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Improvement of the technology for performing blasting works in Studena quarry

Valeri Mitkov, University of Mining and Geology St. Ivan Rilski - Sofia
Abstract: Studena Quarry is one of the main suppliers of inert materials for concretes production in
Sofia. It is characterized by massif heterogeneity in density and fissuration. Failure to take into
consideration this fact during the planning of the blasting works recently had unsatisfying results in
their carrying out obtaining of materials with too small dimensions or high percentage of outsize
material. Series of test blasting were carried out to find the relations for calculation of the main
parameters of the drilling and blasting works. The blasting network was enlarged to 6 x 6 m, the
diameter of the shot-boreholes was changed from 110 to 152 mm, the stem of the boreholes was
significantly reduced and the relative consumption of blasting agents as a whole was reduced to 0,37
The conducted study and the application of the obtained results led to significant improvement of the
technical and economic results in the work of the quarry which proved to be exclusively important
under the conditions of economic and financial crisis.
Studena quarry is located at about 30 km from Sofia City and is one of the main suppliers of inert
materials for construction of roads and concretes production not only for Sofia but also for the entire
Pernik District. Mining works were carried out until 2002 after which they were suspended by the
mid of 2008. The mining works were performed over almost the entire area of the deposit and the
total power of the dolomites without forming lateral developing trenches and not working bank
slopes. In this way were used the reserves in the central part of the quarry field while the front and
lateral banks reached a height of 15-20 m and the subsequent quarrying was carried out in clusters
and was technologically complicated. This led to the formation of developing trench at horizon 903
from the west quarry outline and the quarrying were to be performed at this horizon as well.
None of the horizons used for quarrying has a clearly formed working areas, borders, slopes and
operation platforms.
All blasting works were made in separate units resulting in the formation of coves without respecting
the project level of the separate horizons and at some places there is a difference up to 5 m and more
from the respective basic horizon. In the vicinity of the platforms reserves were taken out and within
the deposit outline there are separate massifs (islands) with not used dolomites. The obtained outsize
materials after the blasting works were not treated additionally and are stored in heaps within the
quarry field mainly along the strip between horizons 900 and 930 and also at horizon 945. The
quarry field spreads over the larger part of the reserves that is why the part of the remained rubble is
too small. The general view of the material before starting the actions described below aiming its
setting into normal operation is shown in Fig. 1
We shall describe in brief the reasons for such negative results.
The poor quality of the blasting works could be caused by improper choice of explosives, the
parameters of location of the charges in the massif to be blasted and the diagrams of blasting
commutation of the separate charges.

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Fig 1. General view of the material before starting the blasting actions
In such cases the result is a large quantity of outsize materials, increased quantity of rejected material
(Fig. 2a), the formation of sills (foots) in the bench (Fig. 2b), caps of the bench to be blasted (Fig. 2c)
and also cracking of the massif behind the last row of holes (Fig. 2d) or increased scattering of
blasted material (Fig. 2e).
The enumerated factors significantly reduce the efficiency of the subsequent processing (loading,
transportation, crushing).
At the obtaining of large quantity of outsize materials as a whole is increased the mean dimension of
the pieces which make difficult the work of the loading transport-crushing complex due to the
necessity to work with larger pieces of material.
The increased throwing of the blasted material in the opposite direction increases the costs for
removing of material from the upper platform by means of bulldozer or excavator in order to provide
conditions for the operation of the drilling rig. The throwing of material in the opposite direction as a
rule is explained by the increased action of the detonation in the direction of the massif and is
accompanied by fissuration behind the line of holes that reduces the stability of the bench slopes.
The formation of sills at the bench base significantly troubles the work of the excavators which
requires their removal by means of blasting according to the method of hole charges or through
blasted holes.
The formation of caps in the upper part of the bench slope increases the risk at the excavator
operation in the quarry.
The increased removal of material leads to reduced output of the excavator during loading and
sometimes also to damages to the supply cables located in the lower parts of the quarry. All these
faults during the carrying out of blasting works had occurred separately but also altogether.

