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Complete the passage with the words below.

sensitive notice hesitated risk crowded annoyed pavement approached

The 1. .................................. near the bus stop was very 2. .................................. . There were so many people that I
wasnt surprised Jake and Katie didnt 3. .................................. me. I started walking in their direction but as I
4. .................................. them, I could see that Jake looked angry. Its easy to get 5. .................................. with Katie.
She isnt always as 6. .................................. as she should be about other peoples feelings. I 7. .................................. for
a moment, wondering what to do. I decided it wasnt worth running the 8. .................................. of being involved in an
argument. So, I turned round and walked away.

Complete the sentences with a suitable expression. Use the words below to help you.
wild breathe record wall errand

1. You never listen to anything I say.

Talking to you is ................................................................................................................... .
2. Our neighbours have got no control over their children.
Our neighbours let their kids ............................................................................................... .
3. Dont tell anyone about my plans.
Please dont ......................................................................................................................... .
4. Would you go to the shops for me?
Could you ........................................................................................................................... ?
5. Joe ran faster than anyone had ever run before.
Joe ....................................................................................................................................... .

Complete the sentences with the expressions below. Make any necessary changes.
break the monotony speak my mind knock over
switch off put away break the habit

1. How did you break the dish?

I accidentally ................................ it ................................ .
2. Why are you angry with the children?
They forgot to ................................ their toys.
3. Do you still smoke?
Yes. I cant ................................ .
4. Why did you tell Jim that you didnt like his haircut?
Because I always ................................ .
5. Its cold in here, isnt it?
Yes, someone ................................ the heating.
6. Have you been studying all weekend?
No, I watched a film to ................................. .

Match the collocations in I to their meanings in II. Use a dictionary to help you.



run short
break the ice
run rings around
break out of
run a temperature
break the law
runs in the family
break the news

...... a.
...... b.
...... c.
...... d.
...... e.
...... f.
...... g.
...... h.

do something illegal
inform people of something they dont know
a hereditary trait or characteristic
escape from a closed or locked place
not to have much left
show a sign / symptom of being ill
be much better than others at an activity
do something to make people feel relaxed

TOP MARKS 2 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Extension 1

Complete the sentences with a suitable collocation from Exercise 4. Make any necessary changes.

1. Its not surprising he loves singing. It ................................ .

2. ................................they ................................ the news yet about their
decision to marry?
3. We spent a lot of money so eventually we ................................ .
4. Im not nearly as good as my sister at maths. She ................................ me.
5. He claims hes innocent and didnt know he ................................ .
6. Shes feeling ill. Her body hurts and she ................................ .
7. A dangerous criminal ................................ prison yesterday.
8. Tommy tried telling a few jokes to help ................................ at the party.


TOP MARKS 2 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Extension 1


Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns. There may be more than one correct answer
in some places.

Paul Czanne, 1. .................................. lived from 1839 to 1906, is one of Frances most well-known artists.
Czanne, 2. .................................. paintings greatly influenced modern art, is noted for the way in
3. .................................. he used colour and space in his paintings. He was born in a town called Aix-enProvence, 4. .................................. he lived for most of his life. At first he painted pictures
5. .................................. showed social problems, such as violent crime. For these, he used very dark colours.
However, during the years 1872-1874, 6. .................................. Czanne worked with another, French artist
called Camille Pisarro, his style changed. Czanne learned to use brighter colours and began to paint the
landscapes of Provence, 7. .................................. is in an area famous for its natural beauty.

Rewrite the sentences using a relative clause. Make any necessary changes.

1. I dont know the man. He spoke to me at the bus stop.

2. This is Jenny. Youll be working with her on the project.
3. We went to a film last night. It was fantastic.
4. They visited the palace. The royal family lives there.
5. I went to the cinema last Monday. It was my birthday then.

Rewrite the sentences in formal English.

1. Our guests, who we had been waiting for, finally arrived.

2. In my opinion the new restaurant, which everyone is eating at, isnt all that great.
3. Tom, who I sometimes play tennis with, is a professional athlete.
4. I only buy clothes which I dont spend a lot of money on.
5. The company which he works for has got offices worldwide.

Write sentences with relative clauses using the words provided. Make any necessary changes.

1. We / stay / hotel / friends / recommend

2. J.K. Rowling / books / sell millions of copies / very rich
3. The music / we / listen to at the moment / called the Ninth Symphony
4. The island / they / move to last year / very small
5. Maria / the friend / I study with / excellent student


TOP MARKS 2 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

Extension 1

Underline the errors in the provided sentences and then rewrite them correctly.

1. Ill never forget the teacher whom taught me to read.

2. My best friend, that is a serious student, has also got a great sense of humour.
3. The Smiths, that their flat is above ours, make a lot of noise.
4. Jane lost a handbag had been given to her as a gift.
5. She remembers a time when there was no television then.
6. There was no one to who he could turn when he was in trouble.
7. I often use the library where is very near my home.
8. Last winter where I was in Italy it was very cold.


TOP MARKS 2 Photocopiable

Burlington Books

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