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Paper by Paul Budding (27th October 2016)

Its easy to poke fun

about the [UFO] topic
from an armchair, but
unless youre invited to
the meetings I have
been part of, then no
more laughing. Big
things are coming.

Tom DeLonge quoted here:

DeLonges email correspondence with Democrat John Podesta was exposed as part
of Wikileaks publishing of approximately 50,000 Podesta email correspondences. (of
which around 17,000 still to be published at time of writing) (Wikileaks, The Podesta

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Tom DeLongeVerified account@tomdelonge

Things are coming, been a bit

busy, had some....
#damagecontrol. Stay tuned
- Tom DeLonge (October 20th 2016 tweet)

[The] high level groups

within the DOD and National
Security division of our
country [] know its real
- DeLonge Reference for the above: 2
minutes 20 seconds into this news report:

From what we have learned

he [DeLonge] is talking to real
people who really do hold
positions that will allow access
to this kind of information
- George Knapp (Las Vegas Now KLAS-TV News
Reporter. View/Listen to the quote from 4
mins 30 to 4 mins 38 here:

DeLonge revealed the names of his contacts

to George Knapp and the News team (See
above quote) but (other than Podesta) they
couldnt be named on air. However,
Wikileaks have since made this public. We
now know the names, see the information
related to the Google Hangout meeting, e.g.,

When you click on the Google Hangout link this

appears on the screen:
Yes, I'm going
Add a note or change your response
DeLonge/Podesta Meeting

Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:30am 11:15am Mountain Time


Google Hangout (map)

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Yes: 5 No: 0 Maybe: 0 Waiting: 1 Optional: 0

John Podesta - organizer
Neil McCasland
Michael Carey

Nearly 4 weeks after the Google Hangout one

of the participants, Robert F. Weiss wanted an
update. Note that Weiss is the Executive Vice
President and General Manager of Aeronautics
Advanced Development Programs at Lockheed
Martin Corporation. So DeLonge emailed
Podesta (email, see below). The email does not
sound dramatic. But note the switch. No longer
is it the political asking the highest level
intelligence and highest level military
personnel for information now its the other
way around. This can only be because the
political elite (at least within the Democratic
Party establishment) now have the information
they have always craved. (note that the
General DeLonge refers to in the email is
called McCasland).
The Google Hangout occurred on 25th January
2016. DeLonges email to Podesta about Weiss
was sent on 22nd February 2016.

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Date: 2016-02-22 00:06
Subject: Advisors
Mr Podesta
Mr. Weiss from Lockheed SkunkWorks just emailed me
asking if there were any updates. I am not expecting
much, but if there is anything I can tell him and the
General, however small, I would like to respectfully pass
it along. Sorry again for adding another email to your
long list of other important emails that already exist.
- Best,
Tom DeLonge

The reason why I am so interested in the Tom

DeLonge/Podesta correspondence is because
DeLonge keeps saying that he KNOWS the
truth, that he has been given the truth on a
plate and that the truth is that the UFO
Phenomenon has an exotic (non-human)
explanation. His advisors, the in-the-know
generals, and the link to John Podesta are
fascinating. This is new, this is different, this is
significant. You see, with Podesta getting all of
this information on a plate it means that
Hillary Clinton is getting all of this information
on a plate.

John Podesta pictured with Hillary Clinton.

Podesta spent 6 and a half years in the Bill

Clinton administration, 3 years Chief of Staff,
he was Special Advisor to Barack Obama and
now is Hillary Clintons Campaign Chairman.

Many figures from Obamas administration

derive from Podestas Think-Tank American
Progress. Interestingly Podesta is quoted as
saying something similar to DeLonges Big
things are Coming quote. Podesta has said
more to come to one of the top lobbyists in
Washington D.C., Jim Davidson.

Some of the Extraordinary things

DeLonge has said
DeLonge, a rock star has joined the
establishment with cherries on top! He claims
to know so much, maybe everything. In the
1990s he was a guiatarist and singer with the
Rock Band Blink 182. Now his online
statements are more often about the
staggering information he claims to possess
through meetings with the elites.
In one of the emails that Wikileaks published,
DeLonge writes that McCasland was in-charge
of all of the stuff. (Email, see below). That
probably means in charge of the crashed
UFOs. Its also worth noting that DeLonge
informs us that McCasland was based at
Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This is what
other UFO researchers have always said is one

of the key locations for where crashed UFOs

were taken.
According to U.S. Air Force Websites,
McCasland was Commander of the Air Force
Research Lab at Wright Patterson for 2 and a
half years from May 2011 to October 2013.
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General McCasland
Date: 2016-01-25 16:04

Subject: General McCasland

He mentioned he's a "skeptic", he's not. I've been working
with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four
hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago.
Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do
all this. He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very
aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell
crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson
Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that
exact laboratory up to a couple years ago. He not only knows
what I'm trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory
team. He's a very important man.
Tom DeLonge
SAN DIEGO | 1053 S Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024

Note in the following extract, DeLonge uses

the word enormity to describe his role:
Dealing with something thats a national
security issue, and youre being gifted with the
opportunity to communicate something youve
been passionate about your whole life
something that has the opportunity to change
the world over time being a small part of
that is enormously important for my life path.
But I cant do everything. I cant tour nine
months out of the year with enough time to do
the enormity of what Im setting out to do.

