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UNL How to handbook

UNL VM How to handbook

I UNL VM Installation
A) Esxi installation
B) VM Ware workstation 10 or 11
II Login to UNL web
III How to start preloaded LAB and working menu
IV UNL LAB creation
V UNL interconnecting devices
VI UNL LAB serial links connection, IOL only
VII UNL LAB Clouding
VIII UNL Upgrade to new version
IX Install new device images to UNL vm
X Import labs to UNL
XI Console to UNL devices Telnet or VNC
XII Assign static IP for UNL vm, ESXi or VM workstation

UNL How to handbook

I UNL VM Installation
A) UNL Import to VM ESXi 5.5.
1. Deploy ovf UNL image to your ESXi host. The best is use Vceantre WEB client:

2. Deploy UNL VM from UNL .ovf.


After success deployment jump to UNL machine edit settings and turn on Hardware
virtualization under CPU settings !!!

UNL How to handbook

4. Add more interfaces for ESXi UNL host, max 9, later all will be for clouds use.

ESXi VM is ready for first start !

UNL How to handbook

B) UNL Import to VM ware workstation 10 or 11.
1. Use .OVF open VM ware workstation UNL. DO NOT START UNL VM UNTIL, READ THIS

After success import UNL VM should look:

2. Important is first Network adapter, it will be used for access to web face. For laptop users I
recommend to choose NAT adapter, because laptop users very often changing networks and
if you wish to keep your UNL running every time, choose NAT.
3. Change other network adaptors to custom choice vmnets. My case vmnet11-14. After
adaptor change your VM will look like this:


Check if your CPU Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT is turned ON, I recommend

minimum 4x CPU and 2x cores. Best recommendation 4xCPU and 2x cores. Server users can
choose more. Sometimes you need turn on Intel VT-x feature in your PC BIOS.

UNL How to handbook

5. Recommended RAM is unlimited, as much as better.

Success will be with 8G. Even for IOL users only, it will be ok with 6G.
6. Be sure that your VM ware workstation has default NAT interface configuration. Network
editor default config looks:

Start VM !!!
First UNL VM boot
1. If all your VM ware settings for NAT adapter was default, your VM will get IP address, what
will be used for access to web.

2. IMPORTANT! Use VM ware console and log into VM machine first time:
Username: root, password: unl
3. After success login, you will see:

UNL How to handbook

Type password unl, enter and repeat password: unl. Entered letters are not visible. OK
4. Leave hostname as it, if you will change it, you will face problems with licencing what is
loaded in this VM for IOU IOS.

5. Leave domain name default as well, any your changes will made changes in IOU lic etc

6. I recommend for basic users leave DHCP option, for advanced users, I will not explain static
IP address option in this doc. Leave all next options as default. OK. VM will go to reboot
7. After VM reboot, VM will get IP from your NAT vmnet network, in my case it is

8. In case if something went wrong and your UNL not getting IP address or you had messed
something with VMnet adapters you recall this wizard again:
From cli: rm f /opt/ovf/.configured
Then POWER OFF VM, Start it again and login. IP setting wizard will start again. Remember
that only after success setup wizard settings, UNL machine will be ready to use.

UNL How to handbook

UNL VM is ready to GO !!!!

II Login to UNL web

1. Use browser http://your_ip_address
2. First time it will go to this screen, press accept

3. Next screen asking for username and password: it is admin/unl, press login

III How to start preloaded LAB and working menu

1. Go to tab Labs, find which lab you want to start.

2. In the new imported lab, I recommend first time to press wipe all nodes, to be sure that
we clean all previous VM settings for this lab.

UNL How to handbook

3. Press start all nodes, and give a time to boot.

4. If the lab has custom topology, after nodes successfully started, go to


5. You will see pic small icons, click on it:

6. UNL will open custom topology which active on click.

UNL How to handbook

7. telnet to nodes is described in section below.
Menu in lab working mode

Edit this lab, you can go to lab edit mode to add more devices or do some activities.
Recommendation is stop all devices before go to Edit mode of lab.
Start all nodes, is mass start, can be used, but recommendation for full scale or large
labs to use start one by one for each node.
Stop all nodes Mass stop, can be used in anytime
Wipe all configs means that it clean up all your configs from devices and all your
lab will starts from scratch.
Running Lab saving. Once you do any device write config or copy running startupconf, lab save all your configs, and keep after VM or lab reboot.
Delete any lab or folder, just right click on folder or lab icon.
Export all CFG, this feature allows you to save running configuration as initial. After
wipe your node will boot from saved exported cfg.

