Presentation Rubric

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Presentation Rubric : Shakespeare Rewritten

Teacher Name: Jessica Leibowitz

Student Name: ________________________________________

Time Limit (20%)

The presentation is 4-5
minutes long.

3- Cleopatra
The presentation is one
minute less than the
desired time.

2- Hamlet
the presentation is two
minutes less than the
desired time.

1- Nick Bottom
The presentation is three
minutes less or more
than the desired time.

Coomprehension (20%)

Student is able to explain

sonnet thoroughly and
can answer any question
about it.

Student is able to explain

sonnet thoroughly. Has a
few questions they
cannot answer.

Student has trouble

explaining the sonnet
fully. Has 3 questions
they cannot answer.

Student has trouble

explaining the sonnet at
all. Has more than 3
questions they cannot

Presentation (15%)

Appears well-rehearsed Appears to have

with smooth delivery that rehearsed with fairly
holds audience attention. smooth delivery that
holds audience attention
most of the time.

Delivery not smooth, but Delivery not smooth and

able to maintain interest audience attention often
of the audience most of lost.
the time.

Script (20%%)

Rough draft brought on Rough draft brought on

due date. Student shares due date. Student shares
with peer and extensively with peer and peer
edits based on peer
makes edits.

Provides feedback and/or Rough draft not ready for

edits for peer, but own editing and did not
rough draft was not
participate in reviewing
ready for editing.
draft of peer.

Pacing (10%)

Student speaks slowly

and clearly so others can
hear them. Doesn't rush
to finish presentation.

Student speaks slowly

and clearly. Is slightly
rushed at times but
corrects themselves.

Student speaks quickly

and is understandable.
Rushes presentation at

Student speaks quickly

and often times can't be
understood. Tries to rush
presentation to end it.

Enthusiam (15%)

Facial expressions are

bright and body posture
is welcoming. Questions
are answered willingly
and thoughtfully.

Facial expressions are

welcoming but body
posture is tense.
Questions are answered
with some thought put
into them.

Facial expressions and

body language portray
boredom. Questions are
answered but reluctantly.

Seems not to want to

present. Body posture is
closed off and questions
are barely answered.

Created by Jessica Leibowitz using Rubistar

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