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New Criticism of Novel

The Scarlet Letter

By :
Siska Amaliyah Putri 201210100311003
Chichin Nurizma Putra 201210100311025
Heru Subagja _____________________

English Department
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Prose | The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter

by Nathaniel Hawnthorne
Nathaniel Hawthornes representation of the Puritans strict religious ways in his novel, The
Scarlet Letter points out the way in which women are treated in the puritan world and the
way in which earthly sins are severely punished. They believed men were head of the
household and made all important decisions, while women were just there to take care of
housework. This great family structure kept everyone in line with God and adultery or any
kind of sexual sin was shunned severely.

New Criticsm :
The scarlet letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne unfolds its plot during the era of
Puritanism, not less than two centuries ago, in Boston.
New Criticism of The Scarlet Letter, the story revolves around the conflict between the
protagonist named Hester Prynne, the plot occurs in the main action. In its actions, Hester
Prynne commits adultery with Arthur Dimmesdale, not her husband, but a famous preacher. And
Arthur Dimmesdale have a relationship with the wife of Roger Chilingworth. The author
recounted at length in the novel, so readers must better understand what is the writer because this
story using hyperbol to make the reader take into this story. This story more contextual
exploration and the development of his character, is how realistic the story deals with all
problems that occur on the main offender.
Hester Prynne, the main character of the novel, is a beautiful young woman who sent to
Boston by her husband. Her husband whom Hester does not love is going to follow her after
completing his affairs in Europe. In her time of waiting, Hester meets a reverend names Arthur
Dimmesdale and is trapped into a secret love affair. Hester Prynne,who has borne an illegitimate
baby, gets humiliated punishments to stand for three hours before the pillory and to wear the
scarllet letter A on her blossom that announces her adulterous.

Prose | The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter includes many profound and important
symbols. This device of symbolism is portrayed well in the novel, especially through the scarlet
letter "A". The "A" is the best example because of the changes in the meaning throughout the
novel. In the beginning of the novel, the scarlet letter "A" is viewed as a symbol of sin. The
middle of the novel is a transition period, where the scarlet letter "A" is viewed differently. In the
commencement of the novel, the letter is taken as a label of punishment and sin. Hester Prynne
bears the label of the letter upon her chest. She stands as a label of an outcast in front of society.
She is wearing this symbol to burden her with punishment throughout her life. She stands on a
plank where her punishment is given, (thus she will be a living sermon against sin, until the
ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone).
The fact that Hawthorne wrote this novel gives the impression that he wanted to show
that man should be in line with the rules of God and away from all the sins of adultery and must
be shunned karen will be no fall-out penalties of violating them.
This story is not the same as real life as in the novel tells,-such as a tale of human frailty
and sorrow. In his life, the figure of a woman standing, with red letters on his chest as a sign of
adulterer. The novel tells the story of a fictional shaped romantic but suffused with grief story
that has broken the rules, religious and spiritual values.

Prose | The Scarlet Letter

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