DeLonge quoted here:

DeLonge has 10 advisors from high level

military and intelligence agencies. These 10
figures agree that the truth about UFOs and
the inextricably linked non-human
intelligences should be made public.
DeLonge says that he has been told that the
secret has been kept due to the need to
understand the technology that has been
discovered and to ensure that it doesnt fall
into the wrong hands. The Cold War
entrenched this position. DeLonge has been
chosen due to his ability to reach a young
audience and thus he can help re-establish
some lost respect for governmental and
military authority among the young. DeLonge
says that these advisors have told him the
most important part of the entire subject
matter. They have told him that weve found
a life-form. DeLonge adds:


That conversation [with the

advisors] changed my life. []
And we were told that there
were crashes.
DeLonge says the crafts were hidden away
from open society in order to prevent people
asking questions that

we didnt know the answers

too. [Those in on the secret
had the task of ] figuring out
how this stuff worked and how
to build our own defense
system against it.
- Tom DeLonge/George Knapp (Las Vegas Now
KLAS-TV News Reporter. View/Listen here:


There's movement now. UFO buffs are WRONG

to say DeLonge's changed nothing - that
there's nothing new here. Whats NEW is that
there are links (involving Pro UFO openness
and transparency) between the DOD, military
highest level figures with top level security
clearance and these links are to Podesta (thus
by extension) to Hillary Clinton. Thats NEW!
The channels are open and thats what these
figures want. This should not be read as
"Hillary will announce all of this at a podium in
a dramatic announcement". What I am saying
is that soft disclosure will be ENABLED by
those in authority who are also in the know.
The ball is rolling!

Open Transparency on UFOs is what some key

players in authority (who are in-the-know) are
now pursuing. Podesta took UFOs mainstream
by involving Ian Milheiser and Ken Gude. Millhisers
responsibility is government efficiency and
transparency. Gude, a senior fellow at the
Center for American Progress works on civil
liberties & terrorism. Podestas involvement of

Milheiser and Gude is consistent with soft

disclosure. (slow cultural evolution UFO
disclosure that is enabled by those in-the-know
enabling the rest of us to slowly learn more).
Moreover you can see in some of the Podesta
emails that he has forwarded the messages to
leading Democrats within the establishment.
Hence, he has lent credibility to the topic. Thus
while DeLonge is lending credibility to the
topic and to the establishment amongst the
young, Podesta is lending credibility to the
topic within the Democrat Party establishment.

I have 10 people that Im

working with that are at the
highest levels of the
Department of Defense and
NASA and the military.
- DeLonge quoted by Maeve McDermott in
USA Today, Blinks 182s Tom DeLonge hints
at UFO Project with Clinton chair John Podesta
(October 12th 2016)


At time of writing (October 27th 2016) there are

still more Wikileaks emails to come. Indeed
theres about 17,000 more emails promised by
Julian Assanges organisation, some of which
(it is hoped) will shed some light on the
meetings that DeLonge and Podesta attend.
These meetings have taken place in multiple
locations (not just on Google Hangout!) and
include Washington D.C.

Conclusion: It used to be said that if the

UFO phenomenon had any substantial reality
to it then Wikileaks would have discovered
something. Well credit goes to Wikileaks for
discovering and publishing these highly
substantial emails. And as Podesta says more
to come!
Given the nature of the Wikileaks email leaks
I had finished this paper and then I discovered
more DeLonge/Podesta emails. One of them is
an absolute gem. DeLonge (messaging
Podesta) informs Podesta that General

McCasland has ideas on how to do disclosure.

McCasland wants NASA to head it. DeLonge
says that the following are the Generals

Generals thoughts: "I was thinking a bit

more about what a White House memo
should say. Something like these points
to all Federal Agencies: - In light of the
President's policy on STEM (citing
official policy encouraging the study of
science, technology, engineering and
math) - some back ground on your
project - the Administration encourages
a favorable Public Affairs position by all
Agencies - appointes NASA to lead (this
kind of public outreach is in NASA's job
jar, and if no Agency is appointed all will
simply note and file the memo and
likely do nothing) - and to coordinate
with DoD, DNI and NOAA (the other
major space actors, putting a bit of light
on them)

A couple of final points an investigative
media need to wake up to this phenomenon.
They play a crucial role in bringing this out into
the open world. The wikileaks emails provides
them with the ideal opportunity to end 70
years of secrecy and for the discussion around
this topic to be respectful as opposed to
disrespectful. Afterall, it is a highly serious
topic for science, knowledge, government,
politics. Bringing the topic into mainstream
discussion is the way to bring it out in the
open. A good place for the mainstream media
(e.g., newspapers like the New York Times and
Washington Post) to start would be to follow-up
their stories and to pressurise Podesta on the
content of the emails. Also, given that we now
know that the UFO phenomenon is real and
that the debunkers were wrong, what does
that mean for the mainstream reading of
history? The mainstream history narrative is all
wrong and needs a re-write.



I have always had a problem with simply believing that UFOs as having an exotic
explanation. Until the DeLonge/Podesta emails were published I was an interested agnostic.
But DeLonge allows the person who has difficulty with belief to bypass belief and to KNOW.
It is true that the UFO Phenomenon has a clear psychoreligious aspect to it meaning
projected into the skies (and into the seas as UFOs fly into and out of water). But
DeLonges correspondence with Podesta allows us to say I dont believe that something
is going on I KNOW that something is going on.



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