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Fig.2. Results from incorrectly performed drilling and blasting works

In Table 1 are given the main noticed causes for the negative results during the carrying out of
blasting works in the quarry and the ways to avoid or remove them.
Table 1
Causes for the unsatisfying results from the blasting works and ways of their removal
Blasting results
Increased quantity Insufficient quantity of calculated
of outsize materials explosive consumption.
Low location of the charge in the
hole (insufficient charge in any hole
Insufficient power of the used
Incorrect sequence of charges
initiation, incorrect interval of delay.
Exclusively large diameter of the
Increased throwing Increased
of material on the consumption of explosive.
pillar, cracks in the Insufficient delay interval
massif behind the Incorrect initiation sequence.
last row of holes
Still formation
Insufficient additional sinking of the
Insufficient explosive power in the
lower hole part
Use of not water resistant explosives
in water flooded holes .

To increase the explosive consumption.
To extend the network of holes, to increase
the charge in the hole, to divide the charge.
To replace the explosive by more powerful.
To change the sequence of detonation of the
charges and the delay interval
To reduce the hole diameter.
To reduce the quantity of the used explosive;
to increase the length of the stem.
To increase the delay interval
To change the charge initiation sequence
To increase the sinking or to use technology
without putting down
To use more powerful explosive
To use water resistant blasting agents.

Excessive value of lrb (line of To reduce lrb,

resistance at the base)
To use holes with larger diameter, coupled
holes or inclined holes.
Cap formation
Very large length of the stem
To increase the charge in the holes, to divide
the charges
Increased throwing Increased
relative To reduce the quantity of the used explosive.
of material
consumption of explosive.
Insufficient lrb for the given To increase the lrb.
dimension of the holes

Series of research and study actions were conducted aiming the improvement of quarry state which
led to the normal operation of the quarry and reaching of good technical and economic indicators.
We shall briefly comment the performed study and the actions undertaken.
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Geological structure of the deposit

In the geological structure take part Quaternary and Triassic sedimentation rocks undergone
subsequent tectonic treatment led to the formation of horst wedged, folded and broken structures
with subsequent formation of separate dolomitic structural complexes. The main formation of the
horst are dolomites and partial dolomitic limestones and dolomitized breccias.
In all sections of the deposit predominate light grey, grey to dark grey microgranular homogenous
dolomites with fine quartzite streaks.
The dolomite texture is massive to slightly expressed breccia and the structure is mosaic from
rhomboid dolomite crystals located side by side.
In the rocky massif the varieties of dolomites, dolomitized limestones and breccia dolomites have not
clearly expressed borders and their selective use is not possible. Physico-mechanical indicators were
determined for the entire deposit and during the development of the project we treat the mining and
the use of the reserves in their all power.
Hydrology and fissuration of the rocks
From the conducted geological investigation and mining works it was found that the hydrology of the
deposit is simplified to the maximum. In depth until horizon 900 there are no water seepages and
inflow of pore waters and the rocky massive is heavily cracked and karsted.
All systems of cracks are characterized by their uneven surface without traces of displacement.
Dolomite complex is heavily cracked, to a large degree crushed to grinded, slightly bent. In all parts
are observed cleavages and squeezed out dolomite layers.
Quality characteristic of dolomites and dolomite limestones
Physico-mechanical and technological indicators of dolomites and dolomite limestones were
determined on the grounds of laboratory studies of bulk sample from blasted rocky mass. Laboratory
analyses show that they meet the requirements of the European Standards for their use as raw
material for crushed stone, bitumized and tar road pavements, under road and road bases and
concrete mixes. Their main physico-mechanical indicators have the following values:
) bulk density - 2,69 t/m3;
b) specific density - 2,72 t/m3;
c) water absorption - 0,78%;
d) compressive strength:
- in air dry state the cubic compressive strength is from1190.105 N/m2 to 1750.105 N/m2;
- in water saturated state the minimum cubic strength is from 960.105 N/m2 to 1343.105 N/m2 at mean
maximum value 1465.105 N/m2 and mean minimum - 1234.105 N/m2;
- after 25-times freezing the minimum cubic strength is 1160.105 N/m2 and the maximum is 1591.105
Improvement of the drilling and blasting works parameters
In order to remove the failures of the approved incorrect ways for the drilling and blasting works in
the quarry led to poor technical and economic indicators and state of the benches having poor

