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Peace Council

Tom Gardner
P. O. Box 5
Barrett, MN 56311
Leon Johnson
19330 150th Ave
Barrett, MN 56311
Brenda Long
19594 120th St
Herman, MN 56248
Jennifer McLaughlin
107 6th St. South
Hoffman, MN 56339

Charles Johnson
16357 County Road 2
Barrett, MN 56311
Jim Johnson
18643 193rd Ave
Barrett, MN 56311
Marilyn Frykman
21398 140th Ave
Barrett, MN 56311
Lois Scherer
26873 Grand View Road #1
Elbow Lake, MN 56531

Peace Lutheran Church

Thanks to all who donated food and money to our annual Food Shelf collection! We went to 24 homes and together with what was brought to church,
we collected close to 500 pounds of food which was split between the Grant
County Food Shelf in Elbow Lake and the Hoffman Food Shelf.
We will finish our Advent and Christmas rotation on November 6th and
will do our community service project on November 13th by serving cake
and coffee to our Veterans. Invitations will be sent out soon so if you know
a Veteran that needs an invite, please let us know!
Christmas Program practice begins on November 20th and our program will
be presented on Sunday, December 18th at 10:30 am. Our program this is
year is split into two parts with the first part, Did You Know Mary, being
done by the
Preschoolers through 3rd graders, and the second part,
Just a Little Christmas, being brought to you by the 3rd-7th graders. All
students have speaking parts and need to be at all 4 practices to make
things run smoothly.
We are looking for people to share their musical talent as there are many
songs that wed like soloist or groups to perform during the program. They
are all
familiar songs and would add so much to our program. Let
Joyce know if you can share. Thank you!
There will be no Sunday School on December 25th and January 1st. Sunday
School will resume on January 8th.
We still need teachers for Cooking and Games. Cooking classes will be held
on January 22nd, March 5th, March 26th, and May 7th. Games will be held on
January 29th, February 19th, March 19th, and April 23rd. Please call Joyce if
you can help on any of these Sundays. Thanks you so much!

Joyce Hanson, Director

Peace Sunday School
320-528-2354 (home)
320-424-9726 (cell)

Thank you to everyone who helped with and

donated to Lutheran World Relief Kits. We are
done for the year and will start again after
Mens Breakfast will begin on November 17th at
Mens Choir will resume on Sunday, November
20th. Rehearsal is at 9:40am.
WELCA meets on Wednesday, November 9th
at 1pm. Thank Offering.
Dear Members of Peace,
The Church Council upon my request unanimously voted not to have a
Thanksgiving Eve service this year. In recent years the attendance at this
service has been extremely low due to people traveling to be with family.
In place of the Thanksgiving Eve worship I said that I would put together a
Thanksgiving devotion that could be used by families as they gather
around the Thanksgiving Table this year, Hopefully, this will assist you in
thinking about the blessings of this past year. Pastor Don

I thank my God every time I remember

you. Philippians 1:3
Thanksgiving Day is here. It is a national
holiday set aside for us to remember the
blessings that we have received throughout the year.. As a pastor, Ive made impassioned pleas for us as Christians to
rise above our culture to resist the
temptation for the holiday season to be
simply another opportunity for us to be self
-focused and self-indulgent. Thanksgiving
isnt just about eating to the brink of explosion; shopping to the brink of bankruptcy;
watching television football games to the
brink of insanity. Ive tried to make the
point that Thanksgiving for a person who
loves God can be so much more.

the THINGS in our lives, we should

remember to be equally thankful for
the PEOPLE God has placed in our lives
as well!
How about you? Who do you thank God
for? Today, take a few moments and thank
God for those seated around your
Thanksgiving table. Truthfully, it can
revolutionize your life.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lord God,