Steps to export initial, do some config on your node, wr it, then press Export cfg.
This config is stored to Saved config.
If you neednot this initial, in the menu startup configuration choose Unconfigured
and you can run these steps again.

UNL How to handbook

IV UNL LAB creation

1. Click tab Labs. Create folder, it is not mandatory but for order in your UNL lab better
to do.
Action->Add new folder

Name it: SP LABS, click add

Double click on created folder to step in.

2. Create new LAB
Action->Add new lab

Fill fields, mandatory are name, other optional

Click Add, lab created and UNL will enter in LAB edit mode.

UNL How to handbook

3. Add devices what will be used for your lab.

Scroll down and choose which device will be added.

Enter how many devices will be added, first field

Name/prefix, you name your devices, after adding
them to topology it will add additional number for
each device, like RouterUD1, RouterUD2etc
Choose Icon, these devices will be routers, therefore I
choose iconRouter
Choose image, as present device is router, I choose L3
image for router
NVRAM, no need to change because by default its ok
RAM, for some newer IOS like 15.4.1T better give
more, I gave 512M, no worries this memory change
will not impact your PC like it was on IOU.
Startup configuration feature is not implemented
Delay is necessary if lot of devices starts in one time. Usual we dont use it. Overall it delay
start of device for seconds entered. We dont use it here.

UNL How to handbook

Press Add
4. Drag and drop devices from left corner and position them where you want.
Positioning will be available later as well in lab edit mode.

5. Lets add more devices like IOU switches and XRV devices.
Same as point 3 in this document, just changes while you adding device.

Enter how many devices will be added, first field

Name/prefix, you name your devices, after adding
them to topology it will add additional number for
each device, like SwitchUD4, SwitchUD5etc. By
default UNL adding sequence number after to the
device names, these numbers continues, because
we have Router 1,2,3 already
Choose Icon, these devices will be routers,
therefore I choose icon Switch L3
Choose image, as present device is switch, I choose
L2 image for switch
NVRAM, no need to change because by default its
ok already
I gave 512M, no worries this memory change will not impact your PC like it was on IOU.
I choose Ethernet portgroup 2, its mean that one group is 4 ethernet interfaces (IOU), but 2
groups will be interface e0/0-e0/3, e1/0-e1/3 8 ethernets total. Serials are not necessary in
switch therefore it is 0
Press Add and position them on web face, drag and drop.

UNL How to handbook

6. Adding more devices, XRv

7. Devices added.

8. We are ready to connect devices with each other.

NOTE: I recommend to plan devices before you edit lab, because this is UNL beta version and
very sensitive for changes later.

V UNL interconnecting devices

Count how many cables will be used for interconnections.
My Scenario:
R1, R2, R3 e0/0 connecting to SW1 and R1, R2, R3 e0/1 connecting to SW2 (6 cables)
Switches have interconnection double trunks SW1 to SW2 (2 cables)
XR1, XR2 g0/0/0/0 connecting to SW1 and XR1, XR2 g0/0/0/1 connecting to SW2 (4
Totally we need 12 cables for this topology.
You can choose more and later delete unnecessary cables from topology.

UNL How to handbook

9. Lets add cables now.

In the UNL they are
named Networks,

10. We counted before 12 cables, I will add 13, to show how to delete unnecessary

It is very important for interconnection devices Type should be Bridge.

11. Optional, you can add one by one cables naming those what devices
interconnects. Example: add one cable, in the name/prefix field, name it: R1-SW1,
this will connect your R1 e0/0 to SW1 e0/0. Little annoying, but better for avoid
mistakes in topology
Other network options we will review later. Click Add.
12. Each cable will be used to connect 2 devices. Lets connect R1 to SW1 and SW2.
Click right click one the R1, choose Interfaces.

For the interface e0/0 click drag and drop and choose net1, for interface e0/1 choose net2.

