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Movement of Large Amounts of

Material Downhill under Gravity

Types of Mass Wasting

Slow Landslide
Earthflow, Mudflow, Debris Flow
Complex Landslide

Soil Creep
the slow movement of regolith down a
slope., observed in bent trees and fences

Soil Creep

Soil Creep

Soil Creep

Soil Creep, California

Creep, North Carolina

Colluvium, San Bernardino

Mountains, California

Four Years Mass-Wasting, Bosnia

Debris Flow
the flow of ruined rocks because of heavy

Debris Flow, Utah

sudden fast movement of cohesive mass
of soil, rock, or regolith.

Landslide, Wyoming

Landslide, Utah

Landslide, Wyoming

Landslide and Slope Control,


Landslide, Wyoming

Martian Landslide

Active Landslide on Mars

Active Landslide on Mars

Rock Fall
occurs when a peice of rock or a mass of
rocks becomes dislodge and makes free
fall along a steep cliff.

Rockfalls, Yosemite, California

Rockfalls, Yosemite, California

Block Slide, Yosemite

Rockslide, Yosemite

a very high velocity flow of large volumes
of mixtures of rocks and regolith.

Avalanche Chute, Colorado

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