We give you thanks for all our friends and

family. You know them all so well and love
them all. I ask that you would cover us
Even so, I discovered in my own life that with a rainbow of hope.
despite what Ive preached, I have missed
a crucial element in the process of being a Hope that draws us together to work out
thankful follower of Jesus in my own life. I our differences.
found that over the years I have been Hope that helps us to celebrate together
mostly thankful for the THINGS in my life; and care for one another.
for food, finances, the house I have lived Hope that rides like a banner in our lives
in, the clothes I have worn, and so on. and watches over us wherever we go.
While theres nothing wrong with being Hope that overcomes adversity and gaththankful for these things, I have missed ers strength to overcome.
the boat on giving thanks for the biggest Hope that guides us and gives us vision
for our future alone and together.
blessings of God in my life PEOPLE.
Hope filled with love.
Consider how empty, purposeless, and Hope that fuels faith.
meaningless our lives would be without Hope that breathes peace.
relationships. Relationships have shaped
who we are and who we are becoming. May all of us live in you
Without exception, everyone I know has Underneath your promises. Amen
been positively influenced by other
people. While it is easy to thank God for



Peace Church Council Meeting, Wednesday, September 14, 2016 6:00 p.m.
Present: Leon J., Jennifer M., Lois S., Brenda L., Charles J., Tom G., Pastor Don, Marilyn and Grace, a Thrivent representative.
Grace from Thrivent gave a presentation regarding Thrivent Action Teams and how the company supports fundraising projects, service
related ideas and educational events. A handout with the directions on how to access funds and a list of contact resources was given to
the council. Jennifer M. volunteered to contact a member of the church family to be the local contact for these various opportunities.
Chairman Tom Gardner called the council to order at 6:38 p.m.
We gather in Gods name: Devotions were led by Pastor Don from Bishop Wohlrabess Heathy Congregation series. The discussion
focused again on managing conflict and the symptoms of unmanaged conflict. Conflict is positive if handled well with meaningful purpose,
addressing challenges, and providing a framework for healthy interaction. Conflict is managed when forgiveness is present, preparedness
is evident, and there is positive leadership and mutual ministry.
Kyries and Glorias: The council collectively shared their highs and lows from the past month. Noted recent high from Pastor Don was
the excellent response to the confirmation orientation meeting.
We celebrate our past, our history as Gods people: the printed forms of the August council meeting(s) minutes and the monthly
financial data were reviewed. A motion was made by Leon with a second by Brenda to accept the administrative reports as printed. MC
Pastors report: Pastor Don indicated the unused green hymnals are being donated via the ELCA to another worshiping body. A discussion re: previous Thanksgiving Eve services detailed a lack of attendance. Unanimous decision was made by the council to not schedule a
formal worship for November 23rd. Pastor Don will offer a Thanksgiving devotional via the newsletter. Appreciation expressed by Pastor Don for the opportunity for family time for them.
We look to the future: Concern was voiced over members receiving the monthly newsletter. Tom G. will discuss with Admin. Sandy
re: the routes of the delivery {electronically or via regular mail}. Especially important for shut- ins and for those members who do not
have access to electronic mail to receive the newsletter. The newsletter is also available on the Peace web site.
We offer our concerns of the past (old business):
Charles J. has obtained a fuel contract for 2016-2017 heating season from Farmers Oil.
Release Time: Tom gave a brief report on the status of this ministry. Coordination with the WCA school is ongoing and our Youth
Director is working with the scheduling and process.
Confirmation: Due to start on Wednesday September 21 st from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Heather has coordinated the student/parent orientation meeting and will keep Pastor and Chairman Tom updated. Potential for 11 students participating in this ministry with
study, service projects and sharing opportunities.
Church Bus driver: job description reviewed. Contact person at the church will our Administrator, Sandy. Details regarding drivers timesheet and schedule will be coordinated by our chairman and administrator. Concern voiced regarding having a potential list for back up drivers if the situation arises where Mr. Wood cannot drive. Details pending.
Review of September 11th Fall Festival: Pot luck dinner was well received but disappointments voiced regarding the lack of special
events such as music, games, and events to make the day festive. 2017 Fall Festival will be on the June 2017 Council agenda for
planning and preparation with goals to make the day more celebratory.
Council vacancy: Discussion regarding how the process is detailed in our constitution. One year and three months remain on the
vacancy. Concerns voiced over the timeliness of the process and the need to have a quorum present for all council meetings.
Will be placed on the councils October agenda for definitive action.
We offer concerns for the future (new business):
Magnetic Sign for the church bus: a request to look into a sign for the bus to indicate our fall and winter schedule. Tom will discuss
with Sandy re: research for a vendor. Goal is to make known the availability of the bus and the worship schedule.
Motion was made by Brenda with a second by Jennifer to have the Food Shelf collection/offering Sunday in October rather than
November due to the availability of matching funds. MC
We offer prayers: Pastor Don offered prayers for support of our ministry.
We go out in Gods name:
We adjourned at 8:15 p.m. to serve.
M. Frykman, recording