UNL How to handbook

Click Edit this means OK

You will see ugly picture now that R1 is connected to networks (cables net1 and net2)
Lets connect these cables now to SW1 and SW2.
Right click on the SW1 (my case it is switchUD4) ->interfaces

As we know that R1 e0/0 what is connected to net1, should go to SW1 (e0/0), and R1 e0/1
should go to SW2 (e0/0), therefore SW1 e0/0 in drag menu choosing net1, but for SW2 e0/0
we choosing net2, what is connected to R1 e0/1.

Now you can see that picture become better, because I connected R1 to switches.

UNL How to handbook

Lets connect R2 to SW1 and SW2, same as for R1, but cables net3 and net4, because 1 and 2
already used.




Now R2 is connected e0/0 to SW1 e0/1 and R2 e0/1 to SW2 e0/1.

UNL How to handbook

Use same UNL interconnecting feature to connect other devices.

NOTE: Be careful with cable choice for devices !!! dont use same cables for lot devices.
It is allowed if need connect 3 routers in one LAN (network) like hub.
13. Lets connect XRv devices, it is absolutely same as IOu routers or other devices. Fort
interface is not in use becaue in the XRv VM it is management 0/0, but e1 is
g0/0/0/0 and e2 is g0/0/0/1, same for XRv2

14. After connecting devices my topology looks now.

UNL How to handbook

15. One interface left, Go to tab objects right click on unnecessary network and choose

When all activities are done, choose menu Action->Open this lab. Lab will enter working mode,
what will allow start devices.

VI UNL LAB serial links connection, IOL only

16. Add serial connection between routers, IOL routers only !
Scenario: we want connect R1 s1/0 to R2 s1/0 and R2 s1/1 to R3 s1/0
Pretty simple: right click on the IOU R1 router, choose interfaces:
For s1/0 choose R2 s1/0

UNL How to handbook

17. Done, no go to lab working mode, choose Action-> Open this lab

18. Start LAB.

Right click on any device you will see small menu, Start/stop. As well under Actions are Mass
start/Mass stop.

NOTE: for full scale labs I recommend start devices one by one to avoid CPU high jump and
avoid struggling and bad BOOT of topology. Mass STOP can be used any time

UNL How to handbook

19. Console any device, like in IOU, just one click on any working device. It will open
your default telnet session. It can be Putty, my case I use Secure CRT. To get console
working on click for any device, you have to install .reg file with correct path to your
Telnet program. Reg files for Putty or Secure CRT are provided in
IOU VM shares.

VII UNL LAB Clouding

In the existing lab I want to add external VM machine, which is Win8 (vm ware machine) and
connect my lab to real internet.
Win8 machine will connect to SW2 e1/1
Internet will connects to R1 e0/2
First look at UNL VM itself, vm settings:

First interface in the UNL machine always is web face, but can be used to connect lab as well.
Second interface is Net Adapter Vmnet11 will used for WIN 8.1 vm machine connection to
UNL lab.
Now, lets check if Win8 vm has first interface vmnet11:

VM ware interfaces are configured correct, lets jump into UNL.

First, stop all devices

UNL How to handbook

Go to lab edit mode:

Next we will add cloud for WIN8 vm, as you remember it is vmnet11 interface on UNL
machine and win8 machine.

And configure cloud for Win8

Number: is 1, we need only one cloud connect Win8 PC

Name/prefix: I changed to Win8.1
Type choose pnet1 what is UNL VM machine second interface (our case vmnet11) see above
UNL machine vm config.
pnet0 is first UNL VM interface (respond 1st VMNet)
pnet1 respond 2nd VMnet
pent3 respond 3rd VMnet
pnet4 respond 4th VMnet
Up to 9 interfaces total
See above VM machine sttings
Cloud Win8.1 added

UNL How to handbook

To connect it SW2 (switchUD5) right click on switch -> interfaces

Under interface e1/1, choose named win8.1

Lets add Internet cloud what is pnet0 (in UNL VM it is first and NAT interface) NAT allow us
reach internet from lab.

UNL How to handbook

Cloud added, and I connecting it like win8.1, to R1 (RouterUD1) e0/2

Lets start and test.
Choose Action->start this lab

GW for Win8 is R3 with IP, PC is .10

Vlan 10 SW2 access ports.

