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**** NOVEMBER 2016 ****

Volume XIV Number XI


My Brothers All,
We as Brother Knights have vowed to support our council in
its charity endeavors and I am sure you have done more your share in
the past. Yet, the same few dedicated and tired members are left to do
the work. Our events to raise money for charities needs your support
both physically and financially.

In service
to one.
In service
to all.

I realize we are all getting older and feel like we did our share
and just want to lie back on our sofas. Thats for the old folks. Help
me revitalize St. Jude Council by supporting all our fund raising
efforts and getting some young members to join. Ask your sons,
grandsons, neighbors to join. Then we can rest and enjoy the fruits of
our labors. I know I can count on you because were part of the
greatest generation and proud brother Knights. Get up from up that
sofa and come back to the meetings and start living again. Remember
you are only as old you let yourself think you are.
Our C & B fund raiser is doing outstanding. Thanks to SK Paul
Basileo and his committee. They did not let the rain or cold deter
them from selling almost 200 books at 3 King Kullen Stores. We are
now earning bonus money. We need more of these are type of
Brothers .
St. Marks Family Communion Breakfast was a success. I want
to thank SK Jim Lilley, Deputy GK Paul Knudsen, Gary Duryea and SK
Ron Chirco for their help.
It was with great regrets that I accepted Deacon Monte's
Resignation. He was a definite asset to our spiritual Journey. Thank
for keeping us on the straight and narrow path, We will miss you
abstaining at the meetings.

May God bless you and your


S.K. Frederick S. Hess

Grand Knight

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As the election nears, the Knights of Columbus is urging

its members and other Catholic Americans to pray
The prayer will be in the form of a novena nine consecutive days of prayer and will run from Oct. 30 to the
eve of the election on Nov. 7. The prayer is addressed to the Holy Trinity through the intercession of Mary, the Mother
of Jesus, under her title of the Immaculate Conception. Individuals, families, councils and parishes are all invited to
The Church teaches that Catholics are called to form their consciences based on Church teaching and vote in
accordance with that well-formed conscience, said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. He added: Pope Francis has said
in reference to the U.S. election that we should study the proposals well, pray and choose with your conscience, and
this novena is designed to help Catholic Americans do that.
The text of the novena reads:
Most Holy Trinity: Our Father in Heaven, who chose Mary as the fairest of your daughters; Holy Spirit, who chose Mary
as your Spouse; God the Son, who chose Mary as your Mother, in union with Mary we adore your majesty and
acknowledge your supreme, eternal dominion and authority.
Most Holy Trinity, we put the United States of America into the hands of Mary Immaculate in order that she may present
the country to you. Through her we wish to thank you for the great resources of this land and for the freedom which has
been its heritage.
Through the intercession of Mary, have mercy on the Catholic Church in America. Grant us peace. Have mercy on our
president and on all the officers of our government. Grant us a fruitful economy, born of justice and charity. Have mercy
on capital and industry and labor. Protect the family life of the nation. Guard the precious gift of many religious vocations. Through the intercession of our Mother, have mercy on the sick, the tempted, sinners on all who are in need.
Mary, Immaculate Virgin, our Mother, Patroness of our land, we praise you and honor you and give ourselves to you.
Protect us from every harm. Pray for us, that acting always according to your will and the will of your divine Son, we
may live and die pleasing to God. Amen.

2003- 2015 Knights of Columbus. All rights reserved.

NOVEMBER Birthdays

St. Jude Council Officers


Msgr SK Rev. William Breslawski

Rev. Fr. Thomas Tuite
SK Rev Montford D. Naylor Jr

Grand Knight
Deputy GK
Fin Secretary
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
Trustee 1 Year
Trustee 2 Year
Trustee 3 Year
District Deputy
Field Agent
Beacon Editor

SK Fred Hess
Paul Knudsen
SK Bob Sanders
SK William Benson
SK Steve Spector
SK Andrew Delligatti, PGK
SK Richard Bowne
SK James Lilley, PGK, PFN
Don Flynn
Joseph Badalamenti
Gary Duryea
SK Ray Hernandez
SK Joe Daly PGK
SK John Nugent
SK Mike Boehm PGK
SK Gene Johann

631 744-2609
631 744-2800
631 744-6447
631 603-7348
631 664-6410
631 848-7322
516 429-3097
631 821-3249
631 807-3191
631 793-3037
631 294-8001
631 258-6027
631 744-0752
631 905-3568
631 228-4685
631 744-2433
631 744-1821
631 744-2605
631 804-1886