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appearance and representing a risk for workers and machinery measures were taken aiming a change
in the technology of the blasting works comprising the following stages and operations:
1. Preparatory stage for the carrying out of blasting works, comprising:
- Preparation of the initial materials for drafting of the blasting pattern in view of
determination of the quantity of explosives used, holes diameter, the line of the least
strength, lengths of sinking and stem, distance among the holes, the quantity of the
explosive for one hole;
- Preparation of the blasting patterns including determination of the borders of the
dangerous area, the security of the ground to be blasted and determination of the signaling
system during the blasting works.
2. Carrying out of the blasting works, including :
- Preparation of prime cartridges;
- Charging and sinking of the holes;
- Assembly of the blasting circuit and detonation;
- Inspection of the blasted field for eventual failures and their liquidation.
The carrying out and the evaluation of the results at all stages are secured by mine surveying. The
mine surveying documentation includes: scheme assignment (scale 1:10000); preliminary diagram
of the project for location of the holes. Of the bench (scale 1:500); transversal sections of the holes
at the first row (scale 1:500 and 1:200) with a table for the charge calculation; geologo-technical plan
of the block (scale 1:500); summarized plan for the blasting works(scale 1:10000).
Initial technological data for the design
For the elaboration of the blasting pattern we were given the following technological data in
conformity with the geological report and the operational activity of the quarry upto now:
1. Group of the rocks according to the unified classification of the rocks in Bulgaria - F are in
IV V category and the strength factor f = 8according to M. M. Protodiakonov.
2. Category of the rocks by their drillability according to the classification table of Prof.
Suhonov at the use of reinforced bits and rotation speed of the bit 250 rev./min., - 5 6th
3. Rocks category by blasting - - Vth.
4. Massif cohesion = 310 - 340 kN/m2.
5. Dolomites relative weight - 2,7 t/m3.
6. Internal friction angle = 20-30.
7. Swelling coefficient = 1,35.
8. Bench height - = 15 m.
9. Angle of slope of the bench to the horizon , grade.
10. Volume of shovel - , m3.
11. Dimension of the piece accepted as outsize - , m.
12. Minimum dimension of the standard piece - , m.
13. Quantity of the outsize pieces - Vp, %.
14. Annual volume of blasted rocky mass - V, m3.
The granulometric compositions of the blasted rocky mass and the natural pieces of the massif of
rocky mass are characterized by the mean dimensions and the percentage content of pieces from the
different technological fractions. Depending on the technological particularities of development of
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the rocks and the maximum dimension of the pieces Xmax, the dimensions of the pieces accepted as
outsize, , and the minimum dimension of the standard pieces are determined fractions with
dimensions of the pieces i: outsize (<i max), overall dimensions (Xi ), standard
(iX) and non standard fine (iXk).
The equation for distribution by size of the linear dimensions of the natural joints along the massif
cracks and the pieces of the blasted rocky mass in the technological calculations is accepted in the
form of power integral (cumulative) function:
i = 100(i/X max i)Ki ,
where: i the summarized quantity of pieces (joints) having less dimensions than the required size
i , %;
\ max i maximum dimension of the pieces (joints) corresponding to 100% fraction along the
cumulative curve;
\i indicator for distribution by size of the granulometric composition of pieces of rocky mass
(massif cleavage).
Indicator i = refers to the indicators characterizing the parameters of the granulometric
composition by fissuration of the massive and the index i = to the indicators of the granulometric
composition of the pieces of the blasted rocky mass.
The indicator for the distribution of the joints of the cracked (block) massif by size is accepted
depending on the rocks group F:









