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Mr. Manan Raval

C/10, Chhotalal Villa,
Amrut Nagar,
Ghatkopar West
Mumbai 400086.
Date: 21/1/2016
The Principal,
Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
Plot No. U-15 Bhaktivendanta Marg
Vile Parle (w)
Mumbai- 400056
Dear Sir,
Sub: Authority Letter to collect the Degree Certificate in favour of Ms. Aishwarya Karnik reg.
This has reference to the subject. I, the undersigned Mr. Manan Raval (SAP- 60002115074) write to inform
you that I have passed out from the college during the year 2015.
At present I am pursuing further studies in United States of America. I am given to understand that degree
distribution ceremony shall be held on 22-01-2016 (Friday). As I will not be in a position to attend this
ceremony, hereby authorize Miss Aishwarya Karnik to collect the certificate on my behalf.
Please note that my college identity card is untraceable .hence, I am submitting copies of the following
for your perusal.
1. Copy of Hall ticket for the examination of semester 8.
Kindly do the needful and oblige. I convey my Best Wishes for the ceremony.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,

Manan Raval
Encl: as above.

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