UNL How to handbook

Real Internet from R1:

NOTE for SP or other full scale labs I recommend to use RSW device, Cisco IOS (3725) with 16
Fastehernet card. Do not change memory for this switch it is hardcoded. Leave 256M !!!
If your PC allow to use vIOS L3 device as routers, use it, they are very OK.
Unfortunately vIOS L2 has problems in UNL and I do not recommend to use it at all.

UNL How to handbook

VIII UNL Upgrade to new version

SSH to your UNL console, username/password: root/unl
Internet reachability during upgrade process is a MUST !
Verify if your internet settings are fine, ping, if all right start upgrade
From UNL console do:
apt-get update
When finished
apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install unetlab unetlab-qemu
Say yes when asked
After upgrade under home Tab it will show you newest UNL version.

UNL How to handbook

IX Install new device images to UNL vm

Use WinSCP for access your UNL. Install it if you have not it.
1. Create connection to your UNL.

File protocol is SCP !!!

2. Connect.
3. Once connection established find qemu image on your pc, my example veos4.14.5F.tar.gz, drag and drop it to /root.

4. Open root dir to verify if it copied there:

UNL How to handbook

5. Open SSH console to your UNL, user/passw, root/unl

Issue command: tar xzvf filename.tar.gz

This will untar your image to folder.

6. On UNL side press refresh and you will see newly created image folder.

7. Right click on new image folder and move to: /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu

UNL How to handbook

8. Now you can delete tar.gz from root and check if folder moved to

9. To finish image updates from SSH UNL issue: IMPORTANT !!

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
10. IOL Image path in UNL VM is: opt/unetlab/addons/dynamips/
IOL image can be used any as you wish. From previous web-iou all images are OK and
11. Dynamips image path in UNL is: opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/
Dynamips only 3 images are FULLY supported now and they are preloaded.
There are tested many time ad they are stable and the best.

X Import labs to UNL

Use winSCP.

UNL How to handbook

Copy lab file from your PC to:
Just drag and drop.

To finish image updates from SSH UNL issue: IMPORTANT !!

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

XI Console to UNL devices Telnet or VNC

UNL use 2 ways to get console access to nodes. Telnet and VNC.
1) telnet access works just click on node pic on the topology. For this you have to install win
.reg file with correct path to your favourite telnet program.

Use edit this file to correct path where is Putty.exe in your PC

@="\"C:\\Telnet\\Putty\\putty.exe\" %1"
My example it is: c:/Telnet/Putty/putty.exe
CRT reg file:

@="\"C:\\Program Files\\VanDyke Software\\Clients\\SecureCRT.exe\" %1 /T"

My example path is: C:\Program Files\VanDyke Software\Clients\SecureCRT.exe
2) Some nodes use VNC for access to their console.
F5 node for example.
3) VNC access works just click on node pic on the topology. For this you have to install
vncUltra.exe, then install .reg file, and put vnc_wrapper.bat file to C:\Program Files\uvnc

UNL How to handbook

XII Assign static IP for UNL vm, ESXi or VM workstation

First be sure that your first UNL VM Adaptor is correct, in VM workstations usual it is NAT
adaptor or Bridged with real network.
1) From UNL ssh issue command:
rm f /opt/ovf/.configured
2) Once UNL rebooted, from console login in VM using root/unl
3) It will jump to IP addressing management wizard.
2 times will ask enter password, use default passwords unl. Your typing will be invisible
but it is. Type once, enter, and repeat.
4) Leave hostname and domain names default if you wouldnt face problems later with
loaded lic in it. DNS name and hostname are banded with licence for IOU in it
5) When you will see screen:


Use arrow drop to option Static and mark it *, just hit space
Enter IP for your UNL management, my case it was network range from VM NAT
Enter mask
Enter default GW, (.2 is NAT adaptor, .1 is native PC) by default usual VM
ware NAT adaptor have such assignments
Enter primary DNS IP (NAT adaptor,
Enter secondary DNS,
NTP field you can leave empty.
Your UNL will auto reboots with new IP address.
If something went wrong, start these steps from begin (1).

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