The indicator for the distribution of the pieces of the blasted rocky mass by size is accepted from the
conditions for efficient works of the excavator:
= 0,7 (1- /10,6) at 6 m3;
= 0,30 at >6 m3,
where the volume of the shovel, m3.
The maximum amount of the joints in the massif and the pieces of blasted rocky mass are determined
by the expressions, respectively:
X max = 1 + , m;
max = / (1 - V/100)1/ , m.
The average diameter of pieces of blasted rocky mass and of the joints in the massif is expressed as
i = max i/1+1/Ki, m.
The number of outsize pieces (joints) in an unit of blasted rocky mass is equal to:
N i = Ki/(3-Ki)X3max i[(Xmax i/X)3-Ki - 1].
Parameters determining the choice of explosive
The choice of explosive, the most appropriate for the specified conditions will be based on the
following parameters:
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1. Blasting efficiency factor Ke for calculation of the equivalent masses (relative consumption) of
the concentrated charged of explosive ensuring equal intensity of crushing of the rocky mass,
where q, qe relative consumption of the concentrated charge from the used and reference
explosive, kg/m3; UBBe, UBB relative energy (by ideal work of the explosion) of the used and
reference explosive,kCal/kg; DBBe,DBB ideal speed of detonation of the used and reference
explosive, km/s; VBBe,VBB - relative volume of the emitted gases with the used and the reference
explosive, l/kg. KU,KD,KV proportion factors taking into account the influence of the rocks nature
on the explosive blasting efficiency.
The numerical values of the factors KU,KD,KV are accepted depending on the group of the rocks
according to the united rules F:









Optimal value of the relative volumetric energy (energy concentration) of the explosive in the
hole corresponding to a maximum useful work of the blasting gases for overcoming the rock
resistance depending on the strength factor according to M. M. Protodiakonov: UV=45f+400 ,
Detonation speed of the explosive in the hole depending on the speed of sound transmission
in a cracked rocky massive: DE =
, km/s,
where r- rock density, g/cm3;
acoustic indicator for massive fissuration depending on the group of rocks F:









Critical diameter of explosive detonation in an open charge dk, coordinated with the diameter
d of the holes used for breaking of rocky masses, for providing of conditions for blasting process
transmission along the column of the charge in the hole in a fixed regime: dk0,25dr/E .
Factor of comparative technical and economic efficiency at the choice of explosive:
= (/)1/2 ,
where , the price of the reference and of the used explosive, respectively, transport costs
including, BGN/kg;
= d/d - factor, indicating the charging density for cartridge explosives;
D, d diameter of the hole and the cartridge explosive, m, respectively
The preference is for the explosive having the lowest value of at the comparison of explosives.
The choice of holes diameter was made based in the following reasons:
As known from the literature (1) at rocks of I-II category by fissuration the diameter should be larger
(300 350 mm) and this value is limited by technological reasons such as power of the quarry, the
output of the drilling rig, the bench strength, etc.
For rocks of III-IV category, at possibility for carrying out of blasting of several rows the charge
diameter should be within 200 - 250 mm.
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For rocks of Vth category and also non-homogenous and frequently changing by the bench front
rocks of VIth category, for breaking out of massif not having large size, at narrow working platforms
of the benches, at restriction in the number of the simultaneously blasted charges, at not large scale
of the blasting works, as is the case of Studena quarry the diameter of the charge must be within 150200 mm. The decrease in the hole diameter should be based on test blasting and technical and
economic calculations. A diameter equal to 152 mm was chosen.
The line of resistance at the base (lrb) was determined according to the following formula:

