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Publishing Interactive 3D within Adobe PDF

Using Interactive Models within a PDF for Your Building Projects

Bentleys MicroStation includes integrated publishing to Adobe

PDF, the dominant standard for electronic deliverables in AEC.
Now, MicroStation V8 2004 Edition can include embedded 3D
models in PDF documents, greatly increasing the ability to convey
complex three-dimensional designs. MicroStation support for
PDF makes it easy for AEC organizations to establish a PDF-based
electronic sharing and delivery process.

Using interactive models within a PDF for building projects and operation
enables clients to view photo-realistic, virtual models of the finished design.
The ability to create interactive walkthrough and flythrough animations in
an easily sharable format enable project proposals to be communicated
more successfully to clients and colleagues. The ability to easily change
viewpoints allows the client to make quality decisions much sooner in the
design phase saving valuable time and avoiding miscommunication.

Navigating an Interactive 3D Model

Once a PDF document has been created from MicroStation, it can
be opened with Adobe Acrobat or Reader 7 for interactive
viewing. (If a 3D view is not visible at right, you do not have the
latest version available. Download Adobe Reader 7.)
Clicking on a 3D object will activate a toolbar with a set of tools
for navigating within the scene. The standard Acrobat tools
(rotate, navigate, zoom, pan) are documented in the Acrobat
For example, click to see views from ground level from the
NorthWest, SouthWest or East side of the building. Or click for
an overhead view from the West or a view of the South faade of
the building.
MicroStation includes the ability to animate geometry within the
model such as the helicopter and street traffic. It also allows the
user to fly within the model along a predefined path. Click to fly
along with the helicopter on a simulated flight through the
proposed design or click to stop the flight and return to stationary
The display of the model can also be
This model is displayed shaded, but
illustration, a shaded illustration
useful for viewing objects that might

controlled within Acrobat

could also be displayed as an
or transparent, which can be
otherwise be obscured.
You can interactively view shaded, three-dimensional models and animations.

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