Nov 01



Nov 01





Nov 03



Nov 04



Nov 05



Nov 18



Nov 18



Nov 19



Nov 19



Nov 23



Nov 25



Nov 26



Nov 27



Nov 28


Nov 02

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District Deputys Message

Brothers and Sisters,

November is upon us, and for many of us it is the last time to enjoy some outdoor activities (even if it is only raking leaves)
before the real cold and snow begins to creep in. It is also a time of Thanksgiving. A time to look back at the year and count our
many blessings, the ones that we take for granted most of the time, like family & friends. Soon the hustle and bustle of the Christmas
Season will be here, and well all be too busy running around, so do yourself a favor and take advantage of this opportunity to give
On October 6th we had an Admission Degree (1st) in Rocky Point. I want to thank St. Jude Council and Grand Knight Fred
Hess for hosting the Degree, and his Degree Team lead by Rich Olivia, and all of the Members of St. Jude for their efforts to make
this Degree happen. There is a Formation Degree (2 nd) scheduled for Thursday November 10th at Fr. Thomas A Judge #6893
Council in East Northport. Nothing is scheduled for the East end as of this time. I will let you all know if one is scheduled here.
There will be a Third Degree at St. Johns Church in Riverhead on November 18 th.
On November 5th the Suffolk Board of DDs are holding a Night at the Races Fundraiser at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Center in Patchogue. Many of the Councils have purchased tickets, and I look forward to seeing you there. If anyone would like additional tickets, please let me know, they are only $10 each, and they are going fast.
On November 29th at 7 pm, the Suffolk Conference will be holding a Meeting at St. Sylvesters Church in Medford. It is imperative that all Delegates attend this Meeting, however it is not restricted to just the Delegates, any Member who wishes to attend is
encouraged to do so. I would like to thank everyone who attended the John Joseph Fundraiser on October 15 th. The turnout was
fantastic, and the food was pretty good too! It is wonderful to see Suffolk County UNITED behind our Candidate, and our next State
Deputy, John Joseph.
From my wife Jessica and myself, I would like to wish you all a very Happy and
Safe Thanksgiving.

Vivat Jesus
SK Michael Boehm, PGK, District Deputy
Third N.Y. District
The Chaplains Corner
It is with great sadness that I am communicating with you at this time. Most likely, this is the
last time that I will be writing a column for this bulletin. However, circumstances have put me in this position. In all probability, I will not attend the
business meetings of our council any longer. After serving you for almost
twenty years, I have been called to serve Gods people elsewhere. I
have been asked to serve as the chaplain for the Ritchie Post of the
American Legion in Port Jefferson Station and I have accepted.
Ordinarily, I would have continued to serve as your Spiritual
Advisor while I assumed the duties of this new assignment. Unfortunately, as I will have to attend meetings on the first two Wednesdays of the
month, I will be unable to attend the business meetings of our council.
Thus I was forced to make a decision as to which one I could attend. I
resolved the difficulty by recognizing that our council has a Chaplain and
an Associate Chaplain. Although the Chaplain has made it clear that he
can not attend the meetings, it is probable that the Associate Chaplain

This is not so for the members of the Ritchie post of the American Legion. They have no one to offer spiritual support to its members
since their Chaplain retired. This was the factor that convinced me that it
was Gods will that I should serve them. As a veteran of World War II
and Korea, it is important for me to serve my fellow veterans. There is a
physical kinship that we share as well as the spiritual kinship that the
brothers of both organizations share. As we were trained never to physically leave a comrade alone, I felt that in good conscience I can not spiritually leave my comrades alone.
Although I will continue to be a member of the council, I will
miss each of you and all of you. You have given me the joy of what it
means to be a member of the Catholic gentlemen who band together as
protectors of our beloved religion. You have given me the joy of being
with each of you individually during those wonderful meetings that we
shared. You have my blessings and most sincere best wishes for continued success in all that you do. Know that as you go forward, I will go
with you as you will always be in my heart, in my mind and in my prayers.

-Deacon Montford D. Naylor, Jr.


can. Therefore you have spiritual guidance available to you.

5814 Corporation Directors

SK Vincent J. Maggio
Vice President SK Salvatore J. LaLima
SK Robert W. Wilken
***Directors Elections To Be Held In November 2016***


SK Richard B. Landers
Herbert B. Simmons
SK Joseph Padovan
Henry Walden


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St. Jude Council Events

Memorial BreakfastSunday November 13 following 8am Mass at St Anthonys Church. Approximately 9am at the Council. All are Welcome. Let us remember and respect our Brothers who have
gone on before us. Donations accepted.
Knight At The Races C&B Fundraiser to support our Council. Wed. Nov. 16 at 7pm. Dinner is $12
and includes 1 Free C&B Chance book! Please join us to do your part.
Christmas Tree Blessing and Lighting at the Council. Sing Carols, enjoy refreshments and light the tree in Union with ALL other KofC Councils on Dec. 6th at 7:30 pm.
Council Christmas Party See the Ad in this Beacon. Great Food - Good Fun - Only $30. Sat. Dec. 10.