factor of rock blastability;
d hole diameter, m (at explosive in bulk the hole diameter is equal to the charge diameter);
factual density of charging of the holes with explosive, kg/m3;
factor of explosive serviceability;
rock density, kg/m3;
m separation factor;
inclination of the holes, ;
The sinking length,m is determined according to the formula: L = . dc , m ,
where sinking factor for the holes (for average blastable rocks = 1012); dc holes
diameter, m.
We adopted the use of blasting technology without hole sinking which gives significant savings of
explosive and reduces the costs for drilling. This leads also to reduction of harmful gases and powder
emissions from the blasting works.
Simplified line diagram of this technology is given in Fig. 3. By this reason the length of the hole,
determined according to the formula
Lc =
+ l , m
was determined only by the first part of the equation (the second term is equal to zero)

Fig.3. Diagram of blasted charge without hole sinking with a hollow of 0, 9 m at the bottom
The so determined whole diameters and the resulting change in the other main parameters of the
blasting works gave significant savings of explosive. The relative explosive consumption for

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destruction of 1m3 of dense rocky mass of 0,65 kg at the former quarry operation was reduced upto
0,37 g/m3. As a result the blasting was improved.
The stem length, m theoretically is determined according to the following formula:
L = . W, m,
Where: stem factor (0,5 - 0,8 upon authors proposal, according to other sources 0,7 - 1,0).
The upper limit refers to heavily cracked and the lower limit for practically monolithic difficultly
blasted rocks. Clay material was used for a stem.

Fig.4.General view of the material after the blasting operations

In Table 2 are shown some of the main parameters of the blasting works
Table 2
Parameters of the blasting works in the quarry

Indicator of the blasting works

Height of the mined bench
Diameter of the holes
Angle and slope of the holes
Length of the holes
Separation factor
Line of the least resistance of the holes
Distance among the holes of one row
Distance between the rows in the field to be blasted
Length of the charge in one hole
Length of the stem in one hole
Length of sinking of the holes
Charge structure in one hole
System of blasting carrying out
Type of the main explosive
Type of the donor charge
Kind of blasting connectors



Not electric
Coarse dispersive
450g cast booster

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After six month of operation using the described technology the state of the quarry, as seen from Fig.
4 completely changed, the technical and economic indicators from the work allowed the mined
material to be good accepted by many clients due to its good characteristics and the obtained low
prime cost. This is very favorable especially at the conditions of the existing economic crisis.
Main conclusions
The following main conclusions could be made from the performed engineering calculation and the
introduced new technological approaches:
The change of hole diameter from 110 to 152 mm allowed optimization of the drilling grid from 4x4
to 6x6 m which led to reduction in the costs for drilling and reduced the relative consumption of
The introduction of blasting system without hole sinking and leaving of air cavities 0.9 m led to
additional reduction of the drilling costs by about 4-5 % and the relative explosive consumption by
about 15%. As a result of this, the real costs per explosive was reduced to 0,37 kg/m3.The material is
crushed evenly and the level of the lower bench remains without raising.
The reduced relative explosive reduction is precondition for reduction of the quantity of harmful
gases and powder emissions in the environment.
The use of the new relation to calculate the stem length allowed avoiding the formation of caps
resulting in increased obtaining of outsize materials. The introduced new technological approaches
resulted as a whole in improvement of the technical and economic indicators of the work in the
quarry, increased its competitive ability and reduced the environment pollution,
1. Genopolskii M.I.; Baron V. L.: Methods for execution of blasting works, M.: 2007-563 p.
2. Kutuzov B.N.; Nishpol G. A.: Technology and safety measures during production and use of
explosives at the territory of mining companies, M.: MGGU 2004 246 p.
3. Mitkov V. E Producing of civil explosives: MGU-Sofia 2007
4. Ministry of labor and social policy Works safety regulations during blasting works.

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