11:20am Release
4pm Confirmation

Faithful Folders



















Sunday School 9:15am

Worship 10:30am

Sunday School 9:15am

Worship 10:30am

Sunday School 9:15am

9:40am Mens Choir
Worship 10:30am

Sunday School 9:15am
Worship 10:30am

11:20am Release
4pm Confirmation
Council 6:00 pm

9am Ever-Blessed 9am Ever-Blessed

11:20am Release
4pm Confirmation

6:30am Mens

Thanksgiving Day




11:20am Release
4pm Confirmation

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Work Group #2
Ron & Kay Johnson
Jim Johnson

Altar Guild
Kay Johnson,
Gaylene Hanson,
Marlene Dreier


Kathy Dahl


Alveda Rhude


Tom Gardner


Chelsey Anderson

November Peace Council Spotlight Page

Eighteen youth attended Octobers Valley Scare trip.

This included twelve Peace youth and six guests.
Focus on Peace Family Youth Ministry
Thank you to Derek Getz for driving our church bus
A huge Thank you goes out to Joyce for the
and to Sara for driving the van and being the
coordination of the Sunday School program at Peace. Mom {chaperone} on the outing. The Peace youth
Her dedication to this ministry is a blessing to all of us. have made a long wish list of activities they would like
Please pay attention to her monthly news on page one to do. Goals the kids can work toward. According to
of the newsletters. Volunteers are always appreciated Heather, nothing is planned for a mission trip this
for the success of this ministry. The Sunday School
summer yet. The kids are excited about a potential
group actively helps with worship services under
mystery mission trip and the plan is to wait until the
Joyces guiding hands.
New Year for researching options for this mission
Heather Danner, the Youth Director at Peace has
work. Heather feels it is important to glean our new
successfully gotten confirmation, release time and
permanent pastors advice before pursuing any final
youth activities up and running. The confirmation
plans. She has indicated they may start with some
class consists of four returning 9th grade students and fund raising activities this fall.
seven new 8th grade students. Confirmation is held on Thank you to Heather and her volunteers for all the
Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The
coordination, planning and research that have gone
class typically starts out with sharing Roses and
into these Peace ministries. Blessings abound with this
Thorns {highs and lows of the week}, sharing in
Bible trivia and team building games, sharing an
evening meal and lessons from the Sparkhouse
Reform curriculum. The students are currently in the Volunteerism
Bible unit and will be transitioning to the Creed unit
this month. Attendance has been great so far this fall.
There is excellent participation with the group in class A noun which means a policy or practice of volunteering ones time or talents for charitable, educaand also with providing sermon notes. The
tional, or other worthwhile activities especially in
confirmation ministry is also focused on providing
ones community or church.
community service with care bags for kids in foster
care, food drives, painting, yardwork etc. The group is Benefits;
open to your input and suggestions for service work.
You are able to feel closer to God
Release time education while brief in time is rich in
benefits. There are 19 students registered. Due to
scheduling conflicts, the release time is offered this
year over the mid-day break on Wednesdays. The
church bus picks the students up and during a light
lunch; Heather uses an adapted and condensed version
of the Sparkhouse curriculum. A big Thank you goes
out to our bus driver, Mike, for being there to support
our 5th and 6th grade students and this ministry.

You make a difference in peoples lives

You are setting a good example for your kids
and extended family.
You grow spiritually and personally.
It is good for you
Brings people together; builds teamwork
You can make a difference
Reduces stress and makes you healthier


PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311


Office: 320-528-2536



218 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311

Give Thanks to God for

another year of Blessings.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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