillment of PyithuHluttaw, AmyotharHluttaw
and the Union Hluttaw.
On 31st August,2015, the president U Thein Sein completely signed the four patriotic laws
and therefore this day was the historic day (Red Letter Day) of Myanmar and the achievement
of Ma Ba Tha and the teachings of Buddha.
The Loss as there was no Patriotic Laws
Though there were the marriage laws for Myanmar Buddhist women, they could not
protect the ladies to be safe and the women lost many things.
The marriage laws of other main religions mentioned that if their people intermarried with
the ones from different religions, the ones from other religions would not have any facilities
concerned with the property and heritage and so the people from other religions faced the lost.
However, Myanmar Buddhist Women intermarried with the men. They are forcedly
married by the men. At first, they lied the Buddhist women that they will convert to Buddhism.
Though the men with different religions firstly promised Myanmar women that they can worship
as their wish, afterwards, they changed and forced the women to convert their religions.
If they could not force the women by the soft ways, they used the extremist ways such
as beating to convert their religions. There were events that they forced the Buddhist women to
stamp on the image of Buddha to give up their Buddhism.
Above all, if the man with different religion fell in love with Buddhist woman, they married
that woman by lying they will convert to Buddhism. If the woman got pregnant, they married by
telling that they will convert to Buddhism. After they actually married, they gave the woman the
chance to worship Buddhism till having four or five children. Afterwards, the Buddhist women lost
their Freedom Worship as the man with different religion persuaded the woman in various ways
to give up their own religion.
In addition, the woman faced loss when the man escaped from her after she got pregnant,
when the woman knew that the man already had the official wife and the children after she had
married and she had born child and when she knew that she was not the official wife as she is
not married according to the law of their own religion.
We sorrowfully see that the man with different religion rapes the Buddhist woman and
they do cruelly on the Buddhist woman such as abortions till today.
There were many loss that the ones with different retigions support the property to the
Buddhist women in various ways and they forced the women to convert to their religion.

We may meet the conflicts, the disturbance to the sovereignty of the country, the influence
to our culture and religion besides the worst situations of economy and the health as they marry
many wives and have many children.
As the men with different religion marry the other virgins by lying though they have the official
wife,the wives feel anxiety, make conflicts with each other and the children make problems with
themselves. When the women want to divorce, the women have to give much money to the men.
If the women go back to their home, the women go back to their home with nothing as they are
not the official wife. The parents bitterly refused them when they intermarried with the man as
the parents do not agree with that man at different religions. Myanmar Buddhist women faced
such kinds of loss till today. Women can live peacefully and freely more because of the laws of
patriotism and the will not be racial and religious conflicts anymore.

The Fairness of Patriotic Laws

When we study about the enation of the patriotic laws, there is fair as there is no
restriction that the Myanmar women cannot marry with the men with different religions. As the
patriotic laws prevent women from the influence of other religions laws, it can protect the loss
of chance of the women and there is nothing to do with the loss of other religions.
The women can get the freedom worship with their own faith as the women cannot be
forced anymore to convert the religion.
We let the public know that the patriotic law is fair as it controls the population, the
poverty and the economic crisis. In addition, it can reduce the influence of one population and
the nation develops. Therefore, the patriotic laws are the fair bills.
In addition, it must be the case of marriage with freedom without persuasion, bully,
oppressiveness, lying and misuse. Therefore, anyone can see the fairness in the patriotic laws.
In addition, the men with different religions
must give the chance their Buddhist women to worship freely and to place the Buddha image,
pagodas, and the image of the monks in their home.
The women can donate, pray the Buddha, recite the Paraitta, mediate and go to the
monasteries and pagodas, keep Sabbath, read the Buddha literatures, watch and listen to the
Buddha literatures and can serve the Buddhist affairs. Therefore, we announce that the patriotic
bills are not attacking to others and it is actually fair.

The National Milestone of the Patriotic Laws

The special meeting was held in InseinYwama Pariyatti Monastery to be able to hold the
ceremony in the respective states and divisions. According to decisions of that meeting, the
branch Ma Ba Tha in respective states and divisionsYangon Division in 14th September, 2015
Mon State in 15th September, 2015
Kayin State in 16th September, 2015
Bago Division in 17th September, 2015
Sagaing Division in 18th September, 2015
Rakhine State in 19th September, 2015
Ayeyarwaddy Division in 20th September, 2015
Mandalay Division in 21th September, 2015
Magawe Division and Southern Shan State in 22th September, 2015
Kayah State in 23th September, 2015
Naypyitaw in 24th September, 2015
Northern Shan State in 25th September, 2015
Kachin State in 26th September, 2015
ThanindarriDiviusion in 15th September, 2015
The National Milestone ceremony was held in Thuwunna Stadium on 4th October, 2015
(6thTawtalin New Moon Day, 1377).
The various ethnic groups attended the national milestone ceremony of Patriotic Laws.
The heading of the ceremony is The National Milevstone of the Patriotic Laws which reveal the
fairness and the peace.
It shows that the patriotic laws is not only fair but also reveal the peace. Not only the politic
parties, the artists, the multi-religious leaders, the international communities and the
ambassadors but also the international media attended the ceremony.
The venerable Sayardaws, the nuns and the people totally about over 1 lakh attended the
ceremony.The traditional dance of the ethnic groups could be seenbefore the ceremony started.
When the ceremony started, the chairman sayardaw
of Ma Ba Tha including Sitagu Sayardawgyi and Tipidakadhara Sayardaw were taken to the stage
by the white umbrella. We let the world know the seriousness of the people to the Sangha and
the religion and culture of Myanmar.

At the ceremony, the Ma Ba Tha chairman, the patron of Ywama Monastery and the
national AvadasariaSayardawdelivered the speeches about the patriotic laws.
The main Sayardaw of Sitagu World Buddhist University, SitaguSayardawgyi delivered the
speeches about the religious affairs and the Avada words.
Besides, the actor, Academy winner U Nay Aun gread the brief of the patriotic laws actively
with gesture.
The Secretatysayardaw of Ma Ba Tha, Myasadi Sayardaw U Vimala Buddhi delivered the
speeches of conclusion.
This ceremony of National Milestone of the patriotic laws had never appeared in the history
of Myanmar and laws was the national performance which created the new history of Myanmar.
In conclusion, the patriotic laws which were asked by the Leading Executive Sayardaws
and the admirers of religion and it were enacted by the State Government achieved to build the
milestone through the history of Myanmar.Therefore, we proudly marked the historic milestone
as the laws which revealed equality, fairness and the peace.
The four patriotic laws(1)

The Population Control and Health Care law


Religion Converting Law


Myanmar Buddhist Women Special Marriage Law



In these four lawsWe present that there is no attack at all to any religions, the rights of women and the
rights of the people in 2008 Basic Constitution.
When we carried out the patriotic bills, the national milestone to be achieved, enacted by
the government, we show our immense thanks

to the president U TheinSein who signed and carried out the four patriotic laws with his
determination, courage, generosity, diligence, wisdom and good will

to the monks and the people around the country who admire the races, religions and the
teachings of Buddha who helped to accomplish the confirmation of the government

to the monks and the people who sacrificed their own interests to emerge the patriotic

to the monks and the people who themselves signed and asked

to the charity team, Sangha and the religious organizations which helped and encouraged

to the leading executive sayardaws and the scholars and the lawyers who asked and
participated with full wised

to the respective Hluttaw representatives who enacted and confirmed the laws

the Hluttaw Speakers who sent to the Hluttaw and the Hluttaw Parliaments who supported
and discussed.
Dr. Ashin Sopaka

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