Tatreau Narrative Finaldraft

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Pauls Wild Ride (Rough Draft)

By: Sara Tatreau

Paul! Where did you put the brakes? Skip called called out.
Theyre still on the hood, Paul called back.
It was a fun summer improving cars and testing them out in Coral with his friend Skip.
They worked on the car that belonged to Skips mom until they broke it (many, many times). It
was the most fun Paul ever had with someone who wasnt one of his two brothers or sister.
Home was in Grand Rapids, but Paul loved going to Coral. His mom thought it would be
good for him to leave the city and have him stay with his grandma. It all changed one hot day.
Paul walked over to Skips house and was heading for the garage.
Who are you and what are you doing at my house?
Paul jumped and turned around to see who spoke. He saw a young lady with long red
hair and blue eyes. She stared at him waiting for a response.
Paul! Get in here! You have to see this! I think I found a way to make this car even
faster! Skip walked out of the garage, I see youve met my sister, Beth. Beth, this is Paul. The
one who helps me fix moms car.
So, this is who you run around with all day. You two always leave me to help mom with
our four brothers, she replied.
Paul watched the conversation, stunned. He never saw a woman like her stand her
ground to her brother. She was definitely different than most. Paul didnt want to admit it,
because it would ruin his friendship with Skip, but he like Beth. She was pretty tough and it was
funny to watch.

Well, Paul and I have to get back to the garage to work on the car, Skip backed away.
It works fine! she shouted back.
Not anymore! Its in pieces all over the garage now! Skip called.
Man, those two go at it a lot. I hope Skip doesnt figure out I like his sister, Paul thought.
Paul and Skip went on working on the car for another month or so. Beth poked her head
in every now and then to ask them if they wanted to eat or not. Pauls crush grew every time he
saw her. He would steal glances at Beth when she would leave the house or walked into the
garage to see what they were doing. Paul and Skip would also go fishing. Beth loved to fish, so
she would tag along sometimes.
Paul would go home to Grand Rapids every now and then. His two brothers, Roger and
Michael would make fun of him because he was too scared to tell Beth and Skip how he felt.
They would laugh at him and call him names. Though, it wasnt the smartest thing on their part,
Paul was older than both of them. It didnt end well for them if they went too far with the jokes.
When Paul returns to Coral again. He sees Beth and Skip in the garage getting the
fishing lines ready for their next trip to the lake. I cant take this anymore. I need to ask Skip of
its okay to date his sister. I cant beat around the bush forever. He is the man of the house since
his dad died. I just have to say it soon, before someone else tries to date her before I can.
They went on their fishing trip and had fun catching fish. They kept trying to one-up
each other. In the end, Beth beat both of them, she caught the most and best fish on the trip.
When they got back, it was getting late. Paul helped unload the fish, then headed to his
grandmas house for the night. He kept thinking about how Beth beat them all at fishing. He
decides he is going to talk to Skip tomorrow. The end of the summer was closing in fast and
Paul needed to tell Beth.

I just hope it doesnt ruin my friendship with Skip. I still want to be his friend; its just
going to be so odd for both of us. Paul thought.
The next morning, Paul woke up early. He showered, combed his hair, ate his breakfast,
and walked to Skips house. Sure enough, Skip was in the garage. Tools and car parts littered the
floor. Skip was under the car working on something down there they hadnt upgraded yet.
Hey Skip? I need to ask you something, Paul began.
I know you like my sister, Paul, Skip responded from under the car.
What? Paul said, shocked.
You werent exactly subtle, my friend. You can date her. You should know something,
though. If you step even a toe out of line, you are going to meet the wrong end of this wrench,
Skip responded. He then stuck his hand out from underneath the car, with a wrench in his grasp.
Now can you get me a hammer?
Paul laughed in relief and handed the hammer to Skip. Now, go and ask my sister if she
wants to go out with you before I change my mind, Skip responded. That was his version of
thank you.
Paul walked out of the garage and saw Beth walking towards the sidewalk.
Beth! Paul yelled out.
Beth turned to see Paul, Theres no need to shout, Paul. Unless something happened to
Skip. Is he alright?
Hes fine. Listen, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? Paul
Finally, I thought you were never going to ask me. I assume you ran this by Skip? she

Does everyone know I like you? Paul asked.

You weren't subtle, Beth replied. How about we meet at the diner near the grocery
store at 6?
Ill meet you there, Paul replied. He then headed back in the garage to tell Skip the
good news.
Years later, Beth Brayman and Paul Tatreau got married. It of course was after Beth
finished nursing school and Paul left the Air Force. They had a daughter, Anne, and a son, Jeffery
(Jeff). Unfortunately, Beth had the gene for Breast cancer, just like her mother before her. Anne
also had the gene, but beat the cancer early on. A few years later, Skip died of heart failure.
Leaving behind a wife(Judy), two daughters (Kristina and Mary), and a son (John). Jeff married
Carrie Netemeyer and had a son, Steven, who has autism, and a daughter, Sara. Beth died 4
months after Sara was born. It's believed that Beth lived with cancer for 22 years, was because
she was waiting for Sara. Its unknown at this point whether Sara has the gene for cancer, but
shes a fighter, just like Beth.

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