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Regional identity is presented in the extract to show the stereotypical opposites

between those who live in the city, and those who live in the country. Positioning
the audience to find humour, rather than challenging traditional representations,
in the difference between Doc martin and the locals.
The first scene is set in an out of date doctors surgery, which lacks many
modern items which would be expected in a surgery room. This cultural code
positions the audience to think of the countryside to be behind with the
advancements of modern medical achievements. This is a common stereotype
for the countryside to be behind and isolated from the rest of the world. The
wide angle shot allows the audience to view the contrast between the plumbers
and Doc Martin. The plumbers are wearing blue work clothes, and Doc Martin is
wearing a nice, posh suit. Doc Martin represents the city with his posh suit,
compared to the plumbers who represent the countryside in their blue, boiler
suits. Doc Martin is presented as the hierarchy in this scene because he is
positioned higher than the plumbers, displaying power and authority over the
two workers who seem to be lazy because one is overweight and sitting down,
whereas Doc Martin is proactive because he is walking around his old fashioned
surgery room. The room is very dull and uncared for, with cardboard boxes piled
up, and an old sink which doesnt look modern. This can be seen through the use
of Mise en scene.
An establishing shot is used when Doc Martin is walking the dog towards the
police station, showing that the people are wearing old fashioned clothing,
positioning the audience to think the countryside is isolated, and dont have
many chain stores to buy clothes from. This is a common stereotype for the
countryside to be behind with the advancements of modern clothing. A shot
reverse shot is used in the police station showing the police officer and Doc
Martin in a conversation. This positions the audience to regard Doc Martin as
stressed and selfish because he is having an argument with the officer who
hasnt said anything to Doc Martin. This is suggesting that people from the city
are more up tight and stressed out, than people who live in the countryside, who
are seen as relaxed and calm. A close up shot is used on Doc martin when he is
arguing with the police officer, showing that he is angry and anxious about
starting his new job in the country. This positions the audience to dislike Doc
Martin, and to regard the country as nice and more relaxed than the city. The
police station is lacking modern technology, and fits in with the rustic aesthetic
of the countryside, which positions the audience to think the police is lacking
modern technology, and behind with the advancements of technology. This is a
common stereotype for the country side to be behind on technology, compared
to the city. Non diegetic sound is used to represent the tension he is suffering
because he has moved to a new environment.
Synchronous sound is represented through the use of sea gulls which the
audience is expecting to hear. This positions the audience to regard the
countryside as peaceful and away from main citys which dont have sea gulls.
This is a common stereotype for the countryside. A wide angle is used when a
random woman walks up to Doc Marten, wearing flowery and old clothes which
allows the audience the see the contrast between the suit Doc Marten is wearing
(representing the city) and the women who is wearing a flowery dress
(representing the countryside). They are both positioned at the same height in

this scene which shows they have the same authority and the same amount of
power. This is a contrast from the first scene when the plumbers were sitting
sound, represented as lazy and slothful. The natural lighting is very bright and
through the use of Mise en scene, the audience can see that there is a rock wall
and a stone path which is stereotypical for the countryside to have.

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