Financial Secretarys Corner

**** 5814

Corporate Directors ELECTIONS ****

Membership Numbers:


Associate Members - 116

Insurance Members - 79
Inactive Members - 22
Total Membership - 219
Honorary Members - 6
Honorary Life Members - 55
Disabled Members - 0

Upcoming Elections for the 5814 Corporation Board Of Directors will include the following members, all running for
the position of Director:
SK Vincent J. Maggio, SK Richard B. Landers, SK Salvatore
J. LaLima, Herbert B. Simmons, SK Robert W. Wilken, SK
Joseph Padovan, and Henry Walden.

***Dues Notices will be mailed to the membership in early

Nov.16, either mail back or bring to next meeting.***

5814 Corporation Elections will be held at the regular KofC

business meeting in November. Once the Board is selected,
the Directors will then meet to select their President, Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer.

- SK Andrew Delligatti, FS, PGK, DW

Upcoming EventsNovember 2016



Business Meeting

St. Jude # 5814

7:30 pm



District Deputy Mtg


7:30 pm



Chapter Meeting

St. Jude Council

7:00 pm



Memorial Mass
Memorial Breakfast

St. Anthonys
St. Jude Council

8:00 am
9:00 am



Knight at the Races

C&B Fundraiser

St. Jude # 5814

7:00 pm



Officer Meeting

St. Jude # 5814

7:30 pm



Fourth Degree Mtg

Fr. Joseph Slomski Co. 7:00 pm






Decorate Council Hall For Christmas

9:00 am

Christmas Tree Lighting St. Jude Council

Council Christmas
St. Jude Council

7:30 pm, lighting at 8PM

7:00-11:00 pm
doors open 6:30 pm

Dates to Remember:




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Grand Knights Corner

If any member knows of the passing of a Brother Knight or knows of a Brother
Knight in need, please notify GK Fred Hess at 631 803-7348 or our Funeral Services
Director Ralph Ferrara at 631 662-1235

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Knights Of ColumbusSt. Jude Council #5814

Proposed changes to the By-Laws of St. Jude Council #5814

The following amendment will be voted upon at the regular business meeting on Aug. 3, 2016 at 7:30 PM at the Council Hall.

Article VI, Section 7,

Currently reads:
James F. Hannonn Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1976 to provide a monetary scholarship to a high school graduation student. This award is an amount up to $500.00 may be granted upon the approval of the general membership at a regular Business Meeting. A catholic child or grandchild of a member in good standing shall make an application.
A Scholarship committee appointed by the Grand Knight shall be responsible to design and receive all the applications, establish the
criteria for judging the winning recipient and award the scholarship.
The award shall be payable to the school of higher education and be presented to the student by June 30 th of the graduating year.

Proposed Amendment:
The St. Jude Council shall award an annual scholarship each June to a graduating high school senior. Candidates must be
practicing Roman Catholics, sponsored by a Council member in good standing, and must also satisfy any additional requirements established each such year by the Councils Scholarship Committee. Such committee shall be comprised of
three Council members appointed by the respective Grand Knight at the February Council meeting. The dollar amount of
each such years scholarship shall be set by approved motion made at a regular business meeting of the Council not later
than March 31st of the respective year.
The award shall be presented to the student by June 30th of the graduating year. The check in the amount of the assistance
shall be made payable to the school of higher learning.

Please Keep in Your Prayers

Brother Richard Bownes Granddaughter Scarlett

Brothers John Lennon, Carmine Lagnese
Joan Mastrogiacomo as she works on getting better.
All the souls of Brothers lost in our Council and in The Order.
(if you need prayers or know of a member or family etc. please send me the information to share).
Contact G.K. Fred Hess 631 821-9805
St. Jude, patron of hopeless cases, pray for us.


S T J UDE B E ACO N - NO VEM B ER 2 0 1 6


We very much appreciate our

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St. Jude 5814 Members

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Honoring Lifes Memories tm

1001 Route 25A, Miller Place, NY 11764

(631) 744-1001

Fax: (631) 744-9164

Joe Badalamenti

Annual Rates are only $50.


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Knights of Columbus
St. Jude Council No. 5814
P. O. Box 1341
Rocky Point, NY 11778
Address Service Requested

Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney

God, our Father, protector of the poor and
defender of the widow and orphan, you called
your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be
an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the
young to the generous service of their neighbor.
Through the example of his life and virtue may
we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely,
fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the
inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your
love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and
the outcast.
We humbly ask that you glorify your servant Father Michael J.
McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will.
Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make
your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail
Mary